m_ wt!i h© m r ^|Uv • iT -#N ; oi ^f*r|jg <t* ***** M&$ll* »•$? f^lf^^ ' *-- » • \ $ hen/ • W t :f ; wn?Otjl y on* % Bad not- iendei etched ** ^W f ^ ^^-fa force fill otlieWIe ordered by %ht JU^gMi* The Governor, Secretary* Judges 'and SS:^fei;tO;kti ' «:£ jtoiitirc&' on' the *fear|«i! i.f^f *he d*# lollow T * ^ T h I >tiir«, tie Governor, Secretary* JudgeL allure/ $$c&r of the militia, to b | ap *f JCJC .**• BOD K 1*** #Tf«» tt * •» • .•vy •**• ** *1 STANNARY STORt pointed by the Preudeot of the tjnited States:, by and with the advice and con- fetti Of the Seri(M&-^<& £4*. ,WHITmo f BAOp»'# W B f f t & G (pVALBAHi) AND TAMES '[> WHITING ifchete,.'wfe Conhldat rampam; ^^to^dtirt'filhhie. j$*;t Amp% ietriiW |for *'m'h:^n&i5ihf:^; : "adva?it^ .^ r f ihkt**b» 1^-'^ift*f !'#l-J*s('f«A *.iht« we.- Min|r^aW*4hii >^t » : nighty •«&£ G£W - -,-.* .,*>##$:-" l^wlti^hifitjf: :*^Oi*r \ffe88jgf• $£* *, for the future^ W wirh truly-d«fcr;be meats,^ and lib4tai e^Stb-Frinitfr^ylear • 3LAUSSA^. k efeft t Comnlitt^Q, »£ the commiiEon r - e Pttblicr are refpe&fu|Iy lriform* ed«^ IhattheedltQrs ot thi$ papenste ap* . pQin :ed . Agents' x<o> rieceive ftibfcripuonf far jthat jJegMi attd valti&blt l.uerary s liim^ of Which komp^mpti on thefitftiS , .-,.'.., *|aritifary irfft»<-4lt,4* printed weekly; on ;'; : in^|papc?rr(EoJai" Quarry an4 ?Qwar4ei DIVINITY .;to fuhfcrrliers at: $!% &&JLLAR5 per ann. JilSTUEV, IBEMiS & CO, their Friends artd me Public graenftt, that they have opened a B O b $ & a T ^ t l O N A R Y B T O R E in CA'N4»» J3AIGUA, at the Store .of . ^ U$#>J,-C»AriH* where they have FOR SAJU&J' s; dentlernen^iKi wiCfe to patronife the l i S i p i w I ^ e r l e ' l i K t h ^ W^M -g^ W ^ ft ba$rralhed ^tp all the . ;|^ifeSfetH^M''^'^P^;f £ ra#!ft' wweri %nft P o f T l o t i O ^ from the lAffl^'* l3t %'' i^-^ t; -:^; *ti "ij4^thpilfe| '^eor^mencenitentj^f the prefenfc volume* if' . ^.A»il-t»at;t|^ .jf^eriatarj' ?r ahete-or|"' *de'6Mi ^ Icltviing* their nmeitogether ]p>rt« MQ^hfEti v ANATOMY, TEAVELS, TinijOSomy/;*'< .'SURGERY, .NOVELS, AGEIGOJ.TME, PHYMG, $E0&RAPHf, ; A R W a c S a E « E $ , -TOY^VGES, '-, . .-"*' "/.L^kfiwis:^-AM. ASfdE^ririENT or J. / x JL . .•*« t .'». POETRY, MlSCELLANt„fa. dfot^tftrft^f A; feting ^a»: then ; ; *'*,vbftvk'«tjtf'th«jEm^«rot And!;On# Ledgers, Jpuwi^3 L I>ay^^(A#s #^r|otJ5 p^esand prices^ Alphabets for " " T «^ CjAphering do»; Wuiing do «* ^ieC< i ^y naffloSor^faly the guns of the Oohp* *' M 1 believe, 5 he acknowledged ak New r To rk^ Jphti Adam*, i a^ril an4 'condii£m j r * •" ^ ^ *! -'' veffeJs imiUrg+ A r JAK'UARY 4: *v' ra(?A r 5 p^lied with the EE^ iiffierentpoft rolitei- s. ^hforsned tbat|tbe^ 5pletes-^he THIRD ^ trft- cojirmencemenu- •re*, tfeat"fuch of tlbtetxl ' make payment to the-' and.jiiiereby enlabli'' rgageirjien^ with j ' * 3TH£ PitijttTEajs."" " le, the School-Houfe"" fire* and was,entire- er-wuh a fireat c u m * p!«jee: 'Of renpj&vons'lwas; It'^yi h ^ aajn^ervie^.o^ - i^i« B-Jn-perof:. .a^*iv^^.i|i?' OQP cavalry, and 5,000 toot $ co|ied troth h« fir|i. ; tturilhejf < r Itriiay } t»efrpper 4^ obferve^ that the do,^ targ^ and frnali Biank-Books I Receipt do: •priie of & PtrRX J^LIO hm hitherto ^tter^Paper, plain a n o ^ l l u ^ t i ^ - ^ ^ ^ fine Wove do.fW^ap- fredn biiVFiiie]2?^//arj»*-Tbeieaf0nsol- " $ n g^o.-^Ladies* 9ndQ4n^eai^T»'&![oVi>c^.|Vpi^BooH red And black; Memo- fai&by lit editor ior erihinCiri^ the price, raijd ^ ( ! 11 #wks4 Penknives, Cor^^Strjewsv Jndia Rubber, Tooth Bi oihes', Office Sfals, "ar# I Ihewn * iri the tollowinj $tfr\ht vetteis, XquadKon wete kan_ ifeeir Meriesji arid with a determination,, ihotrfdthen*^oc : sf*ton bil, to cpmffiWee An imlnl^te^t^k iQ»b» tb^toiirfii'»4w«;' irf juftlce! to^fi^ Ultotl w\k M tee c^rer. ] thU-was rendered 1 anneteffa^L by* *»*3™. U4l M «aki»u.'4 *U. 1^L> « . n i .**. ^he. above njentio^i; ; ,^^0^ $ u hlfe|iberS ani Agents are very ged immediat% # 4 ^ , ^eafujly atoized* that,, henceforth, the; price of ihypttf folia isjfixedat Si* |>o«ars« ! Thkau^mentation|is but anl^t '^/* J\. JK., Y, iri Additions wiii beb^(^H0n^y.