Teacher Assessed Grades Results Processing Guidance For qualifications within category B2 Information for centres on how to submit results for approved Teacher Assessed Grades & Centre Determined Grades For the period of Spring and Summer 2021 Version 1.1 May 2021

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Page 1: Teacher Assessed Grades Results Processing Guidance

Teacher Assessed Grades

Results Processing Guidance For qualifications within category B2

Information for centres on how to submit results for

approved Teacher Assessed Grades & Centre

Determined Grades

For the period of

Spring and Summer 2021

Version 1.1 May 2021

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Teacher Assessed Grades Results Processing Guidance – Spring and Summer 2021



INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

ACCESS TO WALLED GARDEN ............................................................................................................................................................ 4

HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

AFTER TAG RESULT SUBMISSION ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

TIMESCALES FOR PROCESSING AND RECEIVING CERTIFICATES ........................................................................................................ 10

KEEPING YOU UPDATED .................................................................................................................................................................. 11

FURTHER ADVICE AND GUIDANCE ................................................................................................................................................... 12

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Teacher Assessed Grades Results Processing Guidance – Spring and Summer 2021



This document is to be used in conjunction with the Alternative Assessment Arrangements 2021, Information

for Teacher Assessed Grades (TAG) and Centre Determined Grades (CDG) documents for the following


• Functional Skills (4748/3747)

• ESOL (4692)

• Essential Skills (Northern Ireland) (4800)

• Essential Skills (Wales) (3868)

• Personal Progress (3803)

• Principles of English and Mathematics (3844)

• English and Mathematics Skills (3847)

• Employability Skills (5546)

These documents can be found on our Covid-19 webpage here.

Important – Key Information: In order to be able to submit results for TAG/CDG you must have been

informed by the Quality Team that your Eligibility Submission has been approved. You will also be able to see

the status of bookings in the Walled Garden.

Throughout Summer 2021, we have various ‘windows’ when TAG results can be submitted. You can access a

list of key dates here.

This guidance will guide you through different stages of how to submit results for approved candidates,


• Creating a CSV file,

• Using the CSV file to upload results on to Walled Garden,

• Identifying any error messages,

• Tracking progress of a results submission,

• Timescales for processing and receiving certificates.

The Quality Delivery Team are available to support you with any queries and their contact details are at the

back of this document.

Please note that this is a live document and will be updated on a regular basis – always refer to the

latest version on our website.

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Access to Walled Garden

You will need the appropriate Walled Garden access to use this process.

All City & Guilds’ centres have access to Walled Garden, however the access arrangements within each centre

will differ according to their organisational structure.

Only a Primary User or a Secondary User can submit results on the Walled Garden. Accounts which are set as

Finance User, Read Only User or Tutor User will not be able to submit results.

If you do not have the correct permissions or do not have access to Walled Garden, you will need to request

this from your centre’s primary account holder.

For further information on Walled Garden please click here. Alternatively, please contact our Centre Support


01924 930800

[email protected]

Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.

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How to submit your results

TAG/CDG results are submitted by uploading a CSV file. We will provide more detail about this later in this

guide, but essentially a CSV file is a spreadsheet of your candidate data and results which you wish to upload.

The data can either be uploaded from your own CSV template as you would an EDI file, or by using the

template we have provided.

Firstly, log into your Walled Garden account.

1. Select Data services tab.

2. Organisation defaults to City & Guilds.

3. Select Submit Alternative Results from the drop-down menu.

3.Select ‘Submit Alternative Results’

1.Select ‘Data Services’

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4. Select your centre number. You may have more than one, in which case use the drop- down menu to

select the centre number you wish to use.

5. You will then move to the Alternative Results File Upload screen.

You will notice that there is a limit of 1000 for the number of records that can be uploaded at any one time.

Each record is one line on your CSV file template. If you wish to upload more than 1000 lines, then you can

make multiple submissions.

There is also a link to this guidance document (A) and a link to the Alternative Results File Upload CSV

Template (B) – this is the template which you can use to populate with your results and upload if you do not

have your own CSV template.



4. Select your centre number

A. Guidance document

B. Alternative Results File Upload

CSV Template

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If you are using the Alternative Results File Upload CSV Template, here is an example of what the template

looks like. Please note that the data displayed is for example purposes only.

You will need to enter the following information for each candidate who you are claiming a TAG/CDG result for:

• Centre number

• Qualification number (Program of Study Code or POS)

• Unit number (Module)

• Candidate enrolment number

• Candidate gender

• Candidate date of birth

• Grade - you will need to enter P for each pass result or X if you wish to submit a Fail grade.

Please note for Essential Skills Northern Ireland: we are not mandating that centres must submit Fail grades

for learners as part of the CDG process, however centres are able to do this is they wish.

All data fields shown above need to be complete and checked for accuracy, as any errors will cause the file to

error and this may cause delays.

Please leave columns G, H, J and K blank at this time, as these relate to other qualifications which this

template can also be used for.

A link to the Alternative Results File Upload CSV Template we have provided is here under ‘Template Forms’

in the Category B2 section .

If you are uploading your own file you will need ensure that your CSV template contains the same fields of


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6. Once your template is populated with all your candidate data, you will need to save the template on your own system ready to upload. If you are using your own template, you will already have a file saved

ready to use.

