Published Bi-Monthly for Danny Herman Trucking, Inc. JUly/August 2016 Volume 13, Issue 4

Thank God for Freedom - Danny Herman Trucking€¦ · Thank God for Freedom Published Bi-Monthly for Danny Herman Trucking, Inc. JUly/August 2016 Volume 13, Issue 4. Joe Herman 1

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Thank God for Freedom

Published Bi-Monthly forDanny Herman Trucking, Inc.

JUly/August 2016Volume 13, Issue 4

Joe Herman

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2 OPERATIONS Focusing on the Future Leo and His Two Indians

3 SAFETY - New Safety Program 4 SALES - 2015 Carrier Of The Year

5 CUSTOMER SERVICE - Details Matter

6 MAINTENANCE - RoadCheck Blitz 2016 Tire Safety Congratulations Tommy Dixon


9 TERMINAL NEWS Phillipsburg Fontana


13 TERMINAL NEWS Mountain City



I hope this newsletter finds all of you doing well. Summer is beginning to come to an end and kids are either back in school or will be going back to school soon. I hope that all of you had a nice summer and had an opportunity to get in a vacation. It seems like it has been a hot summer everywhere, and now I am looking forward to some cooler weather.It is hard to believe that this year is going by so fast. We are halfway through the 3rd quarter of the year and before we know it Christmas will be here! As I look back, the year started off sluggish, but has progressed and built some momentum. As I sit here and write this article in mid-August, we have already gone over the 3.2 million-mile mark for the

month. Barring any serious hiccups, we will run approximately 5.2 to 5.3 million miles this month which will be a record for DHT and something that we have never accomplished before. Our current record has been at the 4.950 million-mile mark, which tells me that momentum is building and that hopefully we are out of the slump in the freight economy that we have been feeling for the past year.Aldo Aguilar, our International Sales Manager in Monterrey, Mexico, and I attended a Carrier Conference for Transplace on August 2nd and 3rd in Rogers, AR. At the conference we received the “Cross Border Carrier of The Year Award.” As most of you know, we do a great deal of business for Transplace through Laredo and in other parts of the country. It is because of our entire team and service that you all provide that has made this award possible!I am sure that most of you have been hearing a lot in the news about the presidential election campaigns. If you are like me, you are probably sick of all the nonsense and rock throwing back and forth. I wish that BOTH candidates would talk about the actual facts, stick to the policies, and tell us, the American people, what their intentions are if they were to be elected. To be honest with you, I wish we had better options to choose from as it relates to the candidates. Without going into a lot of detail, I will say that we cannot continue down the same path of destruction that we have had for the past seven to eight years. I am tired of career politicians who (by the way work for us) think that they know what is best for us as a nation and as people. I am very concerned about the security of our nation. Not only as it pertains to ISIS, but also the security here at home. We have to have someone that will step up and lead. I will also say this, I don’t think we need a leader who has continuously lied under oath, abandoned our own American People in a foreign nation in a time of distress, and then put the security of our nation at great risk for the purpose of personal gain and convenience. I hope that we do not go down the same road with the same party that continues to cram more and more regulations down our throat, not just in our country, but also in our industry. The unnecessary regulations are expensive and make it more difficult for all of us to make a living. We live in a great nation and one of the many benefits of living here is our right to vote. I encourage all of you to look at all of the pluses and minuses of each candidate and get out and vote.In closing I want to thank all of our drivers here at DHT for all that you do! Without you we would not have DHT. The week of September 11-17 is Driver Appreciation Week. We will be having food, drinks, and other goodies at the various terminals as a small token of our appreciation for all that you do.Again, THANK YOU ladies and gentlemen for all that you do for DHT, and may God Bless each of you and your families!

Keep on Trucking Safely!

Joe Herman, President of DHT

A Word From Our President

DANNY HERMAN TRUCKING, INC. | July / August 2016

Focusing on the Future

As we move through the summer months, we are starting to see some modest increase in freight volumes. Although things are not robust, we are happy to see a turn to the positive side as 2016 has been challenging to say the least. We all know how unreliable economic projections can be, but we are hearing that things should continue

to improve slightly throughout the remainder of 2016. We are hopeful that positive economic policies of the next government administration will help the U.S. turn the corner and get back to decent growth. It has been a while since we have seen policies that favor the transportation industry and we have been handcuffed with increased government regulations for many years. No matter which party wins the election I am hopeful that the politicians will step aside and allow American businesses to do what they do best which is create jobs and improve the lives of those who work hard and strive for success. I encourage everyone who reads this article to get out and exercise your right to vote.

