Term 3 Week 8 1 Term 3 Week 8 1-9- 14 14 From the Principal - 01/09/14 (Week 8B – Term 3) Welcome to Week 8. Congratulations to the staff, students and parents on the successful Athletics’ Carnival last Friday. It is wonderful to see the parental support and enthusiastic student participation on an important school occasion. Thanks to the Central Darling Shire and the Warakirri Correctional Centre for preparing and marking the Sahara Oval. The term is flying and there are only three weeks of school remaining. The Active After School Sport, Homework Centre and Breakfast Club activities are finished for the term. Thanks to all of the teachers at our school who volunteered their time and effort in implementing these valuable programs. The above -mentioned activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday, the 9 th of September. The last assembly for the term will occur on Friday, the 12 th of September. The yearly school excursion has been rescheduled for Term 4. Students will leave Ivanhoe Central School on Sunday, the 14 th of December (Week 11 – last week of school) and arrive at Borambola Sport & Recreation Centre in Wagga-Wagga that afternoon. The students will participate in organised activities on Sunday afternoon - 14/12/14, Monday - 15/12/14, Tuesday 16/12/14, and return home to Ivanhoe on Wednesday 17/12/14, which is the last day of school for the students in 2014. Some of the activities will be based on water -orientated sports and the 25 metre pool will be available throughout the day. Summer camps are usually the peak season for sport and recreation centres with increased costs; however, Borambola Sport & Recreation Centre will charge the school the same rates as our previous booking in Term 3. If you wish your child to participate in the Term 4 excursion, your money that was previously paid in Term 3 can be utilised to pay for the event. If you wish to be reimbursed and pay for the excursion at a later date, please come and see the school for a reimbursement. The total cost of the excursion will still be $150.00 per student. The school & P&C will also assist in subsidising the excursion costs. Students who previously did not apply for the excursion in Term 3 are welcome to reapply for the Term 4 Borambola Sport & Recreation excursion. Please contact me at school if you have any further enquiries. Our school is in the process of reviewing the Anti-bullying Policy & Anti-bullying Plan. These policies will be placed on the school’s website once they have been ratified and reviewed by the school staff and P & C.

Term 3 Week 8 1- -99-1414 · activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday,

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Page 1: Term 3 Week 8 1- -99-1414 · activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday,

Term 3 Week 8 1Term 3 Week 8 1--99--1414

From the Principal - 01/09/14 (Week 8B – Term 3)

Welcome to Week 8. Congratulations to the staff, students and parents on the successful Athletics’ Carnival last

Friday. It is wonderful to see the parental support and enthusiastic student participation on an important school

occasion. Thanks to the Central Darling Shire and the Warakirri Correctional Centre for preparing and marking

the Sahara Oval.

The term is flying and there are only three weeks of school remaining. The Active After School Sport,

Homework Centre and Breakfast Club activities are finished for the term. Thanks to all of the teachers at our

school who volunteered their time and effort in implementing these valuable programs. The above-mentioned

activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which

has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday, the 9th of September. The last assembly for the term will occur on

Friday, the 12th of September.

The yearly school excursion has been rescheduled for Term 4. Students will leave Ivanhoe Central School on

Sunday, the 14th of December (Week 11 – last week of school) and arrive at Borambola Sport & Recreation

Centre in Wagga-Wagga that afternoon. The students will participate in organised activities on Sunday afternoon

- 14/12/14, Monday - 15/12/14, Tuesday 16/12/14, and return home to Ivanhoe on Wednesday 17/12/14, which

is the last day of school for the students in 2014. Some of the activities will be based on water-orientated sports

and the 25 metre pool will be available throughout the day. Summer camps are usually the peak season for sport

and recreation centres with increased costs; however, Borambola Sport & Recreation Centre will charge the

school the same rates as our previous booking in Term 3. If you wish your child to participate in the Term 4

excursion, your money that was previously paid in Term 3 can be utilised to pay for the event. If you wish to be

reimbursed and pay for the excursion at a later date, please come and see the school for a reimbursement. The

total cost of the excursion will still be $150.00 per student. The school & P&C will also assist in subsidising the

excursion costs. Students who previously did not apply for the excursion in Term 3 are welcome to reapply for

the Term 4 Borambola Sport & Recreation excursion. Please contact me at school if you have any further


Our school is in the process of reviewing the Anti-bullying Policy & Anti-bullying Plan. These policies will be

placed on the school’s website once they have been ratified and reviewed by the school staff and P & C.

