Crossroads December 2016 Many Thanks 1 Leer from Pastor Ed 2 Leer from Pastor Lisa Christmas Events 3 The Eyebrow Blessing Our Inner Scrooge Poinseas 4 Year-End Giving Financial Update Stewardship 5 Session Highlights A Leer from Session The Sharing Tree 6 The Sperdutos New Team Members at The Healing Space Unifying Divisions www.pcwyoming.org Many Thanks for Your Fearless Generosity! Presbyterian Church of Wyoming . 225 Wyoming Ave . Cincinna, OH 45215 . (513)821.8735 Our Stewardship Commiee would like to thank you for your commitment to PCW’s 2017 Stewardship Campaign, Fearless Generosity, and to ask those of you who have not yet responded for your support. Through November 18 th , there have been 122 pledges received for over $474,898. These pledges breakdown as follows: 8 new pledges from members or friends who have not previously pledged 45 renewing pledges for the same amount as 2016 58 renewing pledges that are an increase in giving over 2016 11 renewing pledges with a reduced amount from 2016 Overall, the average amount per pledging household is up 11% over 2016! We are very thankful for our new PCW family members and the faithful generosity of our exisng members. However, we have not heard from some of our members who previously pledged. We are currently short 45 pledging units from last year. These 45 pledges represent an esmated $103,494. Your support is vital to our church. If you have not completed and returned your pledge, please prayerfully consider your 2017 giving and return a pledge card in the enclosed self-addressed and stamped envelope. If you have already returned your Esmate of Giving Card, thank you! During this season of Thanksgiving, we are indeed grateful for your generosity. Yours in Christ, Rob Keelor Thanks Abound! (2 Corinthians 9:11) Three hundred and four area families were extra thankful this holiday. PCW and six other area churches and organizaons raised money for Thanksgiving food baskets, then gathered to assemble and distribute them on Saturday, Nov. 19th at Northminster Presbyterian Church. Our Mission Team thanks you - and our resident preschoolers, as Stacy Akers, director of Lads & Lassies Community Preschool explains: “The preschool students and their families lent a helping hand this Thanksgiving. Together, we collected over $650 for the Thanksgiving Basket Project. As donaons were made, the children wrote their names on helping hands and added them to a turkey graphic. Each me we reached $50, the amount needed to sponsor a family, we added another box to our tower. The boxes were decorated by the students in The Studio. Thank you to Kevin Helser and PCW for allow- ing us to be a part of this project. It was beauful to work together!” (photos by Rod Sidley and Stacy Akers)

Thanks Abound! Crossroads December 2016 - The ...pcwyoming.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/December...Crossroads December 2016 Many Thanks 1 e˘er ˇrom ˆas˙or ˝d 2 e˘er ˇrom ˆas˙or

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December 2016

Many Thanks


Le�er from Pastor Ed


Le�er from Pastor Lisa

Christmas Events


The Eyebrow Blessing

Our Inner Scrooge



Year-End Giving

Financial Update



Session Highlights

A Le�er from Session

The Sharing Tree


The Sperdutos

New Team Members

at The Healing Space

Unifying Divisions


Many Thanks for Your Fearless Generosity!

Presbyterian Church of Wyoming . 225 Wyoming Ave . Cincinna�, OH 45215 . (513)821.8735

Our Stewardship Commi�ee would like to thank you for your commitment to PCW’s

2017 Stewardship Campaign, Fearless Generosity, and to ask those of you who have not

yet responded for your support. Through November 18th, there have been 122 pledges

received for over $474,898. These pledges breakdown as follows:

• 8 new pledges from members or friends who have not previously pledged

• 45 renewing pledges for the same amount as 2016

• 58 renewing pledges that are an increase in giving over 2016

• 11 renewing pledges with a reduced amount from 2016

Overall, the average amount per pledging household is up 11% over 2016! We are very

thankful for our new PCW family members and the faithful generosity of our exis1ng

members. However, we have not heard from some of our members who previously

pledged. We are currently short 45 pledging units from last year. These 45 pledges

represent an es1mated $103,494. Your support is vital to our church. If you have not

completed and returned your pledge, please prayerfully consider your 2017 giving and

return a pledge card in the enclosed self-addressed and stamped envelope. If you have

already returned your Es1mate of Giving Card, thank you! During this season of

Thanksgiving, we are indeed grateful for your generosity. Yours in Christ, Rob Keelor

Thanks Abound! (2 Corinthians 9:11)

Three hundred and four area families were extra thankful this holiday.

