Telephoning and e-mails

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Telephoning and e-mails

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Telephone Language

Basic language

ring a call

To tele (phone) s.one To give s.one a ring

call a bell (slang)

To be on the phone = To be on the line

To answer the phone = To get the phone = To pick up the phone

To hang up = To put down the phone = To replace the receiver

To hang up on someone = To put down the phone in mid-conversation

Find and label:

1) The dial 4) The mouth piece

2) The receiver 5) The line

3) The ear piece 6) The hook

7) The phone

Tel: (OO44) O207 – 493 – 8000 (Tél.: +44-207-493-8000)

This ‘O’ not used with international calls.

International dialing code

‘double ‘0’ double four The Hilton, Park Lane, London

To dial a number To be on the phone To have a bad line

To receive a call To be on the line To take the phone off the hook.

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Mr.Jones Miss Smith Mr. Johnson

Who is speaking?

________: Good morning, Happy Hotel, how may I help you?

_______: Hello, I’m trying to get through to Mr. Turner.

________: I’m sorry, Sir. Mr. Turner’s in a meeting.

________: Oh dear. It is frightfully important. (frightfully = very)

________: Perhaps I can put you through to Mr. Johnson, his assistant.

________: That would be great. Thank-you.

________: Hold the line please.

[Ring, ring – Ring, ring]

________: Hello.

_________: Mr. Johnson?

_________: Speaking.

________: I’ve got a Mr.Jones on the other line. He would like to speak to Mr. Turner

He says it’s rather urgent. Could you take his call?

________: Yes, o.k. Put him through.


Which expression in bold means:

1. Please wait

2. Speak with him

3. Transfer him

4. Contact

5. What can I do for you?

6. Important

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Telephone Connection

1. Imagine you are calling a hotel and wish to speak to the manager. Which

phrases below might you use and which might you hear?

2. Listen to a telephone conversation.

Which of the above expressions do you hear?

3. Listen again and complete the text.

Michelle: Hello, you’ve reached the marketing department. How ___ ___ _____?

Male: Yes, can I ______ to Rosalind Wilson, please?

Michelle: Who’s __________, please?

Male: It’s Richard Davies here.

Michelle: Certainly. Please _____ and I’ll ____ ______ __________.

Male: Thank you.

Michelle: Hello, marketing. _____ can I help?

Male: __________ I speak to Jason Roberts, please?

Michelle: Certainly. Who _______ ____ ______ is calling?

Male: My __________ Mike Andrews.

Michelle: Just a ________ - I’ll see if he’s in. Hello, Jason, I’ve got Mike Andrews __

the phone ____ you … Okay - I’ll put _____ through. ______ ____ a moment, I’m

just ___________ you __________.


Can I speak to … just a second

Who’s calling please hang on a moment

Could you put me through to… Holton Hotel, how may I help you?

Who shall I say is calling? I’ll just put you through

I’m afraid he’s on another line at the moment Hello, I’d like to speak to…

Please hold I’ll see if he’s in I’ve got ….. on the line for you

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Reasons for calling

1. Choose which phrase in B. completes the phrases in A.

A. B. a) What is the ‘golden rule’ concerning prepositions + verbs? b) Which phrase above does not appear to follow this rule? Why? 2. Match three words in the table below to make correct phrases.

Can/Could I speak to someone about …

I’m calling about….

I’m enquiring about …

It’s with regard to…

It’s about…

I’m phoning to …

Reserving a table

Reserve a table

Decide if the sentences below are grammatically correct.

1. Is there someone I can speak to about reserving a table?

2. I’m calling enquire about large group reservations.

3. It’s with regard your vegetarian menu.

4. I’m phoning to find out if you cater for vegetarians.

5. I like speaking to someone about wedding reception reservations.

6. Can I speaking to someone to reserving a table for six?

Correct the sentences above if they are not grammatically correct.

to connection to

in regard of

is about about

with someone the

it’s like to

I’d because with

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3. Six departments in a company. Match them with reasons for calling. Listen to the calls. Which department is each call for? Write the number on the door.

3. Listen again and complete the phrases below.

a) Can I speak _____ _________________ _______ receiving a brochure?

b) I’m calling ________ _________________ ______ a payment;

c) The reason I’m phoning _____ ______________ _____ some rewritable CDs.

d) Hello. It’s _____ __________________ _______ the advert.

e) Hi. ____ _________________ ______ the English lessons.

f) I ______ __________________ _______ change something.

4. Listen again and check your answers.

Adapted from: Telephone English. John Hughes.















Practice in pairs.

Telephone your partner who works in the Tourist Information.

You want information about –

Budget price hotels in Marseille

Information on summer events in Marseille (what’s on)

Sight-seeing in Marseille. Interesting places to visit.