With everything currently going on in the world it is easy to forget that we live in the greatest country on earth. I am not saying things are better than they have ever

been, but we are still holding on to freedoms that others do not have. I must remind myself of this each day and keep my focus on what is really important. For me that is attempting to be a better human being and trying to live a life that is pleasing to Christ. I fail at this daily but if I do not focus on this I easily become engulfed in things that happen in this world and become angry. I know many of you probably have the same challenges. We all need to decide how to move forward when things happen that upset us or make us want to react in negative ways. I consider everyone at DHT my extended family and pray that things improve for all of us and that we are able to manage trials in a Godly way.

In closing, I want to thank all of you for the environment we have here at DHT. We are very diverse but we all manage to keep things working together through respect and love. I am proud to work with a group of people that focuses on the success of each other and are not divided by where we live, our race, or any other factors. As we have always done, lets focus on continuing to make DHT the best company in the transportation industry; our example can make a real impact on others. I love you all.

Blake Grindstaff, VP of Operations


Leo and His Two Indians

Leo Gilbert is a Load Planner at DHT Mountain City! He has worked with DHT since 1993. Leo loves riding his 2015 Indian Chieftain, but doesn’t like riding alone.So he got him an “Indian” and named it Chief Thunderstroke, which is named after the 111 Thunderstroke engines on the new Indian bikes!

Happy Trails Leo and Chief Thunderstroke!!

3 Safety Sales

New Safety Program

Hello All; I hope this newsletter finds you well. It is that time again for the kids to start back to school. With that said, please use caution on the secondary roads and watch for kids standing at the bus stop. Also watch for the many school busses that will be on the roads. We have started a new safety program the week of August 1st. We will be putting out a Daily Safety Message to all trucks M-F. It is the goal of DHT to keep safety first in all that we do. These messages could be related to current issues/problems we are currently experiencing or just random safety messages about different things. They will include safe driving, maintenance, health and regulations.

I hope you find these messages helpful. We want everyone to come back safely from every trip. If any of you have suggestions for a safety tip you think would be good to send out, please email it to [email protected] or call me or Clint at ext. 3174. If your message is appropriate we will send it out to the entire fleet. You folks are the ones out running the roads and see all that is going on, so get involved and send in your tips. We will add your name to the message as ‘Tip Received From’ unless you choose to be anonymous. Thanks and remember, stay safe!


We are once again over the threshold in unsafe driving. New Mexico is still the state with the most violations and CSA points. Not only have we been having problems on RT 54 / 70, they have also been writing a lot of tickets and warnings on I-10 in Lordsburg in the constructions zone. If you are in the state of NM, everyone needs to pay attention to the speed. This is nothing more than revenue generation for them. The drivers that fight tickets with LegalShield or another attorney program have been very successful in getting those dismissed and/or reduced. By fighting those violations, we are able to get them removed from both your CSA and DHT’s score card. All we need is the paperwork from the court to get that done. DO NOT sign the box admitting guilt. They will try and get you to check that box, saying you were guilty and will pay the fine. If you do that you will have no recourse to fight it and it will go on your CSA and possibly your CDL. Always sign that you request a court date. You can always change your mind and pay it if you choose. If you hire an attorney or use a program like LegalShield, they will go to court for you and you do not have to be there. In many cases it doesn’t go to court; the attorney just talks with the Judge and they make an agreement to settle the case. Let’s try to avoid this all together by not speeding in the first place no matter where you are; however, if you feel you have been wrongfully ticketed please let me or Clint know and we will talk about it.

Thanks and Drive Safe,Steve E Frantz, VP of Safety

If you are not enrolled in LegalShield, call Joel Davisson@ 386-206-3128 for more information.


DANNY HERMAN TRUCKING, INC. | July / August 2016

2015 Carrier the Year Greetings to everyone, I hope everyone has enjoyed the summer months. I can’t believe fall is in the air and school is starting back. I wanted to share some market news with you. As I stated in my last letter it has been a different kind of year with some of the markets being softer than expected. My belief still remains firm: the uncertainty of the markets is related to this being an election year.No matter who wins the White House in 2017, we will continue to grow our markets and book of business. We are a great company with the best drivers and employees out there. There are many new laws and regulations going into effect in 2017 that I believe will give us a boost, because we are ahead of the game in some areas like electronic logs for two years.