^k4c : taili9ab6ve 9 which will be f61d on reafonabfe ferrns, -wholetale or retaji^r%Tchafe*s of PubHc or v Private Llbrauej?, Teachers of School, &e. will be fupplief* and lilsefal aHovvances made. ] . ALIyTANACS for the , pre(ent.vear 9 .''loir fate by the grofs, doz. oVSngle. Canandai*utL, iz^ik January, 1^4* ^ * ' 39 ^ ' th an fjnaU, Waft tfte reihlt, fAutes cxchaileed, aM «F» ^ pre miumof labor.-Thep«ce ol work- jtfygj^eieft of f^rovifions, (wh|eh.'#ff',-^afcp^nd.i ; ' r " " ^ '- Iti^,Jp tbegreateft perlecuon ai^d absiip *- ' -• *— ^- K.miiii f |i|'i»»»niijii»»i;» *mr »'»'-»i»ft" )}!«tnHHi M»||gp.ilwi»|IHf'>fi'riiMi•»*•»•'< 'I 1 """>,»!'» '^'- iW raft****- ? «pli«ncc o»,the ^ ot a U en fe. ftt large^and ap mcortie fo the Emperor, wu i.everV de.mand^a^cfe , tlli£ ^d«<ie%fqaire*-a fmalt addi oNEtm mm-smRm 'aneTjJteributedf mong thefieet^T^ul "ternnoate'd an-'a&ur-tjhat thteatfetiep kije COmTjqercial Wercu? of the 0nt|e4 M t e * aa thhie- 4 feas,' 'vith.annihtla^ioK t jtftcsy taaj&erKuV am-fohigh* that rthe! Port iB^y, j cannot be'afforded for lefs ^h Stjc fiiijj^} andth^ moft captious, f ** Kavejitin^their harfi power, fromfitw*^ ; . to ^rbitanrty dear, forms ap *nmi\ turns', cfeme'doO in tbts this^to-morror *. j inorning,for Lt5ghoirb| flwll;^!oceed off^r^ppllr* ;ru!fe until the latiek etlid Country Merchants, Tr^dtrs^c dth^r^ 4 r s .* BY AVTPLYl&Gr TO . v G E O R G E R-IGIIAR0S,.,|H^ 'At the Oiieida a pools-Store Jn tilled .. "Ak'lXTEN'Si^E^S-StORTJMEH.t Pf "Books jk Statiomr^ . ir SPITED f OR 600NTRY &j&&i Jj various kmdsandpriei; •*• county ot Octano, a STILL, on Ae {torn 'thence vre wli?ire we lhall ot ^cernber, 4henVe il^atl-procj^dltto M*m[md xar..ain dtirmg'che ^rtiaiiiidiEir ^of (hp wimer.' T h ^ John Ad^n?V*«*id ; r^'wjVVrk' are now buurid ham&\ \ *W& ""?ndi||lT3x frigates i*y% time in the'^iie--. ingoing." >* nformed» , (fay* tbje . ,7 .that j?elterdayr hi* i$i wrote to tae Gsv T * um^ that at the fitil Tcfl he O^culd re%nt ick oL the Snpjerfl^ w h o „kn<!>ws havr to ^kamitig, found in* ntcccions ,oi this {gen- f tiiis~ event with the n tbe pfefeem: ilate oi< •: a fucsce^V, with the mfions. * 1 •f^e New-York 0/** jropted to affurne the fe wbahave the|«an- blic ^ncerns, bjy^e-; fe Sfeflcer, as a, perr' -fill the, vacancy occa^ nation of hist Honor tdge of the.. Supreme -and KaVjthe tm^aiaU ddjr^that neithcsr the .the public will foffer >u^h k the impudeni sr^igtt reaegadoJ ; ; mfaited"Jaftera|l*be- & idlfonlfelcanldnota-, ie$ ot Mr. ( k o p r * , preforhe ihe tm<f l * * fat foil length* arid**- j rek or fortnight mote* { ^,0oodonan*^wi * ther there officeif AaU. | Jemo^Tat* in Compete, *] rrT, HiraU* f # peech of *&, God^rd | itllhepnhhtbedinour «. Lo\ltertheConfitmtlO| atori of Mr, JeJFerfo», j Trt the legllJatjnrc • * • * ! ^\||r^ majo' "f ."»js Courtttllof Appointrnchti§ rsj^W'tn \ feifionat Albany. The folla'wjngap|j>dittt* ^XDsrJw have, bech made • ,;~ • rr^T-;..•- •;• l^e^r Httfches. Clerk of Caytlp*. vfcft I B en]a|n?in JC^dy a rd, dec5ea fed. " ! " 1 .'I SfflttanBuel, Sheri&of Caytiga^|?fee :ip. |l V gh». - , f a ; •-•••:..•j;,"--.- J Aifen Brown; InfpeQor of Pot^.i^feart .,'Ames k>r the oty o!: Albany. ; | % \ 4 ' . j i, *• •• »-.i. t .#'V, i j * : '*, ,* Z^ttijza^za.— A-bHi was reported topihe ^ Senate ot ih& ] Jmtcd L Sttt<s», .on, ^S«[ |<nh .ufe by, Mr. (Brijckcnprdge/from thplcjoiin- mirtec apppinti;d oa thefobjeftforieM£l* ing Ltmifiaua i<\to two territories and.jpro*' viding J'or the temporary : go?