english The anomalous thermal and pressure conditions associated with subduction zones give rise to distinctive suites of metamorphic rocks whose disposition is dependent upon the direction of underthrusting (fig. 8.20). An abnormally low geothermal gradient of about 10c km-1 results from rapid descent of relatively cool oceanic lithosphere at trenches (section 8.4) to depths of about 30 km. The high pressures and low temperatures in this environment give rise to a metamorphic complex characterized by the presence of glaucophaneand jadeite, which are indicative of the blueschist facies. Blueschist terrains are associated almost everywhere with ophiolitic suites (ernst, 1973) (section 2.5). the ascent of magmas generated by dewatering-induced mantle melting (section 8.8) gives rise to anomalously high geothermal gradients of more than 25c km-1 up to about 50c km-1. A second metamorphic complex consequently arises associated with surface volcanism, which is characterized by mineral such as andalusite, which are generated at high temperatures and low pressures (fig. 8.20). figure 8.21, from miyashiro (1973), shows the minerals expected to be formed at the temperature and pressure conditions experiecend in these two metamorphic environtments. Subduction zones consequently contain paired metamorphic belts (miyashiro, 1972): an outer high pressure/low temperature type on the oceanward side and a parallel low pressure/high temperature belt of similar age associated with the island arc, which are typically about 100-250 km apart. Fig.8.18 two models of thermal structure of descending lithosphere: (a) redrawn from schubert et al., 1975; (b) redrwn from toksoz etal., 1971, with permission from the


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The anomalous thermal and pressure conditions associated with subduction zones give rise to distinctive suites of metamorphic rocks whose disposition is dependent upon the direction of underthrusting (fig. 8.20).

An abnormally low geothermal gradient of about 10c km-1 results from rapid descent of relatively cool oceanic lithosphere at trenches (section 8.4) to depths of about 30 km. The high pressures and low temperatures in this environment give rise to a metamorphic complex characterized by the presence of glaucophaneand jadeite, which are indicative of the blueschist facies. Blueschist terrains are associated almost everywhere with ophiolitic suites (ernst, 1973) (section 2.5). the ascent of magmas generated by dewatering-induced mantle melting (section 8.8) gives rise to anomalously high geothermal gradients of more than 25c km-1 up to about 50c km-1. A second metamorphic complex consequently arises associated with surface volcanism, which is characterized by mineral such as andalusite, which are generated at high temperatures and low pressures (fig. 8.20). figure 8.21, from miyashiro (1973), shows the minerals expected to be formed at the temperature and pressure conditions experiecend in these two metamorphic environtments.

Subduction zones consequently contain paired metamorphic belts (miyashiro, 1972): an outer high pressure/low temperature type on the oceanward side and a parallel low pressure/high temperature belt of similar age associated with the island arc, which are typically about 100-250 km apart.

Fig.8.18 two models of thermal structure of descending lithosphere: (a) redrawn from schubert et al., 1975; (b) redrwn from toksoz etal., 1971, with permission from the american geological union. Shading indicates zones of phase changes.

Fig.8.19 relationship between length of benioff zone and the product of spreading rate and age. Approximate uncertainies given by error bars in upper left corner (redrawn from molnar et al., 1979. With permission from the royal astronomical society).

Paired metamorphic belts were first recognized in japan(fig.8.21) where three pairs of different ages have been identified. At present pacific lithosphere is being subducted in a northwesterly direction beneath the japan arc, and the metamorphic polarity of the sangun/hida and ryoke/sanbagawa paired belts indicates that they were formed by underthrusting in this same direction. The sanbagawa/ryoke belts however, are much closer

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together than suggested by the plate tectonic model, and so it has been suggested that their common margin, the median tectonic line, has been the locus of some 400 km of strike-slip movement responsible for bringing the sanbagawa and ryoke belts into juxtaposition. This transcurrent movement has been amply confirmed by detailed mapping (takagi, 1986). The hidaka/kamuikotu paired belt shows the opposite metamorphic polarity. And must have been formed during a different phase of plate movements when the direction of subduction was from the west of japan.

