Teacher Interview with Dr. Farris

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  • 7/30/2019 Teacher Interview with Dr. Farris


    I.P.T.S. AssessmentI.P.T.S. Learning Environment

    I.P.T.S. Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication



    How do teachers notify when they will be absent? Do teachers have a sub folder? What do you

    keep in it?

    Dr. Farris-Call the school to let them know you will not be in, also email as a backup. Make

    sure your sub knows the syllabus so there is no confusion.

    2. What kinds of teacher-parent communications are expected?

    Dr. Farris -Call most parents, if you keep in touch with parents it is easier to know what

    situation the student may be in.

    3. Where is the copy machine? Are there copy limits? What cannot be copied?

    Dr. Farris -The copy machine is in the mailroom, if there are any limits I have not reached

    them. Dont bring personal stuff in the copy.

    4.Where do teachers eat? How much time do they have for lunch? Breaks? Planning?

    Dr. Farris -Teachers eat at their desks or the break rooms, we have two hour office hours to

    eat, plan, and have our break.

    5. Are there teacher aids? What is their title? What are their duties?

    Dr. Farris -There are teacher aids in the science department and business department. Their

    titles are lab assistant (science) and secretaries (business) they help with running the paperwork.


  • 7/30/2019 Teacher Interview with Dr. Farris


    I.P.T.S. AssessmentI.P.T.S. Learning Environment

    I.P.T.S. Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication

    6. How is attendance taken? How are tardies handled? What are makeup work policies?

    Dr. Farris -Take attendance every day, three undocumented absents result in the drop of a

    letter grade, same thing with tardies. Make up work may be turned in the day after it was due it the

    student brings in a doctors note.

    7. Who dispenses supplies? What are the policies about amounts?

    Dr. Farris -Teacher decides on what supplies are needed, the amount of supplies is only

    limited by classroom budget.

    8. What do you do if a student faints or has some other medical problem for students?

    Dr. Farris - Call 911 immediately! After the situation is handled you may have to fill out a

    form for security.

    9. Is there a formal or unstated, but expected dress code for teachers?

    Dr. Farris -Unwritten no jean rule.

    10. Where can teachers park?

    Dr. Farris -No specific teacher parking, just wherever you find a spot.

    11. Which doors are open to get into the building?

    Dr. Farris -All of them (in the college) and (at the high school) must be buzzed in at the

    front door.

    12. What kinds of things do custodians do, and what should you take care of yourself?

    Dr. Farris -They do their own jobs like changing the light bulbs and moving heavy furniture

    but you should clean up the best you can without them.

    13. Is there a media center? How do you order equipment?

    Dr. Farris -There is an AV department and a MIS department usually a phone call to the

    will do if you need any equipment for class. Any outside class use of equipment has a formal


  • 7/30/2019 Teacher Interview with Dr. Farris


    I.P.T.S. AssessmentI.P.T.S. Learning Environment

    I.P.T.S. Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication

    14. Is there an active professional organization?

    Dr. Farris -National Education Association.

    15. Are there computer labs? How do you schedule a class to use one?

    Dr. Farris -Call the person in control of the labs and schedule a lab in advance. Do not

    assume one will be up.

    16. Are there student rules that you should know about on the first day?

    Dr. Farris -Go over the syllabus the first day with all the students! Make sure you know

    what is on all of your syllabi and be able to answer questions.

    17. Who has the keys to unlock the things that are locked?

    Dr. Farris -Maintenance / security usually have the keys.

    18. What kinds are extra-curricular activities are expected of teachers?

    Dr. Farris -Anything that is in your contract you must do. Anything other than that is

    volunteer based.

    **This interview was with Dr. Farris on Shawnee campus, he was recalling information when he

    used to teach in a public high school.