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Tech Notes on Payee and Payee Type

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< sent to Chris March by email 28-11-2002 >

below are my findings. I didn't send this to Ruth but talked her through it. Essentially we use payee type to print a different address format for payment type 'children', and we print a different literal when payment is to a charity.


Technical Briefing on use of 'Payee Type' from ACON

ACON sends payee type through the Feed 74 interface.

Payee type is first processed by the interface function module z_idoc_input_contract_payments.

The function module does two things with payee type:

1. it puts the recording data and payee type into a text line of the GRN document that it raises.

2. it moves the payee type to ZGRN with no deviations or adjustments.

The payee type is read by various programs into the main field (zgrn-payee_type) and one alternative dest. field (itab_zgrn-payee_type)

The itab field is used in zr045AC46PSTATEMENT* (3 abap sources) and ZR130IRS. In each case the code tests for 'CHA' and prints 'paid to charity' on the report.

The main field zgrn-payee_type is used to detect payment to a child, which triggers use of the "default" address, to show the agent in the address.

Technical details of code for child / default address

The actual code is

if zgrn-payee_type = c_child.

move 'X' to w_def_addr.

When w_def_addr = 'X'

the name and address are taken from reguh.

Reguh is set from lfa1 / kna1 or sadr from billing details (as below).

SAPF110S / F110SFR0

172 reguh-zanre = *kna1-anred.

267 reguh-zanre = *lfa1-anred.

322 reguh-zanre = space.

SAPLF028 / LF028U02

38 reguh-zanre = i_lfa1-anred.

86 reguh-zanre = i_kna1-anred.


2630 move: sadr-anred to reguh-zanre, "Address USING l_i_xvbrk-adrnr.


2342 move: sadr-anred to reguh-zanre, "Address USING l_i_xvbrk-adrnr


2655 move: sadr-anred to reguh-zanre, "Address USING l_i_xvbrk-adrnr.


2342 move: sadr-anred to reguh-zanre, "Address USING l_i_xvbrk-adrnr.

ZAC4 / program ZR193ACNIPEN checks payment type indirectly, viz:

571 check w_pen_flag = 'Y' "Pensionable

and t_mkpf-bktxt+9(3) 'CHA' "Not a charity

and t_zartist_master-artist_type 'C' "Not a child

and t_mseg-lsmng 0. "Fee not zero

791 check t_zartist_master-artist_type ne 'C' "Child

and t_zartist_master-artist_type ne 'O' "Organisation

and t_zartist_master-artist_type ne 'S' "Service Comp.

and t_mkpf-bktxt+9(3) ne 'CHA'. "Charity

This is bad because the standard sap search does not track indirect references.

Program Z_CODE_SCAN_REP scanned the 6000 abaps in Medas devt classes: found 4 instances of bktxt+9(4). All were for tests on CHA (as above), and were confined to ZR193ACNIPEN and ZACON01.

Technical Notes on Payee

Ruth asked how the payee_name (and type) from the incoming payment feed 74 is used in SAP. Ie does it always or nearly always end up shown as the payee on the output to the payee.

Examination of the code shows these factors:

the interface code and load onto ZGRN is straightforward - almost no messing about: incoming payee name goes as is onto ZGRN-payee.

there are rather a lot of places where the zgrn-reformat indicator is set. This seems to mean that the payee is dropped to a lower printed line.

there seems to be provision for payee name being blank

there are various alternative arrangements where the payee is a child etc.

Having stated 2-4, the payee name is printed prominently when present.

The notes Jeff left didn't mention this. Chris replied that this is all ok.