Good restaurants to taste local cuisine.

Take it in turns.

Expand the conversations giving more detail and asking more questions.

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What the receptionist might say.

1. Find three ‘phrasal verbs’ in the expressions below?

1. ___________ 2. ____________ 3. _____________ 2. What is a phrasal verb? 3. See ‘Basic Language’. How many phrasal verbs can you find there? 4. Keep a note of all telephone phrasal verbs you meet.

Good morning/afternoon/ evening - Halton Hotel. Who’s calling, please? How may/can I help you? You need to speak to _____, I’ll transfer you You need to speak to _____, I’ll connect you You need to speak to _____, I’ll put you through Please hold the line, Please hold on a second Please hang on a second I’m afraid his/ her line is engaged I’m afraid s/he’s out of the office/hotel I’m afraid s/he’s not taking any calls Could I take a message?

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Telephone messages.

1. Imagine you are calling a hotel and wish to speak to the manager.

Unfortunately, he’s busy. Which phrases below might you use, or hear.

2. Listen to a telephone conversation. Which of the above phrases do you


3. Listen again to the conversation and complete the text below

Claire: Hello, finance department.

Jennifer: Hello, can I speak to Adrian Hopwood, please?

Claire: I’m ______ he’s in a meeting at the moment. _____ ___ _____?

Jennifer: No, __ _____ ___ ______ to Mr Hopwood, I think. What time will he ___ _____

_____ the meeting?

Claire: In about an hour. Can you _______ _______ ________?

Jennifer: Okay, _______ do that.

Claire: Or can I ______ ______ _________?

Jennifer: Actually, would you _______? Could you _____ _____ that

JenniferMcAndrews _____ and that I’m in the office all day if he could _____ ___ _____.

Claire: Can I take your _________, please?

Jennifer: Yes, it’s 5556872

Claire: 5556872. Okay, I’ll ______ _______ he ______ the message.

Jennifer: Thanks very much for your help, bye!

Claire: Goodbye! (http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/talkingbusiness/unit1telephone/2messages.shtml

Can I speak to... I’m afraid he’s in a meeting. Can I help?

Can you call back later? Can I take a message? Can I take your number?

O.k, I’ll make sure he gets the message. Could you tell him that… ?

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A little grammar:

Requests: Can/Could - Offers: I’ll

1. Listen to the telephone conversation. 2. Imagine the people. Describe what you think they look like. 3. How old do you think they all are? 4. Where do you picture them to be?

5. Listen again and fill in the missing spaces in the text below.

Business Grammar Builder. Paul Emmerson.

John : Good morning, the Tech Store, this is John speaking

Sara : Could I speak to someone in customer services, please ?

John : Er. Yes, of course, __________________________

Mark: Customer services, Mark speaking, _________________ ?

Sara : I’m calling abour your new Samsung DVD players. ______________________

if you have any in stock?

Mark: ________________ and see. __________________the line, please?

Sara : Yes, no problem, _________________________


Mark; Hello? ___________________ any on the shelves. ___________ to check the

order status on the computer. _________________ back?

Sara : Certainly. My name is Sara Hall and my telephone number is 0582 1067.

Mark: Sorry, ________________up? It’s a terrible line.

Sara : Is that better? ___________________ now?

Mark: Yes, that’s much better. _________________the number, please?

Sara : Of course. It’s 0582 1067. ______________this number all morning.

Mark: Sorry, I can’t tell you if we’ve got any DVDs in stock right now, but

_____________________ as soon as I have the information. Was there anything else?

Sara: Er, yes. __________________ me a copy of your latest catalogue?

Mark: Of course. ________________ in the post today. What’s your address?

Sara: It’s 25 Ridley Lane, Lower…….

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Not Understanding!!

A. Do these pairs of sentences mean the same thing or something

different? Write (S) for same or (D) for different.

B. Complete sentences 1-10 with these pairs of words

1. I’m not sure if I _________. Would you _______ repeating it? 2. Please ______ up. I can’t _______ you very well. 3. Can you ______ that again. I didn’t _______ the last part. 4. Sorry, that ________ too fast for me. Can you _______ more slowly? 5. Please ________ your surname again so I can ______________ sure. 6. Please, I still don’t know what you _________. Is there anyone in your office

who ___________ Spanish? 7. I think I’ve ______ it, but just let me _________ it back to you. 8. Sorry, I don’t _________ English very well. Can you ________ it? 9. Perhaps you ________ to email me in case I didn’t _____ it down correctly. 10. I can’t ______ you properly. You’d better ______ calling again. Telephone English. John Hughes

1. Speak up, please/ Speak more loudly, please

2. Speak more slowly, please/ Please hold on a moment

3. I didn’t catch that/ I couldn’t hear that

4. I couldn’t hear you I’m afraid/ I didn’t understand what you meant

5. Can you read that back to me?/ Can you take a message?

6. Let me read that back to you/ Let me check I’ve got that

7. Would you mind repeating that?/ Can you call me back?

8. Sorry, you’ve lost me/ I didn’t understand you, I’m afraid

be + speak got + read hear + try mean + know need + write

speak + hear speak + repeat spell + be understand + mind say + catch

Reminder: Keep a record of phrasal verbs you meet !

