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Page 1: TellMeMore StudyGuide 2018 CS6 copy - WordPress.com€¦ · So, as you begin your time together today, use the prompts below to share about some of the questions you may have about


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Page 3: TellMeMore StudyGuide 2018 CS6 copy - WordPress.com€¦ · So, as you begin your time together today, use the prompts below to share about some of the questions you may have about

Welcome to the Tell Me MORE

Group Discussion Guide

Whether you meet in someone’s living room, a church classroom, or a

local coffee shop, it’s our hope that in the next four weeks you will explore

tough topics through conversation and learn more about the kind of life

God has designed you to live.

Our world tells us we need MORE, but the MORE we accumulate, the

MORE we want. It’s time for a different solution. During this study, we

will tackle four big questions as we try to understand our own identity and

who God really is:

Who Am I? (What does the Bible say about me and God?)

Who is Our Father? (What if I don’t know what a “good father” looks like?)

Who is Jesus?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

As we dive into these topics, we will discover a difference between the

MORE we think we want - more possessions, more friends, more money

- and MORE of what we really need. Whether it’s a better way of life,

healthier relationships, direction in life, or deeper meaning, MORE is

available to you. Our desire is that this discussion guide helps you discover

the life God designed for you to live.

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Who Am I? What does the Bible say about me and God? page 4

Who is Our Father?page 8

Who is Jesus?page 12

Who is the Holy Spirit?page 16

Appendix: A note for small group leaders and teacherspage 24

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Are you ready to understand MORE about the life God designed you to live? You’re in the right place to start a conversation. Thank you for joining us for this four-week series called Tell Me MORE. Throughout this series, we will explore questions about God, and unpack how those answers impact our lives. This week we are asking the question, “What does the Bible say about me and God?” In other words, who is God, who are we, and how do we relate to Him?

Whenever I ponder questions about God, I am reminded of the mid-1990’s song performed by Joan Osborne called “One of Us”. I remember hearing this catchy song as a high school student and wondering what prompted the poignant questions contained within it. In case you are unfamiliar with this song, or maybe haven’t heard it in a couple decades, take a look at some of the lyrics.

If God had a name what would it be? And would you call it to his face? If you were faced with Him in all His glory What would you ask if you had just one question?

If God had a face what would it look like? And would you want to see if, seeing meant That you would have to believe in things like heaven And in Jesus and the saints, and all the prophets?

What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us Just a stranger on the bus Tryin’ to make his way home?

Who am I?What does the Bible say about me and God?

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As I think about these lyrics, I am reminded of similar questions I’ve had about God, and I suspect that if we are honest we all have a number of questions about God. So, as you begin your time together today, use the prompts below to share about some of the questions you may have about God.

• To get the ball rolling, share about a misunderstanding you had about God when you were a child. If you can’t recall anything, share about something else you misunderstood as a child.

• To pull from Joan Osborne’s lyrics, “If you were faced with [God] in all His glory (and you didn’t die), what would you ask if you had just one question?” Why is that question important to you?

• In your opinion, what are the most burning questions people in our culture have about God? Why do you think that is?



Read EXODUS 3:1-14. Moses encountered God in a very personal and powerful way. In fact it was so powerful that God required Moses to keep an appropriate distance and remove his sandals so that he would not ruin this set-apart space. God also called Moses to an incredible mission and purpose and promised to be with Moses as he pursued that purpose.

However, the most significant point in this passage is the way God introduced himself. When Moses asked God to identify himself, God declared his name to be “I am who I am”. In essence, God was declaring himself as the one true God, who is Creator and sustainer, unchangeable, and eternal.

• We face a number of big problems in our world (Racism, hatred, slavery, war, hunger, economic issues, climate control, etc.) How do these big problems shape our culture’s perspective of God?

• In addition to big problems in our world, we also face big problems in our lives (finances, disease, relational struggles, etc.). What does this passage teach us about God in the midst of the big problems we face? What does it look like to put our trust in the same God who spoke to Moses?

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• Why is it so difficult for people to believe in a God who is bigger than the problems of our world or the problems they are facing?

Now read PSALM 139:1-18.

This is one of many passages in the Bible that reminds us that while our God is bigger than our problems, He is also personal. The Book of Psalms is a book of song lyrics, and the lyrics of this particular Psalm remind us that we are known by God, and we were designed by God. They also remind us that He is intimately involved in our lives and wants to be in relationship with us.

