Temporal lenses for attosecond and femtosecond electron pulses Shawn A. Hilbert a , Cornelis Uiterwaal a , Brett Barwick b , Herman Batelaan a , and Ahmed H. Zewail b,1 a Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 116 Brace Laboratory, PO Box 880111, Lincoln, NE 68588-0111; and b Physical Biology Center for Ultrafast Science and Technology, Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 Contributed by Ahmed H. Zewail, May 6, 2009 (sent for review April 17, 2009) Here, we describe the ‘‘temporal lens’’ concept that can be used for the focus and magnification of ultrashort electron packets in the time domain. The temporal lenses are created by appropriately synthesizing optical pulses that interact with electrons through the ponderomotive force. With such an arrangement, a temporal lens equation with a form identical to that of conventional light optics is derived. The analog of ray diagrams, but for electrons, are constructed to help the visualization of the process of compressing electron packets. It is shown that such temporal lenses not only compensate for electron pulse broadening due to velocity disper- sion but also allow compression of the packets to durations much shorter than their initial widths. With these capabilities, ultrafast electron diffraction and microscopy can be extended to new domains,and, just as importantly, electron pulses can be delivered directly on an ultrafast techniques target specimen. attosecond imaging ultrafast techniques W ith electrons, progress has recently been made in imaging structural dynamics with ultrashort time resolution in both microscopy and diffraction (ref. 1 and references therein). Earlier, nuclear motions in chemical reactions were shown to be resolvable on the femtosecond (fs) time scale using pulses of laser light (ref. 2 and references therein), and the recent achievement of attosecond (as) light pulses (for recent reviews, see refs. 3–6) has opened up this temporal regime for possible mapping of electron dynamics. Electron pulses of femtosecond and attosecond duration, if achievable, are powerful tools in imaging. The ‘‘electron recombination’’ techniques used to generate such attosecond electron pulses require the probing electron to be created from the parent ions (to date no attosec- ond electron pulses have been delivered on an arbitrary target) and for general applications it is essential that the electron pulse be delivered directly to the specimen. In ultrafast electron microscopy (UEM) (7), the electron packet duration is determined by the initiating laser pulse, the dispersion of the electron packet due to an initial energy spread and electron-electron interactions (see, e.g., ref. 8). Because packets with a single electron can be used to image (1, 7), and the initiating laser pulse can in principle be made very short (10 fs), the limiting factor for the electron pulse duration is the initial energy spread. In photoelectron sources this spread is primarily due to the excess energy above the work function of the cathode (8), and is inherent to both traditional photocathode sources (9) and optically induced field emission sources (10–13). Energy- time uncertainty will also cause a measurable broadening of the electron energy spread, when the initiating laser pulse is de- creased below 10 fs. For ultrafast imaging techniques to be advanced into the attosecond temporal regime, methods for dispersion compensation and new techniques to further com- press electron pulses to the attosecond regime need to be developed. A recent article by Baum and Zewail (14) has proposed a new technique for compressing free electron packets, from durations of hundreds of femtoseconds to tens of attoseconds, using spatially dependent ponderomotive potentials. The numerical results showed that a train of attosecond pulses can be created and used in ultrafast electron imaging. Because they are gener- ated independent of the target they can be delivered to a specimen for studies of transient structures and electronic excitations on the attosecond time scale. In reference (14), the proposed compression concept was examined using numerical, electron trajectory calculations. The deflection of electrons [as in the Kapitza–Dirac effect (15)] by the ponderomotive potential of intense lasers (16) and the diffraction (17) of electrons in standing waves of laser light have been observed, and so is the possibility (described through computer modeling) of spatial/ temporal focusing with combined time-dependent electric and static magnetic fields (18). This article develops the ‘‘temporal lens’’ description that analytically expresses how ponderomotive compression can be used to both compensate for the dispersion and magnify (in this case compress) the temporal duration of electron packets. We obtain simple lens equations that have analogies in optics and the results of ‘‘electron ray optics’’ of temporal lenses reported here are entirely consistent with the findings of ref. 14, but now allow for analytical expressions and for the design of different schemes using geometrical optics. Here, we consider 2 types of temporal lenses: thin and thick. For the realization of the temporal thin lens, a laser beam with a Laguerre–Gaussian transverse mode, radial index 0 and azimuthal index l 0 [or, in common nomenclature, a ‘‘donut’’ mode (19–21)], is used. In the center of the donut mode, electrons will experience a spatially varying pondero- motive potential (intensity) that is approximately parabolic. This potential corresponds to a linear spatial force that, for chirped electron pulses, can lead to compression from hun- dreds of femtoseconds to 10 fs. The second type, that of a thick lens, which is the concept outlined in ref. 14, is based on the use of 2 counterpropagating laser beams to produce a spatially dependent standing wave that copropagates with the electrons. A train of ponderomotive potential wells are pro- duced at the nodes of the standing wave, leading to compres- sion but now with much ‘‘tighter focus’’ (thick lens). Because the electron copropagates with the laser fields the velocity mismatch is no longer a problem (14). Here, analytical ex- pressions are derived showing that this lens has the potential to reach foci with attosecond duration, in agreement with the results of ref. 14. Finally, we discuss methods for creating tunable standing waves for attosecond pulse compression, and techniques for measuring the temporal durations of the com- pressed pulses. Space-charge dispersed packets of electrons that have a linear spatial velocity chirp (22, 23) may also be compressed with the temporal lenses described here. Author contributions: S.A.H., C.U., B.B., H.B., and A.H.Z. designed research, performed research, contributed new reagents/analytic tools, analyzed data, and wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/ 0904912106/DCSupplemental. 10558 –10563 PNAS June 30, 2009 vol. 106 no. 26 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0904912106 Downloaded by guest on March 15, 2020

