VOL. XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1.1885. NO. 35 THE IRON EMA MBLUHUI) B f U T BAtUBBATBT Tli Dfrir Priitiu Gmuy iWD PROPK1ETOK8. OOM w BlukwaU Itmt wet dMrtothi IiUaiaJ noun laak. TKUMB Of 8UBKCBIPT1O1T INVABU BLY IN ADVANCE. ORB \*k% *..<*> glXHOMTlIB 1. THJUUt MOXTUI [ WK. 12 W I* 75]ftl' 2u! 1 25 2 00 ! 1 7.1! i! li 2 2ft' :t £ 2 75 4 : 3 50 5 2 5 4 fill S 6<i wool sa 60 sou r. co B (10 10no 12 ftfi I. 1 , tin IN fill 31 00 8)10] 17 00 G CO II <H)| 11 00 13 011 Ifi 25 It) (HI 25OH rj.«O. O. CUHMIN8, M. D.. OKHEBAL PRACTITIONEB, i « D BPEOI&LIBT IN THE TKRATMKwi OV MALARIAL DIBEittBH. Omoi AT THE rAIll HOTEL, oOVEB, N. I OetMT «f Blackwell «0d BttMI Ita. DOVER. N. J. I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor. I t m ana Cwrlnei ID Let. M 4 HION riTRIT, tK CKMOMT AMD lOTUf rCH.10, II1OP IM IlOILBHa. DOTED. K. I. T O. DIinWUTH. I. H. DOVER, K. J. M u i n i or OK» UD HtWTEVB or MINIS. L. W. THURBER, oniunENDENT or PCBIJO BOBOOU 01 Mouae ootnm. OrFIOl AT». B. BBEESE 8 OTOU, DOVER, K. J. . kaara <a aatertea boa 1. JOHN DRUMMER'S IHAVINS AMI HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, unw. UDIaS'anaC OUTTUU) A MOUlitl. CENTS.flj)CENTS. CENTS. 25 CENTO. THE M.ACK TO BUY SPRING •:• CLOTHING at maooible Iguns la at NEWTON ELY'S, •LICKWELLIT., DOVEB, » . J. •LIKWELL , •acini mil a mule to order from tlO ip. H»die5a ol distent kimls nf aaoiples lo t. «. ROCKEFELLER, tuntuumran of TM RlltaVllTlCtliPll)! DOVEB, N.J. ornci OVEB w. li BAKEIIS STOKE. ll«I.q~<Hj°«L»P WOOD IO.1., R, F. JOLLEY & Co., SEGARS, TOBACCOS, WINES, a—4—4—£—^ AZ_A--.A A A A A A A A A * JAMES S. MELICK'S, -i d—M ^-A- A A A A A A V V V V V V . SUSSEX STREET. DOVER, N. J. I havijintreceivedmil tceived MI lojiumiflo atock uf BUOKER'B WANTS nucli •* He* mean urn Pip**. I3or Hulilen, Fiue Ci^ar Caact, HutidreiU ol fly let af Hrior I'ipei, : CICABS AMD TOBACCOS!:" THE LARGEST STOCK OF TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars and Spices, • «cctlun canbe HI-en at tdc N.Y.& CHINA TEA GO'S STORE, DOVER, N. J . at prleei which art bonnA to five «ntlr» Mti.fwtlon. I deal ia nothing bat tht beit, induk the people throughout the vicinity to give me a cill and be eon- vinced. WMO'DWYEB, Prep'r. HEAGAN&Co OFFER AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENTOF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S MANLIACTUUKIJ BV BURT, AND STACY, ADAMS & CO., AT OBEATLT ••BVCCB PPICEI. OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS BEIT IK aMKKET. 1,000 mid kp in. ACME IURROW, E*ile Wheel Caltimar, -C'ABKAUAV BULKY PLOW>:- CrahiiR<6ir<MlM<DrHli, I'ALTEK A. WOOD VOWEIM. HEAPEB8 * 11ILD WBIIL HAT MXIB, American Hajr Tedder*, LYON'S FAN MILLS Lmvw m Throbtn. C'luacn. Me. •ad all other Inl-claM farmiag iaaplannla. tomU aa« Ftnlllun. IE0RI1E E. VOOKHEES, MORRISTOWN. N. 1. roeepk Van Sjki, TrtTt'inf Agent D. & MORRISON'S, SUIMX St., Dtvir, N. J, IT always be round n»ny tblDgi yon aeed, iaeluitiDc -:-STATIONERY-:- P lVUtT UN". Blink Duoki m<1 Law lltlta rf all tonna, ttljli>){ rapine P«i>» mut ,„-, reRcila, niulo^ra|>h ml Am-n-apU, bum", 8trtHon\> Ciltbrnlrd Violin fttf iliac, jadifa'inJGeol'-'Pockrt Klin*, all Ilia liitl- mi Pally ami Wcctly rater*. Pull liaea of Jobaceoi ami l>i'8«r», anil lfcerao ti.nni and Briar tinea ia great variety. THE STAR SALOON, WABREV 8THEET, oofin. n, J. Is well .locko,] villh nil kli,l< nf DRINKS AND SEQARS the b#»t. Partloa waatina anythba -n M" line aw invited to call, JOHN P. EOAN, PBOPHIBTOR- MEN'S FURNISHERS. 831 BROAD St NEWARK, K. J. utam tm IWT noci n u» «>ai« •ait* omUiu tba new11H IfaitlPffdHiiD* ID Bon«-W H.'i. H.bbm,., THBHHIKI, and all Ibat thal»<Uaa«u dtaira is that llaw. MRS. OEO. FARR, POBT (ISAM, Ji. J. atteatloa to bar d'ipltj of Spring Millinery Goods, •:• SPECIALTIES-:- HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, —AT— JOS. YORK'S RED FllOXT. I hava the beat and nmat complete itoei. nr every description •! hoam T*mi«h\t)ft jtoodi that ean be Ibnad in any atore, and hereafter ahall alva my nnluilvc attentim in fanvini; at UIB loweatprtcea, and 1 aball Nil at gnat- JOSEPH TOBK, MORRISTOWN.N.J. County Collector* Notice. Til. Cimnty Collettnt win 1» " t"' *•«•• .1." rfllra, Mnrri.ui«o, tor tlio Uan.ia.lini f biuiMW. on Thunday nf each vtek. from sowicTA.T..' to «"<*«*. M., All cm- ll!iiall«l»W aim atoll. 1» " " "" OLIVER S. FREEMAN, » ?i;pmtep»nd Builder. Un dM'rlRK to •I>TT niiTB brrd Ply- j.iiilh Unck Fowl, tan btalnoNBirnrhatcb.ua t»w the •ubwrl'*r. frlcc per il' II-«, II W. ThrivecMBN namltr ,nM lor frum |3 tu IS •perJctBri irplrtn * 0. 8.JES8W, rf,r a n a HdTlrioaptct »»•, HOVEB. K. J. Cannty t'ollcclar. (|ISON:-UKD:-:BUILDER, 60 pieces of KdSj Btatmib, rcJueeJ flora ....... Si 25 tolj 100 pifcoi of TapMtry, ro* ducej Irom H5 to 26 pfecei or3 plj, l^Jitc.ul from l.lo to DOpi. ccs uf Erru Baiter, rrduomi frnm 85 to 100 piece* of Ingrains, re- duced frum 15 to PARLOR SUITS. 35 Suits, in Silk, Molmir nml Ewbutwu Plutb, reJuotiJ from #95 to THE l.KADINd •Local Newspaper-: AKD UESV AD VERTISING-;-IEDIDI —nr— Northern New Jersey. BRUEN & BUNNELL, u i Aonm roa Horn GUtui Bucket Pun! frttb Bt«l chain and Canada ipmee tnblQR wkicblalaataleaa. Th»jm>e Utebeatnf-atia- ta.-u»n. Tbfjral-DkatiaiB, ituta " T H E HBW EUTIBI" Hut-Air, Oaa aad BtwBamiDk CuubiaiR Btn**>, Itia beat btklna; ituvo in tin world. JLIac. a laTRe aaaortiacut of other itylen OI'P. D., L. k W. DEPOT, DOVER, S. J. ALTERATIONS! ALTERATIONS! $75,000 WOKTH OF CAEPETS AND FURNITUBE AT COST. AMOS I VAN Is now offerta* BIB entire stock at cost to mike roomtoraltemtloiifk CARPETS. Tapeatry, rodncud fr<»p,. 61) to 50 Suits in Rep and Hair Clolb, reduced frum .... 60 lo 25 Suits, assorted covers, (7 duced from .... 85 to ' WALNUT BED-ROOM SUITS. 75 Wulout Bpd-room SuiU, (7 piece-), Mjrbio lop, reduced frum $ BOtoft4o| 60 WalDUtBeJ-roumSniia. red uceJ from 6ft to 50| 50 WtilDiit Bcdruuta Suits, rednoctl from 70 lo r rwuhr* w n.. WiUcn, at H XBQ. A jliibor, Mr. < T n wnwm InccmliniT. tn Iu tlio »m -a al a Ur. rarfrMrnycJ. rmitit «f Tali nil rctuouilitir, toe livusp fit (. AllmiM little iphy, wait buninl minn lititir tho liaru of bin 0«^m which l|r.W W«|*il, Ne<t nnwny, Kiim, III CVi iol,!f iir WHS Hfao il»u Mr, W|.fiGir» , ami u lllll. nt lluckimit i-ry lumi a cu iiiwrty WIIS llsfilj'p poll itroyil by own lwrn > later ibo , it our bj'r UHldcrubk I.MUM.llll. fri-<|iicut limn. ATtet b« v|>iult firuyntl ftiiit .« fjltifr fhni II ( "l Di Itmo In- got l,nld lio Hrp liii« WOK b d p n boy, l^l l. DcniiiN. who mnut.v III .v<- t iiiftirirnitioi) n1>a»t !iit>) ^ JIIBII BUIIIB of |iis flfitmijt iiti|l It flniilly ciircil tliiit *lio! be ftredthe barn ut k\mt lia tooh wft}, ],|,q 9 nub i«,i uf HL'Veq ITOW, mul lij |hfcMs (loninlW to liuht one Rsd of fbe l»»ra whUo fee led ttio otiicr. TUo »iiiiie<i|«»d Imj nlpo fix.ilftb imricN ulinut the liurotux of the is vlitul. teuilwl tocrimiuahlilmwir. He y taken iulo cniitody by •let'Ji.avo Uviitel- J.B Tucrtiy pight. IJaJitdttMi, *.r*in«; Mr. W.l-rj. umi was a boy or ba4 baHU, no fine mpealcd dimof Mag Me !•»•• y. Ut hurt nomoMvo t a l u w m r IW the icn, ami it i* a clean c u e Df haaiaa de- Attrai *)il Innn eipln«l*«>.l AIM, ilcahra In COAL. KOHRDK, Plnnbinjc and Job Work pfonpUr MtctaVd lo. Fatrbaak'a ftwlea at h t ' pri T t r i br m Alao, numhetanra or Baanall'a «!•« Win MBriiw %U Ba OtO. BnORANa*. ?• B, BOCBASiK. BUCHANAN BBOS. rip?r RtncerF, Oralncr*, Dfccralorr, ele Shop ou UerRen alrtet near BuctweU. •»(,. mitei aide and mtUriala farni.hfd. AH fork dene well and kl n u o u b w prioct. hi| funiV Hectlnic will el|l un usual. MAtonnt 1>bur. Am,'".'! "ilij oml coni|nnt! nil' b nil nr ? itivil.-.^bqfUwMiutii nut rfujipcttn iloiinmjnatlonal Jiulnrtlir cnniliiiltic SIJ-H: ir i>l>Ji>am amtirMv ilinan I ,. M..tti.,lJflHiiftt*tp the fcord. , T'>*JP "" >—-—-• unb tlie deiD-inK I'IIMHI (if Cbi. .. tbe Maniiii.>'iQR imwer of thu Holv Gfcoct. b. To prty BDUJabor lor tlio iectaof prayer. ' ' P iha|iglv« lull r«osn.tioti of tin ( iDTaia ittetMiudar ifrfi'iitui'im. a I ncluiltt Mil draunt'inmr.v uticrunec ,rd to mlnlutcra at «%\wn, nnd iatuSei a oppntltlnn toalt pinion of fanitk-ie ainip TMlHtriN »iiu»tL'4(m tlie liueat -twarc. L,.can««nn. i.n.l Wclein I ; Th,8 Rranail ia aofp*«IL1e fi-»iq all f M^u'loSjlDit_ftom W toff MJ iliPd attlta fjiowirur iricMi llill t,ffi. fllUW ld ptipfj |o AthiNCteirrylil-rHin SHHI 59 Cfcerry Bad room Soils, rwlaced ftotn 75 Ash Defl room Sails, re. dtteed from 35 l 59 And Bed-room Buili, re< 40 to 80 40 Ash Bed-room Suit ff, ro- duoedfrom 50lo 40 30 Ash Bed-room Baits, re- duced from 75 to 50 ENAMELED lED-ROOM SUITS DOSiula, roduccil from .... »*) lo tl5 40 26|o 20 "D " " ." .... 8l)to aa (Ulo 30 A gnol Carpet Ik J Lounge at .. 8 6.00 Murbh-lop Tuble Miieii Muttres^ full tiza ... I W HprlDB3, only Cane seal Cliair Wuod sent Cliair Oil Clotb, per yard , CLiua M itting. per yard ..,. 6 foot Ei-ensiuii Table 4.r Mnttrcss lunt Buieaa ild'» Ctiniuge 'nlnnt Btdstend 3. SO 300 1.50 m 25 26 15 i.95 10.00 700 175 450 llrfviijrrafora, J'uun Chairs, rfc, all ut Histf terms of payments taken. 1 hive 'nt in nmf other. Plttmt nulice the jh -/in/ the. ntntt. in any part of the State. N HORN, ET STBEET, laRK, N. J. E»Y STORE. UMBER GO. io the poraliue of IiCHBEB FBICESud the gnat ed to Order te lhfts«d, greatlv letMiiiiig the in maoaaJ Ubor. Our s, and especial pains a n taken •very paitionlar. W. Sauna, Ow'l MaaaffT. Shop onOlioton at, Bnn. inasperietioaof U mart iaDowr oB Ib. neat work, la tbe nanatM I oler af nr Ujhtaphuall>apiUi<.>rBottoii "«» j)UAKE & KING, tnddna]«n InLtntHntaMlCOAL. AU. _, atnek ul Haah, Doon, BtlBdi, Hau\A. am) Bravkcla. Lliun, Olmimt, I«th, Roofing . mat Bverjililajt peTtatnliti to tba batldlnft li. aldni the loweat prlcM, 8Ula Boo Bop m. ilallj. AlaoWil ttm W^1n« tmn<J< if r^ttili- i. Cnntraali fnr balldlnniUken tnjtnth««. Mr ! A.J.DIAB. OB TO SIATM or AW mi*. tlHIUNll I. STEIJMAN, U, u-biit u Htiro c.ini|i:iljin. Uf which IUL-U lans BIJUII lull, Euile.i wLcu Ins wan nluiti— When ibi< our SKUtmt fell. Fur bim no mould hud i-uot A bullet BUTUI.V n>cd ; Nu Tulolilun, wtildcd f««l, lUfliruu blood hud •heil. 1M.11] ou tin- ImmlteilHi Held llml tnili'dtii luiDKl.ltn low; Ho wan not boru tu ,v icld 'foitii^lit ut mortal toe. i:vi>n to iriniBfir unknown. iluborutlicratnUn-iinl. F%iriiTil winvwIiL'i-p iiciir IHH iiinMio HI li»t(trf>Miill tliol.onl. Tlial t>'cu|>on wlicii In.' ilitw, riidrnniiFt feeMer cr<<n-, Tlie M|il(!iidur uiid the Imno- Wtiir)|i(>rortli«tMinl«ni', Nor Hiiy llmt muni) LI* LOIOO Ky, Tlwrlrrliug tiling* of uij^ht ;— Number bh tattles TTOIU Wlirro then lo c]ioo.o his gruvoI rhoLanilIii>niiifthtfoMvn Hin sepulchre Hball be. V.ttoltflfruilljl c;utli Hia (inkkcuiiii; UKIU-B Ifud, Thul (•!1i.ltiiii,al,Hi,vl.uvt>l.irlb, Ami piitHola willK.ut«ml. INH mrven twuill aliull nmd : Jlore rc«U thuviillunt lucirt Wliaanduty waabUcreeq,— Wiwte cbiiln, the * arrlnrV purr. Wlm, witrn tlmIfeht wim il<,,,i>, TlinMHm lunt fimilHlleJ, Nsiiitflit knew SHV« rictorv won,— Hiirrcmlerril not—lint died. THI VI0TO1T. Tlu> trurn IN ii'ur. Tho f.Wnt lanxtta, A»a;iili> tin) iuiu'iitl oltmlol of r>tl-(<ligtu Wlwre kept nloa by dnuullcHtf will Thu tlnK of life lloala faintly it ill. Hut m ,,1,-T .kill nur lnvu hadi ]mwflr Lung tu rriii:! '• tlio iuevitulite liour." IMrnyi;d uuii wroiiited without a Hindi— A dciitli-iHiinli trod through per>• jiulii, Witli hDiut uiuntivfi!; how tlifgi- unroll Jlcrotc criimluurH «f tlio MIIIII In vlttiirii'H whone \pfmnn Miiiid A lifitit mid iiromlio to the Innd. Tlii'H' In no iltutli for aucb ua lie, Wlieu M|»W tiatmilluu tndetli agon.*, IIM battle f.Hmlit, hiatlntlodoue'. Ills Roimtry'n lire \,j valor woa, TliCDbunKeinbutUHolilter'M i eve11 1B To Rrovt tho MOID of iniinort.lit.T. Wlieu in tho irnUa or iniifflc.t ,trniu« Or loiJliiR bi-II. the. rviiiiiuu. toui'u. Will, |ltllli<l li,,Hof 1,1,,, we .pea],, Hi'iicf ol Uan our hcaHa may swk. Hiitfnrmir-fllven, no wlflah ienl May robfabglory of URseal. Hi* swdf.l K]c.m* brl|(bt.f>t un t i e iiagn That write- tho xlory of life uK«; But all IUoooqur»t* pilu b«m»th fu marts »'""' it wugbt tho tbulo. Now IWIICII and fiiltb, by wercy biesMd, Hake hi. iMt P.... hii. wetvome K^.l. irrvlowu flLiffht., JHIJ IWd, 1WU. H. •TABLE EXTHACT4 FDOH Hit LETTER*, SPEECHBi AKO BBPOHTED COKVEBSATKlKS. YOUTH of tbis date, proposing nn mialice and tho npp.inlnieut ot com- iEBionem lo settle on tlio terms ol ipihilaiion, it juat reeoiwd. Nuterun icept nncotditioDnl and immediate irreuiier can be ncceple... I propose <move immoiliatdy m your works. I a, very rpspeclfiilly, jour obedient rvatiK—[To aoQ.,DiiokD<Jr, command- g Fort Dui.dt.oi), Fob, 10, 1H62. Your uute of tliisdate, just tropows an artniatice uf seTeral ours fur tbe purooie of nrruoging lt>rms ' cnpitnlation through corainiMioneta bo appointed, etc. Tlie effusion of iod yon propose alopp.Dff by this nurse can be ended at any timo jon \y cliooso by an unconditional stir* under of tbo oily nnrt garrhoa. MOD bo have shown so inuoli emiiiruocianil lbon& now in Vicksuurg will ha chaWeogo tbe teufcot of an adver- ry nod, I can atsuro joo, will be sated witb all t i e respect due lo tbem prisoners of war. I do not favor tbe proposi I ion of appointing commi.slooer* lerrns of cipitillation, because bavouo oilier lerma tb»n tho-e iudl- Iod nbnv».—[To Oeoeral PuubcrtoD, iromnudiDg at Vioksbarg, 1663. Nu tlieory of my own will ever stand ibo w,iy of my executing, in good iitb, nny order I may recuive from tliost uutlmrily over uu>.—[Li-ller tu Hwv •tiiry Clia^e, July, 184U. I fool noinelioatioii toretaliate for tbe >0OJCCH of irresponsible pnihuus ; but if H tue policy of nny gcucral culinsled b tlie command of troops to KIIOWDO iuarler or to puoiah witb dontli priB9D- liikcn in batllo. I will accept tl issue.—[LoWer to Confederate Oeoerai •nok DPI', 1863. Tbe stability of this government nod ilio uuity of tbia nation depends solely an tbe cordial mipport and tbe earnest of Ibepeople.—[Address to loyal itizuus of Ucmpbii, August, 1M1. I propose to %lit it oat on tins lino ir lakes all summer.—[In tbe Wilderoeai Fuy 11, 18G4. Victory bas crowned yonr Talor ind cared the purpose of your pntrioiii ?nrlB, and with the uratitado of you; countrj men nnd tlie highest honor* i ;reut and free natioa OJB accord, you II Boon be permit ted to return lo jonr Qtnesnnil families contcious of bai scliargeil tlie highest duty of Americnn tizoDi'. To ocliieve tbeso plori itimpbs iiuJ aecurn to jonr«L-l«oe, your How countrymen oml posterity Ibe cisiD)-^ of free inatilutinna, tuna of ouoaods of yaurgiilluut comrades bevo lien nnd sealed ilio prioelcsx Ic^ncy itb their lives. Tlio gnm-» of tbi-se gratt-fal natioa beduws with tuaif, inors llinir numm-iv* ami will evoi lerinli nnd support tbuir stiickcu fum pa.—[Address to the Aimii-u, June 2 865. It lint* been 1117 fortune to soe tbe ivmicBofliotb the West nud East fight ittlei noil from wli:it I liave Been I mw tLcro ia 00 difference in their j i l t i n g qnalilioH. All (but it was pos. ilble fur men tu do iu battle lliey have lone. * • All haven proud record, and II Bectiunscni well cnnuriiiuiule tliuni dveaiDil eucL utlier fur Iiaviug dcioe lieir full abaroio restoring thu Eiiprcaa- f of law over ever/ foot of territory t»loa£iim to the Uaitea Hiuten. Let tliQiu liopo for pcroctuul ^fnco aud h- iiiouj witli tlint 1'iiL'iny wbo.sc munliooi liowerer niistuktm the nan^'. drew fort siicb lifieuIwiLi deeda of valor.—| Kepi un (tie OlieraiionH of the Artniw, ]8(ij, Tbis is « ltopulilic where Hie will be iieopln h tho Jnw uf tin' Intnl. I h Imt tl'L'ir voice may liu ln»arJ.—jLeld to 1'iosident Jubiiauu, 16 I'eaee and uui-ersal prosperity, ii <ineucti with tconoiny of adniirjiHlm tiun, tvill li^bti-'n tbe burden ol tuxuti while it ooi'laiuly rt'Juct'fl tlie antiom debt. Lut IIH iiiivo puico.—[L»llor A. cfplino- Nomiiiutiiii], 18tiH. I .si:nil on allfiiil)j-.<;|sbun a polirj ncoininoiiil, 110111! tu eof(nw nfjuiii«t tli Rill o[ tin* u<H)[i>, LIWH me to govrn ill nlikf—tbo^c opposed |o UN WI-I hi'Hf in fuvDi' uf tlieui. I know u< unilind In secure Hit' f.'[ic il of b:ij < i!)iH.sioiis liwx Ki.i ell', cl 11.1I ns tlieii Rlrti ixecullon.— Lluaugural AiMrcs.-', 16119. To protect Ibe national liouoi- cvei dollar of Ibo government iadeblcduesB should be paid iu gold, unless otherwise ipociullv stipulated iu (lie eontrac' ct it be nnderstoud ilmt uornpiuiintio ofoDofuifbiiig of our public debt wi 11ruolril iu public pluccn.—[Ina'.'gural ildre^H, 1869. We arc 1. rejjuV.lic wliereof one mat) m goud tin another Ixfurc Ilir IJW, ciELt-h a form of (jovciuiueut it ii of Ilii! greatest imporliiuro tlmt nil osssfeSKcd ui i'd (i eat ion aii'l iufvlli- 0 ciiotif;b to cuat 11vol« will) a. rigli rMiiit'liuguf ilMiurauiDg. —[Anntui Message, 1871. Iiet us nil lubor lo ndil ill uoedfu inraulco9 for \hu iiioio perfect scon lit. if frco tlioiiglif, fivn N|i(-.?cli mid fro nv<i*, jxiro inoi't.lu, iiiifi'tliTed rolipinu u'ulirucatH nod of equal riglils 11ml pliv leges tn all men, iriesfcciiTP of nation .My, color or Mlipon. Encourago frci ;cboola and resolve that not one dollni if money appropriated to llnir support iiii ft nr hnwraised, BIIDII l*(> nppi'o printed to tbe support uf nny nt'titnriui hoitl.—[Addrffn nt llu-uniun df Aiiuj 'ibo'fL'uue»si'e, 187. r ». Tbo compulsory support of tho free choo!snuj the disfruucbixeuiuct of all lio cannot nmil and write the English .ogunge, after a OxoJ pinlcilion, wtnild ioct my lit'atly nppioTul. — [Ai li?baage, 187C. I aw nut n believer ia nny nrllQcM el bod of iiiakiuj; pupcv money looin wlion lli<! noiii IH not owned nr eld remly toredeem the pi'iimiso to pay, if paper mnnoy it ii.>tliiiif> mofln tlmri romisos to pay.—[Veto MosRago fil tnrrency Bill. Nutbiitg would atford 1110 greater hap' ineB3 tban lo know, ns I believe will be IO case, that at isoiue fututo iluy Hie uiliouH of tlie earth will ii^ree 1 mo sort of oougreas whinii Khali )|riiiz.iiK'o of i 11 k-rimttonal <[uesliou3 ot fllotillvaDd whose dt'eisioDH will lie u mlingaB the decision of our Hupretxt oart iabinding on us.-—[To the Iuter- ualionnl Arbitration Union,Uirminebum I rccufiuizo tbo fact that whatever bero ia of grt'iitnns^ in tlie United Htsil ir indeed iu aiiy other countrj", ia due <the luhor performed. Tlio laborer is c author of uli greatness and wcaltli, ittiout labor tbtie would bo 110 gov- irnncnt, or uo leadiugciass, or notbiog preserve. Wilb nn lubor ia regimleil highly respectable.—[To tbe Irou muderti' Hjoiely, BirroiDgbaio, 1877. If ourcoautry oouldlw uvedorruiueJ 7 the efforts of any one man we should it have a country nnd we eboiild oot iw bo eelebratipg our J\mrtti of July, [jneeeb at Humburg, 1878. Tlio btimhtcRt soldior wbo carried a isitet in entitloJ to as much credit for 10 results of Ibe war na those wbo were command.-[Speech Ht Hamburg, 1878. Witb a people OHhonest und proud AoiciicurjB ami with so much common nan it is atwuyh a mistake to do &thing >t entirely right for the tiabt) of (ipo- ionoy. Wbeu I was iu tliu nrmv I bad a ijei'quo that could stand naytUing. lietber I slept on tbe ground or in& >nf, whether I slept one hoar or ten in tbo twenty- four, whether I bad one meal IR or none, made no difference. I mid lio down aud sleep in tbo rain ithout caring. But I wu tunny years lunger. iad I could oot hope to do 1 at now, The only eyes a general can trust nn is own. Although a loUier hy education and tioa, I biive never felt auy sort of jodoess for war nud I bare nefer adro- it except »s Ameans of peace — Siieccb io London, 1877. A gcnoml wbo viil never tnioa chance biittlo will never flgbt aac. I do not believe in luck iu ioro tbna in luck in buaiocss, Tho tralb is, I om more of a fainver lau a Boldier. I take little or no iuter- it In military aSaira, and, ul!bough I iteruil tl».« nrmy thirty-five years ago, id have bocu in two wan, ia Mexicoan young lieutenant, autl later, I nevei cut into Hit! army without tegret and retired without pleasure. There had to bo nn end of slavery. ben we WL-VO fighting an enemy witb iom we could not make n pence. W< bud to destroy him. No convention, no •eaty, was possible, only destruction. Too long deni.il o( gunnnteeJ right ii ire to lead to revolution, bbody revo tiuu, wlieru suffering must fall upoi ic ionoceot us well as tbe guilty.—[Let* or lo Guv. Cliambertuin, 1870, lam not one of those wbo cry out igiinst tbo Republic aud charge it wilb 'ing ungrateful, I nni sure tbat, gurJa ttic Aiut-riean peoplu us a nntioc i<] an imlividiittls. I buvc every reason mder tbe sun, if uoy pcrsiu really LBS, be satisfied with their treattuent of IP.—[Speech in New \ork, 1880. I buve witueasi'd atocu my Bickuce; Iiat I iiuyc! wiHbcd to see ever siuci lio war—Uiiriunuy nuil gooil feuling be wen the tt'dtuns. I have atwiij-s i-ou- rjil»:d tliat if there bad beeu nolodj ft bill tlio soldier), wu should liaro huil ;ara ia n year-—nml are tbi ilj two tbut I know uF wlio Oo not eui to bu satisfied on tlio ile. Wo have si»mc ou oura who fuiloil >uccaniplisb ita much an tbey : vbn did not gut warmed tip tu tbe ibt niitil il iTiis nvor, who litivo 1 lilo lia.1 fall HatUlucLion. the gi ;>jorily, too, of tliust, who did nut iiu tbe wur Liiveloog since ^rtiwu tired : tlio loug et'iilroverfiy. Wa way now iell luuk fucwurd to a pi'r{iL>luii! pei.ee Lome anil a (UUIOIIH >-trinL'!li tlun II tenMMi us iiR:iinst imy i'tiri'ign e.-Di- plication. I bulitvcuiy^clf tUiU t\m wur worth all it cust u.", fearful aa tbut —[Written to Gi-u. Suckuer. r anj HOW GRANT CONTEMPLATE.) HIS END. Dr. Douglu8 made public ou Bjtunlu,) a letter written iu bis preseuee byQJU. Ornnt ou July 2. It reads as follows. I auk von nut to show tbis to nny 01 , jless tbo I'lijfliciaua you consult with, ..jlil Ibe pud. Particularly, Iwaut it kept frum tuy fumily. If known to one mnu tbe papers will pet it, and tbey (tbe fjiuiily) will getit. It wonld only dis- m>89 them brjoud eudnrnnre tu know it. and, by rifli-i, wonld digress me, " linvc not clmnged my mind ui uteri iiticc I wrote you beforo iu tlie et ti.ii. . tiow, 1K.«,.V,I-, I know tlmt I Rain etrpnt'ih some duyx, but wliou 11I0 jio back it is bi>vmid vvln>rc 1stailerl tu iiiipmvc, I tliiuk Ihi' I'liiineos are VLIV liyidcdly in fnv<ir of .your beiu^ul'lo to Keep me alive until tbecluiiReuf weatbul 1 ou-nrd winter. Ot t'oursL' tlioro uri! crni- iufteueie.s tbnt migbt »rir,e utany timo lint would carry nia ofi'vocy KitJdmil Tlie most probable uf those h clioki&i Under tlie ciiv.inistiiuciiH life in nut wurl In living. 1 um very tbunkful [g!u ua writteu but acrntt-lied out and tlmnk il ftubHtituteJj to Lave bceu spared Ibii DC, became, it has enabled me to pruc lically oorapleto tbe work in nliiob 1 Jake HOHindi interest. 1 cannot stir strength enough to review it nnd tnalu J .'lit ions and sobstrautiouB Ibut would nggeat tbemsokea to uie and are kdy to stiggefit themBeltfit to nny one . If*. Under tbe above cireumstnucea, I will be tbe happiest tlio must puiu t can ivofd. If tbero in to be any estrnorilinar; ire. ^11 eli us soiiio people lidievc there to be, it will develop itself. I wutil* w-iy, theiufoi'u, Iu you uud your cul- to luako tim UH rouifortitbli Ifit in within (tod'H proviiifi; Iiat I alioulil gi> now, I utu ready t< ihey Hia call without a murmur. ', >liould pit'fcr going nowtoeDdariug my it finrli'riiig For a nibble day with ut hupe of reeoV'ry. AHI buvt> stated, am thankful for tbe providential ex •usioii of my timo to euutile me tu cou uuu my wurk. I iim furtlu-r tbunkful ad in a much greater degree thankful, ccjnao it bus enabled me to see for my- ii'lf tlio happy bartuony wbieheo stul lonly sprang up between those engaged t 1fewsbort years ago in JejJly con at. It baahfii-n an iueBliniublo \i\es» K to me to hear tlie kinil eipressious jWiinl Lie iu person from all parts tt tr country, from people of all nation* iiits, of uli religioua ui:d of uo religion Confederate and of national Hoops likii of Goldiii-s* orgauiz-Jtions, of me- uuieal, fcioutiflc, religious, uud other uiutieH, fiulituciug iiliuuNt every eiliiter th« Innd. They have brought joyt- y liuart, if tltey bnvo not effceled re, Su to you not) your colleagues I knowledRu my iudebtcdues» for hav- „' hroimM inutbrotigb tbn vnlley orthe valley of tlie abaduw of death to enable lo witness theso till Dps. (Signed) U H. UBAKT. IT. M.OHFUOH, N. V., July 20, IH85. Wliit.. Hitting on the hotel ridny afternoon, Dr. Douglas chatted witb tbe correspondent of tbo Mocmted Press about Gen Ornnt, and the loug trial of guffenng jast ended. "Do you remember," said Dr. Doug- •', '" that during lust weak I xnid tu you mt Ihere was n eubsiJeneo of Hie swell- ing in tbe overlying tissues on tbe right iJc of tbo ueek, and tlmt I said, 00 tbe ty I upoko about it, tbat I had been lile to eiomiae Ibe General 1 ! tbroat ;U deeper and with greater case than a loug timo i Do you remember Imt!" His bearer recollected it oleerly. "Well, tben," resumed Dr. Douglas, I nui going to tell you cf an pxpeii- ihce I had with Gen. Grant 00 tbe aller- uon of Thursday, July 16, and at the e 1 bad observed tbe indications nt the tbront which I have spoken of, ring the afternoon of tbat day tbe lerul wroto thU," and Dr. Dooglu rew from his pocket Mvenl •lips writ* an by the General and read what the ik man bad written, which waa a* fol- ia : I feel norry at tho prospeot of living lougb Ibo summer and fall in tbo con- luu I ttm iu. I donot IhinkI can, it I may. Except I do oot gather lengtb, 1feel quite as well from day tn ' as I bnvo done heretofore. But I loeiug sttenglb. I feel it more in the inability to move around tban in any wny, or rather in tbe hck of desire try to move When I had read tbat," added Dr. aglns, "I turned to tbe General tad led to cheer bimby telling bim of t i e ipparently improved condition of hie iroat and neck, to which in reply the >uernl again wrote: " After all that, however, tbe diiease still tLere, aud must bu fatal in tbe id. My life is precious, of coulee, to ' family, auJ would be to me it I could over entirely. There never was one ire willing to go tbaa I. I kuow most ople have firat one and then ariollior tlo Ibiog 10 6x ap, and never get quite irougb. Tbis wai partially my case, brst wanted no tauoy dava to work on iy book, so tbo ua.bonbip wonld be wrly mine. It waa gricioaslf grunted me, ufler being apparently much •er iban si DM, Bud wttti a capacity to more work tbnn I ever did ia the IO time, Slywork bud been done wi i.ily that mncU was left out, and I id it oil over from tbo crossing of tbe •3 River in 1861 to Appoinattoi ' •fin. V, B. QtuMT : Accept our deepest sympathy in tb« lost, uf yourdJHtingnUbed buabaiid. Wfl I10II nlwayiilook bnck with gratiHoaUoB it baviug bad tbo advantage of knowing 'm pcrsuuully. l'lifSl'E AK1> PRIKCEHS OF WALE!. J1H. GbAKT : I nni greatly grieved to get the aad lews of the Oeneral'a death. Pray ecept my tQofit sincere tympttby. CUEHIEB A. ABTHCB, Mm. GBANT : In the uaiuo of tbe Imperial Oovern* lent, uud my own, pray accept the ct- ireaaious of tbo deepest »ympa»i)j». iSUAZtUAS MlliUZBB. Mm. V. S. OHAST : ]l,y coummm., I preteot to yon the londoleuce and sympntby oltb«w MBJM- ie» tbe Emperor and Empnat in th« iud death of the illustrious and honored friend of tlie MejcMieK. lio Huonw, Japanese Imperial Household Uinater. 3OL. F. D. UBANT : I Bvmpathiec deeply with jour family. 3un. Onto! waa brave and •tteceMfol •Idler and a generous attvemrf. G. T. BaUVaWABD. Ignacio Maaooal,kbeM«iioaQrreiiiiirt •ent tbe following ! IW iDstruntiona of Preaideat Dies, X nd you tbe moat ainoere condo4e»p uf the Neman GoTeramaBt for thi- loaa t>f oar great frieid. tbe ilhatiioni On. "tiint, nnd personally I leader •yowu fuaiily'a heartfelt aytapattj la MM. GBADT : loSermy expteuion of deepayaip^by 1 tlie widow of tbe great leader of ta« r oion armies. COHTI M PAWS, Biu ppt tbat 1 Imve added OH uucb h I ld e tbat 1 m ded O uu lifty pages to the honk, I should uk. There is nothing more to do, id, therefore, I am not likely to be ready to go than at this moment. iteMark* .f Ike Eatllth Ifewapaueri. Ttic Daily Seua says : " There have lieen few braver men tban Grant. Bug- id will sincerely regret bis death. It is aBoldier tbat be will be retnetn cred. It is on his .ailitury services tbat fame will rest. After Lincoln's ;alb, Grant was decidedly tlio c sputar man ia the United States. His [uarrcl with Juhuson nid not dimiaisb Ho was esBeDtiollyftman of action, at of speech. Hit DUMB will ever be isooiated with tho great and righteous niggle of wbicb Lincoln WIIB tbo brail id heart and. Grant thtt arm and weup- Tttti Daily Telegraph dcvolea two col imus to a review of General Grant 1 ! ry career. Editorily it unys : •'Yes irJay thegicateat and most successful •Idicr llmt llu' Uuitcd Stales li;is |)ro luccd brciitbetl liia IUBK IU DO portion the United States Lave the fiuacciul siiHtcr.s marking tlio close of General nint'n caiccr boen regarded with more uiputby aad regret than iu Eng^nud. iojond all others ho wus beat fitted tc ipo witli tlie trciueDiIuuH crisis which mdo liui, nud when the gruva closes iver nil tbat mnortnl of Uljsscs Simp- m Oraut it will be fell tbut lio leave >liiinl him DO man cast in n simj uctTcr or more heroic mould." It is a curious coiueideoeo tbat tbo illiers-iu-low of Gun. Oraut'a BODS all ifit-rcd fioiiDt-iul rererfCEt, like himself. 'red Oruutmiiriitid a dau[>uter of Hunnro. nfRlitnun, ouoo n niililnn l\ack a mot luari-k-u a daiiglitei- uf Sea- iilor Lbuffeu, uf Coluradu, wbo lo^t brav- ily. Jftse Graut miirrii'd uJaunliler ol Cbnpmac, a former California Ciositis. C0NS0L1RG MESSAGES OBA NX : •.apt tbis cipi^siou of my heartfelt sPinpatby iu this hour of 2 ur great itiHictiorj. Tbe people of Lbe nation with you, uud would reach if tbey could, with biuiily fiiiuiurt, tlie depths of the sorrow ivliieb iy j-oiii'g alone, aud which only tbe "•'"" * " " JjL'itl. f iHOVEB CUiVXLUill. COL. F. ii. OWASX ; EipresRiog the profound grief of the Grand Army of tlie Republic npou tbe dcatb of thegreileat of our comrades, 11 behalf of its 300,000 member* I ten- fi- to your Loaortd niother and to all fHietiid fumily their he^rttell sympathy. pray you Love mo advised (to HOOP BB iTiingt'iiK'nta for the lnut pud rites nre L'ti'iinini'il npou. S. 8. liint>EiT, Coiiiiuaudor-iu.CUtcf, ii. A. K. 1'li'Ds.' n^Htnt! Mrs. Oraut uud tbo aoi- twiuff fa mil? thut tbey have tbe deep*at uijjutliy of Mra. Huycs and myself. K. E. HAXEI. CIIL FKKD GBAKT ; Will yuuconvey to yoar mother nnd family, nnd accept for yourself, my profound mid beartfelt aytnpatbj for your IOHB. GEO- 1&, MoCuLLiK. COLONEL F. V. Oausx. Will you please express fo Bin, Grant 1115 grief ut tlie loss of tuy dearest friend comrade, ami my tiocci-e sympathy aad —'-• with her jn thi* hour of lwr great diitress, JP. , LicutetiHnt-Oenenl. iiLosEi r. T>. GRANT. 1 um deeply griered to bear of Qen* cvrtl Gioat'u ducen&e, and hastou to lea- dui 1 to Jlra. Gittut thu aaauraiitM) of my tt-i-o uud deeji-folt 0>u|wlby witb hef ILT grout bL-reiiVtmeiit. B. KrE£, Jupauusi 1 Afloistor. To C.n,vN'f:i' K D, GRANT. 'fbo piiiuful news tu LIU of your fatlier'x death has ju&t l>ccn reiwived. Tlic Hyruputhy of tuy srlf nnd family goes out fi-am the depth of oar hcarta lo your mother and uli of you in »onr bereavement. Tlie country ii tilled with sympathy nod grief at tbis news, but ilt loss tuiiBt grow upoo it at tlie future unfolds tbe couiiugyears. Jo an A, Loaui. To Mm. U. 8 ORAKI : riease sccept my profoundeat Bfin- palfiy in your great bereavement. The entire Nation mourui tbe lota of ita fint soldier und iUQrtit tiliaen. Mas, Tj. H. GRANT : Her Mujuaty ibo Queen reqoeatima > convey yourself and family ber aiucere loutlolcnco on tbe death of Gen. Grant* B ll ndtny fually's beutfelt oar bereaTemeat. I'll Try HimaLlllle Loafer." Own. Grant, lefore Vichiburf. How olear and penetrating the ghuiee but could see light beyond tho duknow t boundod tbe vision of alt othwt, DIbe moat clear-Bigbted. BelfpoUwd, lelf-ntiBtained eqoal in hinuwlf atone .lie great criain lio had reached, be riiea us like some grand column, reat- ing firm on its foundation by t u n weight alone. < i OaUaeoaaeilofo0eM« fore decidiug on no baeardoas a atop,** i«l the sagacioaa. trnebearted 8LW- u—bat be wanted DOcouncil—bia J«termi&attoQ was nnaltenbly takvn, md nothing bat positive orders from lovornment could change it, and no OM now* how neat those orders came to h% , Tbo Prenidont waa beawt with high ia position, warning ••£ m to remoTe Oranf. Oit t >bo bad been a firm friend of tht Utter, raited an Mr. Lincoln, trad after re- .lading him of bis past friendship for Irani, said that he mast now abandon Ho cvidentlf was not equal to tat* oiition thufc he occupied, and tbo good the couutry required that hn ahnnld ic sacrificed. Tie Tresideat beard him through, and then, pausing thought- ully a moment, replied : «' I rather like bo muu. 7 Uiink M .ry Aim a little What momentous results bong .u tbat little seolunoe 1 If It bad Own, I'll try bim no longer," wbo canoal* mlate the delay. disooarapemeDta, uA IOHS of life tbat would have followed. 3rant, however, determined that it u •> tttlo lobger" timo wu given him, ba mid be l^eyooJ tbe reach of orden m any source, until bis fat* was sealed. Ttes;-uight follow hint ai fuk snow-fljkea He«k the cartb, jrt they would not overtake Ihe tramp of bia victorious battalions, if he wue aaeeest- 'ul—and if not, tbey wonld never find iim. Ho took DO precautions againat false accusation* should be fail—left b«- iod 00 defence to sivo bu repotation. liteot, culm, and reaolaie. he Rin all iis attention to the mighty tiak before iim.—from Adrnnat Shctlt Rtadt«y*» Life if Grant, £. B. Tteat, JV«e fork. Unspoiled by fame, anntrtne'l bj :iuricr, uadnuuled by dituster, Grant red a life whose simplicity, sincerity and domestic virtuwi roust always ap- ieiil to tlio sympathy of tbe masses with •resistiblo force, Ho never forgot tbat .bo suklier was but a transitory fi|raro in mr iustitutioup, be never forgot that bia tower camo from t ho people, and La never lost sight of bin responsibility u in individual citizen of a country in which to civil nittbority is snpreute. Ibo pride villi wlicii bia coontrymen will cherish bis character end nchievo- H is inspired not more by tbe in- her.'ut aicroUm of hU life than by the kn w^'Jgo that be Was a nan of the people, who helped them to SJTO them- slr«»a from tbemic'va=, nml who etn- Tiiird iwiu ^tft..,lia«l In bis career nud iu uis JtatU iheir own best virtues. Hiafuvuntebook, tsaboy, wwCbirlei