Another way of putting this is that God is a big God, but He is also intimately interested in the outcome of each human life. He is not just a watch-maker who put stars in place, wound up the universe, and is now watching from some outer reaches. He is orchestrating and conducting the life of the cosmos and simultaneously engaged in each person’s destiny. In other words, He is concerned about the small details of our lives along with the big issues.

• How does it make you feel that the same God who created the universe also created you uniquely the way you are? According to these two passages, we will all face judgment one day. How does this thought impact the way you live now?

• What do we risk missing out on if we forget how big God is? What do we risk missing out on if we forget how intimate God is? What does it look like to hold these in tension?

• Understanding God’s bigness and intimacy should move us from knowing about God, to knowing him personally. We also acknowledge this movement isn’t just a one-time thing; it is an ongoing process in each of our lives. In light of that, what is your next step on that journey?

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How we understand God, ourselves, and the connection between us and God, has incredible impact on the way we live our lives. As we finish our conversation this week, take some time to reflect on God’s strength, power, and sovereignty. Take time to think about what it means to be in personal relationship with the One who made each of us. Throughout the week consider how these understandings should impact the way you live.

Thanks again for joining us. We look forward to connecting with you next week as we discuss God the Father.


To build on what you’ve discussed in group, take time this week to think and journal about who God is and how that should impact your life today. Also, take time to read the scripture listed below and think through how it should apply to your life personally. Bring back some thoughts to share with the group next week.

• Exodus 3:1-14

• Ecclesiastes 3:11-12

• Psalm 139:1-18

• Ephesians 1:15-23

• Psalm 18:1-3

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This week we begin to explore further the different ways God shares Himself with us. We want to know MORE about who God is so it’s time to ask some other big questions. You and I have likely heard Him referred to as Father, so we want to know, who is our Father? Is “Father” a good way to describe God? What if I don’t know what a “good father” looks like? Before we dive into those questions, let’s take a few minutes to discuss our earthly fathers.


• As we begin this week’s discussion, each person in the group should share a humorous or special story about a father. (This may be you as a father, your own father, or one belonging to a friend or other loved one.)

• Discuss how your own experience can help or hinder your perception of God the Father.


Who is our Father?

REVIEW: Last week, we talked about God and what the Bible has to say about you and me and God. Since the beginning of time, people have desired to know who God is and how each of us relates to Him. We continued in conversation about how God is the One and Only True God, and how He is a BIG God. We also read in Psalm 139 that this big God, Creator of the universe, also created each of us. He intimately knows you and me and has a plan for each of our lives.

Is “Father” a good way to describe God? What if I don’t know what a “good father” looks like?

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We have learned that God exists in Three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. One God, but Three Persons. So what is the function of God the Father? Let’s take a look at scripture to find some answers to this question.

Read JOSHUA 1:1-9. Following Moses’ death, God appointed Joshua as the new leader of the nation of Israel. As He did this, God also reaffirmed to Joshua the promises He had made to Moses, and He promised to be with Joshua. The second half of this passage is about God establishing the means through which He would accomplish these promises.

So, what does this passage have to do with God being a Father? In this passage, God displays Himself as a Father who is the provider for, protector of, and authority over His people. Use the questions below to identify these fatherly attributes of God in this passage.

• How is God a “Provider” in this passage?

• Do you see evidence in this passage of God as “Protector”? Why or why not?

• In what way is God portrayed as “Authority” in this passage?

Even though the context of Joshua 1:1-9 was set in ancient times and tells of God’s provision for, protection of, and authority to the Israelite nation, there is application for us today.

Just as God provided for the needs of the Israelite people, God provides for His followers today. He brings rain and sunshine for the crops. He provides work that allows us to acquire food, clothing, and shelter. A neighbor unexpectedly brings dinner on the night there is literally nothing in the fridge. God provides.

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God gives us parameters of behavior that protect us when we choose to follow them. A good parent gives a child guidelines, helping the child learn how to treat others and take responsibility, leading to independence. When we learn how to navigate life by following God’s parameters in scripture, it provides protection in large and small choices we make. The world is still broken and bad things still happen, but when we make decisions based on teachings from God’s Word, we are wise and afforded some protection not available otherwise.