Temporal lenses for attosecond and femtosecond electron pulses … · pressions are derived showing that this lens has the potential to reach foci with attosecond duration, in agreement

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Page 1: Temporal lenses for attosecond and femtosecond electron pulses … · pressions are derived showing that this lens has the potential to reach foci with attosecond duration, in agreement

Temporal lenses for attosecond and femtosecondelectron pulsesShawn A. Hilberta, Cornelis Uiterwaala, Brett Barwickb, Herman Batelaana, and Ahmed H. Zewailb,1

aDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 116 Brace Laboratory, PO Box 880111, Lincoln, NE 68588-0111; and bPhysical BiologyCenter for Ultrafast Science and Technology, Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125

Contributed by Ahmed H. Zewail, May 6, 2009 (sent for review April 17, 2009)

Here, we describe the ‘‘temporal lens’’ concept that can be used forthe focus and magnification of ultrashort electron packets in thetime domain. The temporal lenses are created by appropriatelysynthesizing optical pulses that interact with electrons through theponderomotive force. With such an arrangement, a temporal lensequation with a form identical to that of conventional light opticsis derived. The analog of ray diagrams, but for electrons, areconstructed to help the visualization of the process of compressingelectron packets. It is shown that such temporal lenses not onlycompensate for electron pulse broadening due to velocity disper-sion but also allow compression of the packets to durations muchshorter than their initial widths. With these capabilities, ultrafastelectron diffraction and microscopy can be extended to newdomains,and, just as importantly, electron pulses can be delivereddirectly on an ultrafast techniques target specimen.

attosecond imaging � ultrafast techniques

W ith electrons, progress has recently been made in imagingstructural dynamics with ultrashort time resolution in both

microscopy and diffraction (ref. 1 and references therein).Earlier, nuclear motions in chemical reactions were shown to beresolvable on the femtosecond (fs) time scale using pulses oflaser light (ref. 2 and references therein), and the recentachievement of attosecond (as) light pulses (for recent reviews,see refs. 3–6) has opened up this temporal regime for possiblemapping of electron dynamics. Electron pulses of femtosecondand attosecond duration, if achievable, are powerful tools inimaging. The ‘‘electron recombination’’ techniques used togenerate such attosecond electron pulses require the probingelectron to be created from the parent ions (to date no attosec-ond electron pulses have been delivered on an arbitrary target)and for general applications it is essential that the electron pulsebe delivered directly to the specimen.

In ultrafast electron microscopy (UEM) (7), the electronpacket duration is determined by the initiating laser pulse, thedispersion of the electron packet due to an initial energy spreadand electron-electron interactions (see, e.g., ref. 8). Becausepackets with a single electron can be used to image (1, 7), andthe initiating laser pulse can in principle be made very short (�10fs), the limiting factor for the electron pulse duration is the initialenergy spread. In photoelectron sources this spread is primarilydue to the excess energy above the work function of the cathode(8), and is inherent to both traditional photocathode sources (9)and optically induced field emission sources (10–13). Energy-time uncertainty will also cause a measurable broadening of theelectron energy spread, when the initiating laser pulse is de-creased below �10 fs. For ultrafast imaging techniques to beadvanced into the attosecond temporal regime, methods fordispersion compensation and new techniques to further com-press electron pulses to the attosecond regime need to bedeveloped.