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Communication Practice.

Student A

Work with a partner. Take turns to read out your messages, to listen to messages and take notes.

Compare with original text after noting down



Student B

Work with a partner. Take turns to read out your messages, to listen to messages and take notes.

Compare with original text after noting down info.

Hello, this is Sam/Sarah Taylor here. I’m

just calling about your order CJ650. There’s

a bit of a problem, I’m afraid. You ordered

8,450 items, but we can only supply 6,325

from stock. We’ll send them today. The

other 2,125 will be ready to ship in the next

day or so, and you should receive them

around 10 November. I hope that’s okay

with you. Get back to me if there’s a

problem. My work number is 020 5360 1854

or you can get me on my mobile which is

09976 425749. Bye.

Hi, this is Peter/Paula Howard.

I wanted to speak to you about my flight

arrangements for next Friday. I can catch a flight

that arrives at either 8:15 or 10:40. Can you let me

know which one suits you best? Oh, and don’t worry

about meeting me at the airport – I’ll catch a taxi to your

offices. One thing though, I couldn’t read the address on

your fax. Are you number 520 or 528? You can get

back to me by e-mail if you prefer; my address is

[email protected]. That’s all. See

you on Friday. Goodbye.

Hi, this is Nigel/Nigella

Compton calling from Australia.

It’s about that article your

magazine is doing on our company.

You asked for some details, and I

have them here. We were founded

in 1986, in Sydney, and then moved

to Melbourne in 1994. We have

around 170 employees in Australia,

and our turnover last year was $7.8

million. If you have any other

questions, you can e-mail me; the

address is info@media_direct.co.au.

Thanks. Goodbye.

Hello, (other student’s name)

Sorry to call you at home on a Sunday but it’s urgent.

There’s a problem at the office and I can’t go to

Madrid tomorrow to make that presentation. I’m

afraid you’ll have go in my place. The flight leaves at

7:30 from Terminal 2 and it’s flight YH7406. Ricardo

will meet you at the airport in Madrid and take you to

Amica Trading. I think there will be about 14 or 15

people in the audience. I’ve e-mailed you my presentation notes to your home computer. Sorry about this – I know it’s short notice. You can ring me at home tonight if you have any questions; the number is 060 9488 6003. Thanks. See you

when you get back.

In Company Pre-intermediate Resource materials

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How to avoid telephone misunderstandings.

Which of these techniques do you think works best to avoid misunderstandings?

Ask the speaker to speak slowly and clearly.

Ask the speaker to repeat when you don’t understand.

Spell difficult words using: A for America, B for Brazil, C for China etc.

Say long numbers digit by digit. Write down and read back information.

Stress key words

Confirm information received with an email


Check that listener has received message by asking them to repeat.

Repeat all you hear.

Improve English language listening skills.

Add more ideas here :

Go over the details again

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Telephone Phrasal verbs

1. 2. Listen to the following telephone dialogue.

- Who does Mr. Richardson work for? - Who would he like to speak to? - Why does he wish to speak to this person? - Where is he? - What problem does he have during the telephone call? - What message does he leave?

3. Listen again and fill in the missing phrasal verbs in the text below. Business Grammar Builder. Paul Emmerson

Caller: Good morning, Median Solutions. How can I help you

Receiver: Can you p_ _ me t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to Christine Monroe, please?

Caller: Of course, hold the line

Receiver: I’m sorry caller I can’t g_ _ t_ _ _ _ _ _ at the moment, the line’s busy? Shall

I ask her to c_ _ _ you b_ _ _ ?

Caller: It’s ok. I’ll leave a message

Receiver: Ok. H_ _ _ _ o _ just a moment while I look for a pen. Right, g_ a_ _ _ _ _.

Caller: My name is Derek Richardson from Western Security. Miss Monroe r_ _ _ me

u_ yesterday. She wanted me to l_ _ _ i_ _ _ the cost of installing an alarm system for

your premises. I said I’d g_ _ b _ _ _ t_ her today

Receiver: I’m sorry Mr. Richardson the line is very bad. Can you s_ _ _ _ _ u _, please?

Hello. Hello! I’m sorry you’re b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _. Hello!

