TABLE OF CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM PASTOR JODY 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A POEM BY PASTOR JODY 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISMANTLING RACISM TEAM ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPCOMING STUDY OPPORTUNITIES 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PANDEMIC PROTOCOLS UPDATE 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GIFT BASKET CREATIONS FOR THE AUTUMN FEST 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE TRUSTEES’ REPORTING 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEASTING ON FINANCE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE MEAT 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESSERT 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREETINGS FROM THE HARRIET TUBMAN ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER! 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- A REASON YOU SHOP USING AMAZON SMILE NOT AMAZON! 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM THE CHOIR ROOM 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE SUBJECT OF RACISM, TERMS & DEFINITIONS CONTINUED 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEWARDSHIP 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARE YOU READY FOR SCHOOL? 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CELEBRATING OUR STEWARDSHIP 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION TEAM TO NEWNAN GEORGIA 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021 ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY PROGRAM - GREEN TEAM 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU PUMC 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AS PART OF THE HUDSON VALLEY BRIDGE BUILDERS TEAM 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOUTH NEWS 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAPPENINGS 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAST SUMMER EVENT 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- URGENTLY NEEDED — BACKUP FOR PUMC’S NEWSLETTER EDITOR 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHUCKLE 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KIDS’ CORNER 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR MEMBERS & THEIR FAMILIES 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRIENDS OF OUR CHURCH 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERS OF OUR MILITARY 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEARLY DEPARTED 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUGUST 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALENDAR OF EVENT 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church TELEPHONE (845) 452-2933 || WEBSITE pokumc.org || EMAIL [email protected] The Journey AUGUST 2021 Jody Spiak PASTOR Louise Dalton, Karyn Millham SECRETARIES Katherine Betz TREASURER Polly James CHANCEL CHOIR DIRECTOR Stephen Siktberg ORGANIST John Marrine YOUTH MINISTRY DIRECTOR Diana Colello COMMUNITY NURSERY SCHOOL DIRECTOR Vivien Simpson DIRECTOR OF HARRIET TUBMAN ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER Karen Schurr PUMC CUSTODIAN


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TABLE OF CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM PASTOR JODY 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A POEM BY PASTOR JODY 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISMANTLING RACISM TEAM ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPCOMING STUDY OPPORTUNITIES 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PANDEMIC PROTOCOLS UPDATE 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GIFT BASKET CREATIONS FOR THE AUTUMN FEST 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE TRUSTEES’ REPORTING 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FEASTING ON FINANCE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

THE MEAT 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DESSERT 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GREETINGS FROM THE HARRIET TUBMAN ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTER! 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------A REASON YOU SHOP USING AMAZON SMILE NOT AMAZON! 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------FROM THE CHOIR ROOM 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE SUBJECT OF RACISM, TERMS & DEFINITIONS CONTINUED 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------

INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STEWARDSHIP 8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ARE YOU READY FOR SCHOOL? 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CELEBRATING OUR STEWARDSHIP 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MISSION TEAM TO NEWNAN GEORGIA 8 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2021 ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY PROGRAM - GREEN TEAM 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THANK YOU PUMC 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AS PART OF THE HUDSON VALLEY BRIDGE BUILDERS TEAM 9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------YOUTH NEWS 10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

HAPPENINGS 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LAST SUMMER EVENT 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

URGENTLY NEEDED — BACKUP FOR PUMC’S NEWSLETTER EDITOR 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------CHUCKLE 10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KIDS’ CORNER 11 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OUR MEMBERS & THEIR FAMILIES 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FRIENDS OF OUR CHURCH 12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEMBERS OF OUR MILITARY 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEARLY DEPARTED 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

AUGUST 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CALENDAR OF EVENT 13---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church TELEPHONE (845) 452-2933 || WEBSITE pokumc.org || EMAIL [email protected]

The Journey


Jody Spiak PASTOR Louise Dalton, Karyn Millham SECRETARIES Katherine Betz TREASURER Polly James CHANCEL CHOIR DIRECTOR

