Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)

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  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    temporal nomads

    william allegrezza


  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    temporal nomads by william allegrezza

    Cover Art by Jukka-Pekka KervinenCopyright (C) 2003.

    Design, Typesetting and e-Publishing:xPress(ed)

    Espoo, Finland

    Copyright (C) 2003 by william allegrezzaAll rights reserved

    Electronically published in Finland

    ISBN 951-9198-34-2

    WWW: http://www.xpressed.org

    email: [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    this series is about the nomadic nature of time and knowing,about death in the greek poets sense,about the way the mind meanders with the myth of logic,creating openings just large enough to inhabit.

    the progression is the order in which the poems were written; thus, thepoems trace "la vita delluomo." further more, the poems were all writtenin the span of a month.

    thanks to the editors of Red Coral, Blue Fifth Review, and ampersandfor originally publishing some of these poems.

    chicago, il

    march 2002

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    we are in the moment of finding that you are nothingthat being is at last nomadic forgetting perched on the edgeof lake water that slowly moves in the afternoon sunwhen flight is not appropriate nor is believing that icecontains more than ice or that space grows longwith the attempt at understanding that time is thrown withleaves in random circles without any accompanying figures

    and then

    the beginning thatargues for the end

    like a cycle oftracing

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    english ledges

    and tooto be lost among the city islands covered with

    maplesat the appropriate spot for the sun

    when the cycle beginsin the cold

    rearranging the fieldfor the shifting

    borders that unnoticedallow the voiceenough room tohear itself inthe language ofothers or inits own echo

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    this regional silence of planes &straight lines

    tr icksusintobelievingthatmotionisdifferencewhen

    no straight voy age is possibleonly sidetracking

    on back highwayswhere pickup beds

    and tow-hitches are companyfor words

    and music

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    calla lilies

    all response is notingthat death repeats a single trace

    fortothentheendisnoworpastpresentisacar vingofspacewhile

    words turnchaotic chances of

    systemic error

    the totemis notour answerto thelast ofthe godscr ies

    under fences spreadingbut not denying necessity

    as flowers

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    (calla lilies continued)

    growingin seemingly random

    patter nsunder

    a canopy

    retraction orplanetar y abstractions that ask us to believelife is foreign or is red planet dust blowninto the constant motion of here

    whenplayfulness reveals

    plants on the blockor

    childrenwaiting for the boom

    to wipe fear away

    when contact leaves usin awe

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    mesquite revisions


    here is number

    I listen intentlyto a voice over speakersthat sings greetingswhile

    the wind

    arrangesleavesandplastic bags

    as a story repeats

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    water drive

    aswerespondagainInLonELYgEstUREsa central piecenear game boardsscatters along populated linesunder building towers

    motion is always from here tohe re t o h er eas if destination is destination

    li ke br eak ing in cre atio nan edi ti ng of bound aries of

    de ad han ds and dro psof w at er fo rmin g the sa me

    sp ace for fe ar or re leasewhe n we di scover

    f li g ht

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    homers campfires

    the utteringof nothing

    in anexpansive moment

    when the bordershifts



    open fields


    lieface up

    burningin mid-july




  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    (homers campfires continued)



    for shape




    in wallsfrom

    the center



  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    archangel parrots dance the tangounder the limbs of honey locustsin august when bus stops wait for visitorsand candycanes talk of midnight helpersstacked near the rusting tailpipe ofa once iced over char iot of martiansdressed in red with swir ly capsthat signify some crazy motto carved inmonuments far to the north

    where the gods dip fingers in cygnet lakeand spur rhetoricians to arguethe pertinence of heraclitus

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    red stick

    though desert oaks remainwe do not

    for the lines that through hands becomenotes

    speak of creation under starsand we forget the rules of engaged

    sentimentsand leave

    variegated leaves

    pile them next to courtyards doors

    & believethe logic of this system

    refusesto find


    with clerical humor

    in clubsmeant

    for decision

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    centipedes flakes bearingsdallas bronze farfalletime lightning busescats sheets maplescanada cups vespashandshakes guitars beerbooks tables mountainstrains boats childrenhair gum silver

    fire rivers mudsubways towers windcurrent gulf highwaysfields religion cowssound desks gunsmuseums paintings woodrestaurants guards bicycles

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    a. h.

    scrambling through daysthat lead into each other

    whenfor a brief moment

    a motion clicksand we

    find ourselvesin flight

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    return tide

    replacing other lights when shadows cease and park paths begin to changewith the season and shift to lead somewhere down broken avenues that turnnames into fragmented tales that are told late nights in dim light onporches where bug zappers shine an ominous blue and ring with the cashingin of life over beer and dead flesh near where the grass grows and themowers shift their feet for balance as if speed were control with lowermotors racing towards bridges meant for trains butleft now as refuge for the last bluebirds winging their way across the longplains where the mesquites look like skeletons and the blues transfor ms

    hur ting mississippi strings into miraculous buildings when wor kers gatherat corners early mornings in south chicago or l.a.