TEAS, COFFEES, AMOS VANtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-08-01.pdfvol. xv dover, morris county. new jersey, saturday, august 1.1885. no. 35 the iron ema

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Page 1: TEAS, COFFEES, AMOS VANtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-08-01.pdfvol. xv dover, morris county. new jersey, saturday, august 1.1885. no. 35 the iron ema



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Cannty t'ollcclar.


60 pieces of KdSj Btatmib,rcJueeJ flora . . . . . . . Si 25 tolj

100 pifcoi of TapMtry, ro*ducej Irom H5 to

26 pfecei or3 plj, l^Jitc.ulfrom l.lo to

DO pi. ccs uf Erru Baiter,rrduomi frnm 85 to

100 piece* of Ingrains, re-duced frum 15 to

PARLOR SUITS.35 Suits, in Silk, Molmir nml

Ewbutwu Plutb, reJuotiJfrom #95 to


•Local Newspaper-:AKD UESV


Northern New Jersey.


u i Aonm roa

Horn GUtui Bucket P u n !

frttb B t« l chain and Canada i p m e e tnblQRwkicblalaataleaa. Th»jm>e Utebeatnf-at ia-ta.-u»n. Tbfjral-DkatiaiB, i tu ta " T H E HBWE U T I B I " Hut-Air, Oaa aad B t w B a m i D kCuubiaiR Btn**>, Itia beat btklna; ituvo in t inworld. JLIac. a laTRe aaaortiacut of other itylen

OI'P. D., L. k W. DEPOT, DOVER, S. J.



A M O S I VANIs now offerta* BIB entire stock at cost to mike

room tor altemtloiifk


Tapeatry, rodncud fr<»p,. 61) to50 Suits in Rep and Hair

Clolb, reduced frum . . . . 60 lo25 Suits, assorted covers, (7

duced from . . . . 85 to '

WALNUT BED-ROOM SUITS.75 Wulout Bpd-room SuiU,

(7 piece-), Mjrbio lop,reduced frum $ BO to ft 4o|

60 WalDUtBeJ-roumSniia.red uceJ from 6ft to 50|

50 WtilDiit Bcdruuta Suits,rednoctl from 70 lo

r rwuhr* wn.. WiUcn, atH XBQ. Ajliibor, Mr. <

T n wnwmInccmliniT.tn Iu tlio »m-a al a Ur.

rarfrMrnycJ.rmitit «f Tali

n i l rctuouilitir, toe livusp fit (.AllmiMlittle

iphy, wait buninl minnlititir tho liaru of bin

0«^m which l|r.WW«|*il,

Ne<tnn wny,

Kiim,III CVi

iol,!f iir

WHS Hfao il»uMr, W|.fiGir», ami u l l l l l .nt lluckimiti-ry lumi a cuiiiwrty WIIS

llsfilj'p pollitroyil byown lwrn

> later ibo, it our bj'rUHldcrubkI.MUM.llll.

fri-<|iicut limn. ATtetb« v|>iult firuyntl ftiiit

.« fjltifr fhni II ("l Di

Itmo In- got l,nldlio Hrp liii« WOK

b dp

n boy,

l ^ ll. DcniiiN. who m nut.v III .v<-t iiiftirirnitioi) n1>a»t !iit>) ^JIIBII BUIIIB of |iis flfitmijt iiti|l It flniillyciircil tliiit * l io! be ft red the barn utk\mt lia tooh wft}, ],|,q 9 n u b i«,i uf• HL'Veq ITOW, mul lij |hfcMs (loninlWto liuht one Rsd of fbe l»»ra whUo feeled ttio otiicr. TUo »iiiiie<i|«»d Imj nlpofix.ilftb imricN ulinut the liurotux of the

is vlitul. teuilwl tocrimiuahlilmwir. Hey taken iulo cniitody by •let'Ji.avo Uviitel-J . B Tucrtiy pight. IJaJitdttMi, *.r*in«;

Mr. W.l-rj. umi was a boy or ba4 baHU,no fine mpealcd dim of M a g Me ! •»• •y. Ut hurt no moMvo taluwmr IW theicn, ami it i* a clean c u e Df haaiaa de-

Attrai *)il Innn eipln«l*«>.l AIM, ilcahra InCOAL. KOHRDK, Plnnbinjc and Job WorkpfonpUr MtctaVd lo. Fatrbaak'a ftwlea at

h t ' pri T t r i b r m

Alao, numhetanra or Baanall'a«!•« Win MBriiw %U Ba

OtO. BnORANa*. ?• B , BOCBASiK.


rip?r RtncerF, Oralncr*, Dfccralorr, eleShop ou UerRen alrtet near BuctweU. •»(,.mitei aide and mtUriala farni.hfd. AH forkdene well and kl nuoubw prioct. h i |

funiV Hectlnic willel|l un usual. M Atonnt 1>bur.Am,'".'! "ilij oml coni|nnt! nil'b nil nr ? itivil.-.^bqfUwMiutiinut rfujipcttn iloiinmjnatlonal

J i u l n r t l i r cnniliiiltic SIJ-H:ir i>l>Ji>am a m t i r M v ilinan I,. M..tti.,lJflHiiftt*tp the fcord., T'>*JP "" >—-—-•

unb tlie deiD-inK I'IIMHI (if Cbi . ..tbe Maniiii.>'iQR imwer of thu Holv Gfcoct.b . To p r t y BDU Jabor lor tlio

iectaof prayer. ™ ' 'P iha|iglv« lull r«osn.tioti of tin (iDTaia ittetMiudar ifrfi'iitui'im. a In c l u i l t t Mil draunt'inmr.v uticrunec

,rd to mlnlutcra at «%\wn, nnd iatuSeia oppntltlnn to alt pinion of fanitk-ie

ainip TMlHtriN »iiu»tL'4(m tlie l iuea t- twa rc . L , .can««nn. i.n.l W c l e i n I

; Th,8 Rranail ia aofp*«IL1e fi-»iq all fM^u'loSjlDit_ftom W toff MJ

iliPd attlta fjiowirur iricMi l l i l lt,ffi. fllUW

ld ptipfj |o

AthiNCteirrylil-rHin SHHI

59 Cfcerry Bad room Soils,

rwlaced ftotn

75 Ash Defl room Sails, re.dtteed from 35 l

59 And Bed-room Buili, re<

40 to 80

40 Ash Bed-room Suit ff, ro-

duoedfrom 50lo 40

30 Ash Bed-room Baits, re-

duced from 75 to 50

ENAMELED lED-ROOM SUITSDO Siula, roduccil from . . . .»*) lo t l5

40 26|o 20

"D " " . " . . . . 8l)to aa

2» (Ulo 30

A gnol Carpet Ik J Lounge at . . 8 6.00

Murbh-lop Tuble

Miieii Muttres^ full tiza . . .

IW HprlDB3, only

Cane seal Cliair

Wuod sent Cliair

Oil Clotb, per yard ,

CLiua M itting. per yard . . , .

6 foot Ei-ensiuii Table

4.r Mnttrcss

lunt Buieaa

ild'» Ctiniuge

'nlnnt Btdstend

3. SO









llrfviijrrafora, J'uun Chairs, rfc, all utHistf terms of payments taken. 1 hive

'nt in nmf other. Plttmt nulice the jh-/in/ the. ntntt.

in any part of the State.




UMBER GO.io the poraliue of IiCHBEB

FBICESud the gnat

ed to Ordertelhfts«d, greatlv letMiiiiig the

in maoaaJ Ubor. Our

s,and especial pains an taken•very paitionlar.

W. Sauna, Ow'l MaaaffT.

Shop on Olio ton at, Bnn.inasperietioaof U mart iaDowr oB Ib.neat work, la tbe nanatM I oler af nrUjhtaphuall>apiUi<.>rBottoii " « »

j)UAKE & KING,tnddna]«n InLtntHntaMlCOAL. AU.

_, atnek ul Haah, Doon, BtlBdi, Hau\A.am) Bravkcla. Lliun, Olmimt, I«th, Roofing

. mat Bverjililajt peTtatnliti to tba batldlnftli. a ldni the loweat prlcM, 8Ula Boo Bop m.ilallj. AlaoWil ttm W^1n« tmn<J< if r^ttili-i. Cnntraali fnr balldlnniUken tnj tnth««.

Mr ! A.J.DIAB.

OB T O SIATM or AWmi*.


U, u-biit u Htiro c.ini|i:iljin.Uf which IUL-U lans BIJUII lull,

Euile.i wLcu Ins wan nluiti—When ibi< our SKUtmt fell.

Fur bim no mould hud i-uotA bullet BUTUI.V n>cd ;

Nu Tulolilun, wtildcd f««l,lUfliruu blood hud •heil.

1M.11] ou tin- ImmlteilHi Heldllml tnili'dtii luiDKl.ltn low;

Ho wan not boru tu ,v icld

'foitii^lit ut mortal toe.

i:vi>n to iriniBfir unknown.iluborutlicratnUn-iinl.

F%iriiTil winvwIiL'i-p iiciir IHH iiinMioHI li»t(trf>Miill tliol.onl.

Tlial t>'cu|>on wlicii In.' ilitw,riidrnniiFt feeMer cr<<n-,

Tlie M|il(!iidur uiid the Imno-Wtiir)|i(>rortli«tMinl«ni',

Nor Hiiy llmt muni) LI* LOIOO

K y ,Tlwrlrrliug tiling* of uij^ht ;—

Number bh tattles TTOIU

Wlirro then lo c]ioo.o his gruvo I

rhoLanilIii>niiifthtfoMvnHin sepulchre Hball be.

V.ttoltflfruilljl c;utliHia (inkkcuiiii; UKIU-B Ifud,

Thul (•!1i.ltiiii,al,Hi,vl.uvt>l.irlb,Ami piitHola willK.ut«ml.

INH mrven twuill aliull nmd :Jlore rc«U thuviillunt lucirt

Wliaanduty waabUcreeq,—Wiwte cbiiln, the * arrlnrV purr.

Wlm, witrn tlm Ifeht wim il<,,,i>,TlinMHm lunt fimilHlleJ,

Nsiiitflit knew SHV« rictorv won,—Hiirrcmlerril not—lint died.


Tlu> trurn IN ii'ur. Tho f.W nt lanxtta,A»a;iili> tin) iuiu'iitl oltmlol of r>tl-(<ligtuWlwre kep t nloa by dnuullcHtf willThu tlnK of life lloala faintly i t ill.Hut m ,,1,-T .kill nur lnvu hadi ]mwflrLung tu rriii:! '• tlio iuevitulite liour."

IMrnyi;d uuii wroiiited without a Hindi—A dciitli-iHiinli trod through per>• jiulii,Witli hDiut uiuntivfi!; how tlifgi- unrollJlcrotc criimluurH «f tlio MIIIIIIn vlttiirii'H whone \pfmnn MiiiidA lifitit mid iiromlio to the Innd.

Tlii'H' In no iltutli for aucb ua lie,Wlieu M|»W tiatmilluu tndetli agon.*,IIM bat t le f.Hmlit, hiatlntlodoue'.Ills Roimtry'n lire \,j valor woa,TliCDbunKeinbutUHolilter'M i eve 11 1BTo Rrovt tho MOID of iniinort.lit.T.

Wlieu in tho irnUa or iniifflc.t ,trniu«Or loiJliiR bi-II. the. rviiiiiuu. toui'u.Will, |ltllli<l li,,H of 1,1,,, w e .pea],,Hi'iicf ol Uan our hcaHa may swk.Hiitfnrmir-fllven, no wlflah ienlMay rob fab glory of UR seal.

Hi* swdf.l K]c.m* brl|(bt.f>t un t i e iiagnThat write- tho xlory of life uK«;But all IU oooqur»t* pilu b«m»thf u marts » ' " " ' it wugbt tho t b u l o .Now IWIICII and fiiltb, by wercy biesMd,Hake hi. iMt P.... hii. wetvome K^ . l .irrvlowu flLiffht., J H I J IWd, 1WU. H.


YOUTH of tbis date, proposing nnmialice and tho npp.inlnieut ot com-iEBionem lo settle on tlio terms olipihilaiion, it juat reeoiwd. Nuterunicept nncotditioDnl and immediateirreuiier can be ncceple... I propose< move immoiliatdy m your works. Ia, very rpspeclfiilly, jour obedientrvatiK—[To aoQ.,DiiokD<Jr, command-g Fort Dui.dt.oi), Fob, 10, 1H62.

Your uute of tliisdate, justtropows an artniatice uf seTeral

ours fur tbe purooie of nrruoging lt>rms' cnpitnlation through corainiMioneta

bo appointed, etc. Tlie effusion ofiod yon propose alopp.Dff by this

nurse can be ended at any timo jon\y cliooso by an unconditional stir*

under of tbo oily nnrt garrhoa. MODbo have shown so inuoli emiiiruocianil

lbon& now in Vicksuurg willha chaWeogo tbe teufcot of an adver-ry nod, I can atsuro joo, will besated witb all t i e respect due lo tbemprisoners of war. I do not favor tbe

proposi I ion of appointing commi.slooer*lerrns of cipitillation, because

bavouo oilier lerma tb»n tho-e iudl-Iod nbnv».—[To Oeoeral PuubcrtoD,iromnudiDg at Vioksbarg, 1663.Nu tlieory of my own will ever standibo w,iy of my executing, in good

iitb, nny order I may recuive from tliostuutlmrily over uu>.—[Li-ller tu Hwv

•tiiry Clia^e, July, 184U.I fool noinelioatioii to retaliate for tbe

>0OJCCH of irresponsible pnihuus ; but ifH tue policy of nny gcucral culinsledb tlie command of troops to KIIOW DO

iuarler or to puoiah witb dontli priB9D-

liikcn in batllo. I will accept tlissue.—[LoWer to Confederate Oeoerai•nok DPI', 1863.Tbe stability of this government nod

ilio uuity of tbia nation depends solelyan tbe cordial mipport and tbe earnest

of Ibe people.—[Address to loyalitizuus of Ucmpbii, August, 1M1.

I propose to %lit it oat on tins lino irlakes all summer.—[In tbe WilderoeaiFuy 11, 18G4.

Victory bas crowned yonr Talor indcared the purpose of your pntrioiii?nrlB, and with the uratitado of you;

countrj men nnd tlie highest honor* i;reut and free natioa OJB accord, you

II Boon be permit ted to return lo jonrQtnesnnil families contcious of baiscliargeil tlie highest duty of AmericnntizoDi'. To ocliieve tbeso ploriitimpbs iiuJ aecurn to jonr«L-l«oe, yourHow countrymen oml posterity IbecisiD)-^ of free inatilutinna, tuna ofouoaods of yaurgiilluut comrades bevolien nnd sealed ilio prioelcsx Ic^ncyitb their lives. Tlio gnm-» of tbi-se

gratt-fal natioa beduws with tuaif,inors llinir numm-iv* ami will evoilerinli nnd support tbuir stiickcu fumpa.—[Address to the Aimii-u, June 2


I t lint* been 1117 fortune to soe tbeivmicBofliotb the West nud East fightittlei noil from wli:it I liave Been Imw tLcro ia 00 difference in their

j i l t ing qnalilioH. All (but it was pos.ilble fur men tu do iu battle lliey havelone. * • All haven proud record, andII Bectiunscni well cnnuriiiuiule tliunidveaiDil eucL utlier fur Iiaviug dcioelieir full abaroio restoring thu Eiiprcaa-f of law over ever/ foot of territory

t»loa£iim to the Uaitea Hiuten. Let

tliQiu liopo for pcroctuul ^fnco aud h-iiiouj witli tlint 1'iiL'iny wbo.sc munliooiliowerer niistuktm the nan^'. drew fortsiicb lifieuIwiLi deeda of valor.—| Kepiun (tie OlieraiionH of the Artniw, ]8(ij,

Tbis is « ltopulilic where Hie willbe iieopln h tho Jnw uf tin' Intnl. I hImt tl'L'ir voice may liu ln»arJ.—jLeld

to 1'iosident Jubiiauu, 16I'eaee and uui-ersal prosperity, ii<ineucti with tconoiny of adniirjiHlm

tiun, tvill li^bti-'n tbe burden ol tuxutiwhile it ooi'laiuly rt'Juct'fl tlie antiomdebt. Lut IIH iiiivo puico.—[L»llor A.cfplino- Nomiiiutiiii], 18tiH.

I .si:nil on all fiiil)j-.<;|s bun a polirjncoininoiiil, 110111! tu eof(nw nfjuiii«t tliRill o[ tin* u<H)[i>, LIWH me to govrnill nlikf—tbo^c opposed |o UN WI-Ihi'Hf in fuvDi' uf tlieui. I know u<unilind In secure Hit' f.'[ic il of b:ij <i!)iH.sioiis liwx Ki.i ell', cl 11.1I ns tlieii Rlrtiixecullon.— Lluaugural AiMrcs.-', 16119.

To protect Ibe national liouoi- cveidollar of Ibo government iadeblcduesBshould be paid iu gold, unless otherwise

ipociullv stipulated iu (lie eontrac'ct it be nnderstoud ilmt uornpiuiintio

ofoDofuifbiiig of our public debt wi11ruolril iu public pluccn.—[Ina'.'guralildre^H, 1869.We arc 1. rejjuV.lic wliereof one mat)

m goud tin another Ixfurc Ilir IJW,ciELt-h a form of (jovciuiueut it ii

of Ilii! greatest imporliiuro tlmt nilosssfeSKcd ui i'd (i eat ion aii'l iufvlli-0 ciiotif;b to cuat 11 vol« will) a. riglirMiiit'liuguf ilMiurauiDg. —[Anntui

Message, 1871.Iiet us nil lubor lo ndil ill uoedfuinraulco9 for \hu iiioio perfect scon lit.

if frco tlioiiglif, fivn N|i(-.?cli mid fronv<i*, jxiro inoi't.lu, iiiifi'tliTed rolipinuu'ulirucatH nod of equal riglils 11 ml plivleges tn all men, iriesfcciiTP of nation.My, color or Mlipon. Encourago frci;cboola and resolve that not one dollniif money appropriated to llnir support

iiii ft nr hnw raised, BIIDII l*(> nppi'oprinted to tbe support uf nny nt'titnriui

hoitl.—[Addrffn nt llu-uniun df Aiiuj'ibo'fL'uue»si'e, 187.r».Tbo compulsory support of tho free

choo!snuj the disfruucbixeuiuct of alllio cannot nmil and write the English.ogunge, after a OxoJ pinlcilion, wtnildioct my lit'atly nppioTul. — [Aili?baage, 187C.

I aw nut n believer ia nny nrllQcMel bod of iiiakiuj; pupcv moneylooin wlion lli<! noiii IH not owned nreld remly to redeem the pi'iimiso to pay,if paper mnnoy it ii.>tliiiif> mofln tlmriromisos to pay.—[Veto MosRago filtnrrency Bill.Nutbiitg would atford 1110 greater hap'

ineB3 tban lo know, ns I believe will beIO case, that at isoiue fututo iluy Hie

uiliouH of tlie earth will ii^ree1 mo sort of oougreas whinii Khali)|riiiz.iiK'o of i 11 k-rimttonal <[uesliou3 otfllotillv a Dd whose dt'eisioDH will lie umlingaB the decision of our Hupretxt

oart ia binding on us.-—[To the Iuter-ualionnl Arbitration Union,Uirminebum

I rccufiuizo tbo fact that whateverbero ia of grt'iitnns^ in tlie United Htsilir indeed iu aiiy other countrj", ia due

< the luhor performed. Tlio laborer isc author of uli greatness and wcaltli,ittiout labor tbtie would bo 110 gov-

irnncnt, or uo leadiugciass, or notbiogpreserve. Wilb nn lubor ia regimleilhighly respectable.—[To tbe Irou

muderti' Hjoiely, BirroiDgbaio, 1877.If ourcoautry oouldlw uvedorruiueJ7 the efforts of any one man we shouldit have a country nnd we eboiild ootiw bo eelebratipg our J\mrtti of July,[jneeeb at Humburg, 1878.Tlio btimhtcRt soldior wbo carried aisitet in entitloJ to as much credit for

10 results of Ibe war na those wbo werecommand.-[Speech Ht Hamburg, 1878.Witb a people OH honest und proud c«

AoiciicurjB ami with so much commonnan it is atwuyh a mistake to do & thing>t entirely right for the tiabt) of (ipo-

ionoy.Wbeu I was iu tliu nrmv I bad aijei'quo that could stand naytUing.lietber I slept on tbe ground or in &

>nf, whether I slept one hoar or ten intbo twenty- four, whether I bad one meal

IR or none, made no difference. Imid lio down aud sleep in tbo rainithout caring. But I wu tunny yearslunger. iad I could oot hope to do1 at now,The only eyes a general can trust nnis own.Although a loUier hy education and

tioa, I biive never felt auy sort ofjodoess for war nud I bare nefer adro-

it except »s A means of peace —Siieccb io London, 1877.A gcnoml wbo viil never tnioa chance

biittlo will never flgbt aac.I do not believe in luck iu

ioro tbna in luck in buaiocss,Tho tralb is, I om more of a fainver

lau a Boldier. I take little or no iuter-it In military aSaira, and, ul!bough Iiteruil tl».« nrmy thirty-five years ago,id have bocu in two wan, ia Mexico anyoung lieutenant, autl later, I neveicut into Hit! army without tegret and

retired without pleasure.

