THANKSGIVING Prepared by: Dr. Abdul Hakim ِ نٰ َ مۡ حَ ّ ر ل ٱِ ه ل ل ٱِ مۡ سِ بِ م يِ حَ ّ ر ل ٱ

THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING Prepared by: Dr. Abdul Hakim بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

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THANKSGIVINGPrepared by: Dr. Abdul Hakim

Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day has been an annual tradition in the United States since 1863. It did not become a federal holiday until 1941. Thanksgiving was historically a religious observation to give thanks to God. The date and location of the first Thanksgiving celebration is a topic of modest contention. Though the earliest attested Thanksgiving celebration was on September 8, 1565 in what is now Saint Augustine, Florida, the traditional "first Thanksgiving" is venerated as having occurred at the site of Plymouth Plantation, in 1621. The Plymouth celebration occurred early in the history in one of the original thirteen colonies that became the United States, and this celebration became an important part of the American myth by the 1800s.Today, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Thanksgiving dinner is held on this day, usually as a gathering of family members and friends.

Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThanksgivingHISTORY THANKSGIVING AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVESIn Arabic word for thanksgiving is "shukr." Bangla , . According to scholars shukur means consideration of favor and its acknowledgement. Shukur from human being is recognition of favor. On the other hand, shukur from Allah (SWT) means the reward and appreciation. There are two major religious thanksgiving days in Islam: one is following the month of fasting [Ramadan], and another is following the pilgrimage rites in Mecca. Both involve congregational prayers, sermons, and charitable contributions to the poor.Meaning of Thanksgiving:When Prophet (S) Showed Thankfulness to Allah?Whenever our beloved Prophet (PBUH) experienced any joy, he used to prostrate before Allah (SWT) to express his gratitude. When he felt incapable of expressing thankfulness in words, he used to pray. Once a companion of our beloved Prophet asked him, "Since you are the chosen Prophet of Allah, and the religion has successfully spread among the people, why do you still stay up half of the night and praying? There's no more adversity!" He (PBUH) replied, "How can I not be grateful toward my Lord?"Whenever our beloved Prophet (PBUH) put on any new dress, he would say its name 'Amamah or shirt or shawl, then he would say, "O Allah, Thanks be to You, You gave me this to wear. I ask You to give me the good of this dress and the good for which it is made and I ask You to protect me from the evil of this dress and from the evil of that for which it is made." Al-Tirmidhi 1689.When Prophet (PBUH) used to eat or drink, he used to say, "Thanks to Allah Who gave us food and drink and made us Muslims. Al-Tirmidhi 3379.When Prophet (S) Showed Thankfulness to Allah? O Allah, we ask you this journey righteousness and piety and the deeds that are pleasing to you. O Allah, make this journey easy for us and shorten its distance. O Allah, You are the Companion in journey and You are the Guardian for the family (left behind). O Allah, We ask you to protect us from the exhaustion of journey, from bad scenes and from bad return to our property and family." When he used to return he used to say, "Returning, repenting, worshiping and praising our Lord." Muslim 2392.When our beloved Prophet (PBUH) used to mount his camel going on a journey he used to say Allah Akbar (God is the greatest) three times and then he would say, "Glory to Him Who has subjected these to our (use), for we could never have accomplished this (by ourselves). And to our Lord, surely, must we turn back!" (Sura: Zukhruf: 43:13) We Have to Thank Allah (SWT) Only in Good Time?Meaning: O Allah, help me to remember You, give thanks to You and worship You in the best way. Ahmad, Abu Dawood, and al-Nasaai.Once our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said to Muaadh ibn Jabal: O Muaadh, by Allah indeed I love you, and I advise you, O Muaadh, do not forget at the end of every prayer to say: Allaahumma ainni ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibaaditikaNo, we have to thank Allah (SWT) not only in good time, but also in bad time. Even if we are sad, we have to thank Allah (SWT). For example, Prophet Ayub (AS) was suffering from severe disease for 18 years, but he never showed his ingratitude to Allah (SWT). The attribute of a true believer (mumin) is that he / she always thank Allah (SWT) for His gifts / rewards. In Islam Everyday Should be a Thanksgiving Day 1.Thank Allah (SWT)) for permitting your every breath,

2.Prior to sleep thank Allah (SWT) and say Praise be to Allah, Who has Provided us food and drink, sufficed us and gave us an abode, for how many are there with no provision and with no home. Muslim 4:2085.

3.Thank Allah (SWT) after awake up from sleep (sleep is a form of death) in the morning and say All praise is for Allah who gave us life after having taken it from us and unto Him is the return. Bukhari and Muslim: 4:2083.