I wanted to share an award we received from Transplace-Mexico. On August 3rd, our President, Joe Herman, and Aldo Aguilar, Director of International Sales, accepted the 2015 Carrier of the Year - Cross-Border Award. Aldo and his Team along with Jaycee Cadena and the Laredo Operations Team do an outstanding job! Thank you guys for what you do for DHT.

As school gets back in session please be extra cautious and stay safe out on the road. May God Bless you and your families and keep us all safe with our travels.

God Bless,Rick Watkins, VP of Sales

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Psalms 33:12

Joe Herman and Aldo Aguilar accepting award




Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well! Below is an article about the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s annual RoadCheck inspection blitz this year. Their focus was on tires and you will read below what they found.

Tread Depth Violations Highlight Tire-Focused RoadCheck

July 22, 2016 - Source: Worktruck Online

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s annual Roadcheck inspection blitz this year focused on tires, and an analysis of inspection data shows that tread depth was by far the most common violation cited.

This year, RoadCheck was conducted June 7-9. Vigillo, which offers big data analysis through its Athena platform, analyzed inspection results from RoadCheck for a blog by Steve Bryan, founder and CEO.

The analysis showed there were 57,404 inspections conducted during RoadCheck in the 50 states. “The previous week Tuesday-Thursday recorded 36,030 inspections and the week after RoadCheck fell right back into a

normal pattern with 35,159 inspections,” Bryan says, showing a definite increase in inspection activity during the event.

According to Vigillo, a total of 5,203 tire violations were written up during RoadCheck 2016, and 2,222 of those were tread depth violations (less than 2/32 inch), almost 43%. If you add the additional 246 citations for front tires that were less than the minimum 4/32.

Bryan also looked at the number of inspections with tire violations by state. “Sometimes, we see inspection activity at higher levels in some states than in others,” he writes. “We call those states Texas. RoadCheck 2016 continues to show heavier enforcement activity in Texas. Much of that heightened activity takes place at the southern border crossings.”

California was the second-highest and New Mexico the third highest.

Thanks for all you do for DHT,Daniel Cook, VP of Maintenance

Customer Service 6Maintenance

DANNY HERMAN TRUCKING, INC. | July / August 2016

Details Matter

Hello everyone. I hope this newsletter finds each of you well. I’d like to take the opportunity over the next few months to focus on some of our customers and their specific needs as they relate to our company. We value our customers and we want to make sure we are doing everything

correctly so that we can keep them satisfied, and keep their business.If you have been with DHT for a while, chances are you’ve hauled a load or two from Kirkland’s in Jackson, TN. Kirkland’s is a retail chain that specializes in home decor and accessories. They operate over 300 stores in 30 states and have been a customer of ours for over 10 years. During this time, we’ve seen their business grow considerably with new opportunities being offered to us on a regular basis. These shipments are drop/hook at the shipper and most are 2 or 3 stops to their retail stores.When assigned to a Kirkland’s shipment, first of all, make sure your trailer is clean and dry on the inside with no holes. The freight is floor-loaded, mostly in cardboard boxes, and can be easily damaged if water gets inside the trailer.

Make sure you have your pickup number ready to provide the guard as your arrive to the facility in Jackson. The pickup number should appear on your load assignment. If you don’t see it, please call or message dispatch before checking in with the guard.These shipments are extremely time sensitive so please notify dispatch as quickly as possible if you don’t feel you can make the delivery time that appears on your load assignment, Kirkland’s brings in extra employees at your appointment time just to unload your trailer. Understandably, they do not want to pay these employees to be there if you can’t make it at the required time. If your load has multiple stops delivering the same day, each store will call the next to let them know you are empty and on the way to them. For this reason, we ask that you do not make any unnecessary stops between same-day deliveries.We also ask that you do not break the seal for any reason without prior approval from DHT dispatch. This MUST be done by a Kirkland’s employee. If we arrive with no seal or break the seal before checking with the receiver, we are liable for any missing or damaged product.Finally, I’d like to thank each of you for the courtesy and respect that you show our customers. We would not have been able to consistently grow this and other business without all of your hard work and dedication.

