Ten Ways Ten Ways the ACLU Is the ACLU Is Destroying Destroying America America

Ten Ways the ACLU Is Destroying America. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light, finding out what is

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Ten Ways Ten Ways the ACLU the ACLU

Is Is DestroyinDestroying Americag America

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”

- Ephesians 5:8-11

The ACLU was founded in 1920 by communism enthusiast Roger Baldwin.

“I saw in the Soviet Union many opponents of the regime. I visited a dozen prisons—the political sections among them. I saw considerable amounts of the work of the OGPU [secret police]. I heard a good many stories of severity, even of brutality, and many of them from the victims.”

- Roger Baldwin, 1934

“While I sympathized with personal distress I just could not bring myself to get excited over the suppression of opposition… No champion of a socialist society could fail to see that some suppression was necessary to achieve it. It could not all be done by persuasion.”

- Roger Baldwin, 1934

“I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

- Roger Baldwin

In 1981, President Jimmy Carter awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the highest award bestowed on American civilians) to Roger Baldwin—a man who openly endorsed Stalin’s policies and sought to ultimately “abolish the state.”

• The ACLU boasts 500,000 members.

• It is the nation’s largest public interest law firm.

• The ACLU employs roughly 100 staff attorneys, while assisting nearly 2,000 volunteer attorneys.

• It files roughly 6,000 lawsuits each year.

• The organization appears before the U.S. Supreme Court more than any other organization besides the U.S. Justice Department.

1. Erasing Our Christian 1. Erasing Our Christian HeritageHeritage

2. Attacking Religious 2. Attacking Religious LibertiesLiberties

3. Silencing the Church3. Silencing the Church

4. Advancing Sexual Anarchy4. Advancing Sexual Anarchy

5. Sexualizing Our Children5. Sexualizing Our Children

6. Redefining Marriage & 6. Redefining Marriage & FamilyFamily

7. Promoting Obscenity7. Promoting Obscenity

8. Promoting A Culture of 8. Promoting A Culture of DeathDeath

9. Impeding the War on Terror9. Impeding the War on Terror

10. Looting the American 10. Looting the American TaxpayerTaxpayer

• 77% support public Ten Commandments displays.• 87% support the public display of nativity scenes. • 87% support “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance.• 59% (ages 27 to 59) support school prayer.• 51% believe that churches “should express their views on day-to-day social and political questions.”• 55% support curricula that includes creationism and intelligent design, while only 12% support an “evolution only” high school biology curricula.

• 57% agree that: “Abortion is murder.”• 70% support a ban on partial-birth abortion.• 73% support requiring minors to obtain parental consent before getting an abortion.• 64% believe that wives should have to inform their husbands before getting an abortion.• 66% of Americans oppose same-sex “marriages.”

“We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges

say it is.”—U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, 1930

“To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”

—Thomas Jefferson

A 2005 Pew Research poll found that between 2001 and 2005 Americans’ approval of the judiciary fell dramatically from 68% to 57%.

Among Evangelicals, the drop was even more dramatic—falling from 73% to 51%.

—Washington Post, June 16, 2005.

The Founders understood that self-governing nations will either be ruled by a higher law,

OR …

“Democracy will soon degenerate into . . . [such] anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or

reputation or liberty will be secure.”

- John Adams

Pivotal Issue of America’s Future

To whom do we attribute our


Stalin’s secular

regime led to the deaths of

millions of Russian


Hitler’s secular

regime led to the deaths of


Mao’s secular regime led to the deaths of

tens of millions of Chinese


Pol Pot’s secular

regime led to the deaths of

millions of Cambodians!

Skulls Taken From The Killing Fields

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are

endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of


Alexander Hamilton, signer of the U.S. Constitution, called the idea of man-made moral law “absurd and

impious doctrine.”

George Washington said, “Of all the dispositions and habits which

lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.”

“One’s religious training, one’s attitudes toward life and family and

their values, and the moral standards one establishes and

seeks to observe, are all likely to influence and to color one’s

thinking and conclusions about abortion.”

