Thank you Hannah Kathleen! ! TBillionaires

Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect

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Page 1: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect


Page 2: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect
Page 3: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect






Page 4: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect


Page 5: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect


Page 6: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect
Page 7: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect



Page 8: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect

WhatmakesSnapchatdifferent?- NoComments,NoLikes,NoSharing!

- Youdon’thavetoWORRYaboutgeYngengagement….JustbeYOU!BeREAL!

- YourPrivateSnapstopeoplecanonlybeviewedonce(ortwicemax)thenit’sgone!

- YourSTORIESarevisiblefor24hoursaaeryoupostthem…thengoneforever.

- PeoplewillcomebackeverydayLOOKINGforYOURSNAPS!!(unlessyouareboring)

- Unlikea“NewsFeed”thatalloftheothersocialmediaplabormshave…withSnapchatpeoplehavetoactuallyCLICKonyoursnapand/orstoryBEFOREtheygettoseeit!!


Page 9: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect

- Snapchatisnotnew…butSTORIESareonlyacoupleyearsoldwhichisthereasonwhybusinessesuseSnapchatnow!

- YourSnapchatFriendsarenotthesameasFacebookFriends…ANYONEwhoaddsyouisautomadcallyaddedyoutotheirFriendslist.Thismeanstheycanviewyourstoriesbutyoucan’tviewtheirsunlessyouaddthemback.

- ThinkofSnapchatlikeaNEWplaborminthehomebusinessspace…rightNOWisthedmetogetestablishedwithitandstartgrowingyouraudience.

- Howmanypeopledoyouknow(maybeyou)whosaidtheywouldneverjoinFB?Well,weallknowhowthatturnedoutandthesamethingwillhappenwithSnapchat.

- Peopledecidewhatcontenttheyaregoingtoviewandit'stheONLYthingtheyseeinthatmomentwithNOdistracdons!ThisisHUGE!Theymustclicktoseeyoursnaps.

- Individualsnapscanonlybeseenonceandaregoneforeverunlesstheyreplayonebuttheuseofareplaycanonlybeusedonceperpersonperdaysoit'sapre4ybigdealifsomebodyreplaysoneofyoursnaps.

- Youcansharephotosonyourphonetosnapchatbutonlysendthemindividually.Cannotaddthemtoyourstory.

Page 10: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect

- Youonlygetnodfiedwhensomeonesendyouaprivatesnap...toviewthenewstoriesofpeopleyoufollowyoumustopentheappandwatchthem.



- Becausesnapsvanishaaeroneviewing,youhaveusers’undivideda4endon.Inthisway,disappearingcontentisactuallyaboonformarketers.

- TheSnapchataudienceishighlyengagedandthisplabormgivesyouanopportunitytocommunicatewiththeminaverypersonalway.Itallowyoutobuildreladonshipswithyouraudience.TheimpressionsandtheengagementlevelonaSnapchatstoryarefargreaterthanapaidcampaignonTwi4er,FacebookorInstagram.Ifyourcontentisgood,peoplewillwatchyourSnapchatstory.Andtherearenodistracdonsorcompedngcontentaroundit(likeonNewsFeed).It’syouandthemoneonone.So,bewhereyouraudienceis.

- You’llseeexclusivecontentthatyou’renotgoingtoseeanywhereelse,itgivesyouareallyindmateinsidelook.

Page 11: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect

- Onmanysocialmediaplaborms,viewersscrollthroughcontentquickly.Andeventhoughthosepostswillbethereforever,viewerswillneverseeitagain.Marketersareonlygraspingfor50%ofusers’a4endonatadme,andthoseusersneverlookback.Snapchatuserscan’tlookback.However,marketershave100%oftheiraudience’sa4endonforthelengthofthecontent’slife.



Page 12: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect

WhatNOTToDoOnSnapchat- Donotuselandscape(unlessyoureallyneedto)

- Gettothepoint…Donotramblefor3minutes…thatwouldbe18SNAPSinarowandunlessyouareamoviestar,nooneisgoingtowatchthemall.

- DonotPrivateSnapunlessit'sreallybetweenyouandthatperson!=spam

Page 13: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect




- YourSTORIESarevisiblefor24hoursaaeryoupostthem…thengoneforever.

- PeoplewillcomebackeverydayLOOKINGforYOURSNAPS!!(unlessyouareboring)

- Unlikea“NewsFeed”thatalloftheothersocialmediaplabormshave…withSnapchatpeoplehavetoactuallyCLICKonyoursnapand/orstoryBEFOREtheygettoseeit!!

Page 14: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect



- Behind-the-sceneslookathowyourproductsarecreated.-Introducdonstotheemployeesthatmakeyourbusinessrun.-Quickdpsandadvicereladngtoyourexperdseorproducts.-Specialreviewsofyourproductsthatonlyyourfollowersgettoseebeforelaunch.- Couponsandgiveaways.-Sharestoriesandhappeningsinyourbusiness,especiallyifthey’refunnyvisually.

Page 15: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect


Page 16: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect



Page 17: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect



Page 18: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect



Page 19: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect

WhencreadngyourSnapchataccount- Yourusernamecan’tbechangedonceyousetit.

- Considerbrandingyourbusinessorusingyourrealname.

- Beconsistentwithyourothersocialmediausernamesifpossible.

- BesuretoaddyourSnapchatProfilePhoto!

- ChangeSeYngstoallowEVERYONEtosnapyouandviewyourstory.

Page 20: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect





Page 21: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect
Page 22: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect
Page 23: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect
Page 24: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect


Page 25: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect
Page 26: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect
Page 27: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect
Page 28: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect


- Givingpeopleacalltoacdonorincendveto“SCREENSHOT”yourstoryphotosisagoodwaytogetpeopletoyourwebsite.

- Ifyou'reonyourcellphonerightnow,youcaneasilyfollowmeonSnapchatbyclickingthislink...h4p://snapchat.com/add/Aron.Parker<==USETHIS!!Onyourothersocialmediaprofilesandinyouremailsignatures.

- SnapchatT-Shirt


-MyEarlyResults- FreeBook- FollowFriday

- Snapchat.codes

Page 29: Thank you Hannah Kathleen! TBillionaires...Using Snapchat For Your Business Snapchat is similar to Periscope in the sense of immediacy and indmacy it provides. This makes it perfect