As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. —John F. Kennedy This is a different Pastors Corner as I want to share what my prayer is for each of you. My prayer is that you are filled with gratitude for the countless blessings that God has poured out in your life: your home, your family, your friends, your job, even your material possessions whether they be many or meager. It is true that each of us could easily make a case for why we shouldn't be that grateful this year; after all, look at what these past couple of years have brought to us all. Throw in the personal challenges we must endure. But we still have hold of that which really matters: God is present in our lives, and that will never change. If fear is the glue that keeps you stuck, faith in the Lord is the solvent that sets you free! We have an opportunity to serve Jesus Christ and serve others — and though the context of our service may change from time to time, the calling itself is irrevocable. How's that for grace? And, since we are members of God's family, we can honestly say that there are people in our lives who love us, without hesitation and without condition. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pastor’s Corner 1&2 Worship Information 3 Short & Sweet 4 General Synods Response to Vision 5 Christian Education 6-10 Stewardship 11-13 Bazaar 14-15 Ministries 16-20 Financial Page 21 Calendar 22 November 2021 Volume 21, Issue 10 THE ADDISVILLE ANNOUNCER Pastors Corner: A Moment to Say Thanks


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As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest

appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

—John F. Kennedy

This is a different Pastor’s Corner as I want to share what my prayer is

for each of you. My prayer is that you are filled with gratitude for the

countless blessings that God has poured out in your life: your home,

your family, your friends, your job, even your material possessions

whether they be many or meager. It is true that each of us could easily

make a case for why we shouldn't be that grateful this year; after all,

look at what these past couple of years have brought to us all. Throw in

the personal challenges we must endure. But we still have hold of that

which really matters:

• God is present in our lives, and that will never change. If fear is the

glue that keeps you stuck, faith in the Lord is the solvent that sets you


• We have an opportunity to serve Jesus Christ and serve others — and

though the context of our service may change from time to time, the

calling itself is irrevocable. How's that for grace?

• And, since we are members of God's family, we can honestly say that

there are people in our lives who love us, without hesitation and

without condition.


I S S U E :

Pastor’s Corner 1&2

Worship Information 3

Short & Sweet 4

General Synods

Response to Vision 5

Christian Education 6-10

Stewardship 11-13

Bazaar 14-15

Ministries 16-20

Financial Page 21

Calendar 22

November 2021 Volume 21, Issue 10


Pastor’s Corner: A Moment to Say Thanks

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Pastor’s Corner continued . . .

I bet you can think of a few more items to add to this list.

As for me, I'm thankful to be here, thankful that I have the opportunity to serve as your

pastor and friend, and thankful that as another difficult year comes to a close, a new year

filled with endless opportunities appears on the horizon.

Still struggling with being thankful? When Erma Bombeck was facing her own battle with

cancer, she met a little girl named Christina, who had cancer of the nervous system. When

Christina was asked what she wanted for her birthday, she thought for a while and then

shrugged, "I don't know. I already have two sticker books and a Cabbage Patch doll. I

already have everything!"

Erma said, "When I forget to feel grateful, I hear Christina saying, 'I already have every-

thing!'" [Redbook, October 1992]

So, choose to be grateful. My prayer for each of you this year is that you don't have a chance

to read this message on Thanksgiving Day, actually ... because you're far too busy celebrat-

ing this day with the people you love. So, Happy Thanksgiving, my friends.

Pastor Doug


November Worship at


November 7 Series: An “Altar(ed)” State of Mind (Ecclesiastes 2:18-24; Colossians 3:23) Celebration of the Lord’s Supper November 14 Series: An “Altar(ed)” State of Mind (Ecclesiastes 5:4) November 21 Message: Where We Fix Our Eyes (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) (The message I was prepared to share with you before Covid struck our house!) November 28 First Sunday of Advent Series: Turning Christmas Upside Down Message: Practice Peace (Luke 2:8-20)


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We live in a world that sometimes seems to be upside down in terms of values and priorities and things that matter most. Add to that how last year Christmas was turned upside down in the worst way, thanks to the pandemic. This year I want us to turn it upside down in the best way possible. Let’s turn our celebration of the season upside down — and by doing so, sets everything right side up!

