OB un ot ber coleo-n, leeosS^en * tb» oUtlf.ne* .f Thursday, tb, litb of fi?*ewfec ». jjuby^; Paui«Th.i*sgMngv ~ .. riß* ?> - y ; á5?í tap> Me*sn«jQaW W* fftisákm» * C«v wert, awarded lb« pris» ik* l»u Fat* of tao Sonto Carolina JnettldtsM.C^k^.r^,^^;,^, vfaal**. , .V/ . '.. South C*r«lU.«Ti7«^"»Ull %*o»«. NolK-o VP anoiö« e«|b«an.t»lorp* stockholder* lb»t tb« Fíáb Ioit»Jéa«»it ^ I>*íl«r. per abare, will ba p.jr»Mc on.tba Ut" of December. He« ac«« tfmAr. Wo aro pleased to none« tb« ff ca tly , reduced, expense OD Ibo Wilmington, Columbi* é A og uaw ta Railroad, to viiïtor*,of tnt Agricultural Fair at Wlludugton, as announced oh another column. Ko doubt »nany wdl »v»ll tlieujaolv«« et'H »..- v nfc fr- -i. X Death or «Colored min Inter. Ber. JuMP« W BIT*, prnstof ofKw«nu*i;tNortb. ttB Methodist) Cherub, at ijiis piece, ulled ou 8oBday last. Illa fuQer.nl aerrieee on Mon«» pleat ware attended by en unnau»! ooneonraa ol the colored peo plo-tho whole body of colored Min¬ utera aud delegater tb bare nt lb« time, joining io tb» procession. *" ï*»fr'd ? ?».»- " Ace I «eu I al «ht>o CID«. We learn that » pistol w«nt off accidentally lu the hand vf Mr.' J UN tua A. Uuxjum, it Lynob burg Depot, od Muud«y last, the b»h from whiob severely wounded AHT»C-»Y SCOTT, « colored bricklayer who wm standing not far off, con- reving willi Mr. WAJQIUQTOSPUIUST. 'ibo lu. formation at band, from the musirelfshU »curce, teavea no uouot tust tho ucear ronco wk« .'purely and entirely accidental; Scotr. ia said to ho a colored man of good «p»r»cter, . qdîèt and coa- nrvftilvo in bia feelings. "Although /severely wounded-at Bret thoughttobe, ta uri«! ly-there are well-founded hope* of h in recovery. ij.)»e».../V .-. Charleston AMo lit lion-Kollctou« Be« »iwm. Thia influential hedy of the Representatives of the Baptist Church, hold Its annual session at Bethel Church, in the Privateer neighborhood, convening on Saturday, tb» 6th, i nd adjourn log on Wednesday, the Vib inst, lloví D. C. Pres¬ ley, of Charleston, presided. It brought together. a large number of attendants, and the Aseooiu- tion wus well represented. Th» proceedings »nd accompanying services were interesting, hnruio- nioua an« successful. Wa learn that the reporta from the varions sections of the Association iodicated Improvement in ebureh support, In¬ órense of membership end progresa in . pi ritual in te ros u generally.. Tho nest aession vf the Association will he held at St. Georges' Church, Charleston District. Religious services of unusual interest have followed the adjournment of the A*sooiaii»p.- Tho meeting ia still in progress, Great good bas already been done in tbat commun ty. The nltnra of the Church are nightly orowded. Eight per« sons received the ordinance of Baptism by im¬ mersion OnSonday last, and twenty accessions had boen realized up to that time. Kevs.N. Gra hara, Hugbaon and Nichols are laboring earnestly and acceptably, and other luiniaters are expected to assist them. We trust the good work muy-go on, that there may be yet more abundant out¬ pourings of tbe heavenly grace, and th nt the prosperity of Zion shall bo groatly increased thereby. The ordinance of Baptism will be admlnistor ed toa number of candidates on Sunday next. Gethsemane BaplJat.AaaoclaCloD* Thia body oi colored Ministers and Delogales, representing the colored Baptists of South Caro¬ lina, ..bas been |n session for two or three days past, at Sumter. It numbers nbout.nne hundred and fit tv, comprising alargo, well dressed and respectable looking body of colored mon. Tho order and decorum, too, is in strong ooo traut with most of the political meetings of this people, and, on the whole, we should think, must exert un influence for good. ." It emhraNea Churches at Charles ton, George¬ town, Caradon, * Sumter, ' Darlington, Chester, Florence, Edisto, Beaufort, Lady Island, Barn¬ well, Columbia, Puris Islaod, Hilton Head, Orangeburg, Branchville, and Rc«vo»ville (Coi loton), whioh, at the meeting of tbe Association twelve months ago, had a raemborsbip of about thirteen thousand. Tbe number, we understand, is now touoh larger. The Church at Sumter is exiled Shiloh Bnp list Cburob, and Rev. B. Lawson is tho pastor. « SUMTER BITTERS INVIGORATES THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS and pms them to work, tho appetite becomes good, food digests, makes good blood, the patient gains, in h ou! th and strength, sleeps well, and blesses that Wbivh makos bim well again." Pimples and brown spots on tho face, Eruptions, Blotches, Scrofulous Diseases, and nil sores arising from impure blood, ure oureil by Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Dis¬ covery, As nr. A mi-Billions or livor medicine, and for habitdsl constipation of the bowel's it works wonderful euros. Sold hy druggists- Pamphlet ott Ibo »hove diseases sent free. Ad¬ dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Baffulo, H. Y. -,-»».+«.?--ti¬ lt ft an old aoyliig, that'-Truth Bea in a woll,'» but tho rolsfortuuo ia. tbat some will not u.«o tbe menus to draw her up. "If't wera-none, 't were well done, 't were done iiilekty"-so say we. who know the beoefioiut effects experienced hy ibo uso of the "Old Carolina Bitters," The groat Su ut ti et-» loni«. Wlóemen'a Crystelised Worm Candy is only tweoty-Sve eenie a box I . Tf yon want to buy Ilarneaa, Saddles, Trunks, Valls»», Bags, 8aiébèls, Collars, Hames, Chains, Hiding, bridles, Martingales, Whips, Spurs, Curry-combs, Horse brushes, Feather- brushes, Axis grease, OH, loather, Saddlery H »rd ware,, and lill Goods kept in n first class Saddlery'¿siahlishraéii/cá'll at J. S. TOPI)An A Co.'».. No. 8!8oBth Front 6ti**6l, ¿Wilmington, N. C. ' t«B» 0<>v. Scott .mun i pu lat ed his rc-cleoiiop by . "counted" majority of 33,534, and by thc same process the legislatura will mund ns fol Iowa: Sen- fttoT-ttcloriuorH 5, -Raditwk, 26.4 ilw««e Refôr toora 22,. Ra>ljcx*l» ¿Oj». ?ft- The ltfaníxVi)tli&&yMÍ* *n- nouQOes the death of ÔTBPrtgN J), >%MITH, of Newberry, aod ooiorcd Sena¬ tor LOMAX, of Abbeville,, from,., their injuries by the Kail Hoad uooideut. Colopel ÜAOOOD, aod ISAAOS «pd BARNES are reported improving, add JOHN ll. TRAPP, the colored niuil «gent lo a precarious coudition- I if/."**/. I. ? rt^jmSd«tfr«¿ Md «jKrtt ü% good. Trna al« »y *ow»*d «fl »bed additional ti^r* ell tfcw .»«iuwlo,. Un«ffeei«d and oan«teeUlh>*», bl« lift w*ty*(u .»««pl* o^rblfao loya «nd devotion, (u hU dino! >^^'*n* Tlgft lb» InsUueUep« »nd pMlM« .«*W»j»t«pfib#0M»tla«r7vw#t« hit'd«nghtf and to Zion his feeble rt«.* , WrJ»jd tgrn -when wasting dir«*'« h*4 rohbed hLs of bodily *«.« »nd recked his frsrae with p»Jn.. Norw«, he pure *nd torie* on»j In hi« toling* MfMto^lljr «H active, workie¿| Christian.' wa« ready to devote bi« Ilm« and «nef g le« »nd meena lo every duty, to every good nhjeot. to every c«ie ofnoed »od to every benevolent er holy pnrpoe«. worthily performed bl« Rart ns member end Deaoç-u of the Church of CbrUt ll« wa« loved by ail «bo knew ht», «nd especially by yu bl» brethren, »nd our sympathy With ol« bereaved family is h«tgbt«n«d by cor MOM of tho lo«« wollare ouraol»es sustained. Un»ni mou »ly adopted by tho Church, Oe to ber SOtb, 1870. J. fi. KENDRICK*. \. " ¡ : \ Church Clerk. A CARfe. SU M TS T., G. C., WOT. ta, 1870. MR. EDITOR t-It lt generally known that I lin ve boon outraged of lat« by partons lo disguise. I «hall not tay her« how grievously outraged ; but I Mood alon« and unarmed and they bad numbers aod power on their «ide. Uodor what¬ ever impression this mob may har« »oUd, I feel attured «hoy wen» mistaken in supposing I wat breaking any ïaw'of my country or wat' willing to clo anything to Inj are the perseus or tb« rights of my fellow oitisens. I am now and hay« al¬ ways been willing to do anything or make any sacrifice fur the good of my country, and I trust tbe oonrse I have determined upon will not be muong tbe toast evldenoe* of this spirit. Under .the disturbed condition of the oountry, nothing that I cnn do and no sacrifiée tbat I eau make «ball bo wanting to conduce to tb« quiet, peace »nd order of the land. I am wronged it te true,.but, For tb« good of my country I can boar it, and I have no charges to make. _C. C. MfrBBq. County Commissioner's Office. SUMTER COUNTY, 8. C., No». Htb, 1870. At u meeting of the Board of County Commit- sinners, held this day. the following résolutions were adopted for the purpotes mentioned: Whereas, In consideration of the amount of property, real and personal, entrusted to and in tho custody of the Superintendent of tbe Poor Howe of Sumter County, S. C., Therefore be it Ittêofved, That the Superintendent of the Poor House of Sumter County bo required to enter into bon.lg to the amount of flee ($600) hundred dollars'for the faithful performance of bis duties and the care nf tuoh properly. Said bend to be signed hy at least three poisons, oaob one tobe woitb that amount over and above all amounts allowed by tho Homef tend Law of tbit Stato. Said bund to bo approved by County Treasurer. Whereas, in consideration of the great danger to life and property, an . also the great incon¬ venience vory often experienced by tho falling nf trees across the publie highways throughout this count y. Be it Hf nice (I, That any person or persons now having deadened, or shall hereafter deaden trees on I.is, her or their lund, or lands, within reach of the public bighwuys, whether occupied by the owner, an »gent, lease