There had to bo nn end of slavery.ben we WL-VO fighting an enemy witbiom we could not make n pence. W<

bud to destroy him. No convention, no•eaty, was possible, only destruction.Too long deni.il o( gunnnteeJ right iiire to lead to revolution, bbody revotiuu, wlieru suffering must fall upoiic ionoceot us well as tbe guilty.—[Let*

or lo Guv. Cliambertuin, 1870,

lam not one of those wbo cry outigiinst tbo Republic aud charge it wilb'ing ungrateful, I nni sure tbat,gurJa ttic Aiut-riean peoplu us a nntioci<] an imlividiittls. I buvc every reason

mder tbe sun, if uoy pcrsiu really LBS,be satisfied with their treattuent of

IP.—[Speech in New \ork, 1880.I buve witueasi'd atocu my Bickuce;

Iiat I iiuyc! wiHbcd to see ever siucilio war—Uiiriunuy nuil gooil feuling bewen the tt'dtuns. I have atwiij-s i-ou-rjil»:d tliat if there bad beeu nolodjft bill tlio soldier), wu should liaro huil;ara ia n year-—nml are tbiilj two tbut I know uF wlio Oo noteui to bu satisfied on tlioile. Wo have si»mc ou oura who fuiloil> uccaniplisb ita much an tbey: vbn did not gut warmed tip tu tbeibt niitil il iTiis nvor, who litivo 1lilo lia.1 fall HatUlucLion. the gi;>jorily, too, of tliust, who did nutiiu tbe wur Liiveloog since rtiwu tired: tlio loug et'iilroverfiy. Wa way nowiell luuk fucwurd to a pi'r{iL>luii! pei.ee

Lome anil a (UUIOIIH >-trinL'!li tlunII tenMMi us iiR:iinst imy i'tiri 'ign e.-Di-

plication. I bulitvcuiy^clf tUiU t\m wurworth all it cust u.", fearful aa tbut—[Written to Gi-u. Suckuer.

r anj


Dr. Douglu8 made public ou Bjtunlu,)a letter written iu bis preseuee by QJU.Ornnt ou July 2. It reads as follows.

I auk von nut to show tbis to nny 01 ,jless tbo I'lijfliciaua you consult with,

..jlil Ibe pud. Particularly, Iwaut itkept frum tuy fumily. If known to onemnu tbe papers will pet it, and tbey (tbefjiuiily) will getit. It wonld only dis-m>89 them brjoud eudnrnnre tu knowit. and, by rifli-i, wonld digress me, "linvc not clmnged my mind ui uteriiiticc I wrote you beforo iu tlie etti.ii. . tiow, 1K.«,.V,I-, I know tlmt I

Rain etrpnt'ih some duyx, but wliou 11I0jio back it is bi>vmid vvln>rc 1 stailerl tuiiiipmvc, I tliiuk Ihi' I'liiineos are VLIVliyidcdly in fnv<ir of .your beiu^ul'lo toKeep me alive until tbecluiiReuf weatbul1

ou-nrd winter. Ot t'oursL' tlioro uri! crni-iufteueie.s tbnt migbt »rir,e utany timolint would carry nia ofi'vocy KitJdmil

Tlie most probable uf those h clioki&iUnder tlie ciiv.inistiiuciiH life in nut wurlIn living. 1 um very tbunkful [g!uua writteu but acrntt-lied out and tlmnkil ftubHtituteJj to Lave bceu spared IbiiDC, became, it has enabled me to pruc

lically oorapleto tbe work in nliiob 1Jake HO Hindi interest. 1 cannot stirstrength enough to review it nnd tnaluJ .'lit ions and sobstrautiouB Ibut wouldnggeat tbemsokea to uie and arekdy to stiggefit themBeltfit to nny one

. If*. Under tbe above cireumstnucea, Iwill be tbe happiest tlio must puiu t canivofd.

If tbero in to be any estrnorilinar;ire. ^ 11 eli us soiiio people lidievc thereto be, it will develop itself. I wutil*

w-iy, theiufoi'u, Iu you uud your cul-to luako tim UH rouifortitbli

Ifit in within (tod'H proviiifi;Iiat I alioulil gi> now, I utu ready t<

ihey Hia call without a murmur. ',>liould pit'fcr going now toeDdariug my

it finrli'riiig For a nibble day withut hupe of reeoV'ry. AH I buvt> stated,am thankful for tbe providential ex•usioii of my timo to euutile me tu couuuu my wurk. I iim furtlu-r tbunkfulad in a much greater degree thankful,ccjnao it bus enabled me to see for my-

ii'lf tlio happy bartuony wbieheo stullonly sprang up between those engaged

t 1 few sbort years ago in JejJly conat. I t baa hfii-n an iueBliniublo \i\es»K to me to hear tlie kinil eipressious

jWiinl Lie iu person from all parts tttr country, from people of all nation*iiits, of uli religioua ui:d of uo religion

Confederate and of national Hoopslikii of Goldiii-s* orgauiz-Jtions, of me-uuieal, fcioutiflc, religious, uud otheruiutieH, fiulituciug iiliuuNt every eiliiterth« Innd. They have brought joyt-y liuart, if tltey bnvo not effceledre, Su to you not) your colleagues IknowledRu my iudebtcdues» for hav-„' hroimM inu tbrotigb tbn vnlley orthe

valley of tlie abaduw of death to enablelo witness theso till Dps. (Signed)


IT. M.OHFUOH, N. V., July 20, IH85.Wliit.. Hitting on the hotel

ridny afternoon, Dr. Douglas chattedwitb tbe correspondent of tbo

Mocmted Press about Gen Ornnt, andthe loug trial of guffenng jast ended."Do you remember," said Dr. Doug-•', '" that during lust weak I xnid tu youmt Ihere was n eubsiJeneo of Hie swell-

ing in tbe overlying tissues on tbe rightiJc of tbo ueek, and tlmt I said, 00 tbety I upoko about it, tbat I had beenlile to eiomiae Ibe General1! tbroat

;U deeper and with greater case thana loug timo i Do you remember


His bearer recollected it oleerly."Well, tben," resumed Dr. Douglas,I nui going to tell you cf an pxpeii-

ihce I had with Gen. Grant 00 tbe aller-uon of Thursday, July 16, and at the

e 1 bad observed tbe indicationsnt the tbront which I have spoken of,ring the afternoon of tbat day tbelerul wroto thU," and Dr. Dooglu

rew from his pocket Mvenl •lips writ*an by the General and read what theik man bad written, which waa a* fol-ia :

I feel norry at tho prospeot of livinglougb Ibo summer and fall in tbo con-luu I ttm iu. I do not IhinkI can,

it I may. Except I do oot gatherlengtb, 1 feel quite as well from day tn' as I bnvo done heretofore. But Iloeiug sttenglb. I feel it more in the

inability to move around tban in anywny, or rather in tbe hck of desire

try to move

When I had read tbat," added Dr.aglns, " I turned to tbe General tad

led to cheer bim by telling bim of t i eipparently improved condition of hieiroat and neck, to which in reply the>uernl again wrote:" After all that, however, tbe diieasestill tLere, aud must bu fatal in tbe

id. My life is precious, of coulee, to' family, auJ would be to me it I couldover entirely. There never was oneire willing to go tbaa I. I kuow mostople have firat one and then ariolliortlo Ibiog 10 6x ap, and never get quiteirougb. Tbis wai partially my case,brst wanted no tauoy dava to work oniy book, so tbo ua.bonbip wonld bewrly mine. It waa gricioaslf grunted

me, ufler being apparently much•er iban si DM, Bud wttti a capacity tomore work tbnn I ever did ia the

IO time, Sly work bud been done wii.ily that mncU was left out, and I

id it oil over from tbo crossing of tbe•3 River in 1861 to Appoinattoi '

•fin. V, B. QtuMT :Accept our deepest sympathy in tb«

lost, uf yourdJHtingnUbed buabaiid. WflI10II nlwayiilook bnck with gratiHoaUoBit baviug bad tbo advantage of knowing'm pcrsuuully.l'lifSl'E AK1> PRIKCEHS OF WALE!.J1H. GbAKT :I nni greatly grieved to get the aad

lews of the Oeneral'a death. Prayecept my tQofit sincere tympttby.


In the uaiuo of tbe Imperial Oovern*lent, uud my own, pray accept the ct-

ireaaious of tbo deepest »ympa»i)j».iSUAZtUAS MlliUZBB.

Mm. V. S. OHAST :]l,y coummm., I preteot to yon the

londoleuce and sympntby oltb«w MBJM-ie» tbe Emperor and Empnat in th«

iud death of the illustrious and honoredfriend of tlie MejcMieK.

lio H u o n w ,Japanese Imperial Household Uinater.

3OL. F. D. UBANT :I Bvmpathiec deeply with jour family.

3un. Onto! waa • brave and •tteceMfol•Idler and a generous attvemrf.

G. T. BaUVaWABD.Ignacio Maaooal,kbeM«iioaQrreiiiiirt

•ent tbe following !IW iDstruntiona of Preaideat Dies, Xnd you tbe moat ainoere condo4e»p

uf the Neman GoTeramaBt for thi- loaat>f oar great frieid. tbe ilhatiioni O n ."tiint, nnd personally I leader •yowu

fuaiily'a heartfelt aytapattj la

MM. GBADT :loSermy expteuion of deepayaip^by

1 tlie widow of tbe great leader of ta«roion armies. COHTI M PAWS,

Biup p t

tbat 1 Imve added OH uucbh I ld

e tbat 1 m ded O uulifty pages to the honk, I shoulduk. There is nothing more to do,

id, therefore, I am not likely to beready to go than at this moment.

iteMark* .f Ike Eatllth Ifewapaueri.Ttic Daily Seua says : " There have

lieen few braver men tban Grant. Bug-id will sincerely regret bis death. Itis aBoldier tbat be will be retnetn

cred. It is on his .ailitury services tbatfame will rest. After Lincoln's

;alb, Grant was decidedly tlio csputar man ia the United States. His[uarrcl with Juhuson nid not dimiaisb

Ho was esBeDtiolly ft man of action,at of speech. Hit DUMB will ever beisooiated with tho great and righteousniggle of wbicb Lincoln WIIB tbo brailid heart and. Grant thtt arm and weup-

Tttti Daily Telegraph dcvolea two colimus to a review of General Grant1!

ry career. Editorily it unys : •'YesirJay the gicateat and most successful•Idicr llmt llu' Uuitcd Stales li;is |)ro

luccd brciitbetl liia IUBK IU DO portionthe United States Lave the fiuacciul

siiHtcr.s marking tlio close of Generalnint'n caiccr boen regarded with moreuiputby aad regret than iu Eng^nud.

iojond all others ho wus beat fitted tcipo witli tlie trciueDiIuuH crisis whichmdo liui, nud when the gruva closes

iver nil tbat mnortnl of Uljsscs Simp-m Oraut it will be fell tbut lio leave>liiinl him DO man cast in n simjuctTcr or more heroic mould."

It is a curious coiueideoeo tbat tboilliers-iu-low of Gun. Oraut'a BODS allifit-rcd fioiiDt-iul rererfCEt, like himself.'red Oruutmiiriitid a dau[>uter of

Hunnro. nfRlitnun, ouoo n niililnnl\ack a mot luari-k-u a daiiglitei- uf Sea-iilor Lbuffeu, uf Coluradu, wbo lo^t brav-ily. Jftse Graut miirrii'd uJaunliler olCbnpmac, a former California Ciositis.

C0NS0L1RG MESSAGESOB A NX :•.apt tbis cipi^siou of my heartfelt

sPinpatby iu this hour of 2 ur greatitiHictiorj. Tbe people of Lbe nation withyou, uud would reach if tbey could, withbiuiily fiiiuiurt, tlie depths of the sorrowivliieb iy j-oiii'g alone, aud which only tbe" • ' " " * " " J j L ' i t l .

f iHOVEB CUiVXLUill .COL. F. ii. OWASX ;

EipresRiog the profound grief of theGrand Army of tlie Republic npou tbedcatb of thegreileat of our comrades,11 behalf of its 300,000 member* I ten-fi- to your Loaortd niother and to allfHietiid fumily their he^rttell sympathy.pray you Love mo advised (to HOOP BBiTiingt'iiK'nta for the lnut pud rites nreL'ti'iinini'il npou. S. 8. liint>EiT,

Coiiiiuaudor-iu.CUtcf, ii. A. K.1'li'Ds.' n^Htnt! Mrs. Oraut uud tbo aoi-

twiuff fa mil? thut tbey have tbe deep*atuijjutliy of Mra. Huycs and myself.


Will yuu convey to yoar mother nndfamily, nnd accept for yourself, myprofound mid beartfelt aytnpatbj foryour IOHB. GEO- 1&, MoCuLLiK.COLONEL F. V. Oausx.

Will you please express fo Bin, Grant1115 grief ut tlie loss of tuy dearest friendcomrade, ami my tiocci-e sympathy aad— ' - • with her jn thi* hour of lwrgreat diitress, JP. ,

LicutetiHnt-Oenenl.iiLosEi r . T>. GRANT.1 um deeply griered to bear of Qen*

cvrtl Gioat'u ducen&e, and hastou to lea-dui1 to Jlra. Gittut thu aaauraiitM) of my

tt-i-o uud deeji-folt 0>u|wlby witb hefILT grout bL-reiiVtmeiit.

B. KrE£, Jupauusi1 Afloistor.To C.n,vN'f:i' K D, GRANT.

'fbo piiiuful news tu LIU of yourfatlier'x death has ju&t l>ccn reiwived.Tlic Hyruputhy of tuy srlf nnd familygoes out fi-am the depth of oar hcarta loyour mother and uli of you in »onrbereavement. Tlie country i i tilled withsympathy nod grief at tbis news, but iltloss tuiiBt grow upoo it at tlie futureunfolds tbe couiiugyears.

Jo an A, Loaui.To Mm. U. 8 ORAKI :

riease sccept my profoundeat Bfin-palfiy in your great bereavement. Theentire Nation mourui tbe lota of ita fintsoldier und iU Qrtit tiliaen.

Mas, Tj. H. GRANT :Her Mujuaty ibo Queen reqoeatima

> convey yourself and family ber aiucereloutlolcnco on tbe death of Gen. Grant*

B l l

ndtny fually's beutfeltoar bereaTemeat.

I'll Try Him a Llllle Loafer." Own.Grant, lefore Vichiburf.

How olear and penetrating the ghuieebut could see light beyond tho duknow

t boundod tbe vision of alt othwt,D Ibe moat clear-Bigbted. BelfpoUwd,

lelf-ntiBtained eqoal in hinuwlf atone t».lie great criain lio had reached, be riiea

us like some grand column, reat-ing firm on its foundation by t u nweight alone. <iOaUaeoaaeilofo0eM«

fore decidiug on no baeardoas a atop,**i«l the sagacioaa. trnebearted 8LW-u—bat be wanted DO council—bia

J«termi&attoQ was nnaltenbly takvn,md nothing bat positive orders fromlovornment could change it, and no OMnow* how neat those orders came to h%

, Tbo Prenidont waa beawt withhigh ia position, warning ••£

m to remoTe Oranf. Oi t t

>bo bad been a firm friend of tht Utter,raited an Mr. Lincoln, trad after re-.lading him of bis past friendship forIrani, said that he mast now abandon

Ho cvidentlf was not equal to tat*oiition thufc he occupied, and tbo good

the couutry required that hn ahnnldic sacrificed. Tie Tresideat beard him

through, and then, pausing thought-ully a moment, replied : «' I rather likebo muu. 7 Uiink M .ry Aim a little

What momentous results bong.u tbat little seolunoe 1 If It bad Own,

I'll try bim no longer," wbo can oal*mlate the delay. disooarapemeDta, uAIOHS of life tbat would have followed.3rant, however, determined that it u •>tttlo lobger" timo wu given him, ba

mid be l eyooJ tbe reach of ordenm any source, until bis fat* was

sealed. Ttes;-uight follow hint ai fuksnow-fljkea He«k the cartb, j r t they

would not overtake Ihe tramp of biavictorious battalions, if he wue aaeeest-'ul—and if not, tbey wonld never findiim. Ho took DO precautions againatfalse accusation* should be fail—left b«-iod 00 defence to sivo bu repotation.liteot, culm, and reaolaie. he Rin alliis attention to the mighty tiak beforeiim.—from Adrnnat Shctlt Rtadt«y*»

Life if Grant, £. B. Tteat, JV«e fork.

Unspoiled by fame, anntrtne'l b j:iuricr, uadnuuled by dituster, Grantred a life whose simplicity, sincerity

and domestic virtuwi roust always ap-ieiil to tlio sympathy of tbe masses with•resistiblo force, Ho never forgot tbat

.bo suklier was but a transitory fi|raro inmr iustitutioup, be never forgot that biatower camo from t ho people, and Lanever lost sight of bin responsibility uin individual citizen of a country inwhich t o civil nittbority is snpreute.Ibo pride villi wlicii bia coontrymenwill cherish bis character end nchievo-

H is inspired not more by tbe in-her.'ut aicroUm of hU life than by thekn w 'Jgo that be Was a nan of thepeople, who helped them to SJTO them-slr«»a from tbemic'va=, nml who etn-Tiiird iwiu tft..,lia«l In bis career nud

iu uis JtatU iheir own best virtues.

Hiafuvuntebook, tsaboy, wwCbirlei

Page 2: TEAS, COFFEES, AMOS VANtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-08-01.pdfvol. xv dover, morris county. new jersey, saturday, august 1.1885. no. 35 the iron ema

TEE IRON ERA.The Dover Printing Company,


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,.-I,J1 1INI.1I.. If llK'

•1 ii.rtl i i- lii'licf, il

Piitrii-k Ward, of Newton, very tcarlr lot-i

tired'a l,'(aBtea<7?n' fttu" wr ood^B.o.U'iraffo-ciitu! bini auA fur it lutia liml; bis rvcavclT• U . .(.,„;,tfd.

\pnrton trin rixitrd on !s*tur<li.r evening

kn'-wu tn-rt. Iu i>ue iiournii im-li i-ml a tuirol ruin Ml , nnd ilif* tliuiniT ntiJ li-fbtninf;-vnn t< rtid.. Ball*, ot lire r> .""''I lv «(|<1>>'1<-

.'lii-'iii.'rii.iUaui-bWnJovi-r. I!.I«UDI{ imtirct.vlliniuKli thf hav, wilbuut lirinf it, uc'f «« ittilt tin- tiiini. juiiiiJi'd tn in. iruu Bin- tiinu«\BUI. i.it-1) 'Ul.'lfil Ilif tfrmiur,, Aiiulli-r t'Ultt iawi l IIUKII ilif rhitini'-r "T thr h.m** »*Mr-. J£.i!.»H l.r.*y. ut, l.ivi.iun -tri*t, tii'itk-itiiEltn: lid» fruiii ilii: pifivc and teniinii thelii.-e fnifu » ilnck HLII-II way .IN Hif tuantle:

tut,- nilli a knJlr.—


W.S.COLURDDover, N. J.

n » • § • ! • • • ! MHCI**M«*Jla (b«P-Mt*>0c»al Uorrr.N. J.

Po»cr, H. J.,3ul3 :11ft, WfcB.

J1?M Alice ltou']l.MJ--1 A . 11

] l

.1. II.c 1'r'

Tn OMA!D any ul ih« abr.vt leiten aa» " atcrtlBC(l"lDd fiire datu of tlii» li«t.

(,. G. NINrnWAN. P. M.


of Small I'rofiis appreciated,anil wurkmaiiftitp oftlic html.

8, TtadctUkft.Rnnkavaf. W.i '

[/>WKfiV-FBOME-In lldvl.lcrD, Julj _I t Il'-v, f. Pirn-itm, i f inert 1'V He*. JohnFiom«.r*t^Pt of Die ,-TWP, B V T . 3 . fc.I^w.r-rc. L'lnml'lli. Micbicm. in-l men)her olIirtrrut IUIUTMBCV, anil MiHti Boia Frome,i-rik-lvnltre.

i i r K I l - n r s T - A t Ritolitiip. Jnlv 9SM,. Ii1-cv. J, J. Cnt.f, Eilttapl Nirrr and Ell.<l.ii-til r i.l IMvId fif-el, all nr Hlnnliaoc.

n llii-

. . l . l n m k l i ' -i-1-.y hriuudli!


mnk Ihofl Ilif. worl

t »]i!. I. iK tr, ,!.,:;.I

i,ri.l drot. t will > " " • -

ld. Th» cilicn "f I l l l i r ' ' 't

iml'r^'lV'^n!i : ; : . ^ ' ' ^ ; , - , ' 1 : ^ ; ' I , , , , , .

piiiiii ili.iti j . U..|iirii[, iviiliiiniiiw-ilili' !•• >li

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iiory ill tlnir jiarkn.

lid i:iitcli ii.Krcflliiig iufonna*Un*! null,

Jlut lifts i/tiil -Ii-iith of tlm ui.titiu'ri i ifM

The Wotdcook Beaton.

iihlniliic'i li-nililie.-.. II.I' lii'lit Ii

of d».v.Ihr pr»|>

Ht-rinif. TIII-HI-bir«lH

i-oulli in .Mnri'li. uml I

• n:,.!i- .-ill ttMir U I I - . I I

(I . . . l.r.i.iil-' n l . n - l . iir..


Hku ao.Kidi v

hieriiiifult-il tin- AiiiTienii plki'iwh'ii tin; trutit mul HIP pii-kfrc],

ihnlii-iil iin.l II

.* K Will*-. «*•hi' tiaini*. Vm

Lo'.kti k,-t <1.»nljiii; tn l|u: r

ht'i Diui mil Cold Water.

n l<> t in > ! • d I t |"f

l^nri-vlvittiin lii-t. :i«i ..I K>llim U\rthi uoitli.

Hut, insj.ltr 0I11II tlirw iKlvunliiucntix <»n-. m i l l l l " , (lH. ffLH. Dllllllllt l . l ' f ) inNUMl MlUt Illl-

l.lr.lH i s l i i c l i lm-,1- ful lct i j . l f u t i l n l l y l n j i . f i ' III*-

hp.irtMiin-ii'K {{HIIM in N e w Ji-i>fjr Kiniii- J u l y I

n r . ! n o t tn*r« ( l init M v n t l i i r d H t i n : »if>' t l . c v

i4:cli<l I l irm unt i l l lm ful l in'Milli". A H it i«,

whuv lfi)rt.|.:ni'1i HtuifiUrij; * lmnl i | liri m HH l i ^ t

i t i l h e f i i l l i . ( i i ][ l i |>, m u l v i l n i i l l u I n r i f j H c i !

| w i w r of Ulght nf tin- liif.U nuiUh" UITI'-.-U.V• f t r^ak-r -kill in ilir»[i(>rtHiunii KIV<^ ^rrnKTM'Ht In I he .port, tin- nimi.' Imimu »ill hitrr.lutcuffl Hi<tviMi;M\ I'li'ininl n i l \\r,\\ ll]»r^wi in t i ' lmt litllrnx.i fur JIIHI , i r . i , ^ mtlf.i.K

IIIIH rr>Kiou th la o n t f o n it.xU

ILr TitTiirltr <1»|; for IS'MMII

,11.1'!- •Lll-'I'tilMIH of Itl'- ki.lflr.VH, iin.,.!.!'• tiilli.' iiiiinii'liriifii iiM-finilolh<.r<-liilU-il I , . .V-TIW». Tliirt;•""UB I'l.yi-'iul. ««"rr|i., wildk.-.l ilifir tl.iist Mliiifii*.!. iM.tf11 ,)v )>M)ii)i, U it I ire v ilint'iiiw vtn

ii'f in i-v«r.v tiiiiirtiiliitl.l nml -mli-mi

im t«i »t>rii|itl v Himrlurguiin will. friT7:.ti|niul'lfri urn iirnvali-ril


Tor t«ttor WriUra.ilvi-rilolliir, "ays tni I^.!|IU<n.nrlv «ti otimi'. l l . i n * ntl.v

T tln 1 itcilh i furitttni|i. 'I'liiK U rimlly niiHiiiiwiTd, ITiHtit l'i •>•! mnrc i:\avt. fake n nflv-'ri|f.l-id (i fllvi>t ttit'-t'iiit iiivn1, winl yvM liaitin- nltmiHt tn II feiitliiT'i* iv(i(-;lit. I'r

i.f tliftn IIIKI a roi'ijirr crul will nivi; jmi vet

..I i- hni.lr.-a uin full wiliiln"tin* •iin-'C «fI(-Ii

n . l . . | T

nil lihrly tlmt t!ie*<-ll l 1 till' XClll'l'

:>l . if I n k ]i

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•• lor n U, l

I tll.lt (4,,T'H,1,111'

hnntlnc Tlia H-(III"« IOTI*: .tfnt-, ll iiHifly a(ni«i>l tar tiriInvry t-i]iK].n hitonliirli thu v

Tlih lurtj itioltr- It i

illi.liilirjoftii.tr hi•o it tu Imli-'i.tc iiwliu art willing l«

Yulublfl Setlth HtntiTin: 1'kilmldj.liin llnanl of Mi'ultli

i & U hi i ld

•••TlmitRli rrutilnfioii i.f dui'llint;.M'lbtntl It. the lienltlmf t)iiif.fi»ii|iniit«, »lHlriftrlittnlinriu in ynnr )^'-<'i*,u.I .•].>Miilhcdnil.Til\vttii U»v> tlu> ...iix.ul.-uUbt, wmb frfilv «!tli 4.-1.1 ir.trr 1 vnVlmtiltn .vnur un.h-m1.no.11t <lu\y, ..1(litfntiX «• .Vflur vtu-nnn.tn».i'» mtlwltuiirnl, rrfrnlar In yiiur hni.ii* i.riifc,viorcltc u d i1e«|i, Hi' I'/tnlnl tn rimx

]xxtritititnitcnt, imrf iln unlnir when In 11 *tut<' ul |i<>r-)

iiltnmolil t ict l n t i f c - l

tii-ui-<UtT«M.cnf.lii.iu.r.li.ift wliu il.ltllljC In th.' i'ii>1.]Miiair «»^«H fi.t ilU'ioi', .H..1 «l..

' I'liHi.ulnriv i

)liolfi- dthiti<.will ].n>

nid "11Irinn In aHiir ftx'l.lr

•• Live tem|» mlrly. life ri-RNliI'litt'inw in i'atiii(t croilc. mw nn

tnU uiitlv1'ft"1'"- A cri'aitt't HI•M-i'iircd li.v J j ^ ' U "II i ^ c r iiKi-i) rnr drinttinuliiitiino.'ri. PiiTtekai nf^n'll.rniiki'il lucf uinl

)ml lits..ti*n fruit. Tnhv J P I * tntiln nt rr iw»'tiw, Hritlturttbrkiiiiini; t.x. I.niy

in t itidniRH<[! too frr.^i.lly. An «uili'4 fhniuu-]. i- IK mttrh ».< I... .Ir.mk

llfr. I f t nil ricUinR <-IIH--IK1>1! utJon dciiPi#« »T imp-ili thr iii.il (iprfjiiiiicinl to ueaMi. Uy fxi-iu-wlent fxeri'lne JFOH inctt'i'-r iho ->n*af the H.VBfeWla tltM-nar.

Ji.-Hltct (!Ti-it tli'- *>li^iti^t itlurrh'cil*r liow palalrw nt t l f l ."

rL 'l-ltlCV, iHltlHIHHltlKllf tin Illllia-IIIHI liirnititri' nt nml. Tlm D'HIIITH ciflliiII (1ml it to ilu-ir iiilviiiitii^ u, c.inMiil

CVUTKK.• i i i H t U k i t f t l i K f i B i - 1 ' M r i l i . n . f t n n l

•>t lit Imli' mii-'t wt.cn. tlii'j- will nliliifti'rl'la luiri;.l.ilOHl Ii i.rMr. Jr..,..* Vuii.tcrv.il »l.ii-h

^rmimlVinlfTw^iiti 111* TO imi.) inl|iiHltinl liti^riH unit Ilir C.1l niiit-cli » liWntl mtrtiKirtrr..t ri.li-ki.mlii, H*iuciM-t riiMiils i

tlii! iiii(il inn., tl1 i

i t i v ruimn Im I-MW t.i C-rcitutilt; liiixini'Kfl i nt liin n i i r

A \ Vti. !Uii!niii,d:ni|'liti<rfitnil..til.iirli.tiliy«he tuul nine I'luliln-ii, *•). nf ilirm * re il«riilIlin WTIUKI wilt «n» iiary sicHrut., uf KimHiid tiy t >ifa* iimiT.iiKi- In- h»* our clillrt.iln.icliii-r. Fmiii IWHto 1WW he Tviit 1>••*•••'I'litl-'.l Sttiti'i.Ititorinl Kt'vciiiiHiAocifiDr, ntMii-jllRoi tlit> Cntnttr in 1871-2-JI. lli'Wmwidely known unit tiuiverniilly ('i-ti'ciiiril furhi. ii|Hiulit churiiftflr ntiil linininitilf di-iilIMrl VirIIII!l'X('|-pl|l-ll lllllCII Of UIIIM IUCU . . . .

tuiill wUokniw liiin.lHiTi»-wli.y, ATdiniK Im

.NVttir Hamb (u<ib triKlitinK from th« C n . . . Hondo t.i llm !>., I.. * W.

oii! »i>il i[.nil-tit)l[_.nitie im 1 L hi I HIHIITL )Hftmri<iu< iiiJuriiB. Vtac hor.u w M emugU aboutlialt' a mile In, 111 itic nhirr wlirro tno i c i d e t•vrurtvil vu bU «ny Uimi', Ttiv

Scxt H>lilmtli un .n iwill )irt'mli tiii itut!i ui u j V n t

r*. V. A..li.tniH(>n

I ii* <llil te


Atinil tn |>1itr. _ „.ln-r nml tlniN mid nu.ilhrr

,\ tiilKnitlii-t fiatlipr rtiicnt IH lor Hir |irt>i'iitbakf -tini. «t t

•liv.ly "l iy tlu.| .i .jMr. ttvwHnt TIB* <-<

Kiutx %livc< nH»

rtil nl u.n.iill mw.uninirt-<l thv woik

HtiiP.irtiivnl nt tin- rinki|iitl(Min UIIIIIHIIIK i.ffai .r.vitit ia ttnuij- fio' i l l

iitunlHy inri inu wlint I lie liitri.M' limtnkiiiK » !» • ' Il.i.l . . ( l . r v . Kuoll .

I FiHft not IM-4'11 ii|i|irtn<'il uf «tiat In U>l,tlit ihr rink riiM KCCI* mi rumi»t rf|Hirt.

ii-<'»tit !>cnri<n>T»lmttudrtiu t i l l ' Jlltll itlHl. HI Ilia II'Ni.nitir. Tlii'mwai itlnriicut-lili.;r>nu.l frku.li.. Tti" BIT-,l,.«l Will* Jlcv. Mr. llollonl,

. Mr. >il. Ji

t f t te li-aclirrf •) itu- Firol«

liifpii^j ailnntcil:K1>, Tblt thr Fir.t M. !•.« « ' « l " r " t h i r henriy

d t Port Mmb i h d '

Mrtkcfrictiddk, ft* netkbh

' utsuulito•• inuei-.nt'Ur nf ihall

»««r,K.J.,.l">T «in.*

ii.eeto.I, huil IIITH H iminLor uftVir I'rcitiy-t«riun (.rbnrrh ilicrc far urarly llfiy yvnnamiit niliMK «'ldcr t«rlw.utvi>iif J M " » ! *

- • - • ^

£ri'ii';lioubnl mda.r S

DiHicJaa, nf Itimntim. i« llip iicknnwl.