Stephen Siktberg ORGANIST






Greetings, Family and Friends of PUMC, I recently made a trip to Newnan, Georgia as part of a team helping to clean up and recover from a tornado that tore through that community in March. Newnan is hometown to our own Courtenay Caramico, but our entire team was greeted as if we were family. I was moved by the connection we had. Even though most of us had not met before, had a number of regional differences and would only spend a few busy days together, something profound bound us together. It reminded me that similarity and familiarity are not the only, or even the most important, contributing factors to unity. We have a common purpose in service and a shared belief in God’s profound love. The simple truth is, we need each other. Not in some shallow or artificial way, but in deep ways. Something about our nature, how we have been made, exists with a longing for meaningful connection. It is, in fact, one of the very first things God noticed about human beings, “it is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18) This is not about a single gender’s inadequacy and need for a better half. It speaks to a shared human reality, that none of us were created with a capacity to live without others. And even if we did have the capacity, why would we choose to? So much of the abundant life God has for us is found in our connection with other human beings. My message to you this month is this, I need you. Not just me, though, this church needs you. Poughkeepsie UMC, the United Methodist Church, Christ’s Christian church. Take your pick. We need you. We need you because you are a unique light in this world unlike any other. You have gifts and graces which afford you a unique role in the mission God has called us to. Paul reminds us in his letter to the Corinthians that we are, together, the Body of Christ. No one on their own can be the church. It is a diversity of people, and their gifts, that make us a strong and blessed community. This past year has been a special kind of challenge. The realities of the pandemic are not yet completely behind us and the ongoing effects of it will be with us for quite some time. Aside from that, the church is facing other challenges which will require a great deal of grace for us to navigate. We will very much continue to need each other. I’d like to invite you to prayerfully consider how you can be part of God’s movement of grace here on earth. How can your light shine? We are entering into the season of church life when we make nominations and ask people to serve in various capacities. There are areas of ministry at PUMC which have been vacant or are being vacated and need the right and willing person to serve. Could that person be you? Do you feel God calling you in some direction. As we prayerfully look to place the right people in the right roles for the work God is calling us to, let us remember the importance of our connection. Let us not forget what it means to be the church. We are one body. We need each other.

Blessings on the road ahead, Reverend Jody Spiak ______


“The Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” — Genesis 2:18

“12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — Jews or Greeks, slaves or free — and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. 27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”

— 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, 27


A POEM BY PASTOR JODY Wondering [07/12/21]

DISMANTLING RACISM TEAM ANNOUNCEMENTS Our Mission To identify, confront and dismantle racism in all its forms, in our church and community, in order that God’s Kin-dom may come on earth as it is in heaven.

Our Dismantling Racism team is happy to announce the following opportunities . . . • Monthly TED Talk Watch Party held every 2nd Monday at 7pm.

Our next Watch Party will be August 14th, the topic will be passion. Zoom Info https://zoom.us/j/91015148497?pwd=cDY0UGd3L0wrTXZNTE5CQXRaaVJvZz09 Meeting ID 910 1514 8497 Passcode 509469

• Dismantling Racism Team Meetings, 3rd Monday at 7pm. Next meeting is August 9th.

UPCOMING STUDY OPPORTUNITIES Book of Acts During the Season of Kingdomtide Pastor’s Thursday Bible Study will be in the Book of Acts. Study guides can be ordered through the church office if you wish to participate. Living Faithfully A Study on Human Sexuality and the UMC — Several People were unable to attend the June session of Living Faithfully so another is being planned. Dates are yet TBD. Please contact Pastor Jody with your desire to attend.


• Mask wearing is optional both inside and outside for those who have been fully vaccinated. Per the CDC, we ask all those not vaccinated to stay safe by staying masked. (NOTE: Mask wearing is still required while congregational singing. Singing, especially in large groups, is still proven to create an increased risk of viral load spread. This will be re-evaluated in consultation with our District Superintendent)

• Prayer Cards will be re-introduced into the pews. • Distancing requirements have been removed for all gatherings. • Coffee hour can resume inside Fellowship Hall


I have been trained to seek all the answers. To not be content and never relent Lest I lament the unfortunate failure of not knowing. As if the sin of the garden Is ignorance and innocence, not the insolence that consumed forbidden knowledg

What if all questions aren’t meant to have answers? What if some tensions are there for a reason? Like Eden, where love and acceptance and life in God’s presence is the true essence of paradise.

I will do my wondering Without the burden of knowing all things. I will live in the mystery, giving thanks for the liberty of life without the absurdity of absolute certainty. I will do my wondering, not to find answers, but to seek truth.

I am not afraid to be curious, not afraid of my wondering. I will ask endless questions. I will rejoice in discovering.



