NIRANJANAMURTHY M MSRIT Test Paper :2 Paper Type : Technical - Java Test Date : 10 April 2010 Test Location : Bangalore Posted By : Mythri 1) What is an object? An object is an entity, which consist of attributes, behaviors and qualities that describe the object. 2) What is a class? A class represents a collection of attributes and behaviors of object. It is the class from which individual objects created. For example:- Bicycle is a class that contain the following attributes Speed Gear 3) What is OOAD? OOAD stands for Object Oriented analysis and design. It is a methodology use to analyze, design and develop applications . It visualizes the class and the objects. 4) What are the advantages of OOAD? * Reusability * Maintainability * Increase the performance of the system . 5) What is Data Abstraction? It is a process of listing the essential features, without implementation details. Data abstraction is nothing but the extraction of the information which is required and ignoring the other information. 6) What is Data Encapsulation? Data encapsulation or data hiding is a function that Niranji.com 9886265115

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Test Paper :2 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 10  April  2010   Test Location  : Bangalore  Posted By        : Mythri  1) What is an object?    An object is an entity, which consist of attributes, behaviors and qualities that describe the object.

2) What is a class?    A class represents a collection of attributes and behaviors of object. It is the class from which individual objects created.For example:-  Bicycle is a class that contain the following attributes  Speed  Gear

3) What is OOAD?    OOAD stands for Object Oriented analysis and design. It is a methodology use to analyze, design and develop applications. It visualizes the class and the objects.

4) What are the advantages of OOAD?    * Reusability    * Maintainability    * Increase the performance of the system.

5) What is Data Abstraction?    It is a process of listing the essential features, without implementation details. Data abstraction is nothing but the extraction of the information which is required and ignoring the other information. 6) What is Data Encapsulation?    Data encapsulation or data hiding is a function that keeps the implementation details hidden to the user. The user of the application is allowed to perform only limited task with the class members that are hidden.

7) What is the difference between data abstraction and information hiding?    Abstraction mainly focus on the outside view of the object whereas encapsulation prevents the user from seeing the

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inside view where the properties and behavior of the abstraction is implemented.

8) Why is java not 100% pure OOPS language?    Java doesn’t support 100% pure OOPS concept, since it support primitive datatype like int, long, byte etc, these are not objects.

9) Qualities for a program to be 100% OOPS language?     Encapsulation/Data Hiding     1. Polymorphism     2. All predifined types are objects     3. Inheritance     4. Operations performed through messages to objects     5. Abstraction     6. datatypes are to be objects.

10) What is early binding?    Early binding or static type or static binding is assigning the value of the variable during design phase. Early binding instruct the compiler to allocate space and perform other task before the application starts executing.

11) What are the disadvantages of threads?    o The main disadvantage of using thread is that it is operating systemdependent. It require to follow CPU cycle that various from system to system.    o Deadlock occurs

12) Why is java case sensitive?    Java is platform independent language. It is widely used for developing code which contains different variables and hence java is case sensitive.

13) What is singleton class?     A class which can create a single object at a time is called class. The object is accessible by the java virtual machine. It creates a single instance for the class

14) Objects are passed by value or by reference?     In java objects are passed by value. Since, the object reference value is passed both the original and the copied parameter will refer to the same object.

15) What is serialization?

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     It is a method which saves the object state by converting to byte stream.

16) What is externalizable interface?     Externalizable interface controls the serialization mechanism. It consist of two methods readexternal and writeexternal. It helps to customize the serialization process.

17) What are the different types of inner classes?    * Member classes.    * Anonymous classes.    * Nested top-level classes.    * Local classes.

18) What are wrapper classes?     Wrapper class represents a base class for the data source. It allows the primitive datatype to be accessed as objects.

19) What are the different ways to handle exception?     * By placing the desired code in the try block and allow the catch block to catch the exception.     * Desired exception can be placed in throw clause.

20) Is it necessary that each try block must be followed by a catch block?      It is not essential that try block should be followed by catch block.

21) What is the difference between instanceof() and isInstance()?      instanceof() is used to see whether the object can be typecast without making use of the exception.      isInstance() is to check whether the specified object is compatible with the class that represent the object. 22) How can you achieve multiple inheritance in java?      Multiple inheritance in java implemented in similar to the C++ with one difference the inherited interface should be abstract.

23) What is the difference between == and equals methods?     ‘==’ is used to check whether two numbers are equal     ‘Equals’ is used to check whether two strings are equal.   24) What are java beans?     Java bean is a platform independent and portable. It helps

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to develop code that is possible to run in any environment  

25) What is RMI?     RMI stands for remote method invocation; it enables the developer to create application based on java, in which the java objects are invoked by java virtual machine.s 

 Part 2

1. How does a try statement determine which catch clause should be used to handle an exception?   When an exception is thrown within the body of a try statement, the catch clauses of the try statement are examined in the order in which they appear. The first catch clause that is capable of handling the exception is executed. The remaining catch clauses are ignored.                     

2. Is Empty .java file a valid source file?   An empty java file is perfectly a valid java source file.

3. Is delete a keyword in Java?    Delete is not a keyword in Java. Java does not make use of explicit destructors the way C++ does.

4. How many objects are created in the following piece of code?   MyClass c1, c2, c3;   c1 = new MyClass ();   c3 = new MyClass ();   c1 and c3 are the two objects created. The c2 is only declared and not initialized.

5. What will be the output of the following statement?   System.out.println ("1" + 5);   Output:-   15.

6. What will be the default values of all the elements of an array defined as an instance variable?   If the array is of primitive data type then the elements of the array is initialized to default value. If the array is of reference type then it is initialized to NULL.

7. What are the different scopes for java variables?  The different scopes for java variables are as follows:-

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  Local  Instance  Static

8. What is the default value of the local variables?   When the local variables are not initialized explicitly the java compiler will not compile. And it will not initialize any default value for these local variable.

9. Can main method be declared final?   The main method can be declared final with the addition of public static.

10. Does Java provide any constructor to find out the size of an object?    There is no sizeof operator in java. It is not possible to determine the size of the object directly in java.

11. What is the Map interface?    Map is an object which helps to map the keys to values. It is not possible to have duplicate keys. It is essential that each key should map to a one value.Three Map implementations areHashmapLinkedHashmapTreemap

12. What is collection Views?     Collection view is a metho that is used  to view map as a collection. This can be done in three ways:-ValuesKeysetEntryset

13. What is multimaps?     Multimap is also like map which map key to multiple values. But there is no separate interface for multimap in Java since it is used quiet often. It’s much more simple to use map whose values to list instance as a multimap.

14. What is the SimpleTimeZone class?     It is a subclass of Time zone which represent time zone that could be used with Gregorian calendar. It doesn’t handle any changes.public class SimpleTimeZoneextends TimeZone

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15. Is &&= a valid Java operator?    no &= is a valid operator not &&=

16. Is "abc" a primitive value?    Abc is a string object it is not primitive value.

17. What modifiers can be used with a local inner class?    Some of the modifiers that can be used in the local inner class are as follows:-    Final    Abstract    Static modifier

18. Can an unreachable object become reachable again?    An unreachable object becomes reachable if the objects finalize() method is invoked, the object performs operation that causes the object to accessible.

19. What happens when you add a double value to a String?    When double value is added to the string it becomes a string object.

20. What is Layout Managers?    It is an object that implements LayoutManager  interface and also determines the position and size of the components within a container.    Some of the task associated with layout manager are as follows:-    Adding space between components    Adding components to container    Setting up layout manager

21. What is a compilation unit?     A compilation unit is composed of two parts: an interface and an implementation. The interface contains a sequence of specifications, just as the inside of a sig … end signature expression. The implementation contains a sequence of definitions, just as the inside of a struct … end module expression

22. Which package is always imported by default?     “Java.lang” is the package that imported by default.

23. What is numeric promotion?     Numeric promotion is a conversion of numeric type of

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smaller to a larger numeric type,so that integer and floating-point operations may take place. In numerical promotion, byte, char, and short values are converted to int values. The int values are also converted to long values, if necessary. The long and float values are converted to double values, as required.

24. Which arithmetic operations can result in the throwing of an ArithmeticException?     Integer / and % can result in the throwing of an ArithmeticException.

25. What is the ResourceBundle class?     It contains locale specific objects. If a program requires locale specific resources then the program can load resource bundle that is appropriate for the current user.      Advantage:-     Make it localized, and can be translated into different languages.     Modification can be done easily.


Part 3

1) What is JVM?    JVM enables to convert the source code into the code which can be executed in the system. This makes the java independent of the platform 

2) Name four container classes?    * Dialog    * FileDialog    * Panel    * Frame

3) What is JAR file?   JAR stands for java archive, it is used to compress a class of file.

4) What is typecasting?   Typecasting converts entity of one type to entity of another type. It is very important while developing applications.     Casting is of two types:-    1. downcasting    2. Upcasting

5) What is serialization and deserialization?

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    It is process of representing the state of an object in byte stream. Process of restoring the object is done be deserialization.

6) What is vector class?          Vector class provides the capability to implement array of objects.

7) What is JVM and its use?     The most important feature of Java is platform independent, this is supported by JVM. It converts the machine code into bytes. It is the heart of the java language and a structure programming language.

8) What are the difference between java and C++?     Java adopts byte code whereas C++ doesn’t.     C++ supports destructor whereas java doesn’t support.     Multiple inheritance possible in C++ but not in java.

9) Difference between swing and AWT?    AWT is works faster then swing since AWT is heavy weight components.AWT consist of thin layer of code, swing is larger and of higher functionality.

10) If a variable is declared as private, where may the variable be accessed?     When the variable is declared private, it can be accessed only inside the class in which it is defined.

11) What is final?     A final class cannot be sub classed neither extended. The variables cannot change the value.

12) What is static in java?    Static methods are implicitly final, their methods are not attached to an object rather it is attached to a class.

13) Is null a keyword?      NULL is not a keyword.

14) What is garbage collection?     When an object is no longer used, java implicitly recalls the memory of the object. Since java doesn’t support destructor it makes use of garbage collector in the place of destructor.

15) What is the resourceBundle class?

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     It is used to store the local specific resources inorder to tailor the appearance.

16) What is tagged interface?     Tagged interface is similar to the serializable interface, it instruct the complier to perform some activity.

17) What is overriding?     When any class use the same name, type and arguments as that of the methods in the super class then the class can override the super class method.

18) What is referent?     Referent variable are constant variable it cannot be modified to refer to any other object then the one with it was initialized.

19) What is the method to implement thread?     Thread can be implemented by run() method

20) What is the difference between primitive scheduling and time slicing?     In case of primitive scheduling the task with highest priority is performed until it enters the dead state. In case of time slicing it performs the task for sometime and then enter the ready state.

21) What are different types of access modifiers?     public: accessible from anywhere.     private: can be accessed only inside the class.     protected: accessed by classes and subclasses of the same package.      default modifier : accessed by classes contain the same package

22) What is the difference between subclass and superclass?    Subclass doesn’t inherit anything from other classes whereas superclass inherit from other class.

23) What is a package?     Package is a collection interface and class which provides a very high level of protection and space management.

24) What is the difference between Integer and int?-     Integer defined in java. lang package which is a class, whereas int is a primitive data type defined in the Java

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language itself.

25) What is synchronization?     It is mechanism that allows only one thread to process the thread at a time. This is mainly to prevent deadlock.


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Test Paper :5 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin  CMC Sample Test Paper.

There are six steps that lead from the first to the second floor.No two people can be on the same step.Mr A is two steps below Mr C Mr B is a step next to Mr D Only one step is vacant ( No one standing on that step )Denote the first step by step 1 and second step by step 2 etc.

1. If Mr A is on the first step, Which of the following is true?

(A) Mr B is on the second step

(B) Mr C is on the fourth step.

(C) A person Mr E, could be on the third step

(D) Mr D is on heigher step than Mr C.

Ans : (D)

2. 2). If Mr E was on the third step & Mr B was on a higher step than Mr E

which step must be vacant

(A) step 1 (B) step 2 (C) step 4 (D) step 5 (E) step 6

Ans : (A)

3.  If Mr B was on step 1, which step could A be on?

(A) 2&e only (B) 3&5 only (C) 3&4 only (D) 4&5 only (E) 2&4 only

Ans : (C)

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4. If there were two steps between the step that A was standing and the step

that B was standing on, and A was on a higher step than D , A  must be on step

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 6 Ans: (C)

5.  Which of the following is false

i. B&D can be both on odd-numbered steps in one configuration

ii. In a particular configuration A and C must either both an odd numbered steps

or both an even-numbered steps

iii. A person E can be on a step next to the vacant step.

(A) i only (B) ii only (C) iii only Ans : (C)

Swimmers problem (6 - 9 )

six swimmers A B C D E F compete in a race. There are no ties. The out comes

are as follows.

1. B does not win.

2. Only two swimmers seperate E & D

3. A is behind D & E

4. B is ahead of E , wiht one swimmer intervening

5. F is a head of D

6. who is fifth

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E Ans : (E)

7. How many swimmers seperate A and F "

( A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) not deteraminable from the given info.

Ans :( D )

8. The swimmer between C & E is 

(A) none (B) F (C) D (D) B (E) A Ans : (A)

9.  If the end of the race, swimmer D is disqualified by the Judges then

swimmer B finishes in which place

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 Ans : (B).

Cimney problem ( 10 - 14 )

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Five houses lettered A,B,C,D, & E are built in a row next to each other. The

houses are lined up in the order A,B,C,D, & E. Each of the five houses has a

coloured chimney. The roof and chimney of each house must be painted as


1. The roof must be painted either green,red ,or yellow.

2. The chimney must be painted either white, black, or red.

3. No house may have the same color chimney as the color of roof.

4. No house may use any of the same colors that the every next house uses.

5. House E has a green roof.

6. House B has a red roof and a black chimney

10. Which of the following is true ?

(A) At least two houses have black chimney.

(B) At least two houses have red roofs.

(C) At least two houses have white chimneys

(D) At least two houses have green roofs

(E) At least two houses have yellow roofs

Ans: (C)

11. Which must be false ?

(A) House A has a yellow roof 

(B) House A & C have different colour chimney

(C) House D has a black chimney

(D) House E has a white chmney

(E) House B&D have the same color roof.

Ans: (B)

12. If house C has a yellow roof. Which must be true.

(A) House E has a white chimney

(B) House E has a balck chimney

(C) House E has a red chimney

(D) House D has a red chimney

(E) House C has a balck chimney Ans: (A)

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13. Which possible combinations of roof & chimney can house

I. A red roof 7 a black chimney

II. A yellow roof & a red chimney

III. A yellow roof & a black chimney

(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I & II only (E) I&II&III

Ans; (E)

14. What is the maximum total number of green roofs for houses Ans: (C)

15. There are 5 red shoes, 4 green shoes. If one drasw randomly a shoe what

is the probability of getting redshoe is 5c1/9c1

16. What is the selling price of a car? cost of car is Rs 60 &  profit 10%

profit over selling price Ans : Rs 66/-

17. 1/3 of girls , 1/2 of boys go to canteen .What factor and total number of

clasmates go to canteen. Ans: cannot be determined.

18. price of a product is reduced by 30% . What percentage should be

increased to make it 100% Ans: 42.857%

19. There is a square of side 6cm . A circle is inscribed inside the square.

Find the ratio of the area of circle to square.

r=3 circle/square = 11/14

20. Two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness are there. The

thicker one will last of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one.

Ramesh light the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the

thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. For how long did Ramesh lit

two candles .

Ans: 3 hours.