$mm&p%. thereol; which had a ftrft reading anjdwas oraere^a- lecond. - It propojel ; tlM«h* terfhories Ihoild be. defignate^<| by iuhe names of Eottliana and Orleans*:] .'f$*he forber to remain pnder the fame lolridibl. government as heretolore, ^ave dirfetlhafe the paramount pawers»';ekerc f fedl f,f-the -. -f; Pr^m Mi. MonUz&ma f&B, $AI*E 4 theStore oi the S^Keriber, .j WHO WMTi TO &URCBAS& ;tc£Q0<? tpftiels of Wheat, pQf-ttifiish he milt esBota the kigfiz/l £ rice t ahd fay One ^ail CASH. : *•* ' ' ^ '.L : . ! ; ..." - v'VJ^* MYlfBERSE/; / ' "Sineca i&?if*' ii2£& j^nz, j^o.4> gStt ,^:> Y ^ir^uej^H tWO WMts ^f, ^?l with iDanne'^ notes, Camirnpn School Bibles^-Pocket Bil es. Tefements, 1 %itm and 8vo fize. ,•-.;( Murray's, Webfler r s, -and 'Alexander*! Gxanimars ahcl Youn^-JLadie* Artier Lean Seleaion* do. Preceptor, Cof ut#pia& Orator. ; Mbre T s Monitor^ Murray's In^oduMionJ 'Murray's EnghHV R^Ber, dd» Sequel X- tohii Redden/ „y, >•*•" ' ;•{, ^ Scott's Ld£ons» BatWs ^elfeSiori. PATENT STILLS ^ l ^ E E - Ittbfcriber having,pnrchflfed of Jt -Mr. JOHN MOFFAT, thsrigllt oi inakihk^'ufin^ and vending his irewfriiif vented PATENT,STILLS, withmjihat "part o f the Jf[eftern Dtjlnfi pi: the toate- .of IsfcW-York, comprehending the Cjun- >ties of Gene fee,. Ontario, Steuben. - TLOZ *ga* Cayuga, Onondaga, Cundhgo v Ontt>_ JriE, and 5^- Lawrence, now offers ihem forfafe, by counties, towns, or hngl<: rights, "withisi the di fir 5£l a lorefaid.->—He hns e- hi,^the pr^n Cmmott JPfck • wii Jo me !r]^el^ aM gfeld J ^ # e r , Art of SpjaMiigi'} * * 44liverte4,, iMikil the Wdsatid" cha<te}4 Webfter ^ SpeHiflg r BoGks f by the tyofe japdsJaaiiteiiehlcntS'0f MfmdH&pktMs % l a Governor, to be ,ve fei^ed. ; aBd taken 'all she* goods and Chattels^ j lao% and tenements of fhe faid Ehitd,, iArn^iBailiwtdL'whichi I ||allex- ppfflfo fold, it\Pttbltc Vendtle, cm Tuff- d^r thefctothj3ayfifJanuary nexC a^'TAY- ijr>4V Bote}, in Canaudatgua, at two otclocklnchjs afternoon*. , j ! B ^ j . BARTON, Sheriff. 1 ' * j The jfele Cf the above property is poft- ^pitfftdttdtU Vrifay* the tenth day of $$b* ^iiary npxt j then to comtoence, at one olcloek, at th,e jlace above mentioned. TY virtnei of a writ of Mzer$'Facias t jif- !' fned oiifcof the Court of. Cornmon fleas, aojl to rne SireBed and: delivered* <?. doK'en or Jingle Watt^B Galois and Hy'riins, bwigh^sjd^ Morfe's Univ#iai Geography, M^jWe's Awerican Geography, do. ^nerjiesin ;Ga2#tteeiydo» Elernents of GeQgr3jphy» do. Geography Abridged, do. Gaie|te#r Abridged. improvement tion to purchafel * Experience'd jndge^ in the ait of BifHiling; who have-feeJi||\e jpperdt)ion of Mr. Moffat's S d H , dp**inoK hefitateto pronounce it a mwft^abable difcovery. A Still o\ thi$/bbV{lraEHoii inay be ereSed for a fourth part of "rh? ?»> pence; nebeflkry to ej^cl Or)e ol th,e l<$&\ iipon ,ki7Jtt, ot e^ual ^apa'city^-.tteill *^not * .^onfume more than,a fikhparjt ol the' fael )h dialling the-Jarne qaarittty.-of lf^hor, %nd jfiiH admivpF beln^ rui off rnueb fall- er, without 'daftjger of btafthfe the betf» 0^ injaring the fpirit.- ?'- **" " -?• **v«*?*< * A dtlcovery, uniting thefe Sdvant^gcsJ* the fubferiber thinks mcrft be an objsiel t^ all who are engaged in .the difliilmg lineJ ft is impoffible, in the cofnpafs oi'gn ad- vertisement,' to givejin adejuaje tfefcrip* tion ol the principle's of this invention- Dw%ht'feeog^phy,mqiieftbns&W^ g.» oftl ^ n 5 ce ^, to '^f r T!^S n.„f^.v. rt v riLahi rinn . :T. Still containing the liquid to be evapolf»U Guthrie's Do. lateft edition. Diaionaries-AtnlVorth, Barely, B ? i l e g ^ is,con firmed e m ireiy of ^ e | ; ^ Boyer, Johafon, Sheridan, W a l M a | d £ ! ^ ! . ^ . t ! ^ ^ h a v e fei< former G^yer^rs* ^ a l l be transferred to;~ Mainll the ^oods and chattels,;Jands and appointed by the tj$* * tenemetttVof ASA B U H B A ^ f l hav 4 sii all the go nementsQf 1 f5J*y BailiwicjcV and fiiall expoCe the fame Yonng's, 8vo-^Perryj Entick, Alexan- der, Eliott and, Johnfon's, fqhare* ; •" Grammars and other School Books fqartfo ^ Gree\ and Latin Glafficsi, ; r •• STATIONAR^ ; : ; Paper of varlohs kinds and priees. Wafers, Quills, Penknives', Pocket Bboksi , Sealing-WaXj Sand»Boxe§, fefcftiadsj * do. for Pockeu ' •ide^nt of the't nited'Stafes, and the psJW-. isfe'd and talceii all the goods and chattels, flaying Cards* Plain Cards forrnettfeg, f - JT""" y atc i^ cw |f c applicable to thk pnr-' er* cxercif«d by the Commahdarii^;of ^ ||nds atJid tenements^f the fard Au* in Ink Powder, Cake Ink, Lead Penciij, red , * BREWING whichisalfo ir elnd- ,-port^ "fhall belv^fted in a civil o^LCerij troops and'militia of hifftdtion^andlt^ re*] CCJVC, as k tepmpenfauon, the p ^ r | t ^ n ' ^ • ; and emoluments of a Colonel i,athe|ariin^* "*$Jnjs*ata ftipijrior iiatipn^ ^ j i ;> /* . p l the latter^the Ekecutive | 6 ^ i r ro h$[^ Veiled in ;i .Govjemor, appointed for ,*fe^ft years, and removable by tfte! ^icef^ $l$Btt," A '"Secretary to be appo&t^dMor; .