God Bless,Brian Morefield, Director of Customer Service

CONGRATULATIONS TOMMY DIXONTommy Dixon, who works in the Maintenance Department, competed in the 2016 NPC Tennessee State Bodybuilding Competition on August 13, 2016. He competed in the Novice Middleweight Division, and Novice overall, taking home FIRST PLACE in BOTH DIVISIONS!

RoadCheck Blitz 2016Tire Safety

7 8Drivers of the Month June & JulyCongratulations

DANNY HERMAN TRUCKING, INC. | July / August 2016

Drivers of the MonthJune 2016

Solo: Murphies LawDriver Manager: Frank Icenhour

Winning Driver of the Month is not a first for Murphies Law. She worked for DHT since 2013. Murph was a great driver for DHT and while she drove OTR she also took classes toward a higher degree. She has since moved on to pursue another career, and though we will miss her, we wish her all the best.

Team: Thelma and Thomas Weisenburg

Driver Manager: Tim Hensley

Thelma and Thomas met while serving our country in the U.S. Navy. Thelma is from Kansas, and Thomas is from West Virginia. Tom started driving OTR in 1993 when he got out of the service, and Thelma came with him in 1997. Together they have four children, one son is also serving our country in the Navy.

They have seven grandchildren ranging in age from 9 to 20. A grandson is joining the Navy this year! On home time they enjoy working on their farm, riding their horses, and of course visiting with those grandkids. Their advice for new drivers? “DHT is a great company, keep going, you’ll get your miles, and they are always willing to work with you when life throws you a curveball.” The thing they like most about driving long haul is, now that they are close to retiring they see many interesting places and things across America on their routes that they want to go see and do. For example, in Fort Sumter, NM, there is a Billy the Kid Museum, there is a Judge Roy Bean Museum in between Laredo and El Paso in Langtry, TX, and off of I-10 through Arizona is the Tombstone Museum they talk of visiting. They were fortunate to see the Grand Canyon once when they were broken down around that area. They rented a car and drove up to the Canyon for the day. The views were ‘unbelievable and breath taking.’ They plan to return one day and spend a week there doing as many excursions as possible. We are blessed to have great drivers as this pair, and we are praying we have them for many more years.

Drivers of the Month July 2016

Solo: Jeff AdamsDriver Manager: Dillon Hoyle

Jeff started driving over the road in 2006, and is still going strong in his eleventh year. He enjoys driving because in a way he is his own boss, he has choices, and he enjoys being out on the wide-open road where he can see America! He is from Dyer, TN, and has lived there for 23 years with his wife, Melanie. They have two children; a daughter, Megan and a son, Josh. They each have given Jeff and Melanie three grandchildren that they adore. Their oldest is their granddaughter, Taylor Cheyenne, who is age 10, and two grandsons, William Buchanan, age 1, but his nickname is “Buck” (Buck was Jeff’s daddy’s name), and Jackson Taylor, age 2 (Jackson Taylor is the 4th generation with initials JTA – with Taylor being everyone’s middle name!) When Jeff is on home time, he enjoys those grandchildren but also likes to ride his Honda Gold Wing motorcycle. His advice for new drivers is to pay attention to your surroundings and be safe. Be aware of what everyone else on the road is doing, because a lot of times they are not. He also said, “DHT is a great company and from the beginning of my employment, from recruitment to present, whatever I was told has been true! I get along with everyone here.” We are certainly glad to have a great driver like him and wish him many more successful years.

Team: Rebecca andSal Hernandez

Driver Manager: Jonathan Burrow

Rebecca and Sal both went to driving school to learn to drive OTR trucks. Sal began his career in 2008, and Rebecca started with him around 2010. Rebecca is a New Yorker and Sal is from California, but they met in Arizona where they now live in Maricopa, AZ. They have 4 children, 3 grandchildren, and 2 grandkids on the way! Their oldest daughter, Krista, has 2 children with one on the way, and their oldest son has 1 child, and a baby soon to come. Then they have 2 sons still at home, Sean who is in college, and Alex is in high school. On their time home, they spend as much time with their family as possible, then it’s off to work again. They love to travel which makes being a long-haul driver great, because they get to see all kinds of wonderful places across the U.S. and make plans for vacations and things they want to do with their kids and grandkids. When asked their advice for new drivers, Rebecca stated this, “I would tell them the same thing I tell my kids: Be defensive, watch everyone else, think like everyone is a bad driver, and you are the only good driver on the road, and if you are the only good driver on the road, you have to pay attention to everyone else.” We are very pleased to have drivers like Sal and Rebecca, and we hope we have many more years with them here at DHT.