21. M/N = 6/5 3M+2N = ? Ans: cannot be determined

22. p/q = 5/4 2p+q= ? cannot determined.

23.  If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS &

parallelogram PQRST Ans: 1:2

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24. cost of an item is Rs 12.60 7 profit is 10% over selling price what is the

selling price  Ans: Rs 13.86/-

25. There are 6 red shoes & 4 green shoes . If two of red shoes are  drawn

what is the probability of getting red shoesAns: 6c2/10c2

26. 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, then added 5 lts of water. What is

% alcohol.  Ans : 15%

27. A worker pay 20/- day , he works 1, 1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4 in a week. what is the

total amount paid for that worker Ans : 57.50

28. The value of x is between 0 & 1 which is the larger? A) x B) x^2 C) -x

D) 1/x Ans : (D)

ORACLE TEST1. What are the difference b/w candidate key, primary key and unique key?2. What is difference b/w pre query and post query?3. How many number of columns can be created in a single table.4. What is meant by ROWID? Why we need it?5. What is transaction?6. Difference b/w function, procedure?7. Which one is the best way to find out the number of rows in a table, state by following a) count (1) b) count (*), count (rowed)

One table is given and questions based on this table. 1. Write query to delete a single column in a table.2. Write query to add one more column in a existing table.3. Write query to delete only 2 duplicate records in a table. But the table they have given contains 3 duplicate records. How to do it.4. Some SELECT statements queries they asked like using group by, ordered by, where…etc.

Test Paper :8 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 8  September  2005   Posted By        : admin 

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Date : 8/9/2005Personal Interview ******************Some Tips**************

1. Something about uIt should about your family,childhood,schooling,B.E.,Future

2. Tell u'r Strength & Weakness

3. U should clearly explain u'r projects if they asked.

4. Area of interest

5. Have u attended any interviews before? If yes, then why haven't you get selected?

6. If u are not selected in my company then how do u feel?

7. Why are u choose this field?

8. What is u'r future plan?

9. If they tell "ask some questions regarding the company" u should ask questions

about the company

10. see the website of the particular company before attend the interview

11. why should we select u?

Here is some tips that will help u to prepare for hr interviews.Discuss it with

friends,"sorry" in case of any mistakes in this.

12. Prepare in advance --at least 2 days before ,so that u would be more fluent and

confident in interview.

13. When the interviewer asks "Tell about u r self"

start with"WITH PLEASURE SIR" -it is just to say "Thank u 4 giving me an

oppourtunity to tell about my self"

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14. .Start with a difference

---------usually students start with "My name is......,My father's name is.....

Don't do the same ,Start some thing different like

"People call me as ....."

"My parents named me as ......."

"................is my name"

15. 4.Parents and family

After telling u r name ,tell u r parents name only.

A better approach would be "I'M PROUD TO BE THE SON OF MR.......AND


16. 5.Don't organize as conventional essay

------u can swap the facts just to give the impression that u r spontaneous and had

not prepared for this!!!!

For example,

After ur and ur parents details. u need not tell about u r school edu,

but u can start to tell about strengths.Later u can tell about u r school edu( this is

just to give an illusion that ur spontaneous)

17. 6.Prepare a speech for atleast 10 min.

--------------some times they expect even more...

18. 7.Tell atleast 5 strengths and justify

Don't use single line statements like

"I'm a confident person"

"I'm a hard worker"

Rather justify it.

For example if r a hardworker u can tell like this...

"sir ,i firmly belive in the power of hardworking.According to me the formula for

success is hardwork only.In the past if i had succeded in any thing it is only

because of my hardworking only....Because of my hard working

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Because of my hard working only......................

Because of my hard working only I had cleared the aptitude test conducted by u

and in front of u.

List ur acheivements and tell hardwork as the key for it.....

Simillarly,What ever u say justify it.Tell hoew u implemented it.How it helped u.What u

acheived from it.How it will be usefull for the company.

Some of the strengths are.........

1. Hard working

2. Positive attitude

3. optimistic

4. Ability to learn from mistakes

5. Passion to learn new things

6. Helping tendency

7. time conciousness

8. Good memory

9. Extrovert person

10. Team worker

11. Leadership quality ........

Don't forget to justify,no single line sentences!!!!!

Give practical examples.....

Don't tell the weakness unless they ask

Don't tell more than one weakness.

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If u tell any weakness ,Don't forget to tell how u rectified it or how u r working to

overcome it.

Don't be toooo honest in telling u r weakness.

 Test Paper :9

 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin  CMC Sample Papers.

 Analogy1.  Auger:carpenter::awl:caobbler2.  ode:song::chant:something can’t remember                                  3.  Alarm:trigger::trap:spring4.  scales:justice::torch:liberty5.  witch:coven::actor:troupe        Some data sufficiency questions.1.  The number is two digit number        a.  by adding we get 5        b.  by subtractin we get 2        ans:both a,b required2.  Given a quadrilateralABCD determine whweter it is rectangle       a. AB=CD       b. angle B=90dergees       ans:both required

3.  To detmine the no of rolls a wall paper has given 16feet width and 12 feet length     a.area coverd is 20feet

     b.the room has no windows        don’t know

4. A book shelf has some books and in that fine no of book it has                     a.if 2 books r removed it gives a total of 12       b.if 4 books are added it gives a total of 17 like that

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   some questins r given regarding geomentry totoal questions r 20 and we have to complete it in 10min A comprehension is given but I can’t remember that But I provide some information regarding that] It is Water resources have been not sufficient ..this is due to over erosion or over using of irrigation or the water has been occupies by some wate materils..the passge is regarding that..i think u got the idea so please read the questions so that u can fetch it..each question carries 5marks and  negative of 2.5 marks Arthmetic question answer from the last on wards that last questions r very 


   1.   2m+n=10,n=5what is m   2.   if x,y positives and x/y<1 then

       like that he has given some questions..u can do it ..but come from last question..not from the first    one’s..they r very tough and r nothing but profit and loss,and averge,pecentge and so on.. In analytical reasoning Two passages r given in that I can provide onlyone

1. To obtain a government post int eh republic of malbar you must….Hey this u

can find the pargraph  from 391page AnlyticAbility of GRE BARRONS BOOK Of 13th editon..the      Answers for this r     1.c     2.e     3.d                                                                                              4.a     plz verift that book thoroughly..no need to look other also… some sentences in that pargraph r like that..ie.ruling party or a personal associate of president Zamir..party members seeking govt post must either give a s substantial donation of golden bullian..it goes on like that..

2.  a project cosolodate of large unvesity and a small college is set up.it is agred that the representatives working small committees of three with two representayives from large university.it  was also agreed  that no comitee be represented by faculty members of the same subject area.the large university

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was represented by following professors J who teach English,K who tech

maths,Lwho teach natural science..the small college appointed m who teach maths and n who teach latinand O  and P teach 


1.  which following represets a comitee     ans:k,ln

2.  which seve P     k and l

3.  which must be true     a.if J seves on P,P must be assigned to committee                                 b.if J not seve on comitee then M cannot be assigne dto comitee     c.if J seve on a comitee then L must seve on that comitee     ans:b and c

4.  If L is not available for sevice which must be on comitee ans:n and o

5.  Which must be true     a.n and o r always on same comitee     b.m and o never seve on same comitee     c.when m seves ,Lmust seve  ans:b and c

     Logical resoning  1.   In 1978 thomas published"essay on population" in which he postulated that food       supply can never keep pace...      1.which of the following statements if true would tend weaken thomas argument?      1.the total population of human has risen at rapid rate because of removal of          natural checks on  population.

      2.in many nations the increse i humann population has forstriped’ Hey u find

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this         also in one model papers given in gre baron 13th edition or any ger book In          this he has given two questions the first one answer is mostly c I think and          the second one answer is A ie wars..verify this also from barren ok..

 2.  If Ealnine is on srteing committee then she is on the central committee.tjis stemnt can be logically deduced from which the following statements?                                               Ans:everyone who is on steering committee is also on central committee.

3.  Frank must be a football player.he is wering a football jesy.    Ans:only football players wear jerseys.

Comparisons1.  13/14 14/15 u have to compare and write it

2.  10 power 11-10power 10 and 10 power 10

3.  given circimference of a circle is 4pie and for other circle ihe has given the     diameter.he asked to compare  the radius of both circles..

4. He ahs given a strigth line with points x z y on that such that compare xz and xy    here we wiil think that xy is greater 

5.  He has given a triangle such that AB=BC=CA and he has drawn a straight line from

     A a\such that the line be AD now we have to compare BD and CD here we have      say information is not sufficient since  here he didn’t give any information      regarding that line..so we cant say whether it dives the segment BC into two      equal halves                                            6.  1/2*2/3*3/4*4/5 ½+2/3+3/4+4/5

7.  Some squareroot problems he has given can’t remember here the questions r very 

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     easy but see that they should be answered very carefully… I think u got this..he      hs given 20 questions ans u have to  answer it in 5min

Test Paper :10 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin 

Amdocs test has 2 sections

   1.  Aptitude consist of 4 sections n consisted of diagrammatic reasoning n non verbal


   2.  Technical test consisted of 4 sections each of pseudocode,c,unix n sql all tests r

computer based

  The tests were :

  1.   Analytical reasoning: maths

  2. diagrammatic reasoning: In this, we were given 8 diagrams and had to select the9th


      dg frm the givn choices. U have to be very fast in this test.

  3. problems to be solved using Venn diagrams.

  4. This test was to check our adaptation to the computer screen.We had to solve abt

30 qs in 15 min. 

      U have to be very very fast in this also.

  5. In this test we were given a booklet of abt 7-8 pgs in which there was the syntax of


      hypothetical lang, ( its syntax was somewhat like Visual Basic). This was very easy

since the 

      whole syntax was given & u can refer to it. We were given almost 90-120mins for

this test. If u 

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      want u can rd the booklet before the start of the test.The qs consisted of programs for


       u have to find the o/p or where there is wrong syntax etc.

  6. C test: Study pointers very well .Visit www.c4swimmers.esmartguy.com that helps

you to test the 


        programming strengths. It also consists of qs on args of main function, i.e. argc and


   7. SQL test: It consisted of sql queries mainly inner join, outer join ,group by

statements etc.

   8. Unix test: kernel, 1-2 qs on TCP/IP, basic commands ( more on commands).


   Some Sample Questions

1. All birds are animals. All animals are four legged. Implications

   a. All animals which are four legged are birds.

   b. All birds are four legged

   c. Some birds are four legged

   d. Some birds are animals but not four legged.

   1.  a and b 2.  b and c  3. only b  4. only d

2.  All fat people are not dancers, food loving people are all fat .Find the

contradictory statement?

3. The day before yesterday was WEDNESDAY then the day after 2morrow

is? 3. A goes to the party if B goes

B goes to the party if C goes

C goes to the party if D goes 

Totally how many will go to the party?

4.  Mary's father's brother is Andrews Andrews daughter's son is Sunil

Brothers name is Sam Who is Sam to Sunil?

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5.  If A>B,A<C,B>D,B<DFind the Shortest?

6. There are A,B techers and C,D doctors.Find the possible no of

combinations that should not be repeated more than once?

7. There are 3 males and 2 females,find the possible no of orders that can be

made by making the arrangement as in between two males one women is allowed

to sit? 8. 

Computer checking:

  Unix Test

8. The syntax of command statement in UNIX 10. If the permission for a file

is 000,then the file can be accessed by whom?

9. Where we can run two same programs on a UNIX console at the same


10. Which is the Shell of UNIX?

11. What is the number of the masked code ee@?

12. If we are terminated at the middle of the program execution in UNIX,what

will happen to the program,it will (i) continue running 

(ii) terminate

(iii)the o/p will be send to ur mail?

13.  what is the command to connecto to remote terminals

14. what is the command to fetch first 10 records in a file

15.  unix has the following features

a. multithreading

b. multitasking

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c. ..


16. We are UPDATING a field in SQL and ALTER the row also.After giving

the COMMIT command the system is crashed.What will happen to the

commands given,whether it will UPDATE and ALTER the table or not?

17.  How will add additional conditions in SQL?

               C  Test

18. How will u print TATA alone from TATA POWER using string copy and

concate commands in C?

19. If switch(n)

    case 1:printf("CASE !");



What will be printed?

20. How will u divide two numbers in a MACRO?

Test Paper :11 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin 



1. All fat people are not dancers, food loving people are all fat .Find the

contradictory statement?

2. The day before yesterday was WEDNESDAY then the day after

2morrow is?

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3.  A goes to the party if B goes

 B goes to the party if C goes

 C goes to the party if D goes                                                               

 Totally how many will go to the party?

4.  Mary's father's brother is Andrews Andrews daughter's son is Sunil

Brothers name is Sam Who is Sam to Sunil?

5. If A>B,A<C,B>D,B<DFind the Shortest?

6. There are A,B techers and C,D doctors.Find the possible no of 

combinations that should not be repeated more than once?

7. There are 3 males and 2 females,find the possible no of orders that can be

made by making the arrangement as in between  two males one women is allowed

to sit?

8.  Computer checking:eeeDD

 1.eeggg 2.eeeDD3.eerrt,4.DDeee  The write answer is 2)eeeDD

9.  The syntax of command statement in UNIX

10.  If the permission for a file is 000,then the file can be accessed  by whom?

11.  Where we can run two same programs on a UNIX console at the

same time?

12.  Which is the Shell of UNIX?

13.  Wat is the number of the masked code ee@?

14.  We are UPDATING a field in SQL and ALTER the row also.After

giving  the COMMIT command the system is crashed.Wat will happen to

the commands given,whether it will UPDATE and ALTER the table r not?

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15.  If we r terminated at the middle of the program execution in UNIX,wat

will happen to the program,it will

  continue running r terminate r the o/p will be send to ur mail?

16.  How will add additional conditions in SQL?

17.  How will u print TATA alone from TATA POWER using string copy

and  concate commands in C?

18.  If switch(n)

      case 1:printf("CASE !");



     Wat will be printed?

19. How will u divide two numbers in a MACRO?

20. int a,b;

  1. main()

  2. {

  3.  scanf("............",&a,&b);

  4.   if...........{

  5.  printf("Print A");

  6.  else

  7.  Printf("...........");

  8.  endif}


    A.Wat will come in the 9 dash?

    B.Wat will happen if we replace Print A as Print X?

    C.Wat will come in the 3


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    D.Wat will happen if we interchange 4 and 7?

    E.Wat will come in the 4 dash?

Test Paper :11 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 21  May  2004   Posted By        : Jai VERIZON DATA PAPER HELD IN CUSAT 21 MAY 2004

The test consist 4 section

for each section there will be specific time limit n after time limit

question paper collected by the invigilator


first section(25 question time  15 min. )  

this section is dam easy .anyone solve it before the time

it consist 2 type of question

firstone is fill in the blanks (mostly abt the article, verb n noun)

go through any grammar book

second one is abt the passage ( 2 passage)

simle passage..many pepole do it without reading the passage

because the passage is based on DBMS  n  JAVA

I also do it without reading

second section (like bank apptitude 20 min. )  

this section is also dam easy

it consist questin like bank apptitude test

mainly question based upon matching

for this section u no need prepration  

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third section(quantitaive apptitude n logical reasoning min 35 )

this section consist 25 question  

simple airthmetic question .

n logical reasoning  logic like banking paper coding, manipulation, arithmetic etc  

one question abt cube n dice (quite tough) that is given below 

one hundred and twenty five small cube of equal size are

arranged in a solid pile of dimension  5*5*5 .Then from one corner

one cube is removed from the top.From the opposite corner 8 cubes

(2*2*2)r removed from the third corner a column of three cubes and

from the fourth corner a column  of 4 cubes r removed the remaining

solid r coloured red on all the exposed faces...

