TCCC 2011 Annual Review

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  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    2011 Annual Review


  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    Inspired by the worlds greatest brandand driven by a talented and passionate

    team o more than 700,000 systemassociates, we are operating rom aposition o strength. Together with ourbottling partners, we are executing

    against a solid, ocused vision.

    2 Letter to Shareowners

    5 Selected Financial Data

    6 2011 Highlights

    8 125th Anniversary

    12 Per Capita Consumption

    14 Rereshing Our System

    16 Rereshing Our Business

    Through Innovation18 Rereshing Our Portolio

    20 Rereshing Our Approach toConsumer Engagement

    22 Rereshing the CommunitiesWe Serve

    24 2011 Operating Group Highlights

    28 Business Prole

    30 Management

    32 Board o Directors

    33 Shareowner Inormation

    34 Company Statements35 2020 Vision

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    dear ellow Sareowners:

    In 2011, I was honored to represent

    The CocaCola Company all over the world,

    in humble villages and great, bustling cities.

    Wherever I traveled, I spent time in stores,

    restaurants, shops and homesthe places

    where people buy and enjoy CocaCola. With

    every visit, I learned something new about ourbusiness: what we are doing well and what

    we canand mustdo even better.

    Again and again, as I listened to consumers,

    customers, bottling partners, associates and

    shareowners like you, one thought kept coming

    back to me: I wish all o you could see this

    business the way I do.

    That is quite a wish, I know. But, i you hadbeen with me this past year, you would have

    experienced so many exciting and memorable

    moments in our ongoing story.

    CocaCola turned 125 years young in 2011,

    and we celebrated by thanking all the people

    who, since 1886, have made CocaCola what

    it is today.

    Even ater three decades in our business,I was amazed and energized by the outpouring

    o aection or CocaCola. Had you been

    with me last May, as we turned our Atlanta

    headquarters building into an animated,

    26story thank you card, I am sure you would

    have elt something similar.

    Late in the year, we moved our secret ormula

    rom a nearby Atlanta bank to a new vault at

    the World o CocaCola. Again, the worldsattentionand aectionturned to CocaCola.

    The intense interest in our anniversary and

    secret ormula demonstrated the enduring

    power o our brands, which we continue

    to strengthen.

    In 2011, we ocused on realizing our

    2020 Visionan aggressive but achievable

    systemwide plan or growth launched at the

    outset o 2010. How did our eorts measure

    up against the 6 Ps o our 2020 Vision? Let us

    take a look at each one: Prot, People, Portolio,Partners, Planet and Productivity.

    1. Prot. In 2011, we built strong momentum

    toward our 2020 goal o doubling our business

    over the course o this decade. In act, across

    the rst two years o our 2020 Vision, we met

    or exceeded our longterm growth targets.

    In 2011, we increased sparkling volume

    4 percent and still volume 8 percent. All told, we

    sold 26.7 billion unit cases, earning $46.5 billionin revenues. We delivered nearly 1 billion unit


    Around the world, our associates set us

    apart, rallying behind our 2020 Vision withocus and intensity.

    2 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    cases o incremental organic volume growth

    the equivalent o adding another market the

    size o Japan to our businessand increased

    operating income by $1.7 billion to $10.2 billion.

    We became a better competitor, gaining

    market share across the world in almost

    every nonalcoholic beverage category and

    increasing our total market share. Early in 2012,

    we announced our 50th consecutive annualdividend increase, raising our dividend

    8.5 percent.

    2. People. Around the world, our associates

    set us apart, rallying behind our 2020 Vision

    with ocus and intensity. This was as true in

    Ireland, Russia and the United States, where

    I helped open new plants, as it was when I

    visited with associates in China, Indonesia,

    Japan and a dozen other countries.

    At our headquarters, one associate selessly

    donated a kidney to another. In Texas, a

    technician on a service call rushed to the aid

    o a college student struck crossing the street,

    saving her lie. And a Venezuelan associate

    won fve medals at the 2011 Special Olympics

    World Games in Greece.

    Everywhere I went, I saw our people executingin the marketplace, delivering or our customers

    and achieving extraordinary things. In the wake

    o heartbreaking devastation in Japan and

    Thailand, our associates inspired us all with

    their strength, resilience and determination.

    3. Portfolio. CocaCola and our other brands

    occupy a unique place in the hearts o people

    worldwide, and we did not take that position

    or granted in 2011. Instead, we sought out newand better ways to enhance our ans aection

    or our brands.