!il# Iwjllir. <im> Uiiv reomilv hi'it K)>lit Kui-k |.m.il a litnck 'l.aMibrff. unit » liuirixitiuila*.

_, * I'citurtltitud (i-iulrnMt ft uwinrtiavcerf nudu Tburwlav <'Tru.nR. viiiliii-j the rri.-.•l-^v*% rMt. V, W.\Voi>t*m,»tT.'¥""••""». H f .i. . \ . innu'iivr, lira. IV. t;. imrnutr Mml m r a w h t . Alaua vatk-if «-r<itbi-r". I |« a t

lie r.i-lvlll.-K' l l l i . f l . l -uii tiny ..ll.-'riliilf-ilfruimii'iuridin tol iar-r, :mil ii yonrt us ii tr lmic


i' i 1 «

mil Ii

m i l Dniti'icHi'I'lil!. IH unr roilA KM-.it-.iiiil <-r

•oil «r.v<'i


rV-' .i "ChSldft.in..

I V'H «-Mul.llr-t<uit»t. I.IM.. | t . Htniilii.i.o tinK.iruii.'-l.'<m,..i.T^'«tlui.tU-u1-. lit liiilf ...Mat,UTIII ii 1.1,,,'k l>.ird«iNil l-am-t-r ili.H to ifl,nvA,, nvi-rI'lurk'H Hull In tlit- HIIINII uiiiiirfill (iiifiition. I'luri' tin> xnvi-ral |irivnt(! rn'ii-m-.'p vttilrh *li*.|ilny ilni|iril IWIUN, itlid I nli.:f.l llio Triilit'•( tl('i,rf(lr HHHItM liiillMC W,

lii tin- i-huirli Inn- thf re wrro tiicni-.rial HIVilMHHt 7:r«ll'. M. KlV. i.ldTltn AilHIIlrl. tlliUHKir, tt(ivna mvli'W i.f thu lift nl llir ilctrllol.llrr, iiud mi 4-xt-i'lftoiL nyif.* it wim. Inllm 1'tt'HtivU.iiau CInucU nt Ktmtlirtln'p IttvHr. ll-.ur-inmt. t«nk tor III* tttxt " Ho-

'infill r-rriniiii rt.iin it. I btivft rrail muVt'iVfiti:rinoiiH il-ilivi-ml in Nf w Y«rk Hint day, nutI ilmi't tliink rui.v ol llioin ex-if lied IT HI j.otvc•ill)] I'Etlll'^. IVHlllJH-Ht WlirtlHiilllM I WllHlltlii- mitiid InrliKuriiitt *»'h n iti-*'(iiirm- tlmtitnjuyrii il HH iiiu-L'h. liut whu.i-v.rr th<< r«ii»iiii iHtriuk inn itxit tn-inl excidlmit *i>niioii. Am1 tiiltii ll lur (rutiti'il thai Irom cv.-ry vitlitii

Liml ill' M-rvu-r ].mt(,v mm ti. The |,r«n.-!it

••we'd niiis *' tlfruw l,fiT|W.''ljlf/au VinCaini "a.iiiiMv1.nd.-ml, andTing," Ii.- at .Mount MrUrt'Kur tin f writit.

Frcn MethmlUt ci-inN inoitintt he unit oiVVciliir-.ilitjr tvctili,-;, ( I , B , KtHK k I" turllUtHum with II-CHI. UH-iit. | bi'lh-VR Iherti iir.utiuiil thirty U'Uiti n\>. l/i-ii.. u litlli- villnniof tiiitrt in llm Wdoiln, IIJ thr nverheod Iniiluitii't«ft<:i> luUpluw anil Wrtuhnim HIBI.D,).

lifirticiilair luvti fn

lirulio inf. itiiuniit (Im ulliir nijiht •ml t-Kil<n ill nr

l i r mjilit «IIL. .. . .nit Hummer im-Ier-

l.nardmaii will IIP nU-n l rrnui hia churchHn him tin*. 'I'lio iiKtua i.ruvcr nu-'ttIm ki|ft in. *H.| llm Huhlmtli RrhiHil

Mnn.lny i-ltfiN.K.1., hut HICMS will Imtiv l iwu...ill-,' turviif in tin- i-lniri'l. until th« unxtor tc-

'I'lul inw Pi^livtirian tinItdpf Irl lil.tnllNi Illl'll tlin |iurllj ) lnvo muvnl in.

1 tliii-ktui-lv KU

lion lur the {-art Iw U*<

u tliu fi<-111! ml M'trr. I. V. MilL-rili--

MnniL'ht •irrl.i<t>H fotjiv on" cldit umilii.... im niiporliniily ut cimtnlitiling »n:IhiiiCl'i Ihn iniiimtiN ol JHUT \ta\>vt. S«c

n rcKimir our I'umiunii tent ion P, with PI

. Thelotlib€.aw»2?^htillt-d IBJI, Miny rite fnn.l'c

The rr..j,-aniin IH-ITIItnti tlicv nminllv do.Sir.. U .1. Kmiili, «l Newark, i- liUBr.lius at

M. 1. Kwai'lthuiiicrVOur iiubilo M-hnol, I undrrxtaiiil, i- mill I.,Hill nf u teacher. A fCditldiinn it-iu-liur In

' M r ' l i u n f ^ C. Holm** »ml {mUT,i .init-tH.T.Sntvnrk, nm «topi i

;:-.i tilH Ndlifl lI,II In Lldcr, oftLcMlrtnim i

jrity, art enjujiun tboimoHjiliet-i? nf ttila numntnin,

hlcti 1* not •uri>at">»t:il iu tbf. Hlatc.<>ur Uatitmtl- Krhool U IQ a ttiiurlihinii cctn-Itinn undi<rilinflu|ifr*iKiai, of J«>. P«k<c

A Iwly liaa offi-it-d a nice Jlitiln to tic wholirri>iiiiiii(tii)K 1n mcniur.T the ru-iat r c r m oftl"^l»M«(ii|i w^hpnnHiDRtlinu i>f liie nrhwi]

" * " " " ~ - L.- built u MIM fHiroh I., lii.|iul im a new L-«al nt I'aiul,

atldinu inncli ti> it* iiplM'uNiiirf.. . . . . . . . . . . . . j i ;o l n l M l l i | w | | ( l W | | t l , i v , n , | (

_ _ to Wm. V. <,Wk» t.. taniri>vi>hi'r hrallh, in t1ii< tnantli nf Mnt.-li, tint ttU-d

iiiuiiitiun uml v-amtii-'iTcd iothi- Hark'i-li-ry nn WidiH-ndiiy, Jiilj KM.ly In cvpr.y i m u nl llm wor '

I«I« iwr nuireriiiK ^IH, B|-.-». Virttinu..

trii'tul* bfihln.l trt n,m*ru h't-r lo-m. * * "i linker fliuiiijr. of Xuw York. Who t mi.tiK «.1.I V-iii.C. I'.** )nnt Kfaxon, ni

mrmlHrii i.f (fcr r'lmkli,wo Sun.I ak'li.nil foi.t.tmilotp huviii-f i- |,|f-nh, in tlininth of AuKn-l. Asos.


Tbi. piihllr -..•h.H.l I,,!-.!,,.,.,! ft.r thr H iThi< fc'Hi'iH'r. Mr. Atwinxl, left lur biinn- »Stuiitljiv i-riliin wtN-k. Hi. iiiH'i-tH lii ti'tur

1 ' nUiiko rhnrcunt the ncW

Mm wn>

Wr.NimonMiw-l atiil family nrr i

untural tu •>(•<- Hi em it tlio -"'.I plan*Mr. Jn«rtili IHikcr-iin, whn t en

il* leu liri'HVti. in dnftiK ..liif well uwur tutet arauuil u*wm HIWH.

1'hc children anil frlemls -.f <i..<Sunday Hchoi.l of Miltoo nrr


tr mfrtuhnietih.ulxiut Auiriwi 25.-'harKi-il, to »u

ry for tllti« H * I 1 R

vrroflmn wi lLUm h f - i t - o t h u t it frill n lholiitcr mid wtiKdrowned, t « u wliMlt*r it w&«iii-r-i hf-irrniy or a n t we n m n o t |nmttiT*i. Wnl i n l t u HBrcrlni-i tin; imrl l ru tnr* Imt i t (.f

v J! 'JT 1 1M- r!''ii'T "V" t. IU n °^ •»' i'lV w l i " " t he""* 1 m •«' w a Ii

'(ii'n. Mm-fi'-v'iM, J r . ? t o n k imtn liiniNi-if ni ifr Iti tin. iHiHOti of-.<i»lit I ' i c iw hint Kuiiihiyill<irn..nri. (.Ni'ii*iu..tiy iii-rfurmud hv ltt^v. A.

HORSE WANTED.Wail t»*.l to lilra a nnh-ie fur from four to »l

•i-cki.. Mimt. lie n kind unlurnl nad one thatliidy can drive Ad-lrcus

I', it. 11.

Hi.lwp Hover, SI. J.

GIRL WANTED.To Uki* riiuvj^o of a IKJUW.

Apply ill tb«


FOR KENT.A pcjitii hnnse and btrn in t ftcmd location

o» Hma fllll. Hon*e linn 'J loomi and tliereii |i!i-nty ut IriUi ami a j;<md «utl oa llic piem-

ir at the narbli) yuA o( THO*. f. JnBxioii,

[Mint fur tlic [mrporic (il wiitt-riu^ tin


i.l for lire


. A* it «miillplit to he tor

. (but it win.lii-i

iricn'lvui-m''tiitni oi'UKilutiiui. Xuvtrtliclna,it nnuld iu all i.r<,l.thilUv he* a. KO-HL ttiiim il'It Hhoul.i \w itfioiui.li-.ln.ci, anil il It won I,I unt

mwive m< liuiir it will W imrrkd

JI'IUMKI. ThcVulv r'.U-ncily w» h»\v lur -urli n i n . li clj.-\ lirlftiuli.," whiih a:rt»i>ilf Imu -lu.i<-

lilii' tn iiii'iniiiN Huiiut ui il» I»|iiici! tvuuiil iieiwlt, lint

't'tib ViV!...ytor.n* K.ilA.nt). «a.oo, will htvan .-veiir*..-!) to LuKif llo|mtpoii|t on W<>ihi«ilitv. Anu. I aid. Prubitult- tbci MrllimliMwill iinitii with IIIIMJI.

Mr. S, KmtiTiK mid wife H-H-HI a fun- il*jg

Mm. fSrhtor, <if New York, fnruti-rl.r nf thin|ll(U.Q l l f - B . . * 1*1. . • . B . . . . rf . .

Mr. .1. H. Hutlralh IIM bran tnkiau a trip tuI'lillwlrljthiit anil I'itlr-liurfE' (JCIKN 8*HE.

Tiiu IwlHimllj1 l

Li.writnto by takii

I T t l H O P I .

crop in K»iifral M-n iim- yt'Hr

. to Im iin-

* KIMK'H nl-.n; VIM iiciiin I.n.kfiilurn Inxt wtit'k uud a •<•! or (,'o-nli

laiciJii. J IIIA Hiiiru buH IK*VU i.rB.ttiiti tutu uiau^titniH lififori! thlf and KINMIN curriednwuy tut<!uin.id(irutila aiiioimt. Ttiti iii'cuiatiui,,, thiitiniti utnuuntcd to ..limit 110.

A .iHli-.li.-.uliii'i--if Annm H, WIN a, nl Ibiitdiitc, tKuiUed Utrwlf quiii! lindly wliilt-vuil.'iii-iHo-. tn jmur Imt WIIUT In.iii it k.'tiln itnwiiu.V" H|jo. Il in thuuubt now flic m i n i

Then- IN II lot of JOIIIIK rowd.CH icrowiiitf upin nur town whu ai« IIHI \my tn work and tuunow-inllj' In ntcal, cxiHiiit U|>[ilu>> ut i*i|(Ut.llm lilto in tli*. day tin»r tbi-v loitiK" urnHIP riKm-ii ami otlnir inilihc. |ilaw» Ihey cmutiiiik into. When tlifyunt«Wi'u this Ki '

w Ihvv it l "

I MI vim* Uit'ir ronniiiM nil- liVtilurtlif tilth that IIUWH fniui MWIII. ' 1 unik-r-stund thin th'-ir nntmn liuvc tic.un humh-l inioour miintmnBi't u, tlmt limy will \m linn,It in

in lLniro.il wuyi. The *»VurU Imrdtix limy will flud

. . _ . hull iind cnnm-lrr at oin-i-.Hii«uh«(w H. K, Muwlity Sflnml w III tu>ldnun imt iiicnio in llu> urovn iirnr thf

it Rill! TtiW •wutuuililated KO.0K"ldllftiirttt'onj nnniii tlita year, Imt Uti: t-Muat

L--ii-,|riiiiy hnvv tJiitMi liack nn ttidr loi-uier it cow•Ht-nl uud will nut liutlicr with Knuilnyixriitmon B nt I'-ui-t thU ye sir.l>Hh<.rn ixulimit to Un-.tb croii "

a new liouui! mi th« HmldV IMVV nnd.

NOTICE.The imitial meeting of tlic utoekbcldera oi

Ibe Mi, O'lvu Iron Company nil! be hol<l allUu Mire or 0 . K. & 0 . W. HlKk.i-, ID RIM*.j W i j , N . J . . O I *

TUEHpAT, 4V0V8T ttb.tt 2 o'clock P.M.Sl-lw WM. 0E0IK1I, prealOont.

RUTGERS COLLEGESew Ummwi-*, V. 3 , 1 hnar Irntn S. Y onr». Jt. n. Year lu'RlDd (exiininaiioni fur ail.W M ' O " N P?tIZfH FOK BIHT (CL.BBICAtI..VTBA1HCE EX*MlNaTIUN^i 1*1, I U(llfKltlAHHl ; Sil.flGU (IMO4^HJ,(.IXTEKN l'ltoPfc.8so|ts; b« Tcfovi. OIa«»

ki l -.-ma" (alt aud thorLujtb. Aildiilona \Dno fjatillo Apimrato*. Amplo provi.ioa loteltctivuffrrk in Htalmt, f].>#|cii and Ubttn-utry JiirmR Janiiir ami Heaioi yiir». French•tit. Octniu It-Tt Ixxtka uacd in Blatorj tad



40 SCHOLARSHIPS FREE!Olv-n hy the Htitn | 0 foierwlagyotnu mo

innlr to the Cuiinty hufwrlWeuiMnt «f Kdtf*tioo, nrlotfce Pn-Kiii-iat of Ilie Ooilf|».

A |i«ollial Popt-utiQc Bcboul orbiqti ftrail.two coarxiw or lour vc«r« « i b . " KotiiDCt'

Thur'ngh WfitK with ro-ialmt fioln prstotiL.ioEcsiLceilDKinilHiiiTcrino, Oart>rul lab r-•iloty Hnik in Cl(('mlr-lty."*(tli fall apinntD.mr utdi unilfoi. A «c|MqniDped Attropunt-ical UI.Mjri.twr, ft-r aiudcuta1 D » .

HIP Lth'Titniy.

oli in Cb<ml«(ry tad!ta tcpU-itrly <iD:,liili-d( a n icceind In

i-rj part of tlm 8lilr\ Bfidmlti areHr.tt.it in.1 profitable pu»ltiom. Tnt

;III-I, nr an* iu|nrni«Uon, aOdl«M V

• • •

.Tuck Hitwcry, (lie. last tnl»iro<l M»ve in „ _ .rcii cdtititr. lin-i iliirt iu tlin I'-mr Holme, towhich ho wnr> ri-tfiitl.v rcumvcd.

Thr ilv-1>|.>ir-iilil Mm <if Jimitb 8llker,Jl.n-kctlKti.vrii, wii<.liU.r» In the tun h.Vnci(M-rhtmd atnuk*-. hut \» n>rov»rin(i.

U. 11. Hull, of ilranciiTlllf. ban nirrrrd tn\n-\\ ftt'Tt* at laud and a ftint-flam water•r for the PreetlonoJ .Milk tntll U that

. _ . - „ « niiowrr no TuetMlay etcninj; theM. ¥.. Clitiroh at HnlHi'iliiir):, Unrmn roiintv,wunatrm:k liy H»htnlnj[ anS (lnni:i((ed to the

"of #1,01)0.

WVltf, rrilnrkftlM-iwn, In Id dawn tna rirunkeb «l*-pp with #KMI iu htn pnnkcl, Thr

innlderuUith.^fwho wtut thr.mgb blmkind

A Tiolput jriwt nfwtnd u]«w B Wrn din.•pen wiikauchfnrtwai tn Injure .l«bn Vet-J2Slfe.Dt! "M*"lel°- ,s"»«=«^»-. «ob*Uly tbat

The workmen an> *t work r*-linia([ ami rc-. ».riugtbefurtiarci»od work H at Us lord Par-nap*, and. H I U N linpintt fnt *pe«>-lT M>»UH.|>-tiou of a 1-oriloD nf tlie Iran iniluNtHen thnn>!

Key. N'a.thi.nif-1 IVIlet. Itpi-li.r of ChristChurch. ItunlcDtawit, and fortnrrijr n-i-tm atCbtiMtOhuMli, Newton, dwpprd doud fromlii'flrt tliK-aiw tn his jmrlor »u Monday norn-ing iM«t.

Jnitlre Vronit,, i»r Tiiwimlmry, Wnrmn Co.,

"liir tuklnu *«'nl'n nanio in vuin four liueil[>u the Hihlmib." ami tlnnl lilin fifty cent, n

HKT. A. A. Ituitiem Clmiiinlu«f U18 ir.th N><i-ru>.v Ui-uinii-iil, haa beeu n imt or nf tin

.utnlnirK I'n'Kbvtcriiin Chureh'.i) vciin. Ttithiircb him imir<-ii*ajl from »M M 14.'number*.

lHtUWrJUMluil lvulD ti V l t i i !

On Moi-dny, A. J. Prior, of I'tiillipatiui-i:- ahruki-inii tin llio fcnlriil kouil, wim futnllvitijurfd, fniin (hit cffici* »f which lie dk'iabout S nVliitk Tucwlnv innriiitijE. He Meiipei!II,V innrtiit

i'rnttfttli !

u. ibitli wen. irrnltl j

i th t trui-ft no,|Muthnt notk bn-l

depot Flouted u . . . . . . . . . , . . . _ .llniltb wan iiiititlfd, nnd there wt-re iriKtttaflfttmyHlrry, rtr . It WM oprni-d with illAfiiltj- and found to enntain a lot nf dtw.yiojfrattmh. llciidr thii 1hrn< wna MiMflut nnlM»)i t\f wbtrb Wit trank t .

iih-tititliHl, f ii* tiali were n,ult« mpall, amiIIIMI tvl.le utly becu collrcUii for bait.

Tim Miwkhoidrr* of the Phllmlf lt.hU Htioei\mi|ian,T, wliich l i u >Urud • f-WtnrT atiVai.t.iiiiit(iii, N. J., met 1tt-.t fiatonlay In con-lidvt thu -iiifnti-inot bulldlnit • Isr.fer faetorj.I* a vote of -jKt to *i il wiw: jccldml to do wi.

Tiic fiirtory I* tn br otio of tlin l*rficnt In llmcuuntrT. HnH wilt HM^IMUHMIUI.- mtumt WlO

•".71"K;'. •• ",7 M>raii»M. Watt UILHI il will U immeH-* m "'"Tf". 41- nicU ffiiihed, aod it U cs^wtwl to be t»»dy

In time (or the fait t n d i . ,

SUSSEX SL GROCER,•till wlntalns lil< rctiautlon br kecplM Ml

«nu complete .tooki «f





'ma conlributc to tin

U, wltk thow»m c*«r5tt..»n that•afort af iwlraaa. A

The hotel bin \*tn m i l far*lab«4througbout and i« in flrat-clua cmrilthw fw|»°Uiran conlriflnt-ciaaa

Lirery, Bale and Exohanga Stablsla •ttacbed, when a soml tiin-oHt em • ! « » *b« tmil at a Kaanuanle price, or koratw n n be

MINERS WAKTEO.1'irnt-elaaa macllno driilrra, Rand It It.„..

aoll drill*, can Hnd at««dr work, and canearn 93 to W a IUV i contnMt. Hoard, W awiwk. Addrt-u Slftm*, Ncwberrjr It ftotliwdl, U«M*lw»<tai:a«MiUdAtoilfl^dHtin* t'omjiany, Ueloto, HanllBfa Tna

A.JUDS0NC0E,maker and *e*hr i« all ki«da of


C 0 U I COMBi.

SPECIAL.We have just received a fine line of

Band Sewed French Kid Buttonffhoet "hick we are selling for #3.95 per pair. Thisis a decided bargain, much lower price than is usuallyasked for machine made work.

A large assortment of Ladies9, Misses' and Chil-dren's Low Button Shoes, Oxford Ties and Slippersat very low prices. Ladies* Fine Kid Opera Slippers80cM $1.00 and #1.25.



COX'S Fine Shoes in all styles and materials.French Kid, Cnracoa Kid. Kangaroo Kid, Pebble andStraight Goat. Last but not least our $2.00 Kid andGoat Shoes in all styles, widths and sizes.

another lot of HANAN'S Elegant Dress Shoes inButton, Lace and Congress, correct styles, all widthsant! sizes. Men's fine shoes (warranted all solid)$1.75. $1.90, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00.

A full line of Canvass Shoes for Men, Boys, Youthsand Children.

DOVOR, N. J.The highest price paid for BUTTER AND EOOS in exchange for goods.


oinct IT wo. e. u i m stoit,DOVB*. N. J.

L*K% ..Hiori..^ Kent, with • t t l l - l lMf ftmboill) fto« Hentr O. K-stirj, Becte'tryr mate ami ti.oaMo Cnmalnioner ol Iu.arat«. or ma HUH. of Maw lorary for ibe

following UnMriaa. riralMaraaco Onawatetor tailau* ia4 Aaafflea:

, noun.,

Dalai il» leading bntfneM nTBE M O B I H E M T A W C B A N O I 00.,


n o « D ! H O I WA8BI1HITOII.Inotfonua MTionfca".*. I , "

icnV nThe ullmltet. N W M of «WM H W P M W .vetber witb the indi'Uoal rcip ••i lnll l* ftnir WMtilir ahartliolikra. fa of «ach l n -

<i pruMlnetux*. AR«. wealib,Igkl dealms h m a>ivi>n then)

ilt.lomal.PORT UHAM, ST3

JULY ISth. 18Sfi.

Fruit 71-4 cts.

Lonsdale 7 1-8 ctg.

Atlantic A 6 1-2 cts

Hill 7 cts.

Lonsdale Cnmbric

10 cts.

WashnnR 01-2 cts.

Prints 3 cts.

Lawns 5c. and 8c.

people in general to ctamiM her atojk.,". Gingham 5 cts.

Ma fcat BOO. of IM bBilalBi rora.rl; aaadaj Taa lau« E n , oa XonU .tree-. Will ba

!• ontei lo .alt Ibe troaal.

t 1. tl. KiBnu.

FO3 BENT.to roott, .aluble for aoj kind of aLop.

ippljloL.D.S0I1W1EZ, !

ftuaat alreet, 'Coin. S. I .


W. S. BABBITT'S SON,Morriitowiu N. J.



W » XSBH.Tar lab Bf All lEADHI} Onon

t n nit br all IraalBK uroetta.

usao , iMvpais,»«.,

VRflMPTLYricaM jjlvc moil call nt

lb» old atand,




Two YearsTEST.

THE PARK STORB.I am luppj to publish to nil mj. i.M caelompra in So\

we •ranuw fuin lntlal.lv RIIUIIGIIID our mw Im in line loci ted (n HcF,onW»rioi"8t. We .mile t i l ' o c:i|| aud " "tl^lij and fllud lull m t>EW GOOlM. amidul l Rill couiloaicaivtij. is tiitycanlio Loufilil.DHioHii.to. Birg<

i i K (n MrFAllt.AN M K , t a r i n g[•DISK. Wit liavcaf.DK alvrc tilted ni> In ttnl-cIlMIn .irrtrr to Leep our ncord good, na in t l icpiit , * •URlii ID liiosifttc. fiirgijtia Bill iw found luroMth-

DAT GOODS DEPARTMENT.1S££B l»H CHlL&ltKVH JEll^ITB. all .LLILI and l l l c i . Xto KM pKplMI

lo vliuw a SLID lino of

LADIES', HISSES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES,•nil will aril them ai clicip n tho cliranrat.


•t right pi-imfi. We IIITO » rcr? And lino of

TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES.CBOCKCBT, CKOCKEnY- p'a'n and dennret 'l, at Ixrsainfl. We .till hinillo Ibo XJGIT

IiIBlNO l)OMtSrii;H!WIS-*M*OIHK*l,ttol.Ba<l»«ie»oiU.mr riEASE alUF.lH.lill THE PUCE.



It havint come to our knowledge tint Kuonte ft >ollwInve idopted a beer bottle exioUy like onr'i u to ihas* andnetrlv i m i t i color, tni of the ran* p&tten of itovpoi-, wehava decided to protect oar eutcmere from thii deceptivetrlok, by chanflns our etyle of bottle. Hereafter the bottlwwhiehwe fend out witb. the famcui JM. Bchlitt Oempaay'iBeer, wiU be of a very lif ht green color, wtui a new tad v«yoonvenlent icrew stopper. Cnitomeri will do well to noticetile carefully, that an Inferior beer nay not bo palmed o fnpon them for 8ohliU beer.


AUSW; tin thtttattub.M M i M mal to.




Cantfia u M aiautlcaX R o w

14 Honr*

rainors<*M." a "Cimiwlt »ffl MM 1. ^ n'.^n.n. and pn.tiV.lr

n,^«aycaMwMaBN4atia.«i.Kt. .I IK HWM>' Ccbebk <M* U u I . , mi.^. B>H..illaa

General Office Cotton Exchange Br». Mtt av i iu ™U»H,MI ,« tm ii M......

I. S. C..».


II, E C I t r n 4 EOS IToprlitor..

rimojclfi]'ad, nfniBlilipd nndiat, aad fltteA. witti ail tla. Fir.t^laa. avcnmiuo,Uardita. iMIIeMriil ftaannmun fcr rtcaaan

fK)tr i f<if


Page 3: TEAS, COFFEES, AMOS VANtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-08-01.pdfvol. xv dover, morris county. new jersey, saturday, august 1.1885. no. 35 the iron ema

THE IRON ERASaturdiy, Aug. I, 1885.

d at tlie Pout Offlr* at Dover, 1

a su GO oil-clans mutlLT.


Tbo c«u8UB ol MMMU

low of nearly 100 BIUCC

Iu tb« month wbii-li ends (o-Juy tbo da'

nevo become ti uiiuuti

Dr. Arthur W. Cnndict linn located at Por

Orou for I lie practice of wediuinc.

Pour children ofMorrhi 1'li.iu* bavo

*12 lo tlic Tribune Freab Air Fund.

Home thermometer* or tbin vicinity r

lorcd 102* In Ihe abadfl last ftaUu-oay.

Wo are glad to be able tn Bay tbut Dr. J . WJackson, of Houkavriiy, in improving.

Billy Brerse l i u g o n c ilowu tbe road to Mirifltown, f»r uatault and buttery on hi" wifu.

Stewart Beast, tbe For Hill burglar, *pardoned bee BUBO lie U dying of eonmiuiptio

Kev. Mr. Boardnuin moved info tlie nowl'lcabyteHuu uursoimgc, nt Htmibouo, l*il

Tummy Ht'eur'«1tesrntniuputatcd last Mou-day tnoralug aud at ln«t accounts lie W M do-ing well.

Men who <Io not believe ia aulvertlalng tniuloftcu wonder why olrcuoen throw away annmeb money.

Tho Ancicut Order of Hibernian a ate oiranging for a pio-ck fu Ht. Marj'sOrove, J*»iurday, AUK. 15tb.

Tim weawln continue tlicir rnlilichicken* in UoekawHV. Justice llaBiett lostaixreeu last Koud.iy night.

J. Frank Mndsley, of Morrlstowo, often•3fi lor tLo detection ol tbe raaeal wbo poUoued bia Hue St. Bernard dog.

An effort ia being maitn to bave Urn. *ClelUo deliver tbnaddren at the aoldinplc-uit at WtiauinKton, oa Augnat Sft

Don't ru*U around exciting yourself an<1neighbor* wltU tbo quentlou, " In 'tul 'nufl'fuiJL>!" d o Muk your bead In a nun bulb.

Commander Nevluii, of the O. A. U., ufState, bite nmiuged l o r » p l w w in i len. Orant'ifuneral proeGaalon for all Now Jersey t*o*t»

Tlie chiiaui or Morriwoirn in complete, nu•howBtne naunhcr uf iulinlftiinlH na 7/KW,fluttering increaae over tbe laat ccnatM taken

From twelve to flllecu Heine, imbliitliei] 1tbo £ n * fman two to four weeka a|(o, ha\wandered bauk homo oguln tula week as frc«»)ws!

II ii itlnled thai Hon. tVMliiiiu WalterPhelpa luw planted over a qiutrwr of a niillioutrcu ou hlaaatAte nt Toanouk, willilu the panseven jem «.

Her. W. W. Hsllowny. Jr., ptcachm] a veryBbic act-won in tbn I'ran by tct inn t l m rib IHBIUtinitar evening upon tbe life and cbaractciofOeo. Orunt-

Au exchange tellB liow lawn mower* matW repaired. Up to Antt, lumcvcr, pa amlaagiven a rtdpo fur repairing tltc inun win•boves tbo luwu uiowcr.

Tke (light difference lu temperature brtween Dover ana Now Yurk Is explained bytbe Uct lliat tbe latitude ol Dover is onlyfhllBfl tmrtb or New York.

Tlie JKoant T«l»»r RepIn! Union held a fine

Saturday tveuiug, at wbivb they were aailttedby Von Ooylc, tke burnt flat.

f'orclcven July daya in auccrutou the tb«itnouHrr averagi-d W3 dcgreei. Tbts Is tbohplt«"t ilnce 1870, when fur thirteen dayiJfily t|w average was over 80.

| t was an oliBetving Democrat wbo re-cently remarkedi "Tbn boyB am abaking th*patronnKO tree juit us vigorously na ever, bnitbe nlutnfl dou't B » I B U cum*."

One ol tLo aiDntlng tliinja of llie paat weeki i to rend tbe encomiums of Oeu, (Irant fromnnper* whlob ones culleil bim " L'nelcaa"tlraut, bjitober, tyrant, driiiikar*l, etc.

Mr. W, 3. HrlfttOr cr Ifud^'-n, i» tbo po .aeiBor of » bauilMUifl badKe vrbieh fail folbrr,Col. Hfittin, wore upon tli* oooutiou ot Latayftte'a vleit to Hndbion, Inly 15tb, IB jr..

The fif*m#ur« K(l|ief Aagnciation wish naU> MkJWWlHffe (ba Browptaaaawtih wMcbi b tnBiiranpti firm of preemso H'WHI «V CO.k m n e t tbclr pajMnM to the Association.

V r Wm. H. B>kor La. dec!4'4 (o l>ulM Ihf•Jlsrkffrll snil Wsrren U r n t f rnts «f hi* pewbuilding enlirtly ol pressed brick, wblvb withthe staoc trittiubigB will wake a uandanufilrnctnie.

A gentleajiBn wnn waa recently lont uponread ant rtr from Dover ibreateni to biiugat*U agaivBt tb« loirnsbip for notajltb *lu>J»at r<^utlhj|| I§ side poati.

Tfco proprletAHofttie Mount•111 intend placing a 20-noran piIn Iheir will IB a abort time. Tlila lurrcmr.lpawn* i* necceritBted bv tbe great demandl-ortkelrfrmr.

fanae jltag*, TO J««a of uge and deaf,srslklvgop (fee rujlfaiid ff*ik ait |Jli*nuiiBgd»l<-last Kutwdajr ev&tmit, wbea tie p u •trark

h««.oatdnutb«*r,iff. M. K Hopplair, the tatlrnnd at-iilo

ikgentatClajifjani. hiiB lieen loatrumcutHl i•Wing IIB Uf OB #f # number of |»erson* wlihf im fom WM'k* nnd it U ura MHcd to present U i

i. Jnn. llimn, of HorHotowa, hud herIM<1 levorely acniilrd irbilfl cnnniDH frnit nu

Tburitday ofliut wni-k soil at tbe IUIUCunDt bi-rdmiglitpr, Elisubetb, ran tlienrctlleof B sewing niucliiae tbrouKh h«r fWigor. Tl>uiuubitio bad to be taken apart to net tlineedle nut.