1. how many cubes in the secomd layer fron the top do not have any

coloured face

ans : 6

2: how many cubes in the third layer have at least two coloured faces each

ans :8

3: how many cubes in the fourth layer from the top have only one colour face each..

  ans :10

4: how many cubes in the bottom layer have at least one coloured face each

  ans :16

5: how many cubes in the top four layers taken together have only one coloured

  face each


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6: how many cubes donot have any colour face

  ans : 32

7: how many cubes  have three colour faces each

  ans :12

8:how many cubes have only two colour faces each?

  ans :24

9:how many cubes have only one colour faces each?

    ans : 41  

10:how many cubes are there in the top layer ?

    ans : 18

but remaining question were easy

fourth section(technical) 15 question 20 min

abt 25 question (tough one)

based on  c programs

BFS,DFS,Pointer concet,Linklist,Queue,stack etc

there is no negative marks for the wrong question ...

so attempt as much as possible n guess the left question 

i qualified for the interview i. attempt 75% correctly my rank is 11 here

that person who toped here attemt around 75-80 % paper

for written test

try to get more marks bcas they select merit basis

not cut off basis

prepare only technical section

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only one interview ..technical as well as HR ....

Panel consist only two person one tech and other r HR

Prepare well for HR ....prepare all the question and counter

question before the interview ....

Test Paper :12 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin 

ISRO Model Interview

Hope you all have started the planning for the DRDO test. This is a golden opportunity

to clear the test. Why? You have all the resources and books in your hand. Any way

many of you have asked how to apply for ISRO? Organizations like ISRO, VSSC etc

don’t conduct tests as DRDO do. They give ad in newspaper. They short list based on

the percentage and call for interview. Or they directly go to the premier institutes and

recruit directly from there.

I am giving a pattern of questions asked for an ECE guy in ISRO-SAC interview. Once

again I have to stress that if ur basics are strong you will get thru the interview. Now

from very long time I am telling learn the basics. What are the basics?

Here are examples:

1. In radar we may know how a CW radar works and what are its applications.

That’s not enough! You should know why the CW can be used in those applications

and what types of radar can be used in those applications other than CW radar.

2. In digital we know how to reduce a Boolean expression using K-map. But do you

know difference between looping 1s and 0s in K-map? Do you know there is a

limitation in Kmap? Do you know any other method to reduce the expressions? Is there

any limitation for that?

3. In mechanical we have heard a lot about 100cc or 150 cc bikes. What actually  cc

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here means? Is there any relationship with that with performance if so how and why?

Is there any 100% efficient Carnot cycle? Why?

4. In electrical we have heard a lot about transmission loss why it is caused? Can we

prevent it ?

5. In Computer you know methods of sorting? Which is the most efficient and why?

6. In Physics do you know what is the cause of hall effect?


Now have a first hand experience of an ISRO interview.

 SAC (Ahmedabad) panel comprised of 6 members, very senior scientists. They asked

about B.E project, subject questions were picked up from the B.E project. Like if your

project is on Commn, they asked questions from Commn.

At NIT, Trichy ISRO dropped in for campus recruitment, panel members were from

ISRO Trivandrum and ISRO Bangalore with some 20 years of experience in ISRO.

3 people on the whole were in the panel. 1 was an expert in microwaves another person

in DSP, Digital Commn, VLSI, third person was chairman, I believe

 They first made the usual formalities like doc verification and the usual questions like

Did u appear for GATE? How did u come 2 NIT, Trichy for PG (GATE / NON

GATE)??  What was your rank in the entrance test conducted by NITT to get in for


Then they asked abt my M.E project. Here at NITT, we have phase-1 project and

phase-2 project at 3rd and 4th semester course.

So i told that I am working with IP over WDM networks. They asked me from WDM

technology, to compare microwave and fiber optics, guided and unguided commn

differences? WDM components, about IPv6.

2nd member asked me from microwaves. Some questions raised by him

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 - Eqvt ckt of transmission line and explain all the primary and secondary constants?

- losses associated with transmission line

-antenna gain, isotropic antenna?, antenna applns at different freq

-microwave sources - klystron, magnetron etc.

3rd member asked me from digital commn

- Sampling theorem, aliasing effects, digital modulation (compare BPSK and BFSK),

what is FFSK?, line coding (compare Manchester and NRZ scheme), turbo codes??,

trellis coded modulation??, advantage of cyclic codes

some questions from spread spectrum also - like how anti jamming is achieved??

Altogether only basic fundas here also. Confidence is the key and it's better to have a

firm grasp on the subjects related to project.

Since the panel members were old people, questions from microwaves, antennas, trans

lines are sure to come forth.

In fact questions from microwave engineering, antennas and transmission lines were

asked for all people.

Test Paper :12 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin 

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Test Type: Objective type multiple choice ExamTest Duration: 1½ hour

Test consists of two sections. Section-1 (non-Technical)

Number of Questions            : 91Time Duration                      : 1 hourPart-1:    It consists of 20 verbal questions.

            E.g. Waterfall: Cascade::

            a)        b)      c)       d)

Part-2:  In this a passage has given and 4 questions.

            Passage has given on private sector management and labor policies. Questions are


            based on the conclusions that can be drawn from the passage.


Part-3:    20 arithmetic questions (easy to solve)

Part-4:   20 Basic Mathematics questions taken from 9th, 10th and intermediate standard. 

            Mainly on Triangle properties and simples calculations. (Easy to solve)

            For all the 20 questions: Two expressions are given in the left and right sides.

            Your answer is

                        A, if Left hand side value is bigger

                        B, if right hand side value is bigger

                        C, if both are equal

                        D, if both are not equal

                        E, if it is not possible to conclude the relation

            E.g.     left side                                      Right Side

                        ½  + ½                                            1

           For this Ans is C.

            Part-5:  7 questions on data sufficiency.

            Part-6:   9 questions on Analytical reasoning.

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1. This questions is based on relations between persons of a family.Like, F is

father of two 

           children of different gender.

A, G has same gender as C   H, who is mother of B is sister of  D ……………

(Constraint is one should not marry their direct sibling) Questions are like

1.      Totally how many male and females are there in the family.

2.      According to the given data to whom D can marry ………………etc.


2. A certain city is served by subway lines A,B and C and numbers 1 2 and

3.When it snows , morning service on B is delayed. When it rains or snows ,

service on A, 2 and 3 are delayed both in the morning and afternoon When temp.

falls below 30 degrees Fahrenheit afternoon service is cancelled in either the A

line or the 3 line, but not both. When the temperature rises over 90 degrees

Fahrenheit, the afternoon service is cancelled in either the line C or the 3 line but

not both. When the service on the A line is delayed or cancelled, service on the C

line which connects the A line, is delayed. When service on the 3 line is

cancelled, service on the B line that connects the 3 line is delayed.  

3. On Jan 10th, with the temperature at 15-degree Fahrenheit, it snows all

day. On how many lines will service be affected, including both morning and


(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 

4. On Jan 10th, with the temperature at 15-degree Fahrenheit, it snows all

day. On how many lines will service be affected, including both morning and


(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 

5. On Aug 15th with the temperature at 97 degrees Fahrenheit it begins to

rain at 1 PM. What is the minimum number of lines on which service will be


(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 

6. On which of the following occasions would service be on the greatest

number of lines disrupted. 

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(A) A snowy afternoon with the temperature at 45-degree Fahrenheit

(B) A snowy morning with the temperature at 45 degree Fahrenheit

(C) A rainy afternoon with the temperature at 45 degree Fahrenheit

(D) A rainy afternoon with the temperature at 95 degree Fahrenheit 

Test Paper :13 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 19  October  2006   Test Location  : NIET Greater Noida  Posted By        : Nishant RanaSapient test Venue :  NIET Greater Noida, 19th October 4pm

The Test was quite simple . You have to do only 2 question in 1 hour.

Instruction :1. You have to write code for the following program.2. You can use any language but ( java , c++ preferable)3. Do not write any input function or main function.4.Please complete feed back form5.Make required assumption.6.Do write comment where necessary.7.Follow flowchart and algorithm if required.

Program 1.Reservation.there are 67 seats in train . there are only 5 seats in a row and in lastrow there are only 2 seats.One person can reseve only 5 seat at a time.If person reserving seat , the care is atken that he may get all in row. ifseats are not available in row then the arrangement is so that person groupget nearby seats.

the following class is givenpublic class seat{char name;int seat;boolean isSeatempty}

1.Draw require class digram and object diagram.2.Write function seatallot(int noofperson)

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to allocate seat with seat nuber printed for the each name.

Program 2.Stringreplace

The forum is going on and administartor find that some people use abusing orbad lnaguage in discussion.so he decided that when he uses such language itwas replacedc with beap.

likesome string is given and it contain word idiot  and bla bla ba.... you have to replace the word with ###

the word is listed in some look up table.in Max_list_word

question:1. draw class digram,and use appropriate data structure.2. write function replacestring() 

Test Paper :15 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 3  August  2009   Test Location  : cochin  Posted By        : joice3I INFOTECH PAPER ON 16th SEPTEMBER 2007 Hi friends, This is Bipin Kadiri (SVMIT Bharuch 2007 passout ), I am going to share my experience with you about the interview of 3i-infotech.  I wrote the written test on the 16th of september 2007. The written test is quite simple.You have to just practise the standard   2 books of  R.S.Agarwal (quant aptitude & logical reasoning) once thats it. There were will be three sections of 50 questions each: 1.Logical Reasoning 2.Quantitative aptitude 3.English The test will be of 90 minutes duration.So fast calculation is important. A neagative marking of  0.25 marks for every wrong answer is there.so please be careful in that matter.. One more imp thing the questions both aptitude as well as GD & interview are ALL REPEATED So compulsorily  go through the kind of questions mentioned here  Section 1:  English usageIn this there was a paragrap, nearly 400 words, about regularization of banking acts. On basis of this para there was  q's . These are as follows---> 10 direct q's relataed to para

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--> 3 Synoyms(Contemporay, Resilence etc.)--> 3 Antonyms--> 9 q's were based on fill in d blanksOn an aveage all d synonyms n antonyms were very easy and day to day conversational use. These synonyms  and antonyms were given in bold in d para. While solving this type para plz keep in mind that one time reading with better comprehension is nt only helpful, bt u have o use regression. ( this is very tough I suggest u to do this later  ) Remaining 15 q's were based on finding out grammatical error(u can see in any cat/ mat preparartion book). Some questions were of the type Jumbled sentences ( u construct a meaningful paragraph) On these some were diifficult. I suggest you not to attempt the questions based on the para first ( do only synonyms and antonyms ) and do the remaining ques first coz para is too tough and u will end up wasting ur time .In this section i did  35 q's. Section 2 : Reasoning--> Do a lot of questions from  VENN DIAGRAMS    RS Agarwal       (  there will be atleast 5 qs of this type ) for eg : All shirts are clothes all clothes are garments some garments are blue     and so on ......-->  caselet based sitting arrangement-->  q's based on Blood Relation(if A+B stands for A is father of B , A-B stands for Ais bro of B......... then what is A-B*c so on )-->  q's based on critical resoning(like all banana's are mango, some mangoes are chilli then conclude...)-->  q's based on series. In this you have to find out odd one in he series.( very imp all from RS Agarwal ) -> Some on coding decodingg--> Some were slightly different. These were like -- 5 different nos were given and said that 1 is added to the first digit of all numbers and 1 is subtracted from the middle digit. then Find out the second largest n so on.--> Some were Data Sufficiency--> Some questions were like   7@8 #6=50  ( very important  )So what is  9@7#3 == ??    (ie 7*8=56- 6=50) so ( 9*7=63 -3 =60 )  I did around 17 questions in this section Section 3 : ArithmeticIn this topic on which Q's were based, is as -1. Probab -- 5  q's, in this q like--- there are different balls in a bag as3-green, 5-blue, 7-red. 6-black then find out the probab of  getting 2 red balls, gtting at least 1 gren ball while picking up 3 balls n so on.2. Series Completion- 5 q  (Entirely from RS Agarwal)3. Simplification-10-12 q, as (1) if  12.48 / ? / 56.4 = 12.3 then find ? and so on  (Only calculation based but very easy -----------  must attempt)4. Compound Interest -1q (Direct Formula)5. Trains speed-1q as, A train crosses a platform of length double of its length, in 30 sec. Find speed of train.(Ans- can not determined)

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6. Data Interpretation- 15 q, 2tables and 1 pie chart, vey easy just calculation basis.(but very lengthy)   7. Do the ques of linear equations  , profit & loss and ratio and proprtion  also.All depends on UR CALCULATION SPEED.So start mental calculation from today it will help u in this and other papers as well.All d Best..I did around 20 questions in this section Total around 65-70 questions were sufficient to put me n my friends thru The results were out on 12th of October.. Then we were called for GD and interview on 27th of October.First, i would like to tell you about the GD.My topic was Role of press is it invading our privacy ???there were other topics like "Cricket is a national obsession that is a detriment to other sports". "Politics  can a person be corruption free in politics"  "should celebrities participate in commercials". SPORTS  tooo much importance to cricket diversity in India is it hampering unity leaders are born or made ???I was selected in GD also..GD is also okay..You have to be confident and atleast speak..but never keep mum.. Make three valid points  atleast..Do not stick on only one point throughout the discussion..that also matters.. Whether u speak for the topic or against that is immaterial. .if points are good,think that you have cleared your GD. In a batch,out of 12,    (4-5) of  were selected... Coming to interview,mine was just HR but to computer & IT guys there were a few tech questionsThere will be a sir and a madam They asked me: descirbe urself (  dont say my name is ... and I got xy percent     instead say   I would like to introduce myself as a hardworking induvidual etc ) do u have a valid passport ?y do you want to wrok in software side ? r u willing to sign bond ?what r ur hobbies ?what was ur take in the GD ? a little bit regarding my academic project..what is sdlc?the steps involved in the same ur strengths and weaknesses justification for the same ...why are u leaving ur existing company?Family background ?where u see 5 years from now ?Do u wish to relocate? (ans should be yes definitely i love travelling ) where do u find urself after 3 years from now?what was ur role in the previous company?are u ready to work in any kind of profile?what is IT according to you? Then they asked me if i have any questions..I just asked what will be my role in the company if i get selected.. Thats it..The intvw is simple.You have to be confident.Thats it.. RegardsBipinchandra KadiriSVMIT Bharuch ( EL 2007 passout) for ny queries contact me in orkut search me with        

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Test Paper :18 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Test Location  : Indore  Posted By        : Unknown

KPIT CUMMINS PAPER - INDOREI have given the test at INDORE in KPIT current walkin.....Requirement: about 450 freshers

most of the question are same as below

C++ paper:

cin is ana.functionb.objectc.class. 

what is the use of scope resolution operator?

advantage of inline function?

copy constructor is ans:call by value.                                                      

ques on vertual destructor?

inautix one ques?

one q' on container class?

con't remember the ques but the ans is Virtual base class

         C paper

How will u terminate the statement? ans: ;

select the wrong onea.a+=1;b.a*=2;c.a**=1;(ans)d.a>>=1;


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  int n,i=1;  switch(n)     {      case 1:                some stuff;      case 2:                some stuff;      default:       i=10;    } printf("i=%d",i); }what will be value of i; ans:non of the above

4.pick ut the wrong one   #typedef some stuff    {      ---    };

pick ut the wrong one#typedef some stuff{   ---};

one q's on do loop?

pick the odd one     a.mallocb.callocc.new(ans)

char *ptr;p=malloc(20);How will u de allocate the memory?a.delete.b.free.

main(){   char **p=="Hello";   printf("%s",**p);}Ans: Garbage or nothing

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main(){   printf("%d%c ");   printf("%d%c ");}Ans: Garbage Value

main(){   int x==5;   printf("%d%d",x++,++x);}Ans==6 6

 Write a program for the problem: the array of inetegers indicating the marks of the students is given, U have to      calculate the percentile of the students aaccording to this rule: the percentile of a student is the %of no of student       having marks less then him. For eg: suppose      Student Marks      A 12    B 60       C 80        D 71     E 30        F 45      percentile of C = 5/5 *100 = 100 (out of 5 students 5 are having marks less then him) percentile of B = 3/5*100 =      60% (out of 5, 3 have markses less then him)  percentile of A = 0/5*100 = 0%.

