Kangourou Italia - LCCI Gara dell’1 marzo 2012 Categoria RED KANG ORDINARIA Per studenti della classe quinta della Scuola Secondaria di Secondo grado Categoria GREY KANGAROO SPECIALE Per studenti della classe seconda della Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado JETSET LEVEL FIVE READING TEST TEMPO MASSIMO CONCESSO: 90 MINUTI YOU NEED: This question paper An answer sheet A black pen You may NOT use a dictionary Do NOT open this paper until you are told to do so. Try to answer ALL the questions. INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully. Select the correct answer and then mark your selection on your answer sheet Only mark one answer for each question. Questa prima parte è formata da 60 domande a scelta multipla. Il punteggio massimo ottenibile, relativamente a questa parte, è di 100 punti. Kangourou della Lingua Inglese 2012 Pag. 47 Testo gara Eng 12 18-01-2012 19:48 Pagina 47

Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

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Page 1: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Kangourou Italia - LCCIGara dell’1 marzo 2012

Categoria RED KANG ORDINARIAPer studenti della classe quinta

della Scuola Secondaria di Secondo grado

Categoria GREY KANGAROO SPECIALEPer studenti della classe seconda

della Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado




YOU NEED:◆ This question paper◆ An answer sheet◆ A black pen

You may NOT use a dictionary

Do NOT open this paper until you are told to do so.Try to answer ALL the questions.

INSTRUCTIONS:◆ Read each question carefully.◆ Select the correct answer and then mark your selection on your answer sheet◆ Only mark one answer for each question.

Questa prima parte è formata da 60 domande a scelta multipla.

Il punteggio massimo ottenibile, relativamente a questa parte, è di 100 punti.

Kangourou della Lingua Inglese 2012 Pag. 47

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Page 2: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Part One

Read the text and then select the best heading (A, B, C or D) for each paragraph from theoptions given on the following page. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.


1. ______________________________________________

If you have a healthy diet you shouldn’t need to take vitamin supplements, but if you have a busylifestyle, it can be hard to eat well and this is where vitamin supplements can be of benefit.Supplements are also beneficial if you’re on a calorie-controlled diet, are vegetarian or vegan, pre-gnant or a smoker. Older people, children and people with chronic illnesses may also benefit.

2. ______________________________________________

Vitamin D is essential to a healthy body as it supports bone health and other functions, in fact rese-arch suggests that vitamin D can help to slow down DNA ageing. We get most of our vitamin D fromthe rays of the sun, but it can be hard to get all we need in winter. So to keep your skin free of wrin-kles make sure you eat plenty of oily fish and eggs which are both rich in vitamin D.

3. ______________________________________________

As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps to support the immune system. If you have a healthy immunesystem you are more likely to be able to fight off infections. It is also essential for the continuingmaintenance of bones, teeth, skin and blood cells as well as helping to relieve stress. TheRecommended Daily Amount (RDA) is 60mg, although it’s safe to take up to 1g per day.

4. ______________________________________________

Getting enough vitamin B12 may play a part in keeping the brain healthy in old age, according to arecent study. The study suggests that older people with average B12 levels were more likely tomaintain a healthy brain function. Further research is planned to find out if B12 supplementationcould help to slow down brain shrinkage as we age.

5. ______________________________________________

Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin Kand research in the Netherlands, focusing on the K2 form of this essential vitamin, has found it tobe particularly of benefit to middle-aged women, who are at risk of developing a bone disease cal-led osteoporosis.

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Page 3: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Part One (continued)

1. A DietingB The dangers of smokingC A meatless dietD Who needs extra vitamins?

2. A Stay out of the sunB How much should I take?C Stay youthfulD Nutrition

3. A Stress reliefB Vital researchC The importance of vitamin CD The safest supplement

4. A A healthy mindB Good for the heartC Slowing downD Getting older

5. A Middle-ageB The effects of vitamin KC Essential VitaminsD New research

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Page 4: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Part Two

Read ‘Vitamin Supplements’ again and select True (A), False (B) or Not Mentioned in Text (C).Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

6. Everybody should take vitamin supplements.A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

7. Busy people are more likely to need vitamin supplements. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

8. Most of our vitamin D comes from the food we eat. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

9. Oily fish is a good source of vitamin D. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

10. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

11. Lack of vitamin C can affect the memory. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

12. Lack of vitamin B12 may affect brain function.A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

13. Vitamin B12 is less easily absorbed by older people. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

14. Vitamin K prevents calcium from binding to the bones. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

15. Women in the Netherlands run a high risk of developing osteoporosis. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

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Page 5: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Part Three

Pick the word(s) closest in meaning to these words from ‘Vitamin Supplements’. Mark youranswers (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.

