Tegner&Dayton81 Se Urchin Pop Rec, And Mortality

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Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser 5: 255-268, 1981

Red urchins, 18m1974-1977, n = 8 3 8

40r 1 1 1

Red urchins, 15m1974 - 1977, n = 74 3

40 r ,

Red urchins, 12m30,1974- 1977, n = 75 3


Fig. 3. Strongylocentrotus franciscanus. Size-frequency dis-tributions of red urchin test diameters sampled from

November 1974 through August 1977 at 18 m (A) , 15 m (B )

and 12 m (C )

Strongylocentrotus purpurat us population structures

were similar at all 3 study areas as well as between

years. The annual da ta for the 15m site are in Fig. 4,

the composite data for all sites in Fig. 5. There was no

evide nce of a bimodal size-frequenty distribution for

purple urchins.


Table 1 summarizes the Strongylocentrotus francis-

canus collections by size categories - first, on the basis

of all in dividuals collected a nd secondly, on the basis

of th ose less t han 90 mm avoid the bias resulting fromthe commercial sea urchin fishery. Intensive harvest-

ing of urchins larger th an 90 mm beg an at Point Loma

in 1976 and decreases were observed in th e proportion

Purple urchins, 15m


I I . I , . I I I I .

0 20 4 0 6 0 80 I0 0


Fig. 4. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Size-frequency dis-

tributions of purple urchin test diameters sampled at 15 m

during 1974 (A). 1975 (B), 1976 (C) and 1977 (D )

Purple urchins, 18m

1974- 1977, n = 583

Purp le urch~ns, 15m1974- 1977, n = 957

Purple urchins, 12m

1974 - 1977, n = 1438

1 1 , , , . . , , r .

0 M 40 60 80 I00 0 2 0 4 O M ) ( 1 O I M )


159.5. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Size-frequency dis-

tributlons of purple urchin test diameters sampled from

November 1974 through August 1977 a t 18 m ( A ) , 15m (B )

and 1 2 m (C )

of large urchins at the 15 and 12 m sites after 1975. For

th e 3 years studied, recruitment of red sea urchins was

regular and substantial in magnitude. As S. francis-

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T e g n e r a n d D a y t o n : P o p u l a t ~ o n y n a m i c s of s e a u r c h ~ n s 2 6 1

F ig . 6 . S t r o n g y l o c e n t ro t u s f r a n ci s c a n u s . T o p : C h a r a c t e r i s t ic d a m a g e t o t e s t s of r e d u r c h i n s b y s h e e p h e a d w r a s s e s S e m i c o s s y p h u s

p u l c h e r w h i c h g e n e r a l ly b r e a k a l a r g e , s y m m e t ri c a l h o l e in t h e o r a l s u r f a c e . B o t t o m : S p i n y l o b s t e r s P a n u l i r u s i n t e r r u p t u s m a y

b r e a k h o l e s i n t h e o r a l o r a b o r a l s u r f a c e s of t h e t e s t o r m a y s i m p l y r e m o v e t h e p e r i s to r n i al m e m b r a n e

urchin around the lower lateral margin with its head.

On several occasions apart from these trials we have

noticed sheep head with sea urchin spines imbedded in

their foreheads. Once dislodged, the urchin was turned

over and attacked in the region of the peristomial

membrane. The Aristotle's Lantern was removed andthe mouth opening enlarged to allow access to the

gonads. The approximately symmetrical circular inci-

sion (Fig. 6) removi ng most of th e oral surface of th e

test is very characteristic of she eph ead predation . The

second mo de of attack was only observed once. A large

male sheephead grabbed an approximately 60 mm S.

franciscanus by the dorsal spines and bash ed it against

a rock until the test was shattered.

As discussed previously, juvenlle red and p urpleurchins seek shelte r under the spin e canopies of adult

red urchins (Te gner and Dayton, 1977). When the

observer removes the adults, a n action mimicking th e

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This paper was present ed by Dr N. D. Holland; it was accepted for printing on May 18, 1981