    This eort took many orms, rom making sure

    we had compelling marketing and eective

    merchandising, to creating memorable moments

    o connection and un, to participating in

    inspiring events.

    For 2011, we ramped up our eorts to win with

    CocaCola, the oxygen o our business. Brand

    CocaCola grew more than 3 percent or the

    year, adding nearly 350 million incremental unit

    cases. We also invested in our 14 other billion

    dollar brands, including Minute Maid Pulpy,

    which grew 20 percent in 2011.

    And we introduced more consumers to

    the wonders o CocaCola Freestylethe

    innovative new ountain dispenser that

    delivers more than 125 branded beverage

    choices with less environmental impact thanour traditional legacy equipment.

    4. Partners. In 2011, our Company created

    tremendous economic value or those working

    with us to reresh a thirsty world. Along with our

    bottling partners, we became more integrated

    into the growth strategies o our more than

    20 million customers, helping them grow

    and prosper and create jobs.

    Working with our customers, we increased

    immediate consumption beverages by

    4 percent through enhanced instore activations

    and additional colddrink equipment. In Latin

    America, a new retail design initiative is helping

    small traditional retailers increase oot trafc

    and create more passion points in their stores.

    In the United States, innovations such as

    CocaCola Freestyle and our PlantBottle

    package helped generate greater sales and

    velocity or our partners.

    5. Planet. We believe frmly in the power o

    partnerships among the golden triangle

    o business, government and civil society

    organizations, and we have seen good

    progress being made across a number o

    water, packaging, energy efciency and

    community empowerment programs.

    One such unique environmental partnershipwas a bold initiative we launched in 2011 with

    World Wildlie Fund in North America. Our

    Arctic Home program was designed to help

    raise awareness about the plight o polar

    bears while providing unding to support

    conservation eorts.

    Another initiative that continued to gain traction

    last year was our bold and ambitious 5 BY 20

    commitment to enable the empowerment o5 million women entrepreneurs by 2020. By

    yearend 2012, we expect the program to reach

    CocaCola and our other brands occupya unique place in the hearts o peopleworldwide, and we did not take that positionor granted in 2011.

    2011 Annual Review 3

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    300,000 women. One such person is Preeti

    Gupta, a mother o three who has a small store

    in her home in rural India. With a solarpowered

    cooler rom CocaCola, she can now provide

    cold beverages to her customers and keep her

    lights on at night, enabling her children to have

    more time to study.

    6. Productivity. In 2011, we successully

    completed a ouryear productivity program,realizing annualized savings o more than

    $500 million. Meanwhile, the integration o the

    North American operations o CocaCola

    Enterprises into our Company moved smoothly

    orward, opening up resh pathways to growth.

    For the uture, I am convinced that some o

    our most important business breakthroughs

    will come at the intersection o sustainability

    and innovation. Last year, or example, weexpanded our PlantBottle technology to more

    markets, increasing distribution o the up to

    30 percent plantbased packaging and

    protecting our longterm cost competitiveness.

    Looking ahead, we see vast opportunities

    or your Company. Across the more than

    200 countries we serve, our hardworking and

    passionate teams are engaged in creating

    value in every possible way. For our consumers.

    For our customers. For our communities. Andor you, our shareowners.

    We know our business can only be as strong

    and sustainable as the communities we serve,

    and we continue to support the economic

    recovery in the United States and around the

    globe. For 2012 and beyond, we will keep

    striving to act as a responsible corporate citizen.

    I also want you to know that I have never beenmore optimistic about CocaCola nor more

    proud o our people, who did a remarkable job,

    oten in challenging and difcult circumstances.

    Even so, we remain constructively discontent.

    We know this is a journey. In act, as we begin

    our next 125 years, we do so with a proound

    sense that we are just getting started.

    On behal o the incredibly hardworking 146,200

    women and men o The CocaCola Company,

    please accept my sincerest gratitude or your

    investment. We appreciate your trust andconfdence, we are dedicated to delivering

    on your behal, and we could not be more

    proudand humbledto have the opportunity.

    Thank you,

    Muhtar Kent

    Chairman o the Board o Directors

    and Chie Executive Ofcer

    April 1, 2012

    For the uture, I am convinced thatsome o our most important businessbreakthroughs will come at the intersectiono sustainability and innovation.