4.Thank Allah (SWT) after eating and drinking, Say Alhamdulillah.

We have to thank Allah (SWT) on a daily basis, (day and night) such as:5.Thank Allah (SWT) prior and after return form work / journey, say : "May Allah make piety part of your journey, forgive your sins and fulfill the purpose of the journey". Tirmidhi.

6.Returning from our journey repenting (to Allah), worshipping (Him), and praising our Lord (Allah). Bukhari.

7. Thank Allah (SWT) after sneezing, say Alhamdulillah,

8.Thank Allah (SWT) before leaving toilet, say all praise is due to Allah Who removed from me what was injurious and restored me to soundness.,

9.Thank Allah (SWT) after finish daily task, say: Oh Allah thank You for your favor to finish my task.In Islam Everyday Should be a Thanksgiving Day We have to thank Allah (SWT) on a daily basis, (day and night) such as:At first, we have to thank Allah (SWT), then other people. Islam instructs us to thank the following people: Parents,Spouse,Friends,Neighbors,All of those who do any good to us.Beside Allah (SWT) To Whom We Have To ThankOur Beloved Prophet (PBUH) said Those who dont thank people, they dont thank Allah (SWT). Al-Tirmidhi 1878.Thanking Allah (SWT) Through ActionThanking Allah (SWT) should be much more than simply saying, "Thank Allah." We must have to show our thanks also in actions.

For example, since Allah (SWT) has blessed any body being a physician, he should thank Allah (SWT) by not only saying, "Thank you," but also by show his thanks are to use his medical skills to help those who are distress / poor. He may donate money in charitable acts and volunteering in a free medical clinic etc.Why We Have to Thank Allah (SWT)?1.Allah (SWT) created us as the best among His creation.So we have to thank Allah (SWT) for that.

2. We were born in a Muslim family, this is a choice of Allah (SWT), and made us Muslim. We may be born in Hindu / Christian / Jewish / Buddhist / disbelievers family. Therefore we have to thank Allah (SWT) for that.

3.Allah (SWT) selected us as followers of the Prophet Muhammad (S), the Prophet of the Universe, Rahma Tullil Alamin (mercy for all creations), Sayyidul Mursaleen (leaders of all prophets), and Sadik Al-amin (most trustful person). Therefore we have to thank Allah (SWT) for that.

4. Allah (SWT) created us in a complete and most beautiful form / manner, without any physical / mental defect, but many people around us have some defects / abnormality. So we have to thank Allah (SWT) for that.

5. We can speak, walk, see, eat, drink, sleep, think, read, write, and we can do lot of fun, but may people cant do that. So we have to thank Allah (SWT) for that.

6. We have parent /s, brother, sister, son, daughter, grand son / daughter and relatives. But many brothers have none / lost all of them during natural calamities / war. Therefore we have to thank Allah (SWT) for that.Why We Have to Thank Allah (SWT)?7. We are lucky that we have free will to move, we can go anywhere. For example we have opportunity to go to the Masjid to join Friday congregation prayer. But many people dont have that opportunity, some people are in the jail / prison (not all are guilty, some innocent people are there also). Their life is bounded among the four boundary walls. So we have to thank Allah (SWT) for that.

8. We got married (except unmarried ones) and Allah (SWT) blessed us son / daughter and also grand children. But many brothers have no children even they are leading a conjugal life over 30 years. So we have to thank Allah (SWT) for that.

9. We have job, car, house / shelter, security, enough food, drinks etc. But many peoples are depriving of that, and even they cant drink just pure water. So we have to thank Allah (SWT) for those gifts. Why We Have to Thank Allah (SWT)?Why We Have to Thank Allah (SWT)?10. We have good health, but many brothers / sisters are suffering from severe disease. Therefore we have to thank Allah (SWT) for His mercy upon us.

11. Allah (SWT) created whole universe like a dining table for us. If we look at your around us, we will see how many types / kinds of fresh as well as delicious fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, milk and their products / bi-products Allah (SWT) provided to us having different test, flavor, and aroma content for our consumption. Therefore we have to thank Allah (SWT) for that. Oh Allah reward those who have received as well as read the above compilation, and also those who practice it. Oh Allah accept all of our good deeds and include all of us in Your grateful servants lists. Ameen. Khoda Hafiz.Dr. Abdul Hakim8624 Festival Drive, CA 95624Phone: (916) 525-1594

Whatever is in the heavens and on earth,- let it declare the Praises and Glory of Allah. Sura: Hadid: 57:1Summary: We have to thank Allah (SWT) not only once in a year, but every day, in the morning and in the evening, at day and in night, when ever we eat and drink. In good time and also in bad time.