ALMAS TEMPLE'S ELECTION TUESDAY Officers and 4 Representa- tives to Imperial Council to Be Chosen. * MEETINGS THIS WEEK. Blue Lodges. Monday Dawson, business; Stansbury, Ε. Α. ; Joppa, business. Tuesday—National, F. C.: Ar- minius, business; Parker, busi- ness; King David, E. A. Wendesday—Washington Cen- tennial, Ε. Α.; Osirus. business; East Gate, E. A. Thursday Naval, business; Hiram, business; La Payette, busi- ness: Singleton, social; Semper Paratus, business; Congress, busi- ness; Petworth, social. Friday—Columbia, social: Leb- anon, F. C.; Milans, business; Justice, business. Saturday School of instruc- tion. Royal Arch. Monday —Anacostia. business; Mount Vernon, business; Hiram, visitation; Singleton, visitation. Tuesday—La Fayette, visita- tion; Hiram, business. Wednesday—Columbia, visita- tion; Brightwood, business. Commanderies. Tuesday—Brightwod, business. Wednesday—Pomotac. business. Friday—Columbia, business. Almas Temple. Α. Α. Ο. N. M. S., will open its polls Tuesday at 5 o'clock for the election of officers and four representatives to the Imperial Coun- cil session to be held in this city next June. Robert P. Smith, who is next in line for potentate of Almas Temple, has been appointed as director general of the 1935 Shrine convention. The present officers of the local Shrine are: William C. Miller, poten- tate; Robert P. Smith, chief rabban; j Allen H. Potts, assistant rabban; Ara M. Daniels, high priest and prophet; Oranville Gude, oriental guide; Prank E. Ghiselli. treasurer, and F. Lawrence Walker, recorder. The Ladies' Auxiliary of De Molay Commandery, No. 4, will meet Janu- ary 19 at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Eugene E. Thompson, 3026 Forty- fourth place, with Mrs. Harry E. Huntsberry as assistant hostess. ljh wson îxxige wui comer nit* Entered Apprentice Decree tomorrow night, with Junior Warden Ralph C. Boyd heading the official line and Senior Deacon Herbert W. Smith as- sisting with the floor work. The junior steward, to be appointed by the master, will be installed. Washington Council. Να 22. Masonic Universal Craftsmen Council of Engi- neers, held installation of officers as follows: Worthy president, Mrs. Amelia Lilly; vice president. Mrs. Ruth 8. Bichell; junior past president, Mrs. Lena C. Towberman: conductress, Mrs. Mary V. Thrift; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Frieda J. Pratt; treasurer, Mrs. Jane Jones, re-elected; warden. Mrs. Catherine E. Dean; chairman of trustees, Mrs. Florence Bell; second- year trustee. Mrs. Mary V. Evans; third-year trustee, Mrs. Fannie B. Moyer; chaplain, Mrs. Martha H. Sloops; organist, Mrs. Isabella E. 1 Smithers. New members are; Mrs. Frederick· E. Kuechle, Mrs. Sterling E. Jepp, j Mrs. Truman Lewis. Mrs. Thomas Η. | Chowns and Mrs. John L. Jones. The i retiring worthy president, Mrs. Lena ! C. Towberman, was presented a jewel. ! Following a short business meet- ing next Thursday Petworth Lodge will be entertained by the drill team of Jobs Daughters. The Fellowship Club of Lafayette Lodge gave the one-act Masonic play by Carl H. Claudy to the Scottish Rite bodies at the cathedral last Tues- day. Those m the cast were: Past Master C. Van Wyck Mott. Sylvester M. Smith. Junior Deacon William F. Albee, Brice Biggers, F. Alvin Hol- land, Past Master Harry B. Pitts, Past Master Prank H. Myers. Sherman S. Slick, Junior Warden Clifford C. Mc- Cormick. Past Master George H. Post, Marvin E. Fowler, W. T. Landis and A. C. Wooten. Play was under the direction of Past Master Prank H. Myers. Next Tuesday evening the Mithras Lodge of Perfection will begin its Spring class by conferring the Fourth and Fifth degrees. The various de- grees up to the Thirty-second degree will be conferred up to and including May 7. Milton V. Hanson, master of Stans- bury Lodge, who was elected presi- dent of the Masters' Association of 1935, announces the Entered Appren- tice degree will be conferred in the lodge tomorrow, with Junior Warden Charles C. Boswell in the East dur- ing the first section, and Senior War- den Robert B. Doing in the East dur- ing the second section. .v, nr τ Grotto announces next Friday Grand Monarch Miles S. Gregory of Los Angeles. Calif., will pay an official vieit to Kallipolis Grotto. A program of entertainment has been arranged. Monarch Erskine and other officers and members of Kallipolis Grotto at- tended the annual meeting of the Mid- dle Atlantic Grotto Association at At- lantic City on January 12. The annual meeting and election of office» of Kallipolis Grotto will be held January 31. Washington Centennial Lodge will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. The E. A. degree will be conferred, with Senior Deacon Charles P. Worden occupying the East. Congress Lodge will meet at Brightwood Masonic Hall Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The Entered Apprentice Degree will be conferred by Senior Warden Clifton H. Luce and Junior Warden Ε. E. Heinzman. Newly elected officers are: W. Bates Davis, master; Clifton H. Luce, senior warden; Ε. E. Heinzman, junior warden; Henry I. Taylor, senior deacon; George Fred Stringer, Junior deacon; Louis A Smith, secretary; Charles H. Walleigh, treasurer; John Floyd, senior steward: Arthur E. Nesbitt, junior steward; Milton B. Smith, chaplain; E. J. Stewart, tiler. The annual banquet of the As- sociation of Worshipful Masters of 1934 was held in the Mayflower Hotel January 5. Guests of honor included Robert S. Regar, grand master; Vernon G. Owen, past grand master; J. Claude Keiper, grand secretary; Charles E. Baldwin, grand treasurer, and the Association of Worshipful Masters of 1935. Other speakers included Past Master J esse W. Thornton, Past Master W. Raymond Hartline, Past Master Major H. Robb, the new president, and Master Milton V. Hanson of Stans- bury Lodge, president of the 1935 as- sociation. > I Order of the Eastern Star The Home Board of Bethlehem Chapter will give a turkey dinner February 5 »t the Nartheut Muooic Temple. The following officer· were elected by the Star Point Society: president, Mrs. Bessie Melton; vice president, Mrs. Catherine Davis; treasurer, Mrs. Louella Barrows; recording secretary, Mrs. Hazel Thompson ; corresponding secretary. Mrs. Stella Boweraox. The annual banquet will be held February 2 at the Continental Hotel. The annua! dance and card party will be held at the Kennedy-Warren Hotel February 20. The Home Board will meet at the Northeast Masonic Temple on January 24, with luncheon at 12:30. Past Matrons Haramerbacher. Roberds, Bowersox and Mrs. Kate Van Fonsen will be hostesses. The chanter will celebrate it* thirty-eighth birthday anniversary January 22, when Grand Matron Helen S. Brashears and Grand Pa- tron Walter L. Fowler, accompanied by the 1935 Matrons and Patrons' Association, will be the guests of honor. Columbia Chapter will meet tomor- row at 7:30 pjn. A reception to the new officers, with entertainment and refreshments, will follow the meeting. Associate Matron Ethel M. Mague will enertain the members of the Home Board at her home. 1812 New- ton street northeast, Tuesday at 8 p.m. Chairman and Mrs. Henry W. Sy- frig will entertain the members of the Ways and Means Committee at her home, 6212 Eighth street, at 8 p.m. January 18. Past Matron Lourina M. German, assisted by Mrs. Clara V. German, entertained the members of the En- dowment Committee at her home Jan- uary 8. The annual dance and card party will be held at Wardman Park Hotel February 28. A reception to the new officers of Bethany Chapter and a neighbors' night in honor of the members of Washington Centennial Chapter, was held at the last meeting. Past Grand Patron Jason Waterman made an address. The Ways and Means Committee and the chairmen of all other com- mittees inet at the heme of Edward J. Reamer and arranged lor various activities to be held during the year. Associate Matron Mabel H. Test, chairman of the Auxiliary Home Board, held a meeting at the home of Past Matron Ethel D. Morris. As- sociate Conductress Blanche M. Peiser, chairman of the Dance and Card Party Committee, held a meeting at the home of Associate Patron Le Roy Schweir and made_Ientative plans for the annual dance and card party in March at the Willard Hotel. The Past Matrons and Past Patrons' Association will be entertained at the home oi Past Matron Ida M. and John A. Huston January 19, a.'h Past Ma- tron Lavinia Dunham and Past Patron William J. Dunham assisting. The Home Board of St. John's Lodge Chapter will hold a turkey dinner at Almas Temple January 17. The next meeting of the chapter will be Janu- ary 21. The degrees will be conferred. A rehearsal for the officers Is at 2 pjn. January 18. Mrs. Florence Reich will be hostess at an afternoon card party at 1:30 p.m. at her home, 1817 D street northeast. January 24. The General Home Board will meet Janu- ary 28. The annual card party and dance will be held at the Kennedy- Warren March 5. The matron, Mrs. Helen Jost Brin- ley, of Washington Centennial Chap- ter. announces a birthday party at the meeting Jsnuary 18. and tbe yearly dance at Wardman Park Hotel Feb- ruary 5. After the last meeting the members retired to the lodge room of Bethany Chapter, where they had been invited as honor guests and later were entertained. Martha Chapter met Friday eve- ning. after which a reception was held for the new officers. The Ways and Means Committee will hold a turkey dinner February 19 at the Northeast Masonic Temple. The Home Board will entertain the CampbeU-Loeffler Sewing Club at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home Janu- ary 23. The meeting of the chapter Janu- ary 18 will feature an entertainment. William F. Hunt Chapter officers will meet January 17 at the home of Matron Mabel E. Britt, 6209 Thirtieth street. The birthday party, scheduled fcr January 24, is postponed until Feb- ruaty 28. Rase L. Loehl, matron of Temple Chapter, announces the degrees will be conferred tomorrow night. The annual card party and dance will be at Wardman Park February 6. Mizpah Chapter on January 15 will have an entertainment and party. Mu Delta Sigma met at the home of Mrs. Gladys Hoelman, 1938 Thirty- eighth street, and made plans for the year. There will be a card party January 19 at 8 o'clock at 1210 Wisconsin ave- nue. Ruth Chapter, at its last meeting, had a reception for the new officers. The Auxiliary Home Board was en- tertained January 9 by the Campbell Loffler Sewing Club at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home. Mrs. Daisy Thour will entertain the Home Board at a luncheon January 22 at J736 Yuma street at 12:30 p.m. The Home Board turkey dinner will be given in Stansbury Lodge Hall January 31 from 5 to 7 pjn. The Ways and Means Committee will meet at the temple January 17 at 7:30 pjn. All Rath Chapter mem- bers are requested to be present. There will be refreshments. Matron Ruth Bonnette announces initiation January 21. Congress Lodge Chapter met last Monday evening, with Matron Esther LawTenson presiding. The officers will be entertained by the matron and patron Tuesday eve- ning at the home of the patron, 1341 Parkwood place. The Home Board Committee has planned a card party at Northeast Masonic Temple January 26. Joppa Lodge Chapter will celebrate its 14th birthday anniversary and homecoming of the grand matron January 16. There will be dancing and refreshments. The Endowment Committee will meet