-'tifeyfart., on Vhom the government »Ho •terolire 1 ; in cafeoi a vacancy in 't&e office , ancltlaci, wilfarious otheraflkfej, *d'"'n the crant to the fubfertber. >?** ^l^^e^t^^ticV^da^av^r/^rVllo* i^iUhe^^tHa^ryg^teral^^ini^twf fACOB W HALLETT,* ^^fe?^!!?i^Jf f ^ i ^ ^ MIS^IXA&EOTS' wdtM; c , nf ^ j % tpi , 12> x8o 3 • • T <-^ - >.w* J...-, ..-«.,H-« ««** -^ ,..- ^_^f; cyei:a ibranches of afefutarid^pofee Literature. dnth day of -January next, at One o'clock i|i the afternoon, . » .; !,•;;' ••! pm%M&Tm t skriff 1 ' y tkno$dmgu& i; jtfw* i§ t 1803. j The f4le Ol the above property is,poft- p!oned untik Saturday, thtf *rfi of. Jariuary jthjfc then i»j conimen|e -i% * o»« o'ciocfc, at the place ab|«r* mentioned^ . Vaporation is produced, is containelin a cobpsr llove;intiddnCed.within,the Wood* enVeffcl, and fo conilruaed as to ^y re*v> ery part except the ifont, in cdntatl^witt the liquid.—The fubCciiBer.wiljl keip the , StiU which he has eieQed in%Geneva,^ J eonftantl operation, in order that all \Vtkt> " Ate difpofed'to purchafe,' may teft,tb«1»aV' faniages of the difcovery by ocnhr de* monftraiion. The principles of tie dxf* "V • «Govern J ^r, and removable in llfcf mm* The above f*le ts furtber polfpohed onw H& \ , . ^-. . , / ; '*>V » ^IThnrfday the n^fehtnft. thejn''to com- , - A If€glilative Council; c o » S A | ^i rp«-nce ; at t^e time and jplace abovernen. f^em^lcrafr, tjobe fe|ecT:ad andipp^iriited gloried* ^ ':A"?JjfW* &U J8o|. r. ALMANACKS, :•: y.OR THE.XEAR O^ Otli i,0^i» •;, 1804; -< By the Grofs|;I>ozen or Utua> Bit. tM^ •««nt»ally by .irhe 'Governor, lrom! : ')ffcch tlreeholderaL4&*!} bave refided;Orfcye^r r lnffhe terrWy, and,to holdnoopfeof pre^t under the Untifed Stated to ^rhom # ^Hlf the Govbrnor^ the LpgiiUtiwlpw^ y » ar# confidled { thity are to receive no "JWHi' i' 4 »- AKij. ro^'faj.^ AT v Tfrrs;', PTFice, *Y. Y order of the Hon. Mofes Atjwate£ ^J Efquire, one of the Judges, h\ the ^ Court, ot Common Pleas in aad ior'th# county of Ontario-Notice.Is hew* y #j* en to all the^credhors ot JohrrLsphaft, ^ dt the town'of Middletown,ln the cofinty aiorefaid^an infoivent ^debt^r, tfl» Wcvr , Caufe, if any they have, before th^ judge* 4nd a f i W Juftices of thelaid C i u r i o | Common Pleas, to beholden m *WJ Jo* . the county a!orefaid t on the third T»el r: firft Ot .P^cember ^ n Q u f e in C anandaigua, in ^ j co«n ; alorefaid, why an aJGgntrtfut ptm W<k 4hfi*z *:".!*>•** 20tf 4 >\. % mt AY: HORSE. fcriber, about the jafi, a Bay H0RS& #ith.*ft^r%.#8* «^jpcnfation ,*> [the Judrdtry to connjl oi « St^WW ^ j , ^ Fil^i2 $k 4M LOJU), imn and hi;li interior Count Indjttf-; - •- ' tee* of the P«4ce as the Lsgjllatttreloirhe Iffrttory ruay ^The la-'^s i tor thefr fervkei erfy, pay charges and take hiin awayL from time to timc*fif$t-Uh«} . ^ . . h force 1 , v ^t the iromrttence- mfat ol j he aft, and ftot incvni|Hg^i;"-*"*• %he reftrifiipiSii ^ropofed,- to CQIJUII^I VirfrQftiJmitzrf Q,: x OA: »f A^MWBMm> PMiM* forehead i fuppoM to he *bbu» % \ yearis *!^/i°* e *T~^i""' h, ou ia a n o t b e A ^ e , jand Legiflature oi the ftate o^ Hfew-Ydrk, en- titled " A n iatorjpvin^wlietwjJW^ infolvency,^ paffed the 3d day of i8*t.~Ifetefl ift >watv* *504» TOHN LEtPHART,i^oV«nt.' ^ Jacob' Van^uikirk, OSC ol tl»? ppttU^ ihf creditors, B*i M«I 11 «•" utiiMiiw^uiiwij.ni^.wiji .!•>•• ri#ii'»** XMW«II>I '. lor Sal^ar Ifcti ~ /?** JTl'. -tr^} ;'£.4li .^'^M***. <'N*«%^ Ai :r »*"WlJitll ,! "'' : **«v«*w. « ^ >*fe^ ' Jf\ f 1 4 i mi r 4 u 'I ,-\ 1 ^ #( 1*' **wi <&**

