Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. (For project preparatory technical assistance: All the views expressed herein may not be incorporated into the proposed project’s design. Project Number: 47144-001 August 2016 REGIONAL: Mitigation of Hazardous Waste Contamination in Urban Areas: Supporting Inclusive Growth (Financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction) (Appendices BC) Prepared by Pure Earth Blacksmith Institute New York, USA For Urban Development and Water Division, SERD, ADB Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines

Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report Basel Tahun 1993 dan diratifikasi dengan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 61 Tahun 1993. Basel Convention in 1993 and ratified by Presidential Decree

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Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report

This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. (For project preparatory technical assistance: All the views expressed herein may not be incorporated into the proposed project’s design.

Project Number: 47144-001 August 2016

REGIONAL: Mitigation of Hazardous Waste Contamination in Urban Areas: Supporting Inclusive Growth (Financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction)

(Appendices B–C)

Prepared by Pure Earth Blacksmith Institute New York, USA

For Urban Development and Water Division, SERD, ADB Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines

Pure Earth










NUMBER: ......... 2015




Considering : a. Bahwa kegiatan pemanfaatan kembali aki bekas dimulai dari

pengumpulan, pengangkutan, pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan Limbah

B3 yang dihasilkan dalam proses pemanfaatan dapat dan berpotensi

menurunkan kualitas lingkungan hidup dan kesehatan manusia akibat

pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup.

That the recovery of used batteries activities starting from the

collection, transport, use and management of hazardous waste

generated in the process can and potentially degrade the quality of

the environment and human health due to pollution and / or damage

to the environment.

b. Bahwa dalam rangka pencegahan dan/atau pencemaran dan/atau

kerusakan yang menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas lingkungan

dan/atau gangguan terhadap kesehatan manusia perlu menetapkan

pedoman dalam pengelolaan aki bekas untuk dapat digunakan bagi

pemangku kepentingan.

That in order to prevent and / or contamination and / or damage that

led to environmental degradation and / or disruption to human

health need to establish guidelines in the management of used

batteries to be applied by stakeholders.

c. Bahwa berdasarkan ketentuan dalam Pasal 54 ayat 1, 2, 3 Peraturan

Pemerintah Nomor 101 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah

Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun tentang ketentuan lebih lanjut

mengenai rincian masing-masing pemanfaatan Limbah B3

sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) diatur dalam peraturan menteri.

That under the provisions of Article 54 paragraph 1, 2, 3

Government Regulation No. 101 2014 on Management of Toxic and

Hazardous Waste and of further provisions regarding the details of

each of the utilization of hazardous waste referred to in paragraph

(1) shall be in the ministerial regulations.

d. Bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam

hutuf a, huruf b dan huruf c perlu menetapkan Peraturan Menteri

Negara Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan tentang Pedoman Teknis

Pemanfaatan Kembali Aki Bekas yang berwawasan lingkungan

hidup, guna mencegah terjadinya pencemaran dan atau gangguan

keselamatan manusia.

Based on the considerations referred to in paragraphs a, b and c

have to stipulate Regulation of the Minister of Environment and



Forestry of the Technical Guidelines for Recovery of Used Batteries

environmentally, in order to prevent pollution and human safety or




: 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan

Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup.

Law No. 32 of 2009 on the Protection and Management of the


2 Undang-Undang No. 18 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah.

Law No. 18 of 2008 on Waste Management.

3 Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah

(Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2004 Nomor 125,

Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2004

Nomor 125, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia

Nomor 4437) sebagaimana telah diubah berakhir dengan Undang-

Undang No. 12 Tahun 2008 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-

Undang No. 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah (Lembaran

Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2005 Nomor 59, Tambahan

Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4844.

Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government (State Gazette of the

Republic of Indonesia Year 2004 Number 125, Supplement to State

Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2004 Number 125,

Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number

4437) as amended ended with Law No. 12 Year 2008 regarding the

Second Amendment Act No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2005 Number 59,

Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number


4 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 tentang Pengelolaan

Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Air (Lembaran Negara Republik

Indonesia Tahun 2001 Nomor 153, Tambahan Lembaran Negara

Republik Indonesia Nomor 4161).

Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 on Water Quality

Management and Control of Water (State Gazette of the Republic of

Indonesia Year 2001 Number 153, Supplement to State Gazette of the

Republic of Indonesia Number 4161).

5. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 101 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan

Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun.

Government Regulation No. 101 of 2014 on the Management of

Hazardous and Toxic Waste.

6. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengendalian

Pencemaran Udara.

Government Regulation No. 41 of 1999 on Air Pollution Control.

7. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 18 Tahun 2007 tentang Pembagian



Urusan Pemerintahan antara Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi dan

Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota (Lembaran Negara Republik

Indonesia Tahun 2007 Nomor 82, Tambahan Lembaran Negara

Republik Indonesia Nomor 4737).

Government Regulation No. 18 of 2007 on the Government Affairs

Division of Local Government and Provincial District Government /

Municipality (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2007

Number 82, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

Number 4737).

8. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2012 Tentang Izin

Lingkungan Hidup.

Government Regulation No. 27 of 2012 on Environmental Permit.

9. Konvensi Basel Tahun 1993 dan diratifikasi dengan Keputusan

Presiden Nomor 61 Tahun 1993.

Basel Convention in 1993 and ratified by Presidential Decree No. 61

of 1993.





: Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan tentang

Pedoman Teknis Pemanfaatan Kembali Aki Bekas yang berwawasan

lingkungan hidup.

Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the

Technical Guidelines for environmental friendly Recovery of Used


Pasal 1

Article 1

Dalam Peraturan Menteri ini yang dimaksud dengan:

Hereinafter referred to as:

1. Kegiatan pemanfaatan kembali aki bekas adalah kegiatan perolehan kembali timah

hitam dari aki bekas untuk dijadikan bahan baku.

Activity of reuse of used batteries is a recovery activity of lead from used batteries to be

used as raw material.

2. Limbah aki bekas yang merupakan sampah spesifik dan/atau Limbah B3 yang

dihasilkan dari kegiatan perorangan dan/atau badan usaha.

Waste of used batteries that are specific and/or hazardous waste resulting from the

activities of individuals and / or entities.

3. Limbah adalah sisa suatu usaha dan/atau kegiatan.

Waste is the residue of a business and / or activity.

4. Limbah B3 yang selanjutnya disebut Limbah B3 adalah sisa suatu usaha dan/atau

kegiatan yang mengandung B3.

Hazardous waste which is hereinafter referred to B3 is the residue of a business and /

or activities that contain hazardous substance.

5. Pengelolaan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan yang meliputi pengurangan, penyimpanan,



pengumpulan, pengangkutan, pemanfaatan, pengolahan, dan/atau penimbunan.

Hazardous waste management is an activity that involves the reduction, collection,

storage, transport, use, processing, and / or hoarding.

6. Sampah spesifik adalah sampah yang karena sifat, konsentrasi, dan/atau volumenya

memerlukan pengelolaan khusus.

Specific waste is waste that due to the nature, concentration, and / or volume require

special management.

7. Pengurangan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan penghasil Limbah B3 untuk mengurangi

jumlah dan/atau mengurangi sifat bahaya dan/atau racun dari Limbah B3 sebelum

dihasilkan dari suatu usaha dan/atau kegiatan.

Reduction of hazardous waste is activities that generate hazardous waste to reduce the

number and / or reducing the hazardous properties and / or toxicity of hazardous waste

before it is produced from a business and / or activity.

8. Penyimpanan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan menyimpan Limbah B3 yang dilakukan oleh

penghasil Limbah B3 dengan maksud menyimpan sementara Limbah B3 yang


Hazardous waste storage is activities that stores hazardous waste carried out by the

hazardous waste producer with the intent to temporarily store the resulting hazardous


9. Pengumpulan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan mengumpulkan Limbah B3 dari penghasil

Limbah B3 sebelum diserahkan kepada pemanfaat Limbah B3, pengolah Limbah B3,

dan/atau penimbunan Limbah B3.

Hazardous waste collection is the activities of collecting hazardous waste from

hazardous waste producer before being handed over to the hazardous waste

beneficiaries, hazardous waste processing, and / or hazardous waste landfilling.

10. Pengangkutan Limbah B3 adalah suatu kegiatan pemindahan Limbah B3 dari penghasil

limbah B3 dan atau dari pengumpul dan/atau dari pemanfaat dan/atau dari pengolah ke

pengumpul dan atau ke pemanfaat dan atau dari pemanfaat dan atau ke pengolah dan

atau ke penimbun Limbah B3.

Hazardous waste freight is a displacement activity of hazardous waste from hazardous

waste producers and / or from hazardous waste collectors and / or from the

beneficiaries and / or from the processor to the collector and or to or from users and

beneficiaries and or to the processing and or to hoarders.

11. Pemanfaatan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan penggunaan kembali, daur ulang, dan/atau

perolehan kembali yang bertujuan untuk mengubah Limbah B3 menjadi produk yang

dapat digunakan sebagai subtitusi bahan baku, bahan penolong dan/atau bahan bakar

yang aman bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan hidup.

Hazardous waste utilization is the activities reuse, recycling, and / or recovery that

aims to change the hazardous waste into products that can be used as a substitute raw

materials, auxiliary materials and / or fuel that is safe for human health and the


12. Pengolahan Limbah B3 adalah proses untuk mengurangi dan/atau menghilangkan sifat

bahaya dan/atau sifat racun.