2)   The code was given for a problem and u have to midentitfy the logical error in it. That was simple. The code was to      merge the Danagrams of 2 words. The danagram of a word is the letters of word arranfed in sequential order. eg      danagram of abhinav is aabhinv. merging of danamagram is to merge the danagrams of 2 or more words such      that the highest no of occurance are coming for each alphabet.eg  merging of aabhinv and abbhhixz is      aabbhhinvxz.

3) total no of 4 in betweeen 4 and 444

4)one distance travel on square edges speed was given average speeed was to calculate...

some more questions were on time and distance....like the onbe of bird and motorcylist....etc..

5)paper was very time consuming and tough to solve ....  no negetive marking was there.....

Test Paper :34 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 16  March  2005 

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 Posted By        : Ramesh

KANBAY PATTERN - EXPERIENCED - 16 MAR 2005 - HYDERABAD(PAPER) Details of written & tech interview of KANBAY, Hyd for 2+exp JAVA/J2EE   Hi ,  This Ramesh from Hyderabad. I have taken the written test 16 march 2005 and pattern is  CORE JAVA : 20 JSP, SERVLETS : 10 EJB : 10 STRUTS : 5 OOAD : 5 DB : 5 Total :55 cut off 60% ie. 33 they said.

 do strong enough in core java they r so tricky reaming r ok DB also simple like use of TO_CHAR() function.....  I cleared the written and they called me Thursday 24,and told me I am having tech on Sunday 27. I cleared tech also.  Again in interview they concentrated on core java. They have taken around 45 mts in which they asked around 35 mts on corejava.  Right from oops, inheritance, polymorphism, exceptions, threading. They asked some theoretical questions as well as they will gave some sample code and ask whether they compile or not,r un or not...like. they asked overloading, overriding which includes exceptions. So guys&gals be strong in CORE JAVA. later they asked few questions on servlets/jsp. (Paper Submitted By: Ramesh)

Test Paper :39 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 31  January  2004   Posted By        : Jai 

Part 1: (Verbal/English, 25 Q - 15 min)

                       part 1

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1. equanimity

2. sequester

3. apathetic

4. dislodge

5. sedate


1.   celeberate:marriage::

     a. window:bedroom b. lument:barevemant

     c. pot:pan d. face:penalty

2. neglegent:requirement::

      remises:duty cognet:argument

      easy:hard careful:position

3. Germ:disease::

      man:women doctor:medicine

      war:destrustion shopkeeper:goods

4. bouquet:flower::

        skin:body chain:link

        product:factory page:book

5. letter:word::

       club:people page:book

       product:factory picture:paper

       Part II

1. One monkey climbs a poll at the rate of 6mts/min and fell down 3mts  in

the alternately. Length of the poll is 60 mts , how much time it  will take to reach

the top? a. 31 b.33 c.37 d.40 (ans: 37)

2. X men work for X days to produce X products, then Y men can produce

Y  products in - - - - days. (ans: y^3/x^2)

3. sqrt(12 + sqrt(12) + ((sqrt(12) +......................infinity) = ?  (ans: 4)

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4. consider a square ABCD, in which E is the mid-point of BC & F is that  of

CD. Now find the ratio of area of triangle AEF to the area of  square ABCD. (ans:


     Part III (Reasoning)

1.   There are 4 buses - A,B,C,D. There are 220 students in a school. A can

carry 60 students. B can carry 50 students. C can carry 40  students. D can carry

35 students Cost of travelling in the 4 buses were given, A - 160 , B- 140, C- 

125 , D- 95 (not exact values)

a) Find the bus combinations, so that all the students can be carried  in the

minimum cost  (One can use any no. of buses of a particular type)

b) Find the min. no. of buses required to carry all students etc.

2. ( not exact ) P speakes Italian & French Q speakes Spanish & English R

speakes Italian & German S speakes Spanish & French T speakes English &

German  etc. Find a) Mediator between P & Q b) Most popular language etc

3. All P's are Q's some R's are not C's Some C's are P's & so on ( 5 Q's based

on these facts)

4. One Logical Venn diagram problem

5. One simple flow chart

Test Paper :40 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 13  August  2006   Posted By        : Jai 

1.  Graphics:Painters algorithm is used for...........

2. Graphics:Why is 'Lighting' operations done on World Coordinates?

3. Graphics:One more question 

4.  Some question on C External Variables. 

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5. How can you call a function written in FORTRAN from a C program ?

6. Normal question on pointer addition

7. Another question on pointer adition 

8. A question on 64 bit OS's and Virtual Memory it will be having

9. Another question on 64 bit OS10. A structure was given and it contained normal data as well as some bit-

wise data.You had to find the total size taken up by the structure 

11. A big code with lots of pointers. There was a struct which contained 2

arrays. Then an array of that structure was declared. The code used these

structures and you had to find the values of a variable 'j' at various points inside

the code 

12. A code which had some declarations of some data items. There were a

couple of normal data items(char,int..) and some pointers as well and a malloc

call. You have to find the total memory taken up in the stack(Hint:Pointers and all

are allocated in heap, not in stack, so dont count them).Also in most of these

questions, they were specifying that the OS was 32 bit

13. A question on nesting of pointers. There was this pointer to a function

which returned an array of char pointers.....You had to give the exact definition of

the function 

14. Value of 2 particular variables in C(MAXINT and some other constant)

15. What do you need to do to open more than 10 files simultaneously in

Microsoft Operating System?  -change stdio.h/change

CONFIG.SYS/compiler dependent 

16. A question on Macro( consisted of something like CTRL&037)

17. Another question on Macro expansion 

18. Yet another question on Macro expansion

19. UNIX question on 'who' output and then doing some other operation and

then asking you whats the output. 

20. UNIX question on 'awd' operation. 

Analytical Test

21. 101^100 -1 is divisible by.....

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22. Question on boat ( stream velocity given...)

23. Train Question( Goods and Passenger train.. their speeds given..)

24. Pipe question (with leak at the bottom..) 

25. Salary & Proportion problem

26. Another problem on Salary & Proportion 

27. Age question-father and son

28. Another age question

29.  Question onratios(Sachin:Saurav=Saurav:Rahul=3:2....together they

scored some runs,you had to find the runs scored by Sachin) 

30.  Angle between hands when time is 2:20 

31. x^2 + 4 y^2 =4xy.Find x:y 

32. A question on Arithmetic Progression(something like 5 times the 5th term

is 8 times the 8th term..find 12th term...) 

33. A and B's work units given.They were together gievn Rs.720.When C

joined,they together completed the work in 5 days.Find C's wages 

34. There was a circle.A square of max size was cut from it.From this square,a

circle of max size was cut.What was the ratio of this final size w.r.t initial size? 

35. A runs 3/4th faster than B.One of them was placed some metres

ahead.How far should the finishing post be placed so that both of them finish at

the same time? 

36. Longest time one has to wait for next birthday?(366/365/4 years/8years)

37.  Next no: in the seq: 7,11,__,19,23 

38. Some question on steps...it was 10 ft high...an ant travelled upwards..and

total time taken

39. Cricket-some data on runrate of the opposition being 15%.... 

40. Time & Distance..somebody was travelling along the circumference.... 

The questions are not at all complete because lack of memory :-)

 Test Paper :51

 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 20  February  2004   Test Location  : Nungambakkam, Chennai

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 Posted By        : Ankith Sharma__________________________________________________________________________________COMPANY NAME : i-Flex------------------------------------------------------------DATE OF TEST : 20 Feb 2004------------------------------------------------------------PLACE OF TEST: i-Flex, Nungambakkam, Chennai------------------------------------------------------------MODE : Off-Campus------------------------------------------------------------DURATION : 35 Minutes___________________________________________________________________________________

This is i-flex paper for 2+ years experienced in JAVA and J2EE

NOTE: I have written whatever I remember. Some questions may not be complete or options may be a bit different than the ones given here. Also I have written whatever answers I know. Don't take them as final, as some of them may be wrong.___________________________________________________________________PATTERN :___________________________________________________________________35 multiple choice Questions in 35 minutesQuestions are mainly from CORE JAVA, JSP, SERVLETS, EJB and few DATABASE related ones.IMPORTANT: Multiple answers are possible for few questions. You need to mark all the answers to get the marks for those questions.___________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________PAPER :___________________________________________________________________In the init(ServletConfig) method of Servlet life cycle, what method can be used to access the ServletConfig object ?(a) getServletInfo()(b) getInitParameters()(c) getServletConfig()ANS: (c)___________________________________________________________________The Page directive in JSP is defined as follows:<%@ page language="Java" session="false" isErrorPage="false" %>Then which of the implicit objects won't be available ?(a) session, request

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(b) exception, request(c) exception, config(d) session, exceptionANS: I think answer is (d)___________________________________________________________________ejbCreate() method of CMP bean returns(a) null(b) Primary Key class(c) Home Object(d) Remote ObjectANS: (a)Explanation: ejbCreate() method of BMP bean returns the Primary Key, where as ejbCreate() method of CMP bean returns null.___________________________________________________________________How can a EJB pass it's reference to another EJB ?___________________________________________________________________Which of the following is correct syntax for an Abstract class ?(a) abstract double area() { }(b) abstract double area()(c) abstract double area();(d) abstract double area(); { }ANS: (c)___________________________________________________________________A JSP page is opened in a particular Session. A button is present in that JSP page onclick of which a new Window gets opened.(a) The Session is not valid in the new Window(b) The Session is valid in the new WindowANS: I think the answer is (b)___________________________________________________________________Which of the following JSP expressions are valid ?(a) <%= "Sorry"+"for the"+"break" %>(b) <%= "Sorry"+"for the"+"break"; %>(c) <%= "Sorry" %>(d) <%= "Sorry"; %>ANS:___________________________________________________________________A class can be converted to a thread by implementing the interface __________(a) Thread(b) RunnableANS: (b)___________________________________________________________________What is the output of following block of program ?boolean var = false;if(var = true) {System.out.println("TRUE");} else {

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(a) TRUE(b) FALSE(c) Compilation Error(d) Run-time ErrorANS: (a)EXPLANATION: The code compiles and runs fine and the 'if' test succeeds because 'var' is set to 'true' (rather than tested for 'true') in the 'if' argument.___________________________________________________________________Which is not allowed in EJB programming ?(a) Thread Management(b) Transient Fields(c) Listening on a SocketANS:___________________________________________________________________What happens if Database Updation code is written in ejbPassivate() method and if this method is called ?(a) Exception is thrown(b) Successfully executes the Database Updation code(c) Compilation error occurs indicating that Database Updation code should not be written in ejbPassivate()(d) ejbStore() method is calledANS:___________________________________________________________________A Vector is declared as follows. What happens if the code tried to add 6 th element to this Vectornew vector(5,10)(a) The element will be successfully added(b) ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception(c) The Vector allocates space to accommodate up to 15 elementsANS: (a) and (c)EXPLANATION: The 1 st argument in the constructor is the initial size of Vector and the 2 nd argument in the constructor is the growth in size (for each allocation)This Vector is created with 5 elements and when an extra element (6 th one) is tried to be added, the vector grows in size by 10.___________________________________________________________________Which is the data structure used to store sorted map elements ?(a) HashSet(b) Hashmap(c) Map(d) TreeMapANS: I think the answer is (d)___________________________________________________________________SessionListerner defines following methods

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(a) sessionCreated, sessionReplaced(b) sessionCreated, sessionDestroyed(c) sessionDestroyed, sessionReplacedANS:___________________________________________________________________Which of the following is true ?(a) Stateless session beans doesn't preserve any state across method calls(b) Stateful session beans can be accesses by multiple users at the same timeANS: (a)___________________________________________________________________Stateful Session beans contain(a) Home Interface(b) Remote Interface(c) Bean Class(d) AllANS: (d)___________________________________________________________________What is the Life Cycle of Session bean ?___________________________________________________________________Stateless session bean is instantiated by(a) newInstance()(b) create()ANS:___________________________________________________________________A servlet implements Single Thread modelpublic class BasicServlet extends HttpServlet implements SingleThreadModel {

int number = 0;public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {}}Which is thread safe ?(a) Only the variable num(b) Only the HttpServletRequest object req(c) Both the variable num & the HttpServletRequest object req___________________________________________________________________If you are trying to call an EJB that is timed out, what will happen ?(a) Exception(b) It gets executed___________________________________________________________________A method is defined in a class as :void processUser(int i) { }If this method is overriden in a sub class,_____(a) the new method should return int(b) the new method can return any type of values(c) the argument list of new method should exactly match that of overriden method

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(d) the return type of new method should exactly match that of overriden methodANS: (c) & (d)___________________________________________________________________In a JSP page, a statement is declared as follows:<%! String strTemp = request.getParameter("Name"); %>And below that, an _expression appears as:<% System.out.println("The Name of person is: "+strTemp); %>What is the output of this _expression, (a) The Name of person is: Chetana(b) The Name of person is:(c) The Name of person is: null(d) NoneANS: (a)___________________________________________________________________Without the use of Cartesian product, how many joining conditions are required to join 4 tables ?(a) 1(b) 2(c) 3(d) 4ANS:___________________________________________________________________What is the output of following piece of code ?int x = 2;switch (x) {case 1:System.out.println("1");case 2:case 3:System.out.println("3");case 4:case 5:System.out.println("5");}(a) No output(b) 3 and 5(c) 1, 3 and 5(d) 3ANS: (b) 

Test Paper :183 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : Jai  1.If he increases his foot length(step length) by 3 inches he needs only 5 steps to cover

the slabs length. what is the length of the each slab.    (ans 31 inches). 

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2. There are 19 red balls and one black ball . Ten balls are put in one jar and the

remaining 10 are put in another jar. 

what is the possibility that the black is in the right jar. ( The question is bit of confusing

but the answer is 1/2). 

3. There is one lily in the pond on 1st june. There are two in the pond on 2nd june . There

are four on 3rd june and so on. The pond is full with lilies by the end of the june. 

(i)On which date the pond is half full. ans. 29th. --the june has 30 days) 

(ii)if we start with 2 lilies on 1st june when will be the pond be full with lilies. (ans. 29th



4.A lorry starts from Banglore to Mysore at 6.00 A.M,7.00am.8.00 am.....10 pm.

Similarly one another starts from Mysore to Banglore at 6.00 am,7.00 am, 8.00

am.....10.00pm. A lorry takes 9 hours to travel from Banglore to Mysore and vice


(i) A lorry which has started at 6.00 am will cross how many lorries. (ans. 10 ) 

(ii)A lorry which had started at 6.00pm will cross how many lorries. (ans. 14) 

5 .A person meets a train at a railway station coming daily at a particular time . One day

he is late by 25 minutes, 

and he meets the train 5 k.m. before the station. If his speed is 12 kmph, what is the

speed of the train. (ans. 60 kmph.)refer--Shakuntala devi book.