A recent article by Baum and Zewail (14) has proposed a newtechnique for compressing free electron packets, from durationsof hundreds of femtoseconds to tens of attoseconds, usingspatially dependent ponderomotive potentials. The numerical

results showed that a train of attosecond pulses can be createdand used in ultrafast electron imaging. Because they are gener-ated independent of the target they can be delivered to aspecimen for studies of transient structures and electronicexcitations on the attosecond time scale. In reference (14), theproposed compression concept was examined using numerical,electron trajectory calculations. The deflection of electrons [asin the Kapitza–Dirac effect (15)] by the ponderomotive potentialof intense lasers (16) and the diffraction (17) of electrons instanding waves of laser light have been observed, and so is thepossibility (described through computer modeling) of spatial/temporal focusing with combined time-dependent electric andstatic magnetic fields (18).

This article develops the ‘‘temporal lens’’ description thatanalytically expresses how ponderomotive compression can beused to both compensate for the dispersion and magnify (in thiscase compress) the temporal duration of electron packets. Weobtain simple lens equations that have analogies in optics and theresults of ‘‘electron ray optics’’ of temporal lenses reported hereare entirely consistent with the findings of ref. 14, but now allowfor analytical expressions and for the design of different schemesusing geometrical optics. Here, we consider 2 types of temporallenses: thin and thick.

For the realization of the temporal thin lens, a laser beamwith a Laguerre–Gaussian transverse mode, radial index � �0 and azimuthal index l � 0 [or, in common nomenclature, a‘‘donut’’ mode (19–21)], is used. In the center of the donutmode, electrons will experience a spatially varying pondero-motive potential (intensity) that is approximately parabolic.This potential corresponds to a linear spatial force that, forchirped electron pulses, can lead to compression from hun-dreds of femtoseconds to �10 fs. The second type, that of athick lens, which is the concept outlined in ref. 14, is based onthe use of 2 counterpropagating laser beams to produce aspatially dependent standing wave that copropagates with theelectrons. A train of ponderomotive potential wells are pro-duced at the nodes of the standing wave, leading to compres-sion but now with much ‘‘tighter focus’’ (thick lens). Becausethe electron copropagates with the laser fields the velocitymismatch is no longer a problem (14). Here, analytical ex-pressions are derived showing that this lens has the potentialto reach foci with attosecond duration, in agreement with theresults of ref. 14. Finally, we discuss methods for creatingtunable standing waves for attosecond pulse compression, andtechniques for measuring the temporal durations of the com-pressed pulses. Space-charge dispersed packets of electronsthat have a linear spatial velocity chirp (22, 23) may also becompressed with the temporal lenses described here.

Author contributions: S.A.H., C.U., B.B., H.B., and A.H.Z. designed research, performedresearch, contributed new reagents/analytic tools, analyzed data, and wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/0904912106/DCSupplemental.

10558–10563 � PNAS � June 30, 2009 � vol. 106 � no. 26 www.pnas.org�cgi�doi�10.1073�pnas.0904912106




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Page 2: Temporal lenses for attosecond and femtosecond electron pulses … · pressions are derived showing that this lens has the potential to reach foci with attosecond duration, in agreement

Results and DiscussionPreliminaries: Temporal Lens Concepts. All electron sources, bothcw and pulsed, have an initial energy spread. For pulsed electronsources this is particularly relevant as electron packets created ina short time disperse as they propagate. The initial energy spreadleads to an initial spread in velocities. These different velocitiescause the initial packet to spread temporally, with the fasterelectrons traveling a further distance and the slower electronstraveling a shorter distance in a given amount of time. Thedispersion leads to a correlation between position (alongthe propagation direction) and electron velocity (see Fig. 1). Thelinear spatial velocity ‘‘chirp’’ can be corrected for with aspatially dependent linear impulsive force (or a parabolic po-tential). Thus, if a pulsed, spatially dependent parabolic potentialcan be made to coincide appropriately with the dispersedelectron packet, the slow trailing electrons can be sped up andthe faster leading electrons can be slowed down. The trailingelectrons, now traveling faster, can catch the leading electronsand the electron pulse will thus be compressed.

