Team Based Learning Faculty Development Program Office of Medical Education Boston University School of Medicine 2005

Team Based Learning Faculty Development Program Office of Medical Education Boston University School of Medicine 2005

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Team Based LearningTeam Based Learning

Faculty Development ProgramOffice of Medical Education

Boston University School of Medicine2005

Page 2: Team Based Learning Faculty Development Program Office of Medical Education Boston University School of Medicine 2005

Learning Objectives:

• Define Team Based Learning (TBL)

• Describe the four essential principles of Team-Based Learning

• Identify the benefits of Team-Based Learning

• List the steps to implement Team-Based Learning in a course

What is TBL?

What makes TBL?

How to do TBL?

Why use TBL?

By the end of this presentation, you will be able to:

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Team Based Learning*Small groups of students interact as in-class teams to apply content to simple and complex problems with the feedback of the instructor as the content expert.

Individual learns assigned teacher-specified contentPre-classPre-class

Student teams apply teacher-specified content to problem-solving discussions


Students receive frequent and immediate feedback During classDuring class

*Team Based Learning was developed in the 1970’s by Dr. Larry K. Michaelsen, a Professor of Management at the University of Oklahoma, who wanted to change the passive learning in his lectures into active learning by testing and assigning students to teams.

What is TBL?

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Team-Baased Learning ProcessWhat is TBL?

Individual Work

Small Group Discussion

Total Class DiscussionX X =

Impact on Learning

Phase 1

Preparation (Pre-class)

Phase 2

Readiness Assurance(In-class)

Phase 3

Application of Course Concepts

Individual Study

Individual Test

Group Test

Instructor Feedback

Small Group Assignments

Team Appeals

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Phase 2: Readiness Assurance Test ProceduresIndividual TestIndividual Test

Closed Book 3pts/questionClosed Book 3pts/question

Answer both on test and answer


Answer both on test and answer


Answer sheet goes in Team


Answer sheet goes in Team


Team TestTeam Test

Closed Book 3pts/questionClosed Book 3pts/question

Place Team # on answer sheet

Place Team # on answer sheet

Use score sheet for grading

Use score sheet for grading


Open bookOpen book

Show evidence from reading

Show evidence from reading

Questions & DiscussionsQuestions & Discussions

Clarify issuesClarify issues

What is TBL?

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Phase 3: Application-Focused Assignment

Groups apply the fundamental concepts of the unit to a problem (50% class time) to produce an answer, product or idea

• Examples– answer a multiple-choice question set of 3 for

a case vignette– develop a treatment plan (essay)– justify your diagnosis– explain the difference– compile a list of manifestations

What is TBL?

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Team -Based Learning FAQs*1. How much material can be covered in Team-Based Learning?

The same or more material can be covered in TBL as in traditional lecture format.

2. What is the most important element in Team-Based Learning?Team-Based Learning, Student Preparation, Readiness Assessment and

Group Activities are the elements of Team-Based Learning and are equally important.

3. Where in medical education has Team-Based Learning been used?Team-Based Learning has been used in large group pre-clinical classes

and clinical classes for 3rd and 4th students and residents.

4. What is the role of the faculty in Team-Based Learning?As the content experts, Faculty plays an active role providing feedback to

the students, introducing new material and challenging the students with new questions.

*From Baylor College of Medicine, Team Learning in Medical Education, February 04 Workshops

What is TBL?

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Team-Based Learning Course Objectives

By the end of the course, the student will be able to:• Master the course subject matter• Utilize the course concepts in thinking

and problem-solving • Develop interpersonal and group interaction skills• Prepare for life-long learning

*From Baylor College of Medicine, Team Learning in Medical Education, February 04 Workshops

What is TBL?