Tba new or«mi in tho Itnonton PrPBiivH-rim;bnrcb will be plu.veil liy Mr. Dee, W M

at a KTunri oouci'tt neittTuflwlay oveniiMuud Norg^u, liuruM, and Hia> Alice

I. Kellar, sQ|iniuo aolultt. will uluoup'lie olil oritiin bus buen puruhatinil by Don.ultn K. S<-hult«u for the mo of (lie H. K

Qwnift tn tbe i l o lb of ti mi, llcntit tbo p buic of .t»bn Hill Post aud lles.cy'i l)4udBuouton, bus becu poatpoued lo Aug. 13tuMcUavit l'o*t ot Dover, Torbcrt nnd Miaw1'oatn ol Horrlntown, Bcnrn 1'imt ot Bloom Iitalo, Kurrugut Po^l ol raturnoD, nuil tlict>orer, Kuckuway, llutlcr auil Uloouiiuii

aroen|iet<ted to bepreWDt.C'tiUtotor Jobu D. fluerlu uai bada nnrrow

oacape from wrioun blood poittoning. A werk*K» Saluiduj bi; wralched tbo back of one of

band* with u meat hook. Kuven nrtv<wnrd it bitstuie lullnnjud and bis arm

lao ttiftcird, but by ttu pruuipt «iivq)i»«i qf'. FluRlor tlio action of Ibe iiuiiuu win* »tnj-audlbe patient is tatti?-—llunuer.

WalDUt, oucu no uiiiub lu iletnuutl fur fnrul-in<, ba> lost ita prominence, nnd dealura re.

a iNrgo falliuK on" in the demand. Mu-igaiiv {Beaming |tfafiifiitil Ifi*t>]<1-i|n>c firoi|i-

itace, and BoMtan dviitera *uy tlmt thu i icmd ia luorrnmoff dully. Stniu..! olmrr.v M

uob unoU fur imUiiliuuM of niguugijuv iu tiir-iturc, lint IIIIH woixl In its uututul color i»

nun ouough, aud id at preauut vtiry jiup-

There la no trouble whatever iupart men t und uuvur Uii» bi'uu.

ill bi»v*j l|fB[-olp»3 ittuf h i l d

it to the latent cdiet, If • JudywUht* i» <ierrv ber pnraiol in f*»hiounblt'aijle, •!» will M<1 jt urecliety »• the soldiei(rim lie pn-MDis anna, li'« awfully iwell,awKsirli*b. you know.

In a» uHitilo M (ran ore royaflfea last weekan error w*» ci*aled la aayinfi that rnynllieaHiuounted from "oBC-atklli t« BBe-pi«tb " of•I (fee fatne of the ore. It Blmuld Uovn rcailfrMii"oaa-aiiik to one-fauHh."

D. II. McAlpiD, tbe New Yoik lobaecuuiat.Wbpaa Summer plac* U at Llttlelon, fans pur-fU-d tbo bnpdspum Hoyt reriileuee andfail)) ol * » Rcre*. »f H**}*'* P«w, »P«i «"'tntka a a>er M'* •# I*H «f lk« f im,

Jteferm}•* greBlthfng. p.WrC kj.f'bc^«(T, a nkjatnt who rcecntly lUlnd |L U-l-Bm, haa beep appointed puft««a|er at Mil.Ura,t*BiKceMl J»nry 0. KltobcU, a widow,•rho bad e w e * a inwll livipffrm it.

TbafroaivrtlM ball at McD.vit I'o.t. O.A.*., b*»t*eo vrry impwaaiyelp dra|*d iummotf ot (Jen, Orant. Among tbo deficeaIs a picture t^ (fefriflJ «o»»and*r and «•jstt* wUh tbe vorda '' W#M*ifiro Our Loaa."

In Ua letter to Mr. Fbreiits notifyip« bint•flbf. •np0tai»ent of «'• meiwaaoi, Lwikc-tM Rloti take* ataaaion tn conplinieDt binH H "tfce prowpt pnd «UP manner" inwatch be bad ll fM

Ct»y of Dover Steamer Co. iaalso reenltbgItifofWMslUi tliepiuiwM ofbariiga BratcUas Mkfl eMotaut cam|>aay. Abnnt twealyBMW tnriubcra mwv ebuM on Monday nightu d Ibe force of aiiisUHt ssgiuoera will belacreaaed.

Tbe Mt. Tabor tru»tc«liivel>eenrroparinaf«ii*)ig«itingoflb« new Tsbernaele wilbSUB. TV ffti T«k" n l i r e bw'11 c»""*™cted

i d ibe pipes told. B«ryTeatliring«aboiiiaww knpNweaiMilfl anfl «ak^ f he place more

Mp aavB Aat"a few dropaC«P «f W»rTO rain watr

wnr^H^.j^.ftoaicbraW'ii »ki tU»Oneedrd, lays an ra«bang«,is ao»ptbin» tUatWill tenuTf tbo ohroeoo*.

It Is stated that a trasnp recently rbateuMrs. Lawwica A»d«aou. «f Higb Bridge, asahe wajibrlusinn in tbicuws »t night. Her•ercans brt>ttflbt ber baatisnd tofaer aaelat-atcr, B»d, ii U s*U, l<e o.ugbt tbe raseal andgave bin • at?ere tbraaUtng.

Tramps mto not MI «niBC»u. oa tbe eountrytmit M !l»y *«»• Tbey arc weodlog tfceirar.y to a p-gion »hsf« I^rresUng U unknownIlia»«rratnpid tramp wbo i^n»# r»"> ofbtlag UlkMl low Ibe BeU to work by iim% when tl» faraier cao BOB him.

llMf triends nbawt here will regret t•f the aVath of t •» *"« 9f Pr- TfM p - f l r o r t ^of Pateru», vhkh occurred pn FrUlny lust,leaving natbcrlMS wlaawt »f "* - « • 'Mrs Gradj waaablitbly «Bta*ned lady andher nuauand baa the ayaipatby ot all.

At tbe meeting of Vigilant Eu|rlue Co., Xo.f, oa Wednesday events*- the followlnf Bdr11-«*e«ff w««(.lecl*d: Engineer, Oeo. Sticbe. .AHlataai ftigtocefs, SMH«1 O. Btepbens,Jsba Scales, Will frmtott »ff<l Hvroo H.Coakt fibers. Ab». Knlth imA Wm. Iflag-

Rev. Mr I)urant, pastor eflbfi Mwri-towuFirrt Presbyteria. Char**, a*s U«a agala)afflicted in tbe ton ol bia youngest ebibi.Ibis is ih* iblnl .iflBtb which ha» occnrreullbit fsntlr •>•>'» l i t •cttltment in Morrlatow*^Hine othatuWld and ht. wife baring P«-Ced«4 the one af »ow wp****'

Dr. Colt, of Newark, has opened a drujBtoro at Mi. Tabor.

n.irnutn1* great circus ia booked to appealat MorrlHiiiwu, Oct.

Wm. flwne, of Pfijimnnoc, liaa iuculiatc1,700 cLIctei.n thin .ea.on.

Ttie I'nwi-rvillo rolling mill U idle inH icuw! of a break lout week.

Dcvoc. tli<* weather pr-pvnriealnr, fuiiicoals woulit bs necesa<u-y tlm latter part

in tlie vliariniuy department ul tbe Asylum,Uonln 1'laiua, oix buuilmil [.ceHtriptitma ucotoiiuunil^d duily.

A stone imiMiuK atandi In Hock»w»y VIcy, tbat was at one lime a (Ifalliit poor bousell WttSOrMUidditriiis tlie 17lb rrntury.

Jm. UcDnvft 1'oit, G. A. kt., will lit tbiucftiua (iiln—Friduy—evcniiiK ditciKH tu itter of at tend la K Uc n. tlraat'd iuueliil,

Na-illi & K.kl.utt have been nwnnU'd txmtract for tho uniwu work on Wm. H. HiL -.t'a new luildfng oud will cnuuiel

Tbo O. A. It. l'oat, of Hurnntown, wilb tbikin* of VrtPMna and Ihe Flute and Druu

IIBUII have dtcided tu atleud Ibe (Irani obiulc* in a body.A (Irani tuemoHul aervlee will bt- Leldie lluoutoii Prrebyteri^u Clintih next Hun

day vwuiug umkr ibn uu»i)1cr« nf Ji>lm II!Fuat, G. A. U. Uvv. U E. I'lutter will ftvnv

Until tbe iluntti ot Mr. VauUcrveer tbe litrrx-8bL>riaW Irum tlurrut D.-Hott'< tluie v,

unlir«keu, ibe lint tain*l>«Muit, Co*, liriuuiI'uuDurveer, Huflfuiau, Freeman, JlcDuvlIUII llowell.

A locomotivti utnl two frei{|lit CUT* n i u o the track at Ihinvitle Init evcnlnjr. All M. aV

E tniluR bud to run from DouviH* lo EJBIDover l>y tlic Uounton Itruncb and back duwu

t H.iekaway,A Dover RcuttrRinu «bo look ajuite a til

through Wtirrtu County the other duy ta\e auw but nun piacft dr.i|iml nut of rt-njiect tlio taoiuor.vul'duD. 11 runt, und tbat WIIB l llacketuiowu Bqiublicun etlico.'iho ceoifli rctuiua |>ubll>bf<l, indluulf

Ibit Putei-HDii itrowa fumer Ibiui uiiy other:tly is thoHtutc. Tlilub due mainly to tbe

ly ut tract, pupu->u, bui iiait uuiiiL-dw, thai, wllboiit it,

lo city tlirougbluirdmlijlit hiiro twendU-

our fire diIlotb cou

jeru, aevoudll Mtisnone of their elans,

1B *e.en by tbn wny ttiey ure iuurciinlnK ill f irci'n. It miiitt be a ilecpienblo wretali nbinild publisb urtioloi calculiitt-d to creat*cord U-,1 tRr«)i-k)B*T iu the iiflpartwiid tbUH cndan|(iir I bo ui-oucny ol tiio l o « a .

tm IiufJt t* Mr f^mtn

0 0 Tlmraduy uiwriiinu oi'liut wi-tk wbllu im1 caat lH»nd It., 1. k W I n ig , WHildtn L,iwf r», DivKlon 8up«nii<endciit nt I lie Moc. Cuual Company, and PrcHldvot of llu>inmiiin Couuti'.unda member ul tbe iloiirdKJnralion ef Ituomus, wu> eu«att*d in a

p»|iTeii>atiou witb ttvernl ullter mto.Hy pffiup up nnd

iu i * b

iUmtfU, Tbulitfiei |n)id nit ulji)iliori lo> Hint) nt tin), but lUmlly tuM lbs lutrudiTit he IM. WilbmiU niouiout'a lioltatluu.) OJHII ftpproaelicd Mr. VHWTT* aud yovc

a "l.ip iu tlic lute • bich be wnn about toon- witb a b l e * of tbo lint, but wits pre-(b-d bv plfccr |MsaeRa«ra. Mr, Povar-ilo LO nileiupi ip (teteud blmtinll, l^i wl|l

-ekrcilruts iu court fur the flenuulf. Tbewt i»k>n to tbe ampking cur and i>«{i lo muFD for life fefuujmler ot fb#

tWbnfr. L O. StitvK, oftbe Jrraoyuinn, and biaTe IHIVO bi'fiU asrcly It i're ft l>y the JTOUI olIr (tsugbter, U|w |,11l|n V- Allic-, wfctpt'iirri'd nn Haliirdi'y H»th nflcr a very pait)-illneHA of a Itttte urnre Iban a weok. U ca an at I fast 1 TO younji lady of Hi jeiim, Jn*trt]t)K ttomxnhnod with oil tbe quail lea

bus wbifth t|m Ipyp of ber pnreaia could be-now and hi>r Ann iulclbuttuat #apaHlitjr« scrnlrc. Her low U alw u'ofle doubly ufllotl' fy tba liut itist *\m « « the only child, lbsfsi a Member of tbe Month Hlreet Frciby

an Church am) Quo day aohool and g"»Hyid tiy a large ciicic of frienda, The af-

Dled pnrenti bate tbo carneat aymiMthj »fIB ( M r great lo*« Tho luneral aorricea

re beM «t foe fatuity m|d.i>n(>e po T«»*t|(ijtlteruuou and »cre,

rbe matter of n ilwroeo'* pnrale tbli fall laIng talked of. That it could be made a>nl snaceis Iliare l» no dantit If tbe d t l w muld ooly support tho Hroinm in the mutkr.

iaoti» parade would make a grcnter ilomoo-ilrationtljuu MU>- (th p( July djtpby we \tnrt

bad and would attract • gf'uf euB"beroplpto the town to gee it, all of KIQWil prubalily do cumdilomble tradiug be-they lolt. Wfi vvi\A «1|FTI hive two

i r s t t in" stenrocra, bf stfici the ho^k and lad;[er tmefc and boacrjirrlopci, audwitli iLp

m •oatp»»ifi wotitd rnubion to a^ake ary lino diBpliiv. Wf> *(W'4 eiigfipst, fjaw

, that il rbfi Ktntiet it taken up, a 4»-.in.id cflfon B»..UI4 lie made (o apcoupliahettling mure than talk.

a n r i M s w •* M tr i tava .Puring the «b«wer of Wodnrpday afternoon

• narrow atrip of emmtry la the viciolty ofHurdtowa was swept by a aevetn liurricune,whisfa laated sevira) minute* and did eoMld,tabte daaiacB, A large ret bosar, 40«»0

I, of H'a. V. Hfrritt. wbo l i f ts en Ibo eldScwsrd piece, « « B blown dowu. and a tmrnber

laraje a-rilow, appie Bndcfcerry trwa nn the«m* place vrre uprMlttl l>r tho force or t«*

ie. Two large willows near tbe mtdeo^ .tbe lute Lnwiii Jlunl were alwi torn up.l)r (,. HriEbl'a it required ibeetreagUora men to shut * dope tbjjt W3» np*1" *nA ui"

i F !


torum vs. MAntHON.In answer to tlio ebulleiige of tlie KL'MDIUI

ef HIUIIMIU. to play fur the Ohl.'ii nip, 1Di>vcra aeut tbrlr team to tbut pretty toion Friday luat nnd oroBMd ball witb thema fjfcV iidjiininH Ibu beautiful ground*Dicw Scmiuary. Tlic iicld, oltbouj(L vctevel, van not adHpted to tlio nnrat playii;

HIM it wan not leveled fur th:- purpoiinfiold b-:inj{ H<lcd witb titfti at ti"u

wbidi ntiidcd BOUIC fu tub] lug nnd aciiiuntlor Bcveral of the compamtivoly lew errom

'h tbo Dover team made. From tUe verijeKinninij tho RpsolutJ-s were greatly uul

cd at every point. Tbpy liad HLrenGtUriici(h.ir tilnc of the addition of n»rri«iuT Lil tl<jobtiund Juv>itt, of Clnillmm, nml tLi.v diinot make ijuitir on uiuuy error« EH they did iiDover, but alill they played loo lon.u n tioldIon same Irotn the atatt mid wero tun wealHI tlie bat to bavc any HIJIIW witb tlm Jiovcr-llcd. Tbe Intlcr pluvcd u very limvyK"ut the tiat, making 17 hil« for u total nf

i, and knocking (our different pitcher*uut of tlio U,.v, while Ilir Ur.ululr

• but ono bit Air » ninKle biioc. JuliunjKentuoj- wtm iulu the pitcher1! box fur bliHrat giiue with tbe l>or<>n« aud tbut ho dlil

ork well t i e record -hnwa. Ouly oua uiatli. nff bin plhAiuj- In «vcu iuuiuit"

uud he * truck nut no leM than eleven Keno-lvt« liutsmen, t>iKht of whom rctlicd in Ililimy lu eucci'Sflou. Cllbeon HI U cmtilit biimtln njilrndidly, baring hut ou* |>»twd bull

until he Imit bU already In mo linnd nud lnultiro Iu Iho IH-Vtulh iuuIiiK, wlicii Cole

tilled Lis iilicr ami alao did very fiui'y waa a>t fr»nti iiud tfi'tclKf ut the end ofP Miveutk inuius UH when be bc&nu, lulltviv)i u Miru thlaK unntlier biitli-ry—ltynnid Wbltn-wLiit lu iur prnctluo iu tlu ln»l

[troinnlUBii. They wem rquiill.v HUOCI'HHFIII,bnac bit bL-lnH innilo off ItyauV (>it< UUi

wiiilu IIR MI nek out four nf bin Mi nifti.•ithrr of tlm pHi'Mi'Ta lnul u fllnijl.' ivlldcb tiL-diu'd to ihnui .luriuj; tbo Kiim<>. Tlioitvieat woik at tlio lint W»H <!uni3 by H.vnn,

Gibson anil Cule. Tlio latter miulo but Uvobfla, but they cnuuted heuvjr— ouu Ixiof: a

I'ou tbri'c bii^lier uud tbo nthcr for twoIHTB. llyun nu<i miuir a tlnn tbrpc IIIMO l i t ,ill put in two siiifilea iu tLo Ural Inning.

Tilt; Itcftdiiitc* only ncored lu llini; iuiilti}(«il then b j error*. In tlic flret iiiniiiH, luloie•ariifj' bad luirly tPllleil down to bi* worko of Ibe IteaolutfR wcro jjiveu thdr bu«'abnlUand one of tliera got iu ou Die only

BO bit mitdo l.y tbuoj. In tlik Innlnit n llticloulilo piny WBM made by H.van and I'itut.v.

ic Doreni I lien went tn ihe bat and din-urttntU their on;.ooenta by tnrlr henvylliu«, rulilUKup uiuo ruiiBbtifiiretln.vwtiiit

out. lu iho »lnb l wh »ot lilt tint on n hlgbhich Ryan mid White both ntnrlcd tumd «ucu Iffi tu tin-other. Harmnu mit.le

*liu,t bit, wbiub bouuded lilytt over While'snn, yet fat! made n beautiful ilnp, but threw

DO i|ulc* iu order to abut out Iliul ut third ;:i11 went over Cole'* bund and !>u*hI. In tbe elgbib Inning tho Henolntc*

nt four men on baaca but were uunble tubut one, Jowltt getting in uu White'*

mined IIB.I1. Of tba wny the Dover* «othiirruuHit la unnei:c»!iry l<> say nnytlnnf;Koopt lhat they hit tlm bnlU whenever und'hercver they pleuied nnd wrro grcntlysiittA by tLclr nppnunut's error*. Tin1

nolutM were partkulurly unlorluuul<Hr plicbeifl nud catchers, who wore chargedth 8 biseii Klvenon UH>, 7 wllu phchi-iJ 12 pcpned l.ftlli. TIIB Dover out Hi'1.1 h»<Ihiuu; whatt'vi'r lo do, m only one billmt numldf of tbe diamaml. Mr. VA. Neighur umpired tlie name wilb hifl IIHUHI sklld fiiirncHs. Tho follnwins in H conccl

.ore oi tbfl giime, t i e baltrry cirora bciucon below aad not included in tbe K eol-

noo the iletlluc in ruller ukutiiig,ripk mnna^fH hair rniiyortnl theirinto boatint: rijks,which ;uv xai.t tu be zro

OP uud Nuw York. Tlic tiojtn rim•"In und uro rowed iu likn m.iunpr on

ordimirr roir-lmut. Th" eviTcim' ilcri'n thin pliranuruiH tiiiiil In b<; vefylicalllilmiilaee, ihf mnrbrl man. U»K hi hixii twiMily-our and n bulf |iaitttd auhi

L'ln in iht- JtiHiu^nnibi' river on tlie £til; liy cx-ProHldcnt Artlnn. It wsiu Kent• a numb r <.f othcnMUiij.'lit l.y Mr. Jolitin. who in n inc-iijliur ofthr Ki-lonon Cluk HP oruiinuiilian wlnH. rMillion ilHhhij; on twenty U.it.i'of th

r, lite ufcuiburnhip fee tiUuy *S,(KW.

Tbe teuos at taka Hopttoapg.

tv. dcliu'litliii uir uud i

iCKorla UII: doing " jjiiml hi

pver known tliprt! ticl-ire. Th•n.wil.a with f-B'ata and Iirsionftkai'ii busy nil wh» Irad liahiue tuc-fclu m let. Mr.

u liia hand* full in thinImiiii'l CluiinlKrlulii li

IIIK line nt Jliibl Knilll

Itiulmnl Clmj.Hoillrcptlmi. nml >nil 1 •!•> i

ok. Tolii-H i l i l i l . Sipitii Ins lnul to i»H up t.-iil»bout liousii, wilcl i Ihe B»heruiou n:i.r i1 «Ii<tIjilitfnl Hlt'Cpluit, nml a w fur pri'l'iu lu l>cdn in a bnuoc. Tlio tl«b!i>c; lit tini; tins dUo lii-cii ex. ullciit ItiM »«U*I>II

illhaunh Ihuhhiuh hum ate not bitinir•li .(llht I1OW, .VL'HllW llHHH ilf COUHide

im> bt'hiK Iiikcii iu K' f I l t mnnlii'ra.lip ciiiupiui! |iunii?H ure also very niimcinml mure ure coming ( v - i y duy.uio«l uoliiblc imi'H Erf lluit uftlmMug L'luli ou tliL'iminl murKliiiip'n r m l .i rouiiinxotl of about twulil.v yn-u floin Trenton, K.J. , wh'i Imvc t b i

riull aud n>w b».ita nud tin

in well ci|iiippi:il fur eujoy mumLIliuliilpliuiui IK nl»o loi'itli'di|> Ktiockaliout m in ill" ta'iic vfcini

of l ci-iti'loctitcil im Uulwy 1»1IUK1 mnl fUfrt'lioK

ud then* arc liniuemua lumily ini'jifl >'*'«iJ

i-iiiiijii>i>i;tl uf ciuht'i'it .MHIII^' men ftoili'thlehi'in, PH., mid II <\wn more arc nx

I thiu wi<ck. Tlu-.v went imbued willlie Ut-n th»t tlK-ir lul^lim to the luki in l<

ike till Ibo unioo tlicy c m , porlieiiliwl;rough th<> uijtbt, witb tlio most dUccrdmium corpi* ever orKmiiied. Tli in ilruni curpidcone oi the Inkc trips vitli Ihe e.xtut

d fo u l.n cal I

i'iit ctiiud mar HOJUIKI

the lake, stid >' Im

w hcie Mult), nud ,hnlent music for

lut; pintut I'oint.U exm.1

'iilni; il

IIOVKR.ihaoD, c k B. f.bite. *. s. k e.

* t 4 P.

K. O. LI, 111. 1B."T7T5 a II u « ii3 a a a a :>i a Q 4 II J1 J i n o o i2 4 0 1 1 tla a i a a o8 a l i i ia s o 2 n .1

i 34 5 17 aa 97 M *

0 0 0 D

nor*, r, f. It 3 |ui. ]i. Ut c . I] 4 j

c.,"'.«..I'M u s I B u n ;x o o it o t

e Itorer player put out by being m u c k .

! hullM-tliliMMi, 1 ; VVUltf.I Wtld U I Ur.-ik, I I ; ilurinan, 1. Wild pilolHfl. Uynu.

: Ki'iiruiy, 0 ; Hammii, 3 ; Juwltt, 4.

the uitcu B<'HWn for arwdews, aiamt ludn.>"

Affrf(4tli(ojcle||ic-nlp |a; rmnoied for thin

oa tlie Oraiil* K^nut-lu. ,

Tbo Uli-uuii are ulnytug tbe Buekaway., at

Kotkuwuy, ih la -Fr iday-af icrnooi i .

iveChandkr U doing «ntn« pHehltijt, na

ell as catching, for tun Rniwville Athletic*,

'i'ke Iflrani^, of Mtlv«r> » ! " t-F" CTr"1''18'"11!1

ith lb» Ml. Hope clab a e s l Huaday, M Jit.

fhe POTBI- and U|nr> TH" c'i ' '» will pl»ytl>« picmui QP IH- Mnry* i n m n d s , Mtiir,

iy, Aagustlftlli .

Dover nine now includei three gordit ter ie«-Krarscy s c d Hibton, H.van and

id Cook nnd Bull.

•faHil N trnMo' I'won s> | l ow tcaok Atl««elund yeal«rday Hi* Jnaleat ml la onarfl, TboMwewwa^ho 1ft. Tahpr bs(f< ka)| c lub wai Iwajten. ia-rialown lant Suturdaj by a> nine of t lift I

lanft. T\v» acprc was 1 | to tf.

I f the Dorcra had lakun a>« tfnfld, » n(n« t«nwton aa they did lo MaJiHon the wault

ild bum been InrdWeraut.

Ki-Mnyor H. W. Miller, ut Morriatowu, larcdltal H t k a fine catch or black b a n a lhnn|[bum duriuff Ihe ln»l Wfiek.

Hr«nfh»]!lc.pover ((Sme, whloh. wn»

»diiT, hqa bern postponed,Tlio Hnuth Orange elub, ft flfHt-dlnaa nnr,111 play Ihe Dovcta, on Iho p o v e r ground*,u i b n r » d i ; •fi«rnoou, August mb,The new anita o f tbe Hiram club will beirk VTOOB panti und atoeklugM, whltu tbirtIth |Milka dut tic, nml prot.ibly white hnto.rtic ivturn ganfl b(>tweon flie 1"'pylon andVir clubg IIM bpen f( ied f»r WtdncBdii^crnooo, Anjt. 12th, upon tht paver giouud".

Mr. ikglRald Frr, f f Hflrpidown, eaugbtl a w h w j fn l i i b . Hopnlaqag ibia KM)E.apeoliuens weighed ftrer four pound;


Tbo Jfookat/a* oluh, l*«t a ptokM nine ef)Bt place on Monday by a tcore nf ftl to f tn

it i M i . , ^ TW Kockawayp played * i lk•f vc« kacaj.

A Mranc njap s t fr»nklin ie m a k i p s o s«odght i"t the HDM»X county olian piouabip.

ty biivr an eRtartln pile It er ui Itw pnrnonOooicd Vaucf, ass) ot Mr. A. A, Vance of

a Jerneyaaaa.The Dailettn taloki the Roonlqn ol||b will

t * i»y about t |B wmuty•hamplnnablp. Tbcy will bare to hury up

,BDey was t«f f«hlnww awn*, knit tclenhooo wires ind point

it down in Ibo flat*.

UifMu>, V. H. VsnPwroo lisa p>cjpctn1 a P«>>1o

obarityD H f »•'Prf»U A l r " msort for city eliildrca near NerrUtowo. «),«

fitted Bp tbe Plane(r«r iilane itppnsllB Ed.Ford's, on the Mnnnw road, Inr Ibn nc

otnanilatinn of a hort of children,and tbliuerah tt l her. inputs mrtiraof HIPnonr children of tba great clljr. Rap)toiiand otterwiae caring for t wbUB tfarv

I ike i lI pee*Tlie Ctiiongua now linve a, lend or threeiinr* over New Vnrk for tbn l v a l u e ehdin-Umnhi|i. i t la i-xpcclcd l i n t 2.",IHK1 (itnplc

will ne present at tlio B»IHH between theaeto-morrow. A nuinbfr of


TwTaal.On Iho drat paw of tbe Banner will beind another nf tbe aerie* of hUlorioal artl-

Hs started anin" tim« ago and prepared es.neclallv tor tbo Banner. Tb T relote altunatal'toBftbertotbii acrtion or Sew Jen*.? andapselT to Morris ennntr, anil will we know

preveVtolWdlt fooof wadfM—B.nnef.This is alteKetljer, (no thin. Toe articlen an

•Jupty cztractf front •*"• P'- Tattb's An.»B1B of kforris Cointy, which wen 'I prV-

ared eapeclallv " for the ERt. fn which theywere prlatad la 1979, Bad aaowt a jsar agowen tamed la fa»|ibtet fern /rrntkia oflce.

tbcy do. A club that don't play over aitb can never got there.

A sjaajie f a ; playfd, lit Ifockawiir on WVrt-ie«day afurniH|B bftweai} {tie Mt. Hnpeaatil ock i twaye lnH In which tbe Mt.'llope bo;s

were the victor*! hy a scorft nf 37 to U. Theiqukawiii bp}'A wt't* "bftft tlielr cntcter.John Hniith, a niiide at Grccu wiiod Lake,

n Batgrday eFmliig cnngh( n blc:ninujtlic4

nrscst caunlit uf | M ' l!^n fM* B.cqs<4n. 'fidIhlng )s reported poor

pa'verttcB will F ? If'The iUBMX Register Is weighted with th<

Idea lhat the editor of tbla paper ia the ananngcr of tbe Hover dub . We have no connec-tion w b a t w r wltb any ball cluh, bnt w olike to Bee the Dorcrile* get even with Xifoa fiir tbtir refjunt di) aat,

The managers o f the a U l o t a i r have«id>4 to add B Dor Show to their olbsrBttlMttoBi ihlB rai l , for this purpoie afcatidanme Imlldinz 111 by laD feet U lo to

ted. whloh will contain u n o (MM •(aliaon the flrai floor tor the dojj*.

The N^WAtk Cricket Club, tho ubampfmDf.bu»Wlr a t tb»tgame, » W l « l Mt. Hope

r'ectnrday anb t hirt

the Iprol pt»ujbimt thirty runa In » tiro inning LVa4ar tW drcnowtanww tb» l o m waa a T« Jcreditable one to the Mt. Hope oiwb.

ruin Him, wbieb 1.tn the eft- i t tbut tin

ount iHof llnlw.v litlnud have hud uu otforu#4t).l>UI for I hut, binilmimo uropcrly. Thr relit no douhl, liowt'vcr, Unit iU licniityproximity ID tlic milroiiil will iiiuko it «lhat much, or uinrc, bcfurc niiiiiyycnra. Tho

IHI c ubmit ntvuo»t bcniitirnt und iiili

pnipcrtvuboiit Iho Inku ia tlio liirico e»I Khorc front In Iho vicinity of SUurji'a iAued liy Mujnr IfiL-linrJ. ul Hover,The ifewark (touleiuncii L'nnip MeetingHsocliitluti piade l | s greut iiiS»tfikn lu^li'itiug Luke llopittri'lig fur » locitiocuduf Ul . Tubur. Hud they xulcctod theubfi thrfiiuip of t||pir lotixi'm would navi

i e« » • anM l>y Hit* t int ' im in Unit obu.Uiiu.iuu.

Min.,rred lit tbnmcfk, Tlte


A Cava at taa Sukwraacry serious "ci»v«" *>ei

Dirkornou mine during llie pinliar wtiinh «ii|ipait(-d tlio vull

1) illy eli nit c ul In p sod mnl in Iportion of the luirtie rnilroiMl 4rnck,

the summit nf nlopo uf n i l uijnt., lundiiift

. of (ifiwbp)ivi l!i»"|> . -bub, « i re rope, clc, Furiunntely it bBppenrd

E the uildniulit Hiipper bmir, an tlmt "lot to nbrmnvln nnj loss nf life, A,boajr nirii flrg tlir«Wll Qi|t ftf w^irk, union]

inauy nf |ka Uf»t u e u nf OH v comtQ unity.Tlie moil were known Uu lrll'«ler«, ,,r ninid

iotiiictofa_ niit|ioj( ure tiv III" tuu, ntiwt uf1 aupiHwe liuve lual their little alt

Haircut udtlvd lo ffonfuston. t'oiue—woik-t g l i y t b o rule of thumb; not hy tbo presentiMtHtN, Uit running biukward through a•lii'aof jenra.The tup otu wo i tnken out and ila place

mint In with too»e dirt, noaiiibljr by UcuoralHQn )]|n)«p]f. 'I'ho JIIIIUD hn|t liy Mail>«ri|iiDutl,v hqn"jpomb«d. And thiiHry fnipunant items of deMrutitlim mliuii 'd Into aUlivlun. If thure WIINU

U pinufWni Ibo flr.t, and lutclllgontand bouem bowes nil ttie w i y nloiig, ttii*thins uceil IIOTPT hnvc hnntieniid. " I didn'tknow," bun been a fruitful aourco qf dcstfi)c-lun, lioiti f,f lipj M\A property. And the^wiier* uail o[,crawtt, o fauy THIUIIWG prop-erty, to put it atildlr, must be Mllynot jokunw whi t b, w iwi-n. «n(l Is li*lnn Joins fruuiyear lo seam

A himple plnu of tho mlnn and. n ttriot over-ulit of »ltnl |wini» would niid«iiblfdly have

(•veil UIIK BB well as many nreviouH CUVCH nilthe eonutry. Tlie mxy esp^hle und up-

right loruwM of lu-dnjr lmx uot a bed of m e *kid if the bed ii« o f thorn* H tins bfen mulling^. . iHatly M fi|o piat . .uirterdl n e . « t « r j .