Starting in August • Passing of offering plate to be re-introduced. • Passing of microphone for prayer requests to

be re-introduced. • Passing of the peace can resume, in some

capacity (TBD).

Still being reviewed Community Meals ― Carry out meals are currently allowed. Sit down meals may be re-introduced in the coming months.

Notes • Vaccinations ― While the choice to be vaccinated is a personal one, it is the position of our

denominational leadership and this pastor that research supports both the safety and benefit of the vaccines for individuals and the community. We encourage everyone who is eligible, in consultation with their own doctors and medical professionals, to sign up for the vaccine. Current Denominational and CDC Guidelines allow for vaccinated persons to not wear a mask or distance, but they also state that non-vaccinated persons ought to continue wearing masks and being vigilant against spreading the virus.

• Mask Wearing ― As many of us know, mask wearing has been unfairly twisted into a political commentary. Some people are willing to make assumptions about people who either do or don’t wear masks. We urge all to refrain from these attitudes. While it is important that we honor and adhere to stated policies, there should be no judgement on the person who makes a different choice where policy allows. Even as restrictions are eased, many will choose to continue to wear masks, and should be supported in their personal decision. Let ours be a community of understanding and grace.


An exciting event is being planned again.  Yes, our annual bazaar will be called  "Autumn Fest" and we want to be sure you put it on your fall calendar (Saturday, October 23rd, 10:00am - 3:00pm).  Something new — we are creating a "Gourmet Delight" lunch!  Once again, we are planning to have our world famous gift baskets for sale at the "Autumn Fest.” In order to have a big success, we need your help. Baskets of all sizes are needed.  Just remember we are going to fill them with themed based items for a gift.  So, medium to large sizes are best. Then, what themes are the most popular?  Here are some of the best sellers:

• Fun & games • Merry Christmas • Tea for Two

• Gardeners • Coffee Lovers • Sports Lovers

• Movie Night • Auto Care • Chocolate Chocolate

Perhaps you'll become inspired while on vacation this summer.  We look forward to your beautiful creations.

THE TRUSTEES’ REPORTING For many of us summer is a time to slow down a bit and enjoy the summer weather. One church group that has not slowed down is our Garden Committee. Carla Vinson, the chair, and a few volunteers have been very busy keeping up the grounds around the church. During the last few weeks the Garden Committee planted flowers and flowering shrubs native to our area all around the church grounds. These plants are chosen because they attract "pollinators", that is, bees, other insects and butterflies. Carla has registered our garden at the town as an official "Pollinator garden.” Such gardens can be found throughout the US and in many other countries. Pollinators need our support. The next time you come to church, take a garden tour and enjoy the new plants, new shrubs and the new trees. Some of the funds used to purchase the new plants are special gifts given specifically for the Pollinator Garden. Thank you Carla, and all your committee for the beautiful work you’ve done.




Here in The Journey, each month, I will endeavor to accomplish two goals —

THE MEAT Budget Cash Flow 2021 Plan as of 06/30/2021 Total Revenues 292,200.60 155,618.13Total Expenses 371,910.44 170,891.42Net Revenues - 79,709.84 - 15,273.29

Budget Actual vs Planned – as of June 30th we are 6 months, or 50%, into the 12 month fiscal year . . . 53% of Total Revenue Raised to date . . . 46% of Total Expense to date.

Year-to-date revenues and expenses are in line with the PUMC 2021 Budget. PUMC’s year-to-date net revenue is a negative Net Cash Flow. Paycheck Protection Program “Congratulations! SBA has reviewed your forgiveness application and has issued payment to the lender for full forgiveness.” (First line of email received on July 8, 2021 from Pursuit Lending)

The $71,700 Small Business Administration loan PUMC received in 2021, will not be reimbursed.

DESSERT The Finance Committee is about funding the Missions & Ministry of Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church. One way your Finance Committee monitors the financial condition of PUMC, is to complete an audit of the prior year “books & records”. Your audit Team of PUMC volunteers, recently completed reviewing the 2020 books & records and gathering the financial data necessary. Once complete, the audit will be presented to, and reviewed by, the Finance Committee and then sent to the PUMC Charge Conference. In 2022, your Audit Team will conduct an audit of the 2021 “books & records”.