Page 2: Term 3 Week 8 1- -99-1414 · activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday,

Coming event for this week include:-

1. Year 11 examinations all this week

2. Jane Jones – Early Childhood Hub (Monday) – 10.00am – 12.00pm

3. Playgroup with Kim Huntly & Lili Kitione on Tuesday & Wednesday from 10.00am – 2.00pm

4. Fathers’ Day Stall – Thursday (organised by P & C & Ivanhoe Central School Ancillary Staff)

Mrs Tyler has returned from a Learning and Support Teacher Networking/ Training & Development session

in Broken Hill last Friday, the 29th of August. From all accounts, it was an invaluable experience for Mrs

Tyler and a fantastic opportunity to further develop her teaching and learning skills. The goals of the

Learning and Support Training are to enhance a teacher’s skills and encourage a collegial networking of

professional learning amongst the Learning and Support Teachers.

Coming Events for Term 3 include:-

* Father’s Day Stall (Week 8)

* Year 11 Final Exams (Week 8)

* On-line NAPLAN trials (Week 9)

* Maari-Ma Healthy Lunches/Healthy Meals visit for ICS students and community members in Week 9, from

Wednesday, the 10/09/14 until Thursday, the 11/09/14.

* Wilvandee (Week 10) – last two days of school.

Mark Densmore – Relieving Principal


‘Lucas and Jack’ written by Ellie Royce and Andrew McLean.

Every week Lucas’s mum visits Great Granpop at the nursing home. And

every week Lucas waits for her outside. Waiting is boring! Until Lucas

meets Jack.

‘Hasel and Rose’ written and illustrated by Caroline Magerl.

Rose feels alone in the new town. Everything is different and

strange. She wishes…but she’s not sure what she’s wishing for. She

searches, but she’s not sure what for.

Then from somewhere far away, someone else begins a journey.

And maybe, just maybe, HASEL and ROSE can find the courage to

begin again. Together.

A magical story of hope and new beginnings for anyone who’s every loved and lost. Hasel

and Rose celebrates the power of imagination and resilience, even when things seem too


Page 3: Term 3 Week 8 1- -99-1414 · activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday,




2nd September 2014 Preschool supported

Play Group

10am – 2pm Kim and Lili

3rd September 2014 Preschool supported

Play Group

10am – 2pm Kim and Lili

8th September 2014 Hay Mobile 10am – 3pm Hay Mobile

9th September 2014 Preschool supported

Play Group

10am – 2pm Kim and Lili

10th September 2014 Preschool supported

Play Group

10am – 2pm Kim and Lili

12th September 2014 Hub Playgroup 10am – 12pm Jane

15th September 2014 Hub Playgroup 10am – 12pm Jane

16th September Preschool supported

Play Group

10am – 2pm Kim and Lili

17th September 2014 Preschool supported

Play Group

10am – 2pm Kim and Lili


Town & Country Ladies Luncheon

Saturday 15th November, 2014

Ivanhoe RSL: Club


2 Bike Helmets were found by Council Staff. These helmets can be claimed at the school front office .

Page 4: Term 3 Week 8 1- -99-1414 · activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday,


Last Friday, our students actively participated in and enjoyed our annual Athletics Carnival at the Sahara

Oval. Conditions were perfect as we were blessed with a clear and sunny day, with a dry, well-prepared track.

It was encouraging to witness the improvement in the fitness levels of many of our students. All of the events

were completed pretty much as per schedule. After the track events and a rest break in the morning, the

students competed in the field events on a rotation basis for each division/year group. In the afternoon,

following a BBQ sausage sizzle, the remainder of the events, including the relays, were completed.

Once again, it was heartening to see the support of various parents/caregivers and other community members

volunteering their time to assist and support us on the day. We appreciate and thank them for their efforts. We

would like to record our special appreciation to:

Steve Hill and his crew of Marshall Lower and Bob Chase, from the Central Darling Shire for preparing

the oval, cleaning the facilities and transporting equipment

the Manager of Security, Ken Nicholl and Correctional Officers, Jason Weekes and Simon Palenski

and their team from the Warakirri Correctional Facility for again doing a fantastic job in clearing and

marking the tracks

Jane Jones, Debbie Weekes, Theresa Pippin, Josh Alexander and Bernie George for their time and effort

throughout the day

Other ever-supportive parents/volunteers, too numerous to name individually, for their contributions in

making the Carnival a success

Other parents and community members for coming to the oval to support and encourage our students

The ever-reliable Jim Baldock, as well as our former student, Corey Hughes, for cooking an excellent

BBQ lunch.