January 18 at 7:45 pjn. at the home of Mrs. Florence A. Bailey, 1415 Hamilton street. The Auxiliary Home Board card party will be held In Joppa Hall, 4309 Ninth street, January 23 at 8 pjn. The annual dance and card party, sponsored by the Ways and Means Committee, will be February 16, at 2400 Sixteenth street. Memorial services for Jean Mitchell, associate matron, will be held by Areme Chapter January 16. Election and installation will also be held on this night to fill the vacant office of associate matron. There will be a rehearsal Tuesday of initiatory work for the officer· at 5 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. The following committee meetings are scheduled: January 14 and SI, respectively, Ways and Mean· Cam· mlttee, at borne of Emily Hiye, 917 Ninth street southeast; Endowment Committee, home of Past Matron LUUe Do wrick, 1325 Geranium street. Emma ShamlefTer, matron of Leb- anon Chapter, will entertain the choir tomorrow night at the home of Past Patron William and Rom Woods, 1022 Hamlin street northeast. The Auxiliary bom· board will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Asso- ciate Matron Julia Haalett, 1104 M street. The hostesses will be Past Matrons Augusta Thompson, Ethel Johns and M&della Smith and Julia Haalett, Rose Woods and Ruth Hall. The new officers will exemplify the Initiatory work January 22. Ruth Hall, conductress, will conduct i a rummage sale January 26, at 1013 Four-and-a-half street southwest. Call Columbia 10393. National 7020 or De- catur 3547 if members have rummage. The annual dance and card party will be held at the Wardman Park Hotel February 13. There will be a reception and ball given Jointly by Areme and Electa Chapters in honor of the grand ma- tron, Mrs. Helen L. Bras hears, and grand patron. Walter Fowler, January 29 at the new Willard Hotel. Chevy Chase Chapter will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. The home board met at the home of the Associate Ma- tron Myrtle Wood is, 401 Elm street, January 9, and made plans for the coming year's activities. The Friday Nite Card Club met at the home of Mrs. Bessie Burch, 413 Hamilton street, January 11. There will be a reception to the officers Tuesday eve- ning. the chapter members' birthday reception having been postponed. Mount Pleasant Chapter will meet January 18. This will be team cap- tains' night for tlx dance January 23 at Wardman Park Hotel. There will be entertainment and refreshment. The Pollyanna Club will meet Wed- nesday at the home of Rosie Mc- Keown, 914 Shepherd street. Treaty Oak Chapter met last Mon- day on Temple Heights. Past Grand Matron and Past Grand Patron Bog- ley were presented a fern from the officers, it being their wedding anni- versary. Past Matron Hudson gave a short talk on the trip to the gen- eral Grand session which met at Tampa, Fla., in November. The Sunshine Committee met Wed- nesday at the home of Mae Walters. The home board meeting scheduled for tomorrow at the home of Asso- ciate Matron Carrie Johnson is called off. Byrdie H. Sisk, matron of Miriam Chapter, announces a get-together meeting to be held tomorrow night. There will be entertainment, refresh- ments and dancing. The Star Point Society will meet January 17 at the home of Peoble Tanner, 1343 Childress street north- east, for election of officers. Naomi Chapter was entertained at the last meeting by vocal solos by Mrs. Marguerite Groomes in honor of the newly installed officers. The Auxiliary home board met January 7 at the home of Associate Matron Alice W. Downey. The Glean- ers met the same evening at the home of Ruth Lawrence. Matron Harriet C. Veiey announces a meeting of the chapter commit- tee will be held at the home of Past Patron Thomas C. Dora η January 17. Friendship Chapter at its meeting January 8 installed Mrs. Cora Yowell as secretary. Past Grand Matron Nellie Fletcher was installing officer. Matron M.Lela Sanford welcomed Past Grand Patron Edward N. Riley and Past Grand Matron Nellie Fletcher, both of whan made briei addresses. The Sewing Circle will have a luncheon at the home of Past Grand Matron Nellie Fletcher, 4808 Nebraska avenue, January 15 at noon. The January 22 meeting will be Birthday night and homecoming for Past Grand Patron Edward N. Riley. The matrons and patrons of 1923 and 1934 will be special guests. An en- tertainment is being planned. A card party will be held at Ma- sonic Hall, 4511 Wisconsin avenue, January 25 at 8 pjn. At the last meeting of Federal Chap- ter officers were installed. Gifts were presented by Mrs. Alice E. Hansen and Mrs· Amy Wilkinson. Jewels were presented to the outgoing matron, Blanche M. Cole, and the outgoing patron. William H. Humphreys, by Past Grand Matron Grace E. Klmmel. The junior past matron and junior past patron will entertain their of- ficers and committee chairmen at din- ner tomorrow. Friendship Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Estelle L. Brunow, 23 Rhode Island avenue, January 15 at 8 o'clock. A luncheon will be held for the Home Board mem- bers at the home of Mrs. Laura M. Humphreys, 1424 Ridge place south- east. January 16 at 1 o'clock. A meeting of the Dinner Committee will be held at Mrs. Humphrey»' home January 18 at a o'clock. The Ways and Means Committee of Warren G. Harding Chapter will give a valentine dance at the Roosevelt Hotel February 15. The Home Board will meet next Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Calfee. The next meeting of the chapter is January 22, with a reception for the new officers. A reception was given officers of Cathedra] Chapter Wednesday eve- ning. Matron Lois Wells gave a wel- come to the members whose birthdays are In January. At the meeting Janu- ary 23 there will be Initiation. Gavel Chapter officers met last Monday and made plana for the year. The annual Spring dance will be held March 2 at the Kennedy-Warren. The star points will hold a ban- quet next Wednesday at the Grace Dodge Hotel. The marshal of Hope Chapter, Edith Dodge, was installed on Wednes- day by Fast Grand Matron Amy C. Hollander, with Past Matron Bertha M. Lynn as grand marshal. Past Ma- tron Annie L. Fish as grand chaplain, Florence D. Morsell as grand organ- ist. Florence Lewis held a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee at her home and made plans lor a bingo party at the home of the matron, Lucille Purdy, January 26. The Dance Committee will meet at the Masonic Temple next Thursday at 7:30 o'clock. The Home Board met at the home of Past Matron Jemmie Gregory Janu- ary 7 to arrange on February s m tac key, card and WngD party at the home of Uly Water·. The Floral Circle will meet Janu- ary is at the borne of Emm» Jme·. Brookland Chapter met Wednesday night. Matron Mary Ziegler an- nounced committee appointments. The Ways and Means Committee met January 4 at the home of Grace Hiscox to arrange a card party at Brookland Temple Jannary 25. Plans are also being made for the annual Spring dance and card party at the WiUard Hotel March 1. The Auxiliary Home Board will meet'at the T. w. C. A tomorrow at 13:90 pjo. Luncheon followed by a business meeting. Wgant Morris announced % i meeting tomorrow of the Entertain- ment Committee at her home. A meeting of the past matrons will be held Wednesday at the home of Past Matron Mabel Tilp. The Star Point Society will hold a banquet at the Admiral January 19. Frances Bonar the new president. Matron May R. Johnston, Fidelity Chapter, announce* the meeting Thursday will be followed by refresh- ments and dancing. Reception to the new officers. Officers' Club meeting tomorrow at 117 Eleventh street southeast at 8 p.m. Ways and means card party Ma- sonic Temple, Fourteenth and Ken- yon streets northwest, Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. Bingo party, 117 Eleventh street southeast, Friday, 8:30 p.m. Afternoon card party, 60 M street northeast, January 29, at 1:30 p.m. Matron Hazel I. Splcer announces I the meeting of Loyalty Chapter Janu- ary 16 will be in honor of the past matrons and patrons. The Luncheon Club met with Mrs. La Marche on Thursday. All officers are requested to attend the rehearsal for work on Tuesday at the temple at 5 o'clock. Joseph H. Milans Lodge Chapter will meet Thursday evening. It will be men's nlgtit. Entertainment and refreshments. The Endowment Com- mittee will meet January 23 with Past Matron Christine Rowzee. 10 Bryant street. Home Board meeting January 24 with the matron, Mrs. Vera Morris, Mrs. Rose Gentner and Mrs. Lucy Hollidge assisting. On January 28 the Ways and Means Com- mittee will hold a card party and bingo at 60 M street northeast. The Afternoon Bridge Club meets Janu- ary 22 with Past Matron Louise 2. Kreglow, 1523 Park road. Helen Lyles. matron, Acacia Chap- ter, announces a meeting Tuesday She will install Mrs. Hattie Hanson as Electa, with Past Matron Bertha Wealthall as grand marshal. Recep- tion to the officers will follow the meeting, with dancing and refresh- ments. Past matrons and patrons will meet at the home of Past Matron Ann Collier, 1414 Massachusetts avenue, January 17. Esther Chapter celebrated its 39th birthday anniversary January 3. A program of music was rendered by Flora McGill Keefer, assisted by San- ford Ferris and Mrs. Dorothy Radde Emery, followed by dancing and re- freshments. The choir will meet at the home of the matron, Emma I. Daniels, with Phebe Ε. Barnara as assistant hostess, next Tuesday evening. The Dramatic Club will meet at the home of Miss Agnes Cruickshanks, 3911 Thirteenth street, tomorrow eve- ning. A rehearsal for officers will be held January 16 at & p.m. in the chapter room. Degrees will be conferred Jan- uary 17. The Auxiliary Home Board will hold a card party and dance for the benefit of the infirmary of the Masonic and Eastern Star Home February 9 at 2400 Sixteenth street. Mrs. Annie Laura Price, matron of Trinity Chapter, announces a meeting Thursday, followed by dancing and refreshments.' Miss Zelda Newman will entertain the Home Board Tuesday at 321 Pea- body street. Bingo and card party at 8 p.m. at 4217 Ninth street January 19. Mrs. Irine Simons announces a dinner at Almas Temple February 19. East Gate Chapter, with its newly- installed officers—Lillian A. Findlay, matron; William P. Kerr, patron; Winifred McMinimy, associate ma- tron: George H. Clark, associate pa- tron; Marie F. Caden. secretary; Elsie H. Hays, past matron, treasurer; Hasel R. Englcbrecht, conductress; Mary L. Sener, associate conductress; Laura J. Findlay, chaplain; Elizabeth F. Kerr, marshal; Ana L. Lambert, organist; Nora Martinskv. Adah; Eunice R. Mc- Dowell, Ruth; Jean G. Carnahan, Es- ther; Mildred I. Gould. Martha; Nellie M. Diebel, Electa; Lucy N. Alsop, war- der, and Merle C. Kissinger, sentinel— conferred the degrees on Albert H. Englebrecht at its meeting January 4. At the next meeting, January 18, the chapter will celebrate its nine- tenth birthday anniversary. The grand matron and grand patron will be special guests; also the Matrons and Patrons' Association of 1935. There will be refreshments and dancing. Elsie K. Speer, president of the Past Matrons and Past Patrons' As- sociation of Martha Chapter, presided at the Christmas party and banquet held at Mrs. K's Toll House Tavern. The distinguished guests were Right Worthy Grand Treasurer Flora Camp- bell. Past Grand Matrons Elizabeth Plitt and Grace Kimmel and Past Grand Patrons Millard Dixon, George Plitt and Frank Kimmel. Past Patron Richard Tltlow, accom- panied by Past Matron Norma Hine, conducted the singing of Christmas carols. Past Patron Arthur Watts, as Santa, gave each guest a gift and candy. An evening bag was presented Mrs. Campbell by President Elsie K. Speer in the name of the Past Ma- trons and Past Patrons' Association of Martha Chapter. Ladies' Auxiliary Officers National Capital Poet, V. F. W, ν Left to right, front row: Mrs. Dorothy Depro, treasurer; Mrs. Ethel Sendlak. president. Left to right, heck row: Mrs. Laura Weaver, secretary; Miss Margaret Pirone, guard; Mrs. Josephine Cardozo, «enlor ¥lce president. —6tar Staff Photo. Τ STAFF TO HOLD CABINET MEETING Luncheoa'Event Tomorrow After- noon—Religious Class Meets in Evening. A cabinet meeting of the Y. M. C. A. staff will be held at luncheon tomor- row at 12:30 pjn. The classes In the School of Religion will meet from 7:15 to 9 p.m. on the second floor of the Central Y. M. C. A. The dormitory bridge tournament will be held at 8:30 p.m. in the dormitory club room. The rehearsal of the Glee Club will be held In room 218 at 8 p.m. and the Young Men's Character Education Forum will meet at 8 o'clock in room 219, Central Y. M. C. A. There will be a meeting of the Dramatic Club in the "V" assembly hall at 8 p.m. under the direction of Charles C. Qillman. The Southeastern University Fra- ternity will hold a dinner at the Uni- versity Club at 7 pm. Wednesday. There will be a program of music, readings and brief talks. Games in the Dormitory Basket Ball League will be played in the Y. M. C. A. boys' gym beginning at 9 p.m. The weekly conference of the Y. M. C. A. staff will open at 8: IS a.m. Thursday. Mrs. Georgette Ron How- ard, lecturer on current events, will speak at 9 a.m. on "Keeping Up With the Times." The devotional exercises at 11 a.m. will be led by Marin ua De Gast. The "Y's" Men's Club will meet at the Olmsted Grill for lunch at 12:15 p.m. and the Young Men's Forum will meet at 8:15 p.m. in room 319. "What One Should Know About the Heart and Blood Pressure" will be the subject of the weekly health talk by Dr. Robert H. Harmon on Friday. S p.m., in the Y. M. C. A. assembly halL The Young Men'· 8elf-Kxpression Forum will meet in room 219 at 8 p.m. Horace L. Stevenson wUl give the weekly Y. M. C. A. radio talk from Station WMAL at 5:45 pjn. Saturday. His subject will be "Peter's Lesson in Humble Service." Oldest Sunday School 150. Stockport Sunday school, at Stock- port, England, the world's oldest Sun- day school, has just celebrated its 150th anniversary. The school has }>een conducted without Interruption since the 17t0's, and in the same building sine· 1105. It was founded by the Methodists, but was non-sec- tarian, and hundreds of thousands of children have attended It. At one time Its membership was over 6,000. Even tedM tt ft over 1.00& \ MRS.W. Ε. HUMPHREY "Y" HOSTESS TODAY At Home Hour Will Held at 4 O'Clock, Music Hoar at 5 O'Clock. Mrs. William E. Humphrey will be the hostess for the at home hour at the Y. W. C. Α., Seventeenth and Κ streets, today at 4 o'clock, preceding the music hour at 5 o'clock. Dr. Allan Stockdale, pastor of the First Congregational Church, will ad- dress the poetry class conducted by Miss Alice Hutchins Drake, Tuesday night on "Why We Laugh." Vicitors are invited. The board of directors will meet Thursday at 10:30 o'clock. The Ex- ecutive Committee will meet at 11 o'clock tomorrow. Cleveland Park Chapter will meet tomorrow at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. Hine, 3204 Highland place. Mrs. Priest will assist. Hie Bine Triangle Club for Busi- ness Girls will meet Thursday at 6:15. The assembly program at 8:15 will be devoted to a "World Cruise" presented by Daren Aub, district manager of the American Express Co. The Xenos Club will meet Wednes- day evening. The Business and Professional Wom- en's Glee Club will meet Tuesday at 7:15. The club is sponsoring a series of musical evenings which will begin January 22 with an illustrated talk on the instruments of the Symphony Or- chestra by Miss Maud Se wall, open to visitors. The Business Girls' Department Is sponsoring a week end tour to New York City on February 9 and 10. This tour is open to all business girls and women in the city. The Elizabeth Somen Glee Club will meet Thursday at 6:45. The club will sing at the residence vesper service on February 3. Activities at the Y. W. C. A. Com- munity House include the children's music hour tomorrow at 4 o'clock, a musical program for the Wednesday Afternoon Women's Club January 16, and the Girl Reserve meeting Friday at 4 o'clock. Senior high school advisers will meet for dinner tomorrow at 5:45, while the advisers from 17 junior high school centers will meet Tuesday at 5:30. Plans lor an lnterhigh school Girl Reserve newspaper will be discussed at a meeting of editors tomorrow at 4 o'clock. Each of the 10 high school clubs has selected a girl to serve as editor for her school. Juoigg high f-hnjj wmnril win p||Q i MHS. ELU A. BOOLE MAY « HERE Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith Also Expected at W. C. T. U. Conference. Mrs. Ella A. Boole, president of the World W. C. T. 0, and Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith, president of the national organization, are expected to te among the speakers at the quarterly convention of the District W. C. T. U. tomorrow at the Eastern Presbyterian Church. The first session will con- vene at 1:30 p.m. and the evening ses- sion at · o'clock. Dr. P. 8. Bourdeau-Sisco will speak cm "A Factor in Producing Longevity." At 4:90. departmental round table groups will discuss important prob- lems, and other interesting features are an the program for the afternoon. Ehmd Street to Speak. Elwood Street, director of public welfare of the District, will speak on "Sympathy and System in Public Welfare," illustrating his address with lantern slides. Mrs. Ν. M Pollock will discuss the "Present Status of Motion Pictures." Music will be furnished by Dorothy Reddish, soprano, accompanied by Frances Robinson; the "White Ribbon Quartet," composed of Ethel H. Reed. Myrtle Collins, Tegwen Koon and Helen E. Lancaster, accompanied by Katherine Jope; Dorothy Goodrich, violinist, and the "Male Quartet" from Howard University, composed of Rich- mond Johnson, William Goodwin, Clarence Jacobs and A. Holliman. Takoma Park Union met at the home of the president. Dr. Lauretta Kress, last Tuesday evening. The guest speakers were: Mrs. Ida W. Ramsey, first vice president. District of Columbia, and Miss Mary E. Pet- tis, director of the literature depart- ment. A quartet composed of Mrs. 8. A. Wellman, Mrs. D. A. Ochs, Mrs. Ε. E. Franklin and Mrs. C. L. Bond sang. Capitol Hill Union met at the home of the treasurer, Mrs. Anna Perns- ner, 315 Β street southeast, Wednes- day afternoon. The guest speaker was Rev. Alice Allen. It wa· an· nounced 500 new members joined the W. C. T. U. each week in 1934. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Bier, #49 Massachusetts avenue northeast. Anna Gordon Union met at the home of the president, Mrs. John E. Taylor, 1311 Gallatin street. Devo- tional exercises were led by Mrs. 8. R. Cope land. Mrs. S. R. Copeland was elected vice president In place of Mrs. James E. Wilson, who was chosen as recording secretary to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. C. E. Brooks. Mrs Emma W. Cupp and Mrs. Ger- trude E. Mackenzie made addresses. Among the guests at the meeting were Carl B. Apple, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Phillips of Clarendon. Va.: Miss Ber- tha Thompson and Miss Elizabeth M. Haney. At the meeting January 23 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R C. Althouse, 3355 Eighteenth street, members are asked to invite guests. The speakers will be Mrs. Jennie B. Wadleigh and Mrs. Mary Pollock. Vocal solos win be contributed by Mrs. Bertha HilL Chapln Union met Wednesday aft- ernoon at the home of Mrs. Charles W. Dudley, 1332 Randolph street. As- sisting hostesses were Mrs. Mary V. Turner and Miss Phoebe Howell. The devotionals were led by Miss Phoebe Howell, concluding with a short memorial service to Mrs. James A. Tibbettf. On Easier it is planned to have a handkerchief shower for the C. C. C. ward at Walter Reed Hoe- pital. The guest speaker was Mrs. Nellie Miller, wife of the pastor of National City Christian Church. Hie February meeting will be with Miss May Dickin- son, 1211 Ο street. JR. 0. U. Α. M. Max Esberger presided over Liberty Bell Council. The Liberty Bell min- strel troupe will go to Lanham, Md„ next Tuesday to give a show, from which the proceeds will be used for new uniforms. This council is plan- ning a bingo party March 16. Edward J. Ross Council met and Deputy State Councilor P. C. Mangum installed the officers. Past State Coun- cilor Thomas P. Jones, on behalf of the council, presented Junior Past Councilor Howard T. Lewis with the past councilor's emblem. This coun- cil's visitation will be held January 31. Vice Councilor William D. McBee presided over Star Spangled Banner Council. Hie annual visitation was held last Friday. Anacostia Council met. with Coun- cilor J. W. Cranford. jr., presiding. The applications of Charles H. Eurey for reinstatement and Ttomas E. Price for transfer were received. W. O. Smith and C. W. Briley were elected to membership. R. H. Little and R F. Kirby, the committeemen on the Public School Board Association, gave a report. £. H. Eax was appointed to represent the council at the Junior Order Temple Hall Association meet- ing, when the directors will be elected. Deputy W. M. Martin installed the officers as follows: Councilor, W. L. Wheeler; vice councilor, A. O. KraO; chaplain, J. R. iAtbaa; conductor, Jesse Stigall; inside sentinel, J. M. McCauley; assistant recording aecre- tary, R. H. Randall, Other office» were re-elected. ICKES WILL SPEAK "Public Housing Policies'' Sym- posium to Go cm Air. Secretary of the Interior Ickes win head a symposium on "Public Hous- ing Policies" to be broadcast oyer the coest-to-coast Columbia network Saturday from 2 to 1:30 pjn. The speakers will be heard through the facilities of Columbia's Washing- ton outlet, WJSV. They will speak during a luncheon session of the National Public Housing Conference to be held from January 18 to 20. an intadnb activity Wednesday at 4 o'clock. Roosevelt Girl Reserves on Thurs- day will have an afternoon of pine- pong, shuffle board, table games and puzzles. Members of the McKinley Girl Re- serve Club are preparing for a music j meeting under tbe direction of Helen Sherwood, Thursday. Bon Secour Club of Central High School will take a special group of its members to Children's Hospital for the monthly social service meeting. A unique party in the form of » "silent supper" is scheduled by West- ern Girl Reserves Friday evening. The Chapter Council «HI mast at Seventeenth and Κ streets tomorrow at 11 «on, Ρ » CHARLES BOYD ROBEY, Who was recently elected master of Benjamin B. French Lodge, F. Α. A. M. Others elected were: Marshall D. Johns, senior warden; Henry GilHg&n, junior warden; John C. White, P. M, secretary; James T. Gibbs, P. G. Μ treas- urer; Rev. Dr. John C. Palmer, P. M„ chaplain; Morgan C. Torrey, senior deacon; Wilbur N. Baugh- man, marshal; Elmer L. Corbin, junior deacon; Louis J. Mancuso, senior steward; Paul D. Gable, Junior steward; William