Please note that you will only be able to update files in a CVS format and not in Excel format. To ensure your

file is a CSV file, you will need to save it in as a *.CSV file and not a *.xlsx file.

To upload your saved template, select Browse (A) to locate it on your system and Upload (B) to upload it.

7. If there are any errors in the CSV file that you have uploaded, you will see the reasons why and which

record the error relates to in the Reasons(s) for errors (A). The ‘record number’ corresponds to the line on

your CSV file, with line 1 being the column headings on the spreadsheet.

If you receive this error message you will need to check the data in your CSV file and resubmit by going back

to step 7 (the Alternative Results File Upload screen).

A. Browse B. Upload

A. Reasons for errors

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8. If your CSV file has been successfully uploaded, you will see the screen below.

The message will also tell you how many records have been successfully uploaded in order for you to check

this number against your own records.

At this point you have now successfully uploaded your file.

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After TAG result submission

Once we are assured of the approach a centre is taking, we will then sample evidence held by centres to

validate processes have been followed as expected.

We will select the sample using a risk-based sampling strategy, and once we receive TAG result submissions, we will identify the learners we wish to sample and notify centres of the next steps of how to submit evidence to us via Kineo Locker (our secure file sharing platform).

For further information, please refer to our Alternative Assessment Arrangements 2021 document here.

Timescales for processing and receiving certificates

For each window for the submission of TAG/CDG results there is a corresponding window for the release of


Window 1 the results will be released by 18 June 2021 - results to be submitted by 21 May 2021.

Window 2 the results will be released by 23 July 2021 - results to be submitted by 25 June 2021.

Window 3 the results will be released by 27 August 2021 - results to be submitted by 30 July 2021.

Any results submitted after the deadline will not be processed until the following window results release date.

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Keeping you updated

For Essential Skills Wales (3868) centres

We will be continuing to update our guidance and documentation relating to the assessment adaptations and

CDG process for the Essential Skills suite of qualifications over the coming weeks, so do keep checking our

Covid-19 Wales pages (be sure to click on the tab marked ‘Wales’.) Details of any further recorded/live

webinar briefings about these arrangements will also be shared via this page.

We would also encourage you to sign up our regular Connect~Share~Network sessions for Essential Skills

and ESOL practitioners/managers in Wales (see Registration details (gototraining.com)), and to check your

preferences for our targeted email updates.

For 4692 centres in Wales

We will be continuing to update our guidance and documentation relating to the assessment adaptations and

TAG process for ESOL qualifications over the coming weeks, so do keep checking our Covid-19 ESOL pages.

Details of any further recorded/live webinar briefings about these arrangements will also be shared via these


We would also encourage you to sign up our regular Connect~Share~Network sessions for Essential Skills

and ESOL practitioners/managers in Wales (see Registration details (gototraining.com)), and to check your

preferences for our targeted email updates.

For Essential Skills Northern Ireland (4800) centres

We will be continuing to update our guidance and documentation relating to the assessment adaptations and

CDG process for Essential Skills over the coming weeks, so do keep checking our Covid-19 Northern Ireland

pages (be sure to click on the tab marked ‘Northern Ireland’.) Details of any further recorded/live webinar

briefings about these arrangements will also be shared via this page.

We would also encourage you to sign up our regular Connect~Share~Network sessions for Essential Skills

and ESOL practitioners/managers in Northern Ireland (see Registration details (gototraining.com)), and to

check your preferences for our targeted email updates.

For 4692 centres in Northern Ireland

We will be continuing to update our guidance and documentation relating to the assessment adaptations and

TAG process for ESOL qualifications over the coming weeks, so do keep checking our Covid-19 ESOL pages.

Details of any further recorded/live webinar briefings about these arrangements will also be shared via these


Please sign up for our regular Connect~Share~Network sessions for Essential Skills and ESOL

practitioners/managers in Northern Ireland (see Registration details (gototraining.com)), and to check your

preferences for our targeted email updates.

For all other B2 qualifications

We will be continuing to update our guidance and documentation relating to the assessment adaptations and

TAG process for these qualifications over the coming weeks, so do keep checking the relevant section of our

Covid-19 web pages. Details of any further recorded/live webinar briefings about these arrangements will also

be shared via these pages.

We would also encourage you to check your preferences for targeted email updates if you haven’t already

done so recently.

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Further advice and guidance

Please visit our COVID-19 web pages here for all the latest information on the qualifications you deliver.

General guidance

For all general queries relating to arrangements for 2021, contact our Customer Support team who are

available Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm excluding UK public holidays.

[email protected]

01924 930 800

Quality assurance and submission

For all other queries relating to these arrangements, contact our Quality team who are available Monday to

Friday 8.30am to 5pm excluding UK public holidays.

[email protected]

0300 303 53 52

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Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is true and correct at

time of going to press. However, City & Guilds’ products and services are subject to continuous development

and improvement and the right is reserved to change products and services from time to time.

City & Guilds cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of information in this


©2021 The City & Guilds of London Institute. All rights reserved. City & Guilds is a trade mark of the City

& Guilds of London Institute, a charity established to promote education and training registered in

England & Wales (312832) and Scotland (SC039576).

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