Another way your Finance Committee monitors the financial condition of PUMC, is the annual budget preparation process. In August, your Finance Committee is asking each account owner (account owner is each person responsible for managing budgeted dollars) to review the year-to-date revenues & expenses for their account(s). To be ready to submit their 2022 draft budget proposal in advance of the Finance Committee Meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 15th.

Please join us on Sunday, August 29th, for our next fifth Sunday, State of the Church, Service. 

As always, feel free to contact me via email or telephone.

In service, Will Cass ________




With much gratitude for the ongoing support from PUMC, I’d like to share an update from this mission outreach program. The “Year of COVID19” was no less challenging for HTASC as it was for the rest of the world. The City of Poughkeepsie School District was 100% remote from September 2020 to February 2021. At that time, students were welcomed back to school following a “hybrid” schedule which included both in-person class and remote learning at home. Families also had the option of staying 100% remote. According to Dr. Scott, Principal of Clinton Elementary School, only about 1/3 of the students returned to school in February, while most stayed home. Dr. Scott also shared the nationwide concern over the effectiveness of remote learning for families with low-income.  However, at HTASC, the program was open and the staff met with a small but dedicated group of students that were committed to their education in spite of challenges of remote learning. Rather than an after-school program for homework assistance and learning enrichment, HTASC “pivoted” and became an on-site program for remote learning. Instead of the maximum capacity of 30 students, only about 10 children regularly attended. However, it was enormously gratifying to make sure these 10 children were staying on-track with their education.  Consistent with the lack of school attendance for children of Tubman, The TUBMAN INTERNET CAFE never took off. Many people from the PUMC congregation generously donated to a program which would provide residents of the apartment complex, children and adults alike, a quiet and safe place to access the internet for remote learning or work-from-home jobs. Unfortunately, fear of catching and spreading COVID19 kept most people from coming to the community room for the program. Purchased Chromebooks were returned for refund. The volunteer schedule was paused.  The funds that were donated for the TUBMAN INTERNET CAFE are currently being held in a restricted account. Church Council voted to allow those funds to be used, only as needed, for the Harriet Tubman Academic Skills Center’s Summer Tutoring program. All donors can be confident that their generous contributions will still be used for its intended purpose of advancing educational success for children at Tubman. If anyone has any questions about this, please let me know!  I’ll be happy to share more specifics on how the funds will be used.  The Board of Directors of HTASC is extremely optimistic for a return to normal operations and a full house in the Fall. In fact, the HTASC Summer Camp, which runs during the month of July, is at its maximum capacity of 24 children! There is a whole lot of learning and fun going on!  While the Summer Camp is not structured to have volunteers, I hope lots of PUMC people consider volunteering for the outreach program in the Fall. I promise that it’ll be a rewarding and uplifting experience. If you’d like to know more about volunteering at HTASC, let me know!  I can be reached at ( 845) 505-1302 or [email protected]. And again, on behalf of the Board of Directors, the staff and the children at HTASC, THANK YOU for your support!

A REASON YOU SHOP USING AMAZON SMILE NOT AMAZON! Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select "Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church" as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They'll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us.



• Open the Amazon app on your phone • Select the main menu (=) & tap on

"AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features • Select "Poughkeepsie United Methodist

Church" as your charity

• Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app.

Note that items available for purchase on www.amazon.com are also available on smile.amazon.com at the same price.



From the Italian “all”-TUTTI in music means everyone sings or rings as opposed to just one or small groups within larger ones. How fitting, that as we enter August, ALL-TUTTI of us in PUMC together can raise our voices, or bells, or any instrument. Remember July 4th, 2021? Jenn Harmer had us MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE, and music echoed from voices, organ, and piano. What a wonderful way to offer our praise, prayer, and thanksgiving! July is over; August awaits; September is still a month off. But, now is the time to thank every PUMC CHOIR member and the instrumentalists that have supported ALL our music. Come September, PUMC Choir, and Joyful Ringers will begin regular rehearsals. Both Pat McCullough and I are planning now for a TUTTI beginning! Watch for news in the September Journey. I found a book of songs by Shirley Erena Murray in my library. She is from Wellington, New Zealand. She composes hymns and poems that speak of “In Every Corner Sing” the title of her book. The following is from her hymn For the Music of Creation —

“All the voices of the ages in transcendent chorus meet, Worship lifting up the senses, hands that praise, and dancing feet; Over discord and division music speaks your joy and peace, Harmony of earth and heaven, song of God that cannot cease!” AMEN!