PCW and six other area churches and organiza1ons raised money for

Thanksgiving food baskets, then gathered to assemble and distribute

them on Saturday, Nov. 19th at Northminster Presbyterian Church. Our

Mission Team thanks you - and our resident preschoolers, as Stacy

Akers, director of Lads & Lassies Community Preschool explains:

“The preschool students and their families lent a helping hand this

Thanksgiving. Together, we collected over $650 for the Thanksgiving

Basket Project. As dona1ons were made, the children wrote their

names on helping hands and added them to a turkey graphic. Each

1me we reached $50, the amount needed to sponsor a family, we

added another box to our tower. The boxes were decorated by the

students in The Studio. Thank you to Kevin Helser and PCW for allow-

ing us to be a part of this project. It was beau�ful to work together!”

(photos by Rod Sidley and Stacy Akers)


2017: A Walk Through the Word FROM PASTOR ED

Rev. Lisa and husband Chris with their sons: Peter, John,

Tom and Sam

T his morning (November 17th as I write this), I read passages in Eze-

kiel and in the last chapter of Hebrews. The journey through the

Bible this year is nearly complete. For those who have gone along for

this journey this past year, I hope it has been a blessing for you as well.

I hope you have experienced God’s Word in a new way, that you have

been encouraged and challenged in ways that you haven’t been be-

fore, and that you will want to do it again.

As we approach the end of this journey, it is 1me to embark on a new

one through the Scriptures. One of the church leadership sites I follow

regularly shared some of their research (from several decades of work-

ing with literally thousands of congrega1ons) that the two most con-

sistent factors in churches that were considered “vibrant” were that

the par1cipants in the church regularly read the Bibles in their personal

lives and that people commi�ed to small groups to study God’s Word.

Pre�y simple.

I want us to move towards that as we enter into 2017. But let’s enter

into the Word a bit differently. This past year was a marathon. There

were 3-4 chapters to read every day. I remember some days where I

read 3 chapters in the Old Testament and there was too much to take

it all in. I especially felt that in the Psalms where each psalm is really

meant to stand on its own but reading several one aGer the other felt

like a lot. So 2016 was a marathon. Let’s make 2017 a hike through the


Star1ng with January 1, we are going to start following a new reading plan where we will have just one reading

per week. I want to encourage you to read that passage every day during the week – maybe read it differently

each day.

1. Read it quietly one day.

2. Read it aloud the next.

3. Journal about it or rewrite it in your own words.

4. Discuss it with your family.

5. Study it in your small group (or join in with a small group or start one if you aren’t a part of one yet).

6. Maybe even try to memorize it!

That passage will then be the one we preach on at the end of the week. Pastor Lisa and I will also be puJng

together some resources to help with the slow journey. We will be star1ng with passages from the Gospel of


2017 is a year to dig deep into God’s Word and into what God wants to speak into your life and into our shared

life together.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Ed

“This last year’s reading of the Word was a marathon.

Let’s make 2017 a hike through the woods.”


D ear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

One of the hardest things to do at Christmas 1me is to be pa1ent and wait for the Christ Child to come.

With holiday decora1ons coming out in stores before Halloween and decora1ons on sale at 6 a.m. on Decem-

ber 26th, the world seems to be telling us in the church that our 1ming is off. Just as we are celebra1ng the joy

of the Christ child on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, others have already moved on to New Year’s celebra-

1ons. And yet the church is now in the season of Advent, the season of wai1ng and an1cipa1ng the birth of the

Christ child and his return.

The Presbyterian Church of Wyoming is living the truth of this season. We are in a 1me of wai1ng, of an1ci-

pa1ng the future, of hoping for what is to come. The Pastoral Discernment Team is mee1ng with members of

the congrega1on as part of the Presbytery’s Transforma1on 2.0 ini1a1ve. The Team is listening to hear the giGs

and strengths of the church and where God is calling the church into the future. The Deacons are iden1fying

how God has uniquely giGed us, and we are finding ministry opportuni1es to share these talents for the build-

ing up of the Body of Christ. Most importantly, the church is wai1ng to again receive the giG of the Christ Child

in whom we put our hope. This is truly an Advent Time at PCW.

In this 1me of wai1ng and discernment, members of the congrega1on are invited to pray for the Holy Spirit at

work in and through this church.

• Pray for God’s future for the congrega1on to be made known.

• Pray for each other and the unity Christ brings through the passing of the peace, the waters of bap1sm,

the sharing of Communion, the hearing of the word, and the voices joined together in songs of praise.

Together we wait for God’s grace to be revealed, as we trust with hopeful expecta1on that the Word made

flesh dwells among us.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day allow us a 1me to sing out our songs of great joy as we gather for a service

with candles and carols. Then we will con1nue to sing our songs of joy long aGer they have gone, long

aGer the Christmas merchandise has been discounted, long aGer the Christmas candies are eaten

because we know Christ’s promises of light and life con1nue even as we wait.

A Time of ExpectaCon FROM PASTOR LISA

Living in the Hope of Christ, Pastor Lisa


The Eyebrow Blessing BY ANN BAUMGARTNER

B lessings don’t have to be formal, with choirs of angels singing and

special oils for anoin1ng. When our daughter Emily was li�le, I

blessed her each night as I put her to bed with what she called her eye-

brow blessing. Smoothing one eyebrow I’d say, “May the Lord bless you

and keep you...” Smoothing the other I’d say, “make His face to shine up-

on you...” And then with a quick slide down her nose I’d end with, “and

give you peace.” One night I was too sick to put Emily to bed with our

usual rituals. I awakened to the sound of her pa�ering down the hallway.

She entered our darkened room, and I felt her 1ny hands search my face

un1l she found and smoothed each of my eyebrows and skated her finger

down the bridge of my nose. A silent and powerful blessing!

Note: The Baumgardners are long�me members of PCW, with Emily and her husband Vinny being recently

married in our church. Ann admits she is terrible at scrapbooking. Instead, she recorded the funny bits of life

in her book, “Pretend You’re Normal.” Ann enjoys giving paren�ng talks, and she blogs at PretendYoureNor-

mal.com and NaggingWithAnAccent.com.

T his year we are doing something the same - but different. We are having a Christmas pageant

again, but this year it will be a rendi1on of “A Christmas Carol.” Huh? That’s right! Mr. Scrooge

will be front and center on Sunday, Dec. 11th

during the All-Church service at 10 a.m.

But why Scrooge? Well, aren’t we all kind of like Scrooge in the wake of God’s goodness? I mean,

we have every single reason to be thankful and joyous. And yet we s1ll worry and let our problems

strip us away from God. We oGen hoard our things and our emo1ons and let them build up a wall

around us. Even in the midst of family and community we can feel all alone and empty.

You would think that this month during the Christmas season, we would be the most aware of God’s presence.

Instead for so many of us it is presents that we are worried about. We are concerned with the house and how

clean it is - or needs to be. We are worried about certain rela1ves and friends who might judge us for any num-

ber of reasons. We are so worked up and worried about so much that we forget the meaning of the holiday.

What are we forgeJng? That is the challenge. Let us take some 1me to sit. To pray. To be thankful. The house

doesn’t need to be that clean. The presents are inconsequen1al if they produce an anxiety a�ack. The family or

friends we think are going to judge us probably aren’t. And if they do there is nothing we can do to stop them.

It is their preroga1ve to judge. Everything will be just fine.

Let us sit to remember why it is we are so busy and in so doing hopefully our doing becomes more about being.

To the Scrooge in all of us, thanks for visi1ng! Peace, Adam

Talking to Our Inner Scrooge

I wish to order ______ red poinsettias, $14/plant.

I wish to order ______ white poinsettias, $14/plant.

Name for bulletin___________________________________


Recipient’s Name __________________________________

Address __________________________________________


Order Christmas Poinsettias

Please send your order with a check to the church no later than Sun., Dec. 11th.