7. A theif steals half the total no of loaves of bread plus 1/2 loaf from a backery. A

second theif steals half the remaing no of loaves plus 1/2 loaf and so on. After the 5th

theif has stolen there are no more loaves left in the backery. What was the total no of

loaves did the backery have at the biggining. (ans: 31). 

8. A gardener plants 100 meters towards east, next 100 meters towards north,next 100

meters towards west. 98 

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meters towards east, 96 meters towards north and 96 meters towards west, 94 meters

towards south. and 94 meters towards east and so on. If a person walks between the trees

what is the total distance travelled by him before he reaches the center. 

Test Paper :200 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : Jai 


1 I participated in a race.1/5th of those who are before me are equal to 5/6th of those behind me.what were the total number of  contestants in the race?                                                             (3 Marks)

 2 Find the 3 digit number.Third digit is square root of first digit.Second digit is sum of first and third digits.Find the number                                                                                                                   (3 Marks)

3This problem is of time and work type.i dont remember the exact question.the question goes like this.some A and some B are able to produce so many tors in so many hours.(for example 10 A and 20 B are able to produce 30 tors per hour).Like this one more sentence was given.We have to find out the rate of working of A and B in tors/hour.                                                                                                                   (4 Marks)

 4 A and B play a game of dice between them.The dice consists of colours on their faces instead of numbers.A wins if both dice show same color.B wins if both dice show different colors.one dice consists of 1 red and 5 blue.what must be the color in the faces of other dice.(i.e how many blue and how many red?).Chances of winning for A and B are even.                                                                    (5 Marks)

 5 A girl has 55 marbles.she arranges them in n rows.the nth row consists of n marbles,the n-1th row consists of n-1 marbles and so on.what are the number of marbles in nth row?                                             (3 Marks)

6.This question is of anals type.The question goes like this. I dont remember the question.some sentences reg tastes of people to poetry are given like all who like A's Poem like the poems of B like this 7 or 8 sentences were givenquestions were based on this.                                                                                          (8

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 7This question is also of anals types. Four persons are there A,B,C,D.each of the for persons own either P,Q,R,S. 10 sentences using if clause were given. we have to find out which belongs to whom.   (8 Marks)

 8 This question involves oercentage.i dont remember the question.                           (5 Marks)

 9 problems on ages.                                                                                                 (6 Marks)

 10 Problmes on time and distance.                                                                      (5 Marks)

Test Paper :229 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 1  April  2005   Posted By        : Sibly SATYAM - JAVA TEST ON  APRIL 2005------------------------------------------------------------------- Interview Question at Satyam for JAVA platform holding 3 yrs of Exp-------------------------------------------------------------------

1) What is diffrence between StateFul and Stateless Session Bean?

A Stateful Session Bean is a bean that is designed to service business processesthat span multiple method requests or transactions. Stateful Session beansretain state on behalf of an individual client. Stateless Session Beans do notmaintain state.

EJB containers pools stateless session beans and reuses them to service manyclients. Stateful session beans can be passivated and reused for other clients.But this involves I/O bottlenecks. Because a stateful session bean caches clientconversation in memory, a bean failure may result in loosing the entire clientconversation. Therefore, while writing a stateful session bean the bean developer has to keep the bean failure and client conversation loss in mind.

In case of stateless session beans, client specific data has to be pushed to thebean for each method invocation which will result in increase in the networktraffic. This can be avoided in a number of ways like persisting the clientspecific data in database or in JNDI. But this also results in I/O performancebottlenecks.

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If the business process spans multiple invocations thereby requiring aconversation then stateful session bean will be the ideal choice. On the otherhand, if business process lasts only for a single method call, stateless sessionbean model suits.

Stateful session beans remembers the previous request and responses. Butstateless beans do not. stateful does not have pooling concept, whereas thestateless bean instances are pooled


2) What is difference between BeanMangedPersistance and ContainerMangedPersistance?

CMP: Tx behaviour in beans are defined in transaction attributes of the methods

BMP: Programmers has to write a code that implements Tx behaviour to the bean class.

Tuned CMP entity beans offer better performance than BMP entity beans. Movingtowards the CMP based approach provides database independence since it does notcontain any database storage APIs within it. Since the container performsdatabase operations on behalf of the CMP entity bean, they are harder to debug.BMP beans offers more control and flexibility that CMP beans.

Diff 1) In BMP you will take care of all the connection and you write the SQLcode inside the bean whereas in CMP the container will take care of itDiff 2) The BMP is not portable across all DB's.whereas the CMP is


(3)Draw and explain MVC architecture?

MVC Architecture is Module- View-Controller Architecture. Controller is the onewhich controls the flow of application / services the requests from the View.Module is the other layer which performs the exact operations. Each layer shouldbe loosely coupled as much as possible.


(4)Difference between forward(request,response) and SendRedirect(url) in Servlet?

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With Forward, request & response would be passed to the destination URL whichshould be relative (means that the destination URL shud be within a servletcontext). Also, after executing forward method, the control will return back tothe same method from where the forward method was called. All the opposite tothe above points apply to sendRedirect.(OR)The forward will redirect in the application server itself. It does not cometo the client. whereas Response.sendredirect() will come to the client and goback ...ie. URL appending will happen.


(5)What is Synchornize?

Synchronize is a technique by which a particular block is made accessible onlyby a single instance at any time. (OR) When two or more objects try to access aresource, the method of letting in one object to access a resource is called sync


(6)How to prevent Dead Lock?

Using synchronization mechanism.

For Deadlock avoidance use Simplest algorithm where each process tells max numberof resources it will ever need. As process runs, it requests resources but neverexceeds max number of resources. System schedules processes and allocates resouresin a way that ensures that no deadlock results.


7)Explain different way of using thread? :

The thread could be implemented by using runnable interface or by inheritingfrom the Thread class. The former is more advantageous, 'cause when you aregoing for multiple inheritance..the only interface can help


(8)what are pass by reference and passby value?

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Pass By Reference means the passing the address itself rather than passing thevalue. Passby Value means passing a copy of the value to be passed.


(9)How Servlet Maintain Session and EJB Maintain Session?

Servlets maintain session in ServleContext and EJB's in EJBContext.


(10)Explain DOM and SAX Parser?

DOM parser is one which makes the entire XML passed as a tree Structure andwill have it in memory. Any modification can be done to the XML.

SAX parser is one which triggers predefined events when the parserencounters the tags in XML. Event-driven parser. Entire XML will not be storedin memory. Bit faster than DOM. NO modifications can be done to the XML.


(11)What is HashMap and Map?

Map is Interface and Hashmap is class that implements that and its notserialized HashMap is non serialized and Hashtable is serialized


(12)Difference between HashMap and HashTable?

The HashMap class is roughly equivalent to Hashtable, except that it isunsynchronized and permits nulls. (HashMap allows null values as key and valuewhereas Hashtable doesnt allow). HashMap does not guarantee that the order ofthe map will remain constant over time.


(12a) Difference between Vector and ArrayList?

Vector is serialized whereas arraylist is not

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(13)Difference between Swing and Awt?

AWT are heavy-weight componenets. Swings are light-weight components. Henceswing works faster than AWT.


14) Explain types of Enterprise Beans?

Session beans -> Associated with a client and keeps states for a clientEntity Beans -> Represents some entity in persistent storage such as a database


15) What is enterprise bean?

Server side reusable java component

Offers services that are hard to implement by the programmer

Sun: Enterprise Bean architecture is a component architecture for thedeployment and development of component-based distributed business applications.Applications written using enterprise java beans are scalable, transactional andmulti-user secure. These applications may be written once and then deployed onany server plattform that supports enterprise java beans specification.

Enterprise beans are executed by the J2EE server.

First version 1.0 contained session beans, entity beans were not included.Entity beans were added to version 1.1 which came out during year 1999.Current release is EJB version 1.2


16)Services of EJB?

Database management :–Database connection pooling–DataSource, offered by the J2EE server. Needed to access connection pool of the server.–Database access is configured to the J2EE server -> easy to change database / database driver

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Transaction management :

–Distributed transactions–J2EE server offers transaction monitor which can be accessed by the client.

Security management :


Enterprise java beans can be distributed /replicated into separate machines

Distribution/replication offers–Load balancing, load can be divided into separate servers.–Failover, if one server fails, others can keep on processing normally.–Performance, one server is not so heavy loaded. Also, for example Weblogic has thread pools for improving performance in one server.


17)When to choose EJB?

Server will be heavy loaded :–Distribution of servers helps to achieve better performance.

Server should have replica for the case of failure of one server:–Replication is invisible to the programmer

Distributed transactions are needed "–J2EE server offers transaction monitor that takes care of transaction management.–Distributed transactions are invisible to the programmer

Other services vs. money :

Weblogic J2EE server ~ 80 000 mk and Jbuilder X Professional Edition ~ 5 000mk


18)Why not to use free J2EE servers?

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–no tecnical support–harder to use (no graphical user interface ...)–no integration to development tools (for example, Jbuilder)–Bugs? Other problems during project?


19) Alternative:TuxedoTuxedo is a middleware that offers scalability services and transaction monitors.C or C++ based.Can be used with Java client by classes in JOLT package offered by BEA.

Faster that J2EE server?Harder to program?Harder to debug?

Implementation is platform dependent.


20) J2EE server offers

DataSource:–Object that can be used to achieve database connection from the connection pool.–Can be accessed by the interface DataSource

Transaction monitor:–Can be accessed by the interface UserTransaction.

Java Naming and the Directory Service :


21)Java Naming and the Directory Service

Naming service is needed to locate beans home interfaces or other objects (DataSource, UserTransaction):–For example, jndi name of the DataSource

Directory service is needed to store and retrieve properties by their name:–jndi name: java:comp/env/propertyName


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22)XML – deployment descriptor

ejb-jar.xml + server-specific xml- file Which is then Packed in a jar – filetogether with bean classes.Beans are packaged into EJB JAR file , Manifest file is used to list EJB’s andjar file holding Deployment descriptor.


23) Session Bean

Developer programs three classes:–Home interface, contains methods for creating (and locating for entity beans) bean instances.–Remote interface, contains business methods the bean offers.–Bean class, contains the business logic of the enterprise bean.


24)Entity Beans

Represents one row in the database:–Easy way to access database–business logic concept to manipulate data.

Container managed persistence vs. bean managed persistence:

Programmer creates three or four classes:–Home interface for locating beans–Remote interface that contains business methods for clients.–Bean class that implements bean’s behaviour.–Primary key class – that represents primary key in the database. Used to locate beans.Primary key class is not needed if primary key is a single field that could


25) When to use which bean?

Entity beans are effective when application wants to access one row at a time.If many rows needs to be fetched, using session beans can be better alternativeava class (for example, Integer).

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Entity beans are efficient when working with one row at a timeCause a lot of network trafic.

Session Beans are efficient when client wants to access database directry.–fetching/updating multiple rows from the database


26) Explain J2EE Arch?

Normally, thin-client multitiered applications are hard to write because theyinvolve many lines of intricate code to handle transaction and state management,multithreading, resource pooling, and other complex low-level details.The component-based and platform-independent J2EE architecture makes J2EEapplications easy to write because business logic is organized into reusablecomponents and the J2EE server provides underlying services in the form of acontainer for every component type. Because you do not have to develop theseservices yourself, you are free to concentrate on solving the business problemat hand.

Containers and Services :Component are installed in their containers during deployment and are theinterface between a component and the low-level platform-specific functionalitythat supports the component. Before a web, enterprise bean, or applicationclient component can be executed, it must be assembled into a J2EE applicationand deployed into its container.The assembly process involves specifying container settings for each componentin the J2EE application and for the J2EE application itself. Container settingscustomize the underlying support provided by the J2EE Server, which includeservices such as security, transaction management, Java Naming and DirectoryInterfaceTM (JNDI) lookups, and remote connectivity.

Container Types :The deployment process installs J2EE application components in the followingtypes of J2EE containers. The J2EE components and container addressed in thistutorial are shown in Figure 5.An Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container manages the execution of allenterprise beans for one J2EE application. Enterprise beans and theircontainer run on the J2EE server.A web container manages the execution of all JSP page and servlet componentsfor one J2EE application. Web components and their container run on the J2EEserver.

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An application client container manages the execution of all applicationclient components for one J2EE application. Application clients and theircontainer run on the client machine.An applet container is the web browser and Java Plug-in combination running onthe client machine.

Test Paper :249 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 29  August  2004   Posted By        : admin TCS recruitment conducted on 29th Aug 04    Chennai

  Discretion abt written  Selection Process

Written Test:

Prepare from previous papers. It’s of the same pattern.Prepare wordlist from Barrons.

There was no psychometric test.We had only 1 and a half hr to complete the paper. For

quants, we had to write the answers and were not of multiple choices. Logical questions

were bit tough.Main problem is the time shortage to complete it fully.


There were around 8 - 10 panels for tech intrw held at TCS, Karapakkam,

Chennai.Environment was excellent.

People from TCS were very soft and had a cheerful face.

In my panel, two persons of age around 35 – 40 yrs interviewed me.Tech intrw was held

for around 55 min. Slightly drilling but easy.After clearing tech, I attended HR where one

young man interviewed me.It went for half an hour exactly.Most of them were only

personal questn and some tech Qs.On my time slot, 5 ppl attended in that same panel and

only 2 cud get thro.

For another friend, the tech held for just 10min.They asked 2 gen. Qs like where he is

from (Ambattur) and how he reached that office.Then 2 tech Qs 1) Shannons theory ?

Ans: “I don’t know”2) Diff betn up85 & 86. He told correctly.He got selected.

So, it depends on ur luck to get a good panel.

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Technical Interview

1. Introduce ur self.

2.  First person started…..

He asked my mark sheets from which Qs were poured from various subj I’d

studied in my BE (ECE) syllabus………

3. Favourite subj.?


4. How abt mp?

Draw the architecture of 8085?Explain each block?Interrupts and its types? Flags?

5. Write a program to multiply 2 nos?Diff betn MOV & MVI?Diff betn 85 &

86And some more………?Latest mp used?

6.  Next person started…..Whats inside a CPU of PC? Inside processor?

Whats a MODEM? working?

 If 2 PCs connected to a server using 2 MODEMs, what is the fn of each


7.  Back from first person……meanwhile the 2nd person was going through

my marksheets and certificates.

Lets move 2 ur fav subj…Digital -Draw the diag of OR and NOR? OR internal

ckt diag ? 

I managed to draw a diag which is logically correct ( with 2 transistors …..)

Universal gates? Why? Draw OR using NOR gates? What is multiplexed?

8. Slowly deviated to analog-Describe abt transistor? Types? Types of BJT?

Diag for NPN and PNP?

Differentiate where they r used?

Uses of transistor according to mode of opn.?

Uses of diode?

How it is used as rectifier?

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Zener diode?

What is bias?

What is thyristor?

SCR? Where used?

Diff betn thyristor & transistor?

And some more………………

9. Then programming…… How good u r with programming? I know only C.

Asked me to write a pgm.

I’m not well versed with programming. I know only conceptually.

Why pointers? Answered

Luckly, they skipped the topic.

10. Then……Network Topologies? Bus, ring…

What u know in networking?

I know only the basics as this was not choosen as our elective.

Then whats ur elective?


(I think the person was good in that subj.)

11.  I was caught …………He fired several questions like…

How ECG working?

Stethoscope working?

BP ? and more…………………

How pressure converted to signal?


12. Then came to the project…Explain ur proj.

I explained clearly with proj report.

Some Qs on project.

I myself added that I did with 3 other students from different states and could

manage to complete the project successfully.