Paired metamorphic belts have now been identified from many of the subduction zones, of both island arc and andean-type, around the margin of the pacific, as shown in Fig.8.23. full descriptions of many of these belts are given in ernst (1975). In order subduction zones, however, such as the phanerozoic orogenic belts of the atlantic region, unpaired metamorphic belts occur in which one of the two belts is not developed or the contrast between belts is unclear. Miyashiro (1973) has noted that a very low geothermal gradient is required for blueschist grade metamorphism, and if this is not achieved only medium pressure metamorphism will result (fig. 8.21). thereafter, if the rate of plate descent is slow, or if young, hot oceanic lithosphere is being subducted, the very low thermal gradient necessary for blueschist grade metamorphism will not be achieved and the high pressure belt will missing. Investigations in california and japan have shown that in past subduction systems, blueschist metamorphism ceased 30-40 Ma prior to the underthrusting of an ocean ridge as young, hot lithosphere started subducting. The rapid plate motion and rate of underthusting of the pacific lithosphere thus accounts for the common occurrence of paired metamorphic belts around the pacific.

Blueschist terrains may be located well within present-day continents, and probably represent the suturing of ancient continental margins following the consumption of an intervening ocean (ernst 1973). Blueschist belt are common in mesozoic and cenozoic subduction complexes, but are more rare in older phanerozoic belts. This may reflect an increased presence of the more extreme pressure-temperature condition with time. The presence of several generations of paired metamorphic belts in region such as japan argues strongly for the longevity of many subduction zones.

Barber (1982) has questioned the validity of the paired metamorphic belt concept by proposing a new model for the evolution of japan. He demonstrated that the deformation of the members of paired belts has occurred at different times. Palaeo-magnetic investigations have revealed that elements of japan were originally situated in equatorial latitudes, and that the japanese islands have undergone a clockwise rotation since palaeogene times, when the major axis of the islands was parallel to the asian coast. Barber suggests that northwards subduction at an oblique angle at this time was accompanied by sinistral strike-slip movements along the trench. The various japanese high and low pressure belts were accreted and brought together during these phases of movements, i.e., they represent suspect terrains (section. 9.5).

Although the paired metamorphic belt model appears reasonable, this new syathesis for the type example in japan questions its validity (wiadley 1984). It is necessary to await detailed

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investigations of other paired belts before a decision can be made about its general applicability


Kondisi suhu dan tekanan anomali terkait dengan zona subduksi menimbulkan deretan batuan metamorf khas yang disposisi tergantung pada arah underthrusting (gbr. 8.20).Sebuah gradien geotermal abnormal rendah sekitar 10c km-1 hasil dari keturunan cepat litosfer samudera yang relatif dingin di parit (bagian 8.4) sampai kedalaman sekitar 30 km. Tekanan tinggi dan suhu rendah dalam lingkungan ini menimbulkan kompleks metamorf ditandai dengan kehadiran glaukofan dan jadeite, yang adalah indikasi dari fasies blueschist. Medan Blueschist berhubungan hampir di mana-mana dengan suite ophiolitic (Ernst, 1973) (Bagian 2.5). pendakian magma yang dihasilkan oleh deweathering diinduksi leleh mantel (bagian 8.8) menimbulkan anomali gradien geotermal tinggi lebih dari 25c km-1 sampai sekitar 50c km-1. Sebuah kompleks metamorf kedua akibatnya timbullah terkait dengan vulkanisme permukaan, yang ditandai dengan mineral seperti andalusite, yang dihasilkan pada suhu tinggi dan tekanan rendah (gbr. 8.20). Angka 8.21, dari Miyashiro (1973), menunjukkan mineral diharapkan akan terbentuk pada kondisi suhu dan tekanan yang dialami dalam dua environtments metamorf.Zona subduksi akibatnya mengandung dipasangkan sabuk metamorf (Miyashiro, 1972): tekanan luar tinggi / tipe suhu rendah di sisi oceanward dan paralel tekanan rendah / belt suhu tinggi dari usia yang sama terkait dengan busur kepulauan, yang biasanya sekitar 100-250 km terpisah.

Fig.8.18 dua model struktur termal menurun litosfer: (a) digambar ulang dari Schubert et al, 1975; (b) redrwn dari toksoz dkk, 1971, dengan ijin dari serikat geologi Amerika... Shading menunjukkan zona perubahan fase.

Fig.8.19 hubungan antara panjang zona benioff dan produk dari penyebaran tingkat dan usia. Uncertaines perkiraan yang diberikan oleh error bar di pojok kiri atas (digambar ulang dari molnar et al., 1979. Dengan izin dari masyarakat kerajaan astronomi).