NEW MEMBERS CLASS We will be holding a new members class on two consecutive Sundays: November 7 & 14 beginning at Noon-2 PM. Lunch will be provided along with childcare (please let us know in advance). If you would rather meet on Zoom or have questions re-garding the class, please let Pastor Doug know: [email protected].


Short and Sweet Words

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November 2021

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped;

Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I shall thank Him." Psalm 28:7

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Perhaps you are like me in that there was something you used to be able to do quite easily and as time has gone on it has become a bit more difficult. I know some might be saying already, “Wait until you are even older Ryan!” Point well taken. But the other day I had this realiza-tion that it was not only that I was moving on in years but also that others around me were changing. The story goes like this. One of my girls was recounting to a friend how great her dad was. This made me feel quite puffed with pride to say the least. But just as soon as she said that she followed up her reasoning and that is when I became a bit deflated. She said, “Yeah he carries me and my sister on his shoulders up the steps to bed and we love it! We call it ‘Sack of Potatoes!’ Perhaps you know where I am going next. The younger I was also meant the younger my girls were and the easier this fun and proud game we played was! I shared with the other dad listening in to this story, that now I only do that followed with a prayer, “Lord please help me as I don’t want to see the chiropractor tomorrow!” I love this verse from Psalm 28 as I hear in it the same thread of this story I shared. Yet instead of me and my girls it reminds me of my relationship to my faithful Savior. He is my strength and shield, my protector and provider. And because of His great love for me my heart is overwhelmed and I long to praise Him. My prayer for each of us in this season of Thanksgiving is that we will be reminded of just how amazing and awesome our heavenly Father is and all the ways He still “picks” us up can carries us through every single moment of our lives. May our songs continually thank Him now and always! In Christ, Pastor Ryan


Highlights of General Synods Response to Vision 2020 General Synod 2021 met at the Westin La Paloma in Tucson, Arizona from October 14-19. A key piece to the work of the Synod this year was taking action on the recommendations presented by the Vision 2020 Team. The Vision 2020 Team was formed by General Synod 2018 to explore scenarios for the future of the RCA in light of significant divisions. The team looked into three future scenarios for the RCA: staying together, radical restructure, and grace-filled separation. Ultimately, they concluded that moving forward would involve a combination of all three of these possibilities. On Saturday, October 16 General Synod passed a recommendation to appoint a team to develop a restructuring plan for the denomination “with a view to optimizing the RCA’s sustained spiritual and organizational health.” The recommendation came to synod from the Vision 2020 Team as part of its report. The formation of this restructuring task force aims to prepare churches who remain in the RCA for healthy and sustainable ministry. The Vision 2020 Team discerned that restructuring would be necessary for this to happen. The General Synod voted against the Vision 2020 Team’s recommendation to create a separate 501(c)(3) mission agency. As a result, RCA Global Mission will continue to exist with the RCA label. Churches who leave the RCA will be welcome to continue supporting RCA Missionaries and retain their relationship with RCA Global Missions. Later that day, after nearly an hour of discussion delegates approved the Vision 2020 Team’s third and final recommendation, detailing provisions for mutually generous separation when churches leave the Reformed Church in America (RCA). “From the very beginning of our work as the Vision 2020 Team, we wrestled with the reality that some kind of separation was inevitable,” said Brian Keepers, a member of the Vision 2020 Team who presented the recommendation. There was recognition at General Synod that scores of churches had already left the denomination and possibly hundreds more were considering to do so. Here at Addisville your Pastors and Elder Delegates have been invited to participate in a post General Synod Classis Meeting with our new classis. We appreciate your prayers as we consider our future. -Pastor Doug

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Sunday Morning Small Groups

9AM and 10:30AM in the Lounge You’re Invited!