—U.S. Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade

“The fact that the governing majority in a State has

traditionally viewed a particular practice as immoral is not a

sufficient reason for upholding a law prohibiting the practice.”

—U.S. Supreme Court, Lawrence v. Texas—

- Born in Scotland in 1723- Born in Scotland in 1723

- Ordained Presbyterian Minister at - Ordained Presbyterian Minister at 2020

- Hired as President of Princeton - Hired as President of Princeton (1768)(1768)

- Fiery Sermons During Great - Fiery Sermons During Great AwakeningAwakening

- Served on Continental Congress- Served on Continental Congress

- Signed the Declaration of - Signed the Declaration of IndependenceIndependence

““God grant that in America true religion and civil liberty may be inseparable.”

“He is the best friend to American liberty, who is most sincere and active in promoting true and undefiled religion… Whoever is an avowed enemy of God, I scruple not [do not hesitate] to call him an enemy of his country.”

—May 17, 1776

“The record of Princeton men who studied under Rev. John Witherspoon is outstanding, including President James Madison, Vice-President Aaron Burr, nine cabinet officers, 21 United States senators, 39 members of the House of Representatives, three justices of the Supreme Court, 12 governors, and numerous delegates to the Constitutional Convention.”

—Princeton University Admissions Office

• Twenty-four of the signers of the Declaration held seminary degrees.

• The first actions of the Continental Congress included purchasing 20,000 Bibles.

• The first Speaker of the House was the Reverend Frederick Muhlenberg.

• Our treaty with the British began, “In the name of the most Holy and undivided Trinity.”

“Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is Divine… Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law [church and state] are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other.”

—Supreme Court Justice James Wilson (signer of U.S. Constitution)

1803–The Maryland Supreme Court decreed, “By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion; and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed on the same equal footing and are equally entitled to protection in their religious liberty.”

1811–The New York Supreme Court explained, “We are a Christian people and the morality of the country is deeply engrafted upon Christianity.”

1824–The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled, “Christianity, general Christianity, is and always has been a part of the common law.”

1844–The U.S. Supreme Court declared, “Christianity . . . is not to be maliciously and openly reviled and blasphemed against, to the annoyance of believers or the injury of the public.”

1889–The High Court argued, “Bigamy and polygamy are crimes by the laws of all civilized and Christian countries.”

1892 — The U.S. Supreme Court ruled, “This is a Christian nation. We are a Christian people.”

1931–The U.S. Supreme Court explained, “We are a Christian people … acknowledging with reverence the duty of obedience to the will of God.”

Everson v. Board of Education (1947)

“The First Amendment erected a wall between

church and state. That wall must be kept high and

impregnable. We could not approve the slightest

breach.”—U.S. Supreme Court

“In 1947, the ACLU was responsible for Everson v. Board of Education coming before the high court. One of its lawyers, Leo Pfeffer, wrote the draft of the opinion which resulted in the so-called ‘separation of church and state.’”

—December 14, 2004

The author of the Everson decision was Justice Hugo Black, a former member of the anti-Catholic Alabama Ku Klux Klan.

*** In 1962, Justice Black also wrote the decision (Engel v. Vitale) prohibiting school prayer.

“Although the Bill of Rights was ratified in

1791, it took two centuries for a body of law on the church/state relationship to evolve.”

- ACLU Briefing Paper, Summer 1999 -

1962 – Engel v. Vitale – no prayer in schools 1963 - Abington v. Schempp – no Bible either 1968 - Epperson v. Arkansas – States cannot prohibit the teaching of evolution1980 – Stone v. Graham – Ky. Commandments pulled1985 – Wallace v. Jaffree - no moment of silence1987 – Edwards v. Aguillard – creationism cannot have equal time in classrooms1989 – Allegheny v. ACLU – no nativity scenes1992 – Lee v. Weisman – no graduation prayer2003 – Locke v. Davey – no scholarships for theology

The Anti-Defamation League

64% of American adults believe that “religion is under


Ten Commandments“If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to

have any effect at all, it will be to induce the

school children to read, meditate upon, perhaps to

venerate and obey, the Commandments… [This] is

not a permissible state objective.”