Hazardous waste treatment is a process to reduce and / or eliminate the hazardous

properties and / or toxicity.

13. Penimbunan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan menempatkan Limbah B3 pada fasilitas

penimbunan dengan maksud tidak membahayakan kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan


Hazardous waste landfill is the activities put on stockpiling facility with the intention of

not endanger human health and the environment.



14. Menteri adalah menteri yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang

perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup.

Minister is the minister who holds government affairs in the field of environmental

protection and management.

Pasal 2

Article 2

Peraturan Menteri ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pedoman bagi Pemerintah dan

Pemerintah Daerah dan pengelolaan aki bekas dalam rangka memberikan perizinan dan

pembinaan dan pengawasan pengelolaan Limbah B3 aki bekas dan/atau sampah spesifik aki

bekas yang berwawasan lingkungan hidup dan/atau gangguan kesehatan manusia.

Regulation of the Minister aims to provide guidelines for the Government and Local

Government and the management of used batteries in order to provide licensing and

supervision of environmnetal sound management of used batteries B3 and / or specific waste

used batteries and / or human health problems.

Pasal 3

Article 3

Ruang lingkup yang diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri ini meliputi pencegahan pencemaran

dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan serta gangguan kesehatan manusia, penghasil, penyimpanan,

pengumpulan, pengangkutan, pemanfaatan, pengolahan, penimbunan Limbah B3 dan/atau

sampah spesifik aki bekas.

The scope of which is set in this Regulation covers the prevention of pollution and / or

damage to the environment and human health problems, hazardous waste producer, storage,

collection, transport, use, processing, stockpiling and / or specific wasteof used batteries.

Pasal 4

Article 4

Penghasil aki bekas baik perorangan dan atau badan usaha wajib mempunyai tempat

penyimpanan aki bekas seperti tersebut di bawah:

Producers of used batteries both individuals and or entities shall have the storage space used

batteries as described below:

1) Aki bekas dari kegiatan perorangan disimpan pada tempat yang memenuhi syarat

seperti tersebut dibawah ini:

a) Tidak diperbolehkan mengeluarkan air aki dan membuangnya ke lingkungan.

b) Aki harus disimpan di tempat yang tidak terjangkau oleh anak-anak selambat-

lambatnya 90 hari sejak dihasilkan.

c) Aki bekas harus dibawa pada tempat pengumpulan yang telah diterapkan oleh

Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat II dan atau Pemerintah Kota.

1) Used batteries from individual activities are stored in a place that qualifies as

mentioned below:

a) It is forbidden to remove the water battery and throw it into the environment.

b) Battery packs should be stored in a place inaccessible by children no later

than 90 days since produced.

c) Used batteries should be brought to the collection point which has been

implemented by local governments or municipal government.

Pasal 5



Article 5

1) Produsen aki bekerja sama dengan distributor, Bank Sampah dan/atau droping point

yang telah mendapat izin dari Bupati dan atau Walikota, Gubernur dan atau Menteri

sesuai dengan kewenangannya untuk mengumpulkan aki bekas dari perorangan dan

atau badan usaha.

1) Manufacturer of batteries in cooperation with distributors, Garbage Bank and / or

droping points that have received permission from the Regent and or Mayor, Governor

and or the Minister in accordance with the authority to collect used batteries from

individuals or entities.

2) Dalam menetapkan perizinan untuk pengumpulan maka harus memenuhi persyaratan

sebagai berikut:

1. Harus mempunyai lokasi untuk pengumpulan minimal dengan luas 50 m2.

2. Mengisi formulir dokumen pengelolaan lingkungan sebagaimana pada

lampiran 1 (sesuai dengan formulir pengajuan perizinan).

2) In setting the permissions for the collection must meet the following requirements:

1. Must have a minimum of locations for collection with an area of 50 m2.

2. Fill the form of environmental management documents as in Appendix 1 (in

accordance with the licensing application form).

3. Persyaratan penampungan aki bekas sebagai berikut.

3. Requirements shelter used batteries as follows.

3.1. Pada operasi pengumpulan tidak diperkenankan membuang air aki

/melakukan pengeringan aki.

In collecting operations are not allowed to discharge battery water /

doing battery drying.

3.2 Persyaratan penampungan aki bekas sebagai berikut:

Terms for used batteries collectors as follows:

a. Disimpan pada kontainer yang tahan terhadap asam.

b. Tempat penyimpanan harus terhindar dari hujan dan air hujan

dan air lainnya, mempunyai tempat penampungan air dan

dijauhkan dari sumber panas.

c. Tempat penyimpan harus kedap air.

d. Tempat penyimpanan harus ada ventilasi.

e. Tempat penyimpanan harus diberikan simbol dan label dan

tidak untuk umum.

a. Stored in containers that are resistant to acid.

b. Storage areas should be protected from rain and rain water and

others, have water tanks and kept away from heat sources.

c. Keep container watertight.

d. Storage areas should be no ventilation.

e. Storage areas should be given symbols and labels and not to the


3.3 Penyimpanan aki bekas tidak boleh menyimpan aki bekas melampaui

alat penampungan aki bekas.

Storage of used batteries must not keep used batteris that exceeds

used batteries collecting appliances.

3.4 Pengumpulan aki bekas hanya bisa menjual aki bekas ke perusahaan

pengolahan dan atau pemanfaatan yang berizin pengelolaan limbah

B3 dan/atau bila diambil kembali oleh produsen sebagai kesepakatan

keduanya. Dan produsen dapat melakukan pengolahan dan atau



pemanfaatan aki bekas yang berizin pengelolaan Limbah B3.

The collection of used batteries can only sell used batteries to

companies processing and utilization of the licensed or hazardous

waste management and / or when taken back by the manufacturer as

the agreement of both. And manufacturers can perform the processing

and utilization of used batteries or licensed hazardous waste


4. Izin yang diterbitkan oleh Bupati dan atau Walikota dan atau Gubernur dan

atau Menteri KLHK wajib berdasarkan ketentuan sebagaimana tersebut pada

ayat (2).

4. Permits issued by the Regents and or Mayor or Governor or Minister KLHK

mandatory under the provisions mentioned in paragraph (2).



Pasal 6

Article 6

1) Pengangkutan aki bekas dalam satu kontainer wajib diangkut sesuai dengan ketentuan

pengelolaan Limbah B3 .

Transportation of used batteries in one container shall be transported in accordance

with the provisions of hazardous waste management.

2) Tata cara dalam mengangkut aki bekas.

The procedure for the transport of used batteries.

2.1. Pengangkutan aki bekas harus di dalam kontainer dan aki bekas harus disusun rapih

dan tidak boleh terbalik sehingga tidak terjadi tetesan air aki bekas.

Transportation of used batteries must be in containers and used batteries should be

arranged neatly and should not be reversed so that no water droplets used batteries.

2.2. Kontainer yang menampung aki bekas tidak boleh berpindah ketika diangkut, oleh

karenanya perlu dilakukan pengikatan kontainer agar tidak bergeser.

Container that holds used batteries should not be changed when transported, therefore,

needs to be done so as not to shift the binding container.

2.3. Pengangkutan aki bekas harus mempunyai simbol.

Transportation of used batteries must have a symbol.

2.4. Pengangkut menyediakan alat untuk mengatasi ceceran air asam aki bekas yang


The carrier provides the tools to overcome the former battery acid spills water runoff /


2.5. Supir dan pekerja dalam pengangkutnya wajib mendapat training untuk mengatasi

kondisi /keadaan darurat.

Driver and workers in the transport shall receive training to cope with the conditions /


2.6. Mempunyai peralatan PPE untuk supir dan petugas pengangkutan.

Have PPE equipment for drivers and transport.

2.7. Mempunyai jadwal dari peta rute yang jarak tempuh lebih pendek dan aman agar tidak

terjadi kecelakan.

Having a schedule of route maps that distance is shorter and safer to avoid




Pasal 7

Article 7

1) Industri pemanfaatan aki bekas dengan tata cara dan persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh

PP 101 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah B3.

2) Ketentuan industri pemanfaatan Limbah B3 aki bekas sebagaimana tersebut dibawah

ini merupakan bagian yang harus ditetapkan dalam persyaratan izin pemanfaatan aki

bekas sebagaimana tercantum pada lampiran 2.

3) Perizin industri pemanfaatan Limbah B3 aki bekas ini ditetapkan oleh Menteri yang

bertanggung jawab di bidang lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan.

1) Utilization of used batteries industry with the procedures and requirements established

by Regulation 101 of 2014 on Hazardous Waste Management.

2) The provision of hazardous waste utilization industry of used batteries as mentioned

below is a part that must be defined in terms of the permit to use used batteries as

listed in Appendix 2.

3) Permit for hazardous waste utilization industry of used batteries is determined by the

Minister responsible in the field of environment and forestry.

Pasal 8

Article 8

1) Pemantauan kualitas air, kualitas udara dan pengelolaan Limbah B3 pada kegiatan

industri pemanfaatan aki bekas dan persyaratan izin wajib dilakukan oleh industri

pemanfaatan aki bekas.

2) Hasil pemantauan persyaratan perizinan wajib dilaporkan setiap 1 bulan 1 kali kepada

Menteri LHK dengan tembusan pada Bupati dan atau Walikota serta Gubernur.