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    egyptian water

    wine tipped from the cupand lights hung over the harbor

    whenthrough tiny holes

    we tell timeby the sound

    of its slow drippingand remember

    that statues

    of godsgather

    in storage roomswaiting

    for scholarsto visit

    or forthe final destruction


    as it


  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    under release

    inhabited words attempt to createa fiction

    of unrestin wester n cities

    in the dark of nightfleeing the



    inworn halls



    arguethe corruptnature



  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    the french

    lines of motionwith the sound of airplanes in flightor printers wor king

    or lecturers dancing before silencewhen outside the snow melts

    and the winter fadeswith canvasses

    or drinksthat fall from the edge

    as shards of glassthat search for a moment of transitionlike

    a body for a countrya signal of state turning rampant hormones

    into hands that rush forward in deathpiling bodies

    before a camera thattraces its origin

    to factor ies in the east

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    left in abandoned roomsin the south

    when youth faded into the daily humof bricks and trees

    in a space that was altogethermythic

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    four teen and four whenthe kitchen stops before isles

    and traffic speakswith rhythms of power and "passion"

    in live motionas lilies rising or bearings over tracks

    lost souls in judeccanear grassy park reliefs

    where planes buzz

    and fake gold holds torches of peace

    four teenwhen no back countr y peace forgives the

    meander ing lie of games under water oaks limbs orlate runs in atlantas central forgetfulness

    where plants climb on trellis railsand children ask neon signs

    for incenseand decision

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    sight over knowing

    bicycle wheels turningholding

    holdingin seasonal rain

    flowers and hands at restappearance

    somewherebefore finding


    stoppingwhen the wind blows

    memor yand invitations

    sour& mixed

    you are not here

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    somewhere in words are stratasthat shift from here to hereas if motion undercover is extension

    and resting bulbs are the resurrectionof roots that transfor m continually

    from nothing to steady beliefwhere no foundations remain

    fir m after the voice

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    head into the desert

    the aligned handswork through


    and we listento cars over bridgesand trains in the station

    where children gather for addition

    the for mula for life is extensionwith no order

    butcontinual footsteps

    on wet streetsthat lead through

    different barriosto a door

    wherea lover waits

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    you could ask for pillnwhen the columns are dense

    when thirteen is your number and youare infiniteon wings

    as the circle closesand you raze the ending with a crythat sweepsover legs

    between clearingsas roads covered and

    dr ums playingnearbywhere the ruseis barbaric music

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    to have happenedin time

    with broken bits of glassscattered on a partially caved roofnext to a washboard left on a wallandto be wor n of newness& grow silent

    becoming unhinged

    while holding the gods masksin a cornerwhere freedom is forced withtea and sweet breadswhile the open roadsubjects you to here

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)



    suddenly the movement is hereand we know that reaction is notappropr iate

    so we pull the bags togethertur n off the lightsand leave the studio for anotherless cozy arrangement

    yet before we get anywherethe earth begins to turnand we find ourselvescovered

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    floors in music

    we crossed ourselves

    "Ill be attending to his language"

    in translation of trains running under parisian streets

    shes accomplished in teaceremonies and film

    pound here is stamp one

    "to connect the brace to the corner,"

    stop what you are doing and break the dull educational whine

    oh, to be free in July when fires rape the fields.

    of her, he had no words that could sing.

    up in cards phones broken keys in downwards trills

    then in sunlight, I asked the girls for a picture.

  • 8/14/2019 Temporal Nomads (poems by William Allegrezza)


    flight pattern

    migrationmoments in flow

    borders turninginto other borders

    along multidirectional raysin creation

    of spacewith words modeled continuously on


    that piece togetherin patterns

    with currentsthat are not in and out

    but passage through