Francis Holmes, tiler. ODD FELLOWS Officers of Central Lodge were in- stalled by Past Grand Pay P. Hunter and staff from Bright wood Lodge as follows: Noble grand. Samuel Singer; right supporter to the noble grand, Jack W. Lenn; left supporter to the noble grand. Charlie Rhine; vice grand, Max Tatelman ; right supporter to the vice grand, James E. Griffith; left supporter to the vice grand. Alfred H. Noakes; secretary, Edward H. Holkamp; treasurer. William H. Ernest; warden, Harry Heft; right scene sup- porter, William H. Shinn; inside guardian, Harry E. Koenig; outside guardian. Lorin H. Armiger, and cus- todian, Alfred H. Noakes. Past Grand Maynard P. Twitchell and his staff" from Mount Pleasant Lodge installed officers of Eastern Lodge as follows: Noble grand, Joseph H. McCauley; right supporter to the noble grand. William H. Bailey; vice grand, Harry E. Fake; right supporter to the vice grand, John L. Goad; left supporter to the vice grand. Wilfred E. Lawson; record secretary. Ingemand O. Lund; financial secretary. Harry L. Andresen; treasurer, Arthur G. Turner; warden. Edgar W. Pittman; conductor. Albert P. Dobbins: chap- lain, George Β. M. Johnston, and in- side guardian. Samuel R. Turner. Officers of Columbia Lodge were in- stalled by Past Grand Franklin P. Donaldson and his staff from Amity Lodge as follows: Noijle grand. George Voss Glossbrenner; right supporter to the noble grand, Guy F. Glossbrenner; left supporter to the noble grand, Louis L. Beaaley; vice grand. George E. Ket- tering; right supporter to the vice grand, Henry H. Lageatee; leit sup- porter to the vice grand, Frank V. E. Rogers; recording secretary, Alexander L. Hjortsberg; financial secretary. Mil- lard P. Zepp; treasurer. Samuel G. Taylor; warden. William C. Ingleton; conductor, Bennie F. Hodges; .chap- lain, James V. Lyons; inside guardian, Lloyd Head, and outside guardian, Otto F. Smith Past Grand William Bonier or fed- eral City Lodge, accompanied by his stall, installed as officers of Covenant Lodge: Noble grand, Isadore Lebowits; right supporter to the noble grand, Isadore Feldman; left supporter to the noble grand, Morris Hamburger; vice grand, Samuel Lebowitz, 2d; right supporter to the vice grand. William Schick; left supporter to the vice grand, Sam Lebowitz, 1st; recording secretary, Alexander L. Solomon; financial secretary, Samuel Ehrlich; treasurer, James E. Chamberlain; war- den, Abraham Alloy; conductor, Clark H. Packard; chaplain, Henry W. Beelah; right scene supporter, Louis A. Pittle; left scene supporter. David Permutter; Inside guardian, Isadore Levine; outside guardian. Charles Rod bell, and custodian. Abe Kaplan. Officers of Metropolis Lodge were installed bjr Past Grand Walter L Rhoades and his staff: Noble grand. John J. Kelly; right supporter to the noble grand. Ernest L. Loving; left supporter to the noble grand, William C. Holmes; vice grand, Fred J. Bren- nan; right supporter to the vice grand. Edgar D. Harras; left supporter to the vice grand, William E. Saunders; sec- retary, George T. Decker; treasurer, Elmer Cummings; warden, Herman Wieland; conductor. Burton E. Loving; chaplain. Edwtn N. Tib bens; right scene supporter, Lyman O. Schooley; left scene supporter, Clarence B. Slocum, and inside guardian, John C. Fut Grand Isadore Feldman of Covenant Lodge and his staff installed as officers of Federal City Lodge: Noble grand, Elliott G. Johnson: right supporter to the noble grand. Michael E. Murray; left supporter to the noble grand, Simeon N. Mallory; vice grand, Harry W. iAngford; right supporter to U>e vice grand, William G. Β oilier; left supporter to the vice grand. Marcus L. Lennon; recording secre- tary, George G. Wilson; financial sec- retary, William F. Dement; treasurer, Samuel D. Sasher; warden. Hubert D. Cooksey; conductor. Francis K. Wil- liams; chaplain. Rev. Clarence H. Corkran; right scene supporter, John L. Heinz; left scene supporter. Charles E. Pyle; inside guardian. William C. Lakin; outside guardian, Robert Leon- ard, and custodian, Robert Leonard. Past Grand Edgar D. Harras of Metropolis Lodge and his staff in- stalled officers of Excelsior Lodge. Past Grand Clark W. Tea les and his staS from Salem Lodge installed offi- cers of Harmony Lodge. A joint in- stallation was held in the temple when Past Grand Freedom R. Leaman and his staff Installed officers of Amity and Phoenix Lodges. The board of trustees of the I. O. O. F. Temple will meet at the temple tomorrow night. Election ol officers will be held. The Wildey anniversary celebration will be given Saturday evening in X. O. O. F. Temple. Past Grand Lorin R. Armiger, as- dated by his staff from Central Lodge, installed officers of Brightwood Lodge. Next Tuesday evening there will be an Installation by Past Grand Inge- mand O. Lund and his staff from Eastern Lodge, Installing officers of Mn»mi Pleasant Lodge, and Past Grand Louis L Beazley and his staff from Columbia Lodge Installing offi- cers of Golden Rule Lodge. Past Grand Isidor Lipov, assisted by his staff, will install officers of Beacon Lodge tomorrow night. The Grand Lodge will meet January 30 in the L O. O. F. Temple. Bebekah Lodges. At the last meeting of Mount Pleas- ant Rebekah Lodge installation ot of- ficers was held as a part of the Joint installation, under auspices of the as- sembly officers, with Mrs. Marian Gei- man serving as president and Mrs. Οστ» Klncer as frarahal. The officers are; Noble grand, Mrs. Margaret Tbompeon; ilea grand, Miaa Sate t HINDS 10 ASSUME POST HH CHEST New Assistant Director on Duty Tuesday—Miss Lewton to Continue. A. Boyd Hinds, new assistant direc- tor of the Community Chest, will ka- surae office Tuesday. Miss Rhoda Lew- ton will continue as registrar ror ine applications bureau. Family night was observed at Friendship House Wednesday when Mark Lanaburgh showed the pictures which he had taken while abroad and at home. A meeting of the board of directors of Friendship House and the monthly meeting of the Parente of the Day Home will be held at the house Tues- day. After the supper at β o'clock the two groups will have their busi- ness meetings. The monthly meeting of the South- east Social Service Workers will be held at Friendship House January 17. Clothing Plans Made. The business and industrial depart- ment of the Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A. requests that materials for new Spring clothes be brought to the Y. W. C. Α., where dresses can be made. The sewing room is open each Friday from 7 to 10 pjn. and has among its facilities good sewing machines and a competent teacher of dressmaking, cutting, fitting and designing. The basket boll class meets every Monday night in the gymnasium from 6 to 9 o'clock and Is arranging for games with outside girls for one night a month. Dorothy Dixon Wright, pianist, and Dorothy Seegar, soprano, will give a joint recital at Neighborhood House, 470 Ν street southwest, next Thurs- day night. Sam Stein has been appointed as- sistant physical director of the Boys' Club. He is a graduate of the Sav- age School of Physical Education of New York and will be graduated in June from the George Washington University with a decgre of physical education. The annual board meeting of the club will be held at the Willard Hotel January 25. Boxing facilities of the Boys' Club are being enlarged to take care of the larger group showing interest In this sport. New wrestling facilities are being installed. rani w oc insuuca. Under leadership of the director, Otto Nielsen, the Northeast Boy»' Club is making plans for the Winter pro- ... gram. The new woodworking plant will be installed within the next lew < days. The Youth Forum of 8outhwe?t Community House, at its symposium Friday, was addressed by Dr. Cor- nelly of the Public Health Service at Howard University. The children of the Nursery School were hostesses to the children of the Anthony Bowen School, the Newbell School and the Southeast House Nursery last week. The Loyal Temperance Legion Club has been formed, under leadership of Mrs. Alma J. Scott. It meets every Tuesday evening. The January board çf directors' meeting was postponed to February, the date to be announced later. The Peirce Guild will meet Friday at the home of one of its members. Catholic Daughters ot America At the January business meeting of Court District of Columbia Mise Grace Spruceb&nk was elected territorial deputy for the unexpired term of Miss Mary C. Boland, resigned. She is the direct representative of the supreme regent, and is the highest local officer in the order. Miss Sprucebank will represent the District of Columbia at the biennial convention of the na- tional organization next July. The annual vesper service of the local court will be held in February. Miss Mary Weide has been named chairman. Miss Charlotte Urda. chairman of membership, is arranging for a re- ception of new members next Sunday afternoon at the Willard Hotel. The reception will be followed by a ban- quet. The Kermess Committee of the Knights of Columbus will present an entertainment at the social meeting of Court District of Columbia next Tues- day evening at the Willard Hotel. Mrs. Katherine FoUiard, vice re- gent, has been named general chair- man of the Spring card party and dance to be held at the Willard Hotel 1 after Easter, ί ! Keefe: recording secretary. Mrs. Mary Pollock; financial secretary, Mrs. May Berlin; treasurer, R. C. Althouse; warden. Miss Dorothy Simmers; con- ductor. Mrs. Cora Davis; chaplain, Mrs. Margaret Hellmuth; right sup- porter of the noble grand, David Thompson : left supporter of the noble grand, Mrs. Florence Bennett; mu- sician. Mrs. Virginia Teague; right supporter of the vice grand, Harry Keefe: leit supporter of the vice grand, Mrs. Amie Glossbrenner; inside guard- ian, Mrs. Maxine Glossbrenner; out- side guardian, W. B. Berlin. The re- tiring noble grand. Miss Edna Ander- son, was presented with a jewel, Mrs. Pollock making the presentation speech. 1 There was a Joint installation of officers of the various Rebekah lodges January 3 at the temple. Marian S. Geiman, president, was the Installing officer, assisted by the other officers of the Rebekah Assembly. The Rebekah Assembly will meet in annual session in the temple January 32. The following officers were Installed in Dorcas Rebekah Lodge: Noble grand, Alma Pat ton; vice grand. Ouida McCafferty; recording secre- tary, Naomi Coeper: financial secre- tary, Mary M. Dement; treasurer, Abbie M. Gates; warden, Mary Par- rel!; conductor, Rosa Temps; degree director, S. N. Mallory; chaplain, Marion Piske; right supporter to the noble grand, S. N. Mallory; left sup- porter to the noble grand, Helen Fall: right supporter to the vice grand, An- nette E. Harrell; left supporter to the vice grand. Myrtle Williams; inside guardian, Victoria Harding; outside guardian, William Stansbury. A past noble grand's jewel was presented to the retiring noble grand, Thelma Staats. Dorcas Lodge will confer the degree on three candidate; January 17. The officers of Columbia Theta Rho Girls' Club No. 1 were Installed In Friendship Temple by Past Noble Grand Elsie Wilson, assisted by Orra Pfrimmer, vice president of the Re- bekah Assembly. The officers are: President. Anita Height, vice presi- dent, Florence Rhoades; recording secretary, Emily Beck; financial sec- retary, Mildred Lowe, and treasurer, Annette K. Harrell. Refreshments .WCTC IKITttfi t