Make checks payable to: PCW Designate “Flower Fund Christmas”

� I will pick up my order after the 11:00 p.m. Candlelight Worship Service, Dec. 24th.

� Please deliver my order to Shut-in(s)

Recipient’s Name ______________________________

Address ______________________________________



Summary of PCW October’s Finances (new)


A s we approach the end of the year, I would like to ask your help in facilita1ng the processing of your giGs

to PCW. Thanks to all of you who have responded to our call for increasing or speeding up your giGs to

PCW. We have not had to access the line of credit from PCW Founda1on, LLC.

If your giGs are in the form of checks, please make sure they arrive at PCW by December 30 as I will make a fi-

nal deposit that day. If your giGs are in the form of stock transfer to PCW, please no1fy me that this will happen

as I have no1ced that not all investment companies no1fy me about the transfer. It would be helpful for me to

know the stock involved and the number of shares. I then no1fy Merrill Lynch about that transfer. When Merrill

Lynch no1fies me the stocks have arrived, we sell them and the funds are deposited into the FiGh Third oper-

a1ng account. This en1re process takes 5-7 days to complete. In order to facilitate this process in an orderly

manner, please ini1ate the transfer no later than Dec 19.

If you need the account numbers to ini1ate the transfer, please contact me and I can email or mail you the in-

forma1on. May each of you experience an awakening of God’s Love in your lives as we prepare to celebrate the

birth of our Christ, Jesus, the Lord of all crea1on.

T hankfully, we have entered the fall on a stronger financial note as compared to last year. Cash levels have

increased as receipts have come in with the support of members that have blessed up with paying pledges

before yearend and next year. Pledges received are exceeding levels in 2015; especially unpledged contribu-

1ons with are more than twice as high as last year at this 1me. Receipts have also been helped with our agree-

ment with New Life Covenant Church. While we cut our expecta1ons in half for budgeted special giGs or be-

quests received for the opera1ng budget in 2016 we have received none which is nega1vely affec1ng our over-

all budget. However, costs con1nue to be watched closely and we look for ways to carefully control expendi-


If you recall, we entered the year with an expected faith budget or projected nega1ve financial outcome which

s1ll appears to be the case for 2016. We look forward to a strong finish to 2016 as our programming, ministries


and pastors head into the tradi1onal

Christmas season. Thank you for con-

1nued support and feel free to contact

Steve Komrska at 207-3065 or skom-

[email protected] if you have any ques-

1ons or comments.

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Wed., Dec. 7th

Dinner at 5:30 . Concert at 6:30

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November Session Highlights FROM DON HOFFMAN, CLERK of SESSION

• Session opened with Bible study followed by devo1ons led by Susan Volle�e

• Directors of the PCW Founda1on met with Session jointly to discuss possible future program and financial


• Pastoral Discernment Team reported work on Transforma1on 2.0 ac1vi1es

• Discussed a revised/updated policy for the PCW Child Protec1on and Volunteer Policy

• Session also reviewed and approved an updated Building Use Policy

• Discussed and prayed for Northminster Presbyterian and David Zuidema’s temporary assistance for pasto-

ral care (see leEer below.)

A s some of you may already be aware, Northminster Presbyterian Church (NPC) has reached out to Rever-

end David Zuidema and asked him to assist Reverend Nancy Ross-Zimmerman (Nancy) with pastoral care

un1l the end of April next year.

NPC has been without a senior pastor since June of 2015 when Reverend Jeff Hosmer took a call to a church in

Florida. During that 1me, Nancy has effec1vely been a solo pastor for one of the largest congrega1ons in our

Presbytery. While he has moved into a new stage in life and ministry, David felt that the Lord is calling him to

help support our neighbor congrega1on during the very busy seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter.