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13. Finally general Qs…You did a proj in digital design and why do u want to

come to software?

Why not hardware?

What guarentee u give that u won’t shift to hardware after 2 yrs saying u don’t

like S/w?

Another person asked what u studied in Engineering economics & mgmt?

R u interested in this subj?

I frankly said it’s a bit boring subj. ‘coz there is nothing to learn and this is the

subj where we write stories.They smiled.

If we put u in proj dealing with mgmt,…..difft from what u’ve studied in BE, r u

ready to do that?

U said it’s a boring subj. & now ready to switch over to that ?

First of all, working at TCS itself is a great pleasure and it would be my duty to

develop interest in that subject and shine well in that area.

Finally they asked ‘any Qs 2 us’?

Yes sir!

On what electronics related proj r u working currently?

Then I smiled and said ‘then there is a chance for me to get into electronics based

s/w projects’.

 HR Interview

1. Introduce urself other than in application.

I told abt my positives and ideologies.While I was saying the 2nd point of my

ideology, my throat got chocked ‘coz of fear.

Are u alright? Yes sir. I’m slightly nervous.Its OK.

2. Whats ur hobbies?

Playing Tennis and chess.

In chess, how its scored?

I said we’ve checkmate the opponent king.

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He poured more Qs on chess.

I said, I used to play chess only with computer just as a time pass and not

serious with that.

How many squares r there in a chess board?

1st I said ‘100’ and then said ‘sorry 64’.

3. How abt tennis? How many sets are played in a match?How it is scored?

 said 0, 15, 30, 45, game.I made a damn mistake of saying 45 instead of 40.

He again asked to check and I was still stubborn with my ans.

What is game point? match pt? Deuce?

Who is ur fav. tennis player?Why?

But, Pete Sampras everytime defeats Agassi?

Whats ESPIRIT (Dept. assocn)?

4. What u’ve done?

Arranged VLSI conference.

Whats VLSI?

More than 1 million transistors per chip.

Explain sth abt VLSI.

5. No. of zeros in a million?6

No. of zeros in a lakh?

Got struck (due to tension) and started counting from units digit in mind.Then

said 5. I frankly told him, ‘I need to count by fingers

He laughed..

6. Whats ur fav. subj? Digital

Describe OR & NOR gate in a sentence form

What is the IC no. for AND gate?

which co. produces such chips?

7. Where do u see urself after 3 yrs ?

Whats ur ambition?

Why TCS?(He really got stunned with my knowledge abt TCS)

What way u can provide a s/w that is useful to the community as well as TCS?

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I gave some ideas like cognition tech for blind ppl and web-based applns,……

Why s/w?

Stressed the importance of software with egs.

What efforts u made to get into Software?

Any thing u did for the community welfare?

I gave a finishing touch. As of now, I cud help only physically. I think, if I’m

being selected and once if I join TCS, I can help ppl even monitorily.

8. Finally, Any Qs to me?

Yes sir!

Whats the training period? 45 days

Whether I can avail transportation facilities from TCS? yes

Whether u do any electronics related proj @ Chennai? No. Its done at Hyd only.

Thanked him and smiled my way back home with great confidence.

Test Paper :493 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin 

TCS : Technical Interview

1. what is ddl & dml command

2. give an example for each

3. what is normalization

4. what r the different normalization methods

5. Is there any compiler in oracle

6. what is the name of that compiler

7. what is an operating system

8. what r the functions of operating system

9. what is dead lock

10. what r the ways to avoid deadlock

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11. what is bankers algorithm

12. oops concept

13. difference between c++ and java

14. what do u mean by inheritance

15. what do u mean by access specifier

16. what is polymorphism

17. sdlc

18. what do u mean by fuction overloading

19. they gav me some analytical problem and ask me 2 solve

Test Paper :561 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : Jai  Quantitative Questions

1     If g (0)=g (1)=1 And g (n)= g (n-1) + g (n -2) find g (6); 

        Ans: g(6) = 13


             G(0) = 1 

             G(1) = 1

             G(2) = G(1) + g(0) = 2

             G(3) = g(2) + g(1) = 3

             G(4) = g(3) + g(2) = 5

             G(5) = g(4) + g(3) = 8                                                                           

             G(6) = g(5) +g (4) = 13

2     A plane moves from 9?N40?E to 9?N40?W. If the plane starts at 10 am and takes 8

hours to reach the 

       destination, find the local arrival time?


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       The time is calculated on the basis of longitude. (Based on sunrise)Sun rises earlier

in calcutta than in Mumbai.       The 40 degrees east and 40 degress west are calculated form 0 degrees. The plane

has travelled westwards by 

       40+ 40 = 80 Degrees. (WEST) For each degree there is a difference of 4 Minutes 

The difference in timings is 

       320 Minutes behind.As per the starting point time 10.00 AM the flight should have

reached at 6.00 PM. 

       Reducing 320 Minutes from it we get 12.40 PM local time at the destination

3     Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then,find the value of $%$6-%$%6   ANS: -724     The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M = square root of 100N. If        the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much memory now occupied ?

Replace N by (N +

        N/100) and  solve.

5     16 litre can, 7 litre can,3 litre can,the customer has to be given 11 litres of milk using

all the three cans only 


       Sol: 16 litre Full initially 16-7 = 9 in 16 litre , 7 in 7 litre.7 to 3 to 16 (twice) than 15

in 16 litre1 in 7 litre

       0 in 3 litre 1 in 7 litre can to 3 litre can 15 in 16 litre can 0 in 7 litre can and  1 in 3

litre can.From 15 in 16litre 

       can to 7 litre can Than 8 in 16 litre can 7 in 7 litre can and  1 in 3 litre can From 7 in

7 litre ad 2 to 3 litre can

       Than 8 in 16 litre can 5 in 7 litre can 3 in 3 litre can 3 to 16 litre can  than 11 in 16

litre can 5 in 7 litre can 

       and 0 in 3 litre can.

6.    A traveler walks a certain distance. Had he gone half a kilometer an hour faster \, he

would have walked it in 

       4/5 of the time, and had he gone half a Kilometer an hour slower, he would have

walked 2 ½ hr longer. What 

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       is the distance?

        a) 10 Km    b) 15 Km   c) 20 Km   d) Data Insufficient   Ans: b)                       

           Sol:  distance == speed x time

           st == (s + .5) x .8t -------------------(1)

           st==.8st +.4t

.          2st==.4t

           s== 2KM

           st== (s - .5)x(t+150) ------------------(2)

           Sustituting you will get the distance as 15 KMs

7.    A ship leaves on a long voyage. When it is 18 miles from the shore, a seaplane,

whose speed is 10 times that of 

       the ship is sent to deliver mail. How far from the shore does the seaplane catch upo

with the ship?

        a) 24 miles b) 25 miles c) 22miles d) 20 miles  Ans: 




         180== 9d

8.    In a circular race track of length 100 m, three persons A, B and C start together. A

and B start in the same 

       direction at speeds of 10 m/s and 8 m/s respectively. While C runs in the opposite at

15 m/s. When will all the 

       three meet for the first time on the after the start?

       a) After 4 s b) After 50 s c) After 100 s d) After 200 s  Ans : c)

       Sol: Since the track is a circular track A and B will meet every 50 seconds. ie

100/(10-8) Since it is a multiple 

       of  50 they will be meeting at the starting point every 50 Seconds. if you multiply 15

x 50 you will get 750 and 

       after the second 50 it will be 1500.All of them will meet at the starting point after


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9     Amal bought 5 pens, 7 pencils and 4 erasers. Rajan bought 6 pens, 8 erasers and 14

pencils for an amount 

       which was half more than what Amal had paid. What % of the total amount paid by

Amal was paid for pens?

       a) 37.5% b) 62.5% c) 50% d) None of these  Ans : b) 62.5%

       Sol: You can observe from the question that for additiion of 1 pen 7 pencils and 4

erasers rajan pays 50 % 

        more.It implies that the cost of 4 pens is 50% of the total amount paid by Amal.

Therefore cost of 5 pens will 

         be  62.5% of the total cost.

10.    A non stop bus to Amritsar overtakes an auto also moving towards Amritsar at 10

am. The bus reaches 

         Amritsar at 12.30 pm and starts on the return journey after 1 hr. On the way back it

meets the auto at 2 pm. At 

         what time the auto will reach Amritsar?

         a) 2.30pm b) 3.00pm c) 3.15pm d) 3.30pm   Ans : b) 3.00pm                         

         Sol:  let the distance between the meeting point of Auto at 10.00 Am and Amritsar

be d The bus takes 2.5 

         Hours(150 minutes) to reach amritsar from that point. The bus commences its return

journey at 1.30 PM and 

         meets auto at 2.00 PM. The bus has thus travelled 30 Minutes. The bus would have

covered 30/150 d

         The auto has covered (1-1/5)d during the period. is 4/5th of the distance has been

covered in 4 hours (2.00 

          PM -10.00 AM) The remaining 1/5th distance will be covered in 1 hour. The auto

will reach Amritsar at 3.00 


11.    The cost of one pencil, two pens and four erasers is Rs.22 while the cost of five

pencils, four pens and two 

         erasers is Rs.32.How much will three pencils, three pens and three erasers cost?


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         x + 2y + 4z == 22

         5x + 4y + 2z == 32

         Solving we get 3x + 2 y == 14 and y + 3z == 13, Adding both we get 3x + 3y +3z

== 27 Ans : 27

12.     The lowest temperature in the night in a city A is 1/3 more than 1/2 the highest

during the day. Sum of the 

          lowest temperature and the highest temperature is 100 degrees. Then what is the

low temp?


          (1/2 + 1/3x1/2)t + t == 100

          solving we get t == 60 ie the highest temperature is 60 and the lowest is 40. 

          Ans : 40 degrees 

13.    Javagal, who decided to go to weekened trip should not exceed 8 hours driving in a

day. The average speed of 

         forward journey is 40 miles/hr.Due to traffic on sundays, the return journey's

average speed is 30 m/h. How far 

         he can select a picnic spot?

         a) 120 miles b) between 120 and 140 miles c) 160 miles  Ans: 120 miles 


         The answer given by you appears to be wrong. The question is not clear regarding

the day on which the

          onward trip is carried out. If it is on a Saturday the maximum distance that can be

travelled is 8 x 30 == 240 

          miles.However if both the onward and return trips are carried out on Sunday the

answer is Between 120 and 

          140 Miles. The time taken for both the trips is 8 hours.

         3 x 40 =0

         4 x30 =0.                                                                                                            

         One more hour can be utilised for travelling and more than 120 miles can be


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14     The total expense of a boarding house are partly fixed and partly variable with the

number of boarders. The 

         charge is Rs.70 per head when there are 25 boarders and Rs.60 when there are 50

boarders. Find the charge 

         per head when there are 100 boarders. 

         a) 65 b) 55 c) 50 d) 45 

         Ans : b) 

         Sol: The total cost for 25 boarders is 25 x 70 = 50 ,The total cost for 50 boarders is

50 x 60 == 3000,

         The difference is 1250 for 25 boarders.,The variable cost per boarder is Rs 50

         For additional 50 boarders the increase in total cost is 50 x 50 == 2500,Therefore

total cost for 100 boarders 

         is 3000 + 2500 == 5500. The charge per head works out to Rs 55.

15.   A car has run 10000 miles using 5 tyres interchangably,To have a equal wornout by

all tyres. how many miles 

        each tyre should have run. Ans: 4000 miles/tyre


         According to me the answer given is wrong. A car runs on four wheels.  The

aggregate distance covered by the 

         four wheels is 10000 x 4 == 40000 miles. Since 5 tyres are used interchangably the

distance covered by each 

         tyre will be 40000/5 == 8000 miles. 

16.    In  80 coins one coin is counterfiet what is minimum number of weighings to find

out counterfiet coin

         Ans: 4 weighings. 

         27 27 26 

         9 9 9 9 9 8

         3 3 3 3 3 2

         1 1 1 1 1

17.    There are two trees in a lawn. One grows at a rate 3/5 of the other in 4 years. If the

total growth of trees is 8 ft. 

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         What is the height of the smaller tree after 2 years  Ans: 1 1/2 feet (Less than 2


         Sol: After four years the combined height of the two trees is 8 ft.the ratio at that

point is 3/5 : 1

         therefore 3/5x + x == 8, solving x == 5 The height of the smaller tree after 4 years

is 3 ft

         At the end of two years it would have been 3/2 ft.

18     A building with height D shadow upto G. What is the height of a neighbouring

building with a shadow of C


         Sol: Using the similar triangle property y == D/G X C

 19    Find the no of possible palindromes for the following:                                          

         1.tyghhty six (g will be the center) 

         2.tyhhhtyh twelve (hh, tt, yy as centre

20     2,20,80,100,??   The answer C is not given. It could be 139

21     2* 10, 20*(10/5 sq/10), 80*( 4/4 sq/10), 100 *(1.6/3 sq/10)

         A) 121 B) 116 C) D) NONE

22.    10,16,2146,2218,??

         Ans: 2290

          Sol: Since the answer is not given , I am not able to match my working. My answer

to the question is 2290.

          16 * 16 is 256 ( the sum of the three digits is 13) That 13 is being maintained in 4

digit number by retaining the f

          irst  and last digits for the first number in the serial

23      There are 10 coins. 6 Coins showind head. 4 showing tail. Each coin was randomly

flipped (not tossed). Seven 

           times successively. After flipping the coins are 5 heads and 4 tails. One is hidden.

what will be the hidden coin 


            Ans: The coin will have tail

24        What is the diff in times btwn clk1 and clk2.

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            1.both show same time 6 hrs back.

 25       1  clk gains 1 min an hr,clk2 gains 2 min an hour.like that  The difference will be


Test Paper :2 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 22  September  2005   Posted By        : Jai

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. tell me about your project.

3. why have you chosen jsp and weblogic.

4. how confident r u in core java,advanced java.

5. what is interface ?

6. what are public ,private,protected in JAVA

7. what is multithreading ?

8. what r the types of casting in JAVA.

9. data types of java.

10. classification of data types of JAVA.

11. swap two variables without using 3 rd variable.

12. what r the objects implicit or explicit available in JSP.