16. beneficial A uselessB expensiveC fatteningD helpful

17. essential A livelyB unnecessaryC necessaryD good

18. stress A anxietyB painC discomfortD symptoms

19. average A highB normalC abnormalD low

20. particularly A partlyB mainlyC seldomD only

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Part Four

Fill in the gaps in the conversation by selecting the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Mark youranswers on your answer sheet.

Kangourou della Lingua Inglese 2012 Pag. 52

Welcome back, Mrs Hamilton. 21 ______________ you for

weeks. 22 ____________on holiday?

Yes.23 _________________ from Malta. I was there for three

months. Usually 24 ____________ for just a fortnight but this

year 25 _____________ to stay longer.

Lovely.26 __________________ your hair cut while youwere away?

No. I thought it 27 ________________ best to wait until I got

home. 28 _______________________ to this salon since youopened ten years ago. 29 _______________________ anybody else to cut my hair!

Thanks Mrs Hamilton, that’s the best compliment anyone30 __________________ me

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Part Four (continued)

21. A I have seenB I haven’t seenC I seeD I saw

22. A Will you goB Had you beenC Have you beenD Do you go

23. A I’ve just come backB I’ll just come backC I came backD I’d come back

24. A I wentB I goC I’ve been goingD I’m going

25. A I have decidedB I’ll decideC I decideD I decided

26. A Are you havingB Will you haveC Should you haveD Did you have

27. A shall beB should beC can beD would be

28. A I cameB I have been comingC I comeD I am coming

29. A I wantB I don’t wantC I wantedD I’ve wanted

30. A has ever paidB had ever paidC paysD has never paid

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Page 8: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Part Five

Read this text about Snowdon Rescue. Fill the numbered gaps by selecting A, B, C or D.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

Kangourou della Lingua Inglese 2012 Pag. 54


Three inexperienced climbers injured 31 _________________ yesterday, one of them

32 _______________, when they fell down a steep gorge on Mount Snowdon. They were

reported missing when they failed to return to their hotel last night. They survived sub-zero tem-

peratures and one climber had kept 33 __________ and the others warm by digging a hole in

the snow.

Rescuers 34 ___________ battle through one of the 35 ______________ snowstorms in years

to reach the three men. ‘They were unprepared for the bad weather and 36 ____________

have checked the forecast before they set off,’ said a member of the rescue party. ‘Yesterday’s

weather was 37 __________________ for climbing. You

38 ________________ see more than two metres in front of you. It was

39 ___________________ for climbing.’ Another rescuer warned that climbers

40 ____________________ be more cautious when planning difficult climbs in such weather,

or there will be more deaths on the mountain.

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Part Five (continued)

31. A himself B myselfC themselves D ourselves

32. A quite well B quite badlyC quite good D quite bad

33. A himself B myselfC themselves D ourselves

34. A ought to B had toC must D have to

35. A bad B betterC worse D worst

36. A should B shallC ought D must

37. A foggy enough B too foggyC foggier D foggiest

38. A can’t B couldn’tC shouldn’t D wouldn’t

39. A too safe B safe enoughC not safe enough D very safe

40. A would B couldC must D can


Part Six

In the following sentences one of the words underlined needs to be replaced by anotherword or words. Select the word that needs to be replaced (A, B, C or D) and mark youranswers on your answer sheet.

41. The orchestra was as(A) quiet that the audience could(B) hardly(C) hear anything(D).

42. ‘You won’t(A) be allowed(B) to go out tonight unless(C) you cleaned(D) your room’!

43. I have(A) to take Jason to(B) the hospital yesterday because(C) he had cut his hand


44. I live(A) in Bristol since(B) I left(C) university six years ago(D).

45. My sister has been learning(A) Spanish for(B) three years now(C) and she already(D)

can’t count to ten!

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Page 10: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Part Seven

Read this article on bicycles. Then read each statement on the following page and decidewhether they are true (A) false (B) or not mentioned in the text (C). Mark your answers onyour answer sheet.