TEMPLE'S Order of the Eastern Star Ladies' Auxiliary

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ALMAS TEMPLE'S ELECTION TUESDAY Officers and 4 Representa-

tives to Imperial Council to Be Chosen.



Monday — Dawson, business; Stansbury, Ε. Α. ; Joppa, business.

Tuesday—National, F. C.: Ar- minius, business; Parker, busi- ness; King David, E. A.

Wendesday—Washington Cen- tennial, Ε. Α.; Osirus. business; East Gate, E. A.

Thursday — Naval, business; Hiram, business; La Payette, busi- ness: Singleton, social; Semper Paratus, business; Congress, busi- ness; Petworth, social.

Friday—Columbia, social: Leb- anon, F. C.; Milans, business; Justice, business.

Saturday — School of instruc- tion.

Royal Arch.

Monday —Anacostia. business; Mount Vernon, business; Hiram, visitation; Singleton, visitation.

Tuesday—La Fayette, visita- tion; Hiram, business.

Wednesday—Columbia, visita- tion; Brightwood, business.

Commanderies. Tuesday—Brightwod, business. Wednesday—Pomotac. business. Friday—Columbia, business.

Almas Temple. Α. Α. Ο. N. M. S., will open its polls Tuesday at 5 o'clock for the election of officers and four representatives to the Imperial Coun- cil session to be held in this city next June.

Robert P. Smith, who is next in line for potentate of Almas Temple, has been appointed as director general of the 1935 Shrine convention.

The present officers of the local Shrine are: William C. Miller, poten- tate; Robert P. Smith, chief rabban; j Allen H. Potts, assistant rabban; Ara M. Daniels, high priest and prophet; Oranville Gude, oriental guide; Prank E. Ghiselli. treasurer, and F. Lawrence Walker, recorder.

The Ladies' Auxiliary of De Molay Commandery, No. 4, will meet Janu- ary 19 at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Eugene E. Thompson, 3026 Forty- fourth place, with Mrs. Harry E. Huntsberry as assistant hostess.

ljh wson îxxige wui comer nit*

Entered Apprentice Decree tomorrow

night, with Junior Warden Ralph C. Boyd heading the official line and Senior Deacon Herbert W. Smith as-

sisting with the floor work. The junior steward, to be appointed by the master, will be installed.

Washington Council. Να 22. Masonic Universal Craftsmen Council of Engi- neers, held installation of officers as

follows: Worthy president, Mrs. Amelia Lilly; vice president. Mrs. Ruth 8. Bichell; junior past president, Mrs. Lena C. Towberman: conductress, Mrs. Mary V. Thrift; recording secre-

tary, Mrs. Frieda J. Pratt; treasurer, Mrs. Jane Jones, re-elected; warden. Mrs. Catherine E. Dean; chairman of trustees, Mrs. Florence Bell; second- year trustee. Mrs. Mary V. Evans; third-year trustee, Mrs. Fannie B. Moyer; chaplain, Mrs. Martha H. Sloops; organist, Mrs. Isabella E. 1

Smithers. New members are; Mrs. Frederick·

E. Kuechle, Mrs. Sterling E. Jepp, j Mrs. Truman Lewis. Mrs. Thomas Η. | Chowns and Mrs. John L. Jones. The i retiring worthy president, Mrs. Lena ! C. Towberman, was presented a jewel. !

Following a short business meet- ing next Thursday Petworth Lodge will be entertained by the drill team of Jobs Daughters.

The Fellowship Club of Lafayette Lodge gave the one-act Masonic play by Carl H. Claudy to the Scottish Rite bodies at the cathedral last Tues- day. Those m the cast were: Past Master C. Van Wyck Mott. Sylvester M. Smith. Junior Deacon William F. Albee, Brice Biggers, F. Alvin Hol- land, Past Master Harry B. Pitts, Past Master Prank H. Myers. Sherman S. Slick, Junior Warden Clifford C. Mc- Cormick. Past Master George H. Post, Marvin E. Fowler, W. T. Landis and A. C. Wooten. Play was under the direction of Past Master Prank H. Myers.

Next Tuesday evening the Mithras Lodge of Perfection will begin its Spring class by conferring the Fourth and Fifth degrees. The various de- grees up to the Thirty-second degree will be conferred up to and including May 7.

Milton V. Hanson, master of Stans- bury Lodge, who was elected presi- dent of the Masters' Association of 1935, announces the Entered Appren- tice degree will be conferred in the lodge tomorrow, with Junior Warden Charles C. Boswell in the East dur- ing the first section, and Senior War- den Robert B. Doing in the East dur- ing the second section.

.v, nr τ

Grotto announces next Friday Grand Monarch Miles S. Gregory of Los Angeles. Calif., will pay an official vieit to Kallipolis Grotto. A program of entertainment has been arranged.

Monarch Erskine and other officers and members of Kallipolis Grotto at- tended the annual meeting of the Mid- dle Atlantic Grotto Association at At- lantic City on January 12.

The annual meeting and election of office» of Kallipolis Grotto will be held January 31.

Washington Centennial Lodge will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. The E. A. degree will be conferred, with Senior Deacon Charles P. Worden occupying the East.

Congress Lodge will meet at Brightwood Masonic Hall Thursday at 7:30 p.m. The Entered Apprentice Degree will be conferred by Senior Warden Clifton H. Luce and Junior Warden Ε. E. Heinzman.

Newly elected officers are: W. Bates Davis, master; Clifton H. Luce, senior warden; Ε. E. Heinzman, junior warden; Henry I. Taylor, senior deacon; George Fred Stringer, Junior deacon; Louis A Smith, secretary; Charles H. Walleigh, treasurer; John Floyd, senior steward: Arthur E. Nesbitt, junior steward; Milton B. Smith, chaplain; E. J. Stewart, tiler.

The annual banquet of the As- sociation of Worshipful Masters of 1934 was held in the Mayflower Hotel January 5. Guests of honor included Robert S. Regar, grand master; Vernon G. Owen, past grand master; J. Claude Keiper, grand secretary; Charles E. Baldwin, grand treasurer, and the Association of Worshipful Masters of 1935.

Other speakers included Past Master J esse W. Thornton, Past Master W. Raymond Hartline, Past Master Major H. Robb, the new president, and Master Milton V. Hanson of Stans- bury Lodge, president of the 1935 as-


> I

Order of the Eastern Star The Home Board of Bethlehem

Chapter will give a turkey dinner February 5 »t the Nartheut Muooic Temple.

The following officer· were elected by the Star Point Society: president, Mrs. Bessie Melton; vice president, Mrs. Catherine Davis; treasurer, Mrs. Louella Barrows; recording secretary, Mrs. Hazel Thompson ; corresponding secretary. Mrs. Stella Boweraox. The annual banquet will be held February 2 at the Continental Hotel.

The annua! dance and card party will be held at the Kennedy-Warren Hotel February 20.

The Home Board will meet at the Northeast Masonic Temple on January 24, with luncheon at 12:30. Past Matrons Haramerbacher. Roberds, Bowersox and Mrs. Kate Van Fonsen will be hostesses.

The chanter will celebrate it* thirty-eighth birthday anniversary January 22, when Grand Matron Helen S. Brashears and Grand Pa- tron Walter L. Fowler, accompanied by the 1935 Matrons and Patrons' Association, will be the guests of honor.

Columbia Chapter will meet tomor- row at 7:30 pjn. A reception to the new officers, with entertainment and refreshments, will follow the meeting.

Associate Matron Ethel M. Mague will enertain the members of the Home Board at her home. 1812 New- ton street northeast, Tuesday at 8 p.m.

Chairman and Mrs. Henry W. Sy- frig will entertain the members of the Ways and Means Committee at her home, 6212 Eighth street, at 8 p.m. January 18.

Past Matron Lourina M. German, assisted by Mrs. Clara V. German, entertained the members of the En- dowment Committee at her home Jan- uary 8.

The annual dance and card party will be held at Wardman Park Hotel February 28.

A reception to the new officers of Bethany Chapter and a neighbors' night in honor of the members of Washington Centennial Chapter, was held at the last meeting. Past Grand Patron Jason Waterman made an address.

The Ways and Means Committee and the chairmen of all other com- mittees inet at the heme of Edward J. Reamer and arranged lor various activities to be held during the year. Associate Matron Mabel H. Test, chairman of the Auxiliary Home Board, held a meeting at the home of Past Matron Ethel D. Morris. As- sociate Conductress Blanche M. Peiser, chairman of the Dance and Card Party Committee, held a meeting at the home of Associate Patron Le Roy Schweir and made_Ientative plans for the annual dance and card party in March at the Willard Hotel.

The Past Matrons and Past Patrons' Association will be entertained at the home oi Past Matron Ida M. and John A. Huston January 19, a.'h Past Ma- tron Lavinia Dunham and Past Patron William J. Dunham assisting.

The Home Board of St. John's Lodge Chapter will hold a turkey dinner at Almas Temple January 17. The next meeting of the chapter will be Janu- ary 21. The degrees will be conferred. A rehearsal for the officers Is at 2 pjn. January 18. Mrs. Florence Reich will be hostess at an afternoon card party at 1:30 p.m. at her home, 1817 D street northeast. January 24. The General Home Board will meet Janu- ary 28. The annual card party and dance will be held at the Kennedy- Warren March 5.

The matron, Mrs. Helen Jost Brin- ley, of Washington Centennial Chap- ter. announces a birthday party at the meeting Jsnuary 18. and tbe yearly dance at Wardman Park Hotel Feb- ruary 5. After the last meeting the members retired to the lodge room of Bethany Chapter, where they had been invited as honor guests and later were entertained.

Martha Chapter met Friday eve- ning. after which a reception was held for the new officers.

The Ways and Means Committee will hold a turkey dinner February 19 at the Northeast Masonic Temple.

The Home Board will entertain the CampbeU-Loeffler Sewing Club at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home Janu- ary 23.

The meeting of the chapter Janu- ary 18 will feature an entertainment.

William F. Hunt Chapter officers will meet January 17 at the home of Matron Mabel E. Britt, 6209 Thirtieth street.

The birthday party, scheduled fcr January 24, is postponed until Feb- ruaty 28.

Rase L. Loehl, matron of Temple Chapter, announces the degrees will be conferred tomorrow night.

The annual card party and dance will be at Wardman Park February 6.

Mizpah Chapter on January 15 will have an entertainment and party.

Mu Delta Sigma met at the home of Mrs. Gladys Hoelman, 1938 Thirty- eighth street, and made plans for the year.

There will be a card party January 19 at 8 o'clock at 1210 Wisconsin ave- nue.

Ruth Chapter, at its last meeting, had a reception for the new officers.

The Auxiliary Home Board was en- tertained January 9 by the Campbell Loffler Sewing Club at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home. Mrs. Daisy Thour will entertain the Home Board at a luncheon January 22 at J736 Yuma street at 12:30 p.m. The Home Board turkey dinner will be given in Stansbury Lodge Hall January 31 from 5 to 7 pjn.

The Ways and Means Committee will meet at the temple January 17 at 7:30 pjn. All Rath Chapter mem- bers are requested to be present. There will be refreshments.

Matron Ruth Bonnette announces initiation January 21.

Congress Lodge Chapter met last Monday evening, with Matron Esther LawTenson presiding.

The officers will be entertained by the matron and patron Tuesday eve- ning at the home of the patron, 1341 Parkwood place.

The Home Board Committee has planned a card party at Northeast Masonic Temple January 26.

Joppa Lodge Chapter will celebrate its 14th birthday anniversary and homecoming of the grand matron January 16. There will be dancing and refreshments.

The Endowment Committee will meet January 18 at 7:45 pjn. at the home of Mrs. Florence A. Bailey, 1415 Hamilton street.

The Auxiliary Home Board card party will be held In Joppa Hall, 4309 Ninth street, January 23 at 8 pjn.