Consider a packet of electrons, propagating at a speed v0 alongthe x axis, with a spread in positions of �xo � v0�to, at time t �to; see Fig. 1. At t � 0, a potential of the form U(x) � 1⁄2Kx2

interacts with the electron packet for a duration � in the labframe. The waist, or spatial extent of the potential (temporallens) is chosen to be w, whereas the duration � is chosen such thatit is short compared with w/v0. When this condition is met theimpulse approximation holds, and the change in velocity is�v � ��/m(dU(x)/dx) � ��Kx/m, for x �w, where m is theelectron mass. After the potential is turned off, t��, the electronswill pass through the same position, xf � x � (v0 ��v)tf, at thefocal time tf � �x/�v � m/(K�). To include an initial velocityspread around v0 (due to an initial �E), consider electrons thatall emanate from a source located at a fixed position on the x axis.An electron traveling exactly at v0 will take a time t0 to reach thecenter of the potential well at x � 0. Electrons leaving the sourcewith other velocities v0�vk will reach a location x � vkto at t �0 (Fig. 2). The image is formed at a location where electronstraveling with a velocity v0 and a velocity v0 � vk intersect, thisis, when v0ti � x � (v0 � �v � vk)ti. The image time ti is thenti � �x/(�v � vk).

For the object time, to � x/vk, image time ti � �x/(�v � vk) andthe focal time tf � �x/�v, the temporal lens equation holds,


�1t i

�1t f [1]

Ray tracing for optical lenses is often used to visualize howdifferent ray paths form an image, and is also useful forvisualizing how temporal lenses work, see Fig. 2. As derived inlater sections the magnification M is defined as the ratio of theelectron pulse duration (�ti) at the image position to the electronpulse duration (�to), and is directly proportional to the ratio ofthe object and image times (�ti/to) and distances (�xi/xo).

Femtosecond Thin Lens. In polar coordinates a Laguerre–Gaussian(LG0

1) mode has a transverse intensity profile given by, I(r,�) �I0exp (1)2r2exp(�2(r/w)2)/w2 where w is the waist of the focusand I0 the maximum intensity (19–21). This ‘‘donut’’ mode hasan intensity maximum located at r � �2�w�/2 with a value of I0� 2EP�ln2/�3/(w2�) where EP is the energy of the laser pulseand � is the full-width-at-half-maximum of the pulse duration,assuming a Gaussian temporal profile given by exp(�4ln2(t/�)2).The ponderomotive energy UP(x) is proportional to intensity(24),

Upx �12�e2�2 exp(1)I0

2�2m�0c3w2 �ln 2�� x2 � 1

2Kx2, [2]

where m is the electron mass, e is the electron charge and � thecentral wavelength of the laser radiation and replacing r with x.Near the center of the donut mode focus (or x �� w) the intensitydistribution is approximately parabolic, and hence the pondero-motive energy near the donut center is also parabolic. In analogywith a mechanical harmonic oscillator, the quantity in the squarebrackets of Eq. 2 can be referred to as the stiffness K; it has unitsof J/m2 � N/m, and at 800 nm has the numerical value of,K�3.1 � 10�36EP/(w4�). For this parabolic approximation to beapplicable, the spatial extent of the dispersed electron pulse, at

Fig. 1. Dispersion of an ultrashort electron packet. At t � to, the packet iscreated from a photocathode and travels with a velocity v0. As it propagatesalong the x axis it disperses, with the faster electrons traveling further, and theslower ones trailing for a given propagation time t. At t � 0 a parabolicpotential is pulsed on, giving an impulsive ‘‘kick’’ to the dispersed electronpacket. After the potential is turned off, t � �, the trailing electrons now havea greater velocity than the leading electrons. After a propagation time t � ti,the pulse is fully compressed.

Fig. 2. Ray diagrams for spatial and temporal lenses. (Upper) Depicts 3primary rays for an optical thin spatial lens. The object is located at yo, and thespatial lens has a focal length, f. A real image of the object is created at theimage plane, position yi. (Lower) Ray diagram for a temporal thin lens. Thediagram is drawn in a frame moving with the average speed v0 of the electronpacket. The slopes of the different rays in the temporal diagram correspondto different initial velocities that are present in the electron packet. As shownin the diagram a temporal image of the original electron packet is created atthe image time ti. The initial packet (object) is created at a time to with �to ��xo/v0, where the spatial extend of the pulse is directly related to the temporalduration of the object. The lens is pulsed on at t � 0 and the temporal focallength of the lens is tf. The lens represents the ponderomotive potential andin this case is on for the very short time �.

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t � 0, �x (0) � v0�to � �voto must be much smaller than the laserwaist, where the object velocity spread is �vo � �E/�2mE (8).