The word ‘bicycle’ is derived from the Latin bi meaning ‘two’ and the Greek ‘kyklos’ meaning ‘circle’or ‘wheel’. A bicycle is a pedal-driven, two-wheeled vehicle, consisting of a metal frame mounted ontwo large, wire-spoked wheels, with handlebars in front and a seat between the front and back whe-els.

The first bicycle was seen in Paris in 1791. Unlike modern bicycles, it was made of wood and hada fixed front wheel so it couldn’t be steered. The rider had to press his feet alternately on the groundin a kind of waddling, pushing motion. Several different versions were made over the following yearsbut they, too, were difficult to use and not very popular.

In 1839 a Scotsman called Macmillan designed the first chain-driven bicycle. Instead of modifyingan existing machine, he produced a new design with foot pedals driving the rear wheel. By the endof the nineteenth century bicycles had wire wheels, metal frames and rubber tyres. The tyres weremade of solid rubber until pneumatic tyres, filled with air, were invented by J B Dunlop in 1888.Different methods of stopping or braking were also developed. The first brake was a kind of spoonwhich was applied to the tyre by the rider pulling on a cord attached to the handlebars.

Long distances could be covered on these later cycles. In 1888 a ‘Geared Facile’ machine was rid-den over 290 miles in less than twenty-four hours, and in 1890 the journey from London to Brightonand back, a distance of about 120 miles, could be completed in eight hours. By the late 1900s thebicycle had ceased to be merely a novel status symbol and was becoming a cheap and practicalform of personal transport. Mass production of the bicycle began and by 1914 the practical utilitybicycle was being assembled from 300 separate parts.

Today, the bicycle is seen as an energy-efficient, non-polluting form of transport, and it is estimatedthat 800 million bicycles are in use throughout the world – twice the number of cars in existence. Itseems that the bicycle is the preferred mode of transport for the future - China, India, Denmark andthe Netherlands are all countries with a high use of bicycles.

The science fiction writer H G Wells, himself a keen cyclist, once said, ‘When I see an adult on abicycle, I have hope for the human race.’

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Part Seven (continued)

46. The word ‘bicycle’ comes from two different languages.A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

47. The writer describes what a bicycle looks like.A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

48. The first bicycle was steered using the feet. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

49. The first bicycle was very popular.A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

50. Macmillan modified an existing machine. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

51. Pneumatic tyres were cheaper to produce than solid tyres.A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

52. The ‘spoon’ brake was first used on solid tyres.A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

53. Bicycles have become increasingly popular. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

54. In the future, most bicycles will be made in China. A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

55. H G Wells approved of bicycles.A = True B = False C = Not mentioned in text

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Part Eight

Read the following newspaper article and answer the questions on the next page by selec-ting A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

Kangourou della Lingua Inglese 2012 Pag. 58

The heaviest April snowfall for twenty years blanketed much of Britain yesterday, bringing

chaos to roads and trapping air travellers on grounded flights.

Spring was put on hold as the country braced itself for a grim week of hail, sleet and snow,

with forecasters predicting blizzards and plummeting temperatures.

From Scotland to the south coast, millions yesterday woke up to thick snow. Areas of sou-

thern England were under 8 centimetres of snow as winter roared back with a vengeance to

leave many areas colder than Alaska or Iceland.

Three people were killed in a spate of accidents caused by the blizzard conditions, while

around 220 flights were cancelled and many more delayed. Coastguards rescued the crews

of two boats lost in the Solent in a blizzard and a 32 foot yacht with six people on board suf-

fered engine failure and was towed to Bembridge, Isle of Wight, after radioing for help.

The Meteorological Office warned that freezing conditions in central England, Wales and

Scotland overnight will create dangerous driving conditions today, and motorists were warned

not to travel unless absolutely necessary.

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Part Eight (continued)

56. The snow

A is heavier than it was twenty years ago.B has not been this heavy for twenty years.C is the first for twenty years.D is always heavy in April.

57. The country

A is preparing itself for bad weather.B predicting the weather.C is waiting for spring.D is holding on to its braces.

58. In Southern England the snow was

A deeper than Alaska or Iceland.B over 8cm deep.C under 8cm deep.D 8cm deep.

59. The snow affected travel by

A road and sea only. B rail, road and sea.C air and road only.D air, road and sea.