We witnessed some fine individual performances and healthy competition between the houses. The overall

house winner was Cobb which beat Willandra by a narrow margin. Well done to both houses. The following

students were presented with medallions for being the champion athletes in their respective divisions:

Shanaha Clayton - Juvenile Girls (K-2)

Marcus Walker - Juvenile Boys (K-2)

Tarrissa Clayton - Primary Girls (Yrs 3-5)

Jesse Weekes - Primary Boys (Yrs 3-5)

Kesha Srbinoski - Middle School Girls (Yrs 6-8)

Lachlan Saunders - Middle School Boys (Yrs 6-8)

Akanete Kitione - Secondary Girls (Yrs 9-12)

Jordan Srbinoski - Secondary Boys (Yrs 9-12)

(See photo front page)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students, teachers and school administrative and support

staff, parents/caregivers and other community members for their contributions in making the 2014 ICS

Athletics Carnival yet another successful one.

Page 5: Term 3 Week 8 1- -99-1414 · activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday,
Page 6: Term 3 Week 8 1- -99-1414 · activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday,


Please do not leave it until the last minute to submit your items for publication in Monday News.

Whenever possible, submit these to reach the school (by email or fax) by Friday of each week prior to

publication. This will ensure they are included in the next Monday News.

Phone - 0269 951108 Fax - 0269 951290 Email - [email protected]

Community Notices are accepted in good faith and without charge at the discretion of the Principal. All

notices need to be submitted before 10.00am each Monday morning (no later please)


The Ivanhoe Community Working Party meeting will be held on Tuesday the 9th

September, 2014 at 11am at the Rural Fire Service Building.

All welcome.

Enquiries to Fay Johnstone



The Far West Local Health District was pleased to hold the first development/

design meeting on 21 August to discuss the upcoming development of the HealthOne facility with community representatives, staff of Ivanhoe Health

Service and service providers.

Project managers from Health Infrastructure were on site to provide information to the meeting as well as view the site. This was the first of many meetings that

will be held over the coming months to discuss the development and ensure the

community is delivered a contemporary health facility. Information sessions for community members will also be held to keep people up

to date with the development and when construction starts. Keep a watch for

information in the newsletter and for notices in the community when these sessions are going to be held.

If you would like further information regarding the development please contact Annette Walker, Health Service Manager on 6995 1133 or Greg Mullen, General

Manager Lower Western Sector on 08 8080 1679.

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Dentist Friday 5 September

Podiatrist Friday 5 September

Dietician Thursday 11 September

Dietician Friday 12 September

Mental Health Counsellor Friday 12 September

Women’s Health Nurse Monday 15 September

Early Childhood Nurse Monday 15 September

Drug & Alcohol Counsellor Monday 15 September

Mental Health Friday 26 September

Dermatologist Monday 29 September

(Skin Specialist)

For appointments Please phone 6995 1133

Monday to Friday, during business hours


On Sunday night, the member’s draw was not collected so will jackpot next Sunday night.

The complimentary prize was won by Clive Linnett, the weekly by Lionel Fitzpatrick and the

monthly prize of a recliner was won by Win Linnett. Congratulations to you all.

On Tuesday evening the club will be catering for the Outback Classic Car Rally with a three

course meal for approximately 230 people which will be a big night for everyone.

A meal will be available to anyone requiring one on the night.

The Super Draw this Thursday evening is up to $13,400.00 along with 15 meat trays to be


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Cost for Trip TO GRIFFITH $15 for MSO Clients and $20 Non –Clients

This service is available to all members of the Ivanhoe


Please book your SEAT ahead by putting you name down at the MSO

Office or phone us on PH. 69951150

(The COMMUNITY BUS is funded by Transport NSW for Rural and

Remote Areas and auspiced by CDSC)

Come along and enjoy a day out in GRIFFITH

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The Oasis Prawn & Seafood night is Friday 26th September.

You will be served the following:

Gold Coast Tiger Prawns

Hot Seafood

Northern Territory Barramundi

Side Salad

Pavlova or Apple Crumble

$40.00 per head

Bookings only to Lionel 0407 865407

Page 16: Term 3 Week 8 1- -99-1414 · activities will resume next term in Week 1. There will be one more Healthy Lunches program this term, which has been timetabled for Week 9, on Tuesday,