August Blessings, Polly B. James ___________

THE SUBJECT OF RACISM, TERMS & DEFINITIONS CONTINUED A continuation of terms and definitions — at times with examples — that might be of some benefit to 1

you when you encounter the subject of racism. Institutionalized Racism

These are discriminatory treatments, unfair policies, or biased practices based on race that result in inequitable outcomes for whites over people of color and extend considerably beyond prejudice. These institutional policies often never mention any racial group, but the intent is to create advantages.

Reference July 2021 issue of The Journey, page 1



• A school system where students of color are more frequently distributed into the most crowded classrooms and underfunded schools and out of the higher-resourced schools.

• Exclusion of blacks from the New Deal programs, such as GI Bill, social security, and unemployment insurance.

• Federal government's Home Owners' Loan Corporation exhorted segregation and enshrined it as public policy. Whole areas of cities were declared ineligible for loan guarantees (Redlining: selectively granting loan and insisting that any property it insured be covered by a resistive covenant — a clause in the deed forbidding the sale of the property to anyone other than white). Officially outlawed in 1968.


STEWARDSHIP ARE YOU READY FOR SCHOOL? [More Musings from Beth Borchert]

We are still in the middle of summer, yet I am already seeing back-to-school advertisements. August has always been a month of mixed emotions for me. As a child, I definitely didn’t want the fun and relaxed pace of summer to end: swimming, exploring in the woods, kick-the-can in the evenings . . . Yet I was also excited as I anticipated the “fresh start” of the new school year: having a new teacher, learning new things, seeing old friends, making new friends . . . I felt this way both as child in school, and as an adult with children in school. I still feel that way as I anticipate a “fresh start” at church each fall.

This year, more than ever, there is an excitement about going back to school, because so many kids have not been able to physically go to school during the pandemic. There is a desire to celebrate being together again amongst teachers, students and parents alike. Honestly, I feel like celebrating as we come together at church this fall, too! All year we have been celebrating all kinds of stewardship. During the summer, you may have taken a break to recharge. How will you make a “fresh start” with your stewardship in the fall? There will be plenty of opportunities to care for yourself, care for others, care for our church, care for our community, nation and world as well as care for creation! Let God be your guide.

CELEBRATING OUR STEWARDSHIP As of June 30th, pledged giving for 2021 totaled $126,113 or about 57.2% of the total pledged amount ($220,300). The year is now half over, and we are more than half way to our pledge goal. What a blessing it is to have such strong support in such uncertain times. Thank you!

MISSION TEAM TO NEWNAN GEORGIA The Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church sent a 7-person mission team to Newnan Georgia during the week of June 27th to provide support following an F-4 tornado that struck the town earlier this Spring.  Organized by Courtenay (Becky) Caramico, whose family lives in Newnan, the team spent the week cutting up downed trees and limbs, and moving debris off the properties to the street to be picked up by FEMA trucks.  Beyond the work, the team enjoyed spreading and receiving the love of Christ from our new friends in Newnan.  The team worked in conjunction with the First United Methodist Church of Newnan, and the Newnan City Church, which is part of the Free Methodist system.  The Newnan Churches provided lodging, food and southern hospitality to our team.  New friendships were made as the Holy Spirit moved within and among us during our trip. thank you to all the members of our church who supported this mission!


Keep on doing the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you. — Philippians 4:9 (NRSV)


2021 ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY PROGRAM - GREEN TEAM [Hank Eichenhofer, CHAIRMAN] VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR LITTER PICKUP The third litter pickup for 2021 is Saturday, August 28th.

The Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church (PUMC) has been a member of the NYS DOT Adopt-A-Highway Program for many years. Our agreement is to pick up litter along a 2.2 mile stretch of Route 376 (New Hackensack Road) which includes the roadside along the front of the PUMC property. In honoring our commitment, we have scheduled four Saturday work dates, approximately two months apart. The assembly point is the church parking area, near New Hackensack Road, at 8am sharp.

