In-Person Virtual LIVE SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 9AM - 1PM ET links.discoveryeducation.com/ techbookliveinperson links.discoveryeducation.com/ techbooklive

Techbook Live 2013

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Techbook Live 2013 Announcement

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Techbook LIVE focuses on providing participants with some of the most effective strategies for transforming their classes through the meaningful and effective integration of digital media content. Discovery Education's Science and Social Studies Techbooks represent the next generation of technology enhanced curricular experiences. Using them as a launching point, the role of digital textbooks in schools throughout the curriculum will be explored through presentations, conversations and demonstrations that will have you reaching for your safety goggles and revolutionize the way you teach. 9 AMOpening SessionTechbook and the Common CoreWhen we think about what we want our students to be, and be able to do, here are some of the things that are at the core. Demonstrate independence. Value evidence. Use technology and digital media effectively and strategically. Understand and respect other perspectives and cultures. All good things. But how do we get there? During this session we'll explore seven indicators of what we want for our students and demonstrate a variety of strategies and resources that will help you get there.

Presenter: Lance Rougeux

10 AMEmbracing the Future, Today, with Science TechbookCollier County, FL has been a leader in the use of Science Techbook in the classroom for the past several years. The district, teachers, and students have embraced the shift of science instruction to the digital Science Techbook. How did they do it? What does it look like in the classroom? This session will explore a classroom in Collier County and you will be able to meet students and teachers who use Science Techbook as a high interest, rigorous, inquiry based science curriculum.

Session Facilitator: Duane Waber Panel Participants: Collier County Public Schools, FL Educators and Students

11 AMBuild Your Lesson with the Discovery Education TechbookJoin the Discovery Education Techbook team as we build a media-infused lesson presentation that you can use in your classroom. This make-and-take session will give you practical examples that you may immediately use in the classroom. In addition, learn how you can share your newly created presentation with the Discovery Educator Network and receive a beautiful new lab coat.

Presenter: Patti Duncan

12 PMKeynoteDr. Joe Krajcik, University of MichiganDr. Joe Krajcik is a professor of Science Education in the School of Education at the University of Michigan and a member of the Center for Highly Interactive Computing in Education.

His work during the past ten years has focused on working with teachers in science classrooms to bring about sustained change. Working closely with his colleagues at Michigan, graduate students, and teachers, he endeavores to create classrooms that focus on students collaborating to find solutions to important intellectual questions that subsume essential curriculum standards and use new technologies as productivity tools.

1 PMTechbook at the Tip of Your FingerIntrigued by this latest touch-based technology? Wondering how these new devices are reshaping the learning landscape of our schools? Join us as we explore techniques for building a mobile learning toolkit powered by Discovery Education. We’ll provide the latest updates for accessing Discovery Education Techbook content on mobile devices as we shift our student’s focus from consuming content to creating content on the iPad.Presenter: Brad Fountain