Caller: Sorry about that. I’m on a train using my mobile and we were c_ _ o _ _ in a

tunnel. Yes, as I was saying – I’ve managed to s_ _ _ something o_ _ . Can you tell her

that I’ll send her a quotation along with all the other details in the post?

Receiver: Oh, right. Can I just g_ o _ _ _ that again? Your name is Derek Richardson

from Western Securities and you’re going to send some details about an alarm system in

the post.

Caller: That’s right. Thank you for your help. Goodbye

Review and compare all the phrasal verbs seen so far.

Exchange phrasal verbs that you have but others don’t.

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4. Put all the phrasal verb in the text + all the phrasal verbs learnt so far in the box

5. Organize the phrasal verbs into categories of your choosing. 6. Role-play customer/ receptionist telephone calls with everything learnt so far -


use as many of the phrasal verb above as possible! Top marks to pair who uses them all!! ********************

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Telephone Discussions (1)

Telephoning in English!

Which phrase best describes your feeling about making or receiving

telephone calls in English?

- I never make telephone calls in English.

- I hate making telephone calls in English.

- I refuse to make telephone calls in English.

- I don’t feel comfortable about making telephone calls in English.

- I avoid making telephone calls in English.

- I don’t mind making telephone calls in English.

- I feel o.k. about making telephone calls in English.

- If I see a phone call is from England, I don’t pick up the phone.

- If I don’t understand a caller from England, I hang up on them.

- If I make an arrangement in English, I confirm with an e-mail.

- If I receive a phone call from England, then it’s good English practice.

- If my family is going to England, I always telephone to reserve hotels.

- If I can, I telephone English friends as often as possible.

- I have never spoken English on the telephone.

- If I could, I would ask an English colleague to telephone for me.

- I would like to be more confident at making telephone calls in English.


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Telephone Discussions (2)

PHONE SENTENCES: Complete the five sentence starters below. Tell your partner(s) what you wrote and then talk about your sentences.

a. Telephones are



b. A telephone is



c. Telephoning _________________________________


d. Without a telephone __________________________


e. With a telephone ___________________________________________


f. My telephone ________________________________


Change partners and compare what you talked about

Also discuss : How many phone calls have you made in the

last three days ; what were they for ; How long did they last;

Who were they to …etc.

What’s the most common reason for telephoning?

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Telephone Discussions (3)

I use the telephone to –

- order takeaway pizzas.

- give English lessons

- keep in touch with friends and family

- speak to my wife at work

- arrange an appointment with my dentist

Make your own list (5 items)






Give you list to neighbour on your right. Neighbour adds two new items.



Give you list to neighbour on your right. Neighbour adds two new items.



Give you list to neighbour on your right. Neighbour adds two new items.



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Telephone Discussions (4)

1. MOBILE PHONE OPINIONS: In pairs / groups, discuss how far you

agree with these opinions:

a. I can’t live without my mobile phone.

b. Mobile phones give us greater freedom and independence.

c. Mobile phones are an essential criminal tool and need stricter


d. Mobile phone companies totally rip everyone off with their exorbitant


e. Mobile phones will soon be replaced with watch phones.

f. The mobile phone is the most useful device (so far).


2. QUICK DEBATE: Students A think the telephone is the greatest invention ever. Students B think the car is the greatest invention ever.

Change partners often


3. COULDN’T DO WITHOUT IT: Which of these things are most important to you? Rank them in order. Talk about your rankings with your


_____ envelopes and stamps

_____ fax

_____ SMS

_____ MSN chat

_____ mobile phone

_____ e-mail

_____ telephone answering machine

_____ web cam


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Telephone Discussions (5)

1. TELEPHONE: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words

you associate with telephones. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them.

In pairs/groups, put the words into different categories.


Compare your categories with another pair/group

Telephone Vocabulary Categories

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Telephone Discussions (6)

Telephone Questionnaire

1. Which of these do you own, and why

An answer phone A fax

A mobile phone A teleconferencing screen

2. How often do you use these? Often? Sometimes? Hardly ever?

A telephone directory (private numbers or yellow pages)

Telephone information service (e.g. weather, time, traffic)

Alarm/Wake up call Reverse charges.

3. How often do these things happen?

You dial the wrong number You get cut off in the middle of a call

Somebody hangs up on you The number you ring is engaged

4. Do you know the phone numbers of the following?

All the members of your family Your place of work

Your doctor Your best friend Your bank

5. In normal circumstances, what is the earliest or latest time

you would ring a friend or member of your family?

7.00 a.m ? 8.00 a.m ? 9.00 a.m ?

9.00 p.m? 10.00 p.m ? 11.00 p.m ?

Earlier or later than these times

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Telephone Discussions (7)

Collocations. Which verbs below collocate with the words in the box?