God the Father provides authority. Scripture tells us that even nature obeys His command. His plan prevails, even though at times, it looks as if it will not. Paul used a passage from Isaiah 45 when he wrote Romans 14:11, “It is written: ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’” There will come a time when every person will recognize the authority of God.

• God is a Father who provides for us, protects us, and is the authority in our lives. Which of these three fatherly characteristics is easiest for you to accept? Which is the most difficult to accept? Why?

• What other ways have you experienced God as a father?

• Read John 1:12-13. These verses say that we are God’s children. How does understanding God as a Father and us as his children shape your understanding of God in a deeper way?

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God the Father provides for and protects us, and is the authority for our life. Your earthly father can make this easier or more difficult to accept. Whatever the case, the God revealed to us in scripture lovingly created each of us with a plan and purpose. He provided a way, through Jesus Christ, to have an intimate relationship with Him. Studying the authority of His Word helps us better know Him as He provides for us and protects us.

Check out a reading plan from the YouVersion Bible App (such as the Good Good Father 5-day devotional) in order to spend time in the Bible to become better acquainted with God the Father. It is time well spent.

We understand that some ideas from this week’s conversation about fathers might be painful. If you’d like to talk to someone about it, please contact your group leader or a church staff member. They would be honored to listen to your story and pray with you.


To build on what you’ve discussed in group, take time this week to think and journal about who God is as our Father. Also, take time to read the scripture listed below and think through how it applies to your life personally. Bring back some thoughts to share with the group next week.

• Matthew 3:16-17 displays God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit existing simultaneously as Three Persons.

• Read about God as provider in Matthew 6:25-7:1, Philippians 4:19, and 2 Corinthians 9:8.

• Learn about God the Father as Protector in Deuteronomy 1:31 and Psalm 91:1.

• Read John 1:12 to learn about God the Father as Authority

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REVIEW: Last week we discussed how God revealed Himself as a Father who is the provider for, protector of, and authority over His people. As you’ve processed this idea further, what thoughts have occurred to you? What has God the Father brought to your attention?

This week we continue to uncover MORE by having a conversation about God the Son. Last week we discussed how God revealed Himself as a Father who is the provider for, protector of, and authority over His people. This week we ask who is the Son? Specifically, who is Jesus? Why did He come to die? What does all of this mean for our lives? .


There are a number of different perspectives on Jesus, the Son of God, in our world today. If you asked someone at random to describe Jesus, you might hear some of the following themes:

• Fire Extinguisher Jesus (to be used “in case of emergency”)

• Genie Jesus (granter of all wishes)

• Jesus the Judge

• Hippy & Happy Jesus (who says “stay as you are”)

While a few of these perspectives might have a shred of truth in them, they fall far from capturing the true Son of God.

As Pastor Timothy Keller put it, “In the last two decades there has been an explosion in spirituality, everybody is interested in Jesus, but on their own terms.”

Who is Jesus?Why did He come to die?

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Keller goes on to say, “And yet, here is the irony. A Jesus you shape, a Jesus you make up, that fits in with your desires, a Jesus of your own, ironically, can’t really change you, can’t really transform you, because a Jesus you make up can’t challenge you, can’t contradict you. Why? Because he’s just you. You made him.”

• Which of the perspectives above have you heard about Jesus? How do your extended family members, friends, and co-workers view Jesus?

• What do you think about Tim Keller’s quote above? How is it true?

• Have you ever tried to define Jesus by your own terms? How did God address that in your life? .



Read COLOSSIANS 1:15-23. In this passage, the Apostle Paul establishes that Jesus is not just an image of God, He is the image of God, who is eminently powerful and came to reconcile all of Creation. In other words, Jesus is not our fire insurance, or our buddy, or here to grant our wishes. He is the divine Son of God who created the universe and then came to reconcile it back to God.

• What does it mean that Jesus is the image of the invisible God? How would your life be different if you served “the image” of Jesus instead of serving your own self-image?

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• How does it make you feel to think about all things being created in Him, through Him, for Him, and Jesus holding all things together ‘so that in everything He might have the supremacy’? Why do you feel this way?

• How does this passage help you understand Jesus in a deeper way?

• Re-read COLOSSIANS 1:21-22. These verses describe who you once were and how God sees you now because you’ve been reconciled by “Christ’s physical body through death”. What do you think it means that you are now “holy in His sight, without blemish, and free from accusation”? How would seeing other Christians in that same way change the way you treat them?