Purpose of Team-based learningMeets LCME guidelines

Similar to lecturing

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An Alternative to Lecturing

Lecture• Faculty identifies content to

student in the syllabus and in lectures

• Pre- class: Student “might” study concepts

• In class: Student passively takes notes

• Student accountability: Student study notes for final exam

Lecture• Faculty identifies content to

student in the syllabus and in lectures

• Pre- class: Student “might” study concepts

• In class: Student passively takes notes

• Student accountability: Student study notes for final exam

Team Based Learning

• Faculty identifies content for pre-class assignments, the syllabus and group interaction

• Pre- class: Student “must” study concepts for test

• In class: Student is tested on concepts and actively joins Team to solve simple and complex concept applications

• Student accountability: Student pre-class work and tests, Team tests and work, and final exam

Team Based Learning

• Faculty identifies content for pre-class assignments, the syllabus and group interaction

• Pre- class: Student “must” study concepts for test

• In class: Student is tested on concepts and actively joins Team to solve simple and complex concept applications

• Student accountability: Student pre-class work and tests, Team tests and work, and final exam

What is TBL?

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What is the TBL Difference*? Lecture Problem-Based Learning Team-Based Learning

Key points Instructor provides content for student note-taking in a hall

Student-directed learning in solving real world problems in small groups

Instructor-directed content applied to real world problems by student teams in a lecture hall

Teaching Methods

Lecturer didactically provides content

Facilitators give cases and students analyze facts to solve case

Students prepare content before class. In class, they apply it in teams to solve problems

Outcomes Content acquisition and conceptual understanding

Problem-solving abilities, critical reasoning, content acquisition, understanding, effective communication and small group interaction

Content acquisition, understanding, content application to solve problems, critical reasoning, effective communication, collaborative team work

Instructor’s role

Identifies learning objectives, prepares presentations and answers student questions

Facilitates small group discussions and gives students feedback and guidance as needed

Identifies learning objectives and content, prepares readiness tests, answers student questions and prepares application assignments for team work

Student’s role

Attend lecture, study notes, prepare for exam

Identify learning issues, do independent out of class research, join group discussions

Do independent out-of-class study, join team discussions, defend team solutions to class

*Table excerpted from Baylor College of Medicine, Team Learning in Medical Education, September 2002

What is TBL?

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Can You Differentiate Small Group Learning?

• Casual

– After a 15-20 minute lecture, students pair with a neighbor and discuss a question and some share their answers with the class

– Breaks up lecture and requires little advanced planning, but provides little significant learning

• Collaborative or Cooperative

– Frequent use of structured student activities

– Requires planning, but does not alter structure of course

• Transformation or Team-Based Learning

– Individual students commit to team effort

– Requires transformation of course, student groups into teams and quality of learning

What is TBL?

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4 Essential Principles of TBL*

No matter how you customize your TBL class, you must have these 4 principles or TBL will not work:

1. Properly formed and managed groups

2. Student accountability for pre-class preparation and team performance

3. Team assignments that promote learning, group interaction and team development

4. Frequent and immediate student feedback provided through RATS and application-focused team assignments

What makes TBL?

*From Michaelsen, Larry K. “Getting Started with Team Learning.”

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Essential Element: Group Formation

• Group Cohesivesness Developed– Minimize barriers by avoiding previously established groups

– Mix students to establish new groups from ground up

• Group Resources Distributed– Assets: life and work experiences, previous courses, etc.

– Liabilities: no previous experience, limited fluency in English

– Evenly distribute resources for learning teams to work effectively

• Group Size– Large enough to maximize resources (5-7 members)

– Large enough to allow full participation of members

• Group Permanency– As groups become teams, communication is easier and helps learning

– Teams members willing to challenge each other for success of team

What makes TBL?

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Essential Element: Student Accountability

• Pre-class Preparation– Readiness Assurance Test evaluates pre-class preparation– Individual preparation necessary for Group Test and Team work

• Contribution to Team– Peer assessment of each member’s team work– Performance of team to develop a product

• Grading– Individual’s preparation for work– Individual’s contribution to the group– Effectiveness of the group

What makes TBL?

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Essential Element: Team Assignments

• Appropriate Group Assignments– Require group interaction– Members make decisions and report in simple form

• Inappropriate Group Assignments– Results in problem with learning groups (free-riders, member

conflict)– Requires members dividing the work and completing it

individually for a complex output (e.g., lengthy document or oral presentation)

– Limits interaction and difficult to compare performance of teams

What makes TBL?

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Essential Element: Frequent and Immediate Feedback

Regular and timely student feedback on group performance by:

1. Readiness Assurance Tests (RATS)

• Informs students how effective their learning procedures are

• Pulls together group members since Group scores are public

• Informs group immediatelt when and how they failed to perform

2. Application-focused Team Assignments

• More difficult to evaluate than RATS due to higher level learning skills

• Needs right kind of Team output to evaluate

• Provide a process to give peer review

What makes TBL?