Things to know about Phillipsburg:Security: You must wear a badge at all times at the Phillipsburg terminal. No badge, you will be required to sign in at all offices. If you notice anything suspicous, please call dispatch immediately!

Lounge Updates: We have a picnic table right outside the Drivers’ Lounge, a washer and dryer that requires NO coins to operate, new furniture, and flat screen TV with DISH TV all for your enjoyment. During the weekdays pick up the remote from Jean. Nights and weekends you can check the remote out with the shop.***During the spring and summer months, please remember the air conditioner is running, and you need to keep the door shut at all times.

Maintenance: Drop trailers on the concrete slab at the side of the shop building. Do not pull up at the doors in the back.

Chaplin prayer service: with Ron Leggett: Thursday at 1: 00 p.m. everyone is welcome. Call Phillipsburg Terminal to add your name to the prayer list at 800-325-0253 or 417-532-8232.

Office updates: New Trailer Registrations are available: 17165-17174Contact Jean to update your permit book and trailer inspection book. 2017 Registration/sticker is now available.

NEW: Two new laptop computers are now available to do the Safety videos. Teams will now be able to access their class videos at the same time.

LegalShield: Information is available in the office.

Trippaks: Should be put through the slot in the office door and not the black mailbox.

The maintenance crew is working hard to build a new deck.

Jean’s daughter, Denise Elam, received a scholarship to attend the University of Roehampton in London, England over the summer! Denise was very excited to see the Royal family, and Jean was glad to get her home safe.

Several drivers havebeen asking aboutthe beautifulhorses in the fencedarea. They belong toBobby Hicks andhis family. Theylove to be fed applesand pears for treats.

Terminal News 10Terminal News


DANNY HERMAN TRUCKING, INC. | July / August 2016

Muchisimas GraciasDanny Herman Trucking!

Lauro Santillan who works in Sales out of our Fontana Terminal, is fortunate to be a part of the sponsorship DHT gives to the Tigritos de Mexicali – a youth soccer team in Mexicali, BC, Mexico. He just sent these pictures to us and had this to say…..“…..you can’t imagine how many kids you have put a smile on this past week. I was invited to their kick-off parade for this season’s tournament and I got to see many smiles on these kids. I can’t explain what a good feeling that was, I myself am so very grateful to be part of such a great caring company. They really appreciate the support you have given them; I will keep you posted how they do during this tournament. I do have a jersey that they had made for you as well…..”

This example of generosity truly defines what DHT believes in:Love – John 3:16 – God loves us all, just love all people.Hope – Romans 15:13 – Through hope we have joy, just believe in that hope.Faith – Philippians 4:13 – We can do all things with God as our Lord, just have faith.Trust – Isaiah 41:30 – God is the Wind beneath our wings, just trust in Him.

May God bless these children and all children that benefit from the generosity of Danny Herman Trucking, and thanks be to God above for the blessings he has bestowed upon us all.

Getting new uniforms for the season’s opener Tournament and warming up on the field - Great looking kids right there!

1211 Passing Along Testimonies Passing Along Testimonies



DANNY HERMAN TRUCKING, INC. | July / August 2016


(These were all from our Facebook Page @ Danny Herman Trucking – Like Us!)

08/14/2016 – David RamboI was driving on I 75 today and saw the message on the back of one of your trucks,“John 3:16 Love” Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder!

08/12/2016 - Jack StudieGreat FAITH BASED COMPANY, good place to build a great future...

08/07/2016 - Doris Hill CainThis afternoon was the first time I had noticed one of your trucks, we were at a standstill on Interstate 20 coming East out of the Dallas area, I noticed the word FAITH then a Scripture, I think it was Philippians 3: 16 (I will look this up and find the Scripture!). FAITH is so important to me and my prayer is that others will realize what our faith has the power to do, if we have made Jesus Lord of our lives. You remind me of the Bank that I use, they start their days in prayer and the same before every meeting, they can keep their Bibles at their desk and can read their Bible if they have the time. It is most refreshing to see that a few brave souls still put God First in their business. Thank you for spreading God’s message for all to see, it was a blessing to me!

08/04/2016 - Rhonda SparlingLove driving down the road and reading scripture and verse on your trucks.