3) Pemerintah wajib melakukan pengawasan terhadap persyaratan izin industri

pemanfaata aki bekas paling sedikit 1 tahun 1 kali.

4) Industri pemanfaat aki bekas wajib melakukan audit lingkungan setiap 5 tahun 1 kali.

5) Hasil pemantauan dan atau audit lingkungan dapat dijadikan bahan untuk pemberian

sanksi administrasi dan atau sanksi pidana dan atau perdata.

1) Monitoring of water quality, air quality and hazardous waste management on activity

and utilization of used batteries industry must be performed by the permit

requirements of utilization of used batteries industry

2) The results of monitoring of the licensing requirements must be reported every 1 month

1 time to the Minister of EF with a copy to the Regents and or the Mayor and the


3) The Government shall conduct supervision of industrial licensing requirements

pemanfaata used batteries at least 1 year 1 time.

4) Users of used batteries industry must conduct an environmental audit every 5 years 1


5) The results of monitoring and auditing environment or can be used as material for the

provision of administrative penalties or criminal sanctions or civil.

Pasal 9

Article 9

1) Industri pemanfaat Limbah B3 aki bekas wajib melaporkan kepada Bupati dan atau

Walikota serta Menteri LHK bila terjadi spill sesuai kewenangannya.



2) Industri pemanfaat Limbah B3 aki bekas wajib mempunyai sistem dan tata cara

penanganan keadaan darurat.

3) Tumpahan Limbah B3 aki bekas ke lingkungan wajib untuk ditangani sehingga tidak

mencemari lingkungan dan gangguan kesehatan manusia.

4) Industri pemanfaat Limbah B3 wajib mempunyai peralatan dan pelatihan untuk

keadaan darurat.

1) Users of hazardous used batteries industry must report to the Regent and or Mayor

and Minister of EF in the event of a spill as appropriate authority.

2) Users of hazardous used batteries industry must have systems and procedures for

handling emergency situations.

3) Hazardous waste spill from used batteries to the environment required to be addressed

so as not to pollute the environment and human health problems.

4) Hazardous waste utilization industry must have the equipment and training for


Pasal 10

Article 10

1) Pengelola aki bekas yang menimbulkan pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan

wajib untuk melakukan pemulihan lingkungan.

2) Pada saat industri pemanfaat Limbah B3 aki bekas menutup aktifitasnya, wajib untuk

melakukan audit lingkungan.

3) Hasil audit lingkungan digunakan untuk penetapan lokasi bekas proses pemanfaatan

aki bekas bebas dari kontaminasi zat pencemar.

4) Penetapan lokasi bekas proses pemanfaatan aki bekas tersebut bebas dari kontaminasi

zat pencemar ditetapkan oleh Menteri LHK.

1) Processing of used batteries that cause pollution and / or damage to the environment

required to perform environmental restoration.

2) When hazardous waste used batteries utilization industry closing their activities,

required to conduct an environmental audit.

3) The results of the environmental audit is used to determine the location of the former

use of used batteries free of contamination contaminants.

4) Determination of the former location of the process of utilization of used batteries free

of contamination contaminants specified by the Minister of EF.

Pasal 11

Article 11

Peraturan Menteri ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal ditetapkan.

This Regulation comes into force on the date specified.

Ditetapkan di Jakarta

Pada tanggal ...... 2015

Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan



Siti Nurbaya Bakar

Enacted in Jakarta

On the date: ... .......... 2015



Siti Nurbaya




NUMBER: ......... 2015







: a. Bahwa kegiatan pemanfaatan kembali aki bekas dimulai dari

pengumpulan, pengangkutan, pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan Limbah

B3 yang dihasilkan dalam proses pemanfaatan dapat dan berpotensi

menurunkan kualitas lingkungan hidup dan kesehatan manusia akibat

pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup.

That the used batteries recycling activities starting from the

collection, transport, use and management of hazardous waste

generated in the process can and potentially degrade the quality of

the environment and human health due to pollution and / or damage

to the environment.

b. Bahwa dalam rangka pencegahan dan/atau pencemaran dan/atau

kerusakan yang menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas lingkungan

dan/atau gangguan terhadap kesehatan manusia perlu menetapkan

pedoman dalam pengelolaan aki bekas untuk dapat digunakan bagi

pemangku kepentingan.

That in order to prevent and / or contamination and / or damage that

led to environmental degradation and / or disruption to human

health need to establish guidelines in the management of used

batteries to be applied by stakeholders.

c. Bahwa berdasarkan ketentuan dalam Pasal 54 ayat 1, 2, 3 Peraturan

Pemerintah Nomor 101 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah

Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun tentang ketentuan lebih lanjut

mengenai rincian masing-masing pemanfaatan Limbah B3

sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) diatur dalam peraturan menteri.

That under the provisions of Article 54 paragraph 1, 2, 3

Government Regulation No. 101 2014 on Management of Toxic and

Hazardous Waste and of further provisions regarding the details of

each of the utilization of hazardous waste referred to in paragraph

(1) shall be in the ministerial regulations.

d. Bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam

hutuf a, huruf b dan huruf c perlu menetapkan Peraturan Menteri

Negara Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan tentang Pedoman Teknis

Pemanfaatan Kembali Aki Bekas yang berwawasan lingkungan

hidup, guna mencegah terjadinya pencemaran dan atau gangguan

keselamatan manusia.

Based on the considerations referred to in paragraphs a, b and c

have to stipulate Regulation of the Minister of Environment and



Forestry of the Technical Guidelines for Recovery of Used Batteries

environmentally, in order to prevent pollution and human safety or




: 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan

Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup.

Law No. 32 of 2009 on the Protection and Management of the


2 Undang-Undang No. 18 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah.

Law No. 18 of 2008 on Waste Management.

3 Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah

(Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2004 Nomor 125,

Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2004

Nomor 125, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia

Nomor 4437) sebagaimana telah diubah berakhir dengan Undang-

Undang No. 12 Tahun 2008 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-

Undang No. 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah (Lembaran

Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2005 Nomor 59, Tambahan

Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4844.

Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government (State Gazette of the

Republic of Indonesia Year 2004 Number 125, Supplement to State

Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2004 Number 125,

Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number

4437) as amended ended with Law No. 12 Year 2008 regarding the

Second Amendment Act No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2005 Number 59,

Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number


4 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 82 Tahun 2001 tentang Pengelolaan

Kualitas Air dan Pengendalian Air (Lembaran Negara Republik

Indonesia Tahun 2001 Nomor 153, Tambahan Lembaran Negara

Republik Indonesia Nomor 4161).

Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 on Water Quality

Management and Control of Water (State Gazette of the Republic of

Indonesia Year 2001 Number 153, Supplement to State Gazette of the

Republic of Indonesia Number 4161).

5. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 101 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan

Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun.

Government Regulation No. 101 of 2014 on the Management of

Hazardous and Toxic Waste.

6. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengendalian

Pencemaran Udara.

Government Regulation No. 41 of 1999 on Air Pollution Control.

7. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 18 Tahun 2007 tentang Pembagian



Urusan Pemerintahan antara Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi dan

Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota (Lembaran Negara Republik

Indonesia Tahun 2007 Nomor 82, Tambahan Lembaran Negara

Republik Indonesia Nomor 4737).

Government Regulation No. 18 of 2007 on the Government Affairs

Division of Local Government and Provincial District Government /

Municipality (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2007

Number 82, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

Number 4737).

8. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2012 Tentang Izin

Lingkungan Hidup.

Government Regulation No. 27 of 2012 on Environmental Permit.

9. Konvensi Basel Tahun 1993 dan diratifikasi dengan Keputusan

Presiden Nomor 61 Tahun 1993.

Basel Convention in 1993 and ratified by Presidential Decree No. 61

of 1993.





: Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan tentang

Pedoman Teknis Pemanfaatan Kembali Aki Bekas yang berwawasan

lingkungan hidup.

Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the

Technical Guidelines for enviromnetally sound management of Used

Batteries Recycling.

Pasal 1

Article 1

Dalam Peraturan Menteri ini yang dimaksud dengan:

Hereinafter referred to as:

1. Kegiatan pemanfaatan kembali aki bekas adalah kegiatan perolehan kembali timah

hitam dari aki bekas untuk dijadikan bahan baku.

Activity of used batteries recycling is a recovery activity of lead from used batteries to

be used as raw material.

2. Limbah aki bekas yang merupakan sampah spesifik dan/atau Limbah B3 yang

dihasilkan dari kegiatan perorangan dan/atau badan usaha.

Used batteries waste that are specific and/or hazardous waste resulting from the

activities of individuals and / or entities.

3. Limbah adalah sisa suatu usaha dan/atau kegiatan.

Waste is the residue of a business and / or activity.

4. Limbah B3 yang selanjutnya disebut Limbah B3 adalah sisa suatu usaha dan/atau

kegiatan yang mengandung B3.

Hazardous waste which is hereinafter referred to hazardous waste is the residue of a

business and / or activities that contain hazardous substance.

5. Pengelolaan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan yang meliputi pengurangan, penyimpanan,



pengumpulan, pengangkutan, pemanfaatan, pengolahan, dan/atau penimbunan.

Hazardous waste management is an activity that involves the reduction, collection,

storage, transport, use, processing, and / or hoarding.

6. Sampah spesifik adalah sampah yang karena sifat, konsentrasi, dan/atau volumenya

memerlukan pengelolaan khusus.

Specific waste is waste that due to the nature, concentration, and / or volume require

special management.

