,-V If# The Frew and Banner.1 BY HUGH WILSON. ; ABBEVILLE, 8. C. ! ar-PnblUbed every Wednesday M V yeaiiaidTaaWi i Wednesday, Jan. 38, 1908. L-.L -I - . AMctUto's In* MwrUwf levaaton XtowdcnlMtf. Abbeville neede another cotton mill, end another furniture toetory. We have men wbo are eoapeteal to manege eneb Inetltmloo*. and tbe town would be tbe better off tor them. Let ae reaeon together, and join hand* in »i»lr It la mullm«Mld that eorporattoaa do not snooeed in AbtofUlt u well aa liNVbtro. II thin were true, tbe need toruuialty of Mtlowot la U>a imtw. The poor people, with a little balp from a porUoo of tbe rich people, built the Abbeville OQMaa Mttl. Now, If tbe rtob people will take a tarn at Um wheel, tbejr ean get aome balp from tbe auN poor people, who bnllt tbe Abbeville Cotton Mill, and oar rleb naif bbore cu do M mnoh m did Um poor people. Nobody M in neb la tbe Cotton Mill, nod If there la a maa wbo would bave tbe mill dastrayed tor doable what It ooat blm, wa do not kaow of tbe teat. la eoaaeetton wltb this, tbo editor of tbe Pram aad Bannar woald dealt* to eomet a pravalllnc mtetofcs na to tbe aentlment oi Northern atoefebolden la nCmoea to tbeooatool of mill* ta which they owa a majority of Oar understanding la, tba Northern la* wan do not want to eootool any mill. Northern aapltal to la (tooth Carolina in creat IUj ta*i Mtttt oonirol of no mill la IbU It Is aoC (Mr polley to *0 the offlcee kyanof ibelrown ebooeinc. As longs* the editor of tlM Ptm ud Burner VM oo the beard of dlreetore be beard not om word lead tag to theoplaloa that the Northern eapltoL. lau vmM to eoatrol or take the offloes oj Um Atowllli MllL It Is tree, however, thai too selling sgeat, who owned 11.000 wortb ot stosk, dM shbsm far a Usm to boibsr Um Ab bevlile Mm, and his presampUoa was tol tod tor a Has, M with President Harris to toaige, too ssUlag sgent will leeslve In* Mrsstlam, rather thsa glee orders. , Wbea a new preeldeot was to be elected re. eently the Kerthern etoe*bolder* oonforred p With the loealstoakboMers, and ttwaethelo realIMlMHi that MM Mfelr.MlMf ud Mr. Hurla. Or, lo to more omI, it vu Mr, Vhaaaha aad hit aaaoalalaa oo UMbotrd Ik* northern ptoflt are aftaid of political piMlNt Nl tuoy vaal to wmt ui thmnghl of pailllaa. Tbqr vial the ft-leadihlpof the neighborhood In wblob the foetorj Is attaalal They want Mtadiy lava, and a UffnttoaiMilanatataal. On of Iba gnat advaatagee of having Northern capital, aadoae of the moat aaeur Ibaalaam la the hat that the owaera of the Xorthara atoak,aa a rule, are preetiaal mill Mi with aaparliaai. Their aaaaal meetlaga oa the ptaaaMo are men valuable than aaaj ha m»pw1 They azaaaloa the propertp.aaA Mara partlaalartyaboat the maehla. Thar give valaabla tnggMlnaa,aa to the maehlaary. For Maaw: While ban on one MM tha maker of the aplodlee or hla repMMM had aa to tnnraeaa their apeed twaaty per aaaU. vhleh lnereeeed apeed gav* M * Uhe lnanaaa la prodoet. The maker oi lha M or hla iipieaatattva, had the epeed of tha aarda atowed. Thla redaaed the oatpat. Ml tha aaidadM bettar and mora profitable vmL iTha teat that XOrtbem mill menowaed a majority of the atoah In the Abbeville Cotton Mill waaaeoataaenrlof toaa that tha Malm aalt woald beaeuafoetory. la lava aad AMettoa. The llvae that have beea aaertfleed la Max taoarealoee to thecbarch aad to the State. Tha maay trlhataa of love and aflaotioa that have been pabMehed la their memory are aaggaatlve. Bdaaeof the beet women of ih» ahareh have yielded ap their Utm before thalraaa had raaabad the meridian. Tbey Mddowa their work evea while the abadovs acre atlil to tha weat. Vhlla the aaat afaandlai thaaa good womea eeay vw bet a trifle, aad and not be eon- 1 aldered, yet the vajne or the Uvae thet have beea toetla laytad oompa tattoo. Who aeo maaanra tha valae of a good vcnaa'i labor aad wbocaa aatlmata the power of a good 1 woaaaa'a lafleeaae ? Ifaaahaa oaeia wortb 1 aaythlag in Merieo aha la earlalaly worth moreatioma. IfaMJlvaalaa Ghrlatlaa land, bar power for theap-llftlagof oar people, aad her laflaaaeotor tha parliytag oi th ilr maaaera, amy not tg meaaored :a worda. Then, ahall the lead of her aattvlty be defirlved of ber praaaaaa lhat aha aaay go for awny Irom aa to M with aaappreelatlve paopli, wbere the yVHMW Mill WWBVHI Hi un IHJMW# amy Mlwbirdmf May not tba qomUm ariaa, aboald oar ItMtvoMlvdmtteiork wbleb Uw; lohaiUad. lo toko op olabor tbat ta Dot only obotoWbc, bat wbiab lavolraa tba poaalble. If ootprobob)*aoarlfioaor tbair luraaT Is It light to taboo oar good vomon with 007 Mk tbot tfcay aboald lay down tbo work I' wbJob may bo doao U tbair vary doon, to nmhm tbo lotan and tbo dMdiy poriia too MgnflaMT lo tbo going into tbo of dlaauaa ood daolb, trusting to otirooolooa lniarraotloa In Ik. oavtabolftaMlallaoloaatbaa tbo oat of tba 'i HobouMdooo to drink loo wotar (Tom tbo pokioaod wall at Maoea? Iloeyeeod weeon wbomoj belndoeed to go to Maxloo, ooold bo Indoaad to baoooaa the vMOofogoodmoo, woold not bar arown of JL* Stary ta aaeb aon raaplaadaot tboa aba ooold tapo to win In tbo Hvar-atrlabtQ Qalda f* of Maxloo? m a m * Tb« Cheater .Lantern haa a rimrttkli adltorlal on lb* recent homicide la Colombia which remind* aa of the "rarity of Christian charity." Aa wlltor Buty rightfully draw bla own con<rtoai from hett. That la ttrtrj nan'i rifhL Bat no Qiao has a right to (lata facts |£? : or to omit beta, aatalrly and to mix tha atatod tMto with oomment that so the dlvidIk Jag tlao between toot and comment may not |*V bo aaally aaoa by tha oaaoai reader. Tho parity of tha Ufa of the editor of the Laalarn, aad hie reputation aa an aprlght Ml aad M a Chrletlan gentleman would 0|0m to psoolado him from tha appearance of bafag oajaat to anybody, and oertalnly from aaeklsg topntfadiee the pobllc mind against oae, however bauble, or however wicked, while be to la the baada of tho law. mPhwbIBOB lm u»h la aot tho word prominent often called apoa to play a part that might Joet aa wall bo MtoffT If a boraarooaaway with a bogey. t&a d rl ror Is always a '"promlneni' eiuseo Ud Um ban* Is always s rslosbls animal. If A bank is robbsd. lbs dsisnllsr Is generally "prominent" In ebarcb and in eocletjr. If CM aaa knocks another in lbs bead wllb a IMS nil or with a eledgs bammsr, lbs bslUgarait is generally deserlbsd as -promt- MBU" XI a DUMMDUKM yOUDg m»u Will If aa ugly girl, tbey are almost aore to MtriM m "prominent" young people. If aaaadlw, and nothing elaeean be aald of UH, be to I.OX aa a "prominent" man la hto Wfchbortood. A wWWWWetl lank for aalecbeap <M>nrirwiant» riM CItIIImII*n of lln Nw«N wad Ike Cmm*. No (root advance baa ever been made In' ibe purer antl Ibe tweeter civilisation tbal rat sot proceeded by the aword and Ibe canboo, and no culture and refinement baa ever >een achieved or auatalned by any people who lid not have force behind tbam. Tbla la true no leaa of Individual* than of natlona. A weak and unarmed nation exlata merely by courteay, and muil aubmlt to any Indignity tbat may be beaped upon 1L The aaioe la true of tbe cltlxen. If be 1m not allowed to defend blmaelf, be la at tbe mercy of tbe bul< ley. and moat accept bla luaulU, without proteat. Nations matter armlea and equip battleablpaaaa meaauro for defenee. *o tbe weak and otberwlae defenaeleaa citizen abt.uld be allowed to defend blmaelf. Self-protection la tbe flrat law of natme. Tbe State may not defend tbe eltlxen for Inault, neither bai tbe State tbe right to take tbe aide of the bully In bla attempt to oppreea or to trample under foot tbe weak and tbe defenaelaae. There nothing ou earth that baa ao quieting an influent* on tbe bully aa looking down the mouth of a piatol. And there la nothing that will more eaally make tbe bolly atay in bla plaoe than a piatol la tbe handa of a man wbo la ready to aboot. Without tbe piatol our civilisation would lapea Into barbarism. Pemonal aecurlt) to tbe weak would be a thing of tbe past, and a reign of terror would be organised by tboee wbo would trample tbe weak under loot. savin* thla we would not enooorage tbe daJljr carrying of pistols any mora than we would encourage the sending of squadrons of boetlle battleship* lotbe barbors of our peaceful neighbor*. We should not carry platola wltb n view to looking for trouble, but tbe el Usee should not be denied tbe right to defend himself against tbe Intruder. Believing as we do. the Preee and Banner hopes that the Leglalature may not place this oountry at the mercy of the bully, by forbidding good and peaceable man to defend themselves. Every bally In tbe land would no donbt be delighted lose* tbe proposed legislation enacted against the pistol. Ha would have bis own way than. Beak I can Speech. The recant homicide In Columbia baa been characterised aa "murder." Some of tbe newspapers wboaa editora ought to know bettar, than 10 apply that term to any one who baa not been convicted of the crime, have done so. Wa take It for granted that Tillman may not now notloe tbe characterisation of bis deed. At preeent ha baa enough to do to defend blmealf from the charge which will no be brought Into Court agalnet him, but when ba baa been tried and not oonvletad of "murder," be may turn his attention to tboee who have made tbamaelvaa liable to lndiotment for libel. If Tillman ba ao dlspoeed be certainly can teach a number of tbe brethren lesson wbicb they win cot toon forget. Any oroiner who a poke of the bomlcldo m "murder" lay btitu opportanlty lo defend hi rase1) la a salt for libel. The probability ofeoch eolt te not great, but It woaM eeem tbat editors, likeothers, should keep wltbln Ibe law. If Tillman doee not make an example of ecme of tbe brethren, aome one elaa may do so. Aa M Asethcr rsralters Factory. Anotbei farnltnre fkctory would be a good thing lor tbe people and lor tbe town. 800rwi of people apply at tbe existing factory for work, wbleb cannot be bad. To give these people employment would be well for employer and employee. A toolory with a capacity equal to tbe capacity of tbe existing factory can be bollt at a much leee cost than tbe first. The booses of tbe tarnllore lac lory, we believe, cost about w,000. As any boose tbat protects tbe machinery and men from tbe weatber would answer tbe porpoee, perbape $8,500 might bolld a boose to serve every porpoee. WUb the experleoce of tbe past, and with tbe lights before as, other savings might be effected. Tbe boose of tbe existing factory mm* m/>M han f Km maiihlnnrv vhlnh 1Mi LAP. we believe, ooat fff.oeo, not Including tbe water worka, wblob ooat about 13,000. KalUlif Mill. A knitting Bill would clve employment to many peraona who now aeek a way to tors mi booMt peony. Wa bave beard It aald tbat Mr. J. L. McMillan and otbera cod template putting op auch an eatablUbment. It would be a bwthetlon to Uaoee who nead tbe spportunlty for aelf-belp, and weaeenoreatoo why It CAould not pay a fialr return to Uaoaa who pot tbalr money In It. Lot the knitting mill to op. . *" The Platal. Tbe Columbia Keoord would outlaw people wbo carry plitola, and oltaa In Jnatlfleatlon tbe abolition of tbe dual. Tba abolition o! dualling boa made poaalble % level of Joornallam tbat would not bave been poaalble under tbe old law. Inataad of preventing people from defending tbalr good name, It la poaalble tbat more MfWIAUUU II BVM.WIIJ W |liv«w» Uiv no In bis right to Ufa, Ubeity and tbe jAjt nltof happiness. It .nil that tbe Antl press ol tbe State are now about aa fleroe on Jame* H. Tillman as tbey vara on Uncle Dea about u?n years ago when be preaamed to ran for office. Uowcumby education and compulsory Idleneaa ata among tbe enief Legislative toples. THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Bw. M. W. Ilerdea la Dalai a XaUkle aa4 taecctatal Work at AbbaVilla. Tbe BapUat cbnrob at Abbeville haa bad man/ good men aa tb«lr pastor.two of wblcn number have been especially dlatlngulabed for tbatr sueqaas In dlOerent llnee of labor. Tbe flrst waa Rev. R. N. Pratt, tbe aeeood la Rav. M. W. Gordon, tbe pa*tor to-day. Mr. Pratt eame to Abbeville some thirty ysars ago and organised a llUle ffcltbiul bsuu of brothers Into a obnreb or oongrcgaUou of tbe BapUat faith. Being active and fail ol seal In church work ne not only kept the MiMfMitlan tanthar. bat be built tbe boose of worship at Abbeville, and went oat Into the ouuDly and organised several otber coo gregatlons which built for themselves nice houses of worship. 80 to speak, be planted the seed wbloh fell In good ground. All the congregations which be organised bavegrown greatly In memberablpand in power lor dw tainesa. Mr. Gordon came to Abbeville some two years ago, and irom bis first appearance Iu tbe pulpit ats Influence ban been felt. Klnoe be eame tbe eburcb has greatly prospered Tbe membership has Increatted and tbelr xesl has kept pace with the demand* of tbe times Between eighty and ninety members have been added under bis pastoral charge, end tbe contributions in money have increased In Ilka proportion. Mr. Gordon's suooess Is attributed largely to bis personal work. Whenever be can do so, be visits among tbe brethren, and bis visits have made btm friends, and from those frisnds comes bis success. DR. OAMBRELL. » Ahmi lb* 6rml Dotu Mil Nklll. All targcou off Ike North. Dr. Oambrell, aa rood a mm aa you ooald Sod Id a day'* Journty. la off Id tbe Northera eltlee, taking addlllooal leeeoaa Id uiedlelne aod surgery. Bolog youDg sod fall of eoergjr be U ambltloua to be at tbe brail of bte profeealoo, which la ooe of tbe moat honorable aa well ai ooe oI tbe moat aaefol profeaalooa known to mail. When be oomea back be will be ready to «ai"?e yon or to pbyalo you to yoar heart's oooien t. THE UP-TOWN OFFICE. L Tbe Abbeville Col Ion Hill IMiililinhm A an OHre on the Pwblle II^MreBuHbllav Thoachu Md HcaUer* laf NUI«m«ata. * In anawer to a public demand, a* well lu J< tbo Interest of the Onttoo Mill, President Harrlaof the Abbeville Cotton Mill ban establish- 8: d an office In tbe room formerly occupied by w I>r. W. T. Penny a* a druic more. Tbe office A ban been neatly fitted up. and la In every re- apect all that could be dealred. p. Cottnn Buyer J. C. Kill* makes thla head- tr quarter* for all tbe work Incident to bu InK le cotton. Bealdea buying cotton Mr. Kllla doea w an Insurance business, and wbeu not engaged b; In tbat line, or In buying cotton, he frequently »l baa tbe be»tof real estate to aell, ana some- tl times the boot la on the other leg, and be want* to buy bouaee or laade. AII tblnga that tt ooroe bla way are grist for bla mill. ai President Harris bas a deak In thla office, nr where be does much work alter be baa quit a tbe office at the mill. Krom all tbat we can learn be la, and In* «| tends to be, tbe presldentof tbe mill In fact aa 11 " 1 . A Th« Vaiw Vnrk i«lllniriu«nt S will hereafter take Instruction* frum thl* end of tbe line. « Itolten happens tbtl the founders of great L enterprises are not long In control after tbe a purpose of tbe organization ban been accompli* bed It was so In the Abbeville Cotton n Mill. It wee no In tbe Georgia, Carolina and J Northern Railroad. It wait ao In tbe (Jreen* vllie and Colombia Kail road, which John Bet- F ton O'Neal I bulit. It wan ao In thecnaeof tbe A Abbeville Oil Mill. Although tbe Abbeville p Karnltura Factory wan built leaa than two C year* ago, two of three founder* and original a officer* of that Institution art* out of it. Mr. Chapman resigned bis plane aa maua- g ger. * Mr. Htark sold bla stock,and In doing ao, va- u catAd bla place as president. Ii Vtre-President H. K.Cromer would have nat C orally socoeeded to tbe place of Prealden* stark but be didn't care to axeume tbedutiee i of tbeofflce, becauaeofau exlatlng dlvlalou of S sentiment. n Mr. C. P. Hammond, tbe bookkeeper and I treasurer. In leas than two years, la tbe only a one of tbe original offloers still connected wltb tbe plant. We learn tbat stock In tbe furniture factory la ottered by aome at 90 cents, while otbers wouldn't sell at any ruaeooable price. Mr. Cromer says tbat be has been offered (bares at 90 cents, but be expects to boy at leaa flenrea. At tbe and or tbe first alx months of tbe existence of tbe factory an lo ventory was taken, | and a fair profit waa registered on the rlgbt side of tbe aeeoanu Tbe buslnees seems to be a good ona, bat It appears tbat tbere la yet something fo learn about making and soiling / of furniture. It la one tblng to manufacture r goods. and 111* another thing to sell them. j In ins buying of tbe raw material and In tbe t selling of tbe aanuteetnred goods la to be c (bund tbe sain and the profile. For Instance: If Huperlntendent Tbompsoo manufactures gooda ever ao cheaply, they may not be beld r for a year on Interest account, and then be , sold at a profit. Tbo same Is true of farniture. , To pile up goods, waiting for blgber prices, la t speculation, or gambling, as yon may see It, . with odds against yoo.Lhe cost of storing. Into ring, and tbe expeoee of borrowed money. ( Speculation most overcome these certain ex- , pauses, or loaa is Incurred. a WEST END. ppealwc* u4 laeldenta mf m Wfeh ANol Ik* 11jr. Abbeville. Jan. 87.. 1903. Mrs. Joseph K. Alston baa returned to ber borne In Yorkville, after aome time beretbe guest of Mrs. Levis W. Perrln. Miss Nettle Brunson came up from Columbia 8*tarda? sod stayed Id tbe city until Monday. Judge Ernest Oary Is In tbe city. Judge Qary la enjoying a abort rest tbal be Is spending here with bis mm ber, Mr*. M. C. Oary. Mrs. Augustus W. 8mltb bas returned to b*r borne In Woodruff after spending aome time here with ber borne people. Mlsa Aisle Pool was ine guest of Mrs. C. A. Mllford several days laxi Week. MI Pool returned to ber borne In Newberry Wednesday. Mr James M. Cotnran, Jr.. one of Atlanta's rising yoang business uien, was In tbe city several days last week. Miss Isabel Paster, one of Unlno'amoet ebarmlng yonng ladles, was In tbe city last week to attend tbe White-Wright wedding. Mlas Hannah Clarke Perrln b«« returned to berbomein Green vtll«-. after spending some time here wltb ber brotber. Mr. 1.. W. Perrln. Miss Daisy Cromer la in tbe city, tbe gnest of ber node, Mr. R. Emmet Coze. whist club. Mr. 8. J. Link eniartalned the Gentlemen'* Wblst Club Thursday evening at a very pleas* ant meeting. Mr. Lewie Perrln will entertain tbe elub at tbe next meeting. Mr*. Theodore H. Pnrman returned to ber borne in Atlanta, after a pleasant slay her* , wltb ber grandmother, Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Fur- man oame to Abbeville from Monro*, wbere < sbe was tbe guest of Mr*. John Yates. L Mr. A. M. .smith wiis la Atlas la several . days last week on business. Mr. Warreo Allen, or Columbia, «u me _ gueat ol bit aleter, Mr*. Mar&h Allen, on Sun- * Mm. Llszla Harrlaon, of Brmdlej, was the (DMt of her «oo. Dr. K. E. Harrtaon laat week. Mra. Tencb Pool and Muter Robert Pool have returned to tbelr borne In Newberry, af. tar 'pending aotne time bare, Ibe gueet or Mra. U wTWblta. Mra Jobo Harmon, of Bordeaux, waa In town the drat of lait week. Rev. T. P. Burgeaa. or Ninety Hlx, apent Monday nightlu tbo olty, tbe gueat or Mr. Amoa Morse. Mr. Burgeaa preached at Hope* well Cbureb Huuday morning. Mr. Paul Anderaon baa a poaltlon with tbe Qrra or P. ttoaenbarg and Co. Mm. Madge Caldwell la In tbe elty apendIng tbe winter wltb her nleee, Mra. Preaton B. Wei la. Mrs. Caldweil Uogbt In tbeOraded Hebool bfere and la pleaaantly remembered by many or our people. Mr Jamea w. Perrln or Wlllmlngton, N. C., waa In tbe elty laat week tbe guoet or bla brother, Mr. J. 8. Perrln. Mr. J. Fraaer Lyon waa up from Columbia aeveral daya laat week on bnalneea. Mra Belle Watt, or Bradley, attended tbe Wblta-Wrlgbt marriage laat week. Mra. J. 8. Cotbran left Saturday for her home In UreenTllie. after apendlng a raw daya here wltb her eon, Mr. Wade 8. Cotbran. Mr. Allen Look baa returned from a abort * trip to Um lower p*rt of (be Htate. Mr. Wad* Harrison was up from Bradley several day* last week. Ibe idmI of relative*. Mr*. Roaa Elmore Hrunaon, of Asbevllle, N. C, vaatb* guest ol Mr*. Henry Moore laat week. Mr*. Brun*on came to Abbeville to attend tbe marriage of her brother, Mr. Albert Elmore Taylor to M l*« Gertrude Moore. Mrs. C. H. Peake, ol Union, waa tbe dam* ol honor at tbe White- Wright wedding. Mr*. Peake wai tbe guest of Mr*. Geo. White while In the city. gCCIIKE CI.CM. Mr*. E. Law inn Damn entertained the (a- a die* Eacbre Clnb Friday afternoon. Tbe e meeting waa an nnuaually pleanant one. |i Unique aoore oard* were UMd. At Ibe close of tbe evening au elaborate aalad course waa ti eerved. Mr*. WadeU.Cothran will entertain o at tbe nei t meeting. b Mi** K*e Lowe Hponeler baa returned to Abbeville, after spending aotne time at ber n home lb Newnan. Ga. Mia* Mponcler baa a b large clrle of friend* here who are glad to m welcome her back. o DKLIUIITKCL RgCKlTIOM. . Tbe raoeptlon given laat Tueeday evening J by Mr. and Mra. Ln>ttard Waller White, In t> honor of Mr. and Mr*. Tbomaa Gordon White P waa a moat delightful affair. Mr*. T. G. T White received In a moire *llk elaborately a trimmed with laee and rlbbona. A large number of guest* were present and tbe even- f tng was In every way a moat enjoyable one. » An eleg*nt salad count* followed by charlotte * raaae and cake waa served In tbespacloua * 4 . '*** « vruAafuIiv E uiuiug nmui. *uo |Niiiwi« ov«« »» . decorated with Ivy and holly. Mia. L. W. White won u«l«t«d In receiving the gaea*a by 0 Mine Koea Maxwell. u»w Lucl* Parker, Mim H Grace smltb. Mia* Illy Teitutleioa, Mrs. A. h M. Smith, Mra. C. A Mllford. The bevy of " beanthul young ghlj wbo aerved la tb» dining room were Mlaaes Caro and Onie Monte, h Mamie Morae, Helen and looe Smith, Fannie * Harris, Mary Hill, Nell* Wliaon, Annie v White. Helen Wblle. o Mr. Wymaa Urowalee, of Columbia, la in I' the oily, the gueal of Dr. J. A. Dlckaou. I'l.KASANT TKA I'AKT V. \ Dr. and Mra. C. A. MlIford entertained Krl- . day evening at a dellghllnl tea given In lion- . or of Mr. and Mra. T. Gordon White. Tbove * present were MIm Lucia I'arker, Mim Grace Hmltli. MIm» Honm Mux well, Ml»« May Hubert- , on. Mlaa Marie Gary, Mm. A. M. Smith, and 1 MIm I.llv TetunlMDii. Mr J. Allen Mmllh, . Jr., Mr. Lewi* Perrln. Mr. Juiuea Bowie, Mr. I, George fenny, Mr. A. M. Smith, Mr. Georgo . White, Mr. Will White. ' Mim Alma Hpftrmita, one of Anderaon'a P mont eharinlng young Indies, wmn In tue city " last week to atteud the Moore-Taylor wed- ' ding. V Dr. Claude C. Gambrell haa gone to Balllmore to take a apealal oourae lu inedlelno. Dr. GHmbrell will b«j away (or wveral weeka. Mm. John Hrownlee ha« been In the city for the pa«t week the guent of her daughter, Mra. John A. Dlckaon. e UNION MKKVICKli. n Union Service* wero held suudav night In ? the Methodlal C'harch. Ilov. Pre»tnn II. li nroaoliMt All lin. h n ciii*, pam«'« «m imv r. . _ w prtMlv«» Mvraiua from the tvzl. "Ht» but «lt- h polvi-U (Jnd la not mucked " Mr. Well* I* «o i, able Hp<»aker hiu! bold* Iba mieniluu of bin u behrcrx (rum flr»t lo Im*i. Mr*. Hurt Bank In. of Lownduivllle, wu« In town Monday the gueal of her wlbter, Jin, . John U. Kdwarda. ««. .. Ii Thoae cream puffn are exqolnlte. H Home made glngcmoap* at the bakery. Homelike macaroons at the Bakery. d » AWXAKERS AT WINTHROP. Driiuhilul Kloner ItnJojMl nnd t BalldiKii* ImittcM-A i'Merrl. 0 Tbe Genera' Aaaemhly enjoyed on the 18th b moat delightful trip to Wlntbrop College 1 bleh bad t>«en arranged by President D. B. itinxm, V_ The train, which waa aeheduled to Irnroal t 15did not leave until 10 o'clock owing lot e rack on tbe main line near Wlotnboro. . Iter bavlng to melee a atop at Camden of 4 ro bourn ilie party arrived at Rook L-ftll 4:30 a m. For tbn convenience of the party tbe ilt: came loaNiop directly behind tbe Col- _ ge Irons arblch ihey went to tbe auditorium » here a moot cordial welcome wax extended 1 y P.m. D. II. Johnson. Hla apeccb wax % lort becauae bn knew tbe entire patty Were , red and hungry. The dinner waa thorougly a delightful one, 8 ie dining room being decorated In palm* i ad ferna, and tbe dinner waa eerved In a . lout charming style by mme of Wintbropa * tout bewitching young I ad lea. 1 Alter dinner the following tOMla wcni re- | ponded to aa follow*: "South Carolina," by Lieut. Gov. John T. r loan In a delightful manner t Tbe General Aaaembly of Houth Carolina." «i to have been re*ponded to by Hon. M. | i. hidllu, npe&xer 01 iud nuuac, uui uo ww tMieot. \ ' Wlntbrop College." by one of Rock Hill's j tost autxiunilal mod prosperous citizens. Mr. > obn W. Itoddry. 1 "The Womanhood of Moutb Caroline," by < tepreaentatlve B. A. Morgan of UreenvClle. i Ir. Morgan broJKbt bis speech to acloae by aylng a bl«h tribute to tbe women of Koutb 1 Proline, end wishing lor Wlntbrop a bright ; nil pnMperon* future. At ibe conclusion of the speeches, tbe nests were showed over the halldlnga by Dine of tbe ynuntf ladles ol the College. Af- »r iculog over the balldlngs, we were Invited , ato Ibe Auditorium, wbere a mostCdollgbtfnl oiicort was rendered. We h>td the good fortune to be In cbarge of (las Minnie Greene of Abbeville and Mian (eta Kortyobn of Oranaeborg. wbo enteral ned us in most admirable manner. ' beee young ladles are making tbelr mara I I Wlntbron and ibalr future Is a bright one. j Jf, L. fi. mmm I HAPPV YOUNG PEOPLE. { a I !verybody Hold Ik* Kewly Married ' Couple la Hlghaal Eatecas. Mr. Tbomas Gordon White and bis bride formerly Miss Jennie Perrln) have been the eclplents of much friendly attention daring lie Ia* l two weeka. Tbe doora of several loaaca were opened to invited gueeta wbo | ame with best wlabee for the newly wedded teople. Among others wbo have given entertain* J uents In their bonor was Ospb W. White j rbnee home on Tuesday evening of last week raa filled with good people and good Mends o meet and to greet the happy yoongeon- le. I At the various retentions tbe msrrled peo- tie, aa well aa th sarrlrd people came, rblle tbeoldana yoang were praaeat. < .y doing honor *na boaiwe to ibow who bad ' o lately launched their bark on the eea ol natrlmoay. Toe married gueet* were there ' o bockoa tbetn oo to the delightful llfevoy- ige. Home of tbem bad not gone tar oat to e*, while other* were la mld-oeean or near- ng tbe haven of rest oo th* other ebota. 'be unmarried gueata who atlll linger on the ileaIt and cbeerleaa ahore, with bangerlng iearta, bat dreaming of fala re bllaa were here, too to bid Ibeiti godepecd. Tbe old were glad in beart to aee tbe bapHaeaaof youth aod beauty, and tbe yoaag rere tranaported with Joy at tbe thought hat tbey, too, might aoon be aa bappy aa tr. White and bla bride. ] Mr. and Mr*. White will make their home n the Pr«abji«rlan manae. Inatead of the lower*, tbe perfumed air, and the lneenae ol waet aplcea that frloge the patbe of married If*. the old bachelor, that U, we mean thla laebeior la kept boey picking tbe tboroe and ibeatnnt barra ouf; of bla feet, with never . igbt of flowery path* nor even a whiff be delightful aoanda or tbeaweet odora thof net theaenaeaof tbt more fortaoale. at There are l*o patba along tbe Journey of Ik, one of which the young may take. One i lined and carpeted with flowera aod ringed by leave*, vine*, alnglug blrda and weet Incense. Tbe other la over bleak and arren bllla fringed and lined with thoraa nd obeatnat barra, where the traveler, If be leepa, dreama of anakea and other horrid blnga. PRETTY WEDDING. * v nrrlaff* ol Mia flmradc Moort aad Mr. Albert E. Taylor. At the home of the bride'* parents, Wedteeday January 21*1,albIsb noon. ibe mar* iageof Mlaa Anna Gertrude Moore mod Mr. ilbart Elinors Taylor waa solemnised Id be preeence of a large concourse of friends Dd relatives. I Tbe parlors were artistically decorated In reen. pink and white, tbls color ncbeme beOK also carried out In tbe costumes and oqueu of tbe bride and bridesmaids. Tbe 1 ooojh were darkened, and tbe soft (low ( pread over tbe scene by tbe pink caudles cattered bare and tbere rendered It one ot \ usual beauty. I To tbe solemn strains of Msndsleoh a's wed* < ilng march rendered by Miss Lorena (teachin. tbe brlial prooemloo entered preoeded y Mlaseo Ruth Barkhdale and Mary Mo- i towel 1, the dainty little ribbon girls, atUred ( a fairy like dresses of white and pink or- andle. Next entered tbe maid of bonor, Mlas 'lorlde Reeee, brideimalds and groomsinso. Ilea MooleHIgn wtUi Mr. Bradley Reeee. and lies Willie Heal Iwllib Mr. H. T. Cleveland. 1 'be bridesmaids boquets consisted of pink arnallons and maiden balr fern. Tbeo came tbe bride aod groom elect. Tbe , ormer waa afttired In a handsome green 1 ress with paatel blue and while trimmings, j .1 » Mrr(*rl ft ahitwar bo- i uet of wblte carnations; while tbe latter ran 'u full <lre*a costume. Tbey (OUrtd ud loot | btOMUb a magnlllcient arcii of tvir- reen sod plok carnation* where they were tarried by Kev. P. B. Well*, the Flower Bong «lng softly played throughout. At tbe eoDoloaloo of tbe oeremoay. tbe oeata repaired to ibe dining room, where . eilclous re fresh men la war* eerved. Tue bride la ooe of Abbevllle'a moat bean- I Iful and aceompllrbed daughters <and i onnm Id rare degree tboaa iruiu of baracier that make woman eo mocb loved nd admired. 1 Toe groom la a poplar young machat) lit, odlsa young man of estimable qualities, rbo la held In the highest regard by oar peole. mmi Eekoe* Aleag Bents Xe. 9. I suppose most of tbe readers of tbe Press nd Banner tbe correction thai was gi»n In by Charles M. Crowtbsr In last week's sue. I ask all of you to oonalder tbe sonrce rom wblcb It came, and pity tbe weakness f tbls "Hleepy Hollow Hcboolmaster," wbo ecame greatly offended and wrote an Inultlng correction all because a alight mis- nke. concerning the number of pupils hs as and tbslr grade, waa ma/de in au Item of owe Insignificant locals written for a county lewspaper. That tbe school bouse Is near Mr. Dawson's nd on Ibe Koute, Is no rake. All'uougb It Is ..» ><. ii ia nniv iwr» or three IW» VU kUU nsur-iHW « Mr w m undred yards from It A number of our eople wbo gel their mall live oa another osd and a mile or more from tbelr mail box, nd they consider themselves oa tbe Koato. Tbe number of pupils has ana tbelr rade which I gave was given by one of his dvanced pupils. I can prove the same by Bveral persons, that It happened to be an rroncous statement," 1 certainly did not nake It. ( I have no diwlre whatever to offend any- ne along the Route or auywbere else pubiciy. 1 am excee-llugly sorry that such as occurred when I bad no Idea of an> thing >f tbe kind. j A dance and a sociable was given at the louie ol Mrs. 8.0. Hotta butt Friday evenlna. i large number of guests were present. It I ra* given In honor ol Mtsa Bessie Melts, one f I lie prettiest youug ladles of I'heonlx, wbo visiting Mrs. Bolts. Mrs. J.It .Stevenson and Miss Lldle Mundy 'ere the guests ol Mrs. W. A. Lomax last Wednesday. Mlseen Hullle and Nannie Nlcklfts, Albert Idler and Ida Mundy spent Wednesday at Irs. H. O. Bolts. Our utiw mall-carrier Ik getting alonir as ' ilceiy it* If he bad always been accustomed oihe business. I I had the pleasure of he«rtug a good sermon ial Sunday at Hod^ex, preached by Kev. J. V. Klklus. lie »» tne new pxstor ou the I >oUMld Circuit Every one reems to be ex- | evdlngly pleaded with blm. I notl<*ed that all of his congregation was of other de- lomlniktlons. Tbls shows a kindly spirit I xlsllng among the christians of tbls thrlv- iig little town. » "Just Mplendid." I We doubt whether there Is any one thing on < artb thai will altord the house-keeper so ni«.u«nr« as a Hour that will itlve her , erfrct aaiuiactlon. That flour In "Ciirion." um butonco *i*l a naclc of "Clh'lou" flour 11 your home and we Inviteyou lo t / other J randa to your heart* content. Hueh couipar- 1 ouNouly bring out the nuperlorltv and exncl- 1 " ^ « *1 Mil I Mice of 4 L'llltou." Hold uy i*. i. cs i. m »ujr. I | flow tool* of every description. Collar* , 'nm SOr. to fj. Hkid<*, b«ck banda, hIiijIo ret*, plow atorka; Id tact every tU'iig nt-edful 1 Mart you off right ou tbe farm. A. M. r mlth Jc Co. For nice statloaery dou'l forget Mllford'aj rue atom. 11 *fc The Last Charge. j Dressed in bin only «uit of navy > due, Old Weuk-Kywi Jones sat uu- 1 ouifortably on one of the baefclesa c enchen in front of the speaker** stand. t 'he pout adjutant wan reading tbe poet < rders. The boys in blue, scattered i dtber and Ihitber, beut au attentive I ar and held their yellow corded hat* I q one side to shade their fading eye- I ight from the waning gun. < Far away under the trees of tbe tarb louuKed hundreds of people. Po- I ite attention prevailed amoug those vithiu hearing distance ; farther away < he hum of voices oud shouts of unuppressed 'aughter arose on the air in inmistakatde volume. This was sac- ilege to the ears of Weak-£yed Jones. ro him no event was more solemn ban the preseut, and it seemed the ame dignity and reverence he felt ibould actuate tbe conduct of others. The air was sunocauug. r*any iu he day the heated atmosphere bad >ecome nature led with clouds of cboklug dust, which rolled into the city, aehiud hundred of incoming farmer's jouveyauceH. Hut Weak-Eyed Jones Look it ail with a generous degree of humility and uucomplainiug. A young couple at his elbow indulged jo busily iu conversation he could not hear the voice of the adjutant, yet he bore it silently. Even though his ubscure sight, years before made a I- most useless by a rebel minnie ball, which carried away the bridge of bis ose aud grazed both eyeq, was powsrless to penetrate the dust-heavy dintan oe between him and the speaker, be was secretly happy. His deductions were cut short by a ludden commotion at bis elbow. People were hurrying from their seats; the program must be over. He was carried alcng with the rest, toward the ipeaker's stand, but be hadeut guue Tar when he noticed someone trying to peak. Above the noise he cought the last phrase: "Will close with a selection by the young ladies' quartette." Then it wasn't over yet! There was to be one more number! He tried to be seated, but a buxom country woman lolsted hard against him, nearly sending him off his rheumatic leg*. The quartette commenced to sing, but their voices were drowned in the tumult of confuoiuu. Presently a drum corps somewhere ruit in t Hm Mtreet Mtruck un "Marching Through Georgia".the line commenced to form. Hurried along with the throng, Weak-Eyed June* took up a marchibg position with othens of bin blue-coated comrade The heat was still more stifling here, as they ntood waiting Tor what seemed like hours. Presently. Weak-Eyed began to grow faint. The morning bad found him physically indisposed, but never yet having missed meeting wi'b bis soldier comrades on the thirtieth of May, he didn't propose to to-day. It might be the last time.probably It would -but he'd go this once! The baud up tbe street struck up "The Btar-Hpangled Banuer''.be was Donscions of the column moving. He bad stood still so long bis legs were almost stiff and action made him stagger but with tbe use of his cane be maintained his balauce and mauaged to move along. Shouts of "Hurrah!" "Hurrah ."'greeted his ears from every ide. Proudly be lifted his head ana threw bis shoulders with unctious military dignity. mi MillK IttAPASO. lUB uvauuu wuiiuucu witu iii i ».i ed enthusiasm ma tbey passed up the street, tiotneoue tried to retaliate with a "Hurrah for the boys of '61!" but the voice was loet in the lusty tide of cheering for "The boys of '98!" Following tbe squad of soldiers came a bicvcle brigade, men on home back, ind, lastly, wagon loads of flower girls drested in while.wagons for strong, bealtby girls, while decrepit old veterans must ko afoot. As the long line rounded a corner And passed from the boulevard into an east and west thoroughfare, WeakEyed Jones tottered.Bravely be pulled bis remaining strength together and imbled on, his faltering footsteps unible to beat time to the rapid music. Many of bis comrades, too, bad long lince forgotten bow to march. And how few they numbered now.these veterans! Mount Zion cemetery was a beautiful spot.lifted above woods and sky |ust beyond where tbe lake nestled juietl v between two hillsides.tbe val- ley, with it* ribbon of a rivulet, windiug verdurelsden at its woody bane, the azure beaveus outlining its ureal white gates, its marble monuments, its flowering shrubery, its trees of green, with rare exactness beyond. Weak-Eyed Jones raised bis eyes to the bill yet in the distance. He could iee but the outline of the hallowed jpot rising against the lurid sky. His ipirit was awed 1 The heavy march was telling on his weakened body, bis steps were getting more and more uncertain. A momentary dizziness came over blm. "Hark" Suddentlv the ilfes and drums floated ;to bis ears with a strangely familiar sound. It took him Uack to the frout again, back to the days of '63! Once more he was a youth.strong, vigorous, in arms! And could thin, then, be Thomas, brigade?.and yonder.yonder hill.Missionary Ridge, where, proudly drawn in battle array, the Confederate legions awaited them calmly with a welcome of leaden death? And whence all tjils rub-a-dub-dub, rub-a-dub-dub, that fired the very blood with in the veinn? Ah ! Foolish question! Why ask when there was " *1. Knul Vnhnilv hut aoiieis, iuc ui uumn *.. Softels could drum like that! 80tie In was the only oueiwho could make hid drum "talk in accents ho clear and true.now Kay, Kay as the morning unlight; now Had.sad ax the hour of death, as he turned the tide of battle Into victory or defeat! "Take the rille-pits at the bane, then halt aud reform !" Weak-Eyed Jones heard tiie order as clear as on the day it flred the souls of thousands of Union toldieni to battle and to victory. The march of many feet was heard; the the glint of polished bayonets seen. Ehe stars aud stripes stood straight to the breeze as like clockwork that human phalanx moved to obey. Was that the foe there, entrenched it the bass of the hill, calmly waiting with muskets primed aud ready ? Hut never a man did he see falter. Onward they pressed, with music roaring »ud Mug-, flying, into the fray and into the face of death. Then when the Urst volley had been met and passed, they were over the breastworks and upou the foe. He felt an absence 1 bout him then. He looked for Hi!ly, Billy was gone ! A bullet had carried Itim down at the first onslaught, he concluded. Then he saw the men in the trenches waver for a moment, club their muskets for a last feeble stand. 1'hat wa>« all ; then they tied. Tne federal troops, forgetting their ordera n the enthutdaam of the moment, were an quickly over (he rampart* and ifter then). through woods, over logs jartt gulches, and into the face of a uurderoua musketry from above ! Presently Weak-Kyed reeled ami fell rom the marching column, striking >Ih head as he fell, Grasping a shade ree by the aide of the thoroughfare, he J lowly raised himself to his koeea. 5 fiad he. too, been struck by a flying ml let? He put bit* hand to hi* bead. j fe«, there wax biood !.and the bridge >f hiti none was gone! Hut be forgot he pain momentarily an he beard the >rder; "Charge the creat of the kill!" j jaaafrom mouth to mouth as it came 1 rom Grant. Hia pulsea leapt. Hi* { ilood fairly bouudea at the word*. He { ,ried to riiie and obey, but he could 1 neither see nor walk. "Hurrah for th'.stanian'.atripea !" J be shouted in the exultation of the mo- 1 meat, but the eflort coat him throba I )fpaiu. 1 A vehicle full of belated celebration- lata, hurryiug after the procession, beard his shout. "A drunken soldier," Lbey aald. Weak-Eyed thought an ammunition wagon waa hurrying to the front. Hia sight cleared a little after the - - « ' »! f.. !.. firsl daze rrom nw iuu. m uiv uwuucc be Haw clouds of dust arising. "The suioke of the battle," he thought. The mu»ic was still playinir, clearer aud louder than ever, indicating the enthusiasm of battle. Someone approached his side. "Only a.scrape.comrade!" be said, "Never.minJ me.I'll be.all rightnoon. There's work.for you.up there P' He indicated the hill with a wave of bis band. ''I tell you he's not drunk; he's sick." The man at bis side addressed someone near at band. In pity they tried to raise bim to bin feet. HIh legs would not support bim; he collapsed again at the f«»ot of the tree. A roll of drums floated acmes the valley and into the old man's ears. "Hark !" be exclaimed, raising himself with heroic effort, "I bear.tb' sound o' vict'ry!" Volleys of musketry rang out on tbe air. "Give It.to 'emboys !" ha added. "Chances are against him," a voice was beard to remark near by. "He must be taken to a physician." "Aw! He's only bad a drop too tUUCO I' unui, JL ICll juu, n/uiv uuv annwered. Weak-Eyed didn't bear; his whole mlod. hi* whole being was centered in another direction. Back of Ml. Zion's crest the sun began to set, and, presently, there came the long, low, solemn roll of drums.the slow, melancholy, almost human roll. *'Ah! it's.all.over?' he said, feintly. Only a few women were at bis side now. 'It's.ovor," be gasped, an'.Billy .you'll have t'.go. with tb' rest. into th' trencbeo.an' under the sod. But.not.me. They said.I c*d.go III A-It ft... borne. I'm wounaea. i'ii.ten uw. Billy.when I git.there.that vou. died alighting.-and thinking.or ber! An' I'll.give.ber.th' things.you went..her picture.an' th' teat'ment! You've.got.mine yet.Billy, I give .'em.t'.ye, but.I'll.not need. 'em." He attempted to rise, but could not. Some one held a flask to his llpa and be drank. Tbe columns swept past where Weak-Eyed Jonee was prone upon the grass. Someone stepped out to hail the passing vehicle. The mayor's carriage approached. "A jolly old drunk, there !" tbe occupants remarked, then bowled away up tbe street and out of hearing. A notner carriage swept by without a heed, a load of flower girls drew near. Tne anver wu beckoned to bait, bat hi* attention was centered upon bis ocreamiug, laughing passengers. The sun wa« now almost set. Presently Weak-Eyed Jones feebly raised himself upon bis emaciated elbow and peered with all tbe power be could muster through his almost »igbtless orbs in tbe direction of tbe bloodred sun and moved his lips to speak : "Yea.they're waiting.fer me, Billy. I wish.you.was.going.too!" he said. Later, when strange bands gathered from the wayside all that was moi tal of the dauotlesa soldier, a withered spray of honeysuckle slipped unheeded from his grasp. In tlie meantime the city had returned tbe noisy tenor of its way, and Memorial Day and Ita meaning bad all but become forgotten. J. L HILL & Col . bave told a ar load of BUGGIES, WAGONS, CARRIAGES, Etc., In tbe paal .1) days. We waot to tbank oor coatomera for tbelt liberal patron ago. and to ujr that « are receiving freab ablpmenta every week and will Keep oar atock up to lu uaual blgb atandard. Reapeclfully, J. L. HILL & CO., No, 3 KOSKN BEHO BLOCK. Talt'a LeeaU. It wMI aorprlae you to aee tbe nnderablrt tbat Tale la aelllng (or «>ota. It will keep yoa warm no matter bow oold tbe waatber la. A rood Jeana pant can be lonnd at Tata's for :Wcta, or If you want a better one, yon can get It for a little mora money. Wben you want a good aboe for $1 jOO yoa will flud II al Tale'*. Tate aella lb« of rice for 91.00. Wben you want the beat wbltedotb for tba leaal money ko to H. M. Tate A Go. Wbeo you want a good bat for 50c aod a rood ault of elotbea for HAO, go to Tata's. You cao gel an overcoat at your own prloa. Wben you want good seed oau real ebeap we cao aupply yon. Olve ua a call, or r'ng 139. All ordera will be promptly filled. Honae fornUblnga at Templeton'a. Cook atovea, crockery, gia»a ware, table elotbea aewlug tuacbiue*. Look before you bay. For force go to L. T. A T. M. Miller. Mirror* hikI ('holograph frame* of all kind at Mllfordadrug alore Extra part* for any machine made. Al machine* are hauled, cleaned and repaired W. I). Barknoale. Our bandanme line of wedding andCbrtal maa prevent** are all opened up. The floea piece* are held* rapidly Mild. Make yoor a* fecilona early or »ou may not gel what yon waul. The Npced Drug Co. "Tom pleaae «tnp at Olenn'a and tell him to aend uo at once, a bbi. Majestic tlour. a nice ham, 10 lb». grlia, 5 Iba. Mocha and Java oofTi e 'J lb*. cbeeae, 2 Iba. macaroni, 4 Iba. pruoea, 1 Iba. peacliea, a ql. H<»tou beana, 1 |>K. polaUmw, a can luncii tongue. 'i caiia veal loaf, can (,'allfornla peaclo-a, 4 cnn* loinaloea, .5 eun< augar ooru, 2 pkg*. Kuox'a gelalluo aud 10 bar* I'olo for v.*» iu. You bad i>Hter .».a Ulenn about garden Nued, be IihiJikI received a doe uorlmrnl from Mm.I. lte *ure and hav* Oeun aave voo aotiM early AUaKa 1'eaa aud Ked Hliiat Potatoea." Loral«. U'-Hil the Kerr Kurulture Co. ail vertUement They ar#» uIuiomI iclvlna uwuy a nicker. Jual to think, a regular &. ') rocker for jl t'J |'irlur«w without eml, running In price from iV to*iA.tita pair. .The Kerr Fur. Co. **'- - " "'>'-1 near lot ot mat* Uiii:, roi;«, ftti4de«, rli*. -Tlie K«*rr Kur. Co. IIuvkyou old furu liuri> iiiut you w«nt to hxi'iihti^t*ori'mokrd lor »Iii|>i>iuk or baullog dou«-? Stw tot* K# rr Furuiluro t'<>. 1- mHm.IaA hnnv I'lrlurr irmiu-M maur m, and iiimIIIuk i4ill by the Kerr Kur. C.>. Any liilitic huJ everything lii Furniture. .Tbo Kerr Ku» . CD II you witnl mean "Micky" liour, buy from the other lei low. If you want good baking dour, tlieo buy trom UIddd. ^. I v# . i- -Jr ?i® F!H Jeaboard Air Line Railway. IVjnblr ila.ltjr n-rriem Y"ft,Tunp*. .lUnla, New Orleans am) pulnta Smth and Wot. In Kfi-ct Jaaoarjrll, liWL SOUTHWARD. Dally Djl»jr No. 67. So. 17. .T How Trvrk, P. R. B t * » » Philadelphia. P. B.B.... 4 44 pen T 10am Baltimore, P. R. B 7 10pm IHM Wa»hiB*top. W.H. By.... 8 SO poi W*mi > Blrbtnood, it. A. L. By.... It Si am S 16 pm > PrtrralHir* - 112am t 51 pm Lv JWIIna - J IHm 4 ft« pro Lt Nmikmn 3 44 am ft 1" pm .v Rale'fb - ft Sam 6 tl pro Lv !*«Mith«T* Plaea 7 SO m * 10 pm Lv Hamlet " t 46 am t 88 pa Lv Colombia J M 11 00 am 12 15 am Vr Savaanah M 2 13 pm 4 56 MB \r Jacksonville _^®Pm > l>m Ar at. AoggatlBo t P pm to \r Tampa : 6 40 am 6 06 pm HoTu r Lv New York. N.T.P. * 7 66 am 8 66 pa Lv Philadelphia - 10 16 am 11 ti p* Tnrk^O P.iU£Co..-t > 60 pw» .... . ...~ Lv Baltimore, B 8.H.O»....^ f ! "Lfts? Lt WacblBctun, H. *WAB ... 6Hpi Lf Purtwuttk, ST A.LB; fl 43 pm 36 am Lv Weldon » 12 36am 1166 am Lt NorUna - I IS am 140 pm Lv Henderson " 8 46 am 8 10 pm LvB*lrt«h - 6 26am 4 80pm Lv doathera Ploea » 7 80 am 6 88 pm Lv Hamlet « 8 80am f68p« Lv WllmlHftoa ~T*jZ 4Hla«t4t» « 1140 am 1160 pm Lv ckeaur - 18 01pm 11 80 pa Lv Grrrawood " 2 SB pm 8 88 am I.v Athena " H llum 4 16am Ar Atlanta I * « 40 |.tn ft ||m Ar Aap»i*,(.\ AW 6 lu pm ' '' Ar Naeun, i<.f IO»M JI MUai Monutum^ry A-aw p...:. » J0« ~M0*M Ar MoMU. LA .... 4 If m At Haw Orl*»«a. L.AS H 00 pm Ar NaahvHla. N.C.MtlL 0 4V *5 9 Um Ar M.pfct. 4~gpa itfS HOBTBWABO. Mir JHUj Lt Mamrbia. H.CVAHt L 13 Ate'a IVm Lt Naafc mi . > 0»tm litmm u Lt Naw briMM. L. AM 8 Mm 1 ' Lt MoWlr. L 13 40 m Lt UuMtfoacrr, A^AW.P.. I «w 1 00 pa LtMmob.C. at Q% .... 0 00 m 4*00pa Lt amiuta. C.A W.O 10 Mm Lt AUmu, J u.A. HBj llWi t~m pa t t. ArAtWM - OSTpa 11 SB pa Ar Onnvaod - 5l6pa 3 06 m ArCWur " 7 17 pa 4 l&M Lr ClurloU* " . T llw IPlM Lt WlialagiM = 4 *>pa LtHmWI - JO 16 pa 00 m Lt tovtkcrn Ploa - 1111 pa 3 Mm lte.w»h - ' 130m hum . , LtHmAmm - SUM If Oil pa . Lt NnrUn » I Mm 1 40pa Lt WcMm - 4 40 m 0 00pa Ar rortmak » 7 l> M 5 06 pa Ar WuhlMtM, S.AW.U 0 0la T. u-i...^« a u D rv m mI- Iriwfofk.ODiiOt ..... ttOOpa *.?.**«-. t# 4*pa STO Ar New York - tUp I0»M SiTflS S%iT L*Tampa 8A L-By »00pa 110. LvMLAbcmUm * 40 am l#p LV Jacka»a*Ula * ? GO am flopa HtfMMk - 1 10 pa ISltM Columbia | - Ottpa »»M Lt Hamlet - NSffl 8 16 am Lt Booikern PIom" 11 18pa t Mm Lt Raletck 1 SOaa 11W aa Lt Hearienoa " 1(2« 110 fm Le Horiiaa ttla 1*6 pa Lt Petanbay -6»aa 4 00 pa Ar KtekaoM - 010 aa 4 ifrpa Ar WublBfton. W. «. By.~~. I Maa M pa *fi| Ar Baltimore, P. B. E lOttaa 11 » pa Ar PkUadaipkla, P. B. E ISM pa 1 Maa Ar Sew Tort. P. E.E... » l»pa 00 aa M Note.t Dally except «u%. Volnl Tta«. j Eaatem Time. e. W. TUUXB, Lual Apmt. ALberllle, 8. C. JA*. 10. IDS. COME TO THE HW BAKERY J. W. Breihahu, Prop. j For Your Bread, Cakes, Pies, Candles, Frairs, Canned Goods, Cigars, Tobacco and everything Co be foond in a firstclass bakery ^ 3 Trr my boma-mada Taffy anrf Piuat Cbady. Orujpi, Apples, Lwnoiai.Cmioo. IUlafsa, Currant*, Daiaa. Aiao Lady Plngan. Jelly Koii.Crtaa Puffa and tbtafa too namarooa to mooUoo bar*. Jaa.37.lMt. U i LARGE STOCK OF liMM Spectacles the finest and the best that is made. Silver and Diamonds ordered at request. :-! CLOCKS OF ALL SORTS, t-i Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. J.W. Rykard. Jan. 14. 1*». tf Dissolution. BY MUTUAL OOMSBIfT THE FIRM OF _ Brelbaho A Ca la dleeolved. The bakery bualneaa will be eoottaoed at tbn old aiasd, where all coatomere will be erred faith fully la future ee la aforeilmee. 8. F. Boiler. J. W. Brelbaho. in retiring from the Ann I hope that all my frlwode may continue their boafaea* Willi the j bakery w. r. iwiw. Jan. 27.1801 If 5 PENSION j NOTICE, i THK PENSION COMMISSIONER WILL be lu ihf Auditor's oiBce every .Saturday 9 during the montb of January to receive new Bm applicatlooa for petisloos, and lor iboae wbo H uriab to b«* transferred from one class loan- SB otber. It la pscsesery lor the applicant to ap- ply lu p*r»ou. SB It la not neceaaary tor tboee already oa lb* 1'eusluu Koil to apply. IB J. F. Livingston, M FIRIUON COMMh«IONEB. jS| J ad. o, lyui. u jamn| Abbeville Lodge No. 45, L 0. 0. F. flgjg HQ«siIiPS*' MKKTM EVKKY THUKMDAY BVKN1NO HflM| at s;»)o'clock lo Odd Fellow* Hall. All ^HBBbbB hrfthoo, mo.I vuitom upcclaily, are moat oor- HH Jially lavltcd lo attend. J. M. Cochran, C. C. Gambrall, aWHflll Hecrelary. Noble Urasd. ^HiRn

The Abbeville press and banner (Abbeville, …...,-V If# The FrewandBanner.1 BYHUGHWILSON. ABBEVILLE,8. C.! ar-PnblUbed every Wednesday M V yeaiiaidTaaWi i Wednesday,Jan.38, 1908

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Page 1: The Abbeville press and banner (Abbeville, …...,-V If# The FrewandBanner.1 BYHUGHWILSON. ABBEVILLE,8. C.! ar-PnblUbed every Wednesday M V yeaiiaidTaaWi i Wednesday,Jan.38, 1908



The Frew and Banner.1BY HUGH WILSON. ;

ABBEVILLE, 8. C. !ar-PnblUbed every Wednesday M V

yeaiiaidTaaWi i

Wednesday, Jan. 38, 1908.L-.L -I - .

AMctUto's In* MwrUwf levaatonXtowdcnlMtf.

Abbeville neede another cotton mill, endanother furniture toetory. We have men wboare eoapeteal to manege eneb Inetltmloo*.and tbe town would be tbe better off tor them.Let ae reaeon together, and join hand* in

»i»lr It la mullm«Mld that

eorporattoaa do not snooeed in AbtofUlt uwell aa liNVbtro. II thin were true, tbe needtoruuialty of Mtlowot la U>a imtw.The poor people, with a little balp from a

porUoo of tbe rich people, built the AbbevilleOQMaa Mttl.Now, If tbe rtob people will take a tarn at

Um wheel, tbejr ean get aome balp from tbeauN poor people, who bnllt tbe AbbevilleCotton Mill, and oar rleb naifbbore cu doMmnohm did Um poor people.NobodyM inneb la tbe Cotton Mill, nod If

there la a maa wbo would bave tbe mill dastrayedtor doable what It ooat blm, wa do notkaow of tbe teat.la eoaaeetton wltb this, tbo editor of tbe

Pram aad Bannar woald dealt* to eomet a

pravalllnc mtetofcs na to tbe aentlment oiNorthern atoefebolden la nCmoea to tbeooatoolof mill* ta which they owa a majority of

Oar understanding la, tba Northern la*wan do not want to eootool any mill.Northern aapltal to la (tooth Carolina in creat

IUj ta*i Mtttt oonirol of no mill la IbU

It Is aoC (Mr polley to *0 the offlceekyanof ibelrown ebooeinc. As longs* theeditor of tlM Ptm ud Burner VM oo thebeard of dlreetore be beard notom word leadtag to theoplaloa that the Northern eapltoL.lau vmM to eoatrol or take the offloes ojUm Atowllli MllL It Is tree, however, thaitoo selling sgeat, who owned 11.000 wortb otstosk,dM shbsm far a Usm to boibsr Um Abbevlile Mm, and his presampUoa was tol

todtor a Has,M with President Harristo toaige, too ssUlag sgent will leeslve In*Mrsstlam, rather thsa glee orders.

, Wbea a new preeldeot was to be elected re.eently the Kerthern etoe*bolder* oonforredp With the loealstoakboMers, and ttwaethelo

realIMlMHi thatMM Mfelr.MlMfud Mr. Hurla. Or, lo to moreomI, it vuMr, Vhaaaha aad hit aaaoalalaa oo UMbotrdIk* northern ptoflt are aftaid of politicalpiMlNt Nl tuoy vaal to wmt uithmnghl of pailllaa. Tbqr vial the ft-leadihlpofthe neighborhood In wblob the foetorjIs attaalal They want Mtadiy lava, and a

UffnttoaiMilanatataal.On of Iba gnat advaatagee of having

Northern capital, aadoae of the moat aaeur

Ibaalaam la the hat that the owaera of theXorthara atoak,aa a rule, are preetiaal millMi with aaparliaai. Their aaaaal meetlagaoa the ptaaaMo are men valuable thanaaaj ha m»pw1 They azaaaloa the propertp.aaAMara partlaalartyaboat the maehla.

Thar give valaabla tnggMlnaa,aa to the maehlaary.For Maaw: While ban on one

MM tha maker of the aplodlee or hla repMMMhad aa to tnnraeaa their apeedtwaaty per aaaU. vhleh lnereeeed apeed gav*M * Uhe lnanaaa la prodoet. The maker oilhaM or hla iipieaatattva, had the epeedof tha aarda atowed. Thla redaaed the oatpat.Ml tha aaidadM bettar and mora profitablevmL

iTha teat that XOrtbem mill menowaed a

majority of the atoah In the Abbeville CottonMill waaaeoataaenrlof toaa that tha Malmaalt woald beaeuafoetory.

la lava aad AMettoa.The llvae that have beea aaertfleed la Max

taoarealoee to thecbarch aad to the State.Tha maay trlhataa of love and aflaotioa thathave been pabMehed la their memory are

aaggaatlve. Bdaaeof the beet women of ih»ahareh have yielded ap their Utm beforethalraaa had raaabad the meridian. TbeyMddowa their work evea while the abadovsacre atlil to tha weat.Vhlla the aaat afaandlai thaaa good womea

eeay vw bet a trifle, aad and not be eon- 1

aldered, yet the vajne or the Uvae thet havebeea toetla laytad oompatattoo. Who aeomaaanra tha valae of a good vcnaa'i laboraad wbocaa aatlmata the power of a good 1

woaaaa'a lafleeaae ? Ifaaahaa oaeia wortb 1

aaythlag in Merieo aha la earlalaly worthmoreatioma.IfaMJlvaalaa Ghrlatlaa land, bar power

for theap-llftlagof oar people, aad her laflaaaeotortha parliytag oi th ilr maaaera,amy not tg meaaored :a worda. Then, ahallthe lead of her aattvlty be defirlved of berpraaaaaa lhat aha aaay go forawny Irom aa toM with aaappreelatlve paopli, wbere theyVHMW Mill WWBVHI Hi un IHJMW# amyMlwbirdmfMay not tba qomUm ariaa, aboald oar

ItMtvoMlvdmtteiork wbleb Uw;lohaiUad. lo toko op olabor tbat ta Dot onlyobotoWbc, bat wbiab lavolraa tba poaalble.If ootprobob)*aoarlfioaor tbair luraaT Is Itlight to taboo oar good vomon with 007Mk tbot tfcay aboald lay down tbo work

I' wbJob may bo doao U tbair vary doon, tonmhm tbo lotan and tbo dMdiy poriia tooMgnflaMTlo tbo going into tbo b« of dlaauaa ood

daolb, trusting to otirooolooa lniarraotloa InIk. oavtabolftaMlallaoloaatbaa tbo oat of tba'i HobouMdooo to drinkloo wotar (Tom tbo

pokioaod wall at Maoea?Iloeyeeod weeon wbomoj belndoeed to

go to Maxloo, ooold bo Indoaad to baoooaa thevMOofogoodmoo, woold not bar arown of

JL* Stary ta aaeb aon raaplaadaot tboa abaooold tapo to win In tbo Hvar-atrlabtQ Qalda

f* of Maxloo?m a m

* Tb« Cheater .Lantern haa a rimrttkliadltorlal on lb* recent homicide la Colombiawhich remind* aa of the "rarity of Christiancharity."Aa wlltor Buty rightfully draw bla own con<rtoaifrom hett. That la ttrtrj nan'i

rifhL Bat no Qiao has a right to (lata facts

|£? : or to omit beta, aatalrly and to mix thaatatod tMto with oomment that so the dlvidIkJag tlao between toot and comment may not

|*V bo aaally aaoa by tha oaaoai reader.Tho parity of tha Ufa of the editor of the

Laalarn, aad hie reputation aa an aprlghtMl aad M a Chrletlan gentleman would0|0m to psoolado him from tha appearance of

bafag oajaat to anybody, and oertalnly from

aaeklsg topntfadiee the pobllc mind againstoae, however bauble, or however wicked,while be to la the baada of tho law.


la aot tho word prominent often calledapoa to play a part that might Joet aa wall boMtoffT If a boraarooaaway with a bogey.t&a d rl ror Is always a '"promlneni' eiuseo

Ud Um ban* Is always s rslosbls animal. IfA bank is robbsd. lbs dsisnllsr Is generally"prominent" In ebarcb and in eocletjr. IfCM aaa knocks another in lbs bead wllb a

IMS nil or with a eledgs bammsr, lbs bslUgaraitis generally deserlbsd as -promt-MBU" XI a DUMMDUKM yOUDg m»u

WillIf aa ugly girl, tbey are almost aore to

MtriM m "prominent" young people.If aaaadlw, and nothing elaeean be aald of

UH, be to I.OX aa a "prominent" man

la hto Wfchbortood.

A wWWWWetl lank for aalecbeap<M>nrirwiant»

riM CItIIImII*n of lln Nw«N wad IkeCmm*.

No (root advance baa ever been made In'ibe purer antl Ibe tweeter civilisation tbalrat sot proceeded by the aword and Ibe canboo,and no culture and refinement baa ever

>een achieved or auatalned by any people wholid not have force behind tbam.Tbla la true no leaa of Individual* than of

natlona.A weak and unarmed nation exlata merely

by courteay, and muil aubmlt to any Indignitytbat may be beaped upon 1L The aaioe latrue of tbe cltlxen. If be 1m not allowed to

defend blmaelf, be la at tbe mercy of tbe bul<

ley. and moat accept bla luaulU, without proteat.Nations matter armlea and equip battleablpaaaameaauro for defenee. *o tbe weak

and otberwlae defenaeleaa citizen abt.uld beallowed to defend blmaelf. Self-protection latbe flrat law of natme. Tbe State may notdefend tbe eltlxen for Inault, neither bai tbeState tbe right to take tbe aide of the bully Inbla attempt to oppreea or to trample underfoot tbe weak and tbe defenaelaae. There 1»

nothing ou earth that baa ao quieting an influent*on tbe bully aa looking down the

mouth of a piatol. And there la nothing thatwill more eaally make tbe bolly atay in bla

plaoe than a piatol la tbe handa ofa man wbo

la ready to aboot.Without tbe piatol our civilisation would

lapea Into barbarism. Pemonal aecurlt) to

tbe weak would be a thing of tbe past, and a

reign of terror would be organised by tboeewbo would trample tbe weak under loot.I» savin* thla we would not enooorage tbe

daJljr carrying of pistols any mora than we

would encourage the sending of squadrons ofboetlle battleship* lotbe barbors of our peacefulneighbor*. We should not carry platolawltb n view to looking for trouble, but tbeelUsee should not be denied tbe right to defendhimself against tbe Intruder.Believing as we do. the Preee and Banner

hopes that the Leglalature may not place thisoountry at the mercy of the bully, by forbiddinggood and peaceable man to defend themselves.Every bally In tbe land would no donbt be

delighted lose* tbe proposed legislation enactedagainst the pistol. Ha would have bisown way than.

Beak Ican Speech.The recant homicide In Columbia baa been

characterised aa "murder." Some of tbenewspapers wboaa editora ought to know bettar,than 10 apply that term to any one whobaa not been convicted of the crime, havedone so.Wa take It for granted that Tillman may

not now notloe tbe characterisation of bisdeed. At preeent ha baa enough to do to defendblmealf from the charge which will nobe brought Into Court agalnet him, but whenba baa been tried and not oonvletad of "murder,"be may turn his attention to tboee whohave made tbamaelvaa liable to lndiotmentfor libel.If Tillman ba ao dlspoeed be certainly can

teach a number of tbe brethren lessonwbicb they win cot toon forget. Any oroinerwho apoke of the bomlcldo m "murder"lay btitu opportanlty lo defend hirase1)

la a salt for libel.The probability ofeoch eolt te notgreat, but

It woaM eeem tbat editors, likeothers, shouldkeep wltbln Ibe law. If Tillman doee notmake an example of ecme of tbe brethren,aome one elaa may do so.

Aa M Asethcr rsralters Factory.Anotbei farnltnre fkctory would be a good

thing lor tbe people and lor tbe town. 800rwiof people apply at tbe existing factory forwork, wbleb cannot be bad. To give thesepeople employment would be well for employerand employee.A toolory with a capacity equal to tbe capacityof tbe existing factory can be bollt at

a much leee cost than tbe first. The boosesof tbe tarnllore laclory, we believe, costabout w,000. As any boose tbat protects tbemachinery and men from tbe weatber wouldanswer tbe porpoee, perbape $8,500 mightbolld a boose to serve every porpoee. WUbthe experleoce of tbe past, and with tbelights before as, other savings might be effected.Tbe boose of tbe existing factorymm* m/>M han f Km maiihlnnrv vhlnh 1MiLAP.

we believe, ooat fff.oeo, not Including tbe waterworka, wblob ooat about 13,000.

KalUlif Mill.A knitting Bill would clve employment to

many peraona who now aeek a way to torsmi booMt peony. Wa bave beard It aaldtbat Mr. J. L. McMillan and otbera cod templateputting op auch an eatablUbment. Itwould be a bwthetlon to Uaoee who nead tbespportunlty for aelf-belp, and weaeenoreatoowhy It CAould not pay a fialr return toUaoaa who pot tbalr money In It. Lot theknitting mill to op.

. *"

The Platal.Tbe Columbia Keoord would outlaw people

wbo carry plitola, and oltaa In Jnatlfleatlontbe abolition of tbe dual.Tba abolition o! dualling boa made poaalble

% level of Joornallam tbat would not bavebeen poaalble under tbe old law.Inataad of preventing people from defendingtbalr good name, It la poaalble tbat more


no In bis right to Ufa, Ubeity and tbe jAjtnltofhappiness.

It .nil that tbe Antl press ol tbe State are

now about aa fleroe on Jame* H. Tillman as

tbey vara on Uncle Dea about u?n years agowhen be preaamed to ran for office.

Uowcumby education and compulsoryIdleneaa ata among tbe enief Legislative toples.THE BAPTIST CHURCH.

Bw. M. W. Ilerdea la Dalai a XaUkleaa4 taecctatal Work at AbbaVilla.

Tbe BapUat cbnrob at Abbeville haa badman/ good men aa tb«lr pastor.two of wblcnnumber have been especially dlatlngulabedfor tbatr sueqaas In dlOerent llnee of labor.Tbe flrst waa Rev. R. N. Pratt, tbe aeeood laRav. M. W. Gordon, tbe pa*tor to-day.Mr. Pratt eame to Abbeville some thirty

ysars ago and organised a llUle ffcltbiul bsuuof brothers Into a obnreb or oongrcgaUou oftbe BapUat faith. Being active and fail olseal In church work ne not only kept theMiMfMitlan tanthar. bat be built tbe booseof worship at Abbeville, and went oat Intothe ouuDly and organised several otber coo

gregatlons which built for themselves nicehouses of worship. 80 to speak, be plantedthe seed wbloh fell In good ground. All thecongregations which be organised bavegrowngreatly In memberablpand in power lor dwtainesa.Mr. Gordon came to Abbeville some two

years ago, and irom bis first appearance Iutbe pulpit ats Influence ban been felt. Klnoebe eame tbe eburcb has greatly prosperedTbe membership has Increatted and tbelr xeslhas kept pace with the demand* of tbe timesBetween eighty and ninety members havebeen added under bis pastoral charge, endtbe contributions in money have increased InIlka proportion.Mr. Gordon's suooess Is attributed largely to

bis personal work. Whenever be can do so,be visits among tbe brethren, and bis visitshave made btm friends, and from thosefrisnds comes bis success.


Ahmi lb* 6rml Dotu Mil Nklll.All targcou off Ike North.

Dr. Oambrell, aa rood a mm aa you ooaldSod Id a day'* Journty. la off Id tbe Northeraeltlee, taking addlllooal leeeoaa Id uiedlelneaod surgery. Bolog youDg sod fall ofeoergjr be U ambltloua to be at tbe brail ofbte profeealoo, which la ooe of tbe moat honorableaa well ai ooe oI tbe moat aaefol profeaalooaknown to mail. When be oomea backbe will be ready to «ai"?e yon or to pbyalo youto yoar heart's oooien t.


Tbe Abbeville Col Ion Hill IMiililinhm A

an OHre on the Pwblle II^MreBuHbllavThoachu Md HcaUer*

laf NUI«m«ata.*

In anawer to a public demand, a* well a« lu J<tbo Interest of the Onttoo Mill, President Harrlaofthe Abbeville Cotton Mill ban establish- 8:d an office In tbe room formerly occupied by w

I>r. W. T. Penny a* a druic more. Tbe office Aban been neatly fitted up. and la In every re- t«apect all that could be dealred. p.Cottnn Buyer J. C. Kill* makes thla head- tr

quarter* for all tbe work Incident to bu InK lecotton. Bealdea buying cotton Mr. Kllla doea w

an Insurance business, and wbeu not engaged b;In tbat line, or In buying cotton, he frequently »lbaa tbe be»tof real estate to aell, ana some- tltimes the boot la on the other leg, and bewant* to buy bouaee or laade. AII tblnga that ttooroe bla way are grist for bla mill. ai

President Harris bas a deak In thla office, nr

where be does much work alter be baa quit a

tbe office at the mill.Krom all tbat we can learn be la, and In* «|

tends to be, tbe presldentof tbe mill In fact aa11 " 1 . A Th« Vaiw Vnrk i«lllniriu«nt S

will hereafter take Instruction* frum thl* endof tbe line. «

Itolten happens tbtl the founders of great Lenterprises are not long In control after tbe a

purpose of tbe organization ban been accompli*bed It was so In the Abbeville Cotton n

Mill. It wee no In tbe Georgia, Carolina and JNorthern Railroad. It wait ao In tbe (Jreen*vllie and Colombia Kail road, which John Bet- Fton O'Neal I bulit. It wan ao In thecnaeof tbe AAbbeville Oil Mill. Although tbe Abbeville pKarnltura Factory wan built leaa than two Cyear* ago, two of three founder* and original a

officer* of that Institution art* out of it.Mr. Chapman resigned bis plane aa maua- g

ger. *

Mr. Htark sold bla stock,and In doing ao, va- ucatAd bla place as president. IiVtre-President H. K.Cromer would have nat C

orally socoeeded to tbe place of Prealden*stark but be didn't care to axeume tbedutiee iof tbeofflce, becauaeofau exlatlng dlvlalou of Ssentiment. n

Mr. C. P. Hammond, tbe bookkeeper and Itreasurer. In leas than two years, la tbe only aone of tbe original offloers still connected wltbtbe plant.We learn tbat stock In tbe furniture factory

la ottered by aome at 90 cents, while otberswouldn't sell at any ruaeooable price. Mr.Cromer says tbat be has been offered (bares at90 cents, but be expects to boy at leaa flenrea.At tbe and or tbe first alx months of tbe existenceof tbe factory an lo ventory was taken, |

and a fair profit waa registered on the rlgbtside of tbe aeeoanu Tbe buslnees seems to bea good ona, bat It appears tbat tbere la yetsomething fo learn about making and soiling /

of furniture. It la one tblng to manufacture r

goods. and 111* another thing to sell them. jIn ins buying of tbe raw material and In tbe t

selling of tbe aanuteetnred goods la to be c(bund tbe sain and the profile. For Instance:If Huperlntendent Tbompsoo manufacturesgooda ever ao cheaply, they may not be beld rfor a year on Interest account, and then be ,sold at a profit. Tbo same Is true of farniture. ,To pile up goods, waiting for blgber prices, la tspeculation, or gambling, as yon may see It, .

with odds against yoo.Lhe cost of storing. Intoring, and tbe expeoee of borrowed money. (Speculation most overcome these certain ex- ,pauses, or loaa is Incurred. a


ppealwc* u4 laeldenta mf m WfehANol Ik* 11jr.

Abbeville. Jan. 87.. 1903.Mrs. Joseph K. Alston baa returned to ber

borne In Yorkville, after aome time beretbeguest of Mrs. Levis W. Perrln.Miss Nettle Brunson came up from Columbia8*tarda? sod stayed Id tbe city until

Monday.Judge Ernest Oary Is In tbe city. Judge

Qary la enjoying a abort rest tbal be Is spendinghere with bis mm ber, Mr*. M. C. Oary.Mrs. Augustus W. 8mltb bas returned to

b*r borne In Woodruff after spending aometime here with ber borne people.Mlsa Aisle Pool was ine guest of Mrs. C. A.

Mllford several days laxi Week. MI Pool returnedto ber borne In Newberry Wednesday.Mr James M. Cotnran, Jr.. one of Atlanta's

rising yoang business uien, was In tbe cityseveral days last week.Miss Isabel Paster, one of Unlno'amoet

ebarmlng yonng ladles, was In tbe city lastweek to attend tbe White-Wright wedding.Mlas Hannah Clarke Perrln b«« returned to

berbomein Green vtll«-. after spending sometime here wltb ber brotber. Mr. 1.. W. Perrln.Miss Daisy Cromer la in tbe city, tbe gnest

of ber node, Mr. R. Emmet Coze.whist club.

Mr. 8. J. Link eniartalned the Gentlemen'*Wblst Club Thursday evening at a very pleas*ant meeting. Mr. Lewie Perrln will entertaintbe elub at tbe next meeting.Mr*. Theodore H. Pnrman returned to ber

borne in Atlanta, after a pleasant slay her* ,

wltb ber grandmother, Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Fur-manoame to Abbeville from Monro*, wbere <

sbe was tbe guest of Mr*. John Yates. LMr. A. M. .smith wiis la Atlas la several .

days last week on business.Mr. Warreo Allen, or Columbia, «u me _

gueat ol bit aleter, Mr*. Mar&h Allen, on Sun- *

Mm. Llszla Harrlaon, of Brmdlej, was the(DMt of her «oo. Dr. K. E. Harrtaon laat week.Mra. Tencb Pool and Muter Robert Pool

have returned to tbelr borne In Newberry, af.tar 'pending aotne time bare, Ibe gueet or Mra.U wTWblta.Mra Jobo Harmon, of Bordeaux, waa In

town the drat of lait week.Rev. T. P. Burgeaa. or Ninety Hlx, apent

Monday nightlu tbo olty, tbe gueat or Mr.Amoa Morse. Mr. Burgeaa preached at Hope*well Cbureb Huuday morning.Mr. Paul Anderaon baa a poaltlon with tbe

Qrra or P. ttoaenbarg and Co.Mm. Madge Caldwell la In tbe elty apendIngtbe winter wltb her nleee, Mra. Preaton

B. Wei la. Mrs. Caldweil Uogbt In tbeOradedHebool bfere and la pleaaantly remembered bymany or our people.Mr Jamea w. Perrln or Wlllmlngton, N. C.,

waa In tbe elty laat week tbe guoet or blabrother, Mr. J. 8. Perrln.Mr. J. Fraaer Lyon waa up from Columbia

aeveral daya laat week on bnalneea.Mra Belle Watt, or Bradley, attended tbe

Wblta-Wrlgbt marriage laat week.Mra. J. 8. Cotbran left Saturday for her

home In UreenTllie. after apendlng a raw dayahere wltb her eon, Mr. Wade 8. Cotbran.

Mr.Allen Look baa returned from a abort *

trip to Um lower p*rt of (be Htate.Mr. Wad* Harrison was up from Bradley

several day* last week. Ibe idmI of relative*.Mr*. Roaa Elmore Hrunaon, of Asbevllle,

N. C, vaatb* guest ol Mr*. Henry Moore laatweek. Mr*. Brun*on came to Abbeville to attendtbe marriage of her brother, Mr. AlbertElmore Taylor to M l*« Gertrude Moore.Mrs. C. H. Peake, ol Union, waa tbe dam* ol

honor at tbe White-Wright wedding. Mr*.Peake wai tbe guest of Mr*. Geo. White whileIn the city.


Mr*. E. Lawinn Damn entertained the (a- adie* Eacbre Clnb Friday afternoon. Tbe e

meeting waa an nnuaually pleanant one. |iUnique aoore oard* were UMd. At Ibe closeof tbe evening au elaborate aalad course waa tieerved. Mr*. WadeU.Cothran will entertain oat tbe nei t meeting. bMi** K*e Lowe Hponeler baa returned to

Abbeville, after spending aotne time at ber nhome lb Newnan. Ga. Mia* Mponcler baa a blarge clrle of friend* here who are glad to mwelcome her back. o


Tbe raoeptlon given laat Tueeday evening Jby Mr. and Mra. Ln>ttard Waller White, In t>honor of Mr. and Mr*. Tbomaa Gordon White Pwaa a moat delightful affair. Mr*. T. G. T

White received In a moire *llk elaborately a

trimmed with laee and rlbbona. A largenumber of guest* were present and tbe even- ftng was In every way a moat enjoyable one. »

An eleg*nt salad count* followed by charlotte *

raaae and cake waa served In tbespacloua *4. '*** « vruAafuIiv E

uiuiug nmui. *uo |Niiiwi« ov«« »» .

decorated with Ivy and holly. Mia. L. W.White won u«l«t«d In receiving the gaea*a by 0

Mine Koea Maxwell. u»w Lucl* Parker, Mim HGrace smltb. Mia* Illy Teitutleioa, Mrs. A. hM. Smith, Mra. C. A Mllford. The bevy of "

beanthul young ghlj wbo aerved la tb» diningroom were Mlaaes Caro and Onie Monte, hMamie Morae, Helen and looe Smith, Fannie *

Harris, Mary Hill, Nell* Wliaon, Annie v

White. Helen Wblle. o

Mr. Wymaa Urowalee, of Columbia, la in I'the oily, the gueal of Dr. J. A. Dlckaou.


Dr. and Mra. C. A. MlIford entertained Krl- .

day evening at a dellghllnl tea given In lion- .

or of Mr. and Mra. T. Gordon White. Tbove *

present were MIm Lucia I'arker, Mim GraceHmltli. MIm» Honm Mux well, Ml»« May Hubert- ,

on. Mlaa Marie Gary, Mm. A. M. Smith, and 1

MIm I.llv TetunlMDii. Mr J. Allen Mmllh, .

Jr., Mr. Lewi* Perrln. Mr. Juiuea Bowie, Mr. I,George fenny, Mr. A. M. Smith, Mr. Georgo .

White, Mr. Will White. '

Mim Alma Hpftrmita, one of Anderaon'a Pmont eharinlng young Indies, wmn In tue city "

last week to atteud the Moore-Taylor wed- '

ding. VDr. Claude C. Gambrell haa gone to Balllmoreto take a apealal oourae lu inedlelno.

Dr. GHmbrell will b«j away (or wveral weeka.Mm. John Hrownlee ha« been In the city

for the pa«t week the guent of her daughter,Mra. John A. Dlckaon. e


Union Service* wero held suudav night In ?the Methodlal C'harch. Ilov. Pre»tnn II. li

nroaoliMt All lin. hn ciii*, pam«'« «m imv r. . _w

prtMlv«» Mvraiua from the tvzl. "Ht» but «lt- hpolvi-U (Jnd la not mucked " Mr. Well* I* «o i,able Hp<»aker hiu! bold* Iba mieniluu of bin ubehrcrx (rum flr»t lo Im*i.Mr*. Hurt Bank In. of Lownduivllle, wu« In

town Monday the gueal of her wlbter, Jin, .

John U. Kdwarda.««. .. Ii

Thoae cream puffn are exqolnlte. H

Home made glngcmoap* at the bakery.Homelike macaroons at the Bakery. d



Driiuhilul Kloner ItnJojMl nnd tBalldiKii* ImittcM-A i'Merrl. 0

Tbe Genera' Aaaemhly enjoyed on the 18th bmoat delightful trip to Wlntbrop College 1bleh bad t>«en arranged by President D. B.itinxm,V_The train, which waa aeheduled to Irnroal t15did not leave until 10 o'clock owing lot erack on tbe main line near Wlotnboro. .

Iter bavlng to melee a atop at Camden of 4

ro bourn ilie party arrived at Rook L-ftll 4:30 am. For tbn convenience of the party tbe

ilt: came loaNiop directly behind tbe Col- _

ge Irons arblch ihey went to tbe auditorium »

here a moot cordial welcome wax extended 1

y P.m. D. II. Johnson. Hla apeccb wax %lort becauae bn knew tbe entire patty Were ,red and hungry.The dinner waa thorougly a delightful one, 8ie dining room being decorated In palm* iad ferna, and tbe dinner waa eerved In a .

lout charming style by mme of Wintbropa *

tout bewitching young Iad lea. 1Alter dinner the following tOMla wcni re- |ponded to aa follow*:"South Carolina," by Lieut. Gov. John T. r

loan In a delightful manner tTbe General Aaaembly of Houth Carolina."

«i to have been re*ponded to by Hon. M. |i. hidllu, npe&xer 01 iud nuuac, uui uo ww

tMieot. \' Wlntbrop College." by one of Rock Hill's jtost autxiunilal mod prosperous citizens. Mr. >

obn W. Itoddry. 1

"The Womanhood of Moutb Caroline," by <tepreaentatlve B. A. Morgan of UreenvClle. i

Ir. Morgan broJKbt bis speech to acloae byaylng a bl«h tribute to tbe women of Koutb 1

Proline, end wishing lor Wlntbrop a bright ;nil pnMperon* future.At ibe conclusion of the speeches, tbenests were showed over the halldlnga byDine of tbe ynuntf ladles ol the College. Af-»r iculog over the balldlngs, we were Invited ,ato Ibe Auditorium, wbere a mostCdollgbtfnloiicort was rendered.We h>td the good fortune to be In cbarge of

(las Minnie Greene of Abbeville and Mian(eta Kortyobn of Oranaeborg. wbo enteralned us in most admirable manner. '

beee young ladles are making tbelr mara II Wlntbron and ibalr future Is a bright one. jJf, L. fi.

mmm I


!verybody Hold Ik* Kewly Married'

Couple la Hlghaal Eatecas.

Mr. Tbomas Gordon White and bis brideformerly Miss Jennie Perrln) have been theeclplents of much friendly attention daringlie Ia*l two weeka. Tbe doora of severalloaaca were opened to invited gueeta wbo |ame with best wlabee for the newly weddedteople.Among others wbo have given entertain* Juents In their bonor was Ospb L» W. White jrbnee home on Tuesday evening of last weekraa filled with good people and good Mendso meet and to greet the happy yoongeon-le. IAt the various retentions tbe msrrled peo-

tie, aa well aa th sarrlrd people came,rblle tbeoldana yoang were praaeat. <

.y doing honor *na boaiwe to ibow who bad '

o lately launched their bark on the eea olnatrlmoay. Toe married gueet* were there '

o bockoa tbetn oo to the delightful llfevoy-ige. Home of tbem bad not gone tar oat toe*, while other* were la mld-oeean or near-ng tbe haven of rest oo th* other ebota.'be unmarried gueata who atlll linger on theileaIt and cbeerleaa ahore, with bangerlngiearta, bat dreaming of falare bllaa werehere, too to bid Ibeiti godepecd.Tbe old were glad in beart to aee tbe bapHaeaaofyouth aod beauty, and tbe yoaagrere tranaported with Joy at tbe thoughthat tbey, too, might aoon be aa bappy aatr. White and bla bride. ]Mr. and Mr*. White will make their homen the Pr«abji«rlan manae. Inatead of thelower*, tbe perfumed air, and the lneenae olwaet aplcea that frloge the patbe of marriedIf*. the old bachelor, that U, we mean thlalaebeior la kept boey picking tbe tboroe andibeatnnt barra ouf; of bla feet, with never .

igbt of flowery path* nor even a whiffbe delightful aoanda or tbeaweet odora thofnet theaenaeaof tbt more fortaoale. atThere are l*o patba along tbe Journey of

Ik, one of which the young may take. Onei lined and carpeted with flowera aodringed by leave*, vine*, alnglug blrda andweet Incense. Tbe other la over bleak andarren bllla fringed and lined with thoraand obeatnat barra, where the traveler, If beleepa, dreama of anakea and other horridblnga.



nrrlaff* ol Mia flmradc Moort aadMr. Albert E. Taylor.

At the home of the bride'* parents, WedteedayJanuary 21*1,albIsb noon. ibe mar*

iageof Mlaa Anna Gertrude Moore mod Mr.ilbart Elinors Taylor waa solemnised Idbe preeence of a large concourse of friendsDd relatives. ITbe parlors were artistically decorated Inreen. pink and white, tbls color ncbeme beOKalso carried out In tbe costumes andoqueu of tbe bride and bridesmaids. Tbe 1ooojh were darkened, and tbe soft (low (pread over tbe scene by tbe pink caudlescattered bare and tbere rendered It one ot \usual beauty. ITo tbe solemn strains of Msndsleoh a's wed* <ilng march rendered by Miss Lorena (teachin.tbe brlial prooemloo entered preoededy Mlaseo Ruth Barkhdale and Mary Mo- itowel 1, the dainty little ribbon girls, atUred (a fairy like dresses of white and pink or-andle.Next entered tbe maid of bonor, Mlas'lorlde Reeee, brideimalds and groomsinso.Ilea MooleHIgn wtUi Mr. Bradley Reeee. andlies Willie Heal Iwllib Mr. H. T. Cleveland. 1'be bridesmaids boquets consisted of pinkarnallons and maiden balr fern.Tbeo came tbe bride aod groom elect. Tbe ,ormer waa afttired In a handsome green 1

ress with paatel blue and while trimmings, j.1 » Mrr(*rl ft ahitwar bo- i

uet of wblte carnations; while tbe latterran 'u full <lre*a costume. Tbey (OUrtd udloot | btOMUb a magnlllcient arcii of tvir-reen sod plok carnation* where they weretarried by Kev. P. B. Well*, the Flower Bong«lng softly played throughout.At tbe eoDoloaloo of tbe oeremoay. tbeoeata repaired to ibe dining room, where .

eilclous re freshmen la war* eerved.Tue bride la ooe of Abbevllle'a moat bean- IIful and aceompllrbed daughters <and ionnm Id rare degree tboaa iruiu ofbaracier that make woman eo mocb lovednd admired. 1Toe groom la a poplar young machat) lit,odlsa young man of estimable qualities,rbo la held In the highest regard by oar peole.


Eekoe* Aleag Bents Xe. 9.

I suppose most of tbe readers of tbe Pressnd Banner u« tbe correction thai was gi»nIn by Charles M. Crowtbsr In last week'ssue.I ask all of you to oonalder tbe sonrcerom wblcb It came, and pity tbe weaknessf tbls "Hleepy Hollow Hcboolmaster," wboecame greatly offended and wrote an Inultlngcorrection all because a alight mis-nke. concerning the number of pupils hsas and tbslr grade, waa ma/de in au Item ofowe Insignificant locals written for a countylewspaper.That tbe school bouse Is near Mr. Dawson'snd on Ibe Koute, Is no rake. All'uougb It Is..» ><. ii ia nniv iwr» or threeIW» VU kUU nsur-iHW « Mr w m

undred yards from It A number of our

eople wbo gel their mall live oa anotherosd and a mile or more from tbelr mail box,nd they consider themselves oa tbe Koato.Tbe number of pupils b« has ana tbelrrade which I gave was given by one of hisdvanced pupils. I can prove the same byBveral persons, that It happened to be anrroncous statement," 1 certainly did notnake It.


I have no diwlre whatever to offend any-ne along the Route or auywbere else pubiciy.1 am excee-llugly sorry that suchas occurred when I bad no Idea of an> thing>f tbe kind. jA dance and a sociable was given at thelouie ol Mrs. 8.0. Hotta butt Friday evenlna.i large number of guests were present. It Ira* given In honor ol Mtsa Bessie Melts, onef I lie prettiest youug ladles of I'heonlx, wbovisiting Mrs. Bolts.Mrs. J.It .Stevenson and Miss Lldle Mundy'ere the guests ol Mrs. W. A. Lomax lastWednesday.Mlseen Hullle and Nannie Nlcklfts, AlbertIdler and Ida Mundy spent Wednesday atIrs. H. O. Bolts.Our utiw mall-carrier Ik getting alonir as '

ilceiy it* If he bad always been accustomedoihe business. II had the pleasure of he«rtug a good sermon

ial Sunday at Hod^ex, preached by Kev. J.V. Klklus. lie »» tne new pxstor ou the I>oUMld Circuit Every one reems to be ex- |evdlngly pleaded with blm. I notl<*ed thatall of his congregation was of other de-lomlniktlons. Tbls shows a kindly spirit Ixlsllng among the christians of tbls thrlv-iig little town.

<» »

"Just Mplendid." IWe doubt whether there Is any one thing on <

artb thai will altord the house-keeper so

ni«.u«nr« as a Hour that will itlve her ,

erfrct aaiuiactlon. That flour In "Ciirion."um butonco *i*l a naclc of "Clh'lou" flour

11 your home and we Inviteyou lo t / other Jranda to your heart* content. Hueh couipar- 1

ouNouly bring out the nuperlorltv and exncl- 1" ^ « *1 Mil I

Mice of 4 L'llltou." Hold uy i*. i. cs i. m »ujr. I

|flow tool* of every description. Collar* ,'nm SOr. to fj. Hkid<*, b«ck banda, hIiijIoret*, plow atorka; Id tact every tU'iig nt-edful1 Mart you off right ou tbe farm. A. M. r

mlth Jc Co.For nice statloaery dou'l forget Mllford'ajrue atom. 11


The Last Charge. jDressed in bin only «uit of navy >

due, Old Weuk-Kywi Jones sat uu-1

ouifortably on one of the baefclesa c

enchen in front of the speaker** stand. t'he pout adjutant wan reading tbe poet <

rders. The boys in blue, scattered idtber and Ihitber, beut au attentive Iar and held their yellow corded hat* Iq one side to shade their fading eye- I

ight from the waning gun.<

Far away under the trees of tbetarb louuKed hundreds of people. Po- Iite attention prevailed amoug thosevithiu hearing distance ; farther away <

he hum of voices oud shouts of unuppressed'aughter arose on the air ininmistakatde volume. This was sac-

ilege to the ears of Weak-£yed Jones.ro him no event was more solemnban the preseut, and it seemed theame dignity and reverence he feltibould actuate tbe conduct of others.The air was sunocauug. r*any iu

he day the heated atmosphere bad>ecome natureled with clouds of cboklugdust, which rolled into the city,aehiud hundred of incoming farmer'sjouveyauceH. Hut Weak-Eyed JonesLook it ail with a generous degree ofhumility and uucomplainiug. Ayoung couple at his elbow indulgedjo busily iu conversation he could nothear the voice of the adjutant, yet hebore it silently. Even though hisubscure sight, years before made a I-most useless by a rebel minnie ball,which carried away the bridge of bisose aud grazed both eyeq, was powsrlessto penetrate the dust-heavy dintanoe between him and the speaker,

be was secretly happy.His deductions were cut short by a

ludden commotion at bis elbow. Peoplewere hurrying from their seats;the program must be over. He was

carried alcng with the rest, toward theipeaker's stand, but be hadeut guueTar when he noticed someone trying to

peak. Above the noise he cought thelast phrase: "Will close with a selectionby the young ladies' quartette."Then it wasn't over yet! There was

to be one more number! He tried to beseated, but a buxom country woman

lolsted hard against him, nearly sendinghim off his rheumatic leg*.The quartette commenced to sing,

but their voices were drowned in thetumult of confuoiuu.Presently a drum corps somewhere

ruit in t Hm Mtreet Mtruck un "MarchingThrough Georgia".the linecommencedto form. Hurried along with thethrong, Weak-Eyed June* took up amarchibg position with othens of binblue-coated comrade The heat was stillmore stifling here, as they ntood waitingTor what seemed like hours. Presently.Weak-Eyed began to grow faint.The morning bad found him physicallyindisposed, but never yet havingmissed meeting wi'b bis soldier comradeson the thirtieth of May, he didn'tpropose to to-day. It might be the lasttime.probably It would -but he'd gothis once!The baud up tbe street struck up

"The Btar-Hpangled Banuer''.be was

Donscions of the column moving. Hebad stood still so long bis legs were almoststiff and action made him staggerbut with tbe use of his cane bemaintained his balauce and mauagedto move along. Shouts of "Hurrah!""Hurrah ."'greeted his ears from everyide. Proudly be lifted his head anathrew bis shoulders with unctious militarydignity.

mi MillK IttAPASO.lUB uvauuu wuiiuucu witu iii i ».i

ed enthusiasm ma tbey passed up thestreet, tiotneoue tried to retaliate witha "Hurrah for the boys of '61!" butthe voice was loet in the lusty tide ofcheering for "The boys of '98!" Followingtbe squad of soldiers came a

bicvcle brigade, men on homeback,ind, lastly, wagon loads of flower girlsdrested in while.wagons for strong,bealtby girls, while decrepit old veteransmust ko afoot.As the long line rounded a corner

And passed from the boulevard into aneast and west thoroughfare, WeakEyedJones tottered.Bravely be pulledbis remaining strength together andimbled on, his faltering footsteps unibleto beat time to the rapid music.Many of bis comrades, too, bad longlince forgotten bow to march. Andhow few they numbered now.theseveterans!Mount Zion cemetery was a beautifulspot.lifted above woods and sky

|ust beyond where tbe lake nestledjuietl v between two hillsides.tbe val-ley, with it* ribbon of a rivulet, windiugverdurelsden at its woody bane,the azure beaveus outlining its urealwhite gates, its marble monuments, itsflowering shrubery, its trees of green,with rare exactness beyond.Weak-Eyed Jones raised bis eyes to

the bill yet in the distance. He couldiee but the outline of the hallowedjpot rising against the lurid sky. Hisipirit was awed 1 The heavy marchwas telling on his weakened body,bis steps were getting more and more

uncertain. A momentary dizzinesscame over blm."Hark" Suddentlv the ilfes and

drums floated ;to bis ears with a

strangely familiar sound. It took himUack to the frout again, back to thedays of '63! Once more he was a

youth.strong, vigorous, in arms!And could thin, then, be Thomas, brigade?.andyonder.yonder hill.MissionaryRidge, where, proudly drawnin battle array, the Confederate legionsawaited them calmly with a

welcome of leaden death?And whence all tjils rub-a-dub-dub,

rub-a-dub-dub, that fired the veryblood with in the veinn? Ah ! Foolishquestion! Why ask when there was" *1. Knul Vnhnilv hut

aoiieis, iuc ui uumn *..

Softels could drum like that! 80tieInwas the only oueiwho could make hiddrum "talk in accents ho clear andtrue.now Kay, Kay as the morningunlight; now Had.sad ax the hour ofdeath, as he turned the tide of battleInto victory or defeat!"Take the rille-pits at the bane, then

halt aud reform !" Weak-Eyed Jonesheard tiie order as clear as on the dayit flred the souls of thousands of Uniontoldieni to battle and to victory. Themarch of many feet was heard; thethe glint of polished bayonets seen.

Ehe stars aud stripes stood straight to

the breeze as like clockwork that humanphalanx moved to obey.Was that the foe there, entrenched

it the bass of the hill, calmly waitingwith muskets primed aud ready ? Hutnever a man did he see falter. Onwardthey pressed, with music roaring»ud Mug-, flying, into the fray and intothe face of death. Then when theUrst volley had been met and passed,they were over the breastworks andupou the foe. He felt an absence1bout him then. He looked for Hi!ly,Billy was gone ! A bullet had carriedItim down at the first onslaught, heconcluded. Then he saw the men inthe trenches waver for a moment, clubtheir muskets for a last feeble stand.1'hat wa>« all ; then they tied. Tnefederal troops, forgetting their orderan the enthutdaam of the moment,were an quickly over (he rampart* andifter then). through woods, over logsjartt gulches, and into the face of a

uurderoua musketry from above !

Presently Weak-Kyed reeled ami fellrom the marching column, striking>Ih head as he fell, Grasping a shaderee by the aide of the thoroughfare, he


lowly raised himself to his koeea. 5fiad he. too, been struck by a flyingml let? He put bit* hand to hi* bead. j

fe«, there wax biood !.and the bridge>f hiti none was gone! Hut be forgot

hepain momentarily an he beard the>rder; "Charge the creat of the kill!" jjaaafrom mouth to mouth as it came 1rom Grant. Hia pulsea leapt. Hi* {ilood fairly bouudea at the word*. He {,ried to riiie and obey, but he could 1neither see nor walk."Hurrah for th'.stanian'.atripea !" J

be shouted in the exultation of the mo- 1meat, but the eflort coat him throba I

)fpaiu. 1

A vehicle full of belated celebration-lata, hurryiug after the procession,beard his shout. "A drunken soldier,"Lbey aald. Weak-Eyed thought an

ammunition wagon waa hurrying tothe front.Hia sight cleared a little after the

-- « ' »! f.. !..

firsl daze rrom nw iuu. m uiv uwuucc

be Haw clouds of dust arising. "Thesuioke of the battle," he thought. Themu»ic was still playinir, clearer audlouder than ever, indicating theenthusiasm of battle. Someone approachedhis side."Only a.scrape.comrade!" be said,

"Never.minJ me.I'll be.all rightnoon.There's work.for you.upthere P' He indicated the hill with a

wave of bis band.''I tell you he's not drunk; he's

sick." The man at bis side addressedsomeone near at band.In pity they tried to raise bim to

bin feet. HIh legs would not supportbim; he collapsed again at the f«»ot ofthe tree.A roll of drums floated acmes the

valley and into the old man's ears."Hark !" be exclaimed, raising himselfwith heroic effort, "I bear.tb'sound o' vict'ry!" Volleys of musketryrang out on tbe air. "Give It.to 'emboys!" ha added."Chances are against him," a voice

was beard to remark near by. "Hemust be taken to a physician.""Aw! He's only bad a drop too

tUUCO I' unui, JL ICll juu, n/uiv uuv

annwered.Weak-Eyed didn't bear; his whole

mlod. hi* whole being was centeredin another direction. Back of Ml.Zion's crest the sun began to set, and,presently, there came the long, low,solemn roll of drums.the slow, melancholy,almost human roll.*'Ah! it's.all.over?' he said, feintly.Only a few women were at bis side

now.'It's.ovor," be gasped, an'.Billy

.you'll have t'.go.with tb' rest.into th' trencbeo.an' under the sod.But.not.me. They said.I c*d.go

III A-It ft...borne. I'm wounaea. i'ii.ten uw.

Billy.when I git.there.that vou.died alighting.-and thinking.or ber!An' I'll.give.ber.th' things.youwent..her picture.an' th' teat'ment!You've.got.mine yet.Billy, I give.'em.t'.ye, but.I'll.not need.'em."He attempted to rise, but could not.

Some one held a flask to his llpa andbe drank.Tbe columns swept past where

Weak-Eyed Jonee was prone upon thegrass. Someone stepped out to hailthe passing vehicle. The mayor'scarriage approached. "A jolly olddrunk, there !" tbe occupants remarked,then bowled away up tbe streetand out of hearing. A notner carriageswept by without a heed, a load offlower girls drew near. Tne anverwu beckoned to bait, bat hi* attentionwas centered upon bis ocreamiug,laughing passengers.The sun wa« now almost set.Presently Weak-Eyed Jones feebly

raised himself upon bis emaciated elbowand peered with all tbe power becould muster through his almost »igbtlessorbs in tbe direction of tbe bloodredsun and moved his lips to speak :

"Yea.they're waiting.fer me, Billy.I wish.you.was.going.too!" hesaid.Later, when strange bands gathered

from the wayside all that was moi talof the dauotlesa soldier, a witheredspray of honeysuckle slipped unheededfrom his grasp. In tlie meantimethe city had returned tbe noisy tenorof its way, and Memorial Day and Itameaning bad all but become forgotten.

J. L HILL & Col.bave told a ar load of


In tbe paal .1) days. We waot totbank oor coatomera for tbelt liberalpatronago. and to ujr that «are receiving freab ablpmenta everyweek and will Keep oar atockup to lu uaual blgb atandard.



Talt'a LeeaU.It wMI aorprlae you to aee tbe nnderablrt

tbat Tale la aelllng (or «>ota. It will keep yoawarm no matter bow oold tbe waatber la.

A rood Jeana pant can be lonnd at Tata'sfor :Wcta, or If you want a better one, yon can

get It for a little mora money.Wben you want a good aboe for $1 jOO yoa

will flud II al Tale'*.Tate aella lb« of rice for 91.00.Wben you want the beat wbltedotb for tba

leaal money ko to H. M. Tate A Go.Wbeo you want a good bat for 50c aod a

rood ault of elotbea for HAO, go to Tata's.You cao gel an overcoat at your own prloa.Wben you want good seed oau real ebeap

we cao aupply yon.Olve ua a call, or r'ng 139. All ordera will

be promptly filled.

Honae fornUblnga at Templeton'a. Cookatovea, crockery, gia»a ware, table elotbeaaewlug tuacbiue*. Look before you bay.For force go to L. T. A T. M. Miller.Mirror* hikI ('holograph frame* of all kind

at Mllfordadrug alore

Extra part* for any machine made. Almachine* are hauled, cleaned and repaired

W. I). Barknoale.Our bandanme line of wedding andCbrtal

maa prevent** are all opened up. The floeapiece* are held* rapidly Mild. Make yoor a*

fecilona early or »ou may not gel what yonwaul. The Npced Drug Co.

"Tom pleaae «tnp at Olenn'a and tell him toaend uo at once, a bbi. Majestic tlour. a niceham, 10 lb». grlia, 5 Iba. Mocha and Java oofTi e'J lb*. cbeeae, 2 Iba. macaroni, 4 Iba. pruoea, 1Iba. peacliea, a ql. H<»tou beana, 1 |>K. polaUmw,a can luncii tongue. 'i caiia veal loaf, can

(,'allfornla peaclo-a, 4 cnn* loinaloea, .5 eun<

augar ooru, 2 pkg*. Kuox'a gelalluo aud 10bar* I'olo for v.*» iu.You bad i>Hter .».a Ulenn about garden

Nued, be IihiJikI received a doe uorlmrnlfrom Mm.I. lte *ure and hav* Oeun aave

voo aotiM early AUaKa 1'eaa aud Ked HliiatPotatoea."

Loral«.U'-Hil the Kerr Kurulture Co. ail vertUement

They ar#» uIuiomI iclvlna uwuy a nicker. Jualto think, a regular &. ') rocker for jl t'J

|'irlur«w without eml, running In pricefrom iV to*iA.tita pair. .The Kerr Fur. Co.

**'- - " "'>'-1 "» near lot ot mat*

Uiii:, roi;«, ftti4de«, rli*. -Tlie K«*rr Kur. Co.

IIuvkyou old furu liuri> iiiut you w«nt tohxi'iihti^t*ori'mokrd lor »Iii|>i>iuk or baullogdou«-? Stw tot* K# rr Furuiluro t'<>.

1- mHm.IaA hnnvI'lrlurr irmiu-M maur m,

and iiimIIIuk i4ill by the Kerr Kur. C.>.

Any liilitic huJ everything lii Furniture..Tbo Kerr Ku» . CD

II you witnl mean "Micky" liour, buy fromthe other lei low. If you want good bakingdour, tlieo buy trom UIddd. ^.


v# . i- -Jr ?i®F!H

Jeaboard Air Line Railway.IVjnblr ila.ltjr n-rriem Y"ft,Tunp*..lUnla, New Orleans am) pulnta Smth and Wot.

In Kfi-ct Jaaoarjrll, liWL

SOUTHWARD. Dally Djl»jrNo. 67. So. 17..T How Trvrk, P. R. B t * 1« P» 1» » »

Philadelphia. P. B.B.... 4 44 pen T 10am,» Baltimore, P. R. B 7 10pm IHM

Wa»hiB*top. W.H. By.... 8 SO poi W*mi> Blrbtnood, it. A. L. By.... It Si am S 16 pm> PrtrralHir* - 112am t 51 pmLv JWIIna - J IHm 4 ft« proLt Nmikmn 3 44 am ft 1" pm.v Rale'fb - ft Sam 6 tl proLv !*«Mith«T* Plaea 7 SO m * 10 pmLv Hamlet " t 46 am t 88 paLv Colombia J M 11 00 am 12 15 amVr Savaanah M 2 13 pm 4 56 MB\r Jacksonville j» _^®Pm > l>mAr at. AoggatlBo t P pm to\r Tampa : 6 40 am 6 06 pm

HoTu rLv New York. N.T.P. * 7 66 am 8 66 paLv Philadelphia - 10 16 am 11 ti p*

Tnrk^O P.iU£Co..-t > 60 pw» .... . ...~

Lv Baltimore, B 8.H.O»....^ f ! "Lfts?Lt WacblBctun, H. *WAB ... 6HpiLf Purtwuttk, STA.LB; fl 43pm 36 amLv Weldon » 12 36am 1166 amLt NorUna - I ISam 140 pmLv Henderson " 8 46 am 8 10 pmLvB*lrt«h - 6 26am 4 80pmLv doathera Ploea » 7 80 am 6 88 pmLv Hamlet « 8 80am f68p«Lv WllmlHftoa ~T*jZ4Hla«t4t» « 1140 am 1160 pmLv ckeaur - 18 01pm 11 80 paLv Grrrawood " 2 SB pm 8 88 amI.v Athena " H llum 4 16amAr Atlanta I * « 40 |.tn ft ||mAr Aap»i*,(.\ AW 6 lu pm


Ar Naeun, i<.f G» IO»M JI MUaiMonutum^ry A-aw p...:. » J0« ~M0*M

Ar MoMU. LA .... 4 IfmAt Haw Orl*»«a. L.AS H 00 pmAr NaahvHla. N.C.MtlL 0 4V *5 9UmAr M.pfct. 4~gpa itfS

HOBTBWABO. Mir JHUjLt Mamrbia. H.CVAHt L 13 Ate'a IVmLt Naafc mi . > 0»tm litmm uLt Naw briMM. L. AM 8 Mm

1 '

Lt MoWlr. L A» 13 40mLt UuMtfoacrr, A^AW.P.. I«w 1 00 paLtMmob.C. at Q% .... 0 00m 4*00paLt amiuta. C.A W.O 10 MmLt AUmu, J u.A. HBj llWi t~m pa t t.ArAtWM - OSTpa 11 SB paAr Onnvaod - 5l6pa 3 06mArCWur " 7 17 pa 4 l&MLr ClurloU* "

. T llw IPlMLt WlialagiM = 4 *>paLtHmWI - JO 16 pa 00mLt tovtkcrn Ploa - 1111 pa 3Mmlte.w»h - ' 130m hum . ,

LtHmAmm - SUM If Oil pa .

Lt NnrUn » IMm 1 40paLt WcMm - 4 40m 0 00paAr rortmak » 7 l>M 5 06 paAr WuhlMtM, S.AW.U 0 0laT. u-i...^« a u D rv m mI-

Iriwfofk.ODiiOt ..... ttOOpa*.?.**«-. t# 4*pa STO

Ar New York - tUp I0»MSiTflS S%iT

L*Tampa 8A L-By »00pa 110.LvMLAbcmUm * 40am l#pLV Jacka»a*Ula * ? GO am flopaL» HtfMMk - 1 10 pa ISltML» Columbia | - Ottpa »»MLt Hamlet - NSffl 8 16 amLt Booikern PIom" 11 18pa t MmLt Raletck 1 SOaa 11W aaLt Hearienoa " 1(2« 110 fmLe Horiiaa ttla 1*6 paLt Petanbay -6»aa 4 00 paAr KtekaoM - 010aa 4 ifrpaAr WublBfton. W. «. By.~~. I Maa Mpa *fi|Ar Baltimore, P. B. E lOttaa 11 » paAr PkUadaipkla, P. B. E ISM pa 1 MaaAr Sew Tort. P. E.E... » l»pa 00aaMNote.t Dally except «u%. Volnl Tta«.

j Eaatem Time.e. W. TUUXB, Lual Apmt.

ALberllle, 8. C. JA*. 10. IDS.


HW BAKERYJ. W. Breihahu, Prop. j

For Your Bread, Cakes, Pies,Candles, Frairs, Canned Goods,Cigars, Tobacco and everythingCo be foond in a firstclass bakery

^ 3Trr my boma-mada Taffy anrf Piuat Cbady.Orujpi, Apples, Lwnoiai.Cmioo. IUlafsa,Currant*, Daiaa. Aiao Lady Plngan.Jelly Koii.Crtaa Puffa and tbtafatoo namarooa to mooUoo bar*.

Jaa.37.lMt. Ui


liMMSpectacles the finestand the

best that is made. Silverand Diamonds ordered at



Watch and Jewelry Repairinga Specialty.

J.W. Rykard.Jan. 14. 1*». tf


Brelbaho A Ca la dleeolved.The bakery bualneaa will be eoottaoed at

tbn old aiasd, where all coatomere will beerred faith fully la future ee la aforeilmee.

8. F. Boiler.J. W. Brelbaho.

in retiring from the Ann I hope that all myfrlwode may continue their boafaea* Willi the jbakery w. r. iwiw.

Jan. 27.1801 If 5


be lu ihf Auditor's oiBce every .Saturday 9during the montb of January to receive new Bmapplicatlooa for petisloos, and lor iboae wbo Huriab to b«* transferred from one class loan- SBotber. It la pscsesery lor the applicant to ap-ply lu p*r»ou. SB

It la not neceaaary tor tboee already oa lb*1'eusluu Koil to apply. IB

J. F. Livingston, MFIRIUON COMMh«IONEB. jS|

J ad. o, lyui. u jamn|

Abbeville Lodge No. 45, L 0. 0. F. flgjgHQ«siIiPS*'MKKTM EVKKY THUKMDAY BVKN1NO HflM|

at s;»)o'clock lo Odd Fellow* Hall. All ^HBBbbBhrfthoo, mo.I vuitom upcclaily, are moat oor-HHJially lavltcd lo attend.J. M. Cochran, C. C. Gambrall, aWHflll

Hecrelary. Noble Urasd. ^HiRn