The annual dance and card party, sponsored by the Ways and Means Committee, will be February 16, at 2400 Sixteenth street.

Memorial services for Jean Mitchell, associate matron, will be held by Areme Chapter January 16. Election and installation will also be held on this night to fill the vacant office of associate matron.

There will be a rehearsal Tuesday of initiatory work for the officer· at 5 p.m. at the Masonic Temple.

The following committee meetings are scheduled: January 14 and SI, respectively, Ways and Mean· Cam·

mlttee, at borne of Emily Hiye, 917 Ninth street southeast; Endowment Committee, home of Past Matron LUUe Do wrick, 1325 Geranium street.

Emma ShamlefTer, matron of Leb- anon Chapter, will entertain the choir tomorrow night at the home of Past Patron William and Rom Woods, 1022 Hamlin street northeast.

The Auxiliary bom· board will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Asso- ciate Matron Julia Haalett, 1104 M street. The hostesses will be Past Matrons Augusta Thompson, Ethel Johns and M&della Smith and Julia Haalett, Rose Woods and Ruth Hall.

The new officers will exemplify the Initiatory work January 22.

Ruth Hall, conductress, will conduct i a rummage sale January 26, at 1013 Four-and-a-half street southwest. Call Columbia 10393. National 7020 or De- catur 3547 if members have rummage.

The annual dance and card party will be held at the Wardman Park Hotel February 13.

There will be a reception and ball given Jointly by Areme and Electa Chapters in honor of the grand ma- tron, Mrs. Helen L. Bras hears, and grand patron. Walter Fowler, January 29 at the new Willard Hotel.

Chevy Chase Chapter will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. The home board met at the home of the Associate Ma- tron Myrtle Wood is, 401 Elm street, January 9, and made plans for the coming year's activities. The Friday Nite Card Club met at the home of Mrs. Bessie Burch, 413 Hamilton street, January 11. There will be a reception to the officers Tuesday eve-

ning. the chapter members' birthday reception having been postponed.

Mount Pleasant Chapter will meet January 18. This will be team cap- tains' night for tlx dance January 23 at Wardman Park Hotel. There will be entertainment and refreshment.

The Pollyanna Club will meet Wed- nesday at the home of Rosie Mc- Keown, 914 Shepherd street.

Treaty Oak Chapter met last Mon- day on Temple Heights. Past Grand Matron and Past Grand Patron Bog- ley were presented a fern from the officers, it being their wedding anni- versary. Past Matron Hudson gave a short talk on the trip to the gen- eral Grand session which met at Tampa, Fla., in November.

The Sunshine Committee met Wed- nesday at the home of Mae Walters. The home board meeting scheduled for tomorrow at the home of Asso- ciate Matron Carrie Johnson is called off.

Byrdie H. Sisk, matron of Miriam Chapter, announces a get-together meeting to be held tomorrow night. There will be entertainment, refresh- ments and dancing.

The Star Point Society will meet January 17 at the home of Peoble Tanner, 1343 Childress street north- east, for election of officers.

Naomi Chapter was entertained at the last meeting by vocal solos by Mrs. Marguerite Groomes in honor of the newly installed officers.

The Auxiliary home board met January 7 at the home of Associate Matron Alice W. Downey. The Glean- ers met the same evening at the home of Ruth Lawrence.

Matron Harriet C. Veiey announces a meeting of the chapter commit- tee will be held at the home of Past Patron Thomas C. Dora η January 17.

Friendship Chapter at its meeting January 8 installed Mrs. Cora Yowell as secretary. Past Grand Matron Nellie Fletcher was installing officer. Matron M.Lela Sanford welcomed Past Grand Patron Edward N. Riley and Past Grand Matron Nellie Fletcher, both of whan made briei addresses.

The Sewing Circle will have a luncheon at the home of Past Grand Matron Nellie Fletcher, 4808 Nebraska avenue, January 15 at noon.

The January 22 meeting will be Birthday night and homecoming for Past Grand Patron Edward N. Riley. The matrons and patrons of 1923 and 1934 will be special guests. An en-

tertainment is being planned. A card party will be held at Ma-

sonic Hall, 4511 Wisconsin avenue, January 25 at 8 pjn.

At the last meeting of Federal Chap- ter officers were installed. Gifts were presented by Mrs. Alice E. Hansen and Mrs· Amy Wilkinson. Jewels were

presented to the outgoing matron, Blanche M. Cole, and the outgoing patron. William H. Humphreys, by Past Grand Matron Grace E. Klmmel. The junior past matron and junior past patron will entertain their of- ficers and committee chairmen at din- ner tomorrow. Friendship Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Estelle L. Brunow, 23 Rhode Island avenue, January 15 at 8 o'clock. A luncheon will be held for the Home Board mem- bers at the home of Mrs. Laura M. Humphreys, 1424 Ridge place south- east. January 16 at 1 o'clock. A meeting of the Dinner Committee will be held at Mrs. Humphrey»' home January 18 at a o'clock.

The Ways and Means Committee of Warren G. Harding Chapter will give a valentine dance at the Roosevelt Hotel February 15.

The Home Board will meet next Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Calfee.

The next meeting of the chapter is January 22, with a reception for the new officers.

A reception was given officers of Cathedra] Chapter Wednesday eve-

ning. Matron Lois Wells gave a wel- come to the members whose birthdays are In January. At the meeting Janu- ary 23 there will be Initiation.

Gavel Chapter officers met last Monday and made plana for the year. The annual Spring dance will be held March 2 at the Kennedy-Warren.

The star points will hold a ban- quet next Wednesday at the Grace Dodge Hotel.

The marshal of Hope Chapter, Edith Dodge, was installed on Wednes- day by Fast Grand Matron Amy C. Hollander, with Past Matron Bertha M. Lynn as grand marshal. Past Ma- tron Annie L. Fish as grand chaplain, Florence D. Morsell as grand organ- ist.

Florence Lewis held a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee at her home and made plans lor a bingo party at the home of the matron, Lucille Purdy, January 26.

The Dance Committee will meet at the Masonic Temple next Thursday at 7:30 o'clock.

The Home Board met at the home of Past Matron Jemmie Gregory Janu- ary 7 to arrange on February s m tac key, card and WngD party at the home of Uly Water·.

The Floral Circle will meet Janu- ary is at the borne of Emm» Jme·.

Brookland Chapter met Wednesday night. Matron Mary Ziegler an- nounced committee appointments.

The Ways and Means Committee met January 4 at the home of Grace Hiscox to arrange a card party at Brookland Temple Jannary 25. Plans are also being made for the annual Spring dance and card party at the WiUard Hotel March 1.

The Auxiliary Home Board will meet'at the T. w. C. A tomorrow at 13:90 pjo. Luncheon followed by a business meeting.

Wgant Morris announced %


meeting tomorrow of the Entertain- ment Committee at her home. A meeting of the past matrons will be held Wednesday at the home of Past Matron Mabel Tilp.

The Star Point Society will hold a

banquet at the Admiral January 19. Frances Bonar 1» the new president.

Matron May R. Johnston, Fidelity Chapter, announce* the meeting Thursday will be followed by refresh- ments and dancing. Reception to the new officers.

Officers' Club meeting tomorrow at 117 Eleventh street southeast at 8 p.m.

Ways and means card party Ma- sonic Temple, Fourteenth and Ken- yon streets northwest, Tuesday at 8:15 p.m.

Bingo party, 117 Eleventh street southeast, Friday, 8:30 p.m.

Afternoon card party, 60 M street northeast, January 29, at 1:30 p.m.

Matron Hazel I. Splcer announces I

the meeting of Loyalty Chapter Janu- ary 16 will be in honor of the past matrons and patrons.

The Luncheon Club met with Mrs. La Marche on Thursday. All officers are requested to attend the rehearsal for work on Tuesday at the temple at 5 o'clock.

Joseph H. Milans Lodge Chapter will meet Thursday evening. It will be men's nlgtit. Entertainment and refreshments. The Endowment Com- mittee will meet January 23 with Past Matron Christine Rowzee. 10 Bryant street. Home Board meeting January 24 with the matron, Mrs. Vera Morris, Mrs. Rose Gentner and Mrs. Lucy Hollidge assisting. On January 28 the Ways and Means Com- mittee will hold a card party and bingo at 60 M street northeast. The Afternoon Bridge Club meets Janu- ary 22 with Past Matron Louise 2. Kreglow, 1523 Park road.

Helen Lyles. matron, Acacia Chap- ter, announces a meeting Tuesday She will install Mrs. Hattie Hanson as Electa, with Past Matron Bertha Wealthall as grand marshal. Recep- tion to the officers will follow the meeting, with dancing and refresh- ments. Past matrons and patrons will meet at the home of Past Matron Ann Collier, 1414 Massachusetts avenue, January 17.

Esther Chapter celebrated its 39th birthday anniversary January 3. A program of music was rendered by Flora McGill Keefer, assisted by San- ford Ferris and Mrs. Dorothy Radde Emery, followed by dancing and re- freshments.

The choir will meet at the home of the matron, Emma I. Daniels, with

Phebe Ε. Barnara as assistant hostess, next Tuesday evening.

The Dramatic Club will meet at the home of Miss Agnes Cruickshanks, 3911 Thirteenth street, tomorrow eve- ning.

A rehearsal for officers will be held January 16 at & p.m. in the chapter room. Degrees will be conferred Jan- uary 17.

The Auxiliary Home Board will hold a card party and dance for the benefit of the infirmary of the Masonic and Eastern Star Home February 9 at 2400 Sixteenth street.

Mrs. Annie Laura Price, matron of Trinity Chapter, announces a meeting Thursday, followed by dancing and refreshments.'

Miss Zelda Newman will entertain the Home Board Tuesday at 321 Pea- body street.

Bingo and card party at 8 p.m. at 4217 Ninth street January 19.

Mrs. Irine Simons announces a dinner at Almas Temple February 19.

East Gate Chapter, with its newly- installed officers—Lillian A. Findlay, matron; William P. Kerr, patron; Winifred McMinimy, associate ma-

tron: George H. Clark, associate pa- tron; Marie F. Caden. secretary; Elsie H. Hays, past matron, treasurer; Hasel R. Englcbrecht, conductress; Mary L. Sener, associate conductress; Laura J. Findlay, chaplain; Elizabeth F. Kerr, marshal; Ana L. Lambert, organist; Nora Martinskv. Adah; Eunice R. Mc- Dowell, Ruth; Jean G. Carnahan, Es- ther; Mildred I. Gould. Martha; Nellie M. Diebel, Electa; Lucy N. Alsop, war- der, and Merle C. Kissinger, sentinel— conferred the degrees on Albert H. Englebrecht at its meeting January 4.

At the next meeting, January 18, the chapter will celebrate its nine- tenth birthday anniversary. The grand matron and grand patron will be special guests; also the Matrons and Patrons' Association of 1935. There will be refreshments and dancing.

Elsie K. Speer, president of the Past Matrons and Past Patrons' As- sociation of Martha Chapter, presided at the Christmas party and banquet held at Mrs. K's Toll House Tavern. The distinguished guests were Right Worthy Grand Treasurer Flora Camp- bell. Past Grand Matrons Elizabeth Plitt and Grace Kimmel and Past Grand Patrons Millard Dixon, George Plitt and Frank Kimmel.