I t l s t n b f i l iopeiltha; the penny wine andpfiuoil foolish urtbod of operation may bit

jn n 1 m(r pnlqcB (hat 4ro left,cm tho alienee at death pulo a *etc an tuun'n

icapacity nud cupidity, ft4HDtiUt<

A Bsr lawatiarT H « | * lA itranfio aud «l»Hnlar storv nf yuutliful

iloprnvity eumca to thu E m of tbe detectionIncendiary iu Warren cmioly. As

our readers will remember, the uouac p,t pMr. WiUm), at AHut>i<lt>>>y, wnn b u r m . l M mnIm" HHO. A little lifter the l.oru of biaicijihbor, Mr <-'q . |q w]|fu)i Mr. Wilson'* sonhad u WII«IIII M«t*d, win i*Uo tlpMroycil by

lecndlarv. No^t Mr, WIUou's own u«rnIn tlie «sann wny, atld • little later the

bam of a Mr. KEuu, nt ItuckiWt, near In,iVHtrnyeil. Iu every cu*o D can>ilderut>lelint of vnlualile properly was bmucd liplea t in bntldlilf!"; TheiiO e v n i U unuaolliti>;iil>!c unmiiiutlon to tlio uilnMinrlinnd,

an<l dctertlvo MtCinlkn, <-f H.cVetlBtown.a engaged to w h o the w.TRltry intending'<w fri-ijnoiit lirpn. After «t ime I c C»t ]^aliduo* which proved (hat \Uo flrp h}\g wax

noun other fhiiu a IlHciioltafotvn liny, namedFred. Denul*. who m mily 13 .fears u'd, Tbo

tinnoHoi) n'mut liii,l ^aM^i outBiiinD of V> I'Vl™^ ""t1 l t fi'iullj

I that WIICH ho Qrtd tlic barn utnck|>ort l|e tin>H "'Hi M*i a lit|1t> lad «fliy "«¥e« Jfiapa, iiinl hf |tircBl» uu»|ielli-a1

him to l ight ono m d af (lie ba.m w)|ilc be"ted. bny nlfn

i IUR of tinlighted ttto

d A

T ' l " »na|ieb

gtold AwilDb ft<ir|cit nhottt i| ttiaras whlab tended to criminate buneclf. He

ten on To'sdayf M Wil

imtoily by iletcciivo MeClal-

b f b M hfor Mr. Wil ier st<d was a Iwj of b a 4 fcabtu,IintnooneauBncDtcil Itfuinf k«iS)|ttk«bH(<B-<l(ary. Bck iu l IM nioilva w b a t o n r h f tkeCrimea, ami it ii a clean CMS> of s n a i l de-

• • - • -W « « i l i Mettiaaa f k ^ p M^Uaf.

Tbo Wonen'B H<itini>sa Cumu Meeting willlie held ua usual, at Mount Tabur. eqminrirnv.ing ^Ugttit "ill, nnd rimttmip (U)o ^enkf l"

h i h il I n - i t l bq(b VHuibn asdu<'<>>minational ItneB. la

gwhich nil or? I f ,without n>i)ppctlo den

Oi(r otiji*orii #rn «ii''t1.v iH"*" I1*1. Mi((to, l|alliitw« t(i the L^ird,3d, T» •iMHmmg* the rnlliti t-imwcrnf Ion uf

'••••"•"""••"•'"•"arM"1''""3d- Tniwprtin


lirtif iur tan lull «TH!I>'iiiTh it,a rlcanaliig hlond of Chn«t,

tower nf tnu Hit IT GhoaL.ad the saneiilyina- power of tnu Holy GItb. tn pray and labor tor the conve

f ultwra vylo i|i y be «n iu« groupd, au-l rt * « / i W - W *« 'uaiiettasptch,!

th«i lorals tfeabuuitaf lu'rrcmucw. a twmithat rxcludi-sall oVauwintory uttcrane«a IQr.jrard to •laiatera or inlu-ra, and U litflei' 'In Ita apposition to allpbiiteiifif fauaiictS-

IJnnp TalMtriR situaicd on the lineot theDelaware. Luekawanna wild Weatetn Rail-road Tlie gnmnrt |s aufCKtillile from alt rnriiof the c n u W u j DHwerouB Iram*. ifoanlc a n V bait »)thlo3|infl from SQ to t? pera-wkV Bni) wilfout lodfiUF lor Ift. Teuta will

(frBiriug to IMUK "oBU iboald npplj to

X^raW.'Tft^riad.Mr.P.N.Vrfiuml, H n . Jenaln V, Welling, Mr-. MatyK. Deumta. Mrs. A. B. Da Uroot.

Vineit stsw* Brer tept la Konr, at tbaHrichPngUofa.

Mt Tabor Hntei.Tlic Hiiird of TriwietM of the Ciimp Mcci

ins AHHiciatiun Bi«t Friilny *:viiiiiiir lit MtTabor, heard reports from (In: tuveml emuBiitU)e», nud toukxuttbiiL-tiau UH tbeuppru.n-li

t i l i n g tint ltuurd »jtjioiijlt(lii HJICCIUI toiiniiit-tcii to co-operate with a HJuiilur en in init lee nftin' Mount TnlHir Athlolii' AsHi.cintion, vsbmiiicKait will bo in prup'rJy l«y "Ut " th*park" lorhnxii hall, luwn IciniiH, ntirl ot!)

en fur Ihe ymmii peoplis Thia i* a innin llii- riKbt dirL-clkiD, (Jl-jrclioun In: re to fitbuvo been uiiidi1 tli at tin1 re itn- mi iittruilim

hcyouiiK people. With two minh em

uud thu Mount Tubnr Sucml I'uli(iujj in Ihi-ir interest, and for I heir ruli'

tniunient, tlie«e nbjixtlons Umut xoou di«iipoor.

The Ht. Tibor Kunday S.lifioi.iiltuuii'ilt-ifurtor iu tlio susi'e-8 o f lh i - gumiuer l.omr.arm>ly attetided and In Kiii^idly fulliliint: iuiMiui). Next Hiiiurday, AIIKIIKI l -t . In>tf!U <lenij;nflteil an thrlr iluy, nml ha- \\\,'u>ircpurittiuuii ure Koiujc ioiwui<l Iliiil wimake it u inaxt etijuyubln liim-. 'ilii! IUH Iu w a y h r s M h a u d will he iti ulteiiilnni-<-; u

wilt mho p]<itliif;. after wbiubwil lbeprrsenti 'd in which Hn

lo itftbe Stiuda.v Kilmol will tuku purl.tTeittiuit fi-uturi'uf tliisuiciiiloii wi

tbcn8tbif iu« in of tbe '• l lri ik Cur da"Ihdr aeconiiiiii.tiitit nubn'rij tion«.

Memorial larrieM la Moeiiin|ilii..|iui3 witti il.'pdi

iiiinieiniiiia tb:it mcm-iHiil H.


y their triliiileta the:irunt, Turlicrt Fust. Nu

rt Hlinw l><i«|, acooii

imury uriJencrull. ( i . A. I t , amitilc.l by (Ico. (1.

IL-II nt imniliiutirUiN nm! umrctied loomh Ktrict 1'ri'Hbytoriuii thurel. , l.i^t !

i ly united with the velcmna hi the menu•rviiu'a. Ri-v. l»r. Albert Ki-diiinii, ul.-mill Hlrcet C'burih, piviiL-litil tint w i t

IltliCl (•:..!.!!

Tho Bi« l.ardti

" Th.iu

<-<! (Ion.

l(lbr, m

ikar Itrii-flj-k (rum W , bdod up, ihvcll!ml mil lull In du wlint ho bt'lii

u futile licluvuil 4jeuorul':i comiudf* lihim, Thu pulpit wun npnroiiriim'l

raped wllh Ihu slurs* anil ili-iju'c, mourn itpicture oftlii? ileccuBt

uldicr wreallieil in black WUK iilaced iu frmt, The choir clmntctltlio 'Mtb ami Mililuifl nndxaog "What UIT HII-HU thut Uluyed In wlillo robes." l int uhurcli wi•il vrllli uu uudlctiin of nome 1,'JW |j,.raou

IHepite the luiNinos dipicsfiou t i c eullieilcra and builder* uf Dover hnve We.

bu><y theprcitilit »r:aiou.J . J. Vrcrlaud boa had nil he I-IIIIM do, ii

and out, nnd in now »t work on tLnew buildings on Ilir »llo of tho hit

Oliver Freeman IH about tlninliiny n tarny ImiiBC «nd cuttle slied nu tbr fimti <•B. Hichnrd", below Btcjilirn V. Kerry'«

ID I. 8ba|«d, ITii itiel IOLU; nud 111 IW>t hi'^h'. Freeman baa el no CIOBMI eonlrnctt ioiD nuw dwellings—nnc fur Ju». Murpliy, oiat Hlackwcll Btrwsl, uud tlic utlusr foiI.ert Mandluo, at HlllhhHiti,

Alluu fc 1'almrr art; now ut work on u ncvwhich they aro piittinir uii nt Chf slcr

ir Fred. K.Jmiklna.

M. V. It, B e r i n g Is coiuplet»uu |liv HL-«IOIIH fit Wm. A. Jiitiksqo, mi Hicuards Avc.

U'm. II. f^ndulo hna decMcil to urcet i.luck of four tenement bouttn un r>xes street,lour ihe eanal, but has nut yet fully d<niued whether he will emi t them uf brick orowd.

Tbo pinna Biul apeclinena for Wra. II. Bn-er'n new building arc out, but tho contnu-li

not yet hern awarded.

A Mranhj far a Foal C*ot,Tlie vitlaee or Cheater in thin ronuty,

'ust Ibe Pcniocrutu) portion of It, bin

lime been stirred from cent•rrueeoverit ninicgla almnt \\\r

bl $ ' p



H. <). Mni-Hb, of MorrUtu


Ilutcl, L:ikf Iii>]inti.MUt!, liiHt Smiiliiy

i ^ I l o w l l , .,)' K.-ri.i.lon, I' ;i, ^ vi-

li"T COIINSI., Mr. Will Ml H i l l , Jr., o l l lnv i

TbcMt .TnUi ' liomdiiiK IKIII-CK »I<> I>

iiiiiK to fill oi' willi liMiinlent Cur Hit' -••iim

itiiikbuHi'iii inn lht> fanbiouulilo I'Dii

uuuta ulmul (liuuiwiHid Luke (bin Bummt

Tbt' r'iltn fumily, of Wn(r.11 LOUI.I^, i

au «-.\lmr».l<>ii to I-uko IIIIJ>UU'OIIK lust wt.-

Mr. fiwaumiK to riiicn

ud wlic. of Menlurit two weekV

1 at tho Mnrkhum Hutirl, i>euv

[*, I. O.O. V., of DOTI":

e i i u m u o tu Luke Ila

Hi*«AJIle Mutllmi

i M. E CliniTb will

io Woodruff unit Mr. lliiuiiu, o r Tnill Mr. T. VV. TlioeiiivV, Mi'iidlm

nim Nlruot M K. fiuuill r«iuii


ooklyit, X. V.,


y»iui^ u,cu »t lUooiufiMd, N. J., uu.ir(unriiiy lo *,nko Hopatming, via, tli

M»nis rtinitl. on Tlinr»Jay ul la»t wrck, anImniFin tbo Hnnw way.

'cry plfnpant lenann In pmf[Tcai>lii|i Bnrinwnm Wulor <Jup. and a correopoiidcu

rllt« tlmt wlmt tbo hotels lack iu quantitytlioy tmiko up in (|U»li|y of gucata.

AiiRiiet I will MO o great breaking un ut'ei-M'.v »Lii»ido resorts fur tlmt iwtho tlmorlien "INI , m i and tbn d. iUion R[>likes, npriuKs mill mountalnii, you kuo<

NIK. K. 1>. KCILIIIUII. uf I'lnintlcld. wnabrought lo Sohm-loj 'H MountAin ..n I'buc*.!,u( taut week in a *pt<(.iul our placod nt her di

1>.V Supcriulmiilciik SteiilPi, uf I ha O n -tnil R.iu>»itd.


thr ptrfjOHof* Mr- Nutmau, and I'llirdln, who i» an old wnr-lior«c ot iVc party,k candidate unh|aownai>uaniit. Kir, ])rak<

lew wrt'ka ugu wtmtftd. tbo nudtirw>muut »fiormuu by (Im ilemocratut Conuty Oamnilt'

, who WAI thereupon.rcMunroetided for ap-ntmeut by Heuator Mcriioraou, who takenirgpufa l l lbeso little auitturs for tbo | )c-

mnrriu>y of tliia oonnly. Mr. llurilin tlmt"stirred b l i ularopn" nud nrcurcd nnotliei

* o f tbe Coumy Cousj l i lec , wb«u iheprevious action waa reonnahlered and Hardln

cndorMill N o U c e o f t h b aetlon was tcuttu Httnntor McPberaon, who has w^UtlrRVUBUpuort from ^ototan and redoiaiueuilnd

ie spputntucMt uf Hai-tUn. Ttio latter la MOWMug fur bUvi l c ia l psuera by every n a i l .


T i . CallMtanbiv.Tbo aeWtioa of Mr. John U. OHCHII forepuly Internal Kovcuue Collector at tliia

intv. while a good appointment, la not?uhteil ta )kr^niot^ ^etn^cr^liq fa^ratony.i! J^riioyninri any*:

Mr. John ft. IUtnry'-fl friends aooiue Callcc-tor S l o t * at Uilpiitdty in hM trcutaii-nt otIIIPID, Thny ms ho uuve them pniuiittre aaaur.m c e s l h a l he wouM appniut Mr. IHluey \t,ln>

i if^viiUH mini ukit ui IUD iii^BDir. M nnn. _ luta iuelated that he should pet two

uore, and without WBIIIBR to MM whetherhi, eoubl lie ilctie, appointed Juhn D. Ilimrln.Nor is the appoint we nl vtrj" catlqfii^t^y ^oe Di!ii|ncri>U at th,M end of the c,umH.T. whoid a very capable ciiuiiidn'te iu, the pernonMr. L. H. l lunt t of HchooleyV M«unt»lp, TUc

rala of Ide emmlv ae«t are «lway« anx-iut« for large najoritioa la Ibe iipp*t p«rt i i»! Ibe count]-, bujt l|avt> 0*Vor jdt oiiulo a«y-\l*% like a Mt iltvlsluii ol tlin oflkes wi lb

peauje vbofuniial i ihognmtcat u iml icr

TBB Baa ln> Bait..ntUtiuB received by th« Auerieun iroi^Hicel Awtf>iitl(ou nho.w (h»f the t«tnl

Illation oCpji;lrut( fqr.thn llrst nit nioulktthis ynar waa f,lSt),HlH net toua, agitiuatF.OjJt t«n* in tke tint half ol 1881 midl,m in the sciioud half. Tlie Blocks ufivnn. unwM on July 1 aiimuiHeJ, to R!*2,()IBtons, AfinlUflt B«J,(XM» tou» ut tun CIUHQ nf

mi, and 0Oa,mi at the cloite nt 1MCI, The[Krcjintc iuerontc in the find bulf (if IliUyearn* nearly im,m< |<ttia.TUo trtirontry of ibe Aiaorintion atotc«mt ItiHrlcur, Irnm tlictlmircHrcroivL-d. tlmt

Uiaiiul:iolur.GrrtOl pi« iron, cMiwrklly '.he(tern bitiimiuuuii uiakc^a, kuvu been muk-too miivh -ba diirini; Ihu fbrat half of Iho,•eqt year. The production of llowi-roor

led isgols up tu July 1 WSM UB.AH i^t tons,gainst T .QMI tona in \\ip »rroni! half af 18S*

I Sl(l,(tiH tn Ihe ftr$thairotl«£t. Tbouaia0.(19^ tnne aver (be 1IM( hi ll uf luatycarfaributed iq tt|Odett|ind torflCMemer a|cainatU aqd. alher uur|ioM)fl,

A «st4 »tri« Pspir.''T -P TaHITIIeonrtl" la tlintltlo nfw newiperjutl alMrled " under the umtpicen ol the

lern Tig Iron At" HOC i mi on and AM win t mlihmlrica or Ihe V. H. nf Auierlon." It U

cd nt Wa»tHnRlon. 1>, C, ami U ablylied by dell Randolph Helm, Houretnry ofEustern l'l« Itou ABBOCUHOU. Its objectia oountoraot tho auU-tarltt' icKinlntinn

bleb It la generally conceded Ly both partiesill be urged In tlio next Congrcw, nod to

inch tufuriiyitlai A* wlM 'hfl vnlti'ati.lo t»nie ifbti ifill hci \\W\V; (ho i.tgti,t slili! In tlic

unu l(itbt for UIR prcscrvatiun uf Atneiicani*trie«. T4ic initial numhpri1cni(raittratcaliuatillctlluuit fur Mil! wni-w H bus enteredn Bntt tin chpounc^a -only et pet year^•eBilwithiu Ihn resell of all, In th.ia ace-

lon, now aeprostrntdi fur the lack of proIon, IhJipnpiT ah<iii|ilfa.iiTL-ii Inru/i ciron-•a. Pftil i t tn iloH. HBvdul]ih Kfitu,Tari*" Record, WaMbingioa, » . |,'.

• r . I . M. Jnaft Btaitai.The vneal recUnl wl,iob Mr. Ij. M. Vounfr,.tbo *fow l^uijlaiiil Pun erY-ntorv oj JUiiftii1-,iprQtujstHl Hn; prPT.'0 ° ! Ufivcf. will tuku

lne In Ibe Pr*»hj (ntinn fJLiirjil. nn Tnwlnyen(n(t neqt, A'lR'I't 4'h. Tlinte who re-

afteniUcrth«dcllHblfulrett:tn1 Mr. To mis gnvolaat Muniuerwlll not uewl to bo urjiod lo be

ly bea this 0 nd it will probably

oy tbuta cbiiico pro^rmuinn of twinic lapW ''Vent. Ho %\U \p a^Mtiil by

*c<> I. Meud, uf iho Ifow tJngUndonnerraUiry, nocornpttntM; Mr. f. HeniUer,

itoQP tolol»t| Dr. H. 1>. Dunham, vlolinlit,alfapr Iwal talent. Tho srent merit of

liDOiertAlBinsBt •nnuU result in a largind nppreelativi! audlenoe. The fldmisidoi

bat been ll*oil nt tliet.mi.il fuln nl IB ccntand there will t>e nn icwnred acaia. Tbe

l U l beglna at B o'. Inuk.

raiata art <*.'•r thw ever at the Brfek Dnag Stere.

Jlsi! lluital

Sir. £ilwuhut inriiH'tly p ,

i b i s vuenti.m in Dover.

Aiiuilier cxi'iiritiaii will he run tbln yeaover the IIisb llriil[;n Hrnncti to l i t . Ti.lmilurluK tbe t'liiup luecliun HPiiaiu.

Stheci- It his. Hotelii.ff bouso i.t l)rah«Mvillo stillliupulmity, both being oviii


Krhri- - bmin


M i - . W » 1 I L T CUUIUIII

Fleet, ivitli thfilebil . ltmiii|iiiig out for anvunpntcong.

J . t ! . l l n s a n d f.milly, of EHH(»II, wbmxkliiK a trip by unt-i-iugci to rrp.oi1« uJersey iiuil i'ctiufiylvuiua were ut IIIIIIII'H

n Homliiy.

A writer reonuiluunde n book IIH H UOOItllllll! to lllkr IdiHt^e ttilnliH n rmi'M-book will give thoIllUSt C.ltl-Hl.llllllDlt.

Tlio Heath llmii«c,iitDckoolcy'it MountainIm.l mer UN) Kuc»tB IIIHI week and win rapidly illllriK tip. Ili'Iniont Hall also bad overJIM «"''"*« IH«I wi'ek,

A ljirmi oxeurtioti of the l!npti«t Humlayilioal, uf MnrriKtuwn, went to Uiko llupat.

WiiliiesilH.v, but tbo Inuvy ibitncr

1 und Ur». K. V.•ll, ofHiiiiioivillti,


i'il with tl

yfur tu 1

!iopntoii»K nVducnday, Aiig. 12th. At I Hit rie-onuntslt W M expected IheH. K.ichool wouldjoin tlii'm. an lh»y did W t year.

noh No. 3 of Dover, af Iho Bt. 1'jiti-ick'nAlliunoc, are uiaklnu cit«n*l*e jiropai"w H {{roat vxearaltin to Lako Hnpmtcouu,ruin KuLkiiwiiy, Dover and 1'ott Ornin, u|Inmliiy, AuE.ai lb . 1»y •pednl tmhi. Fnllcinrti<!itl«r* will be Riven luireal'ler.Mr, C. C. Kcanpy, phatographtr n.

Haekellitn«K1altend«dtb«*«>>cnt«oHy«utlon..f lb.0 VUtfoampUo A«ooiBlbu of America,

• ' in Uulfdlo. l i e was elected Vice I'rcM-Jcnt for Nuw Jersey o f tbo AaweUtbu , Thenes t cimvcallou will he held in St. L

TbeBlarythatCbna. K Courtnoy,wan, wan vl«illnK McCain-Till n, n^l woe in

n-r un Uunday, waa a hoAi, gotten, np hyio to hate .port with ouo of tke mime

bnro the s e l l e r a nH«kt rmwwhUnw, TheWBI Courtney wai iu Tmy, M. V-, oft JJ

Architpct V- <*< Uattivbcr liaa keen viattingk-hflclil Springs uiii) the Tlt«i»and IslaniU,

At C»pi« Vlneeiit ho ennglit 1A1 blnck husa,nu In WHKIII THIIU OUO nud a bulf tnpoituil*. in four day. ' 6aUInK. Mr. Hot-

tiohcr «ud family are now nt Yuaaler's,

l«wni. John l P |Vit(io, Fred aawlfard,>d Mutin^ig a u j Alfred Comptou, or* ttmt-

ou an iila anojp Kromvt *\ h»ko llopul-IR. Thoj have bci)i|lug n»4 coofcinj; uteu-i for tHUiulittrnliiit, nail If nn fish aroiickt they have a dog along for faaak and n

variety «f dlsbea.-1'luiDtleld UoHXIltUtionnl-

The followingMorrUtowntrjstartedior Nnn-•iet un Mondny : - M t a . C. II. Ua1rym(ile.

llctiry ami daughters: Mm, « e o , E ,rheck, nun Joinca on«l dwutih^rn ; I'epba

llGUtk'.r, ami .lames Romneu; Will S. Voor.taei-", C'bas, Vbelankcr and O«orHo

\i. VuahneJI^ son nttd d*ttfkter» leave

Kouwlun of the Jd M. E . 8uudnyaoiiool tu Coney MMUU on Ihe Htii of Augmtwill dotihtlcHB IK nn immstise our, as i t i .

•d to gratify ttio popuinr |an(o torthis Kreiit Mumiucr n»»wl nt a very

minll coat, T|\u Hkoi* ruuml irlpfnre fcrinMi'.U iaanly %VJTh wl.leli i« but atrifient>r-) thuu hull tbe uouul price ftom Dover.

Mr. l ltuj.Hnpppr, formerly *>ch.e,Idor o flutfurauii tinviiHliip, but n^w n rciitdcut of

IMtrrann, wn» In tuwu jCBtrrdny, aud i shoh l -|ufi lil» Hgc well. Ho wan Freeholder frnm

'jl'itMon frr 16 year-, wblch Is wild to bo aoujfer acrvi ' than

wiisuUodlvt'nliip for (ourto

pctnuii ia MUIT sin a similar eapucity. l i ei>ftlio V MIT ofihiit towti'

ye«ra, and WM ubnuty , n t t eonly Hep.uhli«in whu oauld be «|CPI«1 tooffice lu Jeffi!rmin in tbo for ir days.

Tbo Vigilftit HOM annual eicunriim toluilliitlUu lliinch eamooll-on Monday, nndaa ouu ot tboau sni-ecnii-s fur wliicb the YIKUHits am untcil. For tn-clro ai^Roni it Laspverriiiniit wben tllP Vixiluulu bavo held,

tlit'fr ball or had tboir excursion, nml thisiiywaaaiieiiH>i>tfanally flue onentthebcncl itore HID jmrty t-njuyisd all tlie pioa-.ntea

offared at Ibo grout reitott and returned homo•eaaanablu hour, tiupcrlntenduni ltess-kiuilly grtvo them a upecial train uf thrc.c

turn, which added tn Iho en,|u$in?nt «f the

^'lin^uuwil aicumion nfthe I'rpnbytci Inumiluy whvot to I^ake IIopaitconK oaiqo uli'I Tupariuy, o)nd Iho liirgo ttarij wfaioli wenttlm laku by the cpcciul Italn had a innkl

jiiyablp day'i! nport iq lioutiug, vislling theu.i-n and oiher ptoiwurcs, ai well m byiiruiiixiuglhc lake cxmraions whic!i wcri'itdoUyih* tuu b«at HnpNtcanj; and burgorry hour. Very tew of those wtiomailo tboat trip nrond tlm luku In the. cool <if theenluK will not snua lorget thu delights

nttiirilcd tucm. Tbo wholq [wtflv Quiubert't)t fiflO, uud (i9[iv^hiitandipg th.c fact t int

all ttie ahil<!rcn ot the larKe HCIUHII wun> CUT-" rru« and gltcn a lake. c^Mr»K wlth.mt

lo iliem tbe rvceijtia nlwtut cuvcrud theyrhuleafthe eiponae,

Tha V»p«as4 S n r B M H U fch»l»j'a.It U said tbut the Lehigb Vultpy HHilroad

C'ou'puiij-nro tha projector*! of the, (irniuHcdmllmail to HCIIOOICT'H Mpnutulo, ami th,«

liroiL-cttuhcithofMruHif nncttep»i.in uf theirtllntoi) lii-iinu)> nonhwaM, The people ulunolie propilr-ed Jiuti niiuiu anxlulll to hllVO ituilt.antt wnnld hedonlilr BdvaninKfnua tohem, anil will dmibtlean we lire a roadwnyrtf.or a m n - c t o pay for whHt oantiot be

secured without recumnemte. It is Itbotiima tbrnugl.Sobnoltty'a Me

i Cj

pfnr off wben tho Virile? [\

from tlm |)cli(W(tro tyhj Vie ml ut! tan, LanuV

iBteblbbai l l f l l .Brick Drug Store. A reliable placngaandMedlu

FstaJ Accident at aforristoam.Wi*n Ftuinlc M. Jid"fitf, a ydiinjj lady l

ut l.fcwiH WIIKOII'M mi tlic -Ml I'm^Ioiii roinl,KOK tbriiun frut 11 n burnf on Friday, nunU'aliou hoii-t.>, mnl «'rikliijj utiuii LIT licud

wbiie tindor I•>;ilm. •• t I'.r llie injury. Sli.f u e iind u nuliv

>f Hrotikt.vii. lifiti>\h« K.I-r, 11 wat

r I l

• f.ir

llt< k-

ii,-,l w i l l i

ll liilirr-micL'b.'iM,,,! t<> :iU-l i-J.li4..,,v(.r(,l f l i H l o i . c . r i l ^ l...n»id.lU-i.-i.tfniiJ tl.ai i>i-oiialilv win 1riu(Mi.<.'iii.<n!. .MI, , r;«-.,:i - t.<«d uw l fr.-iHiire<i I I I " IIHX u f l lit- h


•il tiir tin; o]ti!ii.V Dr. Hi.[,-),..

muriri'piuiniiiu, piTfiH-io. ol'tlrooklyii. u^iM.i

inhvl^rian UIIIMII uu<l





«.-ilii. l

Tu LuKawuuu AtUHtions.it! lk']ii«;irr, Lin^jiuiiiiiiii nud Weatoruidtnl nl.oimiU in liilrii.-tivii ii-nnitH fmc iu Hi'iiit'li DI u iln.r't iiiciinuri'. At H»r-wn unit iu the country (iiimiiiinliu^ it

will alwa.TB pnirti iiHiTi-Mliii; tn ntivtinnling n uropt'i- prid» iu the l.iatovy of Inn

r. JWiial i .wn mnl Mii«li«(m nrc r v . r ylifcuiiiiin; metre jMiiuilar witli NewmkiTB

u'imiri nnii loriviirds Ut tlicir luiaiutWHvery duy. Cninp Tnlior grown in |ii>[iuliirityvery year nn<l llie lu-siutifiil Krounds ureleil willi tiisti'fnl little ciiltu^w, ntn! iil-'U.l.viilini.Vi.rilirin iur m-eii|.icil. Nrl iuuW*ouuluin. HM.IIIV I.:ike nud l.aki HtpulroUK•fiilMivimyof ai'i-i-witiy thin ion il, mnl til!I' tliuu mi: tuo w.'ll Iliiinvn to ,i,.,.,t any|>i'>rlid tn<>nti..t). Aiinthor imputor tenort

itfitbia rtiiiit Iti tin- Diliiwuiu Wilier f lap,It its wild rnuiiiiitii: MtiMictT. One cmiyjio tlicruuiiil riitiirn tint HIIIII' iluv- Tin

in- joiirni'.v U ninili- tlinnij-li u rvjiUm n

utiy nl>i>uniliui.'iiibcautiliiU< m\

The Bested Term.Tlio period o f hot wuntlii^r tlmt licuiiu iv i11

iMliiy, liitli, luirt ulrcmly Innkil loi)(

i«b Hi make tint prof eut mouth noinUe mi|H'r-l.fi.t(-d July. For e l c v i . dnyn, (II.




-:- B E 8 T -:-

KALSOMINEia all tbe


• II klMs ataal Mil prlrrs


Pilot Miitt,o curt, nil eom|iUiuta,


•leek ev«ry aflcii

iiirstliiy. HI'rl.lHV.17ntiirilav. 1M

iiuy/ l t t . .

rlioil IK) d

. . Ki lo. . HI tl. . Will

HI II«v ,a s iwit 7-J.u

r,'-ii i«« 7i,4•«IH' for olovcii iliiy* ... Ol.tl «Si"i

Tlic pn-rt.iii buutud (i rin cmlcit tin Muuduy,rUi, with ii tiiimiiim teinpcriif nrc of l i U do-

•t'H, mid m L» ilrgnTs ill the nfleiin,.1U. On.lulny It nm to W) .!*•«.. Tuemlnv tu Ml dug.,

•clucMlny Ki Oeit, und Thimday UD deg.iieailny nfliiKt « n k nnu the Luttest diij- iu

I" -tH yearn, tin only y.ai--. tlmt njilieil it liL'iuj;in IKltK, l*It\ find 1N7R. Ii

ly, 1W2. tho tlicnuonivter nun lo 1ml uu.t<> KM.

l«m«mt»r for »U th* above article! and anythiBf tiie youwi«h in the druf line eome or send to


DOVEIE, N. J. , Aliril 21th, IHHT>.