Th SS:^fei;tO;ktinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031506/1804-01-24/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · ; ;*'*,vbftvk'«tjtf'th«jEm^«rot And!;On# Ledgers, Jpuwi^3LI>ay^^(A#s #^r|otJ5 p^esand

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Page 1: Th SS:^fei;tO;ktinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031506/1804-01-24/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · ; ;*'*,vbftvk'«tjtf'th«jEm^«rot And!;On# Ledgers, Jpuwi^3LI>ay^^(A#s #^r|otJ5 p^esand

m_ wt ! i h© m r ^ | U v •

iT -#N ;oi ^ f * r | j g

< t * *»

***** M&$ll* »•$? f ^ l f ^ ^

'*-- » • \$ hen/ • W t :f; wn?Otjl y on* % Bad not-iendei etched ** W f ^ ^ ^ - f a

force fill otlieWIe ordered by %ht JU gMi*

The Governor, Secretary* Judges 'and

SS:^fei;tO;kti ' «:£ jtoiitirc&' on' the *fear|«i!

i.f^f *he d*# lollowT * ^ T h


>tiir«, tie Governor, Secretary* JudgeL

a l l u r e / $$c&r of the militia, to b | ap

*f JCJC .**•


1*** #Tf«» t t * *» •» • .•vy •**• ** *1


pointed by the Preudeot of the tjnited States:, by and with the advice and con­fetti Of the Seri(M&-^<& £4*.

, W H I T m o f B A O p » ' # W B f f t & G (pVALBAHi) AND TAMES '[>


ifchete,.'wfe Conhldat rampam;

^^to^dtirt'filhhie. j$*;t Amp% ietriiW |for *'m'h: n&i5ihf: ;:"adva?it . ^ r f ihkt**b» • 1^-'^ift*f !'#l-J*s('f«A *.iht« we.- Min|r^aW*4hii

> t » : n i g h t y •«&£


m£ - - , - .* . , * > # # $ : - "


:*^Oi*r \ffe88jgf• $£* *, for the future^ W wirh truly-d«fcr;be

meats,^ and lib4tai


• 3LAUSSA^. kefeftt Comnlitt^Q,

ȣ t h e commiiEon r-

e Pttblicr are refpe&fu|Iy lriform* ed« IhattheedltQrs ot thi$ papenste ap*

. pQin :ed . Agents' x<o> rieceive ftibfcripuonf far jthat jJegMi attd valti&blt l.uerarys

liim^ of Which komp^mpti on the fitft iS , .-,.'.., „ *|aritifary irfft»<-4lt,4* printed weekly; on ; ' ; •

:in^|papc?rr(EoJai" Quarry an4 ?Qwar4ei DIVINITY .;to fuhfcrrliers at: $!% &&JLLAR5 per ann. J i lSTUEV,

IBEMiS & CO, their Friends artd me Public

graenftt, that they have opened a B O b $ & a T ^ t l O N A R Y BTORE in C A ' N 4 » » J3AIGUA, at the Store .of . ^ U$#>J,-C»AriH* where they have FOR SAJU&J'

s; dentlernen^iKi wiCfe to patronife the

l i S i p i w I ^ e r l e ' l i K t h ^ W^M - g ^ W ^ f t ba$rralhed ^ t p all the . ; | ^ i f e S f e t H ^ M ' ' ^ ' ^ P ^ ; f £ r a # ! f t ' w w e r i %nft P o f T l o t i O ^ from the lAffl^'*l3t%'' i ^ - ^ t ; - : ^ ; *ti "ij4^thpilfe| '^eor^mencenitentj^f the prefenfc volume* if' . .A»il-t»at;t|^ .jf^eriatarj ' ?r ahete-or|"' *de'6Mi Icltviing* their nmeitogether



$E0&RAPHf, ; A R W a c S a E « E $ , -TOY^VGES, '-, . .-"*' "/.L^kfiwis:^-AM. ASfdE ririENT or

J. / x JL . .•*«


. ' » .


d f o t ^ t f t r f t ^ f A; f e t i n g ^a»: then ; ;*'*,vbftvk'«tjtf'th«jEm^«rot And!;On#

Ledgers, Jpuwi^3LI>ay^^(A#s # ^ r | o t J 5 p^esand prices^ Alphabets for " " T « CjAphering do»; Wuiing do

« *

ieC< i^y naffloSor faly the guns of the Oohp* *' M 1 believe,5 he acknowledged ak

NewrTo rk^ Jphti Adam*, i a ril an4 'condii£m j r * •" ^ *! - ' ' veffeJs

imiUrg+ A

rJAK'UARY 4 : * v '

ra(?Ar5 p^lied with the E E ^ iiffierentpoft rolitei-s. hforsned tbat|tbe^

5pletes-^he T H I R D ^ trft- coj i rmencemenu-•re*, tfeat"fuch of tlbtetxl ' make payment to the-' and.ji i iereby enlabli' '

rgageirjien^ with j ' * 3 T H £ Pit i j t tTEajs."" "

le , t h e School-Houfe"" fire* and was,entire-

er-wuh a fireat cum*

p!«jee: 'Of renpj&vons'lwas; It'^yi h ^ aajn^ervie^.o^

- i^i« B-Jn-perof:. .a^*iv^^.i|i?'

O Q P cavalry, and 5,000 toot $ c o | i e d troth h « fir|i.;tturilhejf<

r It riiay}t»e frpper 4^ obferve^ that the do,^ targ^ and frnali Biank-Books I Receipt do: •priie of & PtrRX J^LIO hm hitherto ^tter^Paper, plain a n o ^ l l u ^ t i ^ - ^ ^ ^ fine Wove do.fW^ap-fredn biiVFiiie]2?^//arj»*-Tbeieaf0nsol- " $ng^o.-^Ladies* 9ndQ4n^eai^T»'&![oVi>c^.|Vpi^BooH red And black; Memo-fai&by lit editor ior erihinCiri^ the price, raijd^(!11 #wks4 Penknives, Cor^^Strjewsv Jndia Rubber, Tooth Bi oihes', Office Sfals, "ar# I Ihewn * iri the tollowinj

$tfr\ht vetteis, XquadKon wete kan_ ifeeir Meriesji arid with a determination,, ihotrfdthen*^oc :sf*ton b i l , to cpmffiWee An imlnl^te^t^k iQ»b» tb^toiirfii'»4w«;' irf juftlce! to^fi^ Ultotl w\k M tee c^rer. ]thU-was rendered1 anneteffa^L by* *»*3™. U4l M«aki»u.'4 *U. 1^L> « . n i .**.