At our last Session mee1ng, Pastor Ed presented an agreement that Reverend Nancy Kahaian (our new Execu-

1ve Presbyter), David, Nancy, and Ed worked out in which David would provide part-1me (10-15 hours per

week) pastoral care assistance to NPC from November 17, 2016 un1l April 30, 2017. AGer discussion and pray-

er, our Session supported this arrangement for David to serve with NPC and sends our best wishes going for-


David will periodically assist in worship but will not be preaching during his 1me at NPC since his primary focus

will be on pastoral care for NPC members. While David is stepping into this new role, his ministry will be to the

members of NPC and he will s1ll refer pastoral care needs of PCW that may arise to Pastor Ed and/or Pastor


We ask for your prayers for NPC as they con1nue to move through their transi1on 1me and join us in giving

thanks for the rela1onship we have between our two congrega1ons.


C hristmas is a special time of year for those connected to Valley Interfaith Food and

Clothing Center. The Sharing Tree will be up in the Gathering Area on November 27

giving us an opportunity to bless other families in our area at this special. To participate:

• Select a card from the tree

• Write your name with the number on the card in the log book

• Purchase a gift, wrap it and put the card from the tree securely on the package

• Gift cards given in lieu of clothing must be wrapped in a box with card attached.

• Return the gift by Dec. 8th and either place under the tree or in Linda’s office.

Thank you so much for helping to make this Christmas brighter for so many!

The Sharing Tree


Unifying Divisions FROM ADAM HAYDEN

D r. Ted Sperduto was the head pastor of Wyoming Presbyterian

Church from 1966 to 1975. We were sad to let you know that his

wife, Muriel Sperduto, passed away the morning of Oct. 27th.

The Sperdutos were a big part of the Wyoming family at church, school

and on the athle1c field. One son, Paul, was the center on the great

Wyoming Cowboy football team of 1975 and an outstanding hi�er on

the baseball team. While all three sons, Gary, Kim, and Paul graduated

from Wyoming High School, their daughter, Teddi Dawn, was a child

with special needs and lovingly cared for by congrega1on. They were sorely missed when they leG. Paul is now

one of the top brain surgeons at Mayo Clinic in MN, and along with his team, invented the gamma knife cancer

treatment system. Please remember the family in prayer as they grieve Muriel’s loss. If you would like to send a

card, Rev. Ted Sperduto’s address is: 4916 English Dr., Annandale, VA 22003-4332.

Remembering the Sperdutos

A t the beginning of November our middle-school and high school youth groups joined

over 125 youth from around the Tri-state area to talk about racism and what our re-

sponse to it as Chris1ans should be. I was very inspired. The message was simple: we live in

a broken world where racism exists. We also believe in a God that is bigger than our problems. We don’t need

to feel overwhelmed. We simply need to show up and allow God to guide us through.

Many youth showed up that night at Knox Presbyterian, and it couldn’t have come at a be�er 1me. Few in the

room were eligible to vote in the elec1ons, but they offered us a li�le solu1on to our divisive poli1cal climate.

That solu1on is so simple yet so profound; be together. That’s it. Our fear of the “other” diminishes when the

other becomes us. When we sit with those we oppose, when we break bread with our cri1cs, when we give

selflessly to our enemies, we blur the lines and deconstruct the walls that separate us.

Regardless of elec1on results, I believe our job as humans is to rev up the work of community. We must be pio-

neers in bringing different people groups together. We must be inten1onal about not just loving our enemies,

but trying to become friends with our enemies - and I believe it doesn’t stop there. I believe God’s tricky call on

our lives is to love people in such a way that they have no choice but to love us back. Sure, we can’t force peo-

ple to love., but we can certainly reduce the reasons for people to hate by showing selfless love.

Let us follow the example our youth gave us last night and together tackle the challenges of our 1me. We owe

that much to our kids.

T he Healing Space is celebra1ng the addi1ons of two new team members. John Wingfield

has joined the Prac11oner Team as a Master of Oriental Medicine, including Acupunc-

ture. Sr. Joanne Schuster PhD has joined our Board of Directors.

John offers Acupuncture to clients at The Healing Space, along with other Tradi1onal Chinese

Medicine treatments such as Chinese herbal remedies, therapeu1c massage and cupping.

He focuses on one client at a 1me with a pa1ent and calming approach. Extensive nursing

experience supports the depth and breadth of John’s skill set.

Joanne offers the board an excep1onal integra1on of both clinical and administra1ve experience. Building on

an ini1al career in nursing, Joanne expanded into healthcare administra1on, which was the focus of her doctor-

al training. Joanne’s leadership experience includes working as CEO of a mul1-site healthcare system, a life-

1me of working in Non-Profit Corpora1ons as a Franciscan Sister of the Poor, and the development of two ho-

lis1c healing centers. Upon re1rement from leadership, Joanne has shiGed her focus into the provision of ho-

lis1c healing services, including both Shamanic prac1ces and Spiritual Direc1on.

CelebraCng New Team Members FROM CHRISTI GRAETER

The Sperduto Clan These Days

Presbyterian Church of Wyoming

225 Wyoming Avenue . Cincinna� OH 45215


Non-Profit Organiza1on



Permit No. 4403

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


8:30 Thurs. Bible Study

4:00 Organ Prac1ce

6:00 NLCC Rehearsal

6:30 Chancel Choir

7:00 Girl Scouts 43515


6:30 a.m. Bible Study


2:00 Organ Prac1ce

4 Second Sunday, Advent

8 & 11 Tradi1onal

9 Contemporary

9:20 & 11:20 Godly Play

10 & 10:15 Adult Ed

11 NLCC Worship


7 Worship Commi�ee

7 Finance Mee1ng

7 Toastmasters

7:45 Boy Scouts


7:30 Men’s Bible Study

9:15 Prayer Mee1ng

10:00 Staff Mee1ng

2:00 Organ Prac1c

7 Narco1cs Anonymous


7:30 Owen Study Grp

5:30 Super Wednesday

6:30 Christmas Concert

6:30 NLCC Bible Study


8:30 Thurs. Bible Study

4:00 Organ Prac1ce

6:00 NLCC Rehearsal

6:30 Chancel Choir

7:00 Alanon


6:30 a.m. Bible Study


2:00 Organ Prac1ce

11 Third Sunday, Advent

9:30 NLCC Bible Study

10 All-Church Service

Christmas Pageant


11 NLCC Worship


7:00 Session

7:45 Boy Scouts

13 Crossroads Deadline

7:30 Men’s Bible Study

9:15 Prayer Mee1ng

10:00 Staff Mee1ng

2:00 Organ Prac1ce

7 Narco1cs Anonymous


7:30 Owen Study Grp

11 & 2;30 LLCP, Sanctuary

5:45 Super Wednesday

6:30 NLCC Bible Study

7:00 Visions Band


8:30 Thurs. Bible Study

9:30 & 1 LLCP Christmas

4:00 Organ Prac1ce

6:00 NLCC Rehearsal

6:30 Chancel Choir

7:00 Girl Scouts 43515


6:30 a.m. Bible Study


2:00 Organ Prac1ce

18 Fourth Sunday, Advent

8 & 11 Tradi1onal


9 Contemporary

9:20 & 11:20 Godly Play

10 & 10:15 Adult Ed

11 NLCC Worship


7:00 Deacons

7:00 Toastmasters

7:00 Mission Mee1ng

7:45 Boy Scouts


7:30 Men’s Bible Study

9:15 Prayer Mee1ng

10:00 Staff Mee1ng

2:00 Organ Prac1ce

6:00 Daisy Girl Scouts

7 Narco1cs Anonymous


7:30 Owen Study Grp

6:30 NLCC Bible Study

7:00 Visions Band


8:30 Thurs. Bible Study

9:30 & 1 LLCP Christmas

4:00 Organ Prac1ce

6:00 NLCC Rehearsal

6:30 Chancel Choir


6:30 a.m. Bible Study


Christmas Eve

5:30 Family Service

11:00 Candlelight



Christmas Day!

10 All-Church Service

11 NLCC Worship



7:30 Men’s Bible Study

9:15 Prayer Mee1ng

10:00 Staff Mee1ng

2:00 Organ Prac1ce

7 Narco1cs Anonymous


7:30 Owen Study Grp

9:00 Crossroads Mailing

5:45 Super Wednesday

6:30 NLCC Bible Study

7:00 Visions Band


8:30 Thursday Bible Study

4:00 p.m. Organ Prac1ce

6:00 NLCC Band Rehearsal


6:30 a.m. Bible Study


New Year’s Eve

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