The effect of this parabolic potential on an ensemble ofelectrons emitted from a source will now be analyzed (fordetailed derivation, see SI Appendix). The velocity distribution ofthe ensemble is centered around v0, with an emission timedistribution centered on �to, where all electrons are emittedfrom the same location xo � �v0to. Assuming a single donut-shaped laser pulse is applied at t � 0, and centered at x � 0, theelectron ensemble is then influenced by the potential U(x) �(1/2)Kx2. The kth electron in the ensemble has an initial velocityv0 � vk and emission time �to � tk. Using a Galilean transfor-mation to a frame moving with velocity v0, the propagationcoordinate x (lab frame) is replaced with the moving framecoordinate x̃ � x � v0t. At t � 0 the potential exists for theultrashort laser pulse duration �, giving the electron an impulse(or ‘kick’) dependent on its instantaneous position in the par-abolic potential. In both frames, the position of the electron att � 0 is xk (0) � x̃k (0)'�v0tk � vkto � vktk, where xk(t) and x̃k(t)are in the lab and moving frames, respectively. Using the impulseapproximation the electron trajectory immediately after thepotential is turned off becomes,

x̃kt � vkt � x̃k01 t/tf) [3]

where tf � m/(K�) is the focal time. The electron trajectories,before and after t � 0, can be plotted in both frames to give theequivalent of a ray diagram, Fig. 3. Electrons emitted at the sametime, i.e., tk � 0, but with different velocities, will meet at theimage position, x̃k � 0 in the moving frame at the image time ti.The image time is found by setting x̃k(ti) � 0, from Eq. 3, withtk � 0, x̃k(ti) � vkti � vkto(1 � ti/tf) � 0, which is equivalent to thelens equation, Eq. 1: to

�1 � ti�1 � tf

�1.An expression for the magnification can be obtained when

electrons that are emitted at different times tk and differentvelocities vk are considered (see SI Appendix for detailed deri-vation). If the magnification is defined as M � �ti/to then thetemporal duration at the image time becomes,

�ti � M� t0, [4]

where �to and �ti are the duration of the electron packet at theobject and image time, respectively. Durations achievable with athin temporal lens follow from Eq. 4.

An experimentally realistic temporal lens would use a 50-fs,800-nm laser pulse with 350 J energy, focused to a waist of w �25 m. These values result in a stiffness of K � 5.5 � 10�8 N/mand a focal time of tf � 0.3 ns; tf � m/(K�). If the lens is applied10 cm from the source, electrons emitted at v0 � c/10 (3 keV)would have an object time of to � xo/v0 � 0.1/(c/10) � 3.0 ns.Using the temporal lens equation, Eq. 1, ti is obtained to be 0.33ns. Hence, a magnification of M � �ti/to � 0.1. Consequently, athin temporal lens can compress an electron packet with aninitial temporal duration of �to�100 fs, after it has dispersed, toan image duration of �ti�10 fs. Although the example presentedhere is for 3 keV electrons, the thin lens approximation holds forhigher energy electrons as long as � is chosen to be shortcompared with w/v0. Experimentally, the thin temporal lens canbe used in ultrafast diffraction experiments (25), which operateat kHz repetition rates with lasers that typically possesspower that exceeds the value needed for the ponderomotivecompression.

Attosecond Thick Lens. In the previous section it was analyticallyshown that free electron packets can be compressed fromhundreds to tens of femtoseconds using a temporal thin lens,which would correspond to a magnification of �0.1. However,the analytic solutions used rely on an impulse approximation thatmay not generally hold for the temporal lens described in ref. 14.For example, ref. 14 numerically showed that a �300-fs durationelectron packet can be compressed to a train of �15 as pulses,which corresponds to a magnification of M�5 � 10�5; theassociated image time of ti � 2 ps is comparable with the laserpulse duration of � � 0.3 ps. Because M �� 1 and ti and � are thesame order, it is unclear whether the impulse approximationwould accurately describe the results.

Another issue that needs to be addressed is how an initial

Fig. 3. Thin lens temporal ray diagrams for the lab and copropagating frames. (Upper Left) Ray diagram drawn in the lab frame showing how different initialvelocities can be imaged to a single position/time. The gray lines are rays representing electrons with different velocities. (Lower Left) Ray diagram drawn in aframe moving with the average velocity v0 of the electron packet. The rays represent velocities of v0/67, v0/100, and 0. In the copropagating frame, the relationshipbetween �to and �ti can be visualized as �ti � ��toti/to. One major difference between the lab frame and the moving frame is that in the latter the positionof the object and image are moving. The lines representing the object and the image positions are drawn with slopes of �v0. (Upper Right) Experimentalgeometry for the implementation of a thin temporal lens. Note that the laser pulse and electron packet propagate perpendicular to each other, and that theinterception point between the electrons and photons is at x � 0 and t � 0. (Lower Right) Shows how the parabolic (idealized) potential compares to theexperimentally realizable donut potential. The colored dots indicate the position of electrons following the rays indicated in Lower Left.