7. Pengurangan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan penghasil Limbah B3 untuk mengurangi

jumlah dan/atau mengurangi sifat bahaya dan/atau racun dari Limbah B3 sebelum

dihasilkan dari suatu usaha dan/atau kegiatan.

Reduction of hazardous waste is activities that generate hazardous waste to reduce the

number and / or reducing the hazardous properties and / or toxicity of hazardous waste

before it is produced from a business and / or activity.

8. Penyimpanan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan menyimpan Limbah B3 yang dilakukan oleh

penghasil Limbah B3 dengan maksud menyimpan sementara Limbah B3 yang


Hazardous waste storage is activities that stores hazardous waste carried out by the

hazardous waste producer with the intent to temporarily store the resulting hazardous


9. Pengumpulan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan mengumpulkan Limbah B3 dari penghasil

Limbah B3 sebelum diserahkan kepada pemanfaat Limbah B3, pengolah Limbah B3,

dan/atau penimbunan Limbah B3.

Hazardous waste collection is the activities of collecting hazardous waste from

hazardous waste producer before being handed over to the hazardous waste

beneficiaries, hazardous waste processing, and / or hazardous waste landfilling.

10. Pengangkutan Limbah B3 adalah suatu kegiatan pemindahan Limbah B3 dari penghasil

limbah B3 dan atau dari pengumpul dan/atau dari pemanfaat dan/atau dari pengolah ke

pengumpul dan atau ke pemanfaat dan atau dari pemanfaat dan atau ke pengolah dan

atau ke penimbun Limbah B3.

Hazardous waste freight is a displacement activity of hazardous waste from hazardous

waste producers and / or from hazardous waste collectors and / or from the

beneficiaries and / or from the processor to the collector and or to or from users and

beneficiaries and or to the processing and or to hoarders.

11. Pemanfaatan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan penggunaan kembali, daur ulang, dan/atau

perolehan kembali yang bertujuan untuk mengubah Limbah B3 menjadi produk yang

dapat digunakan sebagai subtitusi bahan baku, bahan penolong dan/atau bahan bakar

yang aman bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan hidup.

Hazardous waste utilization is the activities reuse, recycle, and / or recovery that aims

to change the hazardous waste into products that can be used as a substitute raw

materials, auxiliary materials and / or fuel that is safe for human health and the


12. Pengolahan Limbah B3 adalah proses untuk mengurangi dan/atau menghilangkan sifat

bahaya dan/atau sifat racun.

Hazardous waste treatment is a process to reduce and / or eliminate the hazardous

properties and / or toxicity.

13. Penimbunan Limbah B3 adalah kegiatan menempatkan Limbah B3 pada fasilitas

penimbunan dengan maksud tidak membahayakan kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan


Hazardous waste landfill is the activities put on stockpiling facility with the intention of

not endanger human health and the environment.



14. Menteri adalah menteri yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang

perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup.

Minister is the minister who holds government affairs in the field of environmental

protection and management.

Pasal 2

Article 2

Peraturan Menteri ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pedoman bagi Pemerintah dan

Pemerintah Daerah dan pengelolaan aki bekas dalam rangka memberikan perizinan dan

pembinaan dan pengawasan pengelolaan Limbah B3 aki bekas dan/atau sampah spesifik aki

bekas yang berwawasan lingkungan hidup dan/atau gangguan kesehatan manusia.

This Minister Regulation aims to provide guidelines for the Government and Local

Government and the management of used batteries in order to provide licensing and

supervision of environmnetal sound management of used batteries hazardous waste and / or

specific waste used batteries and / or human health problems.

Pasal 3

Article 3

Ruang lingkup yang diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri ini meliputi pencegahan pencemaran

dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan serta gangguan kesehatan manusia, penghasil, penyimpanan,

pengumpulan, pengangkutan, pemanfaatan, pengolahan, penimbunan Limbah B3 dan/atau

sampah spesifik aki bekas.

The scope of which is set in this Regulation covers the prevention of pollution and / or

damage to the environment and human health problems, hazardous waste producer, storage,

collection, transport, use, processing, stockpiling and / or specific wasteof used batteries.

Pasal 4

Article 4

Penghasil aki bekas baik perorangan dan atau badan usaha wajib mempunyai tempat

penyimpanan aki bekas seperti tersebut di bawah:

Producers of used batteries both individuals and or entities shall have the storage space for

used batteries as described below:

1) Aki bekas dari kegiatan perorangan disimpan pada tempat yang memenuhi syarat

seperti tersebut dibawah ini:

a) Tidak diperbolehkan mengeluarkan air aki dan membuangnya ke lingkungan.

b) Aki harus disimpan di tempat yang tidak terjangkau oleh anak-anak selambat-

lambatnya 90 hari sejak dihasilkan.

c) Aki bekas harus dibawa pada tempat pengumpulan yang telah diterapkan oleh

Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat II dan atau Pemerintah Kota.

1) Used batteries from individual activities are stored in a place that qualifies as

mentioned below:

a) It is forbidden to remove the water battery and throw it into the environment.

b) Battery packs should be stored in a place inaccessible by children no later

than 90 days since produced.

c) Used batteries should be brought to the collection point which has been

implemented by local governments or municipal government.

Pasal 5



Article 5

1) Produsen aki bekerja sama dengan distributor, Bank Sampah dan/atau droping point

yang telah mendapat izin dari Bupati dan atau Walikota, Gubernur dan atau Menteri

sesuai dengan kewenangannya untuk mengumpulkan aki bekas dari perorangan dan

atau badan usaha.

1) Manufacturer of batteries in cooperation with distributors, Garbage Bank and / or

droping points that have received permission from the Regent and or Mayor, Governor

and or the Minister in accordance with the authority to collect used batteries from

individuals or entities.

2) Dalam menetapkan perizinan untuk pengumpulan maka harus memenuhi persyaratan

sebagai berikut:

1. Harus mempunyai lokasi untuk pengumpulan minimal dengan luas 50 m2.

2. Mengisi formulir dokumen pengelolaan lingkungan sebagaimana pada

lampiran 1 (sesuai dengan formulir pengajuan perizinan).

2) In setting the permissions for the collection must meet the following requirements:

1. Must have a minimum of locations for collection with an area of 50 m2.

2. Fill the form of environmental management documents as in Appendix 1 (in

accordance with the licensing application form).

3. Persyaratan penampungan aki bekas sebagai berikut.

3. Requirements shelter used batteries as follows.

3.1. Pada operasi pengumpulan tidak diperkenankan membuang air aki

/melakukan pengeringan aki.

In collecting operations are not allowed to discharge battery water /

doing battery drying.

3.2 Persyaratan penampungan aki bekas sebagai berikut:

Terms for used batteries collectors as follows:

a. Disimpan pada kontainer yang tahan terhadap asam.

b. Tempat penyimpanan harus terhindar dari hujan dan air hujan

dan air lainnya, mempunyai tempat penampungan air dan

dijauhkan dari sumber panas.

c. Tempat penyimpan harus kedap air.

d. Tempat penyimpanan harus ada ventilasi.

e. Tempat penyimpanan harus diberikan simbol dan label dan

tidak untuk umum.

a. Stored in containers that are resistant to acid.

b. Storage areas should be protected from rain and rain water and

others, have water tanks and kept away from heat sources.

c. Keep container watertight.

d. Storage areas should be ventilated..

e. Storage areas should be given symbols and labels and not

accessible to the public.

3.3 Penyimpanan aki bekas tidak boleh menyimpan aki bekas melampaui

alat penampungan aki bekas.

Storage of used batteries must not keep used batteris that exceeds

used batteries collecting appliances.

3.4 Pengumpulan aki bekas hanya bisa menjual aki bekas ke perusahaan

pengolahan dan atau pemanfaatan yang berizin pengelolaan limbah

B3 dan/atau bila diambil kembali oleh produsen sebagai kesepakatan

keduanya. Dan produsen dapat melakukan pengolahan dan atau



pemanfaatan aki bekas yang berizin pengelolaan Limbah B3.

The collection of used batteries can only sell used batteries to licensed

processing and utilization companies for hazardous waste

management and / or taken back by the manufacturer as the

agreement of both. And manufacturers can perform as the licensed

processing and utilization of used batteries for hazardous waste


4. Izin yang diterbitkan oleh Bupati dan atau Walikota dan atau Gubernur dan

atau Menteri KLHK wajib berdasarkan ketentuan sebagaimana tersebut pada

ayat (2).

4. Permits issued by the Regents and or Mayor or Governor or Minister of

Environment and Forestry mandatory under the provisions mentioned in

paragraph (2).



Pasal 6

Article 6

1) Pengangkutan aki bekas dalam satu kontainer wajib diangkut sesuai dengan ketentuan

pengelolaan Limbah B3 .

Transportation of used batteries in one container shall be transported in accordance

with the provisions of hazardous waste management.

2) Tata cara dalam mengangkut aki bekas.

The procedure for the transport of used batteries.

2.1. Pengangkutan aki bekas harus di dalam kontainer dan aki bekas harus disusun rapih

dan tidak boleh terbalik sehingga tidak terjadi tetesan air aki bekas.

Transportation of used batteries must be in containers and used batteries should be

arranged neatly and should not be reversed to prevent water droplets from the used


2.2. Kontainer yang menampung aki bekas tidak boleh berpindah ketika diangkut, oleh

karenanya perlu dilakukan pengikatan kontainer agar tidak bergeser.