Folks who attend Sunday Morning Small Groups come with a wide variety of understanding of Scripture from very limited knowledge to significant familiarity. Groups are designed to connect, support, encourage, and challenge those who share an interest in learning more. They are open to anyone with a desire to get a better understanding of God’s Word and how to apply it to their life. No prior Bible knowledge is required at any session and there is no homework. If you have never attended before, know that you are invited and welcome. At 9:00AM, Live and Zoom, through December 5: You Are Never Alone – John, while drafting his gospel, reflects on the trials and experiences as a disciple of Jesus. He had been through a lot. At times, it seemed like a lonely journey, especially in times of persecution. But in reflection of those three years, he recalled the miracles of Jesus and that Jesus never truly left his side. He was never alone. Each of us longs for someone who will meet us in the midst of life’s messes. We want to believe in a living, loving, miracle-working God who won’t think twice about lifting us out of the thorny thickets of our world. God’s presence and power are closer than we think and we only need to look to the miracles as told in John’s gospel to know this is true. Join presenters John and Max Lucado, along with facilitator Walt Breuninger and realize you are stronger than you think because God is nearer than you know. At 10:30AM, Live Only, through December 5: Race and the Gospel – Conversations about race and reconciliation centered around the Gospel with a focus on readings from Ephesians 2:11–16. Issues of racial divide are everywhere in our news these days. What exactly do these issues mean? How are Christians to respond? As those who follow Jesus, we have the unique opportunity to enter into—rather than shy away from—conversations about race and reconciliation in light of the hope of the gospel. Join presenters Brian Loritts and Matt Chandler, with insights from Tony Evans, and facilitator Bob Proske, to explore, understand, and formulate your response to these challenges we all face.

For more information on either class including the 9:00AM Zoom link, contact Bob Proske at [email protected] or 215-514-4282 before the day of the class.

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C h r i s t i a n E d u c a t i o n

Advent Devotionals

This year’s Advent season begins Sunday, November 28th.

We have Devotions available for all ages to read throughout this Advent season.

We have an assortment of age-appropriate devotionals available for younger children, teens, and adults.


We lift up our hearts to the Lord this Advent season in thanksgiving for all the goodness his

Son, Jesus, brings into our lives.

The prayers in this booklet by Tim Wesemann help us to center our celebration on the Christ

Child and all that he means to us. Our hearts filled with love are poured out in praise with each

petition on these pages. Focus on the gift of Christ this season through scripture and a prayer for

each day of Advent.

Pick up an Advent Devotional outside the Christian Education Office anytime throughout November.

If you would like a Devotional mailed to you, please email [email protected]

Christmas Pageant

Children Age 3 thru Grade 8 Age 3 thru Grade 8 are invited to participate in a condensed Christmas Play this Christmas season.

We are still working out the details and have no practice set,

but want to know if your child(ren) are interested in joining us.

If so, email [email protected] for more information.

Register here to participate: https://www.addisville.org/connect/christmas-pageant.cfm

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C h r i s t i a n E d u c a t i o n

LOIS CIRCLE: Come join us on Monday, November 22 at 7:30 P.M. in Fellowship Hall as we continue our Bible Study is entitled "Trustworthy" by Lysa TerKeurst. We will explore the Scriptures (1 and 2 Kings) that will teach us how to overcome our greatest struggles to truly trust God. If you would like a Study Book or have questions, contact me at 215-355-3584 or email me at [email protected].

Hope you will join us.

Addisville Men’s Ministries

Band of Brothers

(Every Wednesday) at 7:30 AM on Zoom

Men2 Men

(Every Sunday) at 6:00 PM in the Lounge

Our Band of Brothers and Men2 Men are both studying The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. What is your purpose? Why did God place you in the time and place that you are? This series may help you discover the answers to those questions. We welcome new members to both groups. We meet in the Lounge. Contact Pastor Doug.


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Bible Awards

Bibles are available for our Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 7, Grade 8,

and any new students in Grades 4 through 12.

Children in Grade 3 and Grade 4 and new students through Grade 7 will receive the NIV Adventure Bible.

It is an age-appropriate study Bible that includes the following features:

• People in Bible Times introduces children to all of the main characters of Scripture.

• Life in Bible Times offers a glimpse of daily life in the ancient world.

• Did You Know? reveals fascinating Bible facts.