or tenant, «h ill be and »re required tu'cul dowu and move such troet at may endanger lifo or prnporty by falling upon the public ronda. And in ente of failure to to do, within ibirty days after publication of tbla notice, such trees sha!) bo cut down and moved at tho expense of the owner or agent. Any ai'oidont occurring to life or proporty after thirty days from the publication ot tbit notice ba" expired, tho owner of tho land, upon which such accident occurs, thal) l e held responsible for diimagos on the same, in any eonrt of compe¬ tent jurisdiction. HtHolveii, That tho Clerk of tbe Board be, and is hornby directed to give this additional publio notice to Dot H ul HTS who have neglected or refus ed lo do mad duty, as required by law. And also tn those Sub Coinmis-aonert, who have neg¬ lected .to make returns of Road work, defaulters Ac, in their Townships, that they are required lo bo and appear at a meeting of thu Board ot County Commissioners, Sumtor ».'»un ty, S. C., on Wednesday, Deo. 14. to answer for tuoh de- .'ault, or proceedings will be commenced againet then», f> r fines aud penalties. By prier of the Board, '. J. II. FHRÍTRK, C. M. Ilona?t Acting Chairman. Clerk of Board. Nov. lo-lt A.C.KAUFMAN Banker & Broker, No 20Broad ^Street. r." NOV. ¡it; 1870. STATIC SEOUKITIRB-South Carolina, old, 82@ 00; d" new, 70;® - do; regist'd stock, ex int -@70. CITY SRCIIRITIKR-Augusta, Ga. Bonds, -@ 78; Charleston, S. C. Stork, (ex qr lot) -rfmoOt do. Fir« I.omi Bond», -@tV7; Columna, S. C Honiis, -fiji 60. K.MI, rm A i) BORDS-Blue Ridge, (first mortgage) -@60; Charleston ant*. Savannah, - @t?o Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, - (jj86; Client IT o ml Darlington, -86; Greenville and Columbia. (1st morl) - (j}8$j d'j# (Plate guar nnteo) 00(2} - ; Northeastern, -(988; Sa van« nah and Ch ur les ton, (1st mort) -¿78; do. (Stn ti guarantee) - @6g; South Carolina, - (3)7 1 ; do, 70; Spurtanburg and Union, - @f>5. RAILROAD STOCKS- Charlotte, Columbia ard Augusta, - (g)-»"; Greenville and Columbia, - (ù,2\\ Northeastern, 018; Savannah and Charles¬ ton. - (#36; South Carolina, ; whole ^sVare*) -r34.?rilo, (hejfdo) - <3l9v. »1 KxanAfiQK, Ac-New York Sight, J off pur; OolOoi>®ll2; Silver, 103.® * ' ' i* -SOOTH 0AROI.IRA »ARK Bltt.S. *H«ntt of Charleston...-(&- . Bank«wherry......M@- Bank et Camden ....... ,\. .,.37 to- BnBk \.r Georgetown.........r....r.",..08<S Brink of South Carol i ou. irrirrfDiriiiiMil'iK Hank of Chester.... ...;:."......... I0($- gikt^ hamburg-- "..8® Bank orBtat« of S. O. prior to l^fll.47(u)~- Bank of Stat« of 8. 0. Issue 1861 and 180* 88@ - .Planters'and Mechanics' Bsnk ofClmrles -(à- .People's Bank of Charleston .. . fm - «Union Bank of Charleston.,.-fm- .Southwestern B R Bank of Charleston, (¿0 - . 8outhíe»torn'K"K Batik of Cbar^t^iy^S-- Farmer«' und Exchange Bank of Charles« -A«- ton.,,,.,...'.>...<.:.w Exchang« Bsnfc ot 'Colombia.*.........7(Ä Merebantt' Bank of Cberaw..,.i . 7@- Planiert'Bank ofFalrfUld .7@ - But* of South Carolina Bl|ls Hcreivablo...oô. . City of 0>«rleètott Chango Bldt.",.\ . DUI« mmá U«s.(*i «re being redeerpwl nt tho Bank Counters of cob. tr* - * -T»*! opeceiioa, ««d alway«" lÄlj'tO '«.#.'' Ttfoe« fnwii«i «IM wb* uee the to wi ti tb« fc«w t*¿ proVamaats «re tary ma*. p**>*d. Tee «4* I bat« I wo»W oat p4i**l»h. MRô\ AWN W. OUWIBURT, ' 4X8 WaatM<h Street, N.W-Y»rk, ApgM^ -- . ; ..? - .r- : ; - «TOS TH1UT Y TUM HM tbU well-known,. standard, «.nd popular 7 K r' remedy.^* " VAIN KIILI.KK, \v manufaclurodey Perry Devi*. A eon, Provi¬ dence, R. I.,, be« a before .tbe public, anal in tb at limo baa become known In all part« or tho world and bean used by people of aU nation». It tremaine, to day', that aame good and efficient remedy. It« won derruí power In rollerlng the taoat aarere palo baa never been equalled, «od lt han sumed ita world-wide popularity by tts intrinsic merit. No «ur»ti*«agent baa had ao r»i(te-ipread aale or given «ooh aalvereal satin faction. Tba various HU for whicb tho Pain Ciller ia aa aafalho* euro, ara too well known to ?equlre capitulation Tn .!»(» :ív;¡;!r«u«ui. As in external apd Internal medicina, the Pain Ril¬ er »tanda unrivalled. Directions accompany saoh bottle Sold by all Druggists, Price 35 ct*., 50 eta., and $1 per bottle Nov 2-Ira _ A Body M nd nindi Disease. Such a dyspepsia. Tba atomacb and the brain ire too intimately allied for the' ode to Buffer without tba other, so th p. t dyapepsia and despond- moy ara inseparable. It may be added, too, that rrltatloa of tba etomaeb ia almost Invariably ac- tompanied by irratltion of the temper. 1 hi invigorating and traoqoilislng operation >r Hos to lier's Bitters la fcoat powerfully it eve! . »ped- la oaeea or lo digestion. Tha-flrat offeo t Of bia agreeable tonie ia comforting and enoonrog- ng. A ml|d g)vw pervades tl)o «y s tem,. tba ibronlo aneaaineaa in the region of th« atomacb B lessoned, 'and the aervouc ranleasMaa which iharactcritea tbe disease la abated. Thia im-' irovemcut ls not transient. It la notaueoeeded >y th« return of tho old aymptona wl'h superad- !ed force, as ia alwaya tb« eaee. whea ttnmedioa- ed atimulaata ara given for the oomplatnt. Saoh doa« seems to impart a permanent accession >f healthful invigoration. Hut this is not all. The aperient and antlbilUou« properties of the »reparation' are aoareely aecondary in importance n ita tonio virtue*. If there ia an ovetflow of tile the sécrétion ia soon brought within proper imita, and if tbe bileary erg«** h> Isert and ..tor- lid ii.la toned and regulated. The effect apon ie discharging organs (a equally salutary, and n COHO.* o(constipation the cathartic action ia ust suf&oient to produce the desired result grad- tally and without pain. Tbe Bitters also pro note healthy evaporation from the surface which y particularly désirable attbiaaeason when aud- len spells of »aw, unpleasant weather are apt o cheolc the natural perspiration and produce nnjesiion of the liver, coughs, and colds. The eui tufegiiard »gaim*t ait aiêeaitê ii bodily vigor nd ibis the great Vegetable heatorative essenti¬ ally promotes. Nov 3-2m mar The "Phoebe Baker'* Salved 100 yean a aeoret- Cures as by meglo- Ul Cute, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Cancers, ¡ore Nipples, and Broken Breasts, Chapped jipa and Hands, Eruptions, Chilblains, Bites or ¡tings of Inseotf, Ao. A Wondorful cure for piles. Sold everywhere. Ask for Phoebe Baker's" (and lake no other) '.Co tar's" Rat, Roach, Ao. Exterminator«. "CUKtar'«" (liquid 1 Bod-Bug Exter. "Costar'»" (pure) Inseot Powder. Use this (only pure) Inseot Powder for Moths in Furs and Woolens, for Bed¬ bugs, Infects, Ac "CoatarV (only sure remedy) Corn Solvent. SOLD everywhere. Ask for "COST A H'S" (and take no other.) $1 $2 $-1 and tb sises «ant by express. Address "COSTAR" CO., 13 Howard St., N.T. PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. Pictures ! Pictures ! ! Pictures Î ! PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES, AMBROTYPES, AMP PORCELAIN PICTURES. There Picture« .are now taken at the Sumter kallery, in all sizes and styles-up to life siae. Recent improvements have been brought into requisition, and the undersigned feels confident that he can produce' aa - erfect and well finished Pictures aa oan be obtwined in lb« State. Copying from Old Likenesses, and tho original ilneamoou of the pictnro fa My reproduced. JT. I). WILDER. Oct tf SEED RYE, NEW GEORGIA FLOUR, PEARL HOM IN EY. SIFTED MEAL. -ORDERS TAKEN POR- WINTER SEED OATS, -AT- J. W. DARGAN'S. Oct 19_4t_ DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. riMlE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL exi ting under the name and style of J. A. MATES. A Co., af M ayes» ii lo, S. Chas, thia lay. been dissolved by mutual consent. ' J. A. MAYES, W. i. MULDROW. Oct JO 1870 ON RETIRING FROM THE FIRM OF J. A. MAYES, A Co., I beg to than*- my Iricnds for the liberal support given tbe Arm of h A. MAYES 4 Go.,,and, to. balpaak for Dr. MAYES, the successor In business, tb« contin¬ uance of tho liberal patronage heretofore given to th« lat« Ara. ' ' W. J. MULDROW. Oat au 1870 it, ihelajtftarttj aT J. A. MAY*}, * Co., at Mayesville, 8, 0., I »lill oontlnue th« Drag A Medicina, Grocery, and Provision business ,ewtofw^<r«joia ^ ^WouAa*«a«oa u baílaos» to merit tbee^ntlathrtoafof the liberal patronage b«x«Vof»fo ba«|ow«di : rt r*«.atf-m... »..>'" ..«'. - ..». W»r1«! H»UOÏ»I fQ Ohmtetor. Ably Edited, f .a*a>ertry Jlhwtfatad Printed, lt to «ho BEÔT AMERICAN WEEKLY I It U th« ¿Undard Authority oa aft broncha of AoeiooxTwee, BoRTicoi/rdat, Au. . Lit- «TWjr and Ftselly Paper It la a favorite many of tba best fa mil Ut all ovar the Union, VaaaaKaW Indeed Meoaa'e Rua AL awe no Bi. Mt ia it» MMra, ami ta tn« Largest Illustrated . *»WMIOD the Continent-«ach number fon- taloing Sixteen Fi ve- Column Pages, (doubla tba ala« of mo«t papers of Ita cia*J.) It ia »Ae paper for tho Kaat, West, North and South. TERMS, INDUCEMENTS. &C- TKRM S-$3 a Year of 62 Numbers, and only $2 60 in'Cl obs ofTea: This Quarter'« 13 Num. bera asst F REE; aa offered above, Oar Club Io 4*ocn*entc for 1871 aro «nprooedented. Speel- mens, Premium Lists, Ac., «eat free to all form lag Clubs.