08-03-2016 - Bryan Massie, driver at DHTWhen your boss takes a few minutes out of his busy day to talk with youit speaks volumes. I’m so very proud to call DHT home!!

08/01/2016 – Phyllis Earhart Hilliard – Love seeing those trucks.

07/23/2016 – Phyllis Earhart Hilliard also postedHi-we were going back to Garland, Texas from Sulphur Springs, Texas today, Saturday, around 2:30 on Interstate 30 and saw one of your trucks, Love, so cool. It was around Cumby, Texas and always down the road going East there was another truck but couldn’t read what was on the back. But, yay, we saw two trucks about the same time in one day. :)Like I have said always before your truck drivers are so awesome, love the way they handle the highway. They are doing a great job. Makes us smile when we see your trucks.

07/26/2016 – Tony Richmond -Best company my brother & sis-in-law have driven for.They’ve really taken care of them over the years. If I drove big trucks, it would be for DHT.

07/26/2016 – Darling Hunt, driver for DHT - Love driving for this company

07/26/2016 – Jack Studie Great Company........06/24/16 - Ed Tanuis:Approx. 7:40 am, mile marker 270 on I-70 east bound. While driving my daily commute to work, I was talking to the Lord about my current health issue, and I noticed ahead of me a trailer and what appeared to be the words FAITH on it. I thought am I reading this correctly? and sure enough as I approached the trailer to pass Philippians 4:13. I made a mental note of Danny Herman Trucking for this very email, and want to thank you for sharing God’s word. Isaiah 55:11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” What a blessing to share and to confess our Lord and Savior through his Word. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you. Thanks Ed Tanuis

06/24/2016 – From DHT driver, Jimmy ByingtonWanted to share this with you. I was driving through Houston TX, on my way to Katy TX this morning. A driver behind me called on the radio. He told me how he was having a bad day, and things going wrong for him lately. Said he was about to give up on life. He had prayed for a sign of better things to come, looked up, and there it was! We chatted for a few until I reached my exit. He wanted me to thank Joe for the scriptures on the trailers.

04/29/2016 – This post was from a lady named Cathy who called in, having a really bad day, then these following were the posts that followed!

Danny Herman Trucking, Inc. - A sweet lady named Cathy just called us to tell us what an impact our truck of FAITH just had on her... as she weeps on phone she tells how she was having the worst day, so fearful of things that are going on, stating she just didn’t know how she was going to make it through this time in her life, and then there is our truck with FAITH on the back! God’s word lifted her spirits, changed her whole day, and at that moment she had the remembered the FAITH that will get her through her troubles! Amen and God Bless!

Jimmy Byington Our trailers are a daily reminder for me. I made this crossout of nails and hung it from my visor. Gives me a constant reminder as I’mdriving down the road.

Jenniffer Maddy My husband (driver Anthony Maddy) hangs an angel in his truck! Keep those trucks rolling, appreciate all you drivers do for us,”4 wheelers”

Phyllis Earhart Hilliard that is why I get so excited seeing your trucks. :) Tim Hobbs Amen!! Armando Beltran DHT trucks carry more than a load

“God Bless the Company and the message that is sent out on theHighways and Byways! Praise and Glory be to God!

MOUNTAIN CITY TERMINAL NEWS New Ministry Opportunities

DHT is very blessed to have such charitable hearts in our drivers, office staff and our Management personnel. Under Joe’s direction, DHT has established a new ministry that projects the Core Values and beliefs of our Company. The first opportunity we are so fortunate to be involved with is Operation Christmas Child. We have been collecting donations for almost two months now. We have set a goal to pack 300 shoeboxes across the offices and terminals. This will be an on-going project this year ending in December – which is the month of prayer for each of these boxes. In November, we will “drop off” these boxes a local Drop Off Location, and will start up again in January for the Christmas 2017. We have several employees that have brought in purchased items as well as many that have given a monetary donation. Thank you to everyone thus far! We do have collection boxes at each terminal, and we are super excited that El Paso Terminal will be making their own boxes! It is never too late to contribute either by buying and donating items or by doing a payroll deduction. Please call HR or send an email to [email protected] if you would like to set up a payroll deduction, or feel free to purchase items and drop them off at any terminal. Each one of these boxes that we donate will go to a child who may have lost hope, has little faith and may not know they can trust in what God can do; these boxes change lives by showing God’s love.