^he. above njentio^i; ; , ^ ^ 0 ^ $uhlfe|iberS ani Agents are very ged immediat% # 4 ^ , ^ e a f u j l y atoized* that,, henceforth,

the; price of ihypttf folia isj fixed at Si* |>o«ars« ! Thkau^men ta t i on | i s but a n l ^ t

'^/* J\. JK., Y,


Additions wiii beb^(^H0n^y.^k4c :taili9ab6ve9 which will be f61d on reafonabfe ferrns, -wholetale or retaji^r%Tchafe*s of PubHc orv Private Llbrauej?, Teachers of School, &e. will be fupplief* and lilsefal aHovvances made. ] *« .

ALIyTANACS for the,pre(ent.vear9.''loir fate by the grofs, doz . oVSngle. Canandai*utL, iz^ik January, 1 ^ 4 * ^ * ' 39 ^ '

th an fjnaU,

Waft tfte reihlt, fAutes cxchaileed, aM «F» ^ p r emiumof labor.-Thep«ce ol work-j t fyg j^e ie f t of f^rovifions, ( w h | e h . ' # f f ' , - ^ a f c p ^ n d . i ; ' r " " ^ ' -I t i ^ , J p tbegreateft perlecuon ai^d absiip *- ' -• *— ^ -

K.miiii f |i|'i»»»niijii»»i;» *mr »'»'-»i»ft" )}!«tnHHi M»||gp.ilwi»|IHf'>fi'riiMi•»*•»•'< 'I1""">,»!'» '^'-

iW raft****- F«?«pli«ncc o»,the ^ ot aUenfe.ftt large^and ap mcortie fo the Emperor, wu i.everV de.mand^a^cfe , t l l i £ ^d«<ie%fqaire*-a fmalt addi oNEtm mm-smRm

'aneTjJteributedf mong the fieet^ T^ul "ternnoate'd an-'a&ur-tjhat thteatfetiep kije COmTjqercial Wercu? of the 0nt|e4 M t e * aa thhie-4 feas,' 'vith.annihtla^ioK t jtftcsy

taaj&erKuV am- fo high* that rthe! Port iB^y, j cannot be'afforded for lefs ^ h Stjc fiiijj^} andth^ moft captious,

f** Kavejitin^their harfi

power, from fit w * ^ ; . to ^ rb i t anr ty dear, forms ap *nmi\ turns',

cfeme'doO in tbts this^to-morror


inorning,for Lt5ghoirb| flwll;^!oceed off^r^ppllr* ;ru!fe until the latiek etlid

Country Merchants, Tr^dtrs^c dth^r^ • 4 r s .* BY AVTPLYl&Gr TO .

v G E O R G E R - I G I I A R 0 S , . , | H ^

'At the Oiieidaa pools-Store Jn tilled

.. "Ak'lXTEN'Si^E^S-StORTJMEH.t Pf

"Books jk Statiomr^ .ir SPITED f OR 600NTRY &j&&i

J j various k m d s a n d p r i e i ; •* • county ot Octano, a STILL, on A e

{torn ' thence vre wli?ire we lhall ot ^ c e r n b e r , 4 h e n V e il^atl-procj^dltto M*m[md xar..ain dtirmg'che ^rtiaiiiidiEir

^ o f (hp wimer.' Th^ John Ad^n?V*«*id ; r^ 'wjVVrk ' are now buurid ham&\ \ *W&

""?ndi||lT3x frigates i*y% time in the'^iie--. ingoing." >*

nformed»,(fay* tbje N» . ,7 .that j?elterdayr hi* i$i wrote to tae GsvT* um^ that at the fitil Tcfl he O^culd re%nt ick oL the Snpjerfl^ who „kn<!>ws havr t o

^kamitig, found in* ntcccions ,oi th i s {gen-f

tiiis~ event with t h e n tbe pfefeem: ilate oi< •: a fucsce^V, with the mfions.

* 1

•f^e New-York 0/** jropted to affurne the fe wbahave the|«an-blic ^ncerns , bjy^e-; fe Sfeflcer, as a, perr' -fill the, vacancy occa^ nation of hist Honor tdge of the.. Supreme -and KaVjthe tm^aiaU ddjr^that neithcsr the .the public will foffer >u^h k the impudeni sr^igtt reaegadoJ ; ;

mfaited"Jaftera|l*be- & idlfonlfelcanldnota-, ie$ ot Mr. ( k o p r * , preforhe ihe tm<fl* * fat foil length* arid**- j rek or fortnight mote* { ^ , 0 o o d o n a n * ^ w i *

ther there officeif AaU. |

Jemo^Tat* in Compete, *]

r rT , HiraU* f #

peech of *&, God^rd | i t l l h e p n h h t b e d i n o u r «.


atori of Mr, JeJFerfo», j Trt the legllJatjnrc • * • * !

^ \ | | r^ majo'

"f ."»js Courtttllof Appointrnchti§ rsj W'tn \ feifionat Albany. T h e folla'wjngap|j>dittt* ^XDsrJw have, bech made • ,;~ • rr^T-;..•- •;•

l^e^r Httfches. Clerk of Caytlp*. vfcft I B en]a|n?in JC^dy a rd, dec5ea fed. " ! " 1 .'I SfflttanBuel, Sheri&of Caytiga^|?fee : i p . | l V g h » . - , f : « • a ; •-•••:..• j ; , " - - . -

J Aifen Brown; InfpeQor of Pot^.i^feart ., 'Ames k>r the o t y o!: Albany. ; |

% \ 4 ' . • j i, *• •• »-.i. t .# 'V, i j * :

'*, ,* Z^ttijza^za.— A-bHi was reported topihe

^ Senate ot ih&]JmtcdLSttt<s», .on, S«[ |<nh .ufe by, Mr. (Brijckcnprdge/from thplcjoiin-mirtec apppinti;d oa the fobjeft for ieM£l* ing Ltmifiaua i<\to two territories and.jpro*' viding J'or the temporary :go?$mm&p%.