Past Patron Richard Tltlow, accom-

panied by Past Matron Norma Hine, conducted the singing of Christmas carols. Past Patron Arthur Watts, as Santa, gave each guest a gift and candy. An evening bag was presented Mrs. Campbell by President Elsie K. Speer in the name of the Past Ma- trons and Past Patrons' Association of Martha Chapter.

Ladies' Auxiliary Officers National Capital Poet, V. F. W,


Left to right, front row: Mrs. Dorothy Depro, treasurer; Mrs. Ethel Sendlak. president.

Left to right, heck row: Mrs. Laura Weaver, secretary; Miss Margaret Pirone, guard; Mrs. Josephine Cardozo, «enlor ¥lce president.

—6tar Staff Photo.


Luncheoa'Event Tomorrow After-

noon—Religious Class Meets

in Evening.

A cabinet meeting of the Y. M. C. A. staff will be held at luncheon tomor- row at 12:30 pjn. The classes In the School of Religion will meet from 7:15 to 9 p.m. on the second floor of the Central Y. M. C. A. The dormitory bridge tournament will be held at 8:30 p.m. in the dormitory club room. The rehearsal of the Glee Club will be held In room 218 at 8 p.m. and the Young Men's Character Education Forum will meet at 8 o'clock in room 219, Central Y. M. C. A. There will be a

meeting of the Dramatic Club in the "V" assembly hall at 8 p.m. under the direction of Charles C. Qillman.

The Southeastern University Fra- ternity will hold a dinner at the Uni- versity Club at 7 pm. Wednesday. There will be a program of music, readings and brief talks. Games in the Dormitory Basket Ball League will be played in the Y. M. C. A. boys' gym beginning at 9 p.m.

The weekly conference of the Y. M. C. A. staff will open at 8: IS a.m.

Thursday. Mrs. Georgette Ron How- ard, lecturer on current events, will speak at 9 a.m. on "Keeping Up With the Times." The devotional exercises at 11 a.m. will be led by Marin ua

De Gast. The "Y's" Men's Club will meet at the Olmsted Grill for lunch at 12:15 p.m. and the Young Men's Forum will meet at 8:15 p.m. in room 319.

"What One Should Know About the Heart and Blood Pressure" will be the subject of the weekly health talk by Dr. Robert H. Harmon on Friday. S p.m., in the Y. M. C. A. assembly halL The Young Men'· 8elf-Kxpression Forum will meet in room 219 at 8 p.m.

Horace L. Stevenson wUl give the weekly Y. M. C. A. radio talk from Station WMAL at 5:45 pjn. Saturday. His subject will be "Peter's Lesson in Humble Service."

Oldest Sunday School 150. Stockport Sunday school, at Stock-

port, England, the world's oldest Sun- day school, has just celebrated its 150th anniversary. The school has }>een conducted without Interruption since the 17t0's, and in the same

building sine· 1105. It was founded by the Methodists, but was non-sec- tarian, and hundreds of thousands of children have attended It. At one time Its membership was over 6,000. Even tedM tt ft over 1.00&


MRS.W. Ε. HUMPHREY "Y" HOSTESS TODAY At Home Hour Will B« Held at

4 O'Clock, Music Hoar at

5 O'Clock.

Mrs. William E. Humphrey will be the hostess for the at home hour at

the Y. W. C. Α., Seventeenth and Κ streets, today at 4 o'clock, preceding the music hour at 5 o'clock.

Dr. Allan Stockdale, pastor of the First Congregational Church, will ad- dress the poetry class conducted by Miss Alice Hutchins Drake, Tuesday night on "Why We Laugh." Vicitors are invited.

The board of directors will meet

Thursday at 10:30 o'clock. The Ex- ecutive Committee will meet at 11 o'clock tomorrow.

Cleveland Park Chapter will meet tomorrow at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. Hine, 3204 Highland place. Mrs. Priest will assist.

Hie Bine Triangle Club for Busi- ness Girls will meet Thursday at 6:15. The assembly program at 8:15 will be devoted to a "World Cruise" presented by Daren Aub, district manager of the American Express Co.

The Xenos Club will meet Wednes- day evening.

The Business and Professional Wom- en's Glee Club will meet Tuesday at 7:15. The club is sponsoring a series of musical evenings which will begin January 22 with an illustrated talk on the instruments of the Symphony Or- chestra by Miss Maud Se wall, open to visitors.

The Business Girls' Department Is sponsoring a week end tour to New York City on February 9 and 10. This tour is open to all business girls and women in the city.

The Elizabeth Somen Glee Club will meet Thursday at 6:45. The club will sing at the residence vesper service on

February 3. Activities at the Y. W. C. A. Com-

munity House include the children's music hour tomorrow at 4 o'clock, a

musical program for the Wednesday Afternoon Women's Club January 16, and the Girl Reserve meeting Friday at 4 o'clock.

Senior high school advisers will meet for dinner tomorrow at 5:45, while the advisers from 17 junior high school centers will meet Tuesday at 5:30.

Plans lor an lnterhigh school Girl Reserve newspaper will be discussed at a meeting of editors tomorrow at 4 o'clock. Each of the 10 high school clubs has selected a girl to serve as editor for her school.

Juoigg high f-hnjj wmnril win p||Q


MHS. ELU A. BOOLE MAY « HERE Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith Also

Expected at W. C. T. U. Conference.

Mrs. Ella A. Boole, president of the World W. C. T. 0, and Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith, president of the national organization, are expected to te among the speakers at the quarterly convention of the District W. C. T. U. tomorrow at the Eastern Presbyterian Church. The first session will con- vene at 1:30 p.m. and the evening ses-

sion at · o'clock. Dr. P. 8. Bourdeau-Sisco will speak

cm "A Factor in Producing Longevity." At 4:90. departmental round table groups will discuss important prob- lems, and other interesting features are an the program for the afternoon.

Ehmd Street to Speak. Elwood Street, director of public

welfare of the District, will speak on

"Sympathy and System in Public Welfare," illustrating his address with lantern slides. Mrs. Ν. M Pollock will discuss the "Present Status of Motion Pictures."

Music will be furnished by Dorothy Reddish, soprano, accompanied by Frances Robinson; the "White Ribbon Quartet," composed of Ethel H. Reed. Myrtle Collins, Tegwen Koon and Helen E. Lancaster, accompanied by Katherine Jope; Dorothy Goodrich, violinist, and the "Male Quartet" from Howard University, composed of Rich- mond Johnson, William Goodwin, Clarence Jacobs and A. Holliman.

Takoma Park Union met at the home of the president. Dr. Lauretta Kress, last Tuesday evening. The guest speakers were: Mrs. Ida W. Ramsey, first vice president. District of Columbia, and Miss Mary E. Pet- tis, director of the literature depart- ment.

A quartet composed of Mrs. 8. A. Wellman, Mrs. D. A. Ochs, Mrs. Ε. E. Franklin and Mrs. C. L. Bond sang.

Capitol Hill Union met at the home of the treasurer, Mrs. Anna Perns- ner, 315 Β street southeast, Wednes- day afternoon. The guest speaker was Rev. Alice Allen. It wa· an· nounced 500 new members joined the W. C. T. U. each week in 1934.

The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Bier, #49 Massachusetts avenue northeast.

Anna Gordon Union met at the home of the president, Mrs. John E. Taylor, 1311 Gallatin street. Devo- tional exercises were led by Mrs. 8. R. Cope land. Mrs. S. R. Copeland was elected vice president In place of Mrs. James E. Wilson, who was chosen as

recording secretary to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. C. E. Brooks.

Mrs Emma W. Cupp and Mrs. Ger- trude E. Mackenzie made addresses.

Among the guests at the meeting were Carl B. Apple, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Phillips of Clarendon. Va.: Miss Ber- tha Thompson and Miss Elizabeth M. Haney.

At the meeting January 23 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R C. Althouse, 3355 Eighteenth street, members are asked to invite guests. The speakers will be Mrs. Jennie B. Wadleigh and Mrs. Mary Pollock. Vocal solos win be contributed by Mrs. Bertha HilL

Chapln Union met Wednesday aft- ernoon at the home of Mrs. Charles W. Dudley, 1332 Randolph street. As- sisting hostesses were Mrs. Mary V. Turner and Miss Phoebe Howell.

The devotionals were led by Miss Phoebe Howell, concluding with a

short memorial service to Mrs. James A. Tibbettf. On Easier it is planned to

have a handkerchief shower for the C. C. C. ward at Walter Reed Hoe- pital.

The guest speaker was Mrs. Nellie Miller, wife of the pastor of National City Christian Church. Hie February meeting will be with Miss May Dickin- son, 1211 Ο street.

JR. 0. U. Α. M.

Max Esberger presided over Liberty Bell Council. The Liberty Bell min- strel troupe will go to Lanham, Md„ next Tuesday to give a show, from

which the proceeds will be used for

new uniforms. This council is plan- ning a bingo party March 16.

Edward J. Ross Council met and

Deputy State Councilor P. C. Mangum installed the officers. Past State Coun- cilor Thomas P. Jones, on behalf of the council, presented Junior Past Councilor Howard T. Lewis with the

past councilor's emblem. This coun- cil's visitation will be held January 31.

Vice Councilor William D. McBee presided over Star Spangled Banner Council. Hie annual visitation was held last Friday.

Anacostia Council met. with Coun- cilor J. W. Cranford. jr., presiding. The applications of Charles H. Eurey for reinstatement and Ttomas E. Price for transfer were received. W. O. Smith and C. W. Briley were elected to membership. R. H. Little and R F. Kirby, the committeemen on the Public School Board Association, gave a report. £. H. Eax was appointed to represent the council at the Junior Order Temple Hall Association meet-

ing, when the directors will be elected. Deputy W. M. Martin installed the

officers as follows: Councilor, W. L. Wheeler; vice councilor, A. O. KraO; chaplain, J. R. iAtbaa; conductor, Jesse Stigall; inside sentinel, J. M. McCauley; assistant recording aecre- tary, R. H. Randall, Other office» were re-elected.


"Public Housing Policies'' Sym- posium to Go cm Air.

Secretary of the Interior Ickes win head a symposium on "Public Hous- ing Policies" to be broadcast oyer

the coest-to-coast Columbia network Saturday from 2 to 1:30 pjn.

The speakers will be heard through the facilities of Columbia's Washing- ton outlet, WJSV. They will speak during a luncheon session of the National Public Housing Conference to be held from January 18 to 20.

an intadnb activity Wednesday at 4 o'clock.

Roosevelt Girl Reserves on Thurs- day will have an afternoon of pine- pong, shuffle board, table games and puzzles.

Members of the McKinley Girl Re- serve Club are preparing for a music

j meeting under tbe direction of Helen Sherwood, Thursday.

Bon Secour Club of Central High School will take a special group of its members to Children's Hospital for the monthly social service meeting.

A unique party in the form of » "silent supper" is scheduled by West- ern Girl Reserves Friday evening.

The Chapter Council «HI mast at Seventeenth and Κ streets tomorrow at 11 «on,

Ρ »

CHARLES BOYD ROBEY, Who was recently elected master of Benjamin B. French Lodge, F. Α. A. M. Others elected were: Marshall D. Johns, senior warden; Henry GilHg&n, junior warden; John C. White, P. M, secretary; James T. Gibbs, P. G. Μ treas- urer; Rev. Dr. John C. Palmer, P. M„ chaplain; Morgan C. Torrey, senior deacon; Wilbur N. Baugh- man, marshal; Elmer L. Corbin, junior deacon; Louis J. Mancuso, senior steward; Paul D. Gable, Junior steward; William Francis Holmes, tiler.