• Let’s Live It! provides fun activities that reinforce Biblical truths.

• Memory Verses helps children keep the Bible in their hearts.

Our Grade 7 and Grade 8 students, and new students in Grades 9 through 12 will receive the NIV Teen Study

Bible. It is the complete NIV Bible that is designed to show our teens how the Bible relates to their daily

lives. This is how it works:

• The Bible Says gives teens a Biblical perspective on the many issues they face in today’s world.

• Direct Line tells teens what God says about the problems and challenges they face.

• Dear Sam gives advice regarding teens’ most frequently asked questions. The advice given is

based on a Biblical character or situation.

• Quizzer asks and then answers interesting Bible trivia questions.

• Bible Promises highlights some of God’s promises found in the Bible.

• Jericho Joe gives a unique perspective on certain Bible passages.

• What Do I Read Today? helps teens develop a Bible reading plan.

• Where Do I Look for That? helps teens find Biblical text concerning a particular subject.

Contact Natalie Kelly at [email protected] for your interest in receiving a Bible this year.

H2O: Here to Obey

Make Youth Group a part or your weekly routine! Sunday nights at 7 PM. Each week we learn more about God while developing authentic, deep friendships without

the drama! Throughout this school year we will be working on a "The Bible Doesn't Say That" series,

where we take popular religious sayings and phrases that aren't actually in Scripture and break them down. Can’t wait to have you join us!

Make sure to Follow Addisville H2O on Facebook and Instagram for the most up to date

events and changes for our virtual and in-person meetings!

Don't forget to sign up for our H2O updates, for parents and students! Students: Text @addish2o to 81010 Parents: Text @h2oparent to 81010

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October 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ: In the Bible’s story of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood, humankind is reminded of the enduring love and faithful promise of our God. Noah is warned by God of the coming flood, and despite being mocked by non-believers, he received the Word through God Himself to build an ark to withstand the flood. And Noah brought with him into the ark, his wife, his children and their wives, and animals and birds of every kind. After the rain had covered the earth in water, God brought the ark to rest, and Noah sent out a dove to find land. When he stepped out of the ark, “Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and took of every clean animal and bird and offered burnt offerings to the Lord.” Genesis 8:20 God blessed Noah and his family; and in return, Noah built an altar to the Lord to thank Him, to make a sacrifice in His name, and to worship Him. Generations later, God’s promise of freedom and peace to Moses and His people is revealed, and Moses re-sponds much like Noah. “Moses built an altar and called it ‘The Lord is my banner.’” When we build an altar to God and come together in unity in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, while having love, compassion, and generosity toward others, God will come to us and bless us. When we seek God and acknowledge Him, when we declare our faith and trust in Him, and when we establish a personal altar to God in our hearts and minds, then He always keeps His promise to us, blessing and sustaining us. Addisville Reformed Church (ARC) experienced this same kind of enduring promise of God for well over a year during the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the enormity of the situation and its impact, the ARC family remains strong in its faith. We have been blessed and continue to be a beacon of hope to others in our commu-nity. Truly, we have learned, “In all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 ARC’s 2021 Stewardship Program, Building Altars to God, will be celebrated with worship services on Sunday October 31, November 7, and November 14. Our worship services will include praise, prayers, and music, along with a three-part sermon series, filled with reflection and thanksgiving for the blessings, sacrifice, and promise that is freely given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to those who believe and put their trust in Him. Join us as the ARC family builds an altar to God! And may the mighty hands of our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you. Sincerely,

Patrick Donohue Stewardship Committee Chair Stewardship Committee: Amy Melnick, Michele Hinchliffe, Casey Gibbons, Charlene Borah & Matt Kelly


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Please join us for our 2021 Stewardship program:

Building Altars to God – An Altar(ed) State of Mind:

October 31 – Putting a Lid on Materialism November 7 – The Idol of So-Called Success

November 14 (Consecration Sunday) – Selfie or Selfish A letter and Personal Financial Commitment form were mailed to congregation mem-bers. Please prayerfully consider how much of your gifts, time and talent will you give back to Jesus this year. There are a few ways you can complete and submit your Commitment Form:

In-person – deposit the completed form on the altar in the Narthex or in the collection box going into Fellowship Hall from the Sanctuary Mail it back to Addisville (ATTN: Michele Hinchliffe) Or complete & submit your form online at www.addisville.org/giving



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Please return this Financial Commitment Form by

Consecration Sunday

November 14, 2021 My Personal Financial Commitment to

Jesus Christ through Addisville Reformed Church

for 2022 is:

From the first portion of my income I will give: □ Weekly □ Monthly □ Quarterly □ Annually

Current Expenses: (dedicated gift pr imar ily to accomplish the current year day-to-day operations of the Church, as approved by the congregation)


Missions: (dedicated gift pr imar ily to Missions and Outreach current year initiatives chosen by the Church, as approved by the congregation)

$________ Building: (dedicated gift pr imar ily for current year expenses relating to the properties of the Church, as approved by the congregation)

$________ Greatest Need Area: (gift to be directed at the discretion of the Consistory to fulfilling the Church’s vision and mission where dedicated re-sources are inadequate)

$________ Total: $________ □ Envelopes please (no commitment at this time) Online giving option: https://www.addisville.org/direct_online_giving.cfm

Name: _______________________________ Address: _____________________________ Best Phone: __________________________ Envelope Number: _______ My commitment may be changed at any time by no-tifying the treasurer.

(Bring or mail this section to the Church)

My Personal Financial Commitment to Jesus Christ

through Addisville Reformed Church for 2022 is:

From the first portion of my income I will give: □ Weekly □ Monthly □ Quarterly □ Annu-ally

Current Expenses: (dedicated gift pr imar ily to accomplish the current year day-to-day operations of the Church, as approved by the congregation)


Missions: (dedicated gift pr imar ily to Missions and Outreach current year initiatives chosen by the Church, as approved by the congregation)

$________ Building: (dedicated gift pr imar ily for current year expenses relating to the properties of the Church, as approved by the congregation)

$________ Greatest Need Area: (gift to be directed at the discretion of the Consistory to fulfilling the Church’s vision and mission where dedicated re-sources are inadequate)

$________ Total: $________

□ Envelopes please (no commitment at this time) Online giving option: https://www.addisville.org/direct_online_giving.cfm

My commitment may be changed at any time by notifying the treasurer.

(Keep this section for your records.)

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Country Store Bazaar News

Celebrating 76 Years

Join the Festivities

November 13, 2021 10:00 A.M.

The Country Store Bazaar will be here before we know it. Don't miss out on the fun and fellowship that the Bazaar of-fers. We do need your help. To volunteer, please complete the “VOLUNTEER NOW” form and place it in the box on the table in Fellowship Hall. Questions: contact Donna Stewart at 215-355-3584

Cheese: You can also order your cheese and/or horseradish in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 31 & Sunday, November 7.


A special highlight of the Bazaar each year is the delicious Ham Dinner which is served from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. This year the dinner will be TAKE OUT ONLY. Dinner tickets will be sold in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 31 and Sunday, November 7 at a cost of $12.00 for adults, $6.00 for children 5 to 10.

Bazaar Flyers are available in the Cloister, in Fellowship Hall and in the Parish Life Building.


Now is a great time to gather all those

items you have been saving and

you're not sure why and donate them

to the Treasure Chest. All items can

be left in Fellowship Hall. Tape the

boxes shut and mark Treasure Chest

on them. If you need items picked up

or have questions, call Amy Casey at

215-357-6143. Please NO cribs,

strollers, car seats, or other baby

items that do not meet the 2021

standards. Also NO cameras or cloth-


We appreciate what you have donated

in the past and welcome all donations.

Please DO NOT drop off items dur-

ing Nursery School hours(Tues.,

Wed., & Thurs., 9:00 A.M. -1:00

P.M). Thank You!!

Soup Tureen is in need of people to

make soup. If you can, complete the

“Volunteer Now” form and place it in the

box in Fellowship Hall or return it to the

Church Office. We have jars if you need


BAZAAR FLYERS are available in the Cloister,

in Fellowship Hall, and the Parish Life build-

ing. Please take some and send or give them

to your family, friends, and neighbors. It was

pointed out that you can fold the flyer in

thirds and mail it.