• thereol; which had a ftrft reading anjdwas oraere^a- lecond. - It propojel;tlM«h* terfhories Ihoild be. defignate^<| by iuhe names of Eottliana and Orleans*:] .'f$*he forber to remain pnder the fame lolridibl. government as heretolore, ^ave dirfetlhafe the paramount pawers»';ekercffedl f,f-the

• -. -f; Pr^m Mi. MonUz&ma f&B, $AI*E 4 theStore oi the S^Keriber,


;tc£Q0<? tpftiels of Wheat, pQf-ttifiish he milt esBota the kigfiz/l £ rice t

ahd fay One ^ai l C A S H . : *•* ' ' ^

'.L:. !

;..." - v'VJ * MYlfBERSE/; /' "Sineca i&?if*' ii2£& j^nz , j^o.4> gStt


Y ^ir^uej^H tWO WMts f, ^ ? l

with iDanne' notes, Camirnpn School Bibles^-Pocket Bi l es. Tefements, 1 %itm and 8vo fize. ,•-.;( Murray's, Webflerrs, -and 'Alexander*!

Gxanimars ahcl Youn^-JLadie* Artier Lean Seleaion* do. Preceptor, Cof ut#pia& Orator. ;

MbreTs Monitor^ Murray's In^oduMionJ 'Murray's EnghHV R^Ber, dd» Sequel

X- tohii Redden/ „y, >•*•"' ;•{, Scott 's Ld£ons» BatWs ^elfeSiori.

PATENT STILLS ^ l ^ E E - Ittbfcriber having,pnrchflfed of

J t -Mr. JOHN MOFFAT, thsrigllt oi inakihk^'ufin^ and vending his irewfriiif vented PATENT,STILLS, withmjihat "part o f the Jf[eftern Dtjlnfi pi: the toate-.of IsfcW-York, comprehending the Cjun->ties of Gene fee,. Ontario, Steuben. - TLOZ

*ga* Cayuga, Onondaga, Cundhgov Ontt>_ JriE, and 5^- Lawrence, now offers ihem forfafe, by counties, towns, or hngl<: rights, "withisi t he di fir 5£l a lorefaid.->—He hns e -

hi,^the pr^n •

Cmmott JPfck • wii Jo me !r]^el^ aM g f e l d J ^ # e r , Art of SpjaMiigi'} * * 44liverte4,, i M i k i l t he W d s a t i d " cha<te}4 Webfter ^ SpeHiflgrBoGksf by the tyofe japdsJaaiiteiiehlcntS'0f MfmdH&pktMs%l

a Governor, to be

,ve fei^ed. ;aBd taken ' a l l she* goods and Chattels^ j lao% and tenements of fhe faid Ehitd,, iArn^iBailiwtdL'whichi I | | a l l ex-ppfflfo fold, it\Pttbltc Vendtle, cm Tuff-d^r the fctothj3ayfif January nexC a^'TAY-ijr>4V Bote}, in Canaudatgua, at two otclocklnchjs afternoon*. ,

j ! B ^ j . BARTON, Sheriff.1'

* j The jfele Cf the above property is poft-^pitfftdttdtU Vrifay* the tenth day of $$b* ^iiary npxt j then to comtoence, at one olcloek, at th,e jlace above mentioned.

TY virtnei of a writ of Mzer$'Faciast jif-!' fned oiifcof the Court of. Cornmon

fleas, aojl to rne SireBed and: delivered*

<?. doK'en or Jingle

Watt^B Galois and Hy'riins, b w i g h ^ s j d ^ Morfe's Univ#iai Geography, M jWe's

Awerican Geography, do. ^nerjiesin ;Ga2#tteeiydo» Elernents of GeQgr3jphy» do. Geography Abridged, do. Gaie|te#r Abridged.

improvement tion to purchafel * Experience'd jndge^ in the ait of BifHiling; who have-feeJi||\e jpperdt)ion of M r . Moffat's SdH, dp**inoK hefitateto pronounce it a mwft^abable difcovery. A Stil l o\ thi$/bbV{lraEHoii inay be ereSed for a fourth part of "rh? ?»> pence; nebeflkry to ej^cl Or)e ol th,e l<$&\ iipon ,ki7Jtt, ot e^ual ^apa'city^-.tteill *^not * .^onfume more than,a fikhparjt ol the' fael )h dialling the-Jarne qaarittty.-of lf^hor, %nd jfiiH admivpF beln^ r u i off rnueb fall-

er, without 'daftjger of btafthfe the betf» 0 injar ing the fpirit.- ? ' - **" " -?• **v«*?*<

* A dtlcovery, uniting thefe Sdvant gcsJ* the fubferiber thinks mcrft be an objsiel t^ all who are engaged in .the difliilmg lineJ ft is impoffible, in the cofnpafs oi'gn ad­vertisement,' to givejin adejuaje tfefcrip* tion ol the principle's of this invention-

Dw%ht'feeog^phy,mqiieftbns&W^ g.» o f t l ^ n 5 c e ^ , t o ' ^ f r T ! ^ S n . „ f ^ . v . r t vriLahirinn . :T. Stil l containing the liquid to be evapolf»U Guthrie 's D o . lateft edit ion. Diaionaries-AtnlVorth, Barely, B ? i l e g ^ is,con firmed e m ireiy of ^ e | ; ^

Boyer, Johafon , Sheridan, W a l M a | d £ ! ^ ! . ^ . t ! ^ ^

have fei< former G^yer^rs* ^ a l l be transferred to;~ Mainll the ^oods and chattels,;Jands and

appointed by the tj$* * tenemetttVof ASA B U H B A ^ f l hav 4 sii all the go

nementsQf 1 f5J*y BailiwicjcV and fiiall expoCe the fame

Yonng's, 8vo-^Perryj Entick, Alexan­der, Eliott and, Johnfon's, fqhare* ; •"

Grammars and other School Books fqartfo ^ Gree\ and Latin Glafficsi, ; r •• S T A T I O N A R ^ ;:; Paper of varlohs kinds and priees. Wafers, Quills, Penknives', Pocket Bboksi , Sealing-WaXj Sand»Boxe§, fefcftiadsj * do. for Pockeu '