Visit Operation Christmas Child’s website to see what this organization is about! Their link is www.samaritanspurse.

org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child or simply search for Operation Christmas Child. It will change a life, and may even change yours!We have other ideas that we will working on throughout the years to come, and as always, DHT appreciates each and every one of its employees! You make this company what it is today, and that is G-R-E-A-T!

Your Benefits Update from HR

Hello everyone from Human Resources! We hope each of you that carry benefits with DHT are happy with your selections, and we are here to help you in any way when it comes to filing claims, finding doctors In-Network, and/or answering questions about your coverage. Please never hesitate to call when you need something; that is why we are here.

For those of you that carry the health insurance, your Wellness Exams and Biometrics Testing are due by October 31, 2016. We are also asking that you register for BlueAccess at www.bcbst.com and complete your Personal Health Assessment by October 31st as well. This is crucial information that is gathered by BCBS that helps us get you the best coverage that you deserve. It’s very easy to get registered and complete the PHA, and we are here to help you get this accomplished every step of the way. Remember, by getting a Wellness Exam and Biometric Testing you save $50 per month on premiums! If you are a Non-Participant paying the highest premium, but would like to learn how you too can earn discounts on your premiums, call us to find out your options.

We have mailed out the Wellness Exam and Biometric screening forms, as well as an information sheet on how to register for BlueAccess, what is available for you on your BlueAccess, how to complete the Personal Health Assessment, as well as how to download a free app called AlwaysOn to yourSmartphone or tablet! This will enable you to complete the Personal Health Assessment without using a computer. Please help us help you, and call us today with any questions!

Thanks for all you do for DHT; we want you to live happy and healthy!

Mike Barker, Director of Human Resources


JUNE Robert Farber 06/29/2015Michael Skaggs 06/22/2015Walter Parmer 06/22/2015Caleb Sanders 06/15/2015Dakota Everson 06/15/2015David Garza 06/15/2015Hector Escobedo 06/15/2015Robert Julious 06/15/2015Walter Dowell 06/15/2015Brian Barlow 06/08/2015Daryll Stillwell 06/08/2015David Crossland 06/08/2015Matthew Bowker 06/08/2015Jonathan Taylor 06/01/2015Mark Davis 06/01/2015Timothy Alan Ward 06/01/2015Roscoe Moody 06/30/2014Zachary Sharpe 06/30/2014Lawrence Gerhart 06/23/2014Alberto Lerma 06/16/2014Jeffrey Midguard 06/16/2014Juan Enriquez 06/09/2014Theresa Randolph 06/09/2014Amber Crews 06/02/2014Larry Cordell 06/02/2014Roger Ruiz 06/02/2014Richard Pratt 06/24/2013Joshua Herman 06/17/2013

Scott Pomraning 06/17/2013Gilberto Juarez 06/11/2013Richard Schaffner 06/03/2013Susan Ann Contreras 06/03/2013Sergio Gallegos 06/20/2012Adrian Alarcon 06/20/2011Roberto Arevalo 06/16/2011Timothy Miller 06/02/2011Timothy Hensley 06/22/2010Hector Corona-Gonzalez 06/23/2009Glenn Hess 06/11/2008Randy Letner 06/19/2007Christopher Horner 06/06/2005Lavura Elam 06/01/2004Jose Cadena 06/17/2002Darrell Wilson 06/19/2000Martin Riesgo 06/10/1996

JULYJeremy W. Poynor 07/27/2015Jimmy D. Elliott 07/27/2015Renwick Vashone Brown 07/20/2015Gustavo Ortiz 07/13/2015Joaquin Alvarez 07/13/2015Joseph Skaggs 07/13/2015Ray Castaneda 07/13/2015Ray Phillips 07/13/2015Robert Wells 07/13/2015Aaron Charsha 07/06/2015

Neil Gipson 07/06/2015Cloyde Cranford 07/21/2014Gary McLendon 07/21/2014Luke Brim 07/21/2014Rene McLendon 07/21/2014Ronnie McCloud 07/21/2014Barbara Richmond 07/14/2014Gary Richmond 07/14/2014Jamie Hornsby 07/14/2014Humberto Carrillo 07/22/2013Pamela Poteet 07/22/2013Victor Avelar 07/22/2013Dwight Ingram 07/15/2013Jaime Velarde 07/15/2013Sheila Johnson 07/15/2013Timothy Redman 07/15/2013Timothy Hobbs 07/08/2013Dillon Hoyle 07/01/2013Sammy Soto 07/01/2013Julia Parman 07/27/2011Steven Frazier 07/27/2011Patsy Bower 07/23/2007Jeanne Marie Gosch 07/15/2003Merlin Alan Gosch 07/15/2003Anselmo Ruiz 07/15/2002Jose Jaloma 07/12/2002Jesus Vidal 07/01/1993Patricio Castruita 07/27/1992

