THE AGE OF EMPIRE Mr. Ermer World History AP Miami Beach Senior High

THE AGE OF EMPIRE Mr. Ermer World History AP Miami Beach Senior High

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THE AGE OF EMPIRE Mr. Ermer World History AP Miami Beach Senior High Slide 2 MODERN IMPERIALISM Imperialism: domination of European powersand later the United States and Japan as wellover subject lands in the larger world. (p. 732) Sometimes by force, other times by trade and investment Colonialism: sending of colonists; as well as political, social, economic, and cultural structures to facilitate imperialism Settler Colonies: ones with large population of colonists from colonizing power Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa Other colonies only have small colonizing force (India, Sub-Saharan Africa, SE Asia) Many imperialists governments colonize for control of natural resources Some colonies strategically important for trade, military reasons Imperialism inspires patriotism, quells social tension Paternalistic mission to civilize the savage world Modern military, transportation, & communication tech makes imperialism possible Slide 3 The Suez Canal Slide 4 BRITISH INDIA British East India Co. maintained mercantile activities since 1600s 1750s: British expands control over weak Mughal Empire, doctrine of lapse Company rule enforced by British troops and sepoys 1856-57: British fight against Indian rebellion, victorious Mughal Empire and East India Co. abolished, Queen Victoria appoints viceroy British clear forests, restructure land holdings, build infrastructure Encourage cultivation of high value trade items (tea, cotton, opium, coffee) Promote education for bureaucratic class, not Christianity Slide 5 Slide 6 IMPERIALISM IN ASIA 1800s: Russia and India also compete for influence in India Qing and Ottoman decline creates vacuum in Central Asia, Russia fills the void French efforts at India fade after fall of Napoleon 1800s: Dutch tighten control over the Spice IslandsDutch East Indies 1824: Thomas Stamford Raffles establishes port of Singapore British command trade in Straits of Melaka 1870s-1880s: Singapore serves as base for British conquest of Malaya British seek influence in Irrawaddy Delta, colonize Burma by 1880s 1859-1893: French colonize French Indochina Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos Siam (Thailand) retains independence as a buffer b/w French & British lands Slide 7 Slide 8 THE SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA Between 1875-1900 European presences goes from limited to almost complete Abundance of African natural resources to exploit, European nationalist rivalries = motivation Missionaries, explorers, and adventurers begin to report about Africas interior Dr. David Livingstone and Henry Morton Stanley Improved knowledge of river systems (Congo, Nile, Niger, & Zambezi) Richard Burton and John Speke find source of Nile River Belgiums King Leopold II hires Stanley to establish trade in the Congo Leopold turns the Congo Free State into a personal colony with a brutal plantation economy 1652: Dutch establish colony at Cape Town on southern tip of Africa Dutch Boers become Afrikaners after encroaching on tribal lands further inland Khoikhoi and Xhosa tribes decimated and displaced by Afrikaners British take control during the Napoleonic Wars, pushing Afrikaners further inland British abolition of slavery hurts Afrikaner livelihood, economyThe Great Trek Afrikaners establish independent republics, British attempt to take wealthBoer War Slide 9 Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 COLONIAL RULE 1884-1885: Berlin West Africa Conference establishes rules for African claims African colonies proved very expensive for European imperialists Initial colonization accomplished by concessionary companies Company rule usually brutal and marginally profitable for colonizing nation After 1900, most European nations imposed rule of law/government French preferred direct rule, British preferred indirect rule Direct Rule: administrative districts headed by European personnel, borders cut across ethnic lines to divide and weaken existing power structures, rulers Indirect Rule: control through indigenous institutions, using existing tribal authorities and customary laws, sometimes successful, sometimes not for making erroneous assumptions Slide 14 EMPIRE IN THE PACIFIC 1770s: British establish settler colonies in Australia and New Zealand European population overwhelms indigenous people with superior tech and decease Late-1800s: Europeans begin to establish outright control on Pacific islands Contact first in terms of trading and religious missions Nationalist motivations push European powers to create colonies in the Pacific 1841: France claims Tahiti, the Society Islands, and the Marquesas 1853: France claims New Caledonia 1874: British annex Fiji as a crown colony 1876-78: Germany colonizes several of the Marshall Islands Rest of Oceania claimed by Britain, France, Germany, and U.S. at the Berlin Conference Slide 15 Slide 16 AMERICAN IMPERIALISM Monroe Doctrine establishes the Americas as a U.S. protectorate Mostly to protect free trade, discourage European imperialism, exploit resources 1867: U.S. buys Alaska from Russia as first expansion outside N. A. temperate zone 1875: U.S. establishes protectorate over Hawaii and its American owned sugar fields, 1893 U.S. planters overthrow Queen Liliuokalani, U.S. annexes Hawaii Spanish-American War U.S. takes Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam from Spain, gives Cuba independence U.S. puts down Filipino rebellion of Emilio Aguinaldo, William Taft appointed first governor of Phil. U.S. assists Panamanian rebels gain independence from Colombia Takes control of canal zone abandoned by French company, builds Panama Canal Roosevelt Corollary and Dollar Diplomacy Slide 17 Slide 18 The Panama Canal Slide 19 Slide 20 IMPERIAL JAPAN Japan resents unequal treaties of Tokugawa era, seeks equal footing Japanese expand and migrate to islands north and south of homeland 1876: Japan buys British warships to bolster navy, force unequal treaty with Korea Sino-Japanese War Anti-foreign rebellion erupts in Korea, Qing China sends soldiers to pacify rebellion Japan declares war on China, Qing forces decimated, Japan gains equal trade rights in China China cedes Korea, Taiwan, other smaller islands to Japan, Japanese navy controls E. Asian waters Russian and other Europeans surprised by Japanese strength, nervous Russo-Japanese War 1904: Japanese overrun Russian installations in east Asia, Russia sends Baltic fleet to retaliate Japan destroys Russian Baltic fleet, Russians cede interests in Manchuria and Sakhalin island Japan considered a major imperialist power Slide 21 LEGACIES OF COLONIALISM Colonialism remakes production of traditional products, introduces new ones Migration of peoples remakes the worlds population and demographics Scientific Racism Joseph Arthur de Gorbineau classifies the races in Essays on the Inequality of the Human Races Charles Darwins The Origin of Species argues tenant of evolution through natural selection Others begin to categorize some human races as more evolved than othersSocial Darwinism Colonial tyranny pushes local populations to develop nationalist movements Indian nationalism comes early on, Ram Mohan Roy and the Indian National Congress Slide 22