Please view our website to find out how we can support you in this rewarding career. www.teach3.co.uk www.northernlightstsa.org Our aim is that all schools in the Northern Lights Teaching School Alliance and the Bradford Partnership will be part of the programme. We are delighted that the following schools have either participated or contributed to the teach 3 programme to date: Participating Schools Further Information 3 THINK...TEACH...LEAD... Start your teaching career with the support you deserve. The teach 3 programme is a superb way to start your teaching career. Designed and managed by the Northern Lights TSA and Bradford Partnership it is a three year programme for supporting teachers in the early stages of the profession. We believe that high quality professional development helps teachers to continuously improve and maintain their teaching practice and develop their careers. Feversham Skipton Girls’ High School Beckfoot School BVB BVG Bradford Academy Buttershaw Dixons City Laisterdyke Grange Technology College Oasis Academy, Lister Park Parkside Queensbury Titus Salt Tong High School Thornton Grammar School Kings Science Academy One in a Milllion University Academy, Keighley THINK...TEACH...LEAD...

Teach 3 main flyer

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Please view our website to find out how we can support you in this rewarding career.


Our aim is that all schools in the Northern Lights Teaching School Alliance and the Bradford Partnership will be part of the programme. We are delighted that the following schools have either participated or contributed to the teach3 programme to date:

Participating Schools Further Information3


Start your teaching career with the support you deserve.

The teach3 programme is a superb way to start your teaching career. Designed and managed by

the Northern Lights TSA and Bradford Partnership it is a three year programme for supporting teachers in the early stages of the profession. We believe that high quality professional development helps teachers to continuously improve and maintain

their teaching practice and develop their careers.

Feversham Skipton Girls’ High School Beckfoot School BVB BVG Bradford Academy Buttershaw Dixons City Laisterdyke Grange Technology College Oasis Academy, Lister Park Parkside Queensbury Titus Salt Tong High School Thornton Grammar School Kings Science Academy One in a Milllion University Academy, Keighley


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As a teach3 participant, you receive a three-fold guarantee. We will support you to develop your:

Knowledge of Pedagogy – ‘Think’ Craft of the Classroom – ‘Teach’ Leadership skills – ‘Lead’

We deliver this guarantee through a programme of professional enquiry groups, specialist elective sessions and a summer school.

The professional enquiry groups are led by experienced lead practitioners from across Bradford schools; the electives are delivered by established teaching and learning consultants and the summer school will be facilitated by expert leaders from within the Partnership.

This will be a great end to both your first and second years of teaching to include, in your first year, a presentation of active research to a Headteacher panel and, in your second year, the opportunity to plan and deliver lessons to the newly qualified teachers.

A Three-Fold Guarantee

The nqt and rqt Programme

The Bradford PartnershipPartnershipPartnership

teach3 is part of the support offered is part of the support offered is part of the support offered is part of the support offered is part of the support offered to schools and teachers by the to schools and teachers by the to schools and teachers by the to schools and teachers by the to schools and teachers by the to schools and teachers by the Bradford Partnership. Bradford Partnership.

The Partnership is nationally recognised The Partnership is nationally recognised The Partnership is nationally recognised The Partnership is nationally recognised The Partnership is nationally recognised The Partnership is nationally recognised for its innovation in school-to-school for its innovation in school-to-school for its innovation in school-to-school support and is a company established support and is a company established by Bradford secondary schools by Bradford secondary schools with the aim of ensuring that all with the aim of ensuring that all secondary schools in Bradford are, secondary schools in Bradford are, and remain, good and outstanding. and remain, good and outstanding.


Northern Lights Teaching Alliance covers a large geographical area and brings together a range of very different schools from dispersed rural communities to inner cities – areas that are vibrantly diverse to those that are almost mono-cultural. The Alliance spans an area from the southern end of the Yorkshire Dales, to East Lancashire and Bradford and offers a unique variety of opportunities to aspiring teachers and leaders.

The rich diversity of the Alliance brings enormous opportunities for ITT trainees to

experience teaching and learning in rural and inner city settings,

across phases and in mainstream and beyond.

The ITT year feeds directly into the NQT teach3 programme.

Northern Lights

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