A Kolltar f«r ih* Wife,nr wife n vamtlim. Kl,o ae.uUuBiiw harder to be li.mu- IIIHIIJJ

'npnn«iliilltles, mid HIIO IIIIB many more littlellf-r liiiNbnnrl unit R»motimes mimil.ililn-H. Tlm dnrldlH tell 1111 uri'nk down nicntiilly tluui iiuui

id tln'V also tell nn Hint tliU i-i he.aih.o tl.e;more «ai-i<a tu entry, 'iiyl have to eurrj-

•»uti unly. Wbi'u ynur wink ii (ItHI luck it tin tu ynnr otHi-o ami nut IIin

•y in your po..kot. ltut alio never loctt. herark up till n|<-ri. ooinoti nnrt tnruN tbo keytuti ll.

ivoiuiiii'w n-ork U uovnr done. Atul inutl-lifcLiin Inoi-uiiM!,! aud iutuiiHitlcil it. Cm

uultinlicd faster tlm 11 cmivuulcuciU u.nr* eomploi, i u UenmmU nro Krciit

id more uuniermin, Bopitly tiiurti eicitiuj{.a vuoatioo if *ho due* not f And

ttet it nl huuie. Vhe mure *il restful tbe houio U to you tbo more

re. that It Is a enre if qut a burduu to hor,

oi-limno thniin men -ha tit In bl» vuuutluj;JO. BTCH though ber HINWBXW ore (ID


Death af an Agai Faraitr l a a l i a t t .'lie retnaiit* uf Mm. Klina Jonpn, who diedhe renldcuro of her «ou iu New York nlty,

0 lirmiKLt l o I>oTernu Howlay toriuti>r-nt iu the OrcHwi n i r e t cemetery. Him

ran tho vi\daw oT tlie Uto Tbonai K. Jonct,iu- tu purer with Her taw I mm I la 1*48,far a number o f years Iwilh w e n wel l1 reniiU.l.ta of tho town, ftbe waa tbe

u. tUr pf tbe Uto KUsba Jont-B, and her sur.iiK rlilldreii nro Wm. II. Janes, » a » k lBB, Chan. XV. .Inn,, Uuil M r . Mary Kd-il», all of wliDtn were iirciteut trt tnu fun-

1 except Wru. II., «Uu is n o * ia Florida,d In tlie culture ai iiraugeB. l ira.who I I H * wr.rtby anil fmllatnUe Imly,

d almost rtiM'hed tbeufjo aftKlyeiim,

Aaataar T w to lajay tha WatorawlM.If yuu duu't i'itre haw you got u watermelon,d waut It to tUHto n» n niuloii M.mibl tnMe

nut uto Intended it obouM tu ate—youwnnt lo Illl It full nf ico aud elarot.* Amelon, to twtlu ri«bt. must be. bmuiihtr> tii'tj-LlMH-'B uialmi puteb in the (load of

[bt. while tlm el.l mna nml lit»^hntjfiin nroil aMeep. In seleelinir « i e , tako half an, nml dun't IIQ ton puriieufiii- about Ibewiih VJK^ uliloli biw* uiutliDr t'arla.them tn tbu ut'iitest wuodt ami servo

an axe, if you have been out •• ronuhiK-"c nro tltouattuds a f boyn from tha corn-

Ids o f Mie.Ul«i»Q tu tlio melon pate l ies ofirgia who will stnn.l by us in our style, ofdun tbe watermelon,

PIERS0N & Co.'sDOT1IR, If. J.

Linen and Alpaca Goats,Gauze Shins and Drawers,

Camping Shirts and Belts,HAHHHOOK8


We sell a good Unlaundried Shirt,reinforced, with all linen

bosom, for 60 eta.J. H. PIBR8ON So Oo.


iMDfirUat ta Owsars sT LaaaVlnowlieio in our coluiuna tw day appranaxlv«rtiMtnentof Williami, l.'InrkfctX'a:li<3raJoltun«Korti]iKern, whicb ore paidbo tun l*»l ami i:heii|»«*t ever producedenriching the noil. Lund owners will da

II to inoujie atdiit them of any nf the>au,u»y»K<<ute nuniciUu thu advortlae-

• f t e i a l WoUc*.

ill itprsniiH BWlnK Tlia Slu«(>r HniinfautUF-Co. fur leut nt Staving Hiichlnca arc berc-

iKitillLil nfit tt» pay any moncr tn Mr. Jan.laliloy, IIH Im lina left our cmiiloy. Mr. C.

llowlby U \k,,ut for Morriit fount j .Tiih SlMiEearil .Co.

V. I>, SlllENCK, Ant.

Grockar? and 6isst-ware.nvojiint utlilod » eimi]ilct€ siMnninientlrnvr. Al-o fruit citnn, ro^iLK l i»muliea waro.


i oulr•f tlio cinlitceu dead 1'resiJcntn tII> plnre. Two ure burloil ill', tw.. In Sew York, llvcln V i r g i n ,

Nuw HumpHliln>, lVnnnylvan if, Kentuckyllliitnia. Ei«la lio iu privnlo gronnda,

y buriul pluooH, aut Quinsy.

iiu t h e n a nf ibe

OOll Wi

ny thin

kj(rceti-re it h

Tnr [WL( t l ih k

t injor

trnnelnnadelk>ion«, fut cue

IH hut;tiedulj-foia IM tn cuts nn one,




•few nbundaiit. Tproperly, select

i n VUDUWIKII nt>rer earth. Put it omnl it is cno of tlunljlu. Onu.t ri'

id iliflimito csiwi-s nmeh niokuc^t. Dmd (jml improver ntlioa of thn liver tin.cj-fl IH bnd (triliingc i n tlie Iniroaii ttyittvi

lirh Illinluck Hlnod Hitter* will remedy.

funrrnl wltb a mill loll of stiiceri* tnUMISHUJ In HH niclnnrliuly Irllmtaa

in ttie earth aliook.


Tcnvin i sa r-rFAna.><i O A H D I S .


RUPTUREB lR l on wodfrato tnrai

ircqianitt t l i lectinioiitiU In*.tWre-i, P. O »>» SB, HtinhniNt. N ..T.

iirjp otaco In roaitltnoe ol B U T . 3. 3,ar I'rcabitcrUn Ohoroli. I H J













f» pleased to nuke tlio aanauncsmont that Ilia basine«9 has proved a flatteringeueccis wliich h targel; duo to t lo FRESH STOCKS ALWAYS

PRESENTED, fair prices, ami direful business motliods.Ho will coDliniiB to offer as a«aal fall lines of

FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,with tlie best apeciallies in erery department. He ia offering

PILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR,tcbieh never needs a idstloD beyond a (ingle trial, and nnka tbe high-

est in tbo market. In

TEAS AND COFFEES,ho is offering articles tbal never disappoint tho taste, aod is doing Jut Maw »

largo trade io » very

SUPERIOR GRADE OF H IMS,wliioh are sold by tbe slice or any oizo to suit tbe porcbaner. Amoi? other spe-olBllica are tbo best io ill kinds of VoreiRD and Domestic Fruits* Dried Fruits,Hmoknl Mrnltf and Ti*h, Bottled Pickles nod rvervlbiii^ else in tbe line of flnt-class Groceries and Provisions.




•raya » pleasant and well confluctod placo In which in apond a W a n e hears. Laaebc iterved at any time ot tbe dav or evening. 1 am Rlad to a»t that I bare •eenrad

fur my trado tbe faramta

JOS. SCHUTZ MILWAUKEE BEEB,ononaocd by all cotnpelcnt jndgs* f> bo cupprlo'- t o any othar Ifi'wsahca Bj?r in tho

maiket. Alao tha

I*eter HimcK Export Beer,whlcb II alw»y«» prime ir l l f le .


Page 4: TEAS, COFFEES, AMOS VANtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-08-01.pdfvol. xv dover, morris county. new jersey, saturday, august 1.1885. no. 35 the iron ema



e.march.:i*, briirb

rk -H "A?w. r i '

(iriiii Yirfeburg 1,1 viICinliitltiv.-d ID ilKii

Ami Ajiitumiiiiuxii.l

Who. like a -nl.li.-r htu\(-, W

•Wtiile o-fT ill*' lunil. frr.ui twThe sileat teai is iidiiug.

Siill iuh i -vHi* .<&tt].-

I ulul i i l>i . i i , . : l l i l > i . l , . . W - I

iVUr, ln'.W (lit- l.< , , . . [ . • I.M

i ' h c i . l i l w ( , r l . U f ! i . U . t r

A li .ki-ti ..I l i e .-i.i-1-iiw

Tl i i ' j iL ' i i i l iwt . M i l . i l i s i

ALiy l i i l l i i a W i M . , . i i i

Tin- IUIIIM* lillo'L wil

So lut liitui.il> MTo live lon-Vi

Theiii'ldf Ili-M-iWill Ur l is hi

U IHI^JUV ,.,j:i.\*l]il Ik-lil mill'

My N.il.li-111'il In'JUfi.rr- tin- dti

1 li.tleiii'il t.i tin

•itU l ioi•iu f iui

liiii-i lie

•li.il iimart's iv


' v .ml*ilou mmti-iiftilvii.tl

It .^<t,i- . . . I IK-U ii.il in.

Ih'Miruilt, It.(1 touHi liiiit, tn


Mi rlirri-liiil

lUHOllliiirli liiniiii]>uii

»M tlrl


i l l l Ihfliwrtnl.

ln>t ni

i i-olily.in 1:tit.-t iUil tu^r-l

• 1..-ll;i,V

uM-l i i l l tt '

» « •





1 liavu no doubt tbut Liuculn will 1I l ia ••oii.picijou.'i HSnrv of t l io wiir, o n

of tlie greut figures of history. Hi> wra Ri-cnt innti, it vory tfroat num. TInion-I saw uf liim tbe mom this inl-i-eespJ inc. IIo wiia iucutilcnltiMy tligrnittst until I ever hucv. What luntkhim especially IVUH lii a snuwnty, Ikindlier, liis cluar insiK.it into nff.iii

clear policy, Peopli' n:.t>:l tn say tliS-iwurJ rJvVii.VL-il liiuj, «r (IIUIKO or Stuuton, This IVUH u inistnlii1. Ho might up'jinnr to uo Bewuiil's wnj nuo day nmlSUulou'i iiuu.li.-r, but all tlic timu liwas going IIIM own cdui'io UIKI tbey withim. I t was tlmt gentle .irmticsfiii] v.ulying out Im nivn will, n-itlio.it a|>i>i.reiforce or (ridiuu, tb:it funned tlic lias.of liii character.


Tlic lection for wliicli J.iclison in f,uionsiinJ which iiL-liJLV<Jil HLKJII reuiuilablti results bi'loii^cd nutirdy to (lio tnglutting at the war mul to the pi'dilii!comlitioDS untier wliiHi tlio ..•ariic•mltles were fuagtit. Tbey wuul<Lavo in sum] ilwtriiL'tioii Io unynmuilor who trici] tli em upon Shmwuj,Tlio til as, Sheridan, M.';i..f, or in fuel uiof our ^rcat generals. OoDsequcntljJackson's fame na a geiu>ru. depend]upon ncliicTcincuU cniutj licfore LigfiDonlstiip was tested, before lie hudctiauce of matching binutlf with a reull;great com u a uder, No doubt so ebliand rntiuot a miin us Jjcksou, wlicworked so linrd ut noylUiu^ lie attempt-ed, would lisvo adapted himself to ntnconditions aud riaen witb tbein. Hdial before bis opportunity. I ultra;respected Jackson jiPisoiiiilly and eslecoipJ liis fciucero nud ronuly cburaeier

AT THE BEGINNING 01" THE IVAl.lUuCiellan WOM thi>u in Cincinnati in

conuuuud. l ie bail been appointed Ma-jor-Ueuernl in Ibe regular army. I widelighted with tbeappoioiinent. I klicMcCIellun nnd Iiud groat eotiflJiiuou ioliitu, I Lave, for that imttcr, uuter lostniy respect fur MuClellau'scboiaotor not-my couflileuco iu bis loyalty and ability.I saw ia liim tiit; man who was to piioua through, and I Hunted to lio on hi•tuff. I thought tlmt if be woubl inukime a Mujor or a LK'titeuaut ColoiielcouM ho uf use, nud I wanted tn bo witbhtm. So wheu I ciuie to CincinnatiWCttt fo tlie headquarters. Several oftheBlaff officem were trends I bad knownia Ibe arm;. I asked one of them if tbGeneral wo a in. I was told bu bad jtisgone out ami wa» asked to take a at al.Everybody was to busy tbut lliey coulds o t Bay ft word. I wont oTerto"visit to on old tuwy fiitml, Uu•nd wbilo there learned tbut Guv. Hntes,of Illinois, bad undo me a Colonel vVolunteers. Still I Eboutd like tu IK.VCjoined McClellim.

FREMOXT.This pouipand crreiuooy was common

at t i c beginning of tlie «ur. AfcCloIInnhad tbreo tituca ns muuy men with quillsbcliind tbeircars as I had ever foundteeensorr at tlte bcuJqiinrtew of a tnocblurger command. Fremont Lad us miii'hstate ns a sovorcigu nnd WOH aa difficultto nppronul.. His licad^iinrtcrs nloucrequired as much transportation as adivision of troops. I was under hit, coinaDd * part of tlio time nnd rememberbow imposing was bis manner of doingbuaiuiJE?. He sat in a room io full uni-form, with bis maps befora him. TVbenJ O D went in be would point out on<or auoiber in a mysterious manner, neverftflklDp yon to lake a scat. You leftwitbont the slightest idea uf what bemeant or what be wanted yon to do.


McClellan is to mo ono of tbe mjstor-ies of tbe war. As a young liian, be wasalways a mystery. He had the way ofinspiring you with Ibo idea of immcnsi;capacity if lio woald only have a cban<Then be is a man of unusual accomplish-ments, a student nml ft well-read man. Ihave ucTcr studied hia campaigns enoughto mnke up my mind aa to h\n militarrskill, but all my impressions nru in binfavor, I have entile CDBtitleDce ia Me-C ellan'c loyally anil patriotism But theteat which wus applied to him would beterriblu to any man, buing made n MajorGeneral at the begiuuing of tbo war. Ithas always seemed tu me tbnt the criticaof McOlellnn do not oooaider this vast•nil cruel KBponaibility—-tha war n newtbiog to all of us, the army new, every-thing to do from tbe ootset, with a rent*leu people and Congress. McClellanWas a yonag man when this devolvedupon b in and if lie did not succeed itwan beoaiUB the conditions of traccesawere io trying, If McGlellan bid goneinto Ibe war an did Sherman, Xbomai orIf cade, hid fought bis way along und•P, I have no reason to sappoM hewoald not Lave BOW M bigh • diatloctioow any ol aa.


Tlic inirc-U io tlio fifti wuy proposed b ;

me in ;i htUT to Hulfcek before I left tbeV\V.ti.'i'u iinuy ; my ubj«<clite point witM iltiK'. It mis mil u hiuidt-u iu»i>irnliL-nnit a l<ij£<i-al movi' iu tin' \;a\uv. It w.i:

:ii.- ti. sttliinjr In !>.- tliiu.-. W-- lin.1 i;nmia f.ir into tbe ^JUtb tii.it \vu U:nl Io at

WVcjul.lUt. foi uut going

unrcb, IbillL-l, tilt'

• c-.-rUiiily

• A-'lury bLlongtuSbfr-inyht uiueli us tiI [irt'iiiiiiit' it t*rf«- up

> v,iih SLennuL ;ban' tliiujisiilwiiy-i

J m ft-rtik< tbul t

tli in/! limn tin' HOM

lIH 1'tAi.t.d.-liglitL-d at any

i'l I ii.i war. I m v n

T I , 1 did not mint to ^o Iu VI'uiiit. ll.v ii|)|i(iinlmi'ut wna un n

dfiit IIIK] l'n.r fitili.-r had tu lino bis

tllH.liiv t," lull,., hn -i). If 1 c-OtlM 1

capii] Wvt I'uint without briiif.

y-i'll iiitii ilis^rucuut home 1 would

mo 1 fiiti'nd the Ai'iidi'iiiy Uiori' wen

ui'pridi'd at any promiuenca b

iliulir.li W.-.-l 1'oinL Imeiltol'iok<.-vu

.In; i>;i]icis and ri'Eid ibe CHIRH'SS n

:.i)ri.f willi cigci'iirbS to seu tbo projfri.'.1-

li* Will imtdi', nml i..:-iM«- to li.-rir tliu

lit: .-choul bud been nbulisho.li.ua tli.i

! <'IHII.1 W-> Lnmo Io my faliier witln.u

M'iiif,'in ilifi^i'.tiT. I never wont into

j.-Ut!e willingly or vvilh I'litlmsiuMD.

A-UJI ulwujtt tjlud wlitiu n buttle wus ovt-i

1 t;.ktMiiiiui.Ti-st iu iinuii's. WIn'ulli

Uuko of Cuiuliridgo ttkkcd uio to reylui

bintiujtis ntAtdursljot I iulil bisiuyjul

HiyLness tlmt tho uuo tliiug I never

tvuiilLi] to bet; ngniii was n inilitnry pa

rude. WIIL-II I i-L' 'nwl fruiu thu aruij

hi> iviiflliou cimu I rutnrtu'd to thnscr

rirt' becmsc it was u duly. I hud no

lin.iv.l.t of rank ; all I <li<l was to try

Hprnkii;f.' tif Ihu uutuMu iimu I Im

met hi I'liirupi1, I fi'Riinl HIMII troll uini

liduibcllit ii Ihe j;lfUlcht. I MIW ii youd

[K-lll (if Ill-nUlvk ill ilrl-lin ILI1.1 bttLT IU

tiustciu, nud hud ti lung titlk witb him.

IK' iiu|)rc?H:^ you us a f,nv:it mail, (liuu-

tla .dho iiiipiess-til me grually. I vat

it Kur|»ii«c-il wb(!ii I met him, to EUO Ibt

l»owcr liu wivIJi-1 over IVauce. I shniili]

lit 111'

light ttlluiu in tlie futuif. I wn* very

iu uuh pkascd with tbe Rtjpublican leadersiu Fr.mci!. Tlit-y sct-uicil a superior dodyif UICD. Mv iMiilioiis witli thi'iu gnVL'rat? i\Y<j-.d hopes fur thi) future of tbe republic. Tbry were Lieu apparently of

use, wi.-:i]uin UDI] mfiileraliou.NAl'uLEOX.

I have nlwaya hml uu iwer^ioii to Na-pulcuu anJ the Mliolo family. When I«-:ia ill Uerminiek tliu Prince Imuiriuluas H i m , und sonio thouglit it migbtlie ploasaut i't.r me to moot him. I do.Ji imi, Haying I di.l uut want to nco hi in.if iiuy uf liis/nmily. Of con rat' the flrslumptiriur wus a yvoiit (,'L'iiiuSi 1'ut oue ofthe uiii^t etiWUU and cruel meu iu liilory. Uiitci.du of bis uiilitury skill, I douutEuo u rudtioming trait iu bia cliaraoIT. He abased France for bis own•mis, uud brougbt incredible dtsunteranpun bis own rounlry to giutify bin sel-tUb nmliitioc. I do not think any guniuscm cxcnsi! n crime like liint. Tlio third

in wus worse tli:m the first, Ibe1 fiiomy of Atui'rici and liburLv.

—From John ]t>tw!t Toung"! AromitltheWarW trith (!en. Grant.

(..•• UrMt't B M I .rant's Hbara of tlio prne<?i>ihi of

(ion. Grunt's book. " Turaonul Mumoirsof U. ti. Grant," will Im bntvooii i'Mi.-DOOnnd 6&Ot>.U00, iml.iiahur G. L. W,t.itorsnys. The guarantee sales nf2(r>.-01)0 wets of bottkfi ulreutly maOo l>y agenlaassured her 9JD0.UOU. Four thousand«cnta were now gathering subscripliona,mil tlio number was noon tu bo iueieasetJoC.OUO. TboworiwilllicisauediotnroIuracH, Io be published separate)*,iitmut the Brat Jays of December aadMarch nest, respectively. Tbey bothwill be told t\\clanivelj by nubscriplion.Mr. Webster uuils for Europe on Aug, 1

urraugc for tbo publication of the bookFuRlaml, Frauce, Gurmaor, Italy,

ul Aiibtrin. Norwegiau nnd Portuguesepublishers have tnnilo nvertures to pub*

li tho book. Mra, Grnnt will bnvclarg-J percootPge cmbe Bute of the booh

A M)l IHKKSTbo Keirs und Courier of ( harlpaiOD,

S. ('.'., iu its Grant ciliturml suiys: " Hap-

i>y lit; \vus iu 0110 eiistj in tbo liiuu of bis

dumb; hud hia life uudud but 11 few years

since, the mmirnintf f«ir th« ereat lei.di.-r

would liuve betii uiim: or k-si sectiomil

in iis iiLiiiifchtittion. Pyiuy ns bu uow

Uuiuu, uutl Hie surriin

O n

u his h.-it tiny,

yulitth'whileII*. tuovirturiilie wus tbu ft,i

ago (ten.

ui; Horlb.

L-mo.st giii

i' UiiiicU .Suites, of lSorlhutnl


"Nuwlicic was the Lli&crimiuntiutf n;-

yiinl for liim uioiv louder tlmu in tbe

States uliii-li used lu dtibcribu him as

Mun-lyiu Ibe r^b-UuHi.' Tlio cau

i.i nuniiL'tl iu Kj?hitna iu won), uutl

siieei'HSl'iil gi'iK'nlis-iiiio u[ tbe IIi

furees i iiiuiuin'il by Month nnd X

together. It Dealt-j oue thing to

tliu bL'UlbhuiL'u <if couteul. It Iieeili

ITIIn Jt't-tiiratioD of t'oufliionci! ID him

it fcoldit-r uud uf mltuirution of bil

-h. TIWs at'knoivlfjdt'iDLint, wliicl

bud lu-uii dvuied him nguiu

ig.tiu wliilii the w;ivia uf uiisfurtuu

vi'i-e jet ut. hiss fiet, was nccorJcil b

by thuvoiccof Ni'illi nod Huitib ulik

is us Oeiniral of tlirt artiiica of tli

ud H'titM that Ginierul Grant v.

liuUl iu niijit jityini-s und hononblu n

•'iiibrniicn by th' North. And 1>v tli

•t uf Isortli mid Siitith aliko be ilidl i

t'lu-ral of the m-uiics of tho Unitu

-State--. Jit tlii.s uet the whole dislnuc

biitw.-en lvGS uu.l 1885 was hriilguduvo

Tliefiurtb had uo tliou^lit HIVH of II

II ufA|Ji>oiua(t<>x, uiiil the Houtli Im

Ihoii^'lit Biivo of him who told II

in nud vugged CuiiftJerjto BOKIIITS I

e's iinuy tlmt they must tuke the

iioiKOa. liomu witb them, us tlwy noul

fed tlioui for tlic tpriug sowing, am

'ho throw bis suldiei-ly honor iuti> tb

.'.ili1 wLcu Andruw JaLllsou WIIH IKKK

jp; whet tier bo should, by urios'iug 0

li . 1.. Lee, violuie the tornis uf tlifi Con

•miti surrender nut) iho Hum-lily

tint purulu. Tliure ia tju much in ULU,

tit'seaieer tbut is pleamut to re me:

bir, why islioiild nnjuni! nct'k fnrtbor li

iltiou to disclusu V Long ngo iu

.'sengt' to the people of Ihe Unit PI

IUH ho iiHod vortls which Bocined

lekt'ry. There was tlieu u peace whiu

wus woiaG tbuu wur. Itut pinet' bt

II L1 turuugbouttlit! hi nd ; (leace ia Hi

Noitb aud pence in Ibo South. Tb<

cojiilry is ouu tigaii), iu liuirt, tbuugb

nnd bopo. Tiio ^n?:it soldier who h

n bluoiltlie fui.uihUioiiBuf thin ti'coni

tud more enduring uuinu is now at rut

Let us liavo wface,' bo said yi*ar;

igoun, nml buve. In Ibeir henrts

simls, in tli in time uf pence, lliem i>

nauyht hut ro^urd and regret for liii

fur whom etrifo aud disquiet nxe ui

tir. The goon will of all, vhelbe:

ivtofoic fiieads or not, wna bia in h

jny, Dud will iibidu with hia nanio fo

Tbe (luocral'i. Jo:Uh, as his pliysipietlictcd it would be, W:IH duo Io shreiu\liuutjtlou. l>r. Hlirady midweeks iigo tbut tliero wuulil uoma a tiinebow soon lie could not tell, wbon liOenernl would bu uuub'o lon^r to lnk<uourisument, aud that Ibeu the emwould bo ocai*. II« roacUod tbut poiuiiliiy before yesterday, and Irom that linn

aot Kleadily down litll witb uo hopesuvirig him. Tlio Uttlo strength i

tiicli ho liogercl so many boars wndue tu tlie consumption uf hia owu ti:HUPS with uo possibility of replenUbin

•a hudii-d he weiybtd mucla tlinii 100 pounds—a tuere skeleton,

In bin tliin lai

iu foruigu e Gcu. Grant'sivu uu moneyed interest iu tbo book

The publishers bavc now complete DUID-uacriptH uf boib volumes, Tbey hav<Uo first volume io lypi1, aud Bud that iljutuins 584 pages iimtead of 501), 38

oliaptem instead uf iu, and IS mapsiostoad of 5. TIIQ Keeood volume

mtuin nbout CM i>aRt» instead of fiOO,t cbnpten iustradof Su, and from .10 t<

40 maps instead of 6, na represented allirst. Bound in tree calf the books coslf-j:> & net.

irant's Horsemanship in BoyhoodLike many fitrmer boy.i, be was very

'ond of horses, and, though u inert' tad,iweJ grtat tdu.1 ! • tuunn^ing them1 nctiuirei] a knack, no olio liuew how,

if breaking them topnee. Most of thei of boyhood differ but little

from those which make up tbe life ofboyaot poor pnrenU, whose necessitieicompel them to work .osteal uf play.Some of them, hoircrcr, exhibit • thoseraita which have since distinguishedJim—in fact, bavc led to hit success.Fliat tenacity of purpose, which DO ob-stacles or dangers could shake, v i s .HUB:»tod in tlie persistency with which he

:e cluog to a ciicus-pony that be wasindaceil to mount in tbe ring. TheIruiocd little animal could not, witb itiitmoit effort nt shake liim off; and tlie

disappointed to see binlucceed, where other a always failed, letoaeu tnoukey, which sprung up behind!im, aud mounted on his nbonlder and

began to pull him hair. Tbe spectatorsihoutcd, and the pony s!niggled stilluore franticjlly Io get rid, of itn rider ;mt Ulysses, witb hia face wearing tbeame imperturbablo expression it iifter-ycars wore in battle, roJc, on, antillouy and riog-master bad to giro it up.-Fivm Ailtattce Sheet Ueadle\i» Life ofntnl, J-:. It. Trrat, Xetc York;

As finally decided upou, Con. Grant'sjth'n will be of oak RHO lined with cop-ir. Tlie coTeriag will be of a darkado of purple silk velvet and the lining

riU be of a cream Bat in, tufted, wilb niream satin pillow to match. The casketrill bj open its full length with plate;ia«3 top, the handler will be extension>ars of solid Biker to ran tbe full length

the casket. The inscription plate willD of solid gold, Bil inches long by four

inches wide, and will contain only thename ' V. S. Grunt.' \Fbeo tbe burialtakes place Ibe casket will be encased ini red cedar boi, polished, wbicb will beined witb lead, This will be sealedermctically nnd put inW in oral shapedsel box which will be ririted together.

H« \mrtm two sisters—Mra. Cramer:

id Mrs. Corbia—who lite in Jersey

rt>larme lie knew that death was neir atbund, but he did not fear it in tkc least.Hu bid uot, in fuct, from the firnt BLOWany dread of death, bis only apprehen-sion biiviug been that the cod would l>cuecompuokd by titremo piio. Bia dttors assured him that he should no

iffer, aud they took such measures tbalie did not. His dissolution was sbsclutcly puioless. Fiom midoiglit uotitlie moment of liii deaih lie never uadra motion, except In opening LIB cyenand io now and (ben fitiotly ttirring binlipa when • wet cloth was applied ttheoi.

FACTS AIOUT GHAUT.His mollicr diet, over a year ago. Hti

father has liceo dead) seven] years.

One of bis requests was that bo aitoalibe allowed Io sit up and not die ia bed.

His lust public npeech was gt OceanOrove a yeitv ago before the ChristianCommission.

He leaves three eons and one diQflhtei—Fred, U. H., Jesse nnd Nellie, all mar-ried— anJ cigbteen grandebifdreo.

i mother was an cntbasiiiBtic Mett-odiat, and telieveil in piTsoDal holinessand tbe nearness of tbe second com ing.

F J I several jean lie owned a home inPhiladelphia, bat be never occupied it.It was lost, with nil tbe test of theefTectiia tlie flmtoeifll crash.

Until given over to tbe govemmcDt,ill tlio souvenirs of his European (ripwera i t the office of George W. Cbilds,to whosoenstody bu confided tbutu.

Tie bvHbiud of Ndlio Grant Bartoriihis Jaogblor, is an Eafflisimian, in only

on, aud a nephew of Funny Ketnble,tlie octrfs*, wiio beeaiae Mrs, FicrroBull.r, tf Fhlladelpbia.

When i boy, if ho ever went beyondpiece, he never retraced his footsteps,hut took a roundabout tour to reach thidestination loine otbur way. He oftensail he attributed his success to a leeolution tuken in youth, to " never turnback" in any andcrUking.

Gin. Grant smoked his list cigar onthe &Otb of November, 1&81. Ia a letterto & friend mentioning Ibe circumstances,ho (aid ha bad smoked many thoaatindsof cigars, and tbey bad been bis greiteat

; through the last j e a n of thewar on tlie battlefield.

A HMdMH't TributeOn tbe sidewalk at tbe upper part of

Broad WQJ is a wooden shinty where ailorcd wan shines boots for five cents.

During lie night the occupant has black-ened his abauty by aid o( bis brush andbut. On this be placed rosettes ol wbitemuslin. Over tbedoor is a cbrnp en-graving of Grant, ifi tli a bordfr of black

id white muslin, and baneulb are Ibewords, mitteu with a marking brash.

Gen. Grant left no will, but his ln-ttrnctionftasto Ibediapotition of all hblittle effects were written from t ine totimewitbiu the patt few weeka and given'to Col. Omnt. Gen. Grant left no prop-erty whatever. The interest in hti bookbelongs to his wife, the contract witbIhe publishers being signed by her.

Historians will differ as to the qualitymil character of Oraot'slife, but all «illigret that hi> death was brave and no-ble. HU achievements proved him Iobe a master of men not more clearly thanbia weary illness anil heroic death showedMm to tw muster of himself.

r.RANT THE SOLDIER-Jjiiuiolti and Grant were Ibo pur

si in pie prmiucM of ouruiUioniil bii

life ami iu-jhltiliniis. Tiny are uot eoiii

parable with Iho jyvut htuleameo i

ivuriurs t>f Eiirnpu. Tlieir fmna

UH'UIH voii' Auicric.in, And llio c

tr;ih!s bfwceii Gnttituuil the ouly fii

sohlior nf fbe hist liuudrtd yrars, win

lifrsamiiicbievfiii.'iits with Ihoso

liMOtletl to vielory, will only euu1

tin1 sulier atliuii'.ilioti »f our own fjn

mililjry b.-i-o. Tbu forees uuder Untnt*

eijiiisi.iuiil wen f;.i' lai'giT tb'in thusit Ih

Nupuk'tiu ova-T Jed. The uiilitiiry opcr

tlona of [bo former ivero fxlciiiled ovi

afurlarcfriin'a <if .•nuiitry, otiinluctci

uudur BrJaU-r difBeiiltioy of unrapsii.

nml supplier, nnd o^.iiust f.ir >uor

iliui^nn,, uul mme akilftilly

hiii-oiLMlly h'-l foes. " In the c.nn

pjltfua uf 18Ci uii.l 18(15," Hityu M

Uluiuit, in bi. very ciiufully piepun

uud aceunitt! li .slcr.v-" the unnif.-t

thi; Uuiuii cMntuiiicd in Iho nygre

uct k-sa tliiiti n uiihioii of moti. Tin

inuvL'meut.jijf all Ihu vast forcca wen

kept it barmony by hia coiui>rcbi;i

mind, and iu tlic wninl cmiHutnnu

wlu'rb iusnivd I'uioti riui Llhcrty, hi

tliu liiiL'filury ol'bis roautiy." "Crili

ciMii ofliis inilitnry tkM,"ulai>aa>s Mi

JJJuiue,'' in but idle clutter iu the fa

of mi uubl'uken earei'i' of victory. Oe

(iraut'w c.nn|iuigiis wens vaiiuj in tin

reijiiiroiiieiilH, ;mil lint for Ihoferliiily

bia resources und bis nuboiiiliDg will

might ofifii have < iiJuJ in ilii

ti-,'11. (iriiut |)os cfiseil in tlie lii

.leftiufj that faculty which is taunt

all I'ljuiiuuiiili'L.-—tliu fai-ully uf iiupai

ing through tliu i-.mlt and tile of bis nni

(Iii3 eainc do<criuiualimi to wiu wi

wliHi he w,\* liin^ulf nlnnya iiHinrr,!.

Napokou tirst wou I liu power Im hail

owri i i e ! byleadinjr soldiori who

• i'llwIthtbulropwlynsHirtpdRitiKt!

iiudiuspirdi willi.i faith which C;ir1yl

FIIJS was u m.raclu. "Oat of tli

piitiwwnt rnlihisli of Hkejilieisi

SiiiMiali^ii, hullow M.iclimvlli,:!!, MI

II f.iilb bus verily ri?nn ; flaming iu tin

heart of u {niojile. A it hole puoplr

Ou)p mi«jry, WliL-vt'4 tliut il is witbiu

i-mii'b ol n Pmti'i-ual Heuvcn on Kirlb."