Volunteers are loaned a yellow hard hat and a reflective safety vest and a sharp-pointed litter pickup stick. You will then be provided an ample supply of biodegradable trash bags, formed into two person teams, given the required safety briefing and assigned a section of the highway. You will be engaged in improving the roadside landscape for approximately 1.5 hours. Please join us with your gardening or work gloves, vintage long trousers, closed toe/hard sole shoes and hydration fluid. If you wish, bring your own favorite pick up device and cell phone so team members can stay in contact or for use in an emergency. Now that you know how things work, please become a member of the ‘Green Team’ by calling the church office or sending an email to the church, providing your name, telephone number and email address. You may also provide that information to me directly via telephone or email. Note: Youth accompanied by an adult and non-church members are welcome.

THANK YOU PUMC . . . for allowing Mid-Hudson Love INC to host a CHRISTMAS IN JULY event on Saturday, July 10th and for allowing us to store and prepare all the items at the church. Thank you also to all of those who supported this fundraiser by providing donations, volunteering their time, purchasing items, and praying for the event. Funds raised will go towards helping our neighbors who are seeking a new and better path for their lives. We always appreciate your support and all you do for the Love INC Ministry!

John Marrine ____


. . . PUMC youth helped to prepare for the Mid-Hudson Love INC ‘Christmas in July’ fundraiser being held at the church. The youth carried hundreds of boxes and loose items to sell into Fellowship Hall. This was completed in record time and much appreciated by the Love INC set-up team that would have had to move the items if not for the youth. This was a great example of PUMC, Hudson Valley Bridge Builders, and Mid-Hudson Love INC collaborating for a great cause. Thanks to all!

John Marrine ____


Page 10: TELEPHONE WEBSITE The Journey


HAPPENINGS It is bittersweet as I write this article because it will be my last Journey submission for the Youth Ministry. After 25 years serving in the Youth Ministry, the last 10 years as the Youth Director, I've decided to step away from this ministry as of September 1st. Any success we have had with this ministry is attributed to many people through the years who have provided their energy and support. I thank the five Pastors that I've worked with as Youth Director for their assistance, flexibility, and trust in the leadership team to implement and execute a meaningful program. I thank the congregation for their unwavering support of our youth no matter the church climate. I thank the many parents for trusting us with your child(ren) and always being supportive of our youth activities. I thank the many Youth Leaders who volunteered so much of their time at Sunday Youth Group, Youth Services, lock-ins, retreats, and mission trips. This ministry has been blessed because of them. And last, but not least, I thank all the youth that have come through our program for their energy, enthusiasm and for just being themselves. You have kept me young and the source of so many great memories. I am excited to see what's next for this Youth Ministry and know with the level of church support as mentioned above, it will continue to prosper.


URGENTLY NEEDED — BACKUP FOR PUMC’S NEWSLETTER EDITOR Want to try something new or revisit a previous undertaking? If you have some computer skills, a creative bent, and like to work with a fine group of people, then becoming backup to the Editor of PUMC’s newsletter The Journey (and eventual Editor) might be just what you are looking for. On the job training is mandatory before a solo flight. If you are interested or would like more details, or have any questions, contact Joseph Norman [[email protected]].




WED AUG 12 6:30pm-8:30pm Mini-Golf & Ice Cream (Overlook Recreation Center)

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Page 12: TELEPHONE WEBSITE The Journey


Betsy Allen, Cuthbert Allen, Steve Allen, Barbara Bates, Gladys Bierce, Jeff Chandler, Bill Close Sr., Janet Cole, Dylan Coughlin, Sandra DeGuzman, Irene Feller, Bryan Foy, Emily Griess, Tom Halloran, Sandra Hansen, Pat Hughes, Jane Jackson, Dana Jones, Donna Jonnigan, Danny Jones, Jim Kyle, Betty Longobardi, Marge Michaloski, Joyce Pendell, Karla Quinlan, Arnette Schmidt, Gloria Sherban, Diana Silverman, Michelle Simonis, Harold Veeder, Kerianne Wendover, Marilyn Zier


Anthony Box Jr. Donald Brooks, Jordan Fidler, Lucretia Lisk, Adonis Marzan, Hilary McAllister, Alan Morlang, Sue Rock, Ronald Tomaso, Jackie Triguero, Clifford Zier. Also all those impacted by the Coronavirus.