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source velocity spread and dispersion affects the ability for thetemporal lens in ref. 14 to compress electron packets. Thesimulation done in ref. 14 predicted �15 as electron pulses,where the duration was determined solely by the sinusoidaldeviation from the optimal parabolic potential, and did not allowthe electron packet to disperse before compression. In the thinlens case, an initial velocity spread results in a nonzero pulseduration even with a parabolic potential. Developing a modelincorporating an electron packet that is allowed to dispersebefore encountering a parabolic potential will answer whether ornot an initial velocity spread is detrimental to attosecond pulsecompression.

The attosecond compression scheme presented in ref. 14 relieson the presence of a standing wave that copropagates with anultrashort electron pulse. The copropagating standing wave iscreated by using 2 different optical frequencies, constructed byhaving a higher frequency (�1) optical pulse traveling in the samedirection as the electron packet and a lower frequency (�2)traveling in the opposite direction. When the optical frequencies�1, �2, and the electron velocity v0 are chosen according to v0 �c(�1 � �2)/(�1 � �2), a standing wave is produced in the restframe of the electron (14) (see Fig. 4). If the electron has avelocity v0 � c/3, and �1 � 2�2 then the copropagating standingwave has a ponderomotive potential of the form (24),

Upx �12� e2�̃2E0


8�2mc2� cos2 k̃x , [5]

where E0 is the peak electric field, �̃ the Doppler shiftedwavelength (14). The envelopes of the laser pulses are ignoredin this derivation, but they can be engineered so that the standingwave contrast is optimized (26).

To find an analytic solution in the thick lens geometry, eachindividual potential well in the standing wave is approximated bya parabolic potential that matches the curvature of the sinusoidalpotential, UP(x) � (1/2)[e2E0

2/(2mc2)]x2 ' (1/2)Kx2. Using theexact solution to the harmonic oscillator the focal time is,

tf � cot�p� /�p � � , [6]

where �p � �Km and � is the duration that the lens is on. For�3 0, tf3 m/(K�), which is identical to the thin lens definition.The image time, ti, has a form,

ti � 1/�p2 � t0tf t f� � �2 / t0 t f � � , [7]

and after the 2 assumptions, � 3 0 and to��1/(tf�p2) becomes

equivalent to Eq. 1, the lens equation: to�1 � ti

�1 � tf�1.

The standard deviation of the compressed electron pulse atarbitrary time ta is,

�ta � �t f2 �̃2 � 4 ta

2�vo2 � ta

2�̃2 2 t fta�̃2

48t f2v0

2 , [8]

which is valid for an individual well (detailed derivation in the SIAppendix). The time when the minimum pulse duration occursis ta � tf�̃2/(�̃2�4tf

2�vo2) � tf and for experimentally realistic

parameters is equal to tf. This implies that the thick lens does notimage the initial temporal pulse; it temporally focuses theelectrons that enter each individual well. Because there is noimage in the thick lens regime, the minimum temporal durationis not determined by the magnification M as in the thin lenssection, but is a given by,

�tf � � t f2�̃2�vo


12v02 �̃2 � 4 t f


t f�vo


, [9]

which is equivalent to Eq. 6 in ref. 14. It should be noted thatneither the temporal focal length nor the temporal duration aredirectly dependent on the Doppler shifted wavelength �̃, as longas the condition to � v0�to/�vo is met.

An example illustrates what temporal foci are obtainable. Asource emits electrons with an energy distribution of 1 eV anda temporal distribution of 100 fs. Electrons traveling at v0 � c/3and having an energy E � 31 keV gives a velocity distribution of�vo � 1670 m/s. If the distance between the source and thetemporal lens is 10 cm, to � 1.0 ns is less than v0�to/�vo � 6.0 ns,satisfying the condition to � v0�to/�vo and Eq. 9 is then valid. Ifthe 2 colors used for the laser beams are 520 nm and 1040 nm,the Doppler-shifted wavelength is �̃ � 740 nm. For a laserintensity of 3 � 1012 Wcm�2 (available with repetition rates upto megahertz), the oscillation frequency in the potential well is�p � 2 � 1012 rad/s, which gives a focal time of tf � 1 ps. Withthese parameters, Eq. 9 gives a temporal duration at the focus of�tf � 5 as. To support this �5 as electron pulse, time-energyuncertainty demands an energy spread of �50 eV. The pon-deromotive compression imparts an energy spread to the elec-tron pulse, which can be estimated from �E � mv0�̃(2tf), giving�50 eV similar to the uncertainty limit. This �E is very smallrelative to the accelerating voltage in microscopy (200 keV) andonly contributes to a decrease of the temporal coherence. Inoptical spectroscopy such pulses can still be used as attosecondprobes despite the relatively large �E when the chirp is wellcharacterized (27). Combining the anharmonicity broadening of15 as (as discussed in ref. 14), we conclude that ultimatelytemporal pulse durations in the attosecond regime can bereached.