13. Explain servlet life cycle.

14. What is the difference between interface and astract class.


Test Paper :2 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin

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About company: It is a small mnc with total no. of employees 600 worldwide and with 60 members in Bangalore.their clients are 1250 in number.they give solutions for improving product lifecycle. Agile PLM solution is their trade name. they are offering a salary of 2.5lack per annum with stock options in addition. they give good importance to good acadamics.the interview is only personal and most simple for high percentage getters. this compeny name is not in the cmm level 5 list. the test contains 60qns Duration: 1hr.30 qns from c++,30 qns from java.the qns are objective type may have more than one ans

java:(1)find out three keywords(a)synchronized(b)implement(c)throwsetc

(2)which are not keywords(a)NULL(b)synchronizeetc

(3)two to three questions on legal array declaration(a)int a[][]=new int[3][3];(b)int[] a[]=new int[3][3];(c)int a[3][4]=new int[3][4];wrong(d)int[3][4] a=new int[3][4];wrong(e)int a[][]=new int[3][4];

(4)++i+++j is equivalent to(a)i+j+1(b)i+j+2(c)i+j(d)can't be compiled(correct)

(5)the content of the array after execution of following statement:int a[][]=new int[3][3];(a)all elements contain zeroes

(6)find legal statements(a)int a=30;(b)float f=1.4;(error)(c)double d=34.5;(d)byte b=128;(error)

(7)find illegal statements(a)int i='2';

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(b)char a=12;

(8)some 5 qns on collection interfaces

(9)to find the length of array(a)arr.length-1(b)arr.length(correct)(c)arr.length()

(10)write code for accessing array length without assigning it to another variable

(11)recursion is(a)any function which refer itself

(12)the sorting method which don't generally use recursion(a)heap sort(b)bubble sort(ans)(c)quick sort(d)bubble sort

(13)one qn regarding abstract

(14)some 2 qns on hash table


(1)the difference b/w pure virtual fn.& virtual fn.(a)pure virtual fn. is initialized to zero.(b)

(2)virtual destructors are used for(a)

(3)find legal statement(a)cout>>"name">>endl;(b)cout<<"name<(c)cout<<"name"<

(4)find the o/p of the programvoid main(){int a=10;b;if(a<=10)b=4;if(a>10)b=5;

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cout<}(a)it don't be compiled(b)it compiles and o/ps 10 4(ans)

(5)a qn on copying or assigning

(6)early or static binding means(a)at runtime (b)at compiletime(ans)

(7)one qn on global variables,one qn on globally declared static variable

(8)two qns on "vector" type

(9)the branch of a tree which has no childs is called

(10)when a node c is inserting b/w nodes a and b how many pointer will be modified(a)2(check)    Best Of Luck 

Test Paper :3 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : Thomas Varghees Technical questions

1.output of the following code:   #define M 5+5   void main()  { printf(“%d”, M*M);   }2.*p+ + increment p or what it points to? 3.Find error with a given code:   {scanf("&",a)}4.syntax of free func. 5.give output:   void main()  {    int x=0, y=1;  (x || printf(“printing x\n”));  (y|| printf(“printing y\n”));   }

6 write one major advantage & disadvantage of recursion.

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7.what is hashing?8. give output:    main()   {   int j=5;   printf(“%d %d %d”, + +j, j, j+ +);   }9.give output:

  main()  {  int static i=5, j=10;  for(i=1;i<=3;i++)  {  int j=10; j=j+1;  printf(“%d %d %d” j, j, j);  }  printf(“%d”, i);  }

10. why printf(“%d”, ‘A’); will not return the value 1?

11. preorder and postorder traversal of a binary tree is given, construct the binary tree.

12. a binary tree is given, draw postorder traversal.

13. what is the difference between char const* , char *const ?

14. correction of a given code

15. write a macro function to return the maximum of two numbers.

16. how a pointer to a function is called & declared?

17 write a program for double linked list & delete the last node.

18. write a program for binary search of N numbers.

19. program related to string.

Test Paper :3 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : Mrudul Veritas Test Paper / IIT Kanpur / 01-08-03------------------------------------------

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/*Objective Questions: 30 questions*/

Time duration: 30 minutes.

1. What is the output of the following operation?0x7e00e9 % 0x7

2. What does a sticky bit do and why?


/* Question is how many processes are created when this program is run */

int main(){forkthem(5);}

void forkthem(int n){if (n>0){fork();forkthem(n-1);}else return;}

4. preorder and inorder was given, asked which of the options was postorder

/* Please complete */

5. Which of the following representations do not need braces or parenthesis - prefix, postfix & infix;

6. Give the grammar - E -> E*E | E+E | n, is it ambiguous? left recursive? none?

7. given the following code in two threads, what will be the range of possible values of n?

/* First Thread */sum = 0;for(i = 1;i<5;i++){sum++;

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/*Secdond thread */sum = 0;for(j=1;j<5;j++){sum++;}

8. The regex in bourne shell to find all files except those starting with . and ..

The choices involved a lot of [!.] based regexes.

9. One question on - true hits & true misses - conflict misses - cache line ping pongon a SMP 2 processor machine. 

10. You are logged in on a system. Somebody mounts a file system on /home. a) Would you remain logged in?b) You logout and you login back again. Would you be able to do that?

11. Some question on sorting algorithms (?) which of the following algorithms is least dependent on the original ordering of the numbers:Bubble, insertion, merge & quicksort

12. Why recursion not possible in Fortran?a) No Stack structureb) No Dynamic Allocation etc etc

13. Some CFG is given and asked to choose the string accepted by this grammar.

14. /* So far thats what we have recollected... */


/* Subjective Questions: 3. Each with 2/3 sub parts. */Time duration: 20 + 5minutes extra.1. Fill in the blanks:

Part A

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------/* The following program aims to check whether "a" is a power of 2.

int power2(int a){int b;b = _____;if ((a^b)>>1 == b) return 1;else return 0;}

Part B------

/*Following is used to find if a 32-bit number is divisible by 3 */

int div3(int n){int i;int sum = 0;for(i = 0;i<32;i++){ if(i & 1)sum += n&i;elsesum -= n&i;n>>=1;}

if(sum == 0) return sum;if(sum <0) sum = -sum; /* changed. */if(sum <3) return sum;

return ______;}

2. Following is used for mutual exclusion:

Part A------

while(1){while(________);if (!test_and_set(lock)) break;

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Part B------

A program is given, and to say what it prints:

char *p = "char *p=%c%s%c;main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}";main(){printf(p,34,p,34);}

Part C------


int f(int i){return ((--i>1)? f(i) - f(i-1):0);}

3. Find whether the following programs have any compilation errors?

Part A------#define SRP1 struct record *typedef struct record * SRP2;

SRP1 p1, p2;SRP2 p3, p4;

swap(){SRP2 temp1, temp2;temp1 = p1;p1 = p3;p3 = temp1;temp2 = p2;p2 = p4;p4 = temp2;}

Part B------

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#define EIGHT 08

main(){int nine; char *string="abcdefgh"nine= EIGHT;printf("%d",string[nine]);} 

Test Paper :3 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin 

Sample Test paper

1.  Find the locus of the point whose sum of distance from 2 fixed points is constant.

2.  [-infinity to +infinity]integration(exp(-x*x))

3.  The product of any 3 consecutive nos is always divisible by _ ?


4   int i=0,j=50

     while (i<j)


             if(<some condtn>)


                 <body of the loop>



            elseif(<some condtn>)

             {   <body of the loop>



          else(<some condtn>)

           {<body of the loop>


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      How many times the body of the loopis going to be executed?

      options[unknown/25/50/depends on the given condtn]

5   How can you include a library code written in C++ in a source code written in C?

       (Options are there)

       Ans. Some cross-linked platform(compiler) is required for this.

6    int a[20],i









        What is the final content of the program.

7     Which data structure should be used for searching an element in an array in

constant time in case of 

        average case?    Ans. Hash table(not sure)

8     One question on ISO OSI model.easy one(not remembered)                     

 9     Another question abt. a protocol Ans. Token/Ring

10    If we want to connect two systems to form a network which leyer(OSI) is of

most interest to us?

        Ans. Physical layer.

Test Paper :3 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 1  January  2004   Posted By        : Unknown

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iSOFT PAPER - 2004Hi ,

1) In written it consists of 1.aptitute 25 Q's very easy2.verbal 5 fill in the blanks,5synonyms,5 antonyms..very easy for fill in the blanks ans is 1.d 2.d 3.d 4.a 5.d3. Next c it contains 30 Q's plz follow the attachment be'coz all the Q's R repeated

2)G.DFor me topic is "Is s/w professionals r paying more ? It's a fact or not? "


Thats all be through the Q's .......There cutoff is 50 out of 70..

ByD.Deepan--------------------------------------------------------------------------------c ques:


2.e(int n){if(n>0){...(not clear)printf("%d",n);e(--n);}return}ans:0,1,2,0

3.which has no problem with pointers

int *f1(){int n;return (n)}

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int *f2(){int *p;*p=3;return p;}

int *f3(){int *p;p=malloc();return p;}

ans:no error

4.header file ->contains declarations.

5.sizeof operator is executed during compile time..

6.*p+=1*p++ are these two same?not same.

7.func(int i){static int count;count=count+i;}ans:1+2+3...(counts values does not go after funtion call

8.is('a'<'b') true

10.short int=16 bits

11.4 stmt. ans.int float i;

12.int num[3];num[3]=2;

ans:first stmt deals with sizesecond deals with element

13.j=4for(int i=0;i<5;i++)

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{j++;++j;}output of j.ans:14

9.char s1[20]="hello world";s1[5]="\0";printf("%d",strlen(s1));printf("%%.%...(not clear)",s1);}ans:bad format specifier

14.brace { used in c for what ans:convention

15.parameters in c passed by ans:value.

16.when an array is passed it is by ans:pointer.

17.scanf can read ans:any data type

18.which cant be passed to subroutine.ans:preprocessor directive.

19.to get string of words..ans:gets()

20.external variables can be accesed ans:in functions which use them.




3.1999 july 21st friday1947 july 21st ?ans:two days before.


Test Paper :3 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 14  October  2003 

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 Test Location  : ALAHABAD  Posted By        : Mrudul Bob Technologies Sample Paper 1  2003 OCT 14 ALAHABAD

1)Which of the following lines will compile without warning or error.1) float f=1.3; 2) char c="a"; 3) byte b=257; 4) boolean b=null; 5) int i=10;

2)What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?public class MyClass {public static void main(String arguments[]) {amethod(arguments);}public void amethod(String[] arguments) {System.out.println(arguments);System.out.println(arguments[1]);}}

1) error Can't make static reference to void amethod.2) error method main not correct3) error array must include parameter4) amethod must be declared with String

3)Which of the following will compile without errora)import java.awt.*;package Mypackage;class Myclass {}b)package MyPackage;import java.awt.*;class MyClass{}c)/*This is a comment */

package MyPackage;import java.awt.*;class MyClass{}

4)A byte can be of what size1) -128 to 127 2) (-2 power 8 )-1 to 2 power 8 3) -255 to 256 4)depends on the particular implementation of the Java Virtual machine

5)What will be printed out if this code is run with the following command line?java myprog good morning

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public class myprog{public static void main(String argv[]){System.out.println(argv[2]);}}

1) myprog 2) good 3) morning 4) Exception raised:"java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2"

6)Which of the following are keywords or reserved words in Java?1) if 2) then 3) goto 4) while 5) case

7)Which of the following are legal identifiers1) 2variable 2) variable2 3) _whatavariable 4) _3_  5) $anothervar 6) #myvar

8)What will happen when you compile and run the following code?

public class MyClass{static int i;public static void main(String argv[]){System.out.println(i);}}1) Error Variable i may not have been initialized  2) null   3) 1   4) 0

9)What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?

Pblic class Q {public static void main(String argv[]){int anar[]=new int[]{1,2,3};System.out.println(anar[1]);}}1) 1   2) Error anar is referenced before it is initialized   3) 2   4) Error: size of array must be defined

10)What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?public class Q {public static void main(String argv[]){int anar[]=new int[5];System.out.println(anar[0]);}}1) Error: anar is referenced before it is initialized   2) null    3) 0     4) 5

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11)What will be the result of attempting to compile and run the following code?abstract class MineBase {abstract void amethod();static int i;}public class Mine extends MineBase {public static void main(String argv[]){int[] ar=new int[5];for(i=0;i < ar.length;i++)System.out.println(ar[i]);

}}1) a sequence of 5 0's will be printed2) Error: ar is used before it is initialized3) Error Mine must be declared abstract4) IndexOutOfBoundes Error

12)What will be printed out if you attempt to compile and run the following code ?int i=1;switch (i) {case 0:System.out.println("zero");break;case 1:System.out.println("one");case 2:System.out.println("two");default:System.out.println("default");}1) one 2) one, default 3) one, two, default 4) default

13)What will be printed out if you attempt to compile and run the following code?int i=9;switch (i) {default:System.out.println("default");case 0:System.out.println("zero"); 

Test Paper :4 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : Mrudul

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 Bob Technologies Sample Paper2


1)What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this code?abstract class Base{abstract public void myfunc();public void another(){System.out.println("Another method");}}

public class Abs extends Base{public static void main(String argv[]){Abs a = new Abs();a.amethod();}public void myfunc(){System.out.println("My Func");}public void amethod(){myfunc();}}1) The code will compile and run, printing out the words "My Func"2) The compiler will complain that the Base class has non abstract methods3) The code will compile but complain at run time that the Base class has non abstract methods4) The compiler will complain that the method myfunc in the base class has no body, nobody at allto looove it

2)What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this code?public class MyMain{public static void main(String argv){System.out.println("Hello cruel world");

}}1) The compiler will complain that main is a reserved word and cannot be used for a class2) The code will compile and when run will print out "Hello cruel world"3) The code will compile but will complain at run time that no constructor is defined4) The code will compile but will complain at run time that main is not correctly defined

3)Which of the following are Java modifiers?

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1) public 2) private 3) friendly 4) transient 5) vagrant

4)What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this code?class Base{abstract public void myfunc();public void another(){System.out.println("Another method");}}

public class Abs extends Base{public static void main(String argv[]){Abs a = new Abs();a.amethod();}

public void myfunc(){System.out.println("My func");}

public void amethod(){myfunc();}}1) The code will compile and run, printing out the words "My Func"2) The compiler will complain that the Base class is not declared as abstract.3) The code will compile but complain at run time that the Base class has non abstract methods4) The compiler will complain that the method myfunc in the base class has no body, nobody at allto looove it

5)Why might you define a method as native?1) To get to access hardware that Java does not know about2) To define a new data type such as an unsigned integer3) To write optimized code for performance in a language such as C/C++4) To overcome the limitation of the private scope of a method

6)What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this code?class Base{public final void amethod(){System.out.println("amethod");}}

public class Fin extends Base{

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public static void main(String argv[]){Base b = new Base();b.amethod();}}1) Compile time error indicating that a class with any final methods must be declared final itself2) Compile time error indicating that you cannot inherit from a class with final methods3) Run time error indicating that Base is not defined as final4) Success in compilation and output of "amethod" at run time.

7)What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this code?public class Mod{public static void main(String argv[]){}public static native void amethod();

}1) Error at compilation: native method cannot be static2) Error at compilation native method must return value3) Compilation but error at run time unless you have made code containing native amethod available4) Compilation and execution without error

8)What will happen when you attempt to compile and run this code?private class Base{}public class Vis{transient int iVal;public static void main(String elephant[]){}}1)Compile time error: Base cannot be private2)Compile time error indicating that an integer cannot be transient3)Compile time error transient not a data type4)Compile time error malformed main method

9)What happens when you attempt to compile and run these two files in the same directory?//File P1.javapackage MyPackage;class P1{void afancymethod(){System.out.println("What a fancy method");}}//File P2.java

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public class P2 extends P1{public static void main(String argv[]){P2 p2 = new P2();p2.afancymethod();}}1) Both compile and P2 outputs "What a fancy method" when run2) Neither will compile3) Both compile but P2 has an error at run time4) P1 compiles cleanly but P2 has an error at compile timeQuestion 10)You want to find out the value of the last element of an array. You write the following code. Whatwill happen when you compile and run it.?public class MyAr{public static void main(String argv[]){int[] i = new int[5];System.out.println(i[5]);}}1) An error at compile time2) An error at run time3) The value 0 will be output4) The string "null" will be output

11)You want to loop through an array and stop when you come to the last element. Being a good java programmer and forgetting everything you ever knew about C/C++ you know that arrays contain information about their size. Which of the following can you use?