•ide nt of t h e ' t nited'Stafes, and the psJW-. isfe'd and talceii all the goods and chattels, flaying Cards* Plain Cards forrnettfeg, f - JT""" y a t c i^cw|fc applicable to thk pnr-' er* cxercif«d by the Commahdarii^;of ^ | |nds atJid tenements^f the fard Au* in Ink Powder, Cake Ink, Lead Penciij, red , * B R E W I N G whichisalfo ir elnd-,-port "fhall belv^fted in a civil o^LCerij troops and'militia of hifftdtion^andlt^ re*] CCJVC, as k tepmpenfauon, the p ^ r | t ^ n ' ^ • ; and emoluments of a Colonel i,athe|ariin^*

"*$Jnjs*ata ftipijrior iiatipn^ ^j i ;> /* . p l the latter^the Ekecutive | 6 ^ i r ro

h$[^ Veiled in ;i .Govjemor, appointed for ,*fe ft years, and removable by tfte! icef $l$Btt," A '"Secretary to be appo&t^dMor;

.-'tifeyfart., on Vhom the government »Ho •terolire1; in cafeoi a vacancy i n 't&e office

, ancltlaci, wi l far ious otheraflkfej, *d'"'n the crant to the fubfertber. >?** ^ l ^ ^ e ^ t ^ ^ t i c V ^ d a ^ a v ^ r / ^ r V l l o * i^iUhe^^tHa^ryg^teral^^ini^twf fACOB W HALLETT,*

^^fe?^! !? i^J f f ^ i ^ ^ MIS^IXA&EOTS' w d t M ; • c,nf^j %tpi, 12> x 8 o 3 • • T < - ^ -

>.w* J . . . - , . . - « . ,H-« ««** -^ , . .- ^_^f; c y e i : a ibranches of afefutarid^pofee Literature.

dnth day of -January next, at One o'clock i|i the afternoon, . » .;

!,•;;' ••! pm%M&Tmtskriff 1 'ytkno$dmgu&i; jtfw* i§t 1803. • j The f4le Ol the above property is,poft-p!oned untik Saturday, thtf *rfi of. Jariuary jthjfc then i»j conimen| e-i% * o»« o'ciocfc, at t h e p l ace ab|«r* mentioned^ .

Vaporation is produced, is c o n t a i n e l i n a cobpsr llove;intiddnCed.within,the Wood* enVeffcl, and fo conilruaed as to ^y re*v> ery part except the ifont, in cdntatl^witt the liquid.—The fubCciiBer.wiljl keip the , StiU which he has eieQed in%Geneva,^ J eonftantl operation, in order that all \Vtkt> " Ate difpofed'to purchafe,' may teft,tb«1»aV' faniages of the difcovery by ocnhr de* monftraiion. The principles of t ie dxf*

"V •

«GovernJ^r, and removable in llfcf mm* The above f*le ts furtber polfpohed onw H& \ , . ^-. . , / ; '*>V » ^IThnrfday the n^fehtnft. thejn''to com-, - A If€glilative Council; c o » S A | ^ i rp«-nce; at t^e time and jplace abovernen. f^em^lcrafr, tjobe fe|ecT:ad andipp^iriited gloried* • ':A"?JjfW* &U J8o | .

r. ALMANACKS,:•: y.OR THE.XEAR O^ O t l i i , 0^ i»

•;, 1 8 0 4 ; -< By the Grofs|;I>ozen or Utua> Bit. 8» tM^

•««nt»ally by .irhe 'Governor, lrom!: ')ffcch tlreeholderaL4&*!} bave refided;Orfcye^r •rlnffhe ter rWy, and,to ho ldnoopfeo f pre^t under the Untifed Stated to ^rhom# ^Hlf the Govbrnor the LpgiiUtiwlpw^ y » ar# confidled { thity are to receive no

"JWHi' i ' 4

»-AKij. r o ^ ' f a j . ^ ATvTfrrs;', PTFice, * Y .

Y order of the Hon. Mofes Atjwate£ ^J Efquire, one of the Judges, h\ the Court, ot Common Pleas i n a a d i o r ' t h # county of Ontario-Notice.Is hew* y # j * en to all the^credhors ot JohrrLsphaft, ^ dt the town'of Middletown,ln the cofinty aiorefaid^an infoivent ^debt^r, tfl» Wcvr , Caufe, if any they have, before th^ judge* 4nd a f i W Juftices of the laid C i u r i o | Common Pleas, to beholden m *WJ Jo* . the county a!orefaidt on the third T»el r :

firft Ot .P^cember ^ n Q u f e i n C ananda igua , in ^ j c o « n ;

alorefaid, why an aJGgntrtfut ptm W<k

4hfi*z * : " . ! * > • * *


4 >\. %


fcriber, about the

jafi, a Bay H0RS& #ith.* ft^r %.#8*



[ the Judrdtry to connjl oi « S t^WW ^ j , ^ Fi l^i2 $k 4M LOJU), imn and hi;li interior Count Indjttf-; - •- '

tee* of the P«4ce as the Lsgjllatttreloirhe Iffrttory ruay

^The la-' s i

tor thefr fervkei erfy, pay charges and take hi in awayL

from time to timc*fif$t-Uh«} . ^ . . h force1, v t the iromrttence-mfat ol j he aft, and ftot incvni|Hg^i;"-*"*• %he reftrifiipiSii ^ropofed,- to CQIJUII I

VirfrQftiJmitzrf Q,: x

OA: »f A^MWBMm> PMiM*

forehead i f u p p o M t o h e *bbu» % \ yearis * ! ^ / i ° * e * T ~ ^ i " " ' h , o u i a a n o t b e A ^ e , jand

Legiflature oi the ftate o^ Hfew-Ydrk, en­titled " A n i a t o r j p v i n ^ w l i e t w j J W ^ infolvency,^ paffed the 3d day of i8*t.~Ifetefl ift >watv* *504»

TOHN LEtPHART,i^oV«nt. ' ^ Jacob' Van^uikirk, OSC ol tl»? p p t t U ^ ihf creditors,

B*i M « I 11 «•" utiiMiiw uiiwij.ni .wiji .!•>•• ri#ii'»** X M W « I I > I

'. lo r Sal^ar Ifcti ~ /?**

JTl'. -tr^} ;'£.4li

. ^ ' ^ M * * * . <'N*«%^Ai :r »*"WlJitll,!"''

: **«v«*w.

« > * f e ^

' Jf\


1 4 i







1 ^ #(

1 * '