—U.S. Supreme Court (1980)

“The state may not acknowledge the sovereignty of the Judeo-Christian God and attribute to that God our religious freedom.”

- U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson

Nativity Scenes“[The] government

may celebrate Christmas in some manner and form,

but not in a way that endorses Christian

doctrine.”—U.S. Supreme Court (1989)—

*** In the same decision, the Court declared that

public displays of menorahs were


Mojave WWI Memorial Cross“The presence of the cross on

federal land conveys a message of endorsement of


—U.S. District Judge Robert J. Timlin“The cross must come down,

and no amount of political maneuvering or

grandstanding will prevent that.”

—ACLU Attorney Peter Eliasberg

Mount Soledad War Memorial“It is now time, and

perhaps long overdue, for this Court to enforce its initial permanent injunction forbidding the presence of the Mount Soledad cross on City property.”—U.S. District Judge Gordon Thompson,


Los Angeles County Seal

The ACLU pressured the Los Angeles County Board of

Supervisors to revise the county’s official seal, because the

design featured a tiny cross.

Not all taxpayer-funded religious symbols are

forbidden by the ACLU!• A crucifix submerged in a jar of urine.

• Painting of the Virgin Mary with elephant dung smeared on it.

• A painting of a naked, crucified woman on display in the Honolulu City Hall.

The ACLU won its lawsuit to prohibit Virginia Military Institute cadets from offering collective, voluntary prayer before supper meals.

“VMI’s supper prayer conflicts with First Amendment principles.”

—Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

The ACLU won a lawsuit against Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma. He was barred from allowing prayer in Jesus’ name during the invocation.

“If the Speaker chooses to continue any form of legislative prayer, he shall advise persons offering such a prayer … that they should refrain from using Christ’s name.”

—U.S. District Judge David F. Hamilton

“The prayer practice is a

demeaning act.”

—ACLU Legal Brief, Cobb v. Pelphrey—

1) Prohibited Prayer at Football Games

2) Prohibited the Teaching of Creationism

3) Prohibited Prayer at School Board Meetings

4) Prohibited Ministers From Visiting Students

Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, School Board has faced four ACLU lawsuits in the past decade alone.

Joe Cook, Louisiana director for the ACLU, claimed that school board

prayers are “unAmerican and immoral.”

“They believe that they answer to a higher power, which is the kind of thinking that you had with the people who flew the airplanes into the buildings in

this country.”

Teacher-led prayer “must result in their removal from


“Anything short of actual imprisonment would be

ineffective to sending that message to these

individuals.”- ACLU Motion for Contempt, May 18, 2005

The judge warned that the stickers might send “a message that the

school board agrees with the beliefs of Christian fundamentalists and

creationists.”—U.S. District Judge Clarence Cooper

“The use of public funds to support

the religious counseling of

persons … violates the First

Amendment.”—ACLU Brief, Malyon v. Pierce


“Belief in God is and always has been central to

the Boy Scouts of America’s principles...

[and] strongly held private, discriminatory beliefs are at odds with

values requiring tolerance and inclusion in the public

realm.”—U.S. District Judge Napoleon Jones

“The ACLU strongly urges you to vote ‘NO’ on … the Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act. The ACLU opposes any proposal, including H.R. 235, which would allow… religious tax-exempt organizations to engage in political activities.”

“The proposed legislation would be an unfortunate step backwards. … We therefore urge you to reject the city’s overtures to promote legislation criminalizing prostitution.”—ACLU Letter to Rhode Island Legislature

“Nudist camps for juveniles [ages 11-up]

… are wholesome, beneficial

summertime events.”

—ACLU Press Release on Lawsuit

“Sex offender registration bestows a penalty far exceeding the crime.”

—ACLU of Louisiana

“It is troublesome that we’re getting closer to outright banishment of sex offenders.”

—ACLU of Illinois(Speaking of NAMBLA) … “We contend that the First Amendment was intended to apply exactly to organizations like this.”

