The 99 Things Nobodys Going to Tell You (Except for Me, Right Now) By Mitch Garver 1. Put potato chips on your sandwich. Just, trust me on this one. 2. Spend too much money sometimes. 3. Save your money (sometimes). 4. Become friends with your parents. 5. Buy that cute stranger at the bar a drink. 6. Fly a kite once a year. 7. The more you love, the more loved you’ll feel. 8. You can sing, and you should… loudly. 9. Brush your teeth after your morning coffee to prevent staining. 10. Drink red wine through a straw to prevent staining. 11. Smile. 12. Never let anybody speak down to you. You’re braver than you think. 13. Try drugs (just not heroin or meth). 14. Adopt a pet. 15. Find that song that makes you feel like crying, listen to it, and cry your eyes out. 16. Don’t forget to change the oil in your car (I’ve done the leg work on this one). 17. Sleep in. 18. Invest (financially and spiritually). 19. Incest (don’t do it). 20. Skip shampoos sometimes. 21. Drinking in a hot tub feels like a fun idea, but will end up a regret. 22. Take the long way home. 23. Call into radio contests. 24. Give back. 25. Ask your grandparents how they met. 26. Keep your nasty comments to yourself (or share them with a friend). 27. Read. 28. Find an extravagant recipe online, go to the store to purchase the ingredients, go to the frozen food section, notice there’s a special on pizza bagels, buy said pizza bagels and throw that dumb recipe away. 29. Sit too close to the TV. 30. Learn a magic trick. 31. Men see things in a box and women see things in a round room. 32. Don’t bite your nails. 33. Take long walks. 34. The easiest way to make yourself feel better is by making someone else feel better. 35. Memorize your favorite quote. 36. Shake hands firmly, with eye contact. 37. Tell somebody they’re beautiful. 38. Get black out drunk once. Do this with someone who cares about you, someone that won’t let you take your top off and offer the bartender a hand job in the broom closet; someone who has your best interests at heart. 39. Write a poem. 40. Learn to speak eloquently, with diction and pride. 41. Gas station wine is not your friend. 42. Donating plasma is a fun way to give back and an easy way to make a quick $40. 43. Visit your childhood home. 44. When you love someone, you tell them. 45. Throwing a wrinkled shirt in the dryer with a wet washcloth will save your butt more times than I can truly say. 46. Don’t buy clothing in hopes that “someday it will fit.” This makes no sense; you need clothes that fit you here and now. Properly fitting clothing is your best friend. 47. Expand your vocabulary. 48. You have intuitions, listen to them. 49. Pray. 50. Love yourself first. 51. Make people laugh. 52. Order that thing on the menu you can’t pronounce. 53. Premade sushi just don’t. 54. Attend concerts. 55. Wake up early, drive to the nearest Krispy Kreme and eat those fuckers while they’re still hot. 56. Don’t grow up.

The 99 Things Nobody's Going to Tell You

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A fun, little list I whipped up and felt like sharing with the world.

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  • The 99 Things Nobodys Going to Tell You

    (Except for Me, Right Now)

    By Mitch Garver

    1. Put potato chips on your sandwich. Just,

    trust me on this one.

    2. Spend too much money sometimes.

    3. Save your money (sometimes).

    4. Become friends with your parents.

    5. Buy that cute stranger at the bar a drink.

    6. Fly a kite once a year.

    7. The more you love, the more loved youll


    8. You can sing, and you should loudly.

    9. Brush your teeth after your morning coffee

    to prevent staining.

    10. Drink red wine through a straw to prevent


    11. Smile.

    12. Never let anybody speak down to you.

    Youre braver than you think.

    13. Try drugs (just not heroin or meth).

    14. Adopt a pet.

    15. Find that song that makes you feel like

    crying, listen to it, and cry your eyes out.

    16. Dont forget to change the oil in your car

    (Ive done the leg work on this one).

    17. Sleep in.

    18. Invest (financially and spiritually).

    19. Incest (dont do it).

    20. Skip shampoos sometimes.

    21. Drinking in a hot tub feels like a fun idea,

    but will end up a regret.

    22. Take the long way home.

    23. Call into radio contests.

    24. Give back.

    25. Ask your grandparents how they met.

    26. Keep your nasty comments to yourself (or

    share them with a friend).

    27. Read.

    28. Find an extravagant recipe online, go to the

    store to purchase the ingredients, go to the

    frozen food section, notice theres a special

    on pizza bagels, buy said pizza bagels and

    throw that dumb recipe away.

    29. Sit too close to the TV.

    30. Learn a magic trick.

    31. Men see things in a box and women see

    things in a round room.

    32. Dont bite your nails.

    33. Take long walks.

    34. The easiest way to make yourself feel better

    is by making someone else feel better.

    35. Memorize your favorite quote.

    36. Shake hands firmly, with eye contact.

    37. Tell somebody theyre beautiful.

    38. Get black out drunk once. Do this with

    someone who cares about you, someone that

    wont let you take your top off and offer the

    bartender a hand job in the broom closet;

    someone who has your best interests at


    39. Write a poem.

    40. Learn to speak eloquently, with diction and


    41. Gas station wine is not your friend.

    42. Donating plasma is a fun way to give back

    and an easy way to make a quick $40.

    43. Visit your childhood home.

    44. When you love someone, you tell them.

    45. Throwing a wrinkled shirt in the dryer with

    a wet washcloth will save your butt more

    times than I can truly say.

    46. Dont buy clothing in hopes that someday

    it will fit. This makes no sense; you need

    clothes that fit you here and now. Properly

    fitting clothing is your best friend.

    47. Expand your vocabulary.

    48. You have intuitions, listen to them.

    49. Pray.

    50. Love yourself first.

    51. Make people laugh.

    52. Order that thing on the menu you cant


    53. Premade sushi just dont.

    54. Attend concerts.

    55. Wake up early, drive to the nearest Krispy

    Kreme and eat those fuckers while theyre

    still hot.

    56. Dont grow up.

  • 57. Your childhood teachers know exactly who

    you are. So, dont be afraid to say hello

    when you see one out in public.

    58. Everybody is on a special and important

    voyage; yourself included.

    59. Go dancing.

    60. Wear hats.

    61. Give someone a hickie.

    62. Know that everything changes, people,

    places, you.

    63. Dont waste your time with classic books

    and movies theyre pretty boring.

    64. If classics turn out to be your thing, keep

    that to yourself. Nobody cares how many

    times youve read Moby Dick or what you

    think about the camera angles in Citizen


    65. Vote.

    66. Do that thing where you pay for the coffee

    for the person behind you in a Starbucks

    drive-thru. (Ive never done this for

    anybody, nor has it happened for me, but I

    feel like if I encourage you to do this then

    maybe my free caramel macchiato is just

    around the corner.)

    67. Makes lists. Get it?

    68. Paint your home in bright colors.

    69. Surround yourself with those who make you

    feel the most like yourself.

    70. Understand that nobody else is going to

    make you feel complete thats entirely on

    your shoulders.

    71. Dont forget where you came from.

    72. Smoke tobacco (once), marijuana (until

    you laugh), and crack (never).

    73. Fall asleep on a beach.

    74. Run a marathon. (Again, Ive never done

    this. Probably never will. You should

    though. Okay, I will too.)

    75. Attend a variety of spiritual meetings and

    come to the conclusion that were all just

    looking for the same thing in life.

    76. Learn how to cry.

    77. Teach someone something only you can


    78. Travel.

    79. Get ONE credit card, and use it sparingly.

    80. Cheat at Scrabble (Blerk and Flackle

    can be words if you want them to. Hey, what

    are you doing? Put down that dictionary).

    81. Rely on Google less.

    82. Realize how lucky you are.

    83. Kiss him if you want to kiss him.

    84. You dont have to hold doors for people or

    even say please if you dont want to, but

    know, youll look a little bit like a dick.

    85. Call your mom out the blue just to talk.

    86. Take risks. I cannot stress this one enough.

    Safe feels fine and comforts are well and

    good, but please be aware that the only way

    to progress, grow and (most importantly)

    thrive is take that step outside your comfort


    87. Dont worry.

    88. If you choose to ignore #87: Think of it this

    way, the more you allow your mind to dwell

    amidst your issues, the less time youll have

    to allow your mind to wander and imagine.

    89. Learn how to properly change a flat tire to a


    90. Try to avoid breaking a heart.

    91. Try to avoid having yours broken.

    92. But, love.

    93. Love, love, love until you feel like you have

    no more love to give, and then love some

    more because that shit flows freely deep

    within you.

    94. Surprise yourself.

    95. Go fishing.

    96. Reply with more than a simple good, or

    fine when asked how you are.

    97. Talk to yourself.

    98. Inspire yourself.

    99. Realize that this term, yourself, is a dear

    one. You are the only person on the face of

    this planet that even knows how to begin

    being you. Youre going to feel like youre

    doing it wrong, or that youre overdoing it,

    but know, youre not. Youre you and thats

    pretty cool.