-and we want a live Club Agent in every Town. Address P. P. T. MOORE, 14 P^rk Row, New York. " ANKlÖRTFAük WFTOKLV. NOW. in. ita e Eleventh Tear, publishes Sermons, a Serial Story for tho Family, a Kaw Children's Story avery week, Obau with tho Little Folks, Editorials by tho beat Methodist writers and others, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, fall Deaaramen ta of Religious and Secular In. tolligonoo. Priée $2.50 a yr ar. Liberal premi¬ ums or cash commissions to canvassers. Sub¬ scriptions commence at any time. For apeolmen, enoloso to two oent stamp to prepay postage. Address THE METHODIST, 114 Nassau St., N. Y. ._. ACHRISTMAS GIFT to all Yearly Sub- acribera to Apploton'a Journal, published Weekly. Two Month« Subscription Qtt&ns. Thc Hiüiam ui november and December, 1870, given gratis to all subscribers remitting $4. 'for the year 1871. Any one desirous of making a trial of Ibo Joua. HAI. to seo .whether they Ilk« it, can li a ve ll for TWO MONTHS on remitting us Fifty Cents. PICTURESQUE AMEEIOA, consisting of splend. idly executed views of Amorloan Scenery, com monced In November. P. APPLETON A Co., Publishers« New_York. _, GENT ROBT. E. LEE'S LIFBTNoarly nady for publication, tba Bioonapnr of Gen. Robt. E. Leo, by JOHN EBTEN COOKK, author of "Life of Stonewall Jackson," "Wearing tba Grey, «to. 1 vo., 600 pages ILLUSTRATEn. To bo sold by subscription. AGENTS WANTED. P. Appleton A Co., Publishers, Now York._ Agenúi^ra^tS^S^Íd^fof ïfrc^lar^^AU^lresss MASONIC PUB. CO., 482-Broome St., New York. HOLIDDAY-J "URNAL_for Î87Ï Contains a Christinas Story, splendid Plays. Meglo Sports, Ao; 48 pages ; illustrated. Sent free on receipt of ono stamp for postage. Address ADAMS A CO., Publishers, Boston. RORI KS, M IC A LUI. nA PPIMSS. IIOW TO BK ORTA1NED FOR Five Dollars I PLANTATIONS, FARMS, VILLA SITBS ANO TOWN Lora, at Tan GREAT PREMIUM Lxno SALK, Ai¬ ken, S. C. -The "Saratoga of tho South." 48 boura from N. Y. The most delightful clim ato in the world. Free from the rigora of Northern wintere.exempt from Throat Diseases. Vineyards and orchards in full, bearing. For descriptive pamphlet, address without stamp, J. C. PERRY, Augusta Ga. GRAND HOLIDAY RAFFLE and SALE. $.30,000 worth of Real Estate and Personal Property will refiled for in Calhoun, Ga., Deo ember 2Atb, 1870 ; every ticket getting a prizo from $1 to $6,00. Tickets only one Dollar. Conducted by Rix Sworn Commissioners ; refer to County Officers. Liberal iudueemcnls to Agonts or Clubs. Send Stamp for circulars, Ao. H. lt. HICKS A Co., Managing Agents._ HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION I SEND I For a receipe, by the use of £Z( \ cts. I which one half of tba labor and tlU I two thirds of the expense of ron j Washing Clothes is saved. Equal {BjQ/i- j to a savin«; of $26 per year in a ijPAt/ I small family. Sent on receipt of 60 cts. by 8. F. CULM AN, I LoiiUtilt», Kv. PKPTtl.Vn A !iu">f '> PATENT Is absolutely safe from explosion or breaking ; burns any Coal Oil, good or bad ; gives more light, no odor, »nd uses less oil. "It is perfecely non-explosive; gives a better light and ia mora economical than nny otbor lamp In use."-W. H. Wella, late Superintend- ont of Public Schools, Chicago. "I intend substituting it throughout my house for tho dangerous lampa now in use.'-Prof. W. H. Rufflier, Sup't Public Instruction, Richmond, Va. The appalling deaths and fire from glass lamps exploding and breaking create A great demand for this lamp. It PAYS to soil it. Sold by Cnn. vassers or Store» ; Agents wanted everywhero. Send for full particulars. Address Mongomcry A Co., Cleveland, Ohio, or 42 Burcloy Streot, New York._ ROYAL HAV*NA LOTTERY- k Prltos cashed and information furnished by GEORGE UPHAM, Providonee, R. I._ <jj»ï>/r A WEEK SALARY ¡-Young men wanted aa local and travelling sales, men. Address (with stamp) R. H. WALKER, 84 Park Row, N. Y_ _ PERSONS WISHING TO ENGAGE IN Permanent and Profitable Business pirase address, at onoe, J. E. C. Howard A Co.. Port¬ land. Me. No "agency" or peddling business. Number of correspondents limited; $10 to $20 per day sure profit' Eentirely now. WE WILL PAY AGENTS A salary of $:16 a woek, or allow n large com¬ mission to sell our new inventions. Address, with stomp, J. W. FRINK A CO., M-irshall, Mich. STAMMERING cured hy Bates Appliances- For description address Simpson A Co.. Bo« P07fi, N.Y._ SEWING MACHINES-Agents Wanted. Sal¬ ary $10,000 per yonr. Circulars nnd sam- «les of work fro«. Address GRTSTAL SEWING i ACHIER CO., Boston. Mass. PSYCHOMAN CY.-Any lady or gentlemen can mako $1,000 a month, scours their own happinoa arid independence, by obtaining I'SY- CHOMANCY, FASINATION, or SOUL CHAR¬ MING. 400 pages; cloth. Full instructions to uso tNa power over men or animals at will, how to M OP m «ri te, become Tranco or Writing Medi¬ ums, Divination, Spiritualism. Alchemy. Philo- sophy of Omens' ada dreams, B-lgbam Young's Harem, Guide to Marriage,'Ao.,all contained in (his book ; 100,000 soft ; price by mal),in cloth $1.25fpapor covers $1. NaTiOR.-Any parson Wt I Kn g lo Set ae agent will receive, a s nm pl o enpy nf the work /fer. A* no capital la required, all desirous of genteel employment should «*nd fer the hodV, enclosing IO eta. for postage, to T. W. EVANS Af COj, 41 t-outb 8th St., Fbilqdclphi». AMYSTERY SOLVED,-Fifteen Minutes Private Con verseifen with Married Ladles by one of their ntlmhsr, Sent free for two stamps. Address M rx. H. METZGER, Hanover. Pa._ ,%$f A ÖARttft: A Clergyman, while residing in South Ameri¬ ca aa a missionary, ditcóvarod a safe and «implo remedy fer the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of tho Urinary and Seminal Organs, «ad th« whola train ofdisorders brought on D) baneful and vicious. babita. Great num¬ bera kara beet cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit tho afflicted and unfortunate. I will send the receipe far prorrorlng and nalag this medicino, In a seated envelop, to any une who needa il, Free charge. Ailtlross JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station V, Bible* llouno, New York City, V'G*E j j r^pjjj^ I - \ PIyI f -Vc; .^/;,^i*T ! p1 gil IN QUAIiTS :^>5^^ :U For ' sale at the- saintf Wffi&$* . before^tbe ^ ---ALSO--?-* . '.' it1 :. .. r A Fine American^ "STAR" IWÊ^ÊMMÊ « ; . .*:*.-?... \ ,, "? i, ,r.f <U*A«>tfc :>. -^-AND--, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF imported ana Mßomcstic Of All Kinds. iron SALE LOW -AT- EMTM'fABl Sumter, S. G. Nov 9 l(«,S«Sf'i|iM4,^iNr"ifM,i^i^,nii"ki'iiM,i>i.n1i'i1rt,,n1itiii iininniiiiiiiTiitiiin gi SUM TEK FURN ITU KE -AND- Chair Ware-Rooms. THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS IIIS ' Friends and Cu Pto ra ors that be has received and «rill continue to receive NSW AND CI/KAP FURNITURE, TO 6UIT THE TIMES. His Stock cousists of almost o very article in that line, vis : SOFAS, SIDE-BOA EDS, BOOK-CASES, Wardrobes, Extention Tables, Bnreans, W^sh-Standa, Sitting nnd Rocking Chairs, of every kind Cribs, Cradles,Trundles Cottage Bedsteads and Mattresses. JUST RECEIVED Somo moro of those CHEAP COTTAGE SETS. Mont Safes, Window Shndos and Wall Papering-all low for CASH. J. E. Snares, 3fa in Street, opposite Express Office, Entrance from Stair Cuso on Main .Street to FURNITURE ROOMS. Nov 2 MISS E.'D. BRITTON WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE ber frlonds, nnd particularly tho Indios of Sumter and commu¬ nity to call And examine Her Rich and Beautiful Stock -OF- Fall Millinery and Fancy Goods. Having fclcctcd her goods ppr«'.nully, and with great caro, in tho New York and Haitlmnre marketa, shu feels confident of pleasing Ail, both as regards finality, st\le end pr lie. usual, there aro roany novelties for tho scaxon. MISS BRITTON is supplied with a FlftRT CLASS MILLINER and a DRESS MAKER, from Baltimore, who aro weil qualified for tho biiainoss. The fashions procured in New York. Ladies, CMR and havo your Dresse? and Hat» made in tho latest styles. Pnpar patterns ol' Drear**, i'ueqnca «nd other article of dress may be hud. At the Now Store next to J. T. frOLOMf'NS Sept 28 ._ '.. Fall and Wintpr Opening, MRS. M. J. ZERNOW Has recently .returned from New York, whore abe selerled an oin- gant.ami vnriod Assortment of Gonda in tho MILLINERY LINE, embracing all the latest NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. Her Stock 1ms been selected with great core, And will he found unequaled in choice and vnri<- ly, and will bo olfored at price.« that cannot fail to give satisfaction. fÙÊ* Orders from the country will rcccivu rprpjtQUitUntto>« J. D. CRAIG, MANUFACTURER, -DEALER IN- Furniture & Upholsterer! COR. MAIN AND CANAL ST8. SUMTER, S. C. RESPECTFULLY informs his friend* and pa. Irons thal ha hits now on band a supply of BED nu OM AND COTTAGE BETTS, of various st/las. CANE AND WOOD SEAT CHAIRS. BKl).ST KADS, TABLES. BUREAUS, CRIBS, Ac, Ac, all of which ho offers for rale at priées to salt tba times. FURNITURE mads to order, in any styl«and at short notice Manufacturing, Repairing and Upholstery dono promptly and in a neat and .workmanlike in MI ncr. M miro.