Tunable Thick Lens. In the temporal thick lens case, the use of �and 2� to create a copropagating standing wave requires v0 � c/3.However, the velocity of the electrons, v0, can be tuned bychanging the angle of the 2 laser pulses. A copropagatingstanding wave can still be obtained by forcing the Doppler-shifted frequencies of both tilted laser pulses to be equal. A laserpulse that propagates at an angle � with the respect to theelectron propagation direction has a Doppler-shifted frequency�̃ � �(1 � (v/c)cos�), where � is the angular frequency in thelab frame, v� � vx̂ is the electron velocity, and � 1/�1 � v2/c2

(28). When the 2 laser pulses are directed as shown in Fig. 4, acopropagating standing wave occurs for an electron with avelocity v0 � c(k1 � k2)/(k1cos�1 � k2cos�2), where the laserpulse traveling with the electron packet has a wave vector ofmagnitude k1 and makes an angle of �1 with the electronpropagation axis; the second laser pulse traveling against has awave vector magnitude of k2 and angle �2, in the lab frame. An

Fig. 4. 2D schematic of tilted laser pulse concept for copropagating standingwave used for attosecond electron compression (thick temporal lens). When�1 � �2 � 0, then v0 � c/3 for � and 2� beams (14). With frequencies of � and2� the velocity of the copropagating standing wave can be tuned by tilting the2 laser pulses angles �1 and �2. When the 2 angles are chosen according to �2 �arcsin(2sin�1), the wells in the standing wave are perpendicular to the electronpropagation.

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Page 5: Temporal lenses for attosecond and femtosecond electron pulses … · pressions are derived showing that this lens has the potential to reach foci with attosecond duration, in agreement

electron moving at v0 will see a standing wave with an angularfrequency,

�̃ �2(cos�1 � cos�2)2cos�1 � cos�2

�(1 �), [10]

where 2k � k1 � 2k2 for experimental convenience, � � kc, andthe wavelength is �̃ � 2�c/�̃ � 2�/�̃.

The standing wave created with arbitrary angles �1 and �2 willbe tilted with respect to the electron propagation direction,which will temporally smear the electron pulse. This tilting of thestanding wave can be corrected for by constraining the angles �1and �2 to be: �2 � arcsin(2sin �1).

For �1 � 150 (forcing �2 � 310), electrons with velocity v0 �0.36c (E � 33 keV) see a standing wave. A 1 eV electron energydistribution at the source gives a velocity distribution of�v0�1630 m/s, at 33 keV. Using the same laser intensity as in thethick lens case, and the new v0 and �vo, the condition to �v0�to/�vo is still satisfied, allowing Eq. 10 to be used, resulting ina duration at the focus of �tf � 4.6 as. Using the tunable thicklens makes the experimental realization more practical, allowingfor easy optical access and electron energy tuning, while at thesame time keeping �tf approximately the same. For additionaltunability, an optical parametric amplifier can be used so that thelaser pulse frequencies are not restricted to � and 2�.

Detection Proposals. The ability to create electron pulses withduration from �10 fs to �10 as raises a challenge regarding themeasuring of their duration and shape. Two different schemesare presented here for measuring pulses compressed by thick andthin temporal lenses. For measuring the thin lens compressedelectron packet, the focused packet could be intersected by alaser pulse with a Gaussian spatial focus (Fig. 5). An opticaldelay line would control the time delay between the measuringlaser pulse and the compressed electron packet. As the timedelay, �t, is varied, so is the average energy of the electrons, asshown in Fig. 5. If the delay time is zero, then the averageelectron energy will be unaffected, because there is no force. Ifthe delay line is changed so that the Gaussian pulse arrives early(late), then the average energy will decrease (increase). Thechange in the average energy depends on the duration of theelectron pulse, and the intensity of the probing laser pulse. Ifthe electron pulse is longer than the duration of the measuringlaser pulse, then the change in the average energy will bereduced. The steepness of the average energy as a function ofdelay time, E� (�t), is a direct measure of the electron pulseduration, and by using femtosecond-pulsed electron energy lossspectra (29) this scheme can be realized.