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Difference Between a Team and Group

Team• 2 or more people who interact

on a common activity• Individual commitment to the

welfare of the group• High level of trust among

members of team• 98% of teams will out perform

the best member on learning-related tasks*

Team• 2 or more people who interact

on a common activity• Individual commitment to the

welfare of the group• High level of trust among

members of team• 98% of teams will out perform

the best member on learning-related tasks*

Group• 2 or more people who interact

on a common activity• Individual commitment to

group is casual, temporary or permanent

Group• 2 or more people who interact

on a common activity• Individual commitment to

group is casual, temporary or permanent

What makes TBL?

*From Michaelsen, L., Watson, W. and Black, R. (1989). A realistic test of individual versus group consensus decision making. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74(5), 834-839.

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The Student TBL Advantages

Why use TL?

Motivated to Attend-Offered alternative to

large lecture classes-Becomes part of a team

Motivated to Attend-Offered alternative to

large lecture classes-Becomes part of a team

Participates Actively in Education

-Acquires life-long skills-Engages students who

prefer to work alone -Assists “at risk” students

Participates Actively in Education

-Acquires life-long skills-Engages students who

prefer to work alone -Assists “at risk” students

Applies Knowledge-Achieves higher-level cognitive skills-Learns basic concepts and

experiences their application in assignments

Applies Knowledge-Achieves higher-level cognitive skills-Learns basic concepts and

experiences their application in assignments

Develops Interpersonal skills -Student learn about themselves in

collaborating with others on tasks-Students learn to work as a team to

accomplish difficult intellectual tasks

Develops Interpersonal skills -Student learn about themselves in

collaborating with others on tasks-Students learn to work as a team to

accomplish difficult intellectual tasks

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1.Faculty-to-student interaction High amount

2.Motivation to teachTaps enthusiasm of empowering students to learn in teams

3.Individual class preparationLittle needed so can focus on guiding teams

4.Student attendance not an issue Attendance responsibility of student to team

5.Low faculty-to-student ratio Facilitator works with large class in teams

6.No special facilities required No need for small group rooms

1.Faculty-to-student interaction High amount

2.Motivation to teachTaps enthusiasm of empowering students to learn in teams

3.Individual class preparationLittle needed so can focus on guiding teams

4.Student attendance not an issue Attendance responsibility of student to team

5.Low faculty-to-student ratio Facilitator works with large class in teams

6.No special facilities required No need for small group rooms

The TBL Advantages for Facilitators

Why use TBL?

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Questions for a TBL Course

1. What do I as the instructor want students to do?

2. What do the students have to learn?

3. How do I as the instructor know the students mastered the concepts?

4. How can I as the instructor tell if the students will be able to use the knowledge?

1. What do I as the instructor want students to do?

2. What do the students have to learn?

3. How do I as the instructor know the students mastered the concepts?

4. How can I as the instructor tell if the students will be able to use the knowledge?

1. Specify student performance in the learning objectives

2. Prepare a content outline & assignments

3. The students will be evaluated by the Readiness Assurance Test (RAT)

4. The students will use the knowledge in the application assignments.

1. Specify student performance in the learning objectives

2. Prepare a content outline & assignments

3. The students will be evaluated by the Readiness Assurance Test (RAT)

4. The students will use the knowledge in the application assignments.

Questions Answers

How to do TBL?

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Sample Team-Based Learning Process

Phase 1

Preparation (Pre-class)

Phase 2

Readiness Assurance(In-class)

Phase 3

Application of Course Concepts

Individual Study

Individual Test

Group Test

Instructor FeedbackSmall Group Assignments-Attend a lecture

-Review Lab 2-Read textbook or journal articles

IRAT and GRAT assess student’s preparation to begin Group Assignment

Read case history and view visuals, then apply core concepts to complete group assignment

40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90-100%

Level of Content Understanding

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Implementation Steps

1. Before class begins: Make course plansA. Divide course content into units

B. Identify learning objectives

C. Design a grading system

3. Near End of Class: Review learning objectivesA. Recognize effective team interaction

B. Identify how the students learned about themselves

2. 1st Class: Get startedA. Explain why and how TBL course is conducted

B. Form the groups

C. Describe grading

D. Develop positive group norms

How to do TBL?