« «cs made to ordsr, and old Mattresses renovated. Ch ai s reseated with oana and made ss good aa new. Picture Frames of all sises,- Rosa Wood, Olli, and plain luouldipgs, maila to order,and Look-] ing elastes set In frames, and for said. F V NEU At» S Îiromptly attended to in Town or Country, and miltalie, Mahogany,' Walnut, or Cornra.n Coffin« furnished ns roo,aired, at short àotice. Oct 35 __Bm Il A RD WARE Store, Main-at. undor Sumtor Hotel. L. P. LORIN Gt -AoRir ron- Messrs. Sing A Huppman, KA 1.1 I »IOU E. m. o. Would reipscifnliy sollelt the patronage of hi» friends mid tho palillo, » HE ll AS IN ST0 JIB A COMPLETS Stock of Hardware and Family Utensils, cmlirnoiojr «»rf y artl'le ia this Uno of business, wliiuli he intei.ils lo sell at the.. loivKST PH ices, ron CAMI, lie wilt ks«p alway* in store, a complot* assort¬ ment of ... Colling Axos, Ames*Shovel* a Spades,. Trnf-e Chains, llo»#, . « / Mn ken, Plieli F»>rK», Urala Cradlo», Po j the Blades, rfUllllO-StttfOS, Pocket aiid-Tablo OatVtTy, -. Br/»«*Pr*«-r\in* Kittles, ¿, V Tin Wnre.iWtiidow OlarSVafl *i«t*. Persons in wont 6f la« nVtiit eoffrenlent and economical Steves, ea*,'be supplied «Uh the IntoM Improved p'uMerhs at prices which eanuot fail to gi TO entire pallsrsctloAf Jnne la_' ; ASPBt'lAlilTY, FLOUR SACK S j 'pAP/EB BAOS and WRAlM»INH PAP'R,, At RHWAMJÛ P/BltRY'S.' >i*||fc»^>i»iif^sw>sri «p»*«t*e CharWf>ia rtga^i, TeetherwiiiiU*rtwi****-'U*°rU*9i pf, AND ALL KINDS Vernishcs, Paint Brushes, Tooth Brushes, ^ Seo., &c KEROSËNÈ LAMPS AND all appliances thereto. DR. A. J. CHIN A. J SUCCESSOR TO A. ANDERSON A CO. Sept »I, . y ;.r ,.? ^ i, Casto Oil and Quinina. 5Q Ooneee P «nd W Quinine, t)/", Gfcllons Int qu.llty Castor Oil nt Re- C\3 dpoed prices, By Dr. A. Ji CHINA, Saoecsior to A. ANDERSON, A CO. SeptU " . CHËMICAI^- Í7ÍIB8T QUA LlTY^SWlcebVof every deecrjp. MS «on. end warranted PUKE, By Dr. A. J. CHINA, Sueooesor to A. AN UK US ON, £ CO. sept at . . rTogartie's Book Depository. I100Í7~BOOKS, tno ALL nnacnirttoKf or »CHOOL STATIO^KRT WS CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TC oar SCHOOL PENS and WRITINC BOOKS which are made to our order, »od nil >e found good and cheap, Espooiat attentioi will bc given to order« from teacher», io tb< sou nt ry. A complote catalejo» of School Booka, wit! tho prieta attached, will be Mot free op applioa Hon. CATALOGUE No. 48« Memllfal Thohghtt from Greek Anthe**, with English Translations and Livee'ef the Author», with English Index j also rsference» to parallel -passages from the Scriptum», Lutin and English Au¬ thor», by C. Tatt. Ramage, LL. D..M...43.0 Beautiful Thought« from French and Italian Authors.....,..,.,...................M..O.M.....8.5 Beautiful Thoughts from Germao and Span¬ ish Authors........8.0 Beautiful Thoughts from Latin Authors.3.6 Memoir of Wm. Ellery Channing, with ex¬ tracte from bia Correspondence, Ac, 3 vol«.M.»8.6 Memoir of the Lifo and Writings of Thomas Chalmers, D. D. LL. D.. by his son.In law, the Her. Wm, Unna, 4 vols, Edin« burg edition.,7,6 The Early, Years of Christianity, by E. Do. Preifense, D. D'., Translated by Anrtlo Harwood. Th* Apostolic Bra. 17 Days in North India, by Norman McLeod, Editor of "Good Words," Illustrated...2.0 The Poultry Book, comprising the Breeding end msnagoment of Profitable and Or¬ namental Poultry* their Qualities and Characteristics, by M. B..Tngeimeier, F. Z 8., with Colored illustrations, by Harrison Woli{ and numerous Wood en¬ gravings.,.i..;.9( The pleasures ol Old Age, from tho French of Emile Bouvestre.iV. , .2.1 Ihe Book of Shakespeare Gems, in n Serios of Land oapV Illustrations of tho m»*t Interesting Localities of Shskcfpcaro's Dramas, morocoo, cloth gilt.w.4.l Knight's Half Hour» wltb tho tn si Le««-» Writers sud Autogrophors. 3 vol».A.I Tba Rudimente of Co'onrs and nf Colouring, wi'h the nature nf Pigments for tho use of Decorativo Artists, Phintcrs, Ac, hy Gee» Field, reviled and re wi Ilten by Mallet.M.,.2. The Godoy's Lady's Book Receipts and Household lliuts, arranged by Mrs. Frost..... .2 Paris IQ December, 1861 | or. Tho Coup D'F.iut or Napoleon III., by Kugeno Tenet.,.2. Lighthouses and Lightships, u Descriptivo and Illftorloal Arc nut of their nv«je nf construction and organisation, hy W. II. D. Adams, profusely Illustrated.I. Tho Geological Evidence* of tbe Antiquity* of man, with Rcnrurk* on Thoiiil*« of «ho Origin of Speele» hy V/irlnlior,, by S>r Charles Lyell, F. R. R.. ril.i<triited.:i Fisk's Manaal of Cmstden! Liier.nnre, from the Gorman of J. ,f. Eschcnlittrg I .»?French, English and \ mer icu n Ñute a Lutter Pu par s land Envelope*,- tngother nit' gea eral stock .of Blank Boi.ks ond Smliorcry N. H.-Our. MONTHLY. Ll IBU A It Y BU Ll TON trill ba sena PUKE to porsuns in thu KU try. 1 Pbrsona residing Ih {ie enttntry » please hear in mind, thitt.toy'tending ot tl cri in for ant books published In Anrciku Ib< v wit eli ruged only tah pi lee of ike book. We pay the pyllnge or express. Address Fogartio* Èook Depositor No. 280 KING STREET, (IN THE BEN I) CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Oct* ja BUGGIES, CARBIÄöi Wagons, Carts, And ail manner of Wood Wc for Sume* PLOUGHS* &c;> & THE UNDtlESTGNRO offers fi* sile, at « LOW PRICES-FOR OA8II--.V very aiiorttnent of thé ab->ve articles. Where oredlNa desired,- special ci.nirnr.ts Ihe same mat be nm lc f. r sj-prov ed holt « Repnlringof nil km,ls In \V,->o4 *>.d lr»n « culed sr nh promptness nod dt»p»lt*h. ; t <W¿J- .ANDKltSO.V Agett Oet IO-At . -. uu iiUM AU* n FOR ALL KINDS OE Books and Stationär «V. . '-WU ; 'Ei»(VArib PERKY L4JÖ.*eeitag.|fr'»ed, tfrfifttt tmfiWui -Hf .Jet ¡J » -i a, PRlíPATlErí^ÁRÉF'íÁT' ¡^Jffl " Sti' V, n. irr. A »Wtf AlJH TDK 6HST v- *r~^/. ";^r. .< V V»J , . - ,pftAXt>Y, GIN, ¿ r^f?V^ .? ... WHISKEY nn.!\VIN-t*ii A^Wtf'lW ' "-''^^ ".. -' ^ /' u}ngar. Vaco, ^.*wL.-5 ,:.*: ' '. -V rWucga ksd trwp^R J KEKOSUOi OIL, inp s/l! u r nc r#. ÇUMuoej^ « \rici».. Ac. ? gil -v^^yy^^f ^ Forsale by; ; MOKAQ'R». 4-Tt ..:. -.? <M ^ McKAOES'S.»« :| A FINK SKGAR ,v?: | .CAN Ult It AD I Feb lft^_ v At AJçlvAO,EN/f^ A^ r - . HAVING V Cor, Main & Liberty-Sts. .J Jr F. W. DetQRfflE £^P| Bega'to notify Ms murty-friands nod -Jftjl customers, thnt he has ndtlcd to hiif completo stock of " jffij Drugs, CH E MI CALS, I FAHCY ARTICLES, ¿ 'M A FULL ASSORTMENT\QÍL^'JH PAINTS, -;JH . PYE 8TUÍKS* . - AND GLASS, '|i Aiking ft continuation of past patronage, aKfi Which ho will do nil in lil? power lo deserve-, lit TB* solicits nn examination of ,1.1s STOCK AND- }|HJ. J. F. W. IVRMß; "«i Cor. Main omi LiWrly-Slrcot, PeptJ^ ^_Sn niter, S. C. jj/j JVHT It FX'fît VIS I) ??'?jj \ FINE DOT OP CÓÍ/IATB'-d FA M ! .Ml /\_ SOAPS, and l'or «Mo ohru». 'St' Dv J. F. W. DV.I.ÓKME. ,'9,' A ALSO .* . . ! ul frc«h M of lsAND.nKI'lPS ONION PETTS, while und red. . . By J. F. \V. PeLOHME. ? Ort 12- * Ayert Cherry Pectoral, Vor Diseases of tbs Throat and Lungs, auoh aa Coucha, Colds, Whooping Gough, Bronohitin, Asthma, attd Consumption. Probably never before In the whole history of medicine, has oft y thing wou so widely trna so deeply upon Uni conUUence of matikluil, ns Mil» excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints.' Through a tong aeries of years, and among uio«t of Um races of mon it lins risen higher find nigher in theirestunaUpu, os it has become better known'. Its tmiforni character anti pOM-cr to ( tire tho va¬ rious affections Of tho lungs and thront, Itara ' mudo it known ns n reliable protector nrnlutt them. Whilo adapted to milder forms, of discnro and to young children, lt is nt the sante time tho most effectual rcm.eily.tlt.at can be given tor inrlp-. lent consumption,-Hud the dflliKerdUK nfltetlons of tho throat and lungu. As n provlrlou agulntjt sudden attaeks'oT.'Crotrn. lt tltotrtil bo kept on. * hnntl rn every family, ard Indeed ns nil aro i-onio*V times subject to colds nud cotmhs, nil should Lo provided with thia mitldolo foy them. , Although souled Vo^aumplinn l¡; llmnglil tn»*.-- enraldc, «tm grent nurnhor's) of cases vhere Iho ' dlsenro fcemed settled, linvo tte« n cor. fileliily cured, nnd tho patient rcstotvtl to poui.tl lioiiltli by tho Cherry J'trforrtl. go rpm'ldcto .* Iti* master/ over tho disonlora. of the ¿tinga and' Throat, thnt tho most obtllnnle of thom ynldtoB» When nothing elsh rrtttld rrni h them, under tho Vhorry Vtcloral they.sitbflde «ml difupuenr. Sinners rtnrf J'uhfio Sjtctíkir» Und prent protection from \\. Akthma is always relieved and oftón wholly . cured by it. , v . Uronàtiitt» ls renrrnlly c-\uoí\ hy" tfllahg'lho-. Cherry L'eetoml In biunll nun freVp^bnf (Ir**?. So genernllv nie iu vlttncH hnt.wn, 'Hint .wo nocd not publiait the coi tlficofei ol theinjietc, or do more than assure tho pt hi;'.. Hint ile qiirJitica aro fully maintained. . , Ayer's Ague Gui-e, Por Tcvor and Agu», Ir-t«m'.Hont Pover, Chill Fotror, Ut.mittönt ICcvcr, Dumb Aguo, l'or;o(Mt'.il or Bilioun X'ovor, Ao,, and Indeed oil tha anoctLo;>o vyhich axlso from molarioua, tdaioh,or J ni is, m ntl o poisons. As Its nnma ímpllí", it doe« r"jtre. and does not ftdl. Containing »eltlier Ar-er.le. Quinine, Bis« muth,/inc, nor noy olhcr irtfnej'Arpr poUonoits substance whatever, it lu nowye In/iire..^ tmy pa¬ tient. Tho niimlmr and lu; mi:, ur of Its cures in the agu« districts, nre-HtowHly nevoml tiw óunt, and wo belle vowwont n pariiBol lu Uie.h'tsto.T of Agiio raerUclno. Onf pi Ido lr gratfftou hy ihn neknuwledgmciits wc receive nf tl.c radical eurea effected In obstinate cnRC.", nud wliéro oUior »<ni- crtlea hud wholly frilled, lunated y Hy of th«r,lvbr, Iría nn exeelleni'vemedj', f-thon- latmg tho Uver Intonenlthy aclivitv. » For Billón» OHorder* nod Liver Complaints, it ls an excnllcnt rerocdv.-pixidiu-ijiK runny truly roinnrknblo euron, wb'ero othor tnrdlclnes lied Called. Prepared hy Dn. J. C. Arah* A ro..'Prset;rnt and Annlytteal Chemtsts« Lowell, Mses., and sold af. round th« world. l/u« i-it i .\ ri .. * i >. s».I r liM.VSV.-v. -, w." '»'A - ;.;»,' 0.<eo .'. . ? Wm

TeetherwiiiiU*rtwi****-'U*°rU*9i American^ IWÊ^ÊMMÊ€¦ · OB unotber coleo-n, leeosS^en *tb» oUtlf.ne*.fThursday, tb, litb offi?*ewfec».jjuby^; Paui«Th.i*sgMngv ~ .. riß*

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Page 1: TeetherwiiiiU*rtwi****-'U*°rU*9i American^ IWÊ^ÊMMÊ€¦ · OB unotber coleo-n, leeosS^en *tb» oUtlf.ne*.fThursday, tb, litb offi?*ewfec».jjuby^; Paui«Th.i*sgMngv ~ .. riß*

OB un ot ber coleo-n, leeosS^en * tb» oUtlf.ne*.f Thursday, tb, litb of fi?*ewfec ». jjuby^;Paui«Th.i*sgMngv ~ .. riß* ?> - y ; á5?í

tap> Me*sn«jQaW W* fftisákm» * C«v wert,awarded lb« pris» .» ik* l»u Fat* of tao SontoCarolinaJnettldtsM.C^k^.r^,^^;,^,vfaal**. , .V/ . '..

South C*r«lU.«Ti7«^"»Ull %*o»«.NolK-o VP anoiö« e«|b«an.t»lorp* stockholder*lb»t tb« Fíáb Ioit»Jéa«»it^ m« I>*íl«r. perabare, will ba p.jr»Mc on.tba Ut" of December.

He« ac«« tfmAr.Wo aro pleased to none« tb« ffca tly , reduced,

expense OD Ibo Wilmington, Columbi* é Aoguawta Railroad, to viiïtor*,of tnt Agricultural Fairat Wlludugton, as announced oh another column.Ko doubt »nany wdl »v»ll tlieujaolv«« et'H

»..- v nfc fr- -i. XDeath or «Colored min Inter.

Ber. JuMP« W BIT*, prnstof ofKw«nu*i;tNortb.ttB Methodist) Cherub, at ijiis piece, ulled ou8oBday last. Illa fuQer.nl aerrieee on Mon«»pleatware attended by en unnau»! ooneonraa ol thecolored peo plo-tho whole body of colored Min¬utera aud delegater tb bare nt lb« time,joining io tb» procession. *"

ï*»fr'd ? ?».»- "

Ace I«euIal «ht>oCID«.We learn that » pistol w«nt off accidentally lu

the hand vf Mr.' J UN tua A. Uuxjum, it Lynobburg Depot, od Muud«y last, the b»h from whiobseverely wounded AHT»C-»Y SCOTT, « coloredbricklayer who wm standing not far off, con-

reving willi Mr. WAJQIUQTOSPUIUST. 'ibo lu.formation at band, from the musirelfshU »curce,teavea no uouot tust tho ucear ronco wk« .'purelyand entirely accidental; Scotr. ia said to ho a

colored man of good «p»r»cter, . qdîèt and coa-nrvftilvo in bia feelings. "Although /severelywounded-at Bret thoughttobe, tauri«!ly-thereare well-founded hope* of h in recovery.

-» ij.)»e».../V .-.

Charleston AMo lit lion-Kollctou« Be«»iwm.

Thia influential hedy ofthe Representatives ofthe Baptist Church, hold Its annual session atBethel Church, in the Privateer neighborhood,convening on Saturday, tb» 6th, i nd adjourn logon Wednesday, the Vib inst, lloví D. C. Pres¬ley, of Charleston, presided. It brought together.a large number of attendants, and the Aseooiu-tion wus well represented. Th» proceedings »ndaccompanying services were interesting, hnruio-nioua an« successful. Wa learn that the reportafrom the varions sections of the Associationiodicated Improvement in ebureh support, In¬órense of membership end progresa in . pi ritualin te rosu generally.. Tho nest aession vf theAssociation will he held at St. Georges' Church,Charleston District.

Religious services of unusual interest havefollowed the adjournment of the A*sooiaii»p.-Tho meeting ia still in progress, Great good basalready been done in tbat commun ty. The nltnraof the Church are nightly orowded. Eight per«sons received the ordinance of Baptism by im¬mersion OnSonday last, and twenty accessionshad boen realized up to that time. Kevs.N. Grahara, Hugbaon and Nichols are laboring earnestlyand acceptably, and other luiniaters are expectedto assist them. We trust the good work muy-goon, that there may be yet more abundant out¬pourings of tbe heavenly grace, and th nt theprosperity of Zion shall bo groatly increasedthereby.The ordinance of Baptism will be admlnistor

ed toa number of candidates on Sunday next.

Gethsemane BaplJat.AaaoclaCloD*Thia body oi colored Ministers and Delogales,

representing the colored Baptists of South Caro¬lina, ..bas been |n session for two or three dayspast, at Sumter. It numbers nbout.nne hundredand fit tv, comprising alargo, well dressed andrespectable looking body of colored mon. Thoorder and decorum, too, is in strong ooo traut withmost ofthe political meetings of this people, and,on the whole, we should think, must exert un

influence for good. ."

It emhraNea Churches at Charles ton, George¬town, Caradon, * Sumter,


Darlington, Chester,Florence, Edisto, Beaufort, Lady Island, Barn¬well, Columbia, Puris Islaod, Hilton Head,Orangeburg, Branchville, and Rc«vo»ville (Coiloton), whioh, at the meeting of tbe Associationtwelve months ago, had a raemborsbip of aboutthirteen thousand. Tbe number, we understand,is now touoh larger.The Church at Sumter is exiled Shiloh Bnp

list Cburob, and Rev. B. Lawson is tho pastor.« SUMTER BITTERS INVIGORATES THE

DIGESTIVE ORGANS and pms them to work,tho appetite becomes good, food digests, makesgood blood, the patient gains, in h ou! th andstrength, sleeps well, and blesses that Wbivhmakos bim well again."

Pimples and brown spots on tho face,Eruptions, Blotches, Scrofulous Diseases, and nilsores arising from impure blood, ure oureil byDr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Dis¬covery, As nr. A mi-Billions or livor medicine,and for habitdsl constipation of the bowel's itworks wonderful euros. Sold hy druggists-Pamphlet ott Ibo »hove diseases sent free. Ad¬dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Baffulo, H. Y.

-,-»».+«.?--ti¬lt ft an old aoyliig, that'-Truth Bea in a woll,'»

but tho rolsfortuuo ia. tbat some will not u.«o tbemenus to draw her up. "If't wera-none, 't werewell done, 't were done iiilekty"-so say we. whoknow the beoefioiut effects experienced hy ibouso of the "Old Carolina Bitters," The groatSu ut ti et-» loni«.