Container that holds used batteries should not be changed when transported, therefore,

needs to tie the container to prevent shifting.

2.3. Pengangkutan aki bekas harus mempunyai simbol.

Transportation of used batteries must have a symbol.

2.4. Pengangkut menyediakan alat untuk mengatasi ceceran air asam aki bekas yang


The carrier provides the tools to overcome shoukd there be battery acid water spills.

2.5. Supir dan pekerja dalam pengangkutnya wajib mendapat training untuk mengatasi

kondisi /keadaan darurat.

Driver and workers in the transport shall receive training to cope with the conditions /


2.6. Mempunyai peralatan PPE untuk supir dan petugas pengangkutan.

Have PPE for drivers and transport personnel.

2.7. Mempunyai jadwal dari peta rute yang jarak tempuh lebih pendek dan aman agar tidak

terjadi kecelakan.

Having a schedule of route maps that distance is shorter and safer to avoid




Pasal 7

Article 7

1) Industri pemanfaatan aki bekas dengan tata cara dan persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh

PP 101 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah B3.

2) Ketentuan industri pemanfaatan Limbah B3 aki bekas sebagaimana tersebut dibawah

ini merupakan bagian yang harus ditetapkan dalam persyaratan izin pemanfaatan aki

bekas sebagaimana tercantum pada lampiran 2.

3) Perizin industri pemanfaatan Limbah B3 aki bekas ini ditetapkan oleh Menteri yang

bertanggung jawab di bidang lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan.

1) Used batteries recycling industry with the procedures and requirements established by

Regulation 101 of 2014 on Hazardous Waste Management.

2) The provision for the used batteries hazardous waste recycling industry as mentioned

below is a part that must be defined in terms of the permit to use used batteries as

listed in Appendix 2.

3) Permit for the used batteries hazardous waste recycling is determined by the Minister

responsible in the field of environment and forestry.

Pasal 8

Article 8

1) Pemantauan kualitas air, kualitas udara dan pengelolaan Limbah B3 pada kegiatan

industri pemanfaatan aki bekas dan persyaratan izin wajib dilakukan oleh industri

pemanfaatan aki bekas.

2) Hasil pemantauan persyaratan perizinan wajib dilaporkan setiap 1 bulan 1 kali kepada

Menteri LHK dengan tembusan pada Bupati dan atau Walikota serta Gubernur.

3) Pemerintah wajib melakukan pengawasan terhadap persyaratan izin industri

pemanfaata aki bekas paling sedikit 1 tahun 1 kali.

4) Industri pemanfaat aki bekas wajib melakukan audit lingkungan setiap 5 tahun 1 kali.

5) Hasil pemantauan dan atau audit lingkungan dapat dijadikan bahan untuk pemberian

sanksi administrasi dan atau sanksi pidana dan atau perdata.

1) Monitoring of water quality, air quality and hazardous waste management on activity

and used batteries recycling industry must be performed by the permit requirements

of used batteries recycling industry

2) The results of monitoring of the licensing requirements must be reported once in every

month to the Minister of EF with a copy to the Regents and or the Mayor and the


3) The Government shall conduct supervision of industrial licensing requirements for

used batteries recycling at least once every year.

4) The industry that use of used batteries imust conduct an environmental audit once in

every 5 years.

5) The results of monitoring and / or environmentt audit can be used as material for the

provision of administrative penalties or criminal sanctions or civil.

Pasal 9

Article 9

1) Industri pemanfaat Limbah B3 aki bekas wajib melaporkan kepada Bupati dan atau

Walikota serta Menteri LHK bila terjadi spill sesuai kewenangannya.



2) Industri pemanfaat Limbah B3 aki bekas wajib mempunyai sistem dan tata cara

penanganan keadaan darurat.

3) Tumpahan Limbah B3 aki bekas ke lingkungan wajib untuk ditangani sehingga tidak

mencemari lingkungan dan gangguan kesehatan manusia.

4) Industri pemanfaat Limbah B3 wajib mempunyai peralatan dan pelatihan untuk

keadaan darurat.

1) The industry that user of used batteries hazardous waste must report to the Regent

and or Mayor and Minister of EF in the event of a spill as appropriate authority.

2) The user of used batteries hazardous waste must have systems and procedures for

handling emergency situations.

3) Hazardous waste spill from used batteries to the environment required to be addressed

so as not to pollute the environment and human health problems.

4) Hazardous waste recycling industry must have the equipment and training for


Pasal 10

Article 10

1) Pengelola aki bekas yang menimbulkan pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan

wajib untuk melakukan pemulihan lingkungan.

2) Pada saat industri pemanfaat Limbah B3 aki bekas menutup aktifitasnya, wajib untuk

melakukan audit lingkungan.

3) Hasil audit lingkungan digunakan untuk penetapan lokasi bekas proses pemanfaatan

aki bekas bebas dari kontaminasi zat pencemar.

4) Penetapan lokasi bekas proses pemanfaatan aki bekas tersebut bebas dari kontaminasi

zat pencemar ditetapkan oleh Menteri LHK.

1) Used batteriesprocessors that cause pollution and / or damage to the environment

required to perform environmental restoration.

2) When used batteries hazardous waste recycling industry closing their activities,

required to conduct an environmental audit.

3) The results of the environmental audit is used to determine the location of the former

use of used batteries free of contamination contaminants.

4) Determination of the former location of the used batteries recycling process is free of

contamination contaminants specified by the Minister of EF.

Pasal 11

Article 11

Peraturan Menteri ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal ditetapkan.

This Regulation comes into force on the date specified.

Ditetapkan di Jakarta

Pada tanggal ...... 2015

Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan



Siti Nurbaya Bakar

Enacted in Jakarta

On the date: ... .......... 2015



Siti Nurbaya


Policy Dialogues Report

Trainings, workshops, and meetings with stakeholders in the communities, private sector actors,

and across institutional levels of the government have sufficiently provided insights about the

current gaps on Toxic and Hazardous Waste (THW) management. The results were

supplemented by policy analysis in the national/regional and local level. Learnings from the

TA’s outputs can be generalized as follows:

National/ Regional level policy insights:

• High level of THW awareness and significant developments in programs and

policy, progress is ongoing

• There are THW policies in place but there are gaps particularly on

contaminated lands

• THW law enforcement system is in place but needs major improvements

• THW contamination mitigation support is lacking

Local level policy insights:

• Low level of THW awareness particularly on contamination and its impacts

• THW not a priority, lacking integration in local plans

• Lacking THW policies and management capacities

• Planning and data management and utilization needs radical and pro-active


• Convergence at the local level needs to be initiated and strengthened

Remediation planning requirements:

• Awareness raising and capacity building

• Remediation office/personnel

• Remediation program and policy

• Contaminated/Toxic sites inventory

• Technology pool of industry experts and applicable technologies

• Incentives and funding for clean technologies and remediation

• Stakeholder engagement

• Best practices and success stories

Redevelopment planning requirements:

• Redevelopment office and personnel

• Capacity building

• Redevelopment incentives and funding

• Best practices and success stories

• Redevelopment forum highlighting inclusive growth in urban areas

• Stakeholder engagement

Feasibility and financing considerations:



• Defined financial objective

• Project concept

• Product mix

• Target market

• Market demand and supply

• Environmental impact assessment

• Legal issues

• Project timeline

• Funding requirements

• On proposed residential use:

o Project cost

o Gross profit

o Net income after tax

o Internal rate of return

o Tax incentives

• On proposed commercial/ institutional use:

o Cost of investment

o Operating cost

o Net operating income

o Net income after tax

o Payback period

o Tax incentives

Informal Sector

There are three highlighted in this TA – the waste pickers, the informal tanners and informal

gold smelters. It must be noted that there are potential ways to organize them and link them to

organizations that could help access financing for adoption of cleaner, safer technologies. There

are alternative technologies available and these are affordable with the proper mix of public and

private assistance.

Recommended Next Steps

The action plan outlines the necessary steps in implementing the remediation and redevelopment

plan for the pilot site. In particular, the presentation showed what actions need to be done at the

national/ regional and local level in the interim and the long-term. Cost estimates, timeline, and

focal agencies/ offices were specified in the presentation (Table 5, 6, 7, 8). The specifics of the

action plan were also provided in the documentation of the action plan workshop found in the

latter chapter of this document.