—ACLU of Massachusetts

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg served as the ACLU’s General Counsel.

Advocated for legalized prostitution, bigamy, and even argued that the sexual age of consent be lowered to twelve.

The ACLU has filed more lawsuits aimed at legalizing same-sex “marriage” than any other organization in the United States.

The ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of 20,000 Indiana prisoners, claiming that they have a right to receive pornography in their prison cells.

“The ACLU was the first national organization to argue for abortion rights before the Supreme Court and has been the principal defender of those rights since 1973.”

—ACLU Literature

“With today’s action, we are

sending a strong message of solidarity to

advocates in other countries who have decried the impact of U.S. policies.”

— ACLU Complaint Filed With the U.N.

“We do not receive any governmen

tfunding.”— ACLU Literature

$15,000 – March 21, 1986$10,000 – March 22, 1990$105,000 – November 30, 1990$95,000 – March 20, 1992$75,000 – March 19, 1993$85,000 – March 18, 1994$85,000 – March 17, 1995$95,500 – March 22, 1996$50,000 – June 27, 1997

FBF Rules state that all grants are to

be “specifically approved from time to time by the Supreme

Court of Florida.”

$615,500 = ACLU of Florida Legal Director

$63,000 – Attacking Mojave Memorial Cross$230,000 – Attacking Mount Soledad Memorial Cross$275,000 – Pittsburgh Anti-Profanity Ordinance$110,000 – No Recruiting for Boy Scouts in Multnomah County, Oregon, schools$170,000 – Detroit Police Forbidden from Conducting Stings on Homosexual “Cruising” in Parks$549,430 – Case to Remove Alabama Commandments $75,000 – Protecting Naked Mural in Pasco (Wash.) $25,000 – Pulaski (Ark.) School Officials Informed

Parents of Son’s Sexual Orientation

$940,000 – Banishing Boy Scouts from Public Park $36,810 – Removing a Bible Display in Houston$135,000 – Barring Evolution Labels in Cobb County$156,960 – Striking Nebraska Marriage Amendment**$150,000 – Removing Commandments in Barrow (Ga.) $74,462 – Removing Commandments in Habersham$1 Million – Barring Teaching of Intelligent Design in

Dover (Pa.). Original Award = $2 million$6 Million – Estimated Awards Total in Partial-Birth

Abortion Lawsuits

For years, the Center has served as a watchdog over the ACLU—monitoring its every move. The Coral Ridge Hour and Truths That Transform have aired dozens of nationwide broadcasts exposing the wickedness of the ACLU.

The ACLU has rewarded this ministry by naming Dr. Kennedy as one of “the most dangerous men in America.”

Coral Ridge Ministries and the Center for Reclaiming America For Christ are

no longer interested in playing reactionary games. We are being


The U.S. House voted 244-173 to pass the Public Expression of Religion Act.

In 2006, the Center collected more than 200,000 petitions in support of a bill to defund the ACLU.

In 1994, Dr. Kennedy co-founded the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) to aggressively defend religious liberty.

• ADF has trained more than 800 volunteer attorneys.• ADF has funded litigation for over 1,300 court cases. • ADF has won three out of every four cases litigated to completion—many against the ACLU.• ADF has successfully participated in more than 25 U.S. Supreme Court cases.

“Our concern is that of the reasonable person, and the ACLU...does not embody the reasonable person…

Fortunately, the reasonable person is not a hyper-sensitive plaintiff.”

—Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, December 20, 2005

“The ACLU makes repeated reference to ‘the separation of church and state.’ This extra-constitutional construct has grown tiresome. The First Amendment does not demand a wall of separation between church and state.”

—Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, December 20, 2005.

“[The ACLU] no longer can count on the U.S. Supreme Court to be their friend in

their anti-God campaign. The tide is turning ... The ACLU’s agenda has been

rocked backward. Now more than ever we must increase our efforts to regain lost


—Mat Staver, President of Liberty Counsel

Ten Ways Ten Ways the ACLU the ACLU

Is Is DestroyinDestroying Americag America