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Change Your Teaching RoleFrom “Sage on the Stage,”

and disseminating information

to “Guide on the Side,”and asking open-ended questions to prompt the team to find the information

How to do TBL?

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Facilitator Activities in 1st Class

Getting started1. Explain your rationale for using TBL and how the class will be


1. Compare TBL to traditional lecture

2. Demonstrate Readiness Assurance Test by having the students read a portion of the syllabus, take an individual test and a group test

2. Form the groups

1. Identify Student characteristics

2. Group 5-7 students by lining up the students by characteristic and asking them to count down. All the student with the same number form a group.

3. Describe the grading – Individual tests count and set grade weights

4. Develop positive group norms – pre-class preparation and class attendance (use team folders)

Getting started1. Explain your rationale for using TBL and how the class will be


1. Compare TBL to traditional lecture

2. Demonstrate Readiness Assurance Test by having the students read a portion of the syllabus, take an individual test and a group test

2. Form the groups

1. Identify Student characteristics

2. Group 5-7 students by lining up the students by characteristic and asking them to count down. All the student with the same number form a group.

3. Describe the grading – Individual tests count and set grade weights

4. Develop positive group norms – pre-class preparation and class attendance (use team folders)

How to do TBL?

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Rationale for Using TBL

If a students asks you why the class is using TBL, here are some answers:

• To encourage team performance behavior and skills because the highest quality of medical care is from effective medical teams

• To apply complex concepts because the instructor spends less time on basics and more on applications

• To learn from team tasks that are too difficult for individuals

How to do TBL?

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Student Accountability

Student accountability includes setting the grade weights for the major performance areas:

1) Individual -- (IRAT) maximum value 50%

2) Group -- (GRAT and group assignments) minimum value 10%

3) Peer Evaluation -- minimum value 10%

Please note: The ranges for grade weights usually* are:

1) Individual performance: 15-20%

2) Group performance: 60-65%

3) Peer Evaluation: 10-30%

*Michaelson, LK , Knight, AB & Fink, LD (2004). Team-based learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

How to do TBL?

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Near the End of TBL Unit

• Remind students of learning objectives

• Briefly review course content

• Review content applications

• Appreciate the significance of Team-Baased Learning

• Recognize effective team interaction

• Identify how the students learned about themselves

How to do TBL?

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Facilitating TBL

Getting Started

1st Class

Phase 2

Readiness Assurance(In-class)

Phase 3

Application of Course Concepts


GRAT C Instructor Feedback

Small Group Assignments

Individual Work

Small Group Discussion

Total Class DiscussionX X =

Impact on Learning

1. Distribute RATS and collect answers in Group folders

1. Distribute case2. Time Teams3. Facilitate team discussions4. Collect answers5. Call for answers6. Provide feedback on team work

1. Describe the TBL unit2. Form the Teams3. Set grading weights4. Develop positive group norms

2. Ask for GRAT answers and provide feedback

How to do TBL?

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Summary• Team Based Learning is a small learning group

method where individual work is done outside the class and team work is completed in class.

• The four principles of TBL are (1) properly formed and managed groups, (2) student accountability, (3)team assignments that promote learning, group interaction and team development, and (4) frequent and immediate feedback to students.

• The rationale for using TBL is that it is a good interactive alternative to passive lectures, requires no extra facilities or faculty, develops interpersonal skills and assists “at risk” students.

• Implementation of TBL involves planning before the class, forming groups in the 1st class and reminding the students of the learning objectives, content application and team work near the end of the class.

What is TBL?

What makes TBL?

Why use TBL?

How to do TBL?

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TBL Websites

• Team Learning Collaborative, a public site developed as a team learning resource for medical educators, www.tlcollaborative.org

• Baylor College of Medicine, Team-Based Learning in Medical Education www.bcm.tmc.edu/fac-ed/team_learning

• Team-Based Learning, University of Oklahoma www.ou.edu/idp/teamlearning

• Team-Based Learning Resources, Wright State University School of Medicine Faculty Development site, www.med.wright.edu/aa/facdev/TBL