1. answer, connect, pick up, speak to somebody on, leave… off the hook

2. get, give, leave, pass on, receive, record, take, write down

3. have, make, keep, arrange, miss, cancel, postpone, fail to turn up for

4. check, get, give, place, lose, receive, confirm

5. have, listen to, take part in, carry on, continue, break off, strike up a

6. take, make, give somebody, wait for, accept, place, return,

conversation message telephone order appointment call

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Telephone Discussions (8)

MY MOBILE: If you have your mobile phone with you, put it on your desk

for your partner(s) to see. Talk about your phones.

Blackberry i-Phone4 Nokia Memory cards 2-32 Go 8 Go memory 16 Go memory 2M built in camera 5M built in camera 2M built in camera $200 100 euros $200


The Blackberry is bigger than the i-phone4.

The Blackberry is more expensive than the i-phone4.

The Blackberry camera has the same resolution as

the Nokia.


The Blackberry is the biggest.

The i-phone camera has the best


The i-phone is the slimmest.

Activity 1 (Examples below. Create more)

In pairs compare mobile phones. Which is -

bigger/smaller/ slimmer/ heavier… than the other?

More expensive/ user-friendly/modern… ditto ?

Which has –

the brighter screen/the louder ring/ the better design…?

The more functions/ the annoying ring tone…?

Activity 2 (Create more examples)

In groups compare mobile

phones. Which is -

The biggest/ slimmest/heaviest etc

The most expensive/ modern etc

Which has –

The loudest screen/ the best design

The most functions/ the most

annoying ringtone ?

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Telephone Discussions (9)

Be honest! Can you remember a time when you…

Complete the questionnaire below using the correct form of the following verbs.

Explain the situations to a partner.

Incompany intermediate. Mark Powell.

a. totally …………… what someone said on the phone Yes/ No

b. really …………… rude and unhelpful because you were busy Yes/ No

c. constantly ……….. to ask the other person to repeat what they said Yes/No

d. just …………… putting off a call because you didn’t want to speak English Yes/ No

d. e. completely …..…track of the conversation Yes/ No

f. actually ……..… at someone on the phone Yes/ No

g. just ………… you could talk to the other person face to face Yes/ No

h. even ………. pretending you were out to avoid taking a call Yes/ No

i. really ……… to kill the person on the other end of the phone Yes/ No

have keep lose misunderstand shout sound try want wish

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Telephone Discussions (10)

What do you do in the situations below? Use the pairs of words in the box to complete the sentences.

( Incompany intermediate. Mark Powell)

What do you do in these situations?

1. Your phone rings while you’re driving.

2. Your phone rings during a meal.

3. Your phone rings during a meeting.

4. Your phone rings while you’re on a bus/ train.

5. Your wife/husband’s mobile rings while they’re out of the room.

6. You receive a telesales call.

7. Someone unknown asks to use your phone.

8. Someone steals your phone.


1. If I’m ………………… I just let the phone ……..

2. If I don’t want to be ……….. I tell my secretary to ……. all my calls

3. If …………. I try to …….. the phone before the fourth ring.

4. If I’m ………… a call from my boss I …………. the phone immediately

5. If I’m in the middle of something ……..…. I let them ……... A voicemail.

6. If I’m having a ……… crisis I ……….. the damn thing.

7. If I’m going to be ……… of the office I ………. My calls

busy + ring disturbed + hold expecting + pick up important + leave

out + divert possible + answer real + unplug

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Telephone Discussions (11)

Telephoning a hotel

1. Name the facility

2. In Pairs.

A: Telephone a hotel and enquire about facilities

B: Explain different facilities at the hotel (e.g.

availability, opening hours etc).

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E-mail Discussion (1)

Discuss these 25 e-mail tips. Do you agree with them?

1.Be concise and to the point

2. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation

3. Make it personal

4. Use templates for frequently used responses

5. Answer swiftly

6. Do not attach unnecessary files

7. Do not overuse the high priority option

8. Do not write in CAPITALS

9. Read the email before you send it

10. Do not forward chain letters

11. Do not copy a message or attachment without permission

12. Do not use email to discuss confidential information

13. Use active instead of passive

14. Avoid long sentences

15. Don’t send or forward emails containing libellous, defamatory, offensive, racist or

obscene remarks.

16. Keep your language gender neutral

17. Don't reply to spam


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E-mail Discussion (2)

There are no rules for writing e-mails, but here are some useful guidelines. Match each

rule (a-g) to the reason why it is useful.

1) Create a subject line with impact. a) It saves people scrolling down to see if there

is more text.

2) Write short sentences. b) These will guide the reader and make the

message easier to grasp.