Have a devotional, paperback, and/or

hardback Christian book in good condi-

tion that you have finished reading?

Consider donating it to HIS HARVEST

HAUS for resale. Along with new Chris-

tian material, His Harvest Haus will have

for purchase slightly used materials.

Place your donations in the basket in Fel-

lowship Hall. Questions? Call Marci

Banks at 215-357-7477


Please bring your donations of

jams, jellies, and breads to Fellow-

ship Hall on Thursday evening,

November 11 or Friday morning,

November 12.

VOLUNTEER NOW!!! Before the Bazaar

1. Make Homemade Soup 2. Bake small fruit and nut breads

for the Country Store

3. Make jam or jelly 4. Donate books for His Harvest


5. Volunteer to distribute posters

6. Price items for Treasure Chest

BAZAAR DAY - NOVEMBER 13 1. Help direct traffic Place your completed form in the box in Fellowship Hall

or return it to the Church Office. NAME:


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Help and hope as you navigate the Christmas season. The holiday season is fast approaching, and you are likely experiencing a jumble of emotions that you’ve yet to sort out. Facing a holiday after the death of a loved one can be more difficult than your friends and even family members may realize. The GriefShare Surviving the Holidays video, discussion group and devotional material will help you not only to survive the holidays, but to find strength, healing and tools to move forward in your daily walk through the deep pain of grief. The video seminar is loaded with practical, hope-inspiring ideas including:

Being prepared for surprising emotions that may hit over the holidays

What to do about traditions and other coming changes

How to plan for the season

How to deal with holiday invitations

Surviving “alone time”

Dealing with emotional ambushes

Managing strong emotions Creating new traditions while honoring your loved one’s legacy The Grief Support Group will meet in-person on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 6:30 PM in the Lounge. Feel free to attend or invite someone who needs to find help as they grieve the death of a family member or friend. If you have any questions please contact Susan Sigafoos at (215) 783-1253.


If you would like to receive Addisville weekly announcements by email, please email the church office at [email protected] and provide us with your email address. Please keep us up-to-date on any changes to your email or mailing address.


We are very grateful for the abundance of giving. As fast as the food comes in, it is being distributed to the families in the community. With the increase in food prices and shortages, we are anticipating an increase in the number of families that will be coming to the Pantry. We would not be able to meet these needs without the generous and faithful giving from Addisville. Thank You

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With Thanksgiving just around the corner, the pantry is in need of the following items: box potatoes, green beans, cream of mushroom soup, cranberry sauce, corn, box stuffing, canned pumpkin, canned sweet potatoes and cake mix/brownie mix, etc. These are some of the items that are typically put into the Thanks-giving bags. Thank you one and all for your faithful support, you are truly a blessing to those in our community who are in need of a helping hand. The Mission Committee.

COMMUNITY MEAL The free community meal is every 3rd Sunday of the month in Fellowship Hall. The meals are available without registration or requirements to anyone who shows up. Come join us for a tasty meal and good conversation. Takeout meals are also available for shut-ins or those who are unable to attend. If anyone would like to help out, you could invite someone to bring to our meal, donate meal ingredients, vol-unteer to serve during the meal, send a check payable to Addisville Church (memo: community meal) or simply tell others about our meal.

Any questions email [email protected].

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POINSETTIAS will be available for sale between services on Nov. 7th and Nov. 14th. The cost is $7.00 for the six inch pot and the plants will be used to decorate the sanctuary on Sunday, December 19th and available to take home after services on Christmas Eve. The poinsettias make such a beautiful addition to the spirit of Christmas here at Addisville. The deadline for ordering is Friday, November 19th. Any questions, feel free to contact Lynne Ferral at 215-364-3115 or by email at [email protected].


The following people have agreed to serve on consistory beginning in 2022: Elder – Walt Breuninger Deacon – Kirk Borowski Deacon – Doug Hampson Deacon – Bob Robinson In addition, the following people have agreed to serve a second term: Elder - Al Sigafoos Deacon - Donna Stewart Deacon - Grace Salinger Deacon - Johnny Marsella May God bless you all as you serve Jesus Christ!