For the thick lens a similar method was proposed in ref. 14 anddescribed in more detail here. At the focal position and time ofthe compressed temporal electron packet, a second copropagat-ing potential is introduced. The positions of the individual wellsin the second copropagating standing wave can be moved byphase shifting one of the two laser beams that create the probingpotential (Fig. 5). By varying the phase shift, the potential slope(and hence the force) that the electrons encounter at the focusis changed. If no phase shift is given to the probing standingwave, no average energy shift results. When a phase shift isintroduced, the electrons will be accelerated (or decelerated) bythe slope of an individual well in the standing wave, and as longas the phase stability between the electrons and the probingstanding wave is appropriate, attosecond resolution can beachieved. As the electron pulse duration becomes less than theperiod of the standing wave, the average electron energy changeincreases. The electron temporal duration of the compressedelectron packet can be determined directly by the steepness ofthe E� (�) curve.

Conclusion and Outlook. The attosecond electron imaging regimeis possible only when the electron pulses are compressed to theattosecond duration. Current efforts in employing attosecondtechnologies (primarily electron recombination) require thetarget specimen to be part of the electron generation, causing thepump and the probe to be coupled. Here, we have described 2temporal lens designs and obtained analytical expressions con-sistent with the proposal of Baum and Zewail (14). With a thintemporal lens, the capability to image an electron packet tem-porally is illustrated with compressibility (or magnification) ofthe pulse duration from 100 fs to 10 fs. A thick temporal lens canfocus an initial dispersed electron packet (hundreds of femto-seconds) into a train of attosecond pulses; this case is discussedin ref. 14 using electron trajectory simulations.

The ultrashort pulses produced by the temporal lenses de-scribed here, or by using other compression schemes (18, 30, 31),will have a wide range of applications in UEM (1, 7) andfemtosecond-pulsed electron energy loss spectroscopy (29).Although single electron packets develop a linear velocity chirpdue to dispersion, packets with linear chirp can be imaged withthe temporal lenses described in this article. For an initial packetwith an ellipsoidal distribution of electrons, electron-electroninteractions (space charge) result in a linear spatial chirp in thepropagation direction (23). This linear chirp due to space chargecan be used to increase the temporal resolution of ultrafast

Fig. 5. Detection schemes for measuring femtosecond and attosecondcompressed electron packets. (Upper) Depicts how femtosecond electronpackets can be measured by intersecting the packet at the image position/time. (A) Spatial profile of the donut mode temporal lens. (B) Gaussian profileof the measuring laser pulse. As the time delay, �t, between the measuringGaussian laser pulse and the electron packet is varied the average energy ofthe electron pulse changes. (Lower) depicts the scheme for measuring theduration of attosecond pulses. (C) The spatial profile of the temporal lens att � 0 is shown (green). (D) The second standing wave that is used to measurethe pulse duration of the attosecond electron packets at t � tf is displayed. Theblue lines in C and D give the spatial distribution of the electron packets at t �0 and t � tf, respectively. To measure the duration of the attosecond pulses,a second copropagating standing wave is made to coincide with the electronpulse at the focal position. Instead of using a temporal delay a phase shift, ��,is introduced into one of the laser pulses that creates the probing standingwave. By varying this phase shift the nodes of the standing wave shift position.The average electron energy can thus be plotted versus this phase shift. As theelectron pulses become shorter than the period of the standing wave thechange in the average energy will increase.

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electron diffraction experiments through energy filtering (22) orpulse compression with radio-frequency fields (32). In principle,the concepts presented here can also be used to compressspace-charge dominated pulses of electrons extending the rangeof applicability for temporal lenses.

Finally, temporal lenses have the potential to increase byorders of magnitude the quantum degeneracy of an electronpacket (33). The first use of electron quantum degeneracy in freespace—the demonstration of the Hanbury Brown and Twisseffect for electrons (antibunching)–reached a degeneracy valueof 10�4 (34, 35) and in other sources could be 10�6 or less. Thiswas done with a continuous electron beam from a field emission

tip (34). By using pulsed sources and temporal lenses thedegeneracy factor can become significantly closer to the quan-tum limit of one because of the increased current density duringthe pulse duration. In this limit, the potential for ‘‘electronquantum optics’’ becomes real.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Sang Tae Park for helpful discussions; PeterBaum for careful reading of the manuscript; and the 3 referees, Profs. F.Krausz, P. Corkum, and A. Bandrauk, for helpful comments. This work wassupported by the National Science Foundation and the Air Force Office ofScientific Research in the Gordon and Betty Moore Center for Physical Biologyat Caltech.

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