• Who is one person (without naming) that you need to reinforce as being holy in His sight, without blemish, and free from accusation”? How might this help that person?


As we close this week, take time to pray for the needs within your group and specifically the people you mentioned in the last question. But, please also pray for next week as we conclude the Tell Me MORE series by talking about the Holy Spirit. Pray for one another as God reveals MORE to you, that you will be open to the Holy Spirit as He works in and through your group and in each of your lives as well.

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To build on what you’ve talked about in your conversation today, take time this week to reflect and journal about what it would look like for you to deal with other people as if they were or could someday become “holy in His sight, without blemish, and free from accusation”. What could you do to help a person understand this potential they have in Christ? Who could you invite for the closing week of Tell Me MORE?

Also, take time to read the scripture listed below and think through how it should apply to your life personally. Bring back some thoughts to share with the group next week.

• Micah 5:2

• 2 Samuel 7:12-14

• Isaiah 53

• Romans 3:21-26

• Colossians 1:15-23

• Hebrews 1

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REVIEW: Last week we discussed God the Son, Jesus Christ, and what is revealed to us about God through Jesus. As you’ve processed what you learned, what thoughts have occurred to you? What has God brought to your attention?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Thank you again for joining us for this four-week series Tell Me MORE. We hope that through meaningful conversations during this time, you have increased your understanding of who God is and what it means to connect and be in relationship with Him. This week we conclude the series by exploring the Holy Spirit. It’s time to ask who is the Holy Spirit and why is the Holy Spirit important in my daily life?


The Bible tells the story of God’s desire to be present with His people. That presence was interrupted through human rebellion and sin, but God never abandoned His people. He continued to be present with one special family through the Holy Spirit, blessing them to be a blessing to the whole world, and leading them through struggles great and small.

Jesus came to set people free from slavery to sin and to restore us to the presence of God. He promised to send the Spirit, God’s presence available to all people in all places and at all times. That promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, when all people who followed Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered to spread the good news of Jesus. As a result of Jesus’ death and resurrection, the presence of God is available to everyone who trusts Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Why is the Holy Spirit important in my daily life?

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The Spirit is present with us in every situation, blessing us to be a blessing to others. The Spirit convicts, guides, and empowers us for the sake of God’s kingdom.

• The Holy Spirit is the most misunderstood person of the Trinity. As we begin this evening, what questions come to mind about the Holy Spirit?

• Share with your group about a time you felt a sense of God’s Spirit in or through you?



The Holy Spirit is God’s presence with us.

The presence of God through the Spirit brings peace in the midst of whatever circumstances we face.

The Holy Spirit transforms us, making us more like Jesus. We see evidence of this transformation as our lives are increasingly characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Read PSALM 139:7-10. These verses remind us that God is present with us in the person of the Holy Spirit in every moment and in every place. No matter where we go, He is with us.

• How often are you aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence? Have there been seasons of your life that His presence has been more prevalent?

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• Are there certain practices that make you more aware of the Spirit’s presence? How can you lean more into these practices? Are there new practices you should try or adopt to increase your sensitivity to the Spirit?

Now read 2 CORINTHIANS 3:17-18. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians that the Spirit brings freedom to God’s people, transforming us into the likeness of Christ. However, this transformation often comes through struggle. In light of that, please read ROMANS 5:1-5 and respond to the questions below.

• Reflect on areas of life where you are currently struggling. How might the Spirit be bringing transformation to your life under these circumstances?

• God’s desire is for all people to be restored to His presence. The Holy Spirit equips us to live life with God as the people of God who spread the message and the reality of His kingdom throughout his world. It is our joy and our responsibility to share the good news. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to carry out the mission of God for His glory and for the good of His people. Read ACTS 1:8. What does it mean to be a witness? How have you experienced the Spirit working through you in regard to being a witness?

• How have you seen the good news of Jesus Christ in your life? Where and how might the Spirit be inviting you and empowering you to bear witness to this good news? How can the rest of the group encourage you and help you in this?

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Once we were slaves to sin. “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son. . . to redeem [us], that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’ So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child.” GALATIANS 4:4-7

Father, Son, and Spirit invite us to live in the presence of God. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we have become the sons and daughters of God. The Spirit is at work in our lives, transforming us into the image of Jesus so that we bear the family resemblance. This week continue to think about God’s presence, His transformative work, and His call to spread the good news of Jesus wherever you go. Trust Him to empower you.