3) Don’t always trust your spell check. c) It can’t tell the difference between your and

you’re, or theirs and there’s.

4) Put your signature on the message. d) It is more likely that someone will read your


5) Proofread the message before sending it. e) There’s less chance the reader will

miss anything

6) Keep paragraphs short. f) It creates a more professional image if there

are no errors

7) Use headings, bullets, and numbering. g) You don’t need complex grammar or



E-mails often miss certain grammar words e.g. it’s a great idea.

What grammar words are missing in the e-mail below? Re-write with missing words.

Send Save Draft Spell Check Rich Text

Joe.Smith hotmail.com



Insert: Attachment Office Docs Photos emoticons

Hi Rosa – been in a meeting all day, so I just got your message plus attachment.

Sounds gr8 – particularly like your suggestion re: discount rates. One or two points a bit

unclear, perhaps, but basically good stuff. Could add something about room improvements..

Nice job, anyway.

See you Friday, Leo


Re: Hotel promotion

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E-mail Discussion (3)


Do you agree with these guidelines?

Maximum 70-80 characters per line

Maximum 5 lines per paragraph

Empty line between paragraphs

Maximum of 25 lines per e-mail

Numbers or bullets to list points

Formal or informal? Explain with reasons.

Short Forms

Write the short forms out in full - vowels taken out.

RE : - r_ g _r d _ n g

ASAP - _s s _ _ n _s p _ s s_ b l _

BR - b _ s t r _ g _ r d s

BTW - b _ t h _ w _ _

CC _ c _ r b _ n c _ p _

TIA - t h _ n k s _ n _ d v _ n c _


How’s it going? Next monday at 10 is fine for our meeting – will bring

monthly financial results. Could u forward next month’s budget asap?

ATTACHED – latest menu. Note changes! Hope u like it…!!

See you soon,


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E-mail Discussion (4)


1. Which description concerns informal, formal or standard e-mails?


Informal Neutral/ Formal

1. What do you need? d a) We would like to remind you that… 2. Thanks for the e-mail of 12 Feb b) We note from our records you have not 3. Sorry, I can’t make it c) I can assure you that… 4. I promise… d) Please let us know your requirements 5. Could you… e) With regard to … 6. You haven’t… f) I look forward to seeing you next week 7. Don’t forget… g) It is necessary for me to… 8. I need to… h) Thank-you for your e-mail received 12 Feb 9. Re: i) I’m afraid I will not be able to attend 10. See you next week j) I would be grateful if you could…


A. …………..

Similar style to a letter. Polite, with fixed

expressions and long words. Impersonal.

Grammar and punctuation are important. Style

used when subject matter is serious.

B. ………….

Common style for professional/work e-mails. Language is simple, clear, direct and more personal. Sentences are short and there is use of contractions. Not similar to speech – too direct.


Common style between friends. Can be

short, with personal news and funny

comments. Everyday words and

expressions. More tolerant of bad

grammar and punctuation.

2. Match Informal with Neutral/Formal expressions below:

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E-mail Discussion (5)

e-mail acronyms

There are many e-mail/texting acronyms. These are for business. What do they stand for?

ASAP a _ s __ ___ __ __s p ___ __ __ __ ___ ___ ___

BR b_ __ __ r__ __ __ ___ __ __

BW b__ __ __ w__ __ __ __ ___

EOM e__ __ o__ m__ __ __ __ __ __

F2F f__ __ ___ t__ f__ __ __

FYI f__ __ y__ __ ___ i__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

GL g__ __ __ l__ __ __

GR8 g__ __ ___ ___ !

LOL l__ ___ ___ __ __ __ ___ o__ __ l__ __ __

IMO i__ m___ o__ __ __ __ __ __

NRN n__ r__ __ __ __ n__ __ __ __ __

OTP o__ t__ __ p__ ___ __ __

QQ q__ __ __ __ q__ __ __ __ __ __ __

TIA t __ __ __ __ __ i__ a__ __ __ __ __ ___

YW y__ ___ __ w__ __ __ __ __ __


A more complete list can be found here:



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E-mail Discussion (6)


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E-mail Discussion (7)

Missing words

1. Missing words are common in e-mails. Study the examples in the box below.

2. Now replace the missing words in the e-mail below.

It was a great evening…

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E-mail Discussion (7)

Opening and Closings

1. Match the e-mail beginnings (a-h) with the e-mail endings (1-8)

2. Which e-mails are formal/ informal/ standard?

3. Which e-mails are for asking for/ giving information; accepting/ refusing

an invitation; congratulating; complaining, thanking, sympathizing.

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E-mail Discussion (8)

Reference page

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E-mail Discussion (9)

Place the following e-mail exchanges in the correct order.