    4 The CocaCola Company

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    2011 2010Year Ended December 31,

    (in millions except per share data)

    2009 2008


    Net operating revenues $46,542 $35,119 $30,990 $31,944

    Operating income 10,154 8,449 8,231 8,446

    Net income attributable to shareowners of

    The CocaCola Company 8,572 11,809 6,824 5,807


    Basic net income $3.75 $5.12 $2.95 $2.51

    Diluted net income 3.69 5.06 2.93 2.49

    Cash dividends 1.88 1.76 1.64 1.52


    Total assets $79,974 $72,921 $48,671 $40,519

    Longterm debt 13,656 14,041 5,059 2,781




    NET OPERATINg REvENuES(in millions)




    OPERATINg INCOmE(in millions)




    uNIT CASE vOLumE(in billions)




    OPERATINg CASh LOW(in millions)

    1 Includes the impact o the Companys acquisition o CocaCola Enterprises (CCE) Inc.s North American business and the sale o our Norway and Sweden bottling operations, which closed on October 2, 2010


    2011 Annual Review 52011 Annual Review 5

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    We are elierin on or 2020 vision. In the past two years, we

    have gained global nonalcoholic readytodrink (NARTD) volume and

    value share by capturing nearly 30% o industry volume growth and

    nearly 40% o industry value growth; sold more than 700 million

    incremental unit cases o Trademark CocaCola; placed more than

    2.2 million new pieces o colddrink equipment in the marketplace

    with our bottling partners; and added two juice brands to our portolio

    o billion dollar brands.


    Cappe a yearlon celebration o te 125t

    anniersary o Coca-Cola by oin te secret

    orla to te Worl o Coca-Cola.

    Expanded our

    growing roster o

    billion dollar brands

    to 15 with the

    addition o Del Valle.

    Advanced to No. 6 onFORTUNE

    magazines 2011 list o the Worlds

    50 Most Admired Companies, and

    moved up to No. 8 onBarrons ranking

    o the Worlds Most Respected


    Topped Interbrands ranking o the

    100 Best Global Brands or the 12th

    consecutive year. The estimated brand

    value o CocaCola increased 2%

    to $71.9 billion in 2011.

    Continued the rollout o the CocaCola

    Freestyle ountain dispenser to more

    than 80 U.S. markets.

    Named Marketer o the Year byAd Age

    in recognition o both our worldclass

    marketing and strong business results

    in 2011.

    6 The CocaCola Company

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    Formed a global partnership with the

    International Federation o Red Cross

    and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to

    support the IFRCs work in disaster

    response/preparedness and public


    deliere alost 1 billion nit cases o

    increental oranic ole rowt in 2011.

    Iportantly, we enerate positie rowt in

    key eelope arkets like Nort Aerica,

    gerany an Japan, an oble-iit rowt

    in key eerin arkets like Cina an Inia.

    Moved up ve spots to No. 12

    on DiversityInc magazinesTop 50 Companies or Diversity

    list or 2011.

    Committed $6 million to our Replenish

    Arica Initiative (RAIN) in support o

    water and sanitation programs

    beneting 250,000 women and girls

    on the continent.

    Established the $31 million CocaCola

    Japan Reconstruction Fund to support

    relie and rebuilding eorts over the

    next three years in the wake o the

    tragic earthquake and tsunami.

    Partnered with

    Heinz to enable

    them to produce

    Heinz Ketchup

    bottles using our



    packaging made

    partially rom plants.

    Annonce a ltiyear partnersip

    wit (REd) to raise awareness an

    oney or te global n wit te

    oal o irtally eliinatin oter-to-cil transission o hIv by 2015.

    Annonce ltibillion ollar inestents in

    Cina, Inia, te mile East an Rssia as part

    o te ore tan $30 billion or syste as

    coitte to inest worlwie oer te net

    e years to spport anticipate rowt.

    Partnered with World Wildlie Fund

    (WWF) to launch Arctic Home, a bold

    campaign to help protect polar bear

    habitat. The Company has committed

    $2 million to the eort and will matchconsumer donations o up to an

    additional $1 million.

    Aree to acire approiately

    al o te eity in Ajan Instries

    eistin beerae bsiness. Te

    $980 illion transaction will ie s a

    sinicant stake in one o te mileEasts leain still beerae copanies.

    2011 Annual Review 7

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    We are a 125-year-ol branan bsiness ene by oryot, not or ae.

    Ljbljana, Sloenia

    Joannesbr, Sot Arica

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    Bankok, Tailan

    Lonon, great Britain

    Atlanta, unