Eskişehir YESDĐL www.yesdil.com THAT alan fiiller: acknowledge fear realise (wh) add feel reckon admit find out (wh) recognize advise forget (wh) recommend allege guess remark announce grumble remember (wh) answer guarantee remind appear happen reply argue hear (wh) report arrange (wh) hope request assume imagine (wh) resolve assure imply reveal (wh) beg indicate say (wh) believe (wh) inform see (wh) claim insist seem command know (wh) sense (be aware of) complain learn (wh) show (wh) confess maintain state (wh) confirm mean stipulate consider (wh) notice (wh) suggest (wh) declare object suppose decide (wh) observe suspect demand occur to + object teach demonstrate order tell (wh) deny perceive think (wh) determine point out threaten discover predict turn out doubt (wh) presume understand (wh) estimate (wh) pretend urge expect promise warn explain (wh) propose wish wonder (wh) prove (wh) Not: Yanında (wh) bulunan fiiller, bir soru sözcüğüyle ya da whether ile başlayan bir Noun Clause da alabilirler. Jack denies that he has ever met Lisa. The customers complain that the rooms are too hot. Throughout the trial he’s maintained that he is innocent. Why don’t you acknowledge that you mada a mistake? She admitted that she had lost the golden ring.

That Alan Fiill Er

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Page 1: That Alan Fiill Er

Eskişehir YESDĐL


THAT alan fiiller: acknowledge fear realise (wh) add feel reckon admit find out (wh) recognize advise forget (wh) recommend allege guess remark announce grumble remember (wh) answer guarantee remind appear happen reply argue hear (wh) report arrange (wh) hope request assume imagine (wh) resolve assure imply reveal (wh) beg indicate say (wh) believe (wh) inform see (wh) claim insist seem command know (wh) sense (be aware of) complain learn (wh) show (wh) confess maintain state (wh) confirm mean stipulate consider (wh) notice (wh) suggest (wh) declare object suppose decide (wh) observe suspect demand occur to + object teach demonstrate order tell (wh) deny perceive think (wh) determine point out threaten discover predict turn out doubt (wh) presume understand (wh) estimate (wh) pretend urge expect promise warn explain (wh) propose wish wonder (wh) prove (wh) Not: Yanında (wh) bulunan fiiller, bir soru sözcüğüyle ya da whether ile başlayan bir Noun Clause da alabilirler. �Jack denies that he has ever met Lisa. �The customers complain that the rooms are too hot. �Throughout the trial he’s maintained that he is innocent. �Why don’t you acknowledge that you mada a mistake? �She admitted that she had lost the golden ring.