Officers of Central Lodge were in- stalled by Past Grand Pay P. Hunter and staff from Bright wood Lodge as follows: Noble grand. Samuel Singer; right supporter to the noble grand, Jack W. Lenn; left supporter to the noble grand. Charlie Rhine; vice grand, Max Tatelman ; right supporter to the vice grand, James E. Griffith; left supporter to the vice grand. Alfred H. Noakes; secretary, Edward H. Holkamp; treasurer. William H. Ernest; warden, Harry Heft; right scene sup- porter, William H. Shinn; inside guardian, Harry E. Koenig; outside guardian. Lorin H. Armiger, and cus-

todian, Alfred H. Noakes. Past Grand Maynard P. Twitchell

and his staff" from Mount Pleasant Lodge installed officers of Eastern Lodge as follows: Noble grand, Joseph H. McCauley; right supporter to the noble grand. William H. Bailey; vice grand, Harry E. Fake; right supporter to the vice grand, John L. Goad; left supporter to the vice grand. Wilfred E. Lawson; record secretary. Ingemand O. Lund; financial secretary. Harry L. Andresen; treasurer, Arthur G. Turner; warden. Edgar W. Pittman; conductor. Albert P. Dobbins: chap- lain, George Β. M. Johnston, and in- side guardian. Samuel R. Turner.

Officers of Columbia Lodge were in- stalled by Past Grand Franklin P. Donaldson and his staff from Amity Lodge as follows: Noijle grand. George Voss Glossbrenner; right supporter to the noble grand, Guy F. Glossbrenner; left supporter to the noble grand, Louis L. Beaaley; vice grand. George E. Ket- tering; right supporter to the vice

grand, Henry H. Lageatee; leit sup- porter to the vice grand, Frank V. E. Rogers; recording secretary, Alexander L. Hjortsberg; financial secretary. Mil- lard P. Zepp; treasurer. Samuel G. Taylor; warden. William C. Ingleton; conductor, Bennie F. Hodges; .chap- lain, James V. Lyons; inside guardian, Lloyd Head, and outside guardian, Otto F. Smith

Past Grand William Bonier or fed- eral City Lodge, accompanied by his stall, installed as officers of Covenant Lodge: Noble grand, Isadore Lebowits; right supporter to the noble grand, Isadore Feldman; left supporter to the noble grand, Morris Hamburger; vice

grand, Samuel Lebowitz, 2d; right supporter to the vice grand. William Schick; left supporter to the vice grand, Sam Lebowitz, 1st; recording secretary, Alexander L. Solomon; financial secretary, Samuel Ehrlich; treasurer, James E. Chamberlain; war-

den, Abraham Alloy; conductor, Clark H. Packard; chaplain, Henry W. Beelah; right scene supporter, Louis A. Pittle; left scene supporter. David Permutter; Inside guardian, Isadore Levine; outside guardian. Charles Rod bell, and custodian. Abe Kaplan.

Officers of Metropolis Lodge were

installed bjr Past Grand Walter L Rhoades and his staff: Noble grand. John J. Kelly; right supporter to the noble grand. Ernest L. Loving; left supporter to the noble grand, William C. Holmes; vice grand, Fred J. Bren- nan; right supporter to the vice grand. Edgar D. Harras; left supporter to the vice grand, William E. Saunders; sec-

retary, George T. Decker; treasurer, Elmer Cummings; warden, Herman Wieland; conductor. Burton E. Loving; chaplain. Edwtn N. Tib bens; right scene supporter, Lyman O. Schooley; left scene supporter, Clarence B. Slocum, and inside guardian, John C.

Fut Grand Isadore Feldman of Covenant Lodge and his staff installed as officers of Federal City Lodge: Noble grand, Elliott G. Johnson: right supporter to the noble grand. Michael E. Murray; left supporter to the noble grand, Simeon N. Mallory; vice grand, Harry W. iAngford; right supporter to U>e vice grand, William G. Β oilier; left supporter to the vice grand. Marcus L. Lennon; recording secre-

tary, George G. Wilson; financial sec-

retary, William F. Dement; treasurer, Samuel D. Sasher; warden. Hubert D. Cooksey; conductor. Francis K. Wil- liams; chaplain. Rev. Clarence H.

Corkran; right scene supporter, John L. Heinz; left scene supporter. Charles E. Pyle; inside guardian. William C. Lakin; outside guardian, Robert Leon- ard, and custodian, Robert Leonard.

Past Grand Edgar D. Harras of Metropolis Lodge and his staff in- stalled officers of Excelsior Lodge. Past Grand Clark W. Tea les and his staS from Salem Lodge installed offi- cers of Harmony Lodge. A joint in- stallation was held in the temple when Past Grand Freedom R. Leaman and his staff Installed officers of Amity and Phoenix Lodges.

The board of trustees of the I. O. O. F. Temple will meet at the temple tomorrow night. Election ol officers will be held.

The Wildey anniversary celebration will be given Saturday evening in X. O. O. F. Temple.

Past Grand Lorin R. Armiger, as- dated by his staff from Central Lodge, installed officers of Brightwood Lodge.

Next Tuesday evening there will be an Installation by Past Grand Inge- mand O. Lund and his staff from Eastern Lodge, Installing officers of Mn»mi Pleasant Lodge, and Past Grand Louis L Beazley and his staff from Columbia Lodge Installing offi- cers of Golden Rule Lodge.

Past Grand Isidor Lipov, assisted by his staff, will install officers of Beacon Lodge tomorrow night.

The Grand Lodge will meet January 30 in the L O. O. F. Temple.

Bebekah Lodges. At the last meeting of Mount Pleas-

ant Rebekah Lodge installation ot of- ficers was held as a part of the Joint installation, under auspices of the as-

sembly officers, with Mrs. Marian Gei- man serving as president and Mrs. Οστ» Klncer as frarahal. The officers are; Noble grand, Mrs. Margaret Tbompeon; ilea grand, Miaa Sate



New Assistant Director on

Duty Tuesday—Miss Lewton to Continue.

A. Boyd Hinds, new assistant direc- tor of the Community Chest, will ka-

surae office Tuesday. Miss Rhoda Lew- ton will continue as registrar ror ine

applications bureau. Family night was observed at

Friendship House Wednesday when Mark Lanaburgh showed the pictures which he had taken while abroad and at home.

A meeting of the board of directors of Friendship House and the monthly meeting of the Parente of the Day Home will be held at the house Tues- day. After the supper at β o'clock the two groups will have their busi- ness meetings.

The monthly meeting of the South- east Social Service Workers will be held at Friendship House January 17.

Clothing Plans Made. The business and industrial depart-

ment of the Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A. requests that materials for new

Spring clothes be brought to the Y. W. C. Α., where dresses can be made. The sewing room is open each Friday from 7 to 10 pjn. and has among its facilities good sewing machines and a

competent teacher of dressmaking, cutting, fitting and designing.

The basket boll class meets every Monday night in the gymnasium from 6 to 9 o'clock and Is arranging for games with outside girls for one night a month.

Dorothy Dixon Wright, pianist, and Dorothy Seegar, soprano, will give a

joint recital at Neighborhood House, 470 Ν street southwest, next Thurs- day night.

Sam Stein has been appointed as- sistant physical director of the Boys' Club. He is a graduate of the Sav- age School of Physical Education of New York and will be graduated in June from the George Washington University with a decgre of physical education.

The annual board meeting of the club will be held at the Willard Hotel January 25.

Boxing facilities of the Boys' Club are being enlarged to take care of the larger group showing interest In this sport. New wrestling facilities are being installed.

rani w oc insuuca.

Under leadership of the director, Otto Nielsen, the Northeast Boy»' Club is making plans for the Winter pro- ...

gram. The new woodworking plant will be installed within the next lew <

days. The Youth Forum of 8outhwe?t

Community House, at its symposium Friday, was addressed by Dr. Cor- nelly of the Public Health Service at Howard University.

The children of the Nursery School were hostesses to the children of the Anthony Bowen School, the Newbell School and the Southeast House Nursery last week.

The Loyal Temperance Legion Club has been formed, under leadership of Mrs. Alma J. Scott. It meets every Tuesday evening.

The January board çf directors' meeting was postponed to February, the date to be announced later.

The Peirce Guild will meet Friday at the home of one of its members.

Catholic Daughters ot America

At the January business meeting of

Court District of Columbia Mise Grace Spruceb&nk was elected territorial deputy for the unexpired term of Miss

Mary C. Boland, resigned. She is the

direct representative of the supreme regent, and is the highest local officer in the order. Miss Sprucebank will represent the District of Columbia at the biennial convention of the na- tional organization next July.

The annual vesper service of the local court will be held in February. Miss Mary Weide has been named chairman.

Miss Charlotte Urda. chairman of membership, is arranging for a re-

ception of new members next Sunday afternoon at the Willard Hotel. The reception will be followed by a ban- quet.

The Kermess Committee of the Knights of Columbus will present an entertainment at the social meeting of Court District of Columbia next Tues- day evening at the Willard Hotel.

Mrs. Katherine FoUiard, vice re-

gent, has been named general chair- man of the Spring card party and dance to be held at the Willard Hotel

1 after Easter, ί

! Keefe: recording secretary. Mrs. Mary Pollock; financial secretary, Mrs. May Berlin; treasurer, R. C. Althouse; warden. Miss Dorothy Simmers; con- ductor. Mrs. Cora Davis; chaplain, Mrs. Margaret Hellmuth; right sup- porter of the noble grand, David Thompson : left supporter of the noble grand, Mrs. Florence Bennett; mu-

sician. Mrs. Virginia Teague; right supporter of the vice grand, Harry Keefe: leit supporter of the vice grand, Mrs. Amie Glossbrenner; inside guard- ian, Mrs. Maxine Glossbrenner; out- side guardian, W. B. Berlin. The re-

tiring noble grand. Miss Edna Ander- son, was presented with a jewel, Mrs. Pollock making the presentation speech.

1 There was a Joint installation of

officers of the various Rebekah lodges January 3 at the temple. Marian S. Geiman, president, was the Installing officer, assisted by the other officers of the Rebekah Assembly.

The Rebekah Assembly will meet in annual session in the temple January 32.

The following officers were Installed in Dorcas Rebekah Lodge: Noble grand, Alma Pat ton; vice grand. Ouida McCafferty; recording secre- tary, Naomi Coeper: financial secre-

tary, Mary M. Dement; treasurer, Abbie M. Gates; warden, Mary Par- rel!; conductor, Rosa Temps; degree director, S. N. Mallory; chaplain, Marion Piske; right supporter to the noble grand, S. N. Mallory; left sup- porter to the noble grand, Helen Fall: right supporter to the vice grand, An- nette E. Harrell; left supporter to the vice grand. Myrtle Williams; inside guardian, Victoria Harding; outside guardian, William Stansbury. A past noble grand's jewel was presented to the retiring noble grand, Thelma Staats. Dorcas Lodge will confer the degree on three candidate; January 17.

The officers of Columbia Theta Rho Girls' Club No. 1 were Installed In Friendship Temple by Past Noble Grand Elsie Wilson, assisted by Orra Pfrimmer, vice president of the Re- bekah Assembly. The officers are:

President. Anita Height, vice presi- dent, Florence Rhoades; recording secretary, Emily Beck; financial sec-

retary, Mildred Lowe, and treasurer, Annette K. Harrell. Refreshments .WCTC IKITttfi