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COAT, HAT & GLOVE DRIVE: Again this year we are collecting coats, hats, & gloves for the “New Clothing Outreach Ministry”. They are in need of coats for men, women and children. Donated items may be new or gently used, must be CLEAN, with working zippers, and no missing buttons. This is an oppor tunity to share coats you can no longer wear or use, and help those who need to be warm and dry this fall and winter. Casual style is preferred. Contributions can be dropped in the box in the Narthex until Sunday, November 14.

THE BLESSING OF YOU Through engaging rhyme, pastor and bestselling author Mark Batterson and his daughter encourage young children to discover the joys of both counting their blessings and being a blessing to others. Families with children, reach out to Pastor Ryan for a copy of this book The Blessing of You. During this season of Thanksgiving, discover and celebrate the joys of all your blessings. [email protected]

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Coming down with COVID really put me (Barb) behind and I don’t have my usual energy back yet, so I need lots of help!! I need boxes folded and help setting up the packing party on November 19 and the morning of the 20th. We will have approximately 300 boxes to pack so I would appreciate any and all help.

PLEASE NOTE! The packing party has been scheduled for November 20th (Saturday night) at 6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall. Anyways please come to help pack the boxes that embody the love of Je-sus for these needy children. We are going to need a lot of helpers to get all the wonderful goodies you have donated through the year into just the right box that God is intending for just the right child!

Finally, any donations toward the shipping of the boxes will be gratefully accepted. There is money in the Missions Committee budget for shipping, but it will not cover all 300 boxes. Please make out a separate check and enter Operation Christmas Child in the memo slot.

Any questions, please contact Barb Gonze at 215-219-1348 or [email protected].

Thanks for your generous support in this still very strange year from the Mission Committee!

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Angel Tree 2021

Sign up for Angel Tree Christmas. Angel Tree Christmas helps to reconnect hurting families and share the Good News of Jesus Christ—the ultimate Christmas gift—with prisoners' children who live right in Bucks County. Your simple act of love will give joy to families who might otherwise have little to celebrate, as you show these families the true meaning of Christmas.

This year we will have sign-ups for Angel Tree online and also in person in Fellowship Hall between services. Watch for information on the Addisville website (www.Addisville.org) or the weekly announcements during the church service.


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By the time this is published the month of October would be over and the opportunity for Addisville to reach a goal of raising $25,000 for the ministry of this church will be reached ( I am certain). Through the generosity of one of our members, that goal will be doubled by means of matching your gifts. As of 10/24, with one week to go, you have given almost $22,000.00 of that goal. My opinion of that achievement is amazing! But, as one person told me on Sunday,- “that’s Addisville, always there when needed.” Is not that the truth. But we cannot do anything good without God’s blessing what we do. Praise be to Him!

Our church made it thus far through the pandemic-giving food to the needy; helping with the Deacon’s fund; distributing meals to the hungry in our community; our missionaries, charities, staff, and clergy never missing a paycheck; and expand-ing our ministry from day one having our message of the gospel of Jesus sent around the world virtually. What a wonderful church with wonder-ful people!

Imagine this! When we reach the goal of $25,000.00 with the benefit of the match of anoth-er $25,000.00 our current deficit - $45,426- (10/22/21) should be eliminated. We have two more months this year. With confidence I say- Addisville -Always there when needed. Thanks be to God, and thank you Addisville.

Year-to-Date Financial Report

As of 10/22/2021

YTD Actual


Current Income $411,221

Current Expenses $456,646

Current Variance ($45,426)

Missions Income $60,284

Missions Expenses $46,128

Missions Variance $14,156

Building Income $35,724

Building Expenses $19,288

Building Variance $16,436

Michele Hinchliffe, Treasurer



Addisville Reformed Church, in Richboro, Bucks County, PA, is a fellowship of Christ-followers who seek to strengthen believers and spread the saving hope and healing power of Jesus Christ to our surrounding community through love and service.