May God grant you strength in your inmost being with power through His Spirit, and may Christ dwell in your heart through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in His love. May you have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Adapted from Ephesians 3: 15-21)


Numerous passages in the Bible give us insight into the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, individually and together as the people of God. Spend some time exploring the gift of the Spirit through these passages.

• Luke 11:5-13

• Acts 2

• Romans 8:1-17

• 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

• 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

• Ephesians 2:13-22

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We realize that being part of a group over the last four weeks might have stirred up many more questions for you regarding faith. Be encouraged. Asking questions about faith is a good thing! One of the most important questions to be answered is the status of your relationship with God. Your personal faith relationship is the most important relationship that exists. It provides a foundation for everything else in your life.

So, how’s your relationship with God? Is it growing and thriving? Is it stalled? Do you need to take a first step in establishing a relationship with God?

Our hope is that through the relationships you’ve established with your small group over the last few weeks, you have developed confidence in discussing faith with others. Talk with your group leader about what might be a good next step for you to foster continued growth.

If you need to take a first step into a relationship with God, it’s as easy as ABC.

Admit you are a sinner. Adam and Eve introduced sin into our world, and we keep up the tradition. We live in a sin-filled world, and we are stained with it ourselves. God is holy (perfect) and completely without sin. He can have nothing to do with it. It’s not in His nature like it is ours. Our sin keeps us separated from God.

Believe in the work of Jesus Christ. There is a price to pay for our sin—death. But, we don’t have to pay that price because of the work of Jesus Christ, God’s One and Only Son. Jesus left Heaven to come to earth as a baby, living a perfect, sinless life while here. He didn’t deserve to die, but willingly allowed himself to be put to death on a cross on our behalf. Three days later He rose from the dead, forever conquering death for all who believe in Him.

Confess your choice to follow Jesus. Talk to God and tell Him you are a sinner. Tell Him what you believe about Jesus. Then, tell Him you want to follow Him now and forever. Tell Him you want to live life His way from now on.

That’s it. It really is as easy as ABC to begin a relationship with God. If you have just done this for the first time, talk with your group leader about your decision. Your group would love to celebrate this life-changing decision with you and encourage you as you start this most excellent adventure!

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Keep going.

We hope that Tell Me MORE has helped you begin to discover the life God designed for you to live. Thank you for being part of a group exploring this material these last four weeks. We hope your group will continue to meet and grow together, becoming more like Jesus.

Here are some suggestions to help you take next steps:

• Consider continuing to meet with your small group or class. There are many great studies that can help your group continue to grow. For ideas, please contact your Pastor.

• Share this Tell Me MORE study guide with others who could benefit from it.

• Continue to explore the difficult questions of faith. Seek answers from the Bible and invite others into your questions.

• Explore www.tellmemore.church. Share it with a friend, family member, or co-worker who might benefit from it.

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Thank you for leading your small group or class through the Tell Me MORE discussion guide. It is our hope that this discussion guide will help each person in your group or class make progress in their discovery of the life God has designed for them to live. We created this guide to be simple to utilize. Each lesson is straightforward, and the questions are designed to build on the previous weekend’s sermon. In light of that, if members of your group happen to miss a sermon, please encourage them to watch or listen to the sermon online before they come to group. In order to best prepare for each week, please read through the questions and thoughts in advance and discern which ones will work best for your group.

You will also note that each week includes a brief video featuring four

different pastors from Central Illinois. Please watch these to help prepare for group. All of the videos are available to stream or download at www.tellmemore.church/videos. You will also watch these videos during your group time. If you have any questions about the content or the videos, please contact Jonathan Grunden at [email protected].

Each week ends with an encouragement to group members to spend time on their own thinking through, journaling, and praying about what you’ve discussed. A brief review at the top of each week’s study encourages people to share what God has been teaching them about the previous week’s topic. As the leader, please engage in this personal reflection to set the example for your group. While we believe group time is

A note for small group leaders and teachers

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incredibly valuable, it is only truly healthy if each individual is pursuing a personal relationship with Christ independently.

With that in mind, we realize that many of the groups and classes going through this study have been together for years. However, there are new groups. If your group is just starting out, here are some tips we think might help you foster relationships in your group.