60. Motorists were warned

A not to travel.B to wait for better weather.C only to make necessary journeys.D to do what was necessary.

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Kangourou Italia - LCCIGara dell’1 marzo 2012

Categoria RED KANG ORDINARIAPer studenti della classe quinta

della Scuola Secondaria di Secondo grado

Categoria GREY KANGAROO SPECIALEPer studenti della classe seconda

della Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado




YOU NEED:◆ This question paper◆ An answer sheet◆ A black pen

You may NOT use a dictionary

Do NOT open this paper until you are told to do so.Try to answer ALL the questions.

INSTRUCTIONS:◆ Listento each question carefully.◆ Select the correct answer and then mark your selection on your answer sheet◆ Only mark one answer for each question.

Questa seconda parte è formata da 30 domande a scelta multipla.

Il punteggio massimo ottenibile, relativamente a questa parte, è di 100 punti.

Eseguire “Track 4” del disco 1.

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Page 15: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Part One

Listen to this extract from a radio programme. Read the statements and answer True (A),False (B) or Unknown (C). Mark your answers on your answer sheet.

61. Ian Fleming was very young when his father died.A = True B = False C = Unknown

62. His brother Peter also became a writer. A = True B = False C = Unknown

63. Fleming went to Geneva to improve his German.A = True B = False C = Unknown

64. Fleming spent two years in Moscow. A = True B = False C = Unknown

65. Fleming was discontent with his wartime office job. A = True B = False C = Unknown

66. Moonraker was the second Bond book to be published.A = True B = False C = Unknown

67. He and his wife had an extravagant lifestyle in Jamaica. A = True B = False C = Unknown

68. Harry Saltzman wanted Sean Connery to play Bond. A = True B = False C = Unknown

69. Fleming died when he was in his fifties. A = True B = False C = Unknown

70. Fleming was buried in Jamaica.A = True B = False C = Unknown

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Page 16: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Part Two

Read each question, listen to the recording and select the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Markyour answer on your answer sheet.

71. What will be the main topic of discussion?

A solar powerB wind powerC nuclear powerD tidal power

72. How many ‘advantages’ does Robert Green mention?

A oneB two C threeD four

73. People’s main complaint about wind turbines is that they are…

A unattractiveB expensiveC noisyD ineffective

74. Which of these statements is true?

A 10% of Britain’s electricity is currently supplied by tidal powerB 10% of the USA’s electricity is currently supplied by tidal powerC a wind turbine supplies less electricity than a tidal turbine of the same sizeD tidal turbines transform the density of the water

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Part Two continued

75. When was the last large scale tidal power project completed?

A last yearB two years agoC forty years agoD forty-two years ago

76. People’s main worry about tidal turbines is that they are…

A unattractiveB expensiveC noisyD ineffective

77. What cost two million dollars in 2007?

A the researchB the projectC the turbinesD the damage

78. What is the capacity of the Northern Ireland project?

A 300 kilowattsB 1.2 megawattsC 2.3 megawattsD 10.5 megawatts

79. Which of these statements about the Severn Barrage project is not true?

A the River Severn has the highest tidal range in the worldB the barrage would be over nine miles longC the barrage would cost over ten billion poundsD it could provide more than 5% of the electricity usage of England and Wales

80. What information is not given by the announcer at the end?

A The name of the programmeB The name of the presenterC The day the programme will be repeatedD The time the programme will be repeated

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Page 18: Testo gara Eng 12 - Kangourou Italia · 5. _____ Vitamin K is important in helping calcium bind to the bones. There are several types of vitamin K and research in the Netherlands,

Part Three

Listen to these people talking about their leisure interests. What do they like to do in theirspare time? Read each question, listen to the recordings and select the correct answer (A,B, C or D). Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

81. A netballB tennisC badmintonD football

82. A sailingB swimmingC water poloD canoeing

83. A skiingB potholingC climbingD walking

84. A runningB cyclingC rowingD exercising

85. A going to the theatreB actingC solving crimesD speech-making

Kangourou della Lingua Inglese 2012 Pag. 64

86. A interior designB gardeningC paintingD pottery

87. A going to the cinemaB watching TVC playing gamesD watching sport

88. A local historyB potteryC jewellery makingD travelling

89. A runningB joggingC cyclingD walking

90. A learning FrenchB travellingC canoeingD French cookery

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