# Action Cost Estimate



7 Identify funding for the implementation of the

redevelopment plan

- 2 months

8 Approval, bidding and implementation of the

redevelopment plan

290,000.00 8 months

Sub-total 1,260,000.00 17 months (Sept 2016 – Jan


Table 3. Cost estimates and timeline for the national/ regional level action plan

# Action Cost Estimate



1 Creation of Environmental Protection Authority 1,000,150,000.00 3-5 years

2 Increase HazWaste Section personnel 107,100,000.00 6 months

3 Build technical capacity 59,680,000.00 6 months

4 Develop specific programs, policies and

guidelines for mitigation of THW contamination

34,500,000.00 24 months

5 Strengthen enforcement 34,500,000.00 12 months

6 Establish THW mitigation support mechanisms 500,075,000.00 24 months

7 Conduct regional THW contaminated sites


98,016,000.00 12 months

8 Identify priority areas for action and plan out

control or remediation

3,200,000.00 4 months

9 Conduct pilot site controls or remediation 134,702,400.00 12 months

10 Institutionalize incentive program for remediation

and redevelopment of contaminated sites

8,625,000.00 24 months

Sub-total 1,980,548,400.00 32 months


2016 – April

2019 )



Table 4. Cost estimates and timeline for the local level action plan

# Action Cost Estimate



1 Creation of Environmental Protection Authority 1,000,150,000.00 3-5 years

2 Increase HazWaste Section personnel 107,100,000.00 6 months

3 Build technical capacity 59,680,000.00 6 months

4 Develop specific programs, policies and guidelines

for mitigation of THW contamination

34,500,000.00 24 months

5 Strengthen enforcement 34,500,000.00 12 months

6 Establish THW mitigation support mechanisms 500,075,000.00 24 months

7 Conduct regional THW contaminated sites inventory 98,016,000.00 12 months

8 Identify priority areas for action and plan out control

or remediation

3,200,000.00 4 months

9 Conduct pilot site controls or remediation 134,702,400.00 12 months

10 Institutionalize incentive program for remediation

and redevelopment of contaminated sites

8,625,000.00 24 months

Sub-total 1,980,548,400.00 32 months (September 2016 –

April 2019 )

Action Plan Workshop Outcomes


Action Plan – Long-term at the national level

Action Plan – Interim at the national level

Action Responsible Party How To Cost Estimate Timeline

1. Creation of




DENR, House of

Representatives, Office of

the President


Pass enabling law

Lobby for SB 1246 – Philippine

Environmental Protection Authority Act

3-5 years

2. Amend existing


Concerned LGUs to


Action Responsible Party How To Cost Estimate Timeline

1. Increase HazWaste

Section personnel

or assign focal


DENR Review effects of rationalization

Define potential problem scope per


Identify appropriate and necessary

number of personnel

Maximize MMTs/stakeholder



shoulders this

and is

honorarium based

October 2016 –

January 2017

2. Build technical


DENR and potential

partners (other relevant

government agencies,

academe, industry, private

sector, development

organizations, etc.)

Identify strategic regions for further

investments in laboratory and equipment

(Only Central Office and Region III are

capable of HM analysis);

Continue technical hands-on and targeted

training programs;

PhP 500,000.00

per training

October 2016 –

March 2017



Continuous progression and utilization of

the database / automation;

3. Develop specific

programs, policies

and guidelines for

mitigation of THW


*National Strategy for

POPs Contaminated

Sites is a major positive

policy development


EMB HazWaste Section,

other NGAs, potential

partners and/or consultants

and multi-stakeholder


Seek grants for policy development;

Build on the national strategy for POPs

contaminated sites;

Inter-agency collaboration on requiring

clean-up/remediation prior to sale or

development of property;

Develop attractive incentives aside from

the existing awards and recognition

April 2017 – March


4. Strengthen


EMB Regional Offices,

HazWaste Section as lead,

potential partners and

multi-stakeholder group

Conduct inventory; Apply monitoring

benchmarks per industry; Verify SMRs,

conduct unannounced visits; Require

clean-up as specified in the ECC;

Provide mechanism for public reporting;

Establish working MMTs; Make

enforcement performance a key result

area (through a record of numbers of

reported and solved cases and complaint)

April 2017 – March


5. Establish THW

mitigation support


EMB Regional Offices,

HazWaste Section as lead,


potential partners and

multi-stakeholder group

Encourage industry associations;

Coordinate/establish THW; technology


Push for incentive program;

Identify funding/financing options;

Provide platform for remediation success


Maximize capacity building to include

other stakeholders;

Establish Toxicology Center in hotspot


April 2017 – March


6. Conduct regional

THW contaminated

EMB Regional Offices,

HazWaste Section as lead,

Directive to conduct inventory of

abandoned sites;

January – December




sites inventory LGUs and potential


Review assessment guidelines;

Prepare equipment, materials, assessment

plan and schedule;

Form and train assessment team;

Establish database

7. Identify priority

areas for action and

plan out control or


EMB Regional Offices,

HazWaste Section as lead,

LGUs and potential


Prioritize sites in terms of risks posed to

environment and public health;

Prepare action plan including funding


January – April


8. Conduct pilot site

controls or


EMB Regional Offices,

HazWaste Section as lead,

LGUs, potential partners

and multi-stakeholder


Conduct site control or remediation in

priority sites;

Document and review process;

Use learnings to improve programs,

policies and guidelines;

May 2018 – April


9. Institutionalize

incentive program

for remediation and

redevelopment of

contaminated sites

House of Representatives,


Study industry operations and incentive


Provide for a more improved incentives’


• Tax breaks

• Subsidized rent

• Access to clean technology at a

co-location, industry-friendly area

for shared use

Secure loans

April 2017 – March




Action Plan – At the local level

Propose policies on

• Local EIA system

• Polluters’ fees based on envt, health, socio-economic impacts; require clean-up and remediation funds

• Land valuation with consideration of posed risks

• Management of special wastes (which should be part of the SWMPs)

Action Responsible Party How To Cost Estimate Timeline

1. Increase THW



possibly partner academe/s

In partnership with academe,

development of THW modular course for


Develop THW IEC programs, materials

and activities;

Conduct hands-on trainings;

Consider number

of days, partners

and venue

Php 1,


September 2016 –

April 2017

2. Require integration

of THW mitigation

in local plans



Issue directives;

Conduct capacity building specific to


Integrate in SWMP, CLUP, LDP, LIP

HLURB and DILG Joint memo circular

May – October 2017

3. Pass local THW


LGU Executives and

Legislative Councils;

multi-stakeholder groups

may be consulted, may

lobby for these policies

Review, improve and adopt draft

ordinances from this TA;

Develop and pass local policies to

address the specific policy gaps


Draft ordinance mandating local

government to have a redevelopment

program (include section on declaring

pilot site as a redevelopment site)

May 2017 – April




• CLUP/Zoning and actual use consistency; require historical land use data

• Course of action for uncooperative industry and/or private land owners of contaminated sites; clear authority of the Mayor to

suspend operations or close for violations – this depends on gravity and public clamor

• Environmental police

• Local toxics release and toxic sites inventory

• Environmentally-related illnesses surveillance

• CENRO creation, permanent position

Action Responsible Party How To Cost Estimate Timeline

4. Build THW



EMB Regional Offices,

LGU Executives and

Legislative Councils,

potential partners and

multi-stakeholder group

Local directive to increase technical


Technical trainings –

risk assessment, GIS mapping, RQM,

health monitoring, remediation,

emergency response, land use and

redevelopment planning;

Establish technical support mechanisms;

2 Million

***for trainings

and additional


September 2016 –

April 2018

5. Update local plans

and employ

effective data

management and



Employ useful planning tools i.e. GIS;

Establish database and protocols for

informed decision-making and

program/policy interventions using


Php 440,000.00 May 2017 – April


6. Work towards


NGAs, LGUs, potential

partners and WQMA,

multi-stakeholder group

Pass ordinance on Inter-Governmental

Council of LGUs for THW management;

Forge partnerships with academe,

business sector, etc.;

Local directive for inter-office

convergence within LGU;

Php 300,000.00 May 2017 – April




7. Conduct local THW

contaminated sites


EMB Regional Offices,

HazWaste Section as lead,

LGUs and potential


Directive to conduct inventory;

Review assessment guidelines;

Prepare equipment, materials, assessment

plan and schedule;

Form and train assessment team;

Establish database;

5 sites

Php 3,063,000.00

January – December


8. Identify priority

areas for action and

plan out control or


EMB Regional Offices,

HazWaste Section as lead,

LGUs and potential


Prioritize sites in terms of risks posed to

environment and public health;

Prepare action plan including funding


Php 1,540,000.00 January – April


9. Conduct pilot site

controls or


EMB Regional Offices,

HazWaste Section as lead,

LGUs, potential partners

and multi-stakeholder


Conduct site control or remediation in

priority sites;

Document and review process;

Use learnings to improve programs,

policies and guidelines;

Php 1,800,000.00 May 2018 – April


10. Implement a

program for

remediation and

redevelopment of

contaminated sites

LGU Executives and

Legislative Councils

Local directive or legislation;

Accomplish the toxic sites inventory and

the sites for redevelopment;

Conduct remediation and redevelopment


Formulate local incentives for those who

will engage in remediation and


Php 1,800,000.00 April 2017 – March




Other stakeholders

Stakeholder Areas of Engagement Potential Partners

Academe RQM participation, IEC development and

implementation, Laboratory services, R&D

Meycauayan College, St. Mary’s College

of Meycauayan, Mariano Quinto Alarilla

Polytechnic College, Nazareno College

Business sector Redevelopment planning – inventory,

options, financing, incentives

Business establishment owners in


Civil Society IEC, capacity building, alternative

livelihoods, policy advocacy, remediation

and redevelopment planning

Religious organizations, Guardians Stop

Global Warming Foundation, Inc.,

Community Participation in IEC, health assessment,

remediation and redevelopment MMT

Bancal, Tugatog, Caingin residents

Industry Remediation and redevelopment planning ,

best practices, CSR

Tannery Association of the Philippines,

Jewelry Industry Association,

Environmental Practitioners Association,

Industrial Park organizations

Health Sector Health surveillance, risk assessment and


Meycauayan Doctors, Marymount

Hospital, The Lord’s Hospital, private

hospitals and clinics

Pure Earth








- 1-






































- 2-



Five- sites- were- shortlisted- for- the- pilot- site- of- the- ADB- TA- 8458:- “Mitigation- of- Hazardous- Waste-

Contamination- in-Urban-Areas:-Supporting- Inclusive-Growth”.-The-used$lead-acid-battery- legacy-site- in-


land-use-and- redevelopment- criteria.-A- strategic-urban- redevelopment-plan-detailing- the- remediation-


and- technical- studies,- capacity- building- activities,- awareness- campaigns,- and- organizational- and-


Included-as-one-of- the-outputs-of- this-project- is- the-pre$feasibility- for-mitigation-measures- to-prevent-

and- control- environmental- and- health- impacts- of- gold- smelters,- tanneries,- and- as- well- as- remedial-

options- that- could- be- considered- at- reviewed- pilot- sites- and- can- be- used- as- proxies- for- other-











of- the- four- sites- and- of- similar- other- contaminated- sites- in- urban- areas- in- the- Philippines.- It- is-


to- supplement- this- mitigation- plan.- The- handbook- can- be- downloaded- from-





Informal gold smelting and tannery industries in Meycauayan City, Bulacan have been identified

as sources of heavy metal contamination such as copper and chromium in the river system.