MEMBERS OF OUR MILITARY Both the active and/or retired: Airman Alexander Cymbar, Sheppard AFB Wichita Falls, Texas || Joshua Lord, 1-69 Infantry Medical Platoon Sergeant, NYC || Randal Middleton, Naples, Italy Naval Base || Major Jason Oliver, Ft. Dix

DEARLY DEPARTED Joan E. O'Loughlin, 82 years old, of Poughkeepsie, NY, died February 20, 2021, at The Pines of Poughkeepsie Nursing Home. She was the wife of the late William O'Loughlin, whom she married in August, 1978. Born in Great Barrington, MA, she was the daughter of the late Earle and Clara Mitchell of Hillsdale, NY. As a military wife, she lived in multiple states. She enjoyed cooking, music, gardening and traveling. However, she especially loved spending time with her siblings, children and many grand and great-grandchildren. She leaves her son, John Jackson and his wife Laurie of North Carolina; her daughters Linda Merolle and her husband Louis of NY, Clara Schermerhorn of Ohio, Pamela Adamo and her husband Thomas of NY; Her brothers Bud Mitchell and his wife Arline of Utah, Russell Mitchell and his wife Susan of Hillsdale, NY, Gail Owens and her husband Vincent of Hillsdale, NY, Patricia Mitchell of Rhode Island, and Carla Mitchell of Hillsdale, NY. She leaves 11 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.



Page 13: TELEPHONE WEBSITE The Journey



Wednesday, August 11, 2021

JOURNEY DEADLINE 7:30am Morning Prayers 7:00pm SPRC

Thursday, August 12, 2021

11:00am Pastor's Bible Study 5:30pm Primary Purpose AA 6:30pm Youth — Mini-Golf & Ice Cream

Friday, August 13, 2021

10:00am Exercise 7:30pm Narcotics Anonymous

Saturday, August 14, 2021

MERGER SERVICE Sunday, August 15, 2021

9:30am In-Person and Streaming Service 9:30am Sunday School 2:00pm Parkside AA

Monday, August 16, 2021

9:00am Monday Study Group 10:00am Exercise

6:30pm Pough Gamblers Anonymous 7:00pm Dismantling Racism

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

10:00am Chair Yoga 5:30pm Primary Purpose AA

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

7:30am Morning Prayers 2:30pm Nancy's Bible Study 7:00pm Finance

Thursday, August 19, 2021

11:00am Pastor's Bible Study 5:30pm Primary Purpose AA

Friday, August 20, 2021

8:30am Collate Journey

(Fellowship Hall) 10:00am Exercise 7:30pm Narcotics Anonymous

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

9:30am In-Person and Streaming Service 9:30am Sunday School 2:00pm Parkside AA

Monday, August 23, 2021

9:00am Monday Study Group 10:00am Exercise

6:30pm Pough Gamblers Anonymous

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

5:30pm Parkside AA

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

7:30am Morning Prayers 7:00pm Trustees

Thursday, August 26, 2021

11:00am Pastor's Bible Study 5:30pm Primary Purpose AA 7:00pm Evangelism & Church Growth

Friday, August 27, 2021

10:00am Exercise 7:30pm Narcotics Anonymous

Saturday, August 28, 2021

HOMELESS SHELTER 8:00am Adopt-A Highway Litter Pickup

Sunday, August 29, 2021

9:30am In-Person and Streaming Service 9:30am Sunday School 2:00pm Parkside AA

Monday, August 30, 2021

9:00am Monday Study Group 10:00am Exercise

6:30pm Pough Gamblers Anonymous

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

5:30pm Primary Purpose AA

Sunday, August 1, 2021

9:30am In-Person and Streaming Service 9:30am Sunday School 2:00pm Parkside AA

Monday, August 2, 2021

9:00am Monday Study Group 10:00am Exercise

6:30pm Pough Gamblers Anonymous

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

5:30pm Parkside AA

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

7:30am Morning Prayers 1:30pm Nancy's Bible Study 7:00pm Church Council

Thursday, August 5, 2021

11:00am Pastor's Bible Study 5:30pm Primary Purpose AA

Friday, August 6, 2021

10:00am Exercise 4:00pm Wedding Rehearsal 7:30pm Narcotics Anonymous

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sunday, August 8, 2021

9:30am In-Person and Streaming Service 9:30am Paruolo Baptism 9:30am Sunday School 2:00pm Parkside AA

Monday, August 9, 2021

9:00am Monday Study Group 10:00am Exercise

6:30pm Pough Gamblers Anonymous 7:00pm Ted Talk Watch Party

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

10:00am Chair Yoga 5:30pm Primary Purpose AA