Wlóemen'a Crystelised Worm Candy is onlytweoty-Sve eenie a box I

. Tf yon want to buy Ilarneaa, Saddles,Trunks, Valls»», Bags, 8aiébèls, Collars, Hames,Chains, Hiding, bridles, Martingales, Whips,Spurs, Curry-combs, Horse brushes, Feather-brushes, Axis grease, OH, loather, SaddleryH »rd ware,, and lill Goods kept in n first classSaddlery'¿siahlishraéii/cá'll at J. S. TOPI)An A

Co.'».. No. 8!8oBth Front 6ti**6l, ¿Wilmington,N. C.


t«B» 0<>v. Scott .mun i pu lat ed hisrc-cleoiiop by . "counted" majority of33,534, and by thc same process thelegislatura will mund ns folIowa: Sen-fttoT-ttcloriuorH 5, -Raditwk, 26.4 ilw««eRefôr toora 22,. Ra>ljcx*l» ¿Oj».

?ft- The ltfaníxVi)tli&&yMÍ* *n-nouQOes the death of ÔTBPrtgN J),>%MITH, of Newberry, aod ooiorcd Sena¬tor LOMAX, of Abbeville,, from,., theirinjuries by the Kail Hoad uooideut.Colopel ÜAOOOD, aod ISAAOS «pdBARNES are reported improving, addJOHN ll. TRAPP, the colored niuil «gentlo a precarious coudition-

I if/."**/. I. ?

rt^jmSd«tfr«¿ Md «jKrttü%good. Trna al« »y *ow»*d «fl »bed additionalti^r* ell tfcw .»«iuwlo,. Un«ffeei«dand oan«teeUlh>*», bl« lift w*ty*(u .»««pl*o^rblfao loya «nd devotion, (u hU dino!>^^'*n* Tlgft lb» InsUueUep« »nd pMlM«.«*W»j»t«pfib#0M»tla«r7vw#t« hit'd«nghtfand to Zion his feeble rt«.*

, WrJ»jd tgrn -whenwasting dir«*'« h*4 rohbed hLs of bodily *«.«»nd recked his frsrae with p»Jn..Norw«, he pure *nd torie* on»j In hi« toling*

H« MfMto^lljr «H active, workie¿| Christian.'H« wa« ready to devote bi« Ilm« and «nefg le«»nd meena lo every duty, to every good nhjeot. toevery c«ie ofnoed »od to every benevolent erholy pnrpoe«. U« worthily performed bl« Rartns member end Deaoç-u of the Church of CbrUtll« wa« loved by ail «bo knew ht», «nd especiallyby yu bl» brethren, »nd our sympathy With ol«bereaved family is h«tgbt«n«d by cor MOM oftho lo«« wollare ouraol»es sustained.Un»ni mou »ly adopted by tho Church, Oe tober

SOtb, 1870. J. fi. KENDRICK*.\. " ¡ :\ Church Clerk.

A CARfe.SUMTS T., G. C., WOT. ta, 1870.

MR. EDITOR t-It lt generally known that Ilin ve boon outraged of lat« by partons lo disguise.I «hall not tay her« how grievously outraged ;but I Mood alon« and unarmed and they badnumbers aod power on their «ide. Uodor what¬ever impression this mob may har« »oUd, I feelattured «hoy wen» mistaken in supposing I wat

breaking any ïaw'of my country or wat' willingto clo anything to Inj are the perseus or tb« rightsof my fellow oitisens. Iam now and hay« al¬ways been willing to do anything or make anysacrifice fur the good of my country, and I trusttbe oonrse I have determined upon will not bemuong tbe toast evldenoe* of this spirit.

Under .the disturbed condition of the oountry,nothing that I cnn do and no sacrifiée tbat I eaumake «ball bo wanting to conduce to tb« quiet,peace »nd order of the land. I am wronged it tetrue,.but, For tb« good of my country I can boarit, and I have no charges to make.

_C. C. MfrBBq.County Commissioner's Office.SUMTER COUNTY, 8. C., No». Htb, 1870.At u meeting of the Board of County Commit-

sinners, held this day. the following résolutionswere adopted for the purpotes mentioned:Whereas, In consideration of the amount of

property, real and personal, entrusted to and intho custody of the Superintendent of tbe PoorHowe of Sumter County, S. C., Therefore be it

Ittêofved, That the Superintendent of the PoorHouse of Sumter County bo required to enter intobon.lg to the amount of flee ($600) hundreddollars'for the faithful performance of bis dutiesand the care nf tuoh properly. Said bend to besigned hy at least three poisons, oaob one tobewoitb that amount over and above all amountsallowed by tho Homef tend Law of tbit Stato.Said bund to bo approved by County Treasurer.

Whereas, in consideration of the great dangerto life and property, an . also the great incon¬venience vory often experienced by tho falling nftrees across the publie highways throughout thiscount y. Be itHfnice (I, That any person or persons now

having deadened, or shall hereafter deaden treeson I.is, her or their lund, or lands, within reachof the public bighwuys, whether occupied by theowner, an »gent, lease or tenant, «h ill be and »re

required tu'cul dowu and move such troet at mayendanger lifo or prnporty by falling upon thepublic ronda. And in ente of failure to to do,within ibirty days after publication of tblanotice, such trees sha!) bo cut down and movedat tho expense of the owner or agent.Any ai'oidont occurring to life or proporty after

thirty days from the publication ot tbit noticeba" expired, tho owner of tho land, upon whichsuch accident occurs, thal) l e held responsiblefor diimagos on the same, in any eonrt of compe¬tent jurisdiction.

HtHolveii, That tho Clerk of tbe Board be, andis hornby directed to give this additional publionotice to Dot H ul HTS who have neglected or refused lo do mad duty, as required by law. Andalso tn those Sub Coinmis-aonert, who have neg¬lected .to make returns of Road work, defaultersAc, in their Townships, that they are requiredlo bo and appear at a meeting of thu Board otCounty Commissioners, Sumtor ».'»un ty, S. C.,on Wednesday, Deo. 14. to answer for tuoh de-.'ault, or proceedings will be commenced againetthen», f> r fines aud penalties.By prier of the Board, '.

J. II. FHRÍTRK,C. M. Ilona?t Acting Chairman.

Clerk of Board. Nov. lo-lt

A.C.KAUFMANBanker & Broker, No 20Broad ^Street.

r." NOV. ¡it; 1870.STATIC SEOUKITIRB-South Carolina, old, 82@

00; d" new, 70;® - do; regist'd stock, ex int-@70.

CITY SRCIIRITIKR-Augusta, Ga. Bonds, -@78; Charleston, S. C. Stork, (ex qr lot) -rfmoOtdo. Fir« I.omi Bond», -@tV7; Columna, S. CHoniis, -fiji 60.

K.MI, rm A i) BORDS-Blue Ridge, (first mortgage)-@60; Charleston ant*. Savannah, - @t?oCharlotte, Columbia and Augusta, - (jj86;Client IT o ml Darlington, -86; Greenville andColumbia. (1st morl) - (j}8$j d'j# (Plate guarnnteo) 00(2}- ; Northeastern, -(988; Savan«nah and Ch ur les ton, (1st mort) -¿78; do. (Stn ti

guarantee) - @6g; South Carolina, - (3)7 1 ; do,70; Spurtanburg and Union, - @f>5.RAILROAD STOCKS- Charlotte, Columbia ard

Augusta, - (g)-»"; Greenville and Columbia, -

(ù,2\\ Northeastern, 018; Savannah and Charles¬ton. - (#36; South Carolina, ; whole ^sVare*)-r34.?rilo, (hejfdo) -<3l9v. »1

KxanAfiQK, Ac-New York Sight, J off pur;OolOoi>®ll2; Silver, 103.®* '

' i* -SOOTH 0AROI.IRA »ARK Bltt.S.*H«ntt of Charleston...-(&-. BankmÜ«wherry......M@-Bank et Camden .......,\. .,.37to-BnBk \.r Georgetown.........r....r.",..08<SBrink of South Carol i ou. irrirrfDiriiiiMil'iKHank of Chester.... ...;:."......... I0($-gikt^hamburg-- "..8®Bank orBtat« of S. O. prior to l^fll.47(u)~-Bank of Stat« of 8. 0. Issue 1861 and 180* [email protected]'and Mechanics' Bsnk ofClmrles -(à-.People's Bank of Charleston .. . fm-«Union Bank of Charleston.,.-fm-.Southwestern B R Bank of Charleston, (¿0-.8outhíe»torn'K"K Batik of Cbar^t^iy^S--Farmer«' und Exchange Bank of Charles«-A«-

ton.,,,.,...'.>...<.:.wExchang« Bsnfc ot 'Colombia.*.........7(ÄMerebantt' Bank of Cberaw..,.i . 7@-Planiert'Bank ofFalrfUld .7@-

But* of South Carolina Bl|ls Hcreivablo...oô. .

City of 0>«rleètott Chango Bldt.",.\ W». DUI«mmá U«s.(*i «re being redeerpwl nt

tho Bank Counters of cob.

tr*- * -T»*!

opeceiioa, ««d alway«" lÄlj'tO '«.#.'' Ttfoe«fnwii«i «IM wb* uee the to witi tb« fc«w t*¿proVamaats «re tary ma*. p**>*d. Tee «4* Ibat« I wo»W oat p4i**l»h.MRô\ AWN W. OUWIBURT,' 4X8 WaatM<h Street, N.W-Y»rk,ApgM^ -- . ; ..? - .r- : ; -

«TOS TH1UTY TUMHM tbU well-known,. standard, «.nd popular

7 K r' remedy.^* "

VAIN KIILI.KK, \vmanufaclurodey Perry Devi*. A eon, Provi¬dence, R. I.,, be« a before .tbe public, anal in tb atlimo baa become known In all part« or tho worldand bean used by people of aU nation».

It tremaine, to day', that aame good and efficientremedy. It« won derruí power In rollerlng thetaoat aarere palo baa never been equalled, «odlt han sumed ita world-wide popularity by ttsintrinsic merit. No «ur»ti*«agent baa had aor»i(te-ipread aale or given «ooh aalvereal satinfaction. Tba various HU for whicb tho PainCiller ia aa aafalho* euro, ara too well known to?equlre capitulation Tn .!»(» :ív;¡;!r«u«ui. Asin external apd Internal medicina, the Pain Ril¬er »tanda unrivalled. Directions accompanysaoh bottleSold by all Druggists,Price 35 ct*., 50 eta., and $1 per bottleNov 2-Ira


A Body Mnd nindi Disease.Such a dyspepsia. Tba atomacb and the brain

ire too intimately allied for the' ode to Bufferwithout tba other, so th p. t dyapepsia and despond-moy ara inseparable. It may be added, too, thatrrltatloa of tba etomaeb ia almost Invariably ac-tompanied by irratltion ofthe temper.

1 hi invigorating and traoqoilislng operation>r Hos to lier's Bitters la fcoat powerfully it eve! .

»ped- la oaeea or lo digestion. Tha-flrat offeo t Ofbia agreeable tonie ia comforting and enoonrog-ng. A ml|d g)vw pervades tl)o «y s tem,. tbaibronlo aneaaineaa in the region of th« atomacbB lessoned, 'and the aervouc ranleasMaa whichiharactcritea tbe disease la abated. Thia im-'irovemcut ls not transient. It la notaueoeeded>y th« return of tho old aymptona wl'h superad-!ed force, as ia alwaya tb« eaee. whea ttnmedioa-ed atimulaata ara given for the oomplatnt.Saoh doa« seems to impart a permanent accession>f healthful invigoration. Hut this is not all.The aperient and antlbilUou« properties of the»reparation' are aoareely aecondary in importancen ita tonio virtue*. If there ia an ovetflow oftile the sécrétion ia soon brought within properimita, and if tbe bileary erg«** h> Isert and ..tor-lid ii.la toned and regulated. The effect aponie discharging organs (a equally salutary, andn COHO.* o(constipation the cathartic action iaust suf&oient to produce the desired result grad-tally and without pain. Tbe Bitters also pronote healthy evaporation from the surface whichy particularly désirable attbiaaeason when aud-len spells of »aw, unpleasant weather are apto cheolc the natural perspiration and producennjesiion of the liver, coughs, and colds. Theeui tufegiiard »gaim*t ait aiêeaitê ii bodily vigornd ibis the great Vegetable heatorative essenti¬ally promotes.Nov 3-2mmar The "Phoebe Baker'* Salved100 yean a aeoret-

Cures as by meglo-Ul Cute, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Cancers,¡ore Nipples, and Broken Breasts, Chappedjipa and Hands, Eruptions, Chilblains, Bites or

¡tings of Inseotf, Ao.A Wondorful cure for piles.Sold everywhere.Ask for Phoebe Baker's" (and lake no other)'.Co tar's" Rat, Roach, Ao. Exterminator«."CUKtar'«" (liquid 1 Bod-Bug Exter."Costar'»" (pure) Inseot Powder.

Use this (only pure) Inseot Powder forMoths in Furs and Woolens, for Bed¬bugs, Infects, Ac

"CoatarV (only sure remedy) Corn Solvent.SOLD everywhere.Ask for "COST A H'S" (and take no other.)$1 $2 $-1 and tb sises «ant by express.Address "COSTAR" CO., 13 Howard St., N.T.


Pictures ! Pictures ! ! Pictures Î !



PORCELAIN PICTURES.There Picture« .are now taken at the Sumter

kallery, in all sizes and styles-up to life siae.Recent improvements have been brought into

requisition, and the undersigned feels confidentthat he can produce' aa - erfect and well finishedPictures aa oan be obtwined in lb« State.Copying from Old Likenesses, and tho original

ilneamoou of the pictnro fa My reproduced.JT. I). WILDER.

Oct tf



J. W. DARGAN'S.Oct 19_4t_

DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP.riMlE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFOREJL exi ting under the name and style of J. A.MATES. A Co., af M ayes» ii lo, S. Chas, thialay. been dissolved by mutual consent.


Oct JO 1870

ON RETIRING FROM THE FIRM OFJ. A. MAYES, A Co., I beg to than*- my

Iricnds for the liberal support given tbe Arm ofh A. MAYES 4 Go.,,and, to. balpaak for Dr.MAYES, the successor In business, tb« contin¬uance of tho liberal patronage heretofore givento th« lat« Ara. '


W. J. MULDROW.Oat au 1870

it, ihelajtftarttj aT J. A. MAY*}, * Co., atMayesville, 8, 0., I »lill oontlnue th« Drag AMedicina, Grocery, and Provision business a«

,ewtofw^<r«joia ^ ^WouAa*«a«oa ubaílaos» to merit tbee^ntlathrtoafof the liberalpatronage b«x«Vof»fo ba«|ow«di : r t

r*«.atf-m... »..>'" ..«'. - ..».

W»r1«! H»UOÏ»I fQ Ohmtetor. Ably Edited,f .a*a>ertry Jlhwtfatad Mé Printed, lt to «ho

BEÔT AMERICAN WEEKLY IIt U th« ¿Undard Authority oa aft broncha of

AoeiooxTwee, BoRTicoi/rdat, Au. A« . Lit-«TWjr and Ftselly Paper It la a favorite 1»many of tba best fa mil Ut all ovar the Union,VaaaaKaW Indeed Meoaa'e Rua AL awe no Bi.Mt ia it» MMra, ami ta tn« Largest Illustrated

. *»WMIOD the Continent-«ach number fon-taloing Sixteen Fi ve- Column Pages, (doubla tbaala« of mo«t papers of Ita cia*J.) It ia »Ae paperfor tho Kaat, West, North and South.

TERMS, INDUCEMENTS. &C-TKRM S-$3 a Year of 62 Numbers, and only$2 60 in'Cl obs ofTea: This Quarter'« 13 Num.

bera asst F REE; aa offered above, Oar Club Io4*ocn*entc for 1871 aro «nprooedented. Speel-mens, Premium Lists, Ac., «eat free to all formlag Clubs.-and we want a live Club Agent inevery Town. Address

P. P. T. MOORE, 14 P^rk Row, New York.

" ANKlÖRTFAük WFTOKLV.NOW. in. ita e Eleventh Tear, publishes Sermons,a Serial Story for tho Family, a Kaw Children'sStory avery week, Obau with tho Little Folks,Editorials by tho beat Methodist writers andothers, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence,fall Deaaramenta of Religious and Secular In.tolligonoo. Priée $2.50 a yrar. Liberal premi¬ums or cash commissions to canvassers. Sub¬scriptions commence at any time. For apeolmen,enoloso to two oent stamp to prepay postage.Address THE METHODIST, 114 Nassau St., N.Y.


ACHRISTMAS GIFT to all Yearly Sub-acribera to Apploton'a Journal, published

Weekly. Two Month« Subscription Qtt&ns.Thc Hiüiam ui november and December, 1870,given gratis to all subscribers remitting $4. 'forthe year 1871.Any one desirous of making a trial of Ibo Joua.

HAI. to seo .whether they Ilk« it, can li a ve ll forTWO MONTHS on remitting us Fifty Cents.PICTURESQUE AMEEIOA, consisting of splend.

idly executed views of Amorloan Scenery, commonced In November. P. APPLETON A Co.,Publishers« New_York. _,

GENT ROBT. E. LEE'S LIFBTNoarly nadyfor publication, tba Bioonapnr of Gen.Robt. E. Leo, by JOHN EBTEN COOKK, author of"Life of Stonewall Jackson," "Wearing tbaGrey, «to. 1 vo., 600 pages ILLUSTRATEn. Tobo sold by subscription. AGENTS WANTED.P. Appleton A Co., Publishers, Now York._Agenúi^ra^tS^S^Íd^fof ïfrc^lar^^AU^lresssMASONIC PUB. CO., 482-Broome St., New York.HOLIDDAY-J "URNAL_for Î87ÏContains a Christinas Story, splendid Plays.Meglo Sports, Ao; 48 pages ; illustrated. Sentfree on receipt of ono stamp for postage. AddressADAMS A CO., Publishers, Boston.RORI KS, M ICA LUI. nA PPIMSS.

IIOW TO BK ORTA1NED FOR Five Dollars IPLANTATIONS, FARMS, VILLA SITBS ANO TOWNLora, at Tan GREAT PREMIUM Lxno SALK, Ai¬ken, S. C. -The "Saratoga of tho South." 48boura from N. Y. The most delightful clim atoin the world. Free from the rigora of Northernwintere.exempt from Throat Diseases. Vineyardsand orchards in full, bearing. For descriptivepamphlet, address without stamp, J. C. PERRY,Augusta Ga.


$.30,000 worth of Real Estate and PersonalProperty will b» refiled for in Calhoun, Ga., Deoember 2Atb, 1870 ; every ticket getting a prizofrom $1 to $6,00. Tickets only one Dollar.Conducted by Rix Sworn Commissioners ; referto County Officers. Liberal iudueemcnls toAgonts or Clubs. Send Stamp for circulars, Ao.H. lt. HICKS A Co., Managing Agents._HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION ISEND I For a receipe, by the use of

£Z( \ cts. I which one half of tba labor andtlU I two thirds of the expense of

ron j Washing Clothes is saved. Equal{BjQ/i- j to a savin«; of $26 per year in aijPAt/ I small family. Sent on receipt

of 60 cts. by 8. F. CULMAN,I LoiiUtilt», Kv.

PKPTtl.Vn A !iu">f '> PATENT

Is absolutely safe from explosion or breaking ;burns any Coal Oil, good or bad ; gives more

light, no odor, »nd uses less oil."It is perfecely non-explosive; gives a better

light and ia mora economical than nny otborlamp In use."-W. H. Wella, late Superintend-ont of Public Schools, Chicago."I intend substituting it throughout my house

for tho dangerous lampa now in use.'-Prof. W.H. Rufflier, Sup't Public Instruction, Richmond,Va.The appalling deaths and fire from glass lamps

exploding and breaking create A great demandfor this lamp. It PAYS to soil it. Sold by Cnn.vassers or Store» ; Agents wanted everywhero.Send for full particulars. Address MongomcryA Co., Cleveland, Ohio, or 42 Burcloy Streot,New York._ROYAL HAV*NA LOTTERY- kPrltos cashed and information furnished by

GEORGE UPHAM, Providonee, R. I._<jj»ï>/r A WEEK SALARY ¡-Young men

wanted aa local and travelling sales,men. Address (with stamp) R. H. WALKER,84 Park Row, N. Y_ _

PERSONS WISHING TO ENGAGE INPermanent and Profitable Business pirase

address, at onoe, J. E. C. Howard A Co.. Port¬land. Me. No "agency" or peddling business.Number of correspondents limited; $10 to $20per day sure profit' Eentirely now.

WE WILL PAY AGENTSA salary of $:16 a woek, or allow n large com¬mission to sell our new inventions. Address,with stomp,

J. W. FRINK A CO., M-irshall, Mich.

STAMMERING cured hy Bates Appliances-For description address Simpson A Co..

Bo« P07fi, N.Y._SEWING MACHINES-Agents Wanted. Sal¬

ary $10,000 per yonr. Circulars nnd sam-

«les of work fro«. Address GRTSTAL SEWINGi ACHIER CO., Boston. Mass.

PSYCHOMAN CY.-Any lady or gentlemencan mako $1,000 a month, scours their own

happinoa arid independence, by obtaining I'SY-CHOMANCY, FASINATION, or SOUL CHAR¬MING. 400 pages; cloth. Full instructions touso tNa power over men or animals at will, howto M OPm «ri te, become Tranco or Writing Medi¬ums, Divination, Spiritualism. Alchemy. Philo-sophy of Omens' ada dreams, B-lgbam Young'sHarem, Guide to Marriage,'Ao.,all contained in(his book ; 100,000 soft ; price by mal),in cloth$1.25fpapor covers $1. NaTiOR.-Any parsonWt IKng lo Set ae agent will receive, a s nm pl o enpynf the work /fer. A* no capital la required, alldesirous of genteel employment should «*nd ferthe hodV, enclosing IO eta. for postage, to T. W.EVANS Af COj, 41 t-outb 8th St., Fbilqdclphi».

AMYSTERY SOLVED,-Fifteen MinutesPrivate Con verseifen with Married Ladles

by one of their ntlmhsr, Sent free for two stamps.Address M rx. H. METZGER, Hanover. Pa._

,%$f A ÖARttft:A Clergyman, while residing in South Ameri¬

ca aa a missionary, ditcóvarod a safe and «imploremedy fer the Cure of Nervous Weakness, EarlyDecay, Diseases of tho Urinary and SeminalOrgans, «ad th« whola train ofdisorders broughton D) baneful and vicious. babita. Great num¬bera kara beet cured by this noble remedy.Prompted by a desire to benefit tho afflicted andunfortunate. I will send the receipe far prorrorlngand nalag this medicino, In a seated envelop, toany une who needa il, Free charge. AiltlrossJOSEPH T. INMAN, Station V, Bible* llouno,New York City,

V'G*E j j r^pjjj^ I - \ PIyI f -Vc; .^/;,^i*T !p1 gilIN QUAIiTS :^>5^:̂UFor


sale at the- saintfWffi&$*. before^tbe^

---ALSO--?-* .

'.' it1 :. .. r

A Fine American^"STAR" IWÊ^ÊMMÊ

« ; ..*:*.-?... \ ,, "? i, ,r.f <U*A«>tfc :>.



imported ana Mßomcstic

Of All Kinds.


EMTM'fABlSumter, S. G.

Nov 9l(«,S«Sf'i|iM4,^iNr"ifM,i^i^,nii"ki'iiM,i>i.n1i'i1rt,,n1itiii iininniiiiiiiTiitiiin gi


Chair Ware-Rooms.

THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS IIIS' Friends and Cu Pto ra ors that be has receivedand «rill continue to receiveNSW AND CI/KAP FURNITURE,

TO 6UIT THE TIMES.His Stock cousists of almost o very article in thatline, vis :

SOFAS, SIDE-BOA EDS, BOOK-CASES,Wardrobes, Extention Tables,Bnreans, W^sh-Standa,Sitting nnd Rocking Chairs, of every kindCribs, Cradles,Trundles Cottage Bedsteadsand Mattresses.JUST RECEIVED

Somo moro of those CHEAP COTTAGE SETS.Mont Safes, Window Shndos and WallPapering-all low for CASH.

J. E. Snares,3fain Street, opposite Express Office,Entrance from Stair Cuso on Main .Street to


MISS E.'D. BRITTONWOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITEber frlonds, nnd particularly tho

Indios of Sumter and commu¬

nity to call And examine

Her Rich and Beautiful Stock-OF-

Fall Millineryand Fancy Goods.

Having fclcctcd her goods ppr«'.nully, andwith great caro, in tho New York and Haitlmnremarketa, shu feels confident of pleasing Ail, bothas regards finality, st\le end pr lie. A« usual,there aro roany novelties for tho scaxon.MISS BRITTON is supplied with a FlftRT

CLASS MILLINER and a DRESS MAKER,from Baltimore, who aro weil qualified for thobiiainoss. The fashions procured in New York.

Ladies, CMR and havo your Dresse? and Hat»made in tho latest styles.

Pnpar patterns ol' Drear**, i'ueqnca «nd otherarticle of dress may be hud.At the Now Store next to J. T. frOLOMf'NSSept 28 ._'..

Fall and Wintpr Opening,MRS. M. J. ZERNOWHas recently .returned from New

York, whore abe selerled an oin-

gant.ami vnriod Assortment of

Gonda in tho

MILLINERY LINE,embracing all the latest NOVELTIES OF THESEASON.Her Stock 1ms been selected with great core,And will he found unequaled in choice and vnri<-

ly, and will bo olfored at price.« that cannot failto give satisfaction.fÙÊ* Orders from the country will rcccivu




Furniture & Upholsterer!COR. MAIN AND CANAL ST8.

SUMTER, S. C.RESPECTFULLY informs his friend* and pa.Irons thal ha hits now on band a supply of



all of which ho offers for rale at priées to salt tbatimes.FURNITURE mads to order, in any styl«and

at short noticeManufacturing, Repairing and Upholsterydono promptly and in a neat and .workmanlike

in MI ncr.

M miro.« «cs made to ordsr, and old Mattressesrenovated.

Ch ai s reseated with oana and made ss good aanew.

Picture Frames of all sises,- Rosa Wood, Olli,and plain luouldipgs, maila to order,and Look-]ing elastes set In frames, and for said.


Îiromptly attended to in Town or Country, andmiltalie, Mahogany,' Walnut, or Cornra.n Coffin«furnished ns roo,aired, at short àotice.

Oct 35 __BmIlARDWARE

Store,Main-at. undor Sumtor Hotel.

L. P. LORIN Gt-AoRir ron-

Messrs. Sing A Huppman,KA 1.1 I »IOU E. m. o.

Would reipscifnliy sollelt the patronage of hi»friends mid tho palillo, »


Stock of Hardware andFamily Utensils,

cmlirnoiojr «»rfy artl'le ia this Uno of business,wliiuli he intei.ils lo sell at the..loivKST PH ices, ron CAMI,

lie wilt ks«p alway* in store, a complot* assort¬ment of

...Colling Axos, Ames*Shovel* a Spades,.Trnf-e Chains, llo»#, .

« /Mn ken, Plieli F»>rK»,Urala Cradlo», Poj the Blades,rfUllllO-StttfOS,Pocket aiid-Tablo OatVtTy, -.

Br/»«*Pr*«-r\in* Kittles, ¿, VTin Wnre.iWtiidow OlarSVafl *i«t*.Persons in wont 6f la« nVtiit eoffrenlent and

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.* . . ! ulfrc«h M of lsAND.nKI'lPS ONION PETTS,while und red.

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Ort 12- *

Ayert Cherry Pectoral,Vor Diseases of tbs Throat and Lungs,

auoh aa Coucha, Colds, WhoopingGough, Bronohitin, Asthma,

attd Consumption.Probably never before In the whole history of

medicine, has ofty thing wou so widely trna sodeeply upon Uni conUUence of matikluil, ns Mil»excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints.'Through a tong aeries of years, and among uio«tof Um races of mon it lins risen higher find nigherin theirestunaUpu, os it has become better known'.Its tmiforni character anti pOM-cr to ( tire tho va¬rious affections Of tho lungs and thront, Itara 'mudo it known ns n reliable protector nrnluttthem. Whilo adapted to milder forms, of discnroand to young children, lt is nt the sante time thomost effectual rcm.eily.tlt.at can be given tor inrlp-.lent consumption,-Hud the dflliKerdUK nfltetlonsof tho throat and lungu. As n provlrlou agulntjtsudden attaeks'oT.'Crotrn. lt tltotrtil bo kept on. *

hnntl rn every family, ard Indeed ns nil aro i-onio*Vtimes subject to colds nud cotmhs, nil should Loprovided with thia mitldolo foy them. ,

Although souled Vo^aumplinn l¡; llmnglil tn»*.--enraldc, «tm grent nurnhor's) of cases vhere Iho '

dlsenro fcemed settled, linvo tte« n cor. fileliilycured, nnd tho patient rcstotvtl to poui.tl lioiiltliby tho Cherry J'trforrtl. go rpm'ldcto .* Iti*master/ over tho disonlora. of the ¿tinga and'Throat, thnt tho most obtllnnle ofthom ynldtoB»When nothing elsh rrtttld rrni h them, under thoVhorry Vtcloral they.sitbflde «ml difupuenr.Sinners rtnrf J'uhfio Sjtctíkir» Und prentprotection from \\.Akthma is always relieved and oftón wholly .

cured by it., v.

Uronàtiitt» ls renrrnlly c-\uoí\ hy" tfllahg'lho-.Cherry L'eetoml In biunll nun freVp^bnf (Ir**?.So genernllv nie iu vlttncH hnt.wn, 'Hint .wonocd not publiait the coi tlficofei ol theinjietc, ordo more than assure tho pt hi;'.. Hint ile qiirJiticaaro fully maintained. . ,

Ayer's Ague Gui-e,Por Tcvor and Agu», Ir-t«m'.Hont Pover,Chill Fotror, Ut.mittönt ICcvcr, DumbAguo, l'or;o(Mt'.il or Bilioun X'ovor, Ao,,and Indeed oil tha anoctLo;>o vyhich axlsofrom molarioua, tdaioh,or J ni is,mntlopoisons.As Its nnma ímpllí", it doe« r"jtre. and does notftdl. Containing »eltlier Ar-er.le. Quinine, Bis«muth,/inc, nor noy olhcr irtfnej'Arpr poUonoitssubstance whatever, it lu nowye In/iire..^ tmy pa¬tient. Tho niimlmr and lu; mi:, ur of Its curesin the agu« districts, nre-HtowHly nevoml tiw óunt,and wo bellevowwont n pariiBol lu Uie.h'tsto.Tof Agiio raerUclno. Onf pi Ido lr gratfftou hy ihnneknuwledgmciits wc receive nf tl.c radical eureaeffected In obstinate cnRC.", nud wliéro oUior »<ni-crtlea hud wholly frilled,

lunated y

Hy of th«r,lvbr, Iría nn exeelleni'vemedj', f-thon-latmg tho Uver Intonenlthy aclivitv. »For Billón» OHorder* nod Liver Complaints, itls an excnllcnt rerocdv.-pixidiu-ijiK runny trulyroinnrknblo euron, wb'ero othor tnrdlclnes liedCalled.Prepared hy Dn. J. C. Arah* A ro..'Prset;rnt

and Annlytteal Chemtsts« Lowell, Mses., andsold af. round th« world.

l/u« i-it i .\ ri .. * i >. s».I rliM.VSV.-v. -, w." '»'A - ;.;»,'

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