Situated along the main river system, it has been convenient to dispose wastes in the river

system. In 2009, a mass balance study in artisanal gold and precious metal refineries was

conducted by Blacksmith Institute through a technical assistance from Asian Development Bank

(ADB). This identified the “hotspots” in the processes and recommendations to address these


- 3-

Gold smelting industry

The gold recovery process starts with thermal treatment to bring the mixture of used jewelry and

an extraction metal to a molten state (Figure 1). The gold-rich molten layer which is separated

with the impurity rich molten layer will solidify and will be refined by adding silver, nitric acid

and water. As a result, pure gold separates out as solid gold granules while the remaining

solution is a silver nitrate rich solution. Since silver is a precious metal in gold recovery, it has

been a practice in the area to recovery silver using copper bar. The displacement method is

characterized by the deposition of silver ions into the copper bar while simultaneously displacing

a corresponding ion of copper. The silver deposits area scraped-off from the copper bar and will

be reused in the refining process. The liquid solution then becomes an acidic solution of copper

nitrate (Figure 2). Sometimes, sodium chloride is added in order to recover traces of residual

silver which precipitates as silver chloride. The remaining copper nitrate rich solution is usually

being disposed in the river due to high recovery of copper.

Figure 1. Flow diagram and rough mass balance of a typical traditional gold-

smelting process in Bulacan showing the streams of silver rich (A) and copper-

rich effluents (B). Alfafara et al., 2012.

Figure 2. Copper bar submerged into a silver-nitrate rich solution.

- 4-

The proposed solution to the wastewater stream and air emissions in gold smelting industry are

the electrolytic recover of silver and the wet and dry scrubber system respectively (Figure 3).

According to Alfafara et al. (2012), the electrolytic recovery of silver from silver-rich effluents

of the gold smelting process involves the removal of silver ions from solution, and conversion of

these ions into metallic silver deposits at one of two electrodes. This recovery process eliminates

the use of copper and therefore does not generate copper-nitrate rich effluent. Also, comparison

of a 100 liter scale, showed higher silver removal (~90%) using the electrolytic process

compared to copper displacement (~65%).

Figure 3 (Left to Right). Electrolysis set-up, refining oven and scrubber system (right) in a gold

smelting shop in Meycauayan City, Bulacan.

For the air emission, the scrubber system must be installed to filter the particulate matter (PM)

such as lead, copper, nickel and silver present in the air.

Aside from these technologies that aim to reduce the environmental and health risks, some of the

interventions for the welfare of the workers, community and the environment in general would

include regular monitoring of the local government units and regulatory agencies in compliance

of industries, implement occupational health and safety measure and conduct of orientation and

information, education and communication (IEC) on the hazards and safety in the workplace

among owners and workers to minimize risks.

Tannery Industry

The tannery industries in Bulacan use chrome salts as tanning agents. The wastewater generated

by tanneries is characterized by a highly organic waste comprising ~75% from beamhouse

operations and ~25% inorganic wastes from tanyard / retanning process. However, typical

practice of the tanneries combined both types of effluents contaminating the entire volume of

wastewater and very few tanneries practice flocculation and coagulation, which precipitate organic

and inorganic load from the wastewater. The majority stock the wastewater and allow the organic

contents to settle. Once the water is “clear,” it is discharged into the river without any treatment, allowing

highly organic and inorganic wastes enter the river system, contaminating soil, water and biota. In

addition, small and medium-sized tanneries tend to rely on their own traditional measurements of

chromium salt use, which resulted in inefficiency and frequent over application.

- 5-

With these practices, the following recommendations for pollution minimisation methods and treatment

options were identified: (1) Tanyard chromium effluent must be separated from beamhouse effluents in

order to reduce the volume of hazardous wastewater to be treated; (2) Beamhouse effluents should be

treated using conventional biological methods; (3) Chromium effluents should be treated through a

process of sequential steps to chemically reduce hexavalent chromium to trivalent chromium, conduct

alkali precipitation of trivalent chromium, and conduct solidification/stabilisation of chromium hydroxide

sludge; (4) Amount of chromium used should be standardised, to prevent overuse of chemicals; (5) More

efficient metal gear tannery drums should be implemented to reduce the amount of chromium needed and

released; and (6) A management plan for contaminated solid wastes should be developed.

Aside from these technological interventions, capacity building and organization development and IEC

activities for the tannery members must be conducted in order to increase the awareness about the

pollution impact of the industry, occupational hazards to workers, as well as possible treatment

technologies and approaches to treat contaminated wastes, including best practices used in larger-scale

operations which could be modified and adapted to small and medium-scale operations.


ADB, 2009. Water for all. Pilot and Demonstration Activity: Philippines. Reduction of Mercury

and Heavy metals Contamination Resulting from Artisanal gold Refining in Meycauayan,

Bulacan River System. Retrieved from http://adb.org/sites/default/files/meycauayan-mercury-


Alfafara, C., Maguyon, MC., Laurio, MV., Migo, VP., Trinidad, LC., Ompad, E., Ampara, JM.,

and Mendoza, MD., 2012. Scale-up and operating factors for electrolytic silver recovery from

effluents of artisanal used-gold-jewelry smelting plants in the Philippines. J. Health Pollution

3:32-42 (2012).

Blacksmith Institute, 2011. Reducing chromium contamination in tanneries wastes in the

Philippines. Concept Note prepared for SWITCH – Asia Promoting Sustainable Consumption

and Production. -







Site-1- is- located- in-Barangay-Punturin,-Valenzuela-City-which-has-a- land-area-of-162.20-hectares-and-a-



- 7-





As! Cd! Cr! Cu! Pb! Mn! Hg! Ni! Zn!

- 50-(CAN)- 20-




- 1200-


- 10-


- -

591- <-LOD- 244.91- 809.34- 39.15- 1026.66- <-LOD- <-LOD- 422.64- 244.91-

595- <-LOD- <-LOD- <-LOD- <-LOD- 69.97- 1138.09- <-LOD- <-LOD- 161.26-

596- <-LOD- <-LOD- 149.64- 411.08- 1217.85- 1446.33- <-LOD- <-LOD- 8270.64-

597- 42.15- 20.52- 39.68- 123.29- 237.82- 1441.93- <-LOD- <-LOD- 2068.6-

598- <-LOD- <-LOD- 68.96- 86.32- 200.68- 2365.77- <-LOD- <-LOD- 1300.55-

599- <-LOD- 16.11- <-LOD- 43.32- 38.46- 1805.88- <-LOD- <-LOD- 105.95-

600- 19.41- 18.79- <-LOD- <-LOD- 32.49- 2319.5- <-LOD- <-LOD- 78.22-

601- <-LOD- <-LOD- 51.94- 117.53- 153.01- 1993.05- <-LOD- <-LOD- 1069.73-

602- 18.06- <-LOD- <-LOD- <-LOD- 33.31- 1047.38- <-LOD- <-LOD- 111.52-

603- <-LOD- <-LOD- 37.43- <-LOD- 42.32- 1487.64- <-LOD- <-LOD- 91.35-

604- <-LOD- <-LOD- <-LOD- 79.3- 38.53- 1377.74- <-LOD- <-LOD- 119.63-

605- <-LOD- 19.67- <-LOD- 53.95- 67.86- 1777.13- <-LOD- <-LOD- 144.48-

606- <-LOD- <-LOD- <-LOD- 80.17- 64.34- 1578.3- <-LOD- <-LOD- 154.07-

607- <-LOD- <-LOD- <-LOD- 164.48- 82.64- 2314.64- <-LOD- <-LOD- 305.33-

608- <-LOD- 18.94- <-LOD- 245.28- 166.82- 1586.99- <-LOD- <-LOD- 276.04-

609- 29.22- <-LOD- <-LOD- 190.08- 56.69- 1107.89- <-LOD- <-LOD- 220.34-

610- <-LOD- <-LOD- <-LOD- 40.6- 85.41- 921.77- <-LOD- <-LOD- 589.88-

611- 590.33- 44.14- 142.05- <-LOD- 21800.06- 2196.18- <-LOD- <-LOD- 312371.38-




100ppb).- According- to- the- residents,- they- do- not- use- creek- water.- They- do- have- a- deep- well- for-



Asthma- and- respiratory- problems- are- the- potential- pollution$related- problems- reported- in- the- local-



waterway-with-the-cities-of-Caloocan-and-Meycauayan-and-many-other- industries- located-upstream-in-



While- there- is- a- small- community- of- informal- settlers,- there- is- an- expectation- that- the- informal-

residences-will- be- relocated- in- conformance-with-Article-51-of-PD-1067-or- the-Philippine-Water-Code-


entire- length-and-within-a- zone-of- three- (3)-meters- in-urban-areas,- twenty- (20)-meters- in-agricultural-



in- this- zone- longer- than-what- is-necessary- for- recreation,-navigation,- floatage,- fishing-or- salvage-or- to-



- 8-

Drawing- from-the- information-of- the-site,- the-key- issues- in- the-Punturin-creek-are-enumerated- in- the-

table- below.- Recommended- mitigation- measures- classified- as- preventive- and- remedial- are- also-




Issue! Description!