Being a Good Host/HostessSetting the right environment goes a long way in having a successful discussion. Providing light refreshments will help put people at ease and feel more comfortable, but don’t go overboard in this area. Remember, the purpose of your group is to have deep, meaningful discussions and conversations. It’s not about the food. Secondly, as people arrive, welcome them as you would any guest. It’s helpful to let them know where the restrooms are located. Sounds like a small thing, but it can really help make guests comfortable.

Be Sure to Engage Every MemberIn a group setting, there will be people who are more vocal or silent than others. A few ways to engage everyone is to ask questions like, “What one word summarizes your feelings on this subject?” Then simply go around the room. Or perhaps, “Let’s each take 30 seconds to respond to this question.”

Another important part of engaging people is to affirm your members when they take a risk or make progress on the steps they need to take. For example: “That’s great! Thank you for sharing that.”


Prepare in Advance for Your GroupThis doesn’t have to be a weeklong chore by any means. Simply look over the material a day or two in advance. Choosing or working through the icebreaker is also helpful in setting the tone for the evening. We have included ice breaker questions each week under the heading of “Get Ready”, but feel free to find or use others you feel will help get your group ready for a great night of sharing.

Don’t Be Afraid of SilenceLet’s face it, in our world today silence is often perceived as being awkward; but in small group discussions, silence can be a good thing. After you pose a question, allow people time to process their answers. Chances are the longer people think about what you’ve asked, the deeper they will go into the subject at hand. Remember, these can be hard topics to discuss in the first place. Don’t expect snap answers to some of life’s toughest questions.

Help Your Group Stay on TopicIt’s easy to chase down “rabbit trails” when discussing important issues. If the discussion begins to stray, rephrasing the question may help bring things

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back on track. Of course, sometimes a dominating person will continue to drift onto another topic. Using a redirecting statement such as, “That sounds like a topic we could discuss a bit later. For now, let’s keep working on this question” can help.

Validate People’s Questions, Disbeliefs, and FeelingsGod welcomes us to come to Him with our concerns and questions. Restating someone’s question, disbelief, or feelings, is a good way to let them know you are paying attention to what they are saying and to clarify you understand their meaning and intent. It also shows you genuinely care about what they are saying and feeling.

Be willing to listen more than you speak.This can be tough for leaders. It’s natural to want to get your point across. Our first instinct may be to tell what we want others to know and accept. The old adage, “They won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” is certainly true. When Jesus spoke with the woman at the well, He first started a conversation with her, getting to know what was on her mind and in her heart. It was only after He had carefully listened that He spoke into her life. Remember, God gave us two ears and one mouth. Maybe He wanted us to use them in that proportion!

Don’t Feel You Have to “Fix” AnyoneAs Christians, we sometimes want to fix a problem or a situation by quoting

scripture or applying a certain program we’ve seen work in the past. While it’s noble to want to help, without first establishing trust and rapport, no amount of coaching will be effective. In reality, we can’t heal anyone; it’s Jesus who heals. Our job is to help introduce them to the One who can fix the problem. Please note: we are not psychologists, but understanding an underlying issue might help us direct them to the right person such as your Pastor or a Spiritual Counselor.

Freely Admit You Don’t Have All the AnswersOne of the biggest concerns of a group leader is not having all the “right answers.” There are people who have devoted their entire lives to studying God’s Word, and even they don’t have all the answers. When in doubt, validate the person’s question, and let them know you will get back with them after you are able to investigate the question. Being honest about such matters goes a long way in establishing trust, and it illustrates your integrity.

Thank you again for leading a group during Tell Me MORE to discuss tough questions. We will be praying for you and your group as you meet in the coming weeks.

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What is Tell Me MORE?Everyone has questions about tough topics that we want to learn MORE

about. Who Am I? Who is God and why should I have an interest in Him? Why would He be interested in my life? How can I even begin to know who He is or how He’s even present in my life? Maybe you have

wondered about some of these questions and never had a conversation or had anyone answer them along with you.

We would love to help you discover MORE answers to tough questions such as these, and maybe other topics you wrestle with, too, as we

learn MORE about one another.

That’s why we’ve created Tell Me More. We want to start a conversation, where together we can connect in safe places to ask questions and

explore and find answers that can provide peace.

© 2018 | Tell Me More | Central Illinois Churches