JUNEGuillermo Sanchez 6/30/2016David L. Conerd 6/27/2016George Thomas Joyner 6/27/2016Hector Aguilar 6/27/2016Jimmy Rogers Moran 6/27/2016Kaylynn Raymone Cobb 6/27/2016Mark D. Hughes 6/27/2016Michael Lee Moran 6/27/2016Michael S. Eggers 6/27/2016Alejandro Cervantes 6/20/2016Dallas R. Hall 6/20/2016Edgar Gutierrez 6/20/2016Eric J. Hoffman 6/20/2016Jamie Lee Combs 6/20/2016Jimmy Roger Hall 6/20/2016Melissa Renne Long 6/20/2016Michael Lynn Brown 6/20/2016Rogena Deanea Brown 6/20/2016Shawn Pierre Wimbish 6/20/2016Willie F. Richards 6/20/2016Alfonso Murrieta 6/13/2016Cheryl L. Pack 6/13/2016Christopher Allen Jeter 6/13/2016

Claude Johnson 6/13/2016Federico Barraza 6/13/2016Matthew S. Debusk 6/13/2016Adam Jason Dragoo 6/6/2016Angel Q. Morones 6/6/2016James Edward Simmons 6/6/2016Martin Jaime Portillo 6/6/2016Michelle Sharess Peterson 6/6/2016Patrick Roger Reyna 6/6/2016Troy Mowery 6/6/2016

JULYAdrian A. Betancourt 07/25/2016Daniel A. Harrah 07/25/2016James Richard Barrette 07/25/2016Joshua Hunter Newman 07/25/2016Michael Holley 07/25/2016Randal Harry Peterson 07/25/2016Rene Velez 07/25/2016Timothy Travis Daily 07/25/2016Alan Roy Cope 07/18/2016Anthony James Schabell 07/18/2016Deven James Hallen 07/18/2016Francisco Javier Bugarin 07/18/2016

Ivan Ortiz 07/18/2016Larry W. Barnhart 07/18/2016Ricardo Arenas 07/18/2016Sandra Darlene York 07/18/2016Wendy Jean Barnhart 07/18/2016Alberto F. Martinez 07/11/2016Alfredo R. Sanchez Ramirez 07/11/2016Anthony T. Long 07/11/2016Dennis Robles 07/05/2016Duane Allen Hosom 07/05/2016Erwin Rendon 07/05/2016James Bernard Walden 07/05/2016Jorge Arvizo Garcia 07/05/2016Randy V. Jacquez 07/05/2016Timothy A. Horne 07/05/2016


New Hires

DANNY HERMAN TRUCKING, INC. | July / August 2016

Terminal News


We live in the greatest country on Earth.We have many freedoms that we enjoyeach and every day. Thank you to all of ourMilitary who have served, sacrificed, andwillfully gave all for us to keep these freedomstoday. They are heroes and will never be forgotten!Freedoms of our country make it possible for ourcompany to put bible verses on our trucks, and tolabel ourselves as a Faith-Based Company. AsAmericans we have the right to worship God,say what we want, assemble together and petition.We have the right to bear arms for protection, to be protected from cruel or unusual punishment, the right to a speedy trial by a jury of our peers, the right to vote, and so much more. We are given so many rights as individualsand so many protections. America truly is agreat nation! I for one, am proud to be an American!

We live in the greatest country on Earth. We have many freedoms that we enjoy each and every day. Thank you to all of our Military who have served, sacrificed, and willfully gave all for us to keep these freedoms today. They are heroes and will never be forgotten!

Freedoms of our country make it possible for our company to put bible verses on our trucks, and to label ourselves as a Faith-Based Company. As Americans we have the right to worship God, say what we want, assemble together and petition.We have the right to bear arms for protection, to be protected from cruel or unusual punishment. We have the right to a fair trial by a jury of our peers. We are given so many rights as individualsand so many protections. America truly is agreat nation! I for one, am proud to be an American!