The- heavy- metal- contaminated- water- of- Punturin- Creek- can- be-

attributed- to- the- surrounding- land- use- and- upstream- activities- but-


Health-risk- While-the-community-do-not-use-the-creek-water,-accidental- ingestion-


Informal-settlement- Informal-housing-are-located-in-the-river-banks-that-is-an-easement-area-






Mitigation!measure! Alternatives!


• The-barangay-government-should-police-the-in$migration-of-informal-



• Consolidate-available-data-on-waste-discharge-from-industrial-operations-


• Conduct-regular-river-quality-monitoring.-















Site- 2- is- privately-owned-by- Jamar-Corp- and- covers- approximately- 4-hectares.- It- is- officially- closed-as-

reported- by- both- the- Environmental- Management- Bureau- Region- III- and- the- City- Government- of-

- 9-

Meycauayan- in- 2010.- It’s- a- former- open- dumpsite- located- inland- in- Barangay- Caingin,- adjacent- to- a-


to- the- south- is- the- City- of- Valenzuela.- Barangay- Caingin- has- a- land- area- of- 54.72- hectares- and- a-






example,- the- site- is- only- 6- kilometers- from- the-N.- Luzon- Expressway.- In- addition,- a- review-of- a- 2014-



includes- 557- units- of- government- or- social- housing.- - Another- 663- home- sites-were- developed- in- the-


Lawa-contains-536-home-sites.-Overall,- investment- in- the-area- since-2010-has- resulted- in-277,926- sq.-

meters-of- residential-development- containing-a-minimum-of-1,820-housing-units.- In- terms-of- services-

and- utilities,- Caingin- has- a- health- center,- schools,- potable- water- supply,- telecommunications- and-



The- major- sources- of- livelihood- are:- leather- tanning,- jewelry- making,- trading,- piggery- and- services-


83- for- the-Caingin- landfill- site,- the- third- highest- among- the- five- candidate- sites- in- the-Metro-Manila$






Until- recently- the- City- used- Site- 2- as- a- municipal- landfill,- for- household- garbage- and- refuse.- Field-



the- river,- which- moves- slowly- as- it- curves- around- the- site,- so- that- the- surface- of- the- waterway- is-


surface- soil- sampling-points- registered-25.5- and-30.1-ppm-of- Cadmium-which- are- above- the-1.4-ppm-








- 11-


Illness! Adult! Infant!

Cough-&-Cold- 158- 92-

Cough- 101- 72-

Fever- 89- 64-

Cold- 82- 68-

Anemia- 78- 0-

LBM- 66- 19-

Headache- 53- 20-

Vitamin-Deficiency- 48- 33-

Skin-Irritation- 0- 108-










Issue! Description!
























- 12-

























Mitigation!measure! Alternatives!


• Illegal-dumping-should-be-prevented-to-avoid-scavenging-and-open-


• Relocation-of-waste-pickers-that-have-already-settled-in-the-dumpsite-


• The-implementation-of-an-alternative-livelihoods-program-that-has-





• Site-investigation-of-the-depth-of-the-dumpsite,-the-estimated-volume-


• Compacted-soil-should-adequately-cover-the-exposed-waste.-The-


• A-buffer-line-of-trees-around-the-perimeter-of-the-dumpsite,-



• In$situ-clean$up-technologies,-such-as-chemical-treatment-and-



- 13-





The- Lingunan- landfill- site- occupies- approximately- 13- hectares- of- the- 11,590- hectares- in- Barangay-

Lingunan- within- the- City- of- Valenzuela.- The- Lingunan- Controlled- Dumpsite- was- opened- in- 1998- to-

process- about- 60%- of- the- entire- city's- waste- with- landfilling,- recycling,- segregation,- and- resource-


dumpsite- was- closed- per- MMDA- order- and- was- subsequently- converted- into- a- sanitary- landfill- as-




evaluation,-a- total- score-of-98-out-of-a-maximum-score-of-124.-Some-of- the-significant-characteristics-


industrial),- access,- and- proximate- land- uses- similar- to- those- that- might- be- developed- on- the- site,-









The- dumpsite- opened- to-mitigate- the- impending- garbage- crisis- in-Metro-Manila- in- the- late- 1997- but-

wastes-dumped-were-exclusively- from-Valenzuela-City.- It-had-been- in-operation-until- 2004-when-R.A.-


sanitary- landfills.-But-official- record- from-the-Solid-Waste-Management-Office-of-Valenzuela- indicated-

May- 31,- 2010- as- the- closure- of- the- said- dumpsite.- According- to- the- Valenzuela- City- Ecological- Solid-

Waste-Management- Plan- of- 2001,- only- 60%- of- the- total- city- waste- was- being- received- by- Lingunan-


city.- Furthermore,- the- Metro- Manila- Solid- Waste- Management- Project- indicated- that- there- was- an-


from- this- estimate,- approximately- 65,700- tons- of- garbage- was- disposed- in- the- dumpsite- in- the- year-

2003.-Table-8-shows-the-estimated-total-volume-of-waste-being-generated- in-Valenzuela-City- in-1990,-








- 15-







The- leading- causes- of- infant-mortality- (2008$2012)- in- Valenzuela- City- are- pneumonia- (ave.- of- 43- per-





The- property- is- adjacent- to- a- convergence- zone- of- three- tributaries- of- the-mainstream-Meycauayan-

River.- The- site- is- subject- to- periodic- flooding- and- impacts- were- being- exacerbated- by- inadequate-

drainage- control.- In- a- dumpsite- assessment- conducted- by- ADB- in- 2003,- the- inadequate- facility- and-

management- of- the- dumpsite- could- adversely- affect- the- surrounding- environment- and- communities-

from- the- infiltration- of- rainwater- into- the- waste- mass,- spontaneous- combustion- of- landfill- gas,-

vegetation-contamination,- leachate-migration- into-surface-water-and-groundwater.-However,- types-of-




Issue! Description!












Surface-drainage- The-landfill-lies-on-a-levelled-land-and-lacks-a-surface-drainage-system.-

Barangay! Population! HH!



























Lingunan-- 17,436- 1,145- 1,145- 8- 418- 245- 123- 145-



22,198- 1,116- 1,116- 13- 843- 539- 163- 251-

Total- 39,634- 2,261- 2,261- 21- 1,261- 784- 286- 396-


- 16-


Issue! Description!
























Mitigation!measure! Alternatives!


• Improve-waste-placement-techniques-to-reduce-areas-of-exposed-


• A-tree-line-can-serve-as-erosion-buffer-in-the-boundary-of-the-dumpsite-


• Informal-settlers-and-waste-pickers-in-the-area-can-be-organized-and-



• Apply-adequate-waste-capping-such-as-a-layer-of-compacted-soil-cover.-



• When-soil-cover-has-adequately-capped-the-waste,-hyperaccumulating-








- 18-




Medicine- conducted- the- study,- “A- Cross$Sectional- Study- on- the-Neurophysical- Effects- of- Exposure- to-




depot- contain- high- levels- of- Benzene,- known- to- increase- the- risk- of- cancer- and-wreaks- havoc-on- the-

nervous,- respiratory,- and- immune- systems”- (Source:) http://www.interaksyon.com/article/65774/aD




the- Pandacan- site- as- part- of- this- TA.- Analysis- showed- 15,200- ppb- of- Lead.- The- presence- of- other-

industries,- establishments- and- informal- SMEs- in- the- area- make- it- difficult- to- attribute- this- finding-





Issue! Description!

Land-use-- The- oil- depot- is- located- adjacent- to- the- Pandacan- River- and- to- a-

highly- dense- residential- area- in- Manila.- The- existence- of- the-

contaminated- site- has- posed- serious- hazard- to- the- population- and-

the- environment.- It- has- similarly- restricted- future- land- use-


Hazard- to- the- population,-


With- lapses- in- the-maintenance-and-operation-as-evidenced-by- the-


conducted- among- residents- of- nearby- barangays,- the- site- has-

exposed- the- population- and- properties- to- immense- risk- from- the-



significant- financial- costs,- serious- diseases,- and- release- of- toxic- air-










- 19-




Mitigation!measure! Alternative!

Preventive-and-control- • Improve- the- system- design,- such- as- early- detection- and-


• Closure-of-the-remaining-oil-storage-facilities.--

Remedial- Clean$up- of- the- storage- facilities- that- have- been- impregnated-





uses- indigenous- microorganisms- to- utilize- hydrocarbons- and-

other- toxic- contaminants- as- food- sources- degrading- them- to-