1)myarray.length(); 2)myarray.length; 3)myarray.size 4)myarray.size();

12)What best describes the appearance of an application with the following code?import java.awt.*;public class FlowAp extends Frame{public static void main(String argv[]){FlowAp fa=new FlowAp();fa.setSize(400,300);fa.setVisible(true);


FlowAp(){add(new Button("One"));add(new Button("Two"));add(new Button("Three"));

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add(new Button("Four"));}//End of constructor

}//End of Application1) A Frame with buttons marked One to Four placed on each edge.2) A Frame with buutons marked One to four running from the top to bottom3) A Frame with one large button marked Four in the Centre4) An Error at run time indicating you have not set a LayoutManager

13)How do you indicate where a component will be positioned using Flowlayout?1) North, South,East,West2) Assign a row/column grid reference3) Pass a X/Y percentage parameter to the add method4) Do nothing, the FlowLayout will position the component

14)How do you change the current layout manager for a container1) Use the setLayout method2) Once created you cannot change the current layout manager of a component3) Use the setLayoutManager method4) Use the updateLayout method

15)Which of the following are fields of the GridBagConstraints class?1) ipadx 2) fill 3) insets 4) width

16)What most closely matches the appearance when this code runs?import java.awt.*;public class CompLay extends Frame{public static void main(String argv[]){CompLay cl = new CompLay();}

CompLay(){Panel p = new Panel();p.setBackground(Color.pink);p.add(new Button("One")); 

Test Paper :4 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 13  August  2007   Posted By        : Sandeeep




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Only BE students were shortlisited.

I Could remember only these few question. Some question are multiple choice questions

Written test

            3 Sections         Duration: 90 min

1.What is the output of the following code?



            for( j=1;j<4;j++){




2.There is a 200 miles long tunnel. one train enters the tunnel at a speed of 200mph while the other trains enter the tunnel in the opposite direction at a speed of 1000 mph. A bee travels at a speed of   1500 mph enters the tunnel goes to and back until it reaches the train. What is the distance covered by the bee when the two train collides (the bee survives)

3.List the two advantages of views.

4.Which layer is encryption and decryption done

5.What are the various modes used to send data over the network

6.Write a query to display the name of the students whose total marks is divisible by                                25(total marks may be 175,200,150 ….)






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P-wait, V-signal, S1 and S2 are semaphores. Consider two threads running. Is there a deadlock .If yes in which situation does the deadlock occur.

8.How do you find the port number of the remote host?

9. (Date; who)>logfile

      Date; who>logfile

What is the difference between the two statements.

10.How do you find the machine MAC address

11.Write the set operators that are used for select.

12.Write a single command to find and delete all the files that are older than 1 day(modification time)

13.A is a 3*4 matrix and B is 4*5 matrix. What is the number of additions and multiplications performed to obtain the resultant matrix

14.What is the output


             kill –0 pid


    echo $_

16. #!/bin/perl

     kill $$

     echo “hello world”

17.List different schema/database objects

18.Randomization is good for which algorithm(quick sort, heap sort, selection sort, hashed table, ….)

19.Descride the language in the following regular expression (a*a) b+b

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20.In an I-node what is not there (file type, file name, size, owner)

21.If the probability of work done by three persons are 1/3, 2/5, 5/12. Then what is the probability that the work is completed.

22.Given Id, author, creation time, size, links, web page, description

            Bring it in 2nd normal form

23.Consider a heap containing numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 80, 60, 70 such that numbers are in ascending order from the leaf to the root. If 25 is to be inserted what is the position.(A[1], A[2], A[3], A[4])

24. #!/bin/perl



echo ‘$var’

25.Krishna tosses a one-rupee coin and a rupee coin. He announces that one is head. But the result is not announced. What is the probability that the other coin is head?

26.In database sort the student id and the course id for each student. Which is the best possible solution.

-Sort the student id using a stable algorithm and then sort the course id using unstable algorithm

-Sort the student id using a unstable algorithm and then sort the course id using stable algorithm

- Sort the course id using a stable algorithm and then sort the student id using unstable algorithm

- Sort the course id using a unstable algorithm and then sort the student id using unstable algorithm


Test Paper :4 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : Jai

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CALSOFT PAPER - AUG 2005I have attended my written test in calsoft. In the call letter they said that its a 2 hr test. but the questions are really tough. I got "BBB" Q paper. In that 16 from DBMS,5 from Data  structures,9 from Networking , 20 programming questions in c&c++ and 50 Aptitude ques.More over 2 programs we should write,one is pseudo code and other one is C prog, Seperate Sheets will be given. These are not exact questions. these are just i remember. I think it will be useful..In DBMS most of the questions from SQL syntaxData structure questions are simple like1. what is the sorting algorithm with less time.2.Which one is efficient? Bubble search or Sequential Search.other three are about queues..Networking questions are about the basic concepts like what is the network layer protocol?what is the length of IP address nowadays?what device used to covert analog to digital and viceversa?more questions about routers.. the programming questions are really brain hungry but if u have practice and wellverse in commands . it will be easy job..More questions are about error detection..( program errors)The aptitude question are really tough..Time was not sufficient..have practice in Numbers, Ages, Frations and basic mathematical formulae.. The programs i got are1.Pseudo code for inserting a node into a list.2.C prog for converting numbers into long words.That is if 10201 then the out put should be like" ten thousand two hundred and one"without using any sprintf or any special commands. only printf is allowed 

Test Paper :4 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 15  April  2010   Test Location  : PUNE  Posted By        : AbhishekHi Amodocs Written pattern is as below :

There are two section 1. Aptitude section: This section consist of 3 sub section analytical reasoning, learning ability and logical reasoning.

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a. analytical reasoning: in this section total 20 question in 20 minutes1) If 50 student plays cricket and 30 plays football and 10 plays both find the total number of student in a class.2) If  $ means less then, ? means not greater then, * not equal to and % means not not less then 2.1) find one which implies P$Q*R like question.

b. logical reasoningif + = / and - = * and / = + and * = - then1) 2+4/5-7*8 equal to

c. learning ability  :  one passage is given we have to read the passage and find the answers.

2. Technical - Java, unix and sql

java: 1. some question on thread and trace the output of the program

sql:some question on index and view and query related questions, some on permission and constraints question most of the theoretical questions.


1. command for comparing two files2. cat file1 file2 >> file3 find output.3. which command is used to create a sub processes4. ls -l ! grep unix > temp.txt what is output.5. how to delete 100 lines in vi editor using single command6 which key is used to reach to the end of line7. if temp.txt contains 100 lines how to print 11th line

Test Paper :5 Paper Type     : Technical - Java  Test Date        : 17  January  2004   Posted By        : adminCOMPANY NAME : MANHATTAN ASSOCIATES------------------------------------------------------------DATE OF TEST : 17 Jan 2004------------------------------------------------------------PLACE OF TEST: Le Meridian hotel, Chennai------------------------------------------------------------MODE : Off-Campus------------------------------------------------------------

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DURATION : 50 Questions in 1.5 Hours of Time)------------------------------------------------------------CATEGORY : JAVA - J2EE (2+ years experienced category)

----------------------------------------------------MANHATTAN ASSOCIATES:

About the Company:The company is in ITPL, Bangalore. And around 200 people strong in India. The whole company is around 1000 people strong world-wide. It's a product based company and dealing mostly with Supply-Chain management and Data Warehousing.

Visit Company WebSite at : www.manh.com

How I applied:2 weeks back, there was an advertisement in "The Hindu-Opportunities" asking for 2 + years of Java, J2EE experience. I sent my resume to the given mail ID. Only selected people are called for written test.----------------------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------TEST PAPER AND INTERVIEW PATTERN:----------------------------------------------------

There are 4 rounds:Written TestTechnical InterviewCEO interviewHR interview

The Written test pattern:50 Questions -- 1.5 hours of time.Most of the questions are multiple choice.

The split up is :EJB (10 Questions)JAVA (20 Questions)JSP (5 Questions)MISLLENEOUS - XML, JDBC etc (5 Questions)ANALYTICAL (5 Questions)SQL (5 Questions)

Our written test is held on 17 Jan 2004 in Le Meridian hotel, Chennai.

I have written down whatever questions I remember so that it will be useful to those who will be taking the test in future and also for those appearing for J2EE interviews.

I have given the questions in Written Test and Technical Interview.I didn't have the other interviews. 


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1) What is true about 'Primary Key class' in Entity Beans ?

(a) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Home Interface and Container Context.(b) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Remote Interface and Container Context.(c) The definition of Primary Key class can be deferred till deployment

2) The Home Interface in Entity beans

(a) Provides at least one create() method(b) May not provide any create() method(c) Provides at least one findByPrimaryKey() method(d) May not provide any findByPrimaryKey() method 

3) In CMP of Entity beans

(a) Constructor with no arguments is defined(b) Constructor is not defined

4) What is the purpose of ejbLoad()

5) What is the purpose of ejbStore()

6) In EJB, when a system error occurs, which exception is thrown ?

(a) EJBException(b) RemoteException

7) In EJB, which of the following is an application level Exception ?

(a) NullPointerException(b) ArrayOutOfBoundsException(c) CreateException(d) ObjectNotFoundException(e) All the above(f) None of the above

8) CMP bean provides

(a) Empty implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()(a) Concrete implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()

----------------------------------------------------JSP and Mislleneous----------------------------------------------------

1) What is the purpose of XSL

(a) Convert XML to HTML(b) Convert HTML to XML

ANS: (a)

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2) resultSet has the following methods

(a) next()(b) first()(c) a & b(d) No methods

3) In WebLogic clusters, what is the load balancing algorithm ?

(a) RoundRobin(b) FIFO(c) LIFO

ANS: (a)

WebLogic uses a Round-Robin strategy as default algorithm for forwarding the HTTP requests inside a cluster. Weight-based and random algorithms are also available.

4) How many Queues does a MDB listen to ?

(a) 1(b) 2(c) Any Number(d) 10

ANS: (a)

An MDB can be associated with only one Queue or Topic

5) Where is the Deployment Descriptor placed ?(a) WEB-INF directory(b) WEB-INF/CLASSES directory(c) It will be mentioned in CLASSPATH(d) The place can be specified in APPLICATION.xml

6) To denote distributed applications, What is the tag used in Deployment Descriptor ?

(a) distributable(d) distributed="true"(c) both a & b

7) Can a JSP be converted to SERVLET and the vice versa always ?(a) YES(b) NO

8) Empty JSP Tag definitions are given in Deployment Descriptor. Then which of the following syntaxes are correct ?(I don't remember the options)

9) One small question on <jsp:useBean> tag

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1) Which of the following 2 methods executes faster ?

class Trial {

String _member;

void method1() {for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {_member += "test";}}

void method2() {

String temp;

for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) {temp += "test";}_member = temp;}}

(a) method1()(b) method2()(c) Both method1() and method2() takes same time for execution

ANS: (b)

Accessing method variables requires less overhead than accessing class variables.

2) Integer.parseInt("12a") returns

(a) Exception(b) 1(c) 0(d) -1

ANS: (a)

3) By default, Strings to functions are passed using the method

(a) Call by Value(b) Call by Reference(c) Strings cannot be passed to function

ANS: (b)

String is a class defined in java.lang and in java all classes are passed by reference.

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4) What is the difference between OVERRIDING and OVERLOADING

5) What is the output of following program ?class Test {public static void main(String args[]) {for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {System.out.println(i--);}}}

(a) Goes into infinite loop(b) 0,1(c) 0,1,2(d) None

ANS: (a)

6) 't' is the reference to a class that extends THREAD. Then how to suspend the execution of this thread ?

(a) t.yield()(b) yield(t)(c) yield()(d) yield(100) where 100 is the milli seconds of time

7) What is the functionality of instanceOf() ?

8) How many String objects are created by the following statements ?

String str = " a+b=10 ";trim(str)str.replace(+,-);

(a) 1(b) 2(c) 3(d) 4

ANS: (c)

Strings are immutable. So, for each String operation, one new object is generated.

9) (A program is given. I don't remember exactly)An ABSTRACT class is declared and the code is tried to instantiate it. The Question was whether it's legal to do it or not ?

10) A question on "interface"

11) Cleaning operation in Java is done in the method

(a) finally()(b) finalize()(c) final()

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12) Question on whether Static method can be overriden

13) How to prevent a class from being the Base Class ?

(a) declare it as final(b) declare it as static

14) If we want to read a very big text file with so many mega bytes of data, what shall we use ?

(a) FileInputStream(b) InputStreamReader(c) BufferedReader

15) One Question on Inner Classes. 

16) One program on Overloading and Overriding

17) A program given using try, catch and finally and it is asked to find out which statements get executed ?

18) What code, if written, below the (//code here) will display 0.

class Test {public static void main(String argv[]) {int i=0;

//code here}}

(a) System.out.println(i++)(b) System.out.println(i+'0')(c) System.out.println(i--)(d) System.out.println(i)

ANS: (a),(c),(d)

The option (b) displays the ASCII value of '0'. So, the output in this case is: 48

19) What is the better way of writing the Constructor with 2 parameters in the following code:

class Test {

int x,y;

Test(int a) {

//Code for very complex operations will be written //in this place


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Test(int a, int b) {

//Code for very complex operations will be written //in this place (same code as in above constructor)

x=a;y=b;} }


2 Table Structures are given. (Something like Employee ID, Salary, Department etc)

And there are 3 queries. I remember one query.

Write query to find the employees with top 5 salaries ?

And there 2 more theoritical SQL questions

1) What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL ?2) What is the difference between COMMIT and ROLLBACK ?


5 very easy Questions. Need not bother much about it.

----------------------------------------------------TECHNICAL INTERVIEW ----------------------------------------------------

1) Tell about yourself 

2) Why do you want to leave the present company ?

3) What do you know about our (Manhattan Associates) company ?

4) About EJB types. CMP, BMP, Session, Entity beans, their differences, when to use what type of beans ?

5) Can a Client Context call ejbRemove() method ?

6) Who calls the methods ejbLoad() and ejbStore() and where the state information is stored when they are called ?

7) Do you know about Sequence Diagrams in UML ?

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8) Which is faster in execution - JSP or SERVLET ? Why ?

9) What is the difference between Callable Statement and Prepared Statement?

10) Can we declare final method in abstract class ?

11) Can we declare abstract method in final class ?

12) What is the difference between Inner Join and Outer Join ?

13) How can you pass an object of data from one JSP to another JSP ?

ANS: Using Session or request.getParameter() or Hidden Variables.

14) When these methods are used ? ejbActivate(), ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() ?

15) What is the difference between ejbPassivate() and ejbRemove() ?

16) Can the same object of Stateless Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?

17) Can the same object of Stateful Session bean be shared by multiple clients ?

18) How do you manage transactions in EJB ?

19) What is the difference between response.redirect() and forward and request dispatcher ? Which is faster ?

20) In java, which has more wider scope ? Default or Private ?  Test Paper :5

 Paper Type     : Technical - Java

 Posted By        : admin 

Ocwen interview

Core Java questions:

1) Is it possible to synchronize an ArrayList?

2) What are internable objects?


1) Draw a use case? What are includes or excludes?

2) Are sequence diagrams dynamic or static?

3) What is the use of a singleton class?

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Page 112: Test Paper :2xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/21043529/25450855/name/JAVA.doc · Web viewThere were will be three sections of 50 questions each: 1.Logical Reasoning 2.Quantitative aptitude 3.English


4) How is Façade design pattern better than proxy pattern?

5) What is the Façade design pattern?


1) How do you Keep alive a request

2) What is validation framework in struts?

5) What is Service locator design pattern?

6) What are dynamic forms in struts?

7) When we do a send redirect, what happens to the request 


8) Can we override the _jspinit() function?

9) What are actions and directives in jsp?

10) Does ActionServlet interact with both Action class and the 

ActionForms ?


1) How do we get a JBDC connection?

2) What are prepared statements?

3) What are callable statements?

4) What is the BCNF? What is partial dependency? What is transitive 


5) What is lossless decomposition?

6) Is there something called `lossy' decomposition

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