To »:icli mjldit'iK, bulieviii},' lhat Ibe;

inii^l l,v,. their liberty nud all hop

u ii less they uverc.miu the liireliug i

Niijti'teun ^ivtM.i;ci|iliiie, niinplc tuclic

the iuft|iiriition of n liiiiivelloiia present

aud (lit) genius «f couimon tunsc, un

wns cirrid onwur.l by lli<! revohition^i

l'uice.s uf bJH tiiin'. ilt: fought eoemii

liui.ly led, awkai'illy haudltd und tardi

moved, encumberej by iibsunl an

antiquated tucttci and buviiiu no stuiuapimtinna OH tired tboFiencb arwicwitb tuaiabalB ewifily promoted fiom tlieiault>, Whet), finally, tlie force orUt volution hail spent itself iind Nupo'.eoconfronted the steady tuilitiry aagueitund Grant-like tonaoity ondstubboruno>f Wellinglou, the most brilli.iut of ix.il

taiy heroes met bia fate nod bad to sinrender.

Gmul led o million of sober citizensin aims, witb centuries of aelf-gomcot behind tlein, who had tlelibeidedicated their livea to Ibe preservationof uo actual, practicjl, beneflcoDtgovern.

ir, and who felt neither cotliuaiuor pluasnre in killing their late fellow-

:eii3, but Were solely auatuined bysense of doty and au intelligent apprrciution o( the incalciilablo prccioo

i of tbe Uuion anil of tlie powers andrigbtaof tbe Nation. They wci» ustimulated by lovu of glory or hopeiwift promotion. Tbey fought to re

store and uot to destroy. 'Shay wen:iviliane, and to the

and were glad toeiuk back quietly intotlio masa of the citizenship wbco theitruggie wus over. Tliey could ouly

have been led to victory by a uiiin wli<was one of tlienisclves, not u uosqucroior Boekvr fur glory, but a cttiaon aoUlliug for all tliut makes American eilizunship vuluublo, Tbejr cbiof was opposedb j leaders tliougbl to be bia snpeririin the art of war and io genius fur comraanj—sDt-b as Lee and tb« Jobneloos,tiio Southern people were more mililb j nature, tuoro familiar with tlie DBB Oarms, with courage ami gallantryunexcelled and fighting for their owboaie*. But whenever and wb?reveiOrantR capacity was put to tho test iwas proved equal to tlie emergency, antbe emergencies were ns varied us great.Hi* achievements and h u e kept stead il,growing to the end, while Napoleon'*later career was ft ceries of blauders anddisasters, ending with Waterloo ind St,Helens.

Grant in the Mexican War.At the outset of tbe campaign Hcotl

hod called the West Point ofticcra about» »nd told them that tbe way enteringI " with n nailer around bis neck,

with "thevHiiffitnt Washington," urn•aid he, **I expect you, my youngfritmb, tu t/tt (hit hulter eft for me.Grunt wan one of the brave ufflceri whodid get it off,

At length, Grunt had i". o prond satislotion of ii.!iog into tbo gr.md plnz.1 u

tbe Mexican cupiiul beside liis com nundcr, and seeiog tbo sturs imd stripeshoisted on ils public buihlingn. Tiioyoang officer, stasdiug proudly iu theueart of the couquereil city, nnd tiio tincr'n eon witb his pole uud buukflsbiDgout hides from his father's vat*, prea ulrikiugcoutruat.umlyutsucb, iu someroimorolber.ourrepublicauiuttitutiims

ish every year, to tbe tutouialmientof Ibe wuild.

Tho siege, tbe toilsome imrcl, Ibeconsummate alralcgy txuibil.'d inevervitafwrtant movement, tbo bloody tattles,furnished a tchool in which yonag Grantwas truincd for a posiiioa of whicb betuen little dreamed.—From AdvanceSheets Heaillc/s Life of Grant, E. B.Treat, Jfev York

The livea of men like Lincoln, andurneld and Grant ore like towers that

iliow tbo lofty possibilities which lietcro American manhood. Tii«; point

to the hisliUnds of manly endeavor andillumine tho pathwaya that lead to thesummit.

Tbe Union preserved, .far bis monu-ment ; the hearts of bis countrymen, forbia ippnlebrc; the gratitude of sixtymillions, for bia epitupb—such are tuepeople's homage to tbe hero of the Re-public.

The g r« t captain in nil his careedespatched bat oneflng of truce to thnemy. Tlmt was the large white soultbitb ho sent from Ibe Iingclaf death.

muntnin Io thi

Grant's patriotism was not measured>y Ike measurements of latitude—he woior the Coioo, There was no scction-liatD ia bis taagnnnimity—lie wes an

A life like Grant's in ua iaspiiatton toio yontb of a nation, anil a death likeia is a benediction.

" Let as bare peace."


^tulfii-itil Fevem,VITA COMFUNF : KEVPi>iiT, N. J. t April24, '85,

I)I:AII BIKH—* * * 1 U»il IJton euffurbR wi

twuutv v. « I P . until my )if>> Jind lucomo a tit<l.:ti KM'IIU. Tho kat niincli, wliu'l. waa U<v. arnwnco, U.iTiteo^l U Ifinniiiiil- fatalTlir<Mi-li my 1irnlli<jr-iii I.iiv, whn lia-J been IivuiljTtiri'i] (irftvurantl sj;uo. I lie«rii of 1i'lii.N.unil proenriuf; tlieiu. A&BL'uru<l by tin

Unur. I UKict. flttuifullv inn! ranii'stlyrccoil \hem TILLS tu all KiUIVnug from II

l Jl \heable



H T B E E T J , NEW YOfiK.

'uaoFEAH FL.v5.-ill frnnt IOODIB, fromilif u|iWa.rd«. Teiitiltatimi perfi-ci. Nvniu<l mJ rurulttae<l Iu licttt aijle Loo.Iunitro ir 'lie •l)oleua!>> dry j ootl< iu<i fiJiM.ririiilet. E«Nviii'ae«io »ll ftrricn imi uf interest in tbo oily. lu-8in

(MOBHIK AND ESttEX DiVUIOK.)potiinWew Vort.fuul of

UonutafcutiiiiK JIUhDAl, J.

LbAViuAivW kC

iu tirnutLiur Uuuntuu; tliuCtiiiatttir Uraucli t>t Vuv _.auuiitMHiuuttaBUUbtBtcr i Lliti bUsiul Ukilrui

uuim; Liii)i>.,L. i W. tt- li. »t WL . .

dcrikntuu, uuiklianitDu, Utics, lli^lillc'il>riuK»iduiuur,iji>riUu(l,HyrtfluBc, ~iuu uoittli uu ib« Ltmlmwuion tnUuurg mid Uulawtrt uitu tiudiuu IU

" '" " Vs.lluylii.ilti aud u j i w JISIII, Hanob Unauk, ttua41n« a

iiarri«l)aiii.At t i i W i , M. VuiKliftaitLU Hill (Dr»wini

Uuuui UMKHiVwlieaj iruiu h«M lixk vl».fDKUII »udilotmtou,ruiu tbrungu tu W»ik | tftrulaburg tforuiton Ut«»t Jh»iitlUiui(L*ial<Mi. uon&GuiiUK at l>overJuvitlur tUUioad, ml Waterloo witli duUaiirotd fur Andov«r, Newton and alluuiiHi i t U«lkw*rt> witb tilairstowi) Uf,,dvnutou, witb ttlounitmrs UivUiuu taw hittun, Kingston, WUkesburt. Danville. NorLuubtirteud, Ite. I'MKHigurB tttUtog itramffuoi New Vork^attmon ftmlHuotito»u counoet »l WulilngtiiB with traint'inllipuburg, KMton, Uotblobau, 411DB»D«IUuriNburttnudMtintH on tbo Lei>>%ii VaUei

I ta i lr t land Baiqncb>HD« Itailrtatla :rK with Belviderc Utvulob vl P*.bofijtiln, TNDtoo J P b i U i l hA M B d

Dr» wing Boom C M . ) W.ter a » , H t . . .barR, SorantoD, BiDBUmluu, OwtRo, ItbLW.' .vrl j . t lonr. , M .uut llorrlt .D,l UuHtl,

AlV.tO A. M. Uorer AdflonmadftUoiiAt 10.IWA. H. Uuftr AiTommodmlijAt»»"«« M. tfastuu Kipruu.At 1:H) V. M. liulrt kiprwt, DnwlH Ho<ainatUclud raw tbfoa|l> to WaferOafltMM

I scnwtoa BiaghMituBMftMiMMdUavi

r . *v»» — — _^f iwVv» . • I mil • » • • . ! • >l

" I , " New vnork'at3.w p . M (BasloD Kiprusjuonueotint al Waterloo for indtNowtou and Bra&tliTiUo, and »l PuUUpsilwith Lebiib Talltv Baiirosd and Leklgli _jhu^uobanna X. K. for Betliklien.UienMwi

4.io r*M. Wai7r0 "Special f«r all Ihe nnii-r ri'tmtri: Like Uoij*toong, Budd'tiL*Ncnuultiv's Mountain, Water a* |),8lronilbtj.iKartf, etc.; counociH at Voter nflb trainducoi-xiiiint »ad cumier; at Witiifluoiuiiovur, Kewtun uutl iliuaciiviilu; si Wmgiuu wliu trilu (ur riuliitMburK, £ms

«<iM» P. 'M., Purer Ex'presi for finmi

»—-~ « d beUwiw IlSliWsL) fJbiU.Madwou.Morriatc.wu.llitockawayandDorar.

At »<** P. H. (gaeketi i M i t b B i l .Cliathaiti.lUiliMii

nmt and all aUtium treat to Haokvttown, connecting at Waterloo witb traiuAudoverkodKewton.

*:<*• P.M. Oawegoaud Bufialo Bt. (rom MeiVork(«leopii»BO«r»»tt»cbeii) via. PateraoniBoor.ton tbrongb to Water dap, Stroudsbnrg.jfcrt men, BingbaaloD, UBIC, Marat boa, Curland, Huwer, Syiacnic aud OHDCRO.AtBiogbamion with train for Gnene.OBford.

NurwicS, Biobnetd Bpriosii, Utiea, Ac. ""train ruHi throufb to Oswego Buffi IoRiehHold Vpringa (bat not tu Ilbnoa) 8mlauruinaa.

At ttiW p. M. Dover Accommodation forubatham, Monialown and Dover.

for Beroanlaville, BaaaiDRndge, LyoniMilllngtoa.mir1itiK,aUlaUe,BerkcI«vHelgiDilalTitatiom on Paasale and DolavareR. (N. J. Wfist Line Patlrotd) 7:89,10:10H.and4:»and8:»P .M.


OswegoKspreis* 5.38Dover Eapresi 0:58

rftt^rG.iiS^c.'HjIOE»Mtcn Eipreii U:UDover AMom. 11:30

BlnBliimt(iB Bi.* 13:17thiver Auburn. ]J:4SE«itoo Hall 8:44B.lli Eiprtil* AMDover Aoeom. ft:60Bulftlo Riprew* §:10Kuton AGOOB. 8:H

Tia. BvoatoD BrtMh.

a. • . WUTK0CID A.]Biagh'ton Mail* ftCaaton llail 9:HutUJo E l ( . ' 10;Dover Accom, II:

DovarAceom. l irEutonEiprew SiOOlla lra Fipreu* •)*,b i l o n E I P M H 8!»Water 0«i)S|.oc.«J,IODover Eipreii «:90H-kcttaluwnCip.T:!O w E ' 83


•AnWAUii i i r>at.rt v. A . • . A • i1 w

i».irt i.o. a.so DhMtar ?.as ii S 1 «

ifiif1.11 11M (.IS

FHILADELPEIA 4 B E A D M Q I . I .•aw jsaaict caKTaai. UIVIBIOM.



ruauaii iMTion:. low, fool or Uterlj « . , «««fc riT-.



A.M. A.M. W.M. r.U


fevaiiuan Vjf




! IHIill


:B!a•.«• l i f tM31LMUT1MItUllU

• 10•.1€.i«.l

. I.MJi.4i .41 ?.|


r imtmA&

oektvayiH. h.W. r . H . V . M . V . I f*». *«• at* aai. ar. H. r_ ai. ar. I

«»ay l.9D»as un l.to i.i~~.J*~. 1.819.13 1.38 1.40 5 siS5« SSHv—;.-• ••«••« }•« »•'• »•!»i sa l.is

i V t i l e . . ; . : . ; 6.U7,00

r a 7 c s o i.as8 9.5*

Vernoj ,' I'M

lif hBria^.'A*rri« 7M

j.thT:: Jj £«,fr-jnt.ti;."^;; II I'M

' 10.00• 9.H9


. M A B• 9th A Q

New York

A.M.I.K.A. v.r M r M7.(10 8.1510.45 LI% o aa7.os I D i o . i l i.u i7.U i.son.(at»

. For ait .utiun. to Oadea .1 H:i!) 4.Oonver»n«. nn bo proenred it Q

"Sf Io .ad Irorn 8clinol.fi KoonUla m lo.ou ftoni BuJj'i Like.

! 0S""1™IOM-<tal"" ! l1"1 "J from Eaiton. TO0mN.«cn.».r.B,r. '0.0. BAHCOCK, o™. Tu,. A TVk 48-|

BUILDING LOTSFOR SALE!I have three large

lots for sale on Ran-dolph Avenue.

I have five lotsfor sale on Blaekwelstreet, near the riverbridge.

I have flft)-eightlots for sale on FcnnAvenue, 1st, 3d, 3d,4th, 5th and 6th Sts.

I will sell any or alof the above cheap forcash; half mortgageor all mortgage, andgive all the time re-quired. Apply to



Is the best blasting powder In the imirket.

Is 35 per cent, fctrongeithan any known exploslm

Is not as dahandle or transport.

Is plaotlc and producesmuch less fames.

Ii waterproof andbsold AS low as any othei

high explosive.

Tat iur i iu .'ordti Piriir k"f( Cs.Office: 55 Liberty St., H. Y.

Wtrki: Draketvllle, N. I.


ntcun Tuum in anmhaa located lilmaeir ID

No. 6 BRICK BLOCKCor. Blackwell and Morris Ste.f

formurlj o con pied b ; Wliitiuck A Lewis, aiI> noir read; to allow liia

aaid K i l l Mlcctc< a l ack

to Li. |>atrons,>nltable fur the Maaon, both


Piece Goods,le*erj- ileicrfiitlon, both foreign kod doulea.

ti>, and vlll mako

SUITS TO ORDERat very ujtnJurato pricei.

Geils'vForaisliiivGooflsID abupdduce and at w»y down prlow.

MATSof l ie Uti -t itjrleM for the KySl . Tlio pM

lie will be wull rowar.led by cuni.Qiagtli* prleoi licfore parobuioi MIM-

wben at




MOURNING MILLINERY,Mn. John P. Wltheridge,

PORT ORAM, N. J .liasjatt laid in R 1BH« alook of (lie iwMflb nhe fa twlltug cCnap. She InvitepMtnle In gcnnrul la einiuin* her utoik.

FOR RENT.Tli* Brit floor of tlte Imildlin 'omerly ni

" " I.... on Hurria itr^i. will•uil iliu leuaiit,

An»i/to17-lf I. W. S1ABINO.

FOR BENT.A XxVi room, saitsbla for any Urn. of aim

Apply to

L. D. SOHVAftZ,» • ' Bnisei urcet,

Dotcr, N.


maatttt caiiiJBHB5™—BPS&.Forfiab B / AU 1EADING Orooere.

Tor aala bj all leading Kroccti.




Hot Air Furnacea.Uf thi Utaal aod molt l«|Ko»c»1 Hyjii,'wtulnKpablicandpiiTftta baUdion. Al«

•MOfinunt of Btom, otawp for oMk.





Afttl MtortDratof



QOMCG. Higbeat price, paid for old Iron.

Ooppw leaj and p«wter UkMi In

for good.. ^ j ^ H p j , , , W I G n T 0 K .

b l «

SHERIFF'S SALEInriin Circuit Qjnrt—Eliaa Piulliou'iT

llk'liitnl D. Aficcliunn. Allon II. tu. tlu liL'I u r . In CMHC. Hutu Diablo An«uit 1

I 3 J 4 iME8 C. Y0UNC.BL00D. All1

vird r>f l i (atod writ of 11<...lid, I nil . .

I'IIblio Vtmiliie at tliu Court Houne, in Mul

MONDAY, tlio I7ih Hay uf A U 0 V 8 T no*A. D. UW>. l i tunt i i (liu hnurn or 12 M. «i

I of t.U 8

ali tlic Ol f l

tK 1Ilityuiinln'D ur uf )<

ixgiQ* al a buaoli II LJHTL- .M t>rn->k, bci. iliciicc north li>rly-ii

u-hril Inrir

a Xnku iNo. 17 ; tlii-iK

rut twnnly.i-.iiifi c l uclanilmti In •" '" «' — — •iiiiitli inrtv-iilno tl[>«reos and fnni alimjt tlie I mu of eaul Jot Ibir'jId Lawrence lironk ; Ilienue iloun(i 1 hi 10»re of Iteuinoinc, eoiitih

utio liunilrcil aud tcvuu and ono-tuurlh nortiLi TKO. 2, iiiiiiiK imen parl of llio

of J'lin Wortman.f'ccii-e.l, licfiim•li II 1(16 betinninK corner ol Hie wlii • • t l i

<ir la' il, fonit

itu irkuilb

a Inren, milmtyuli

ak lr< iilmnce •!'<Hif( tti« r>lil lints lonlh fin-'ty-uliiuRrTL's Slid Inrly-ltvo Dti'iutci went liiriy n'jilitihiB and clubly-twolinks tu a hlabc { lliricrlli tiilrty-eifttn deRrui-g %n* lliirty minii o n llir^e ctiMln* anil elflity-tlve linhitake iDlliomidiHeornlriri-wiylcullnpl

tliu lime kiln to tlie buck imrt of tlio fanliirnce nnrtli tvouij'^vvn dcKrvi» and lifnmluaiencapl twenty cliaius »nd Ihirtv-nullukH to a hei)> of BIIIDL-I UU tlie eaat bunk"ifj truok; itiiucu Lortli ilily-twu .l-Rn

iKttvtciity-niiiuclikliiiBt.il tfiuty links tuakeiu Ilii- onlBlilo hue of tliu whole Hac

Ttrt'D minotci cait ten clulDi to tiio |il>o<•Sinii'dR. conUiuiuB fcrly-Hix acres, lie

„ HDated Jana IS, 1885.Lain Hli



Used by all LeagnFlayen.





A large Mock of SHEET MUSIC onAnil torttw MaUmlwk Pluo,

Ik* H i m a HuilliEater O'l


wUI cQBtlnne to* bailoesi al tbe eli IUDand endeavor to keep a large aseartmustItmde io bit U u or trade, consisting ot

COAL AND WOODScranton and Lehigb of ill ilzes: din bi

tominaoit Coil for bltokimtlhlni,'. Curd woo•awed and split ready for n»o always on Laud

Flag Stones s Curbing.Order, received and contract, taken rnr lay>J — 1 L - and aelilQg curb, andallolber

MATERIALS 1""*, " J . r < 1 " B r l c » . Un't Cement, Ca!

""fill*'*1'1 "*• " " "* *™»l

Flrst-Class Fertilizers,STOCKBBIDUK.:. NAMOMBI

POTATO MAHUKl.Hill and Drill Phosphate.

[ITCHES OAHDEIt PHOSPHATE, in U inSO lb. b.c.. Alao FIELD LIMB .a large

ind amall imtutltle*.


ROCKAWAY, N. j .Oil. |»m> o doilHnii to irmnd Iba BntnniBt

•"ntba la tin ciianif. mil .to «rll Io call n d|..c. thi. btantllil location at Roctawar. Ililrlv• lha Iraai Kaw riirk Cltj on IN. lina ol tietonTilation ' T l i H : c l l l i n u l t ' l * * l '

llrjSoij!"''* " " hfl1''1""1 wHl1 '"C "»d'~ ' t'or tlio Ion* 1. a tike and nrtl-

!«wn. A larpc R.rtJrn in attirlmlll.nprlrttiol.Uc wttb all Ilic noli

o.7c.™;i,,Jrrnr.HIJJII Briilpo Bruno It of the Cen |

For lurlliet iorirnialinn ail Ire...W. B. POLLaRD, Prop',.



j . - . . . . . . . H..irer, Itutclwr, or olher KIUIIH ebusinean. Apply to


Insurance Agents.

DOVER.TV.J.j) fall tj.riitgl.il

mpftniM—the b««t I it tlte world:


GLOBE, Capital »2G,0OO,0O0.


Capital SIO.000,000.


Capital 110,000,000.


Capital •G,0OO,OO0.

Norifc Amerind Ins. Co. of Pltlliuioljibin. Pa.

North firillxli *nd Mercantile InRnmnfie Co.ot Lomlou and Edtmburgli; capital 110,000,000.

Comiiicrcfitl 1'iiioii ^nouriince Company ofioudon; t-iirilal Vo,UUU,UiHI.

Til.laodw, oaplUl »J,»«,O00.

BprlngteM Fire inmruee Oo.UlUl«l6t»0WW«rtclw<rt«r FiM Inannnee Ooapaav to

Kew York, capital •600,000.OlSMUl AatUKUH ll.OOD.000FIRE ASSOCIATION Of PHItAPELPHtA.

A.SKI, tl.MO.OWtw.on

Freeman Wood <V, Co..Jmtlo. ol tk. Fuea i l l rolled M.al.traU


Smith Marlm, anc^isnr tn tlio firm of Mar.in A Ifiick, cm w< 11 be fonud at tlie aid MamoTtr KiilKurt'it Drusr flloio lor Hnuto. S-gi-f.ml Onuiiuniiul I'alutiug, Qidlblufi, Oilaiw;ami Hnrbl.iz.ne. In


CEILING DECORATIONS,I li&ve PATTBRN8 BLPERIOB TO ANY INfHIB VIOIMTV. Having ducted IIMcxpunially tu ll>a! lilsli lirsnch. I am cnniiitngiv-i HiliHtBL-tfou wlurcvcr I go. 8iii)iit«of my work can bo soon at any Iimu. Alio• HnRrum* m itniliiiL's fur rim fall tradu. Gram-me In nil kimlr, or won... Hupln Walnut, Blackand French lli.ntwuixl, Ujli, Sitin »ool, Ac.Tlio (it! niln;,' branch I lm!l Blricily mi purl D-ttnd niVHt'ir and cinjifaj' tliuhv.et ufmHOliHUios.I a-.k a fair trial tf hij i.bilitT nud will en-rtfovor to my attuuitt to pleura my caaiomori,Onfim bv mall mil receive prompt iUeut.0D.P. O. Doi 68.



MOaUi l iTOwi i ,

susriu in BU main,BCILTKaW. 0ABBU0I KAXIBS', BLiCI





SAFES AND SCALES.Bicjclea, Tricjplca, Sailor Bkato., Flriiing

Tackle and Bportamcn'. floodi.

SMITH & ECKHART.(fcccaaaon lo Ira 0. Oxipar.)


arautimia, aaiouea.•kattaiof BBIC1 at n o d .

lomm J. BOMAM.


PHOTOGBAPH8!Thcte Pboiocrajtba owa tbeir rains tn Tbe

rJe*ulopuii.'ut oT m Bjatem wlilcb renden ordio-iry biiotoKrapba aim oat imtantaneoni, anuenabiei tbo operator to catch a trsDaiDDt,briRht and bappy ci treiB |ui,, whirl, D D „(,,, toan proMrre lor nioro tliia a few aecuuila. TlicBlTantao a i n d ia agreeably apparent in tbe



CM tstciucr. 'HOI8TIKO KNUINKH. «••!«,

and revtraaMr. ""»*•«PVMPINO RVCINKI.• •al ecoMaaic.1.COMSIHH PlTNra

UEABUVUnaial PI'bL••al « • • ! .

n^nv.v aod Light Caati«-,;J r i i n p l i o r uS,r .*. , F o r S l t , . o , „ , ; ;•criptku i UO1U.IIB, bonaoati l , la l ia laraululiright.

The EqaipMent or IronMinet a specialty.

(Wee and Worli, iHTJ8BKX Si., LOVES, X. 2, f


Estate of BUIilon D. Dell,deceased.

P0RBDANT t<i ttib oriler of tbe Bomwalt01 tbt> Cunnty of Morrla, mad* out!,*

iliBc day of June, A. D. otic ihouunjciglii Undrcd and clglity-dve, Botlui) iihtrfby f(ir.>n to all pertmna hatlBf oiaimiBBBlntit ibe fftiilu uf HNIIJOD t>. D<-ll, late uftliu County of Kliirrii, dtccaa«d,to pmwat tlinuanio noder (iatb ur a Mr ma'ion, to Ibt) noljiorlli.i r , on or befoni Ibe flt«t Jay of Haicliutxt, Lelnp nine tnuntba from ibe date orsalil order; and »ur urtditor DealMtinir tobrinxin and eshibU bia or fa*roiaini, underoutli or *Q)rnm(fon, iriliiinthe timaaollaiUcd,will lio forever tarred of fafa or hat act.oiIlicrerur aftainat the AdnlnlHlrator.

Dated ttso flr»t ilur ot Jiiiw, i . » U N ,FRtTDEUICK H SCAOIT,

AJmlnlflriti-r.27-10W Uo»er,N.J,


Ncali TliomiiB. ! Attacbroeut.

nttnniimciit at thts unit of.lithn D. Tbumn.uuniuattbo ritthlH and smdiia, uoneya «n.l••fleflu, iromln mul rLattola, land* and R-ue-iiifuts of Ninth Tliont a a nuu-i-eH.<t(>nt d.-l.tortor I lie Hum ol* six bund m l it oil urn, \MUVA noti. l lhr MoniM Uiuuty Circuit Court, on thelwtniii-iiix.il ilu.v ul Mnv. eightcfii btiiidri-duiifl cichtv-l.Te wtiiruublQ ani returned iutitcourt duly csvimtcd by tbe St.uiff of iLsCuiiiii.v ot AlonU im the alitli da; Juuac-i^htctn Immlivd and tslulity-flve

JH. S. COSD1T, Clerk.I)iilod,Iimoir.lh,18R5.

J. W. DAVIS, MI'J. 29-7W


EsUte of James H. Braen,deceased.

ANT to tbo o n t o of the BnrroBat»bo Count; or Morrii wadfl on t le

TJUBSU, _.J T «>f tlrn Count* or Morrii, »__..uiuetemtli dar of 11 kf A. P. one t!<nn-•and cigbt buodrud and eigbiy t*«, u*la herebj Riven to all person- having cli>siialDHt Ilia i'stat« ol Juni-a H Brnrn, late itbuCodDiy ol Morria, dtLtmted, tu|it«a«ut the•ame. onifer uath or sIBrmatloD, to the aati>scriuer, on or tn-fure the nlmtlernlli diToffebrmrf ntiit, being n i u month* Irom lii»

said oril

aclinu there tor aiaiunVthe Eaeeutor,"P»t*4Un nmet-BOlb da.*uf H ? I


PI $110* vT

tbe anLicriber. Biecntor of Henry T.Willioif,deceaatd, will ku audited and atatod Iutbo Surrogate, ami reported lot Httlepcntto tbe Orpliani' Coortoflli Cant* of Mor


otVn far iale tbe followlDB , . " F - T . — ,Id. A IVTJ fine buiUiing Int k.ilolilBg U«

retideoee of Auilnw Batter, ac»r Dover.Sit. Afartt or « U N I , near MtfOsJas*!!!*,

wlib good buildiUK*, aad all nnOst 4 blffeslate of cuttlvatioo.

4th. Ttronnt-daM bonKi and oat tacawlcorner lot on F»irviow Kill,

Tli«c (irKt-tla-B Iiotd proporKc*.A laigf lbrce-*1(ir.v Fnitob nu i bonM>ilb

fken ruoma, anil l i ac.es of laml, iaHwatli

Adouic. larse barn and wagnu nhed. ot -Morris ill cot, Dover, iu il^bt of depot,

Alao other profiertioi too numuruM In • • • •tiou, viil be gold on ulTaniigMM torns.Piupcrlka bandied for tliose tinsirlng to nailat tifl >atiMo r*t^a. When 1 am •bwnl Itom

Boon HO. 1, N«tloo*l Dnloa BMk IIS Dmr.H.f.

-_ I'UBLIO.-Thff Dodemlgntd re-spectially inkruii Ibo public llwt bo tmtreotntljT retnrted froiu a tnpUiruugh Itielargeoitiea of Europe witli the latest Improvement*

Wifli every facility, co«bInert with a Inn'gnxjutritnue, lioia now prepared to farnlab Hueirtiitio nhotofcrkfliB. m.nnled on gilt-idgccauls at tiiff rollovine reduced ratei:

IHPIRUIJ. (in C U . of In,) per dot. (3.06TtiD(irl»ii.alororc1uhlo rrcclvo ouc doz. trey.

CAIlTEt* D> V1B1TE, 'inClnbi of tco)loe. 11.50.

Porirtits of ill liimli eiipiiid ittMamo ritti.Tbciepktarea fauuot lio txctlM for lint-

liaticy. Jelicacj ot tuue, ttjle of fln.»u andprthinR IHenfui,Tdu well kiiuwn rcpDtjIiouof IlilseMibliih-

lent li i gtmriDtrc to II* p»irons anil tu tbeeiTi l puMio .he work proiliiccu will prove

nine. Parties ilusirittff to Torm club a irectfaliy r< quelled ti.cinntnunicate with

Secure Yourialvti agalaalFIra



l*bo IOIIEL1. ritriit'ai uireBpeoifBlly «que,tei

rlSTABLTaHED 1872.)

ti>oiniitnuDicate£ . O . LACEY,


•UOIWEU. •>.. M m , IT. J.

With fcetkr faoUhlaa I un aLWbled to DM-BLATE EOOFH e t a p n tbu anr « E ,aowbat Ika b»at,oalilj of alauaialafpiojtoi tMclaaa aMCkuia. Iaaa pan.

lar. la i HaaalMat Fait al«aya m tHand OMobar l « a . IIM.

BoainiplallialllcalltaNorerlwl, to|)t»oolflL-.

For tall patllcalira inplj to

JOHN B. PBL.I.KTT,a\,ret for Ifarrla Cowlr.

At tliB aloreol E. Ltad.lof'. Soa a Cn ,


Buy*, mlddlc-astd men and foaiDR lidieiatccil fhratMccGHftil iur i iu BtiaiiittMtLife

al COLEXAN COLLEQE, 703 la 7UBitOAPKTHEET, NEWAltK, N. J., ID* hUReat andmoat |>o|niUr atbonl in ibli ccajnlty. Coaraeor •limy cotubiiiea Tliinr/ wiiU Fractioe, bj ••ystcm nf UUHIUCIII Trauafclooa taiert un

IV»DM. No**«t,liona. Kakalnv. Orail-t a l t d l i l i T l O I l Jaltcdloailvtaiinu

aiid IltOilraUd Cala' mailed ai>*

THOS. JOHNSON,•anfartararaad dealatlB

Kitxnii, InUtw, Ihritlf,

J.J. BACKOFF**. !°."!«x ?•• »««l"«la and retail ilml.rIMO in Winea, Linitora and CiKara,

iratcil Inllwaukee linger rlccr, PAlao Buffet• i Co,'a Eqiort for Ilii aeaaon of 1§8T

<haaltt. lllwMkTlMtaaaoaaTaa.

»!., DOtU. >. I .

IU8INESS! BUSINESS!Edncate for Unsiaea. at tko Now J


3l>en all tho .mar, ill.; nuil livnilni;.-alaaaa Slmilt., ahorikand, TjiJaVrlrlDi,

mu, ot<!., nt pn|.nlnr rule, ot lultion.ll<Wi RtMln.M Eilticiitnr, nml .iirclrueninmuiwblp, Ireo. Vlattur. welcome.

C.T. MILLEK, aMselpal.

TVCKEK. 8.<rrUrT.


la tnllclU the pitroDBgn of liii frlendii.3<AJintew will leceWs prompt atteatlotL 16 l j



DOVEB, >. 1,





Scedi, FertUteen,ana IVtnvruINa far M M antOAEDIH.

GEORGE E. T00BHEE8,i,«. J.

RUPTUREPpfediiy enrwt o