TESTS for DLP British Litt. Chapters 1-5 Test 7/7 1. Which book by Chaucer, according to its Preface, is written upon the insistence of the god of love and his wife Alceste? (a) Troilus and Criseyde (b) The Parliament of Fowles (c) The House of Fame (d) The Legend of Good Women 2. In The Divine Comedy, who protects Dante from monsters and is a symbol of human reason? (a) Beatrice (b) Virgil (c) Charon (d) Geryon 3. The concrete representation of an abstract idea is called _______. (a) metaphor (b) personification (c) allegory (d) hyperbaton 4. To whom is the narrator referring when he says “gold in phisik is a cordial”? (a) Doctor of Physique (b) Wife of Bath (c) Miller (d) Parson 5. Which Arthurian opera by Richard Wagner does TS Eliot allude to in The Waste Land? (a) The Fisher King (b) Launcelot and Guinevere (c) Tristan and Isolde (d) The Holy Grail 6. How is the Petrarchan conceit different from the Metaphysical conceit? Choose the correct statement. (i) The Metaphysical conceit is a far-fetched comparison, but the other is not. (ii) The Petrarchan conceit did not employ religious imagery, but the Metaphysical conceit did. (iii) The Metaphysical conceit may present the woman as unfaithful, but the Petrarchan conceit never does. (iv) The Petrarchan conceit idealizes and romanticizes, while the metaphysical conceit is unromantic and intellectual. (v) The Petrarchan conceit employed easy, mellifluous imagery, which the Metaphysical conceit avoided. (a) None of these (b) iii and iv (c) iv only (d) iv and v 7. Whom did Charles Lamb call “the last of a great race”? (a) George Chapman (b) James Shirley (c) Michael Drayton (d) Christopher Marlowe 8. What You Will is a comedy by _______________.

Test 7 Till Jacobean Period

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Test on British Literature till the Jacobean period in the early 17th century

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TESTS for DLP British Litt. Chapters 1-5 Test 7/7

1. Which book by Chaucer, according to its Preface, is written upon the insistence of the god of love and his wife Alceste?(a) Troilus and Criseyde (b) The Parliament of Fowles (c) The House of Fame (d) The Legend of

Good Women

2. In The Divine Comedy, who protects Dante from monsters and is a symbol of human reason? (a) Beatrice (b) Virgil (c) Charon (d) Geryon

3. The concrete representation of an abstract idea is called _______.(a) metaphor (b) personification (c) allegory (d) hyperbaton

4. To whom is the narrator referring when he says “gold in phisik is a cordial”?(a) Doctor of Physique (b) Wife of Bath (c) Miller (d) Parson

5. Which Arthurian opera by Richard Wagner does TS Eliot allude to in The Waste Land?(a) The Fisher King (b) Launcelot and Guinevere (c) Tristan and Isolde (d) The Holy Grail

6. How is the Petrarchan conceit different from the Metaphysical conceit? Choose the correct statement.(i) The Metaphysical conceit is a far-fetched comparison, but the other is not.(ii) The Petrarchan conceit did not employ religious imagery, but the Metaphysical conceit did.(iii) The Metaphysical conceit may present the woman as unfaithful, but the Petrarchan conceit never does.(iv) The Petrarchan conceit idealizes and romanticizes, while the metaphysical conceit is unromantic and intellectual.(v) The Petrarchan conceit employed easy, mellifluous imagery, which the Metaphysical conceit avoided.(a) None of these (b) iii and iv (c) iv only (d) iv and v

7. Whom did Charles Lamb call “the last of a great race”?(a) George Chapman (b) James Shirley (c) Michael Drayton (d) Christopher Marlowe

8. What You Will is a comedy by _______________.(a) John Marston (b) Ben Jonson (c) Thomas Dekker (d) Thomas Heywood

9. Which island described in an early Renaissance work has its capital Amaurot?(a) Bensalem (b) Utopia (c) New Atlantis (d) Laputa

10. On whom does Medea take revenge in Euripides’s famous play? (a) Theseus (b) Diomedes (c) Jason (d) Hippolytus

11. Who of the following are the major writers of Old English literature?(i) Caedmon, Cynewulf, Wace(ii) Venerable Bede, Layamon, Pearl Poet(iii) Caedmon, Wulfstan, Wakefield Master(iv) Aelfric, Cynewulf, Venerable Bede(a) i and iv (b) i, iii and iv (c) ii and iii (d) iv only

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12. Who is the first great writer of prose in any modern language?(a) Venerable Bede (b) Boccaccio (c) Boethius (d) Alfred

13. How many dream allegories has Chaucer written? (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five

14. Which of the following plays belongs to the Major Tetralogy of Shakespeare?(a) Henry V (b) Henry VI (c) Richard II (d) Henry VIII

15. Who translated Montaigne’s Essays?(a) Thomas Hoby (b) Thomas North (c) John Florio (d) Ralph Robinson

16. The dominant medieval school of philosophy was called ________.(a) Scepticism (b) Neoplatonism (c) Peripatetic School (d) Scholasticism

17. Who translated over 16 Shakespearean plays to German?(a) August Wilhelm Schlegel (b) Gotthold Lessing (c) Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (d) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

18. About which Shakespearean character did AC Bradley describe as “by far the most romantic figure among Shakespeare’s heroes”?(a) Hamlet (b) Othello (c) Romeo (d) Macbeth

19. Who wrote these lines, “Come leave the loathed stage, / And the more loathsome age...”?(a) Thomas Wyatt (b) Christopher Marlowe (c) Ben Jonson (d) John Donne

20. Tristram and Iseult is a tragic, romantic narrative poem written by _________.(a) Tennyson (b) Arnold (c) Blake (d) Eliot

21. Which of the following Scenes is called the “willow scene”?(a) Hamlet 3.1 (b) Macbeth 2.3 (c) Othello 1.2 (d) Othello 4.3

22. The title Remembrance of Things Past is taken from Shakespeare’s Sonnet No: 30. Name the author of the novel.(a) Marcel Proust (b) Thomas Mann (c) Charles Baudelaire (d) Gustav Flaubert

23. “The Gentle Craft” is the sub-title of ____________.(a) ’Tis a Pity She is a Whore (b) The Beggar’s Opera (c) The Shoemaker’s Holiday (d) The Four Prentices of London

24. The Mime Scene at the Shrine of Our Lady of Loretto occurs in which of the following plays?(a) The Changeling (b) The Malcontent (c) The White Devil (d) The Duchess of Malfi

25. Who wrote Monarchia, a treatise on political philosophy?(a) Dante (b) Petrarch (c) Boccaccio (d) Boethius

26. Who represents Sir Philip Sidney in The Faerie Queene?(a) Arthur (b) Redcrosse (c) Guyon (d) Calidore

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27. Which of the following qualities of Marlowe’s blank verse make it suitable to be called the “Mighty line”?(i) range and flexibility (ii) religious awe (iii) appropriate use of figures of speech (iv) classical allusions(a) i only (b) i, iii and iv (c) i and ii (d) i and iii

28. Which of the following list of authors is arranged according to their age?(a) Sidney, Spenser, Marlowe, Bacon, Jonson (b) Sidney, Spenser, Marlowe, Jonson, Bacon(c) Spenser, Bacon, Sidney, Jonson, Marlowe (d) Spenser, Sidney, Bacon, Marlowe, Jonson

29. Which classical playwright was a major influence on English Restoration Comedy? (a) Seneca (b) Euripides (c) Plautus (d) Terence

30. Name the villain who turns out to be an avenger in The Duchess of Malfi.(a) De Flores (b) Bosola (c) Enobarbus (d) Ferdinand