Joe.Smith hotmail.com


I’m writing with regard to placing a rather large order

for fresh oysters and smoked salmon. W are having a

large French group coming to stay over the New Year.

Could you let me know what trade discount you offer.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Joe Smith

Fishstock hotmail.com

Hello Mr. Smith,

Further to your enquiry, I’m pleased to inform you

that we can offer you a trade discount for a bulk

purchase. The discount depends on quantity ordered

and on price, which varies with quality. For orders

over 200 Euros, we are happy to offer a 5% discount.

If you require further information, don’t hesitate to

contact us.

Best regards

Mr. Pike

Sales Manager

Joe.Smith hotmail.com

Hello Mr. Pike,

Thank-you for your reply. However, to be honest, I

was hoping for a rather larger discount than 5%.

Holten Hotel has recently been refurbished and now

includes a conference centre designed to bring in

many executive customers. An agreement between us

now, could be interesting for us both in the future.

Might I suggest a 20% trade discount.

Best regards

Joe Smith

Fishstock hotmail.com

Hello Mr. Smith,

I have heard about your recent refurbishments with

interest and believe a long-term understanding between

us would be most interesting. I’m afraid, however, that

20% discount is more than we can offer.

Perhaps we should meet to discuss this F2F?

I look forward to hearing from you,

Mr. Pike

Joe.Smith hotmail.com

Hello Mr. Pike,

I would be very happy to meet with you to discuss this

matter. May I invite you to lunch at our hotel? Any

week day would be convenient for me.


Joe Smith

Fishstock hotmail.com

Hello Mr.Smith,

I accept your invitation to lunch with pleasure. I’m

available next Tuesday. How does that sound?


Mr. Pike

Fishstock hotmail.com

Hello Mr. Pike,

next Tuesday sounds fine. Say we say 12.30 ?

I look forward to meeting you,


Joe Smith.

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E-mail Discussion (9)

Formal and informal

1. Read the e-mail below.

Who is it from?

Who is it to?

What three things does the writer ask the reader to do?

Where is Ms. Lee going?

2. In the e-mail below, find informal phrases to match the phrases in bold above.

Subject: Visit to Osaka Securities.

Dear Mr. Watanabe

Thank you for your e-mail received March 21. With regard to my visit next month I

need to tell you that I will arrive at Osaka airport at 14.30 on Thursday 14th April. As this

will be my first visit to Japan I would be very grateful if somebody could meet me at

the airport. Also would it be possible for you to make a reservation at a nearby hotel for

me? I would really appreciate it.

In addition, could you possibly send me a copy of the agenda for our meeting and a copy

of your recent sales figures.

Please accept my apologies, but my colleague Ms Lee will not be able to join me on this

visit as she is attending a conference in Spain at the same time.

I look forward to meeting you,

With best regards,

Lars Oluffson

Subject: Visit to Osaka Securities

Dear Haruki,

Thanks for your message. Re: next months visit to Japan. I’m going to arrive at Osaka

airport at 14.30 on Thursday 14th April. This will be my first visit to Japan so could you

send someone to meet me at the airport, please? Can you book a hotel for me near your

offices too?

Also, can you please send me a copy of the agenda for our meeting and a copy of your

recent sales figures?

I’m sorry but my colleague Ms.Lee won’t be able to come with me as she is going to a

conference in Spain at the same time.

See you next month,

All the best,


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E-mail Discussion (9)

Formal and informal (cont.)

3. In A. and B. match a formal word on the left with an informal word on the right

A. B.

1. inform a) come to 5. further e) want

2. assistance b) help 6. grateful f) more

3. require c) tell 7. near future g) happy

4. attend d) need 8. would like h) soon

4. Read the informal e-mail below:

5. Re-write the informal e-mail above as a formal e-mail. Use expression from 1 & 3.

6. Write a formal reply to Manuel. Tell him

You are going to attend the conference

You can not stay for all the three days

The sessions you want to see are New Design Methods and The Future of Art.

Ask Manuel to make a hotel reservation.

Ask Manuel to organize a taxi to pick you up at the airport.

Subject : Art and design conference

Dear Laura,

Thanks for your last message.

I want to tell you about next month’s art & design conference. It is going to be held in

Sao Paolo at the first conference centre from June 18 to 21. The agenda for the

conference is attached. Can you have a look and choose the sessions you want to come


Please also tell me if you need any extra help. I can book a hotel for you or arrange for

someone to meet you at the airport.

I will be very happy if you can let me know soon.

All the best Manuela Calo

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E-mail Discussion (10)

Hotel Reservation (formal)

Send an e-mail to Halton Hotel to enquire about a special reservation. You are the leader of -

A group of 12 handicapped sportsmen and women

Accompanied by 2 group leaders with 3 children

Need accommodation for ten days.

Need mini-bus service

Need elevators & ramps for wheelchairs

Have special dietary needs. High protein, low fat, fresh fruit and vegetables. 3


Discount for group booking?

Send an e-mail to sports group leader.

Explain that single rooms too small for wheelchairs.

Three rooms available that cater for wheelchair users. But no hoists.

All bathrooms fitted with shower rails for elderly and infirm.

All toilets fitted with rails for elderly and infirm.

Hotel fitted out with elevators and ramps;

Mini-bus service can be arranged, if ample notice given.

Special meals can be provided, at a special rate.

No discount for group booking.

Ask when guests expect to arrive?

Ask how many wheelchair users?

Ask how many rooms in total?

Ask age of children?

Send an e-mail to Halton Hotel. Explain:

6 wheelchair users

12 separate rooms for handicapped.

1 room for adult leader and child (girl, 3 yrs old)

1 adjoining room for two children (two boys, 13 and 14 years old)

ETA June 15th. Flight arrives 10.40 p.m.

Ask if transport can be arranged from airport.

Ask about smoking policy in hotel.

Ask about reception opening times

Ask about restaurant opening hours for breakfast and evening meal.

Ask about baggage storage and safe deposit boxes.

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Send an e-mail to sports group leader. Explain:

3 rooms specially adapted for wheelchairs

3 double rooms can be made to take wheelchairs, but not perfect.

Free accommodation for children 3 years old and less.

Children under 16 years old at half price only if sharing room with parent (s)

24 hour reception. But mini-bus rate more expensive after 10.30 p.m

No smoking anywhere on hotel premises.

Restaurant times:

Restaurant open Monday to Friday

7.00am - 9.00pm Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays

7.00am - 10.00am 6.00pm – 9.00pm Serving Breakfast and Dinner

Baggage storage facility available. Safe deposit - subject to availability.

Send an e-mail to Halton Hotel.

Ask for confirmation on price.

Ask again about group discount – explaining charity status of organization.

Ask about payment details.

Ask about alarm calls and check hotel has air-conditioning.

Ask if hotel could organize tourist guide for excursion at the weekend.

Send an e-mail to sports group leader.

Detail the price, with and without VAT

Detail the price for mini-bus service

Offer 10% discount and ask for the charity registration number.

Explain the alarm calls available and hotel is air-conditioned.

Tourist guide can be available. Tariff – 150 Euros per day.

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E-mail Discussion (10)

Organizing restaurant meal (informal)

e-mail a friend to suggest going to a restaurant. Explain –

It’s your birthday

You’re inviting them to the restaurant

Three other friends are coming

You’re all meeting in the White Horse pub at 7.00 p.m

Your friend has to come because you’re off to India in a week, for a year.

Return the e-mail –

Wish your friend ‘happy birthday’.

Say you’d love to come, but your mother’s just gone into hospital.

Say you’ll come and visit before they go to India

Ask which restaurant they’re going to.

Ask what your friend is doing in India.

e-mail your friend –

Sympathize about their mother

Ask why their mother is going into hospital

Tell them they must visit before your depart

Tell them which restaurant you’re eating in.

Tell them what’s so special about this restaurant.

Tell them what you’re doing in India. (travelling, charity work, business…)

Return the e-mail –

Thank them for their sympathy

Explain why mother is going into hospital.

Tell them you’ll try and get to restaurant after visiting mother – it depends...

Ask them who else is going.

Ask them what time they’ve reserved a table for

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e-mail your friend –

Make follow up comment about friend’s mother.

Ask them to try and get to the restaurant

Emphasize how much you want them to come to the restaurant

Tell them the meal’s on you.

Tell them who else is going.

Tell them what time you’ve reserved a table for.

Return the e-mail –

Promise to do your best to get to the restaurant.

Make comments about the other people going.

Wish them all a good evening out.

Say you’ll call soon by phone and try and pop round in the next few days.

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Internet Sites for Hotel English ********************** http://www.englishformyjob.com/index.html http://www.englishformyjob.com/ell_hotelindustry.html http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/travelenglish/english-travel-hotel2.html http://www.talkenglish.com/LessonPractice.aspx?ALID=407 http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/hotel/exercises?02 http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/business/tendays/day1.shtml http://lalitkhungar.hubpages.com/hub/English-Conversation--RECEPTION-COUNTER-AT-A-HOTEL http://www.englishclub.com/english-for-work/hotel.htm http://www.ecenglish.com/learnenglish/lessons/english-hotel http://www.slideshare.net/ImtheKiller/guest-services-in-hospitality-industry __________________________________

Videos: Fawlty Towers: Excellent 1980s TV hotel comedy!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxprj19Yu3s&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoCslBHMDfM&feature=related