Paduan sabuk metamorf pertama kali diakui di Jepang (fig.8.21) di mana tiga pasang dari berbagai usia telah diidentifikasi. Saat ini pacific litosfer sedang subduksi pada arah Barat Laut bawah busur jepang, dan polaritas metamorf dari Sangun / hida dan ryoke / sanbagawa sabuk dipasangkan menunjukkan bahwa mereka dibentuk oleh underthrusting dalam arah yang sama. Namun sanbagawa / ryoke sabuk, lebih dekat bersama-sama daripada yang disarankan oleh model tektonik lempeng, dan sehingga telah menyarankan bahwa marjin bersama mereka, garis tektonik median, telah menjadi lokus sekitar 400 km dari gerakan strike-slip bertanggung jawab membawa sanbagawa dan sabuk ryoke ke penjajaran. Gerakan ini transcurrent telah cukup dikonfirmasi oleh pemetaan rinci (Takagi, 1986). The Hidaka / kamuikotu dipasangkan sabuk menunjukkan polaritas metamorf berlawanan. Dan harus telah terbentuk selama fase berbeda dari gerakan lempeng ketika arah subduksi adalah dari barat Jepang.

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Paduan sabuk metamorf kini telah diidentifikasi dari banyak zona subduksi, dari kedua pulau busur dan Andes-jenis, sekitar margin Pasifik, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Fig.8.23. deskripsi penuh dari banyak sabuk ini diberikan di Ernst (1975). Di zona subduksi order, namun, seperti sabuk orogenic Phanerozoic wilayah Atlantik, sabuk metamorf berpasangan terjadi di mana salah satu dari dua sabuk tidak dikembangkan atau kontras antara sabuk jelas. Miyashiro (1973) telah mencatat bahwa gradien panas bumi yang sangat rendah diperlukan untuk blueschist kelas metamorfosis, dan jika hal ini tidak tercapai hanya media metamorfosis tekanan akan menghasilkan (gbr. 8.21). setelah itu, jika tingkat keturunan plat lambat, atau jika muda, panas litosfer samudera sedang subduksi, gradien termal yang sangat rendah diperlukan untuk blueschist kelas metamorfosis tidak akan tercapai dan sabuk tekanan tinggi akan hilang. Investigasi di california dan Jepang telah menunjukkan bahwa dalam sistem subduksi lalu, blueschist metamorfosis berhenti 30-40 Ma sebelum underthrusting sebuah punggungan laut yang muda, litosfer panas mulai subduksi. Gerakan lempeng cepat dan laju underthusting dari litosfer Pasifik sehingga menyumbang terjadinya umum dipasangkan sabuk metamorf sekitar Pasifik.Medan Blueschist mungkin berlokasi baik dalam benua masa kini, dan mungkin mewakili penjahitan dari tepi benua kuno berikut konsumsi laut intervensi (Ernst 1973). Blueschist sabuk yang umum di kompleks subduksi Mesozoikum dan Kenozoikum, tetapi lebih jarang di sabuk Phanerozoic tua. Hal ini mungkin mencerminkan kehadiran peningkatan kondisi tekanan suhu yang lebih ekstrim dengan waktu. Kehadiran beberapa generasi dipasangkan sabuk metamorf di daerah seperti Jepang berpendapat kuat untuk umur panjang banyak zona subduksi.Barber (1982) telah mempertanyakan validitas yang dipasangkan konsep sabuk metamorf dengan mengusulkan sebuah model baru untuk evolusi jepang. Dia menunjukkan bahwa deformasi dari anggota sabuk dipasangkan telah terjadi pada waktu yang berbeda. Investigasi Paleo-magnetik telah mengungkapkan bahwa unsur jepang awalnya terletak di daerah garis katulistiwa, dan pulau-pulau Jepang telah mengalami rotasi searah jarum jam sejak zaman Paleogen, ketika sumbu utama dari pulau-pulau itu sejajar dengan pantai Asia. Barber menunjukkan bahwa utara subduksi pada sudut miring saat ini didampingi oleh gerakan sinistral strike-slip di sepanjang parit. Berbagai sabuk Jepang tekanan tinggi dan rendah yang bertambah dan dibawa bersama selama fase-fase gerakan, yaitu, mereka mewakili medan tersangka (section. 9.5).Meskipun dipasangkan Model sabuk metamorf muncul wajar, ini syathesis baru untuk tipe misalnya di jepang mempertanyakan keabsahannya (wiadley 1984). Hal ini diperlukan untuk menunggu penyelidikan rinci dari sabuk dipasangkan lain sebelum keputusan dapat dibuat tentang penerapan umum