Technical Communication - Meeting Dialogue

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  • 8/11/2019 Technical Communication - Meeting Dialogue


    Chairperson : Ema

    Secretary : Nad

    Marketing : Daniel

    Financial : fahmi

    Designer : iqwan

    Project Manager : Amir

    The meetings dialogue

    Ema: Good morning everyone, have you take your breakfast?

    All : Good morning Mrs Ema, yes we had our breakfast already

    Ema :Okay, without wasting our precious time, lets start our meeting now. Is everybody

    present for this meeting?

    Nad : We had received an apologized from Mr Kumar a/l Ravi, Mrs Nurul Aina bt Rahman and Mr

    Jason Chong. They are unable to attend the meeting due to urgent meeting with our supplier

    Ema : Supplier? That is good.How about our previous minutes of meeting?Is there has any objectionregarding on our minutes?

    Daniel: Yes Madam. My name was spelled wrongly on our previous minutes. It supposed to Daniel

    not Danial.

    Ema: All right Mr Daniel. Miss Nadhira I hope that you will spell Mr Daniels name right on the next


    Nad :I will Madam and Im sorry Mr Daniel because I did not realize that your name was spelled


    Ema: So is anybody approve the minutes of meeting?

    Iqwan: Yes Mrs Ema I would like to approve the minutes

    Fahmi: I also approved the minutes, Mrs Ema.

    Ema.Okay. with that, the minutes of meeting is approved. Now, we go to our first agenda of our

    meeting. It is about our new model of Altria Smartphone, I would like to know about our new model

    from project dept. Mr Amir, can you please explain about this model?

    Amir : Thank you Mrs Ema, I would like to present about the benefits of the product. I will give the

    handout to all of you first ( bagi kertas kat semua orang ) The benefit is

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    Nad: Wait a second, is our financial good enough?

    Amir: Let me explain about the model first. About the financial, mr Fahmi will explain it later

    Ema: Ms Nadhira, we will talk about the financial later. Please continue, Mr Amir

    Amir: Thank you Mrs Ema then that is all from my part.

    Ema : Thank you for the explanation mr Amir. Is there any matters arrising based on Mr Amirs


    Nad : yes. I would like to ask Mr Amir. did you sure that the benefits of our product will make people

    want to buy our smartphone?

    Amir : thank you miss NAdhira. Of course because we our product is high quality and there is no

    other phone company that has the special specification like ours.

    Ema: Now lets move to our second agenda which is about the design of our new release, Altria Z4.

    Mr iqwan, can you please tell us about the design?

    Iqwan: Thank you Mrs Ema. As a designer of our company I would like to talk about the design that

    we planned to release. For this new model, we make a little differences. .

    -------------------- Fahmi main hp---------------

    Ema: Hold a second Mr Iqwan.Mr Fahmi, where are your manners? Did you hear Mr Iqwan just said

    right now? Can you please pay your attention?

    Fahmi: Oh.. Im sorry Mrs Ema. I will pay attention right now

    Ema: Its okay. Please dont do it again. Please continue, Mr Iqwan

    Iqwan: Thank you Mrs Ema. Next,.. Thats all from my part.

    Ema : Thank you Mr Iqwan.Now we move on to our third agenda regarding on the budget of our

    new project from the financial dept. Mr Fahmi, can you explain about the financial of our new


    Fahmi : Thank you Mrs Ema. As a financial manager, I already asked the budget for about 300

    thousand ringgit...bla3

    Ema : Okay thanks Mr Fahmi. Is there any matters arising regarding the new budget?

    Nad: Thank you. I would like to know why this budget is more than our past project?

    Ema : Thank you miss Nadhira. Let our financial manager to give an explanation about the budget.

    Mr Fahmi, can you tell us why the budget is more than before?

    Fahmi : Thank you Mrs Ema. Fyi, this is because we used the high quality materials, a better

    technology and interesting that the budget is reasonable because we used good materials

    by producing our new product

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  • 8/11/2019 Technical Communication - Meeting Dialogue


    Fahmi : On that time, can we bring our family along?

    Nad: Of course. You can bring your whole family to the dinner (gelak) semua gelak

    Daniel: Mr Ema I would like to ask Miss Nadhira when and where the event will take place?

    Ema: sureMr Daniel. Miss Nadhira?

    Nadhira: thank you Mrs Ema and Mr Daniel. About the venue and the date, I will confirm it with all

    the staff first. I will let you know when I had confirm it all.

    Daniel: Thank you miss Nadhira.

    Ema : That is all. Miss Nadhira, when will we fix our next meeting?

    Nad: How does Friday in two weeks time sound to everyone? Lets meet at the same time, 9 oclock

    Ema : Is that okay for everyone?

    All: Yes , angguk

    Ema: Excellent. Before we close, let me just summarize the main points .

    First, we discussed about our new model of Altria smartphone

    Second, the design of the smartphone with aluminium body

    Third, the budget of our project which is about 300 thousand

    And the last is about marketing which is we used 2 medias.

    I hope that this project will success and will be going smoothly as we hope for. I wish that all of us

    can cooperate and help each other so that it will be no troubles occur. Id like to thank everybody for

    coming to our meeting today. With that, the meeting is closed. Enjoy your day.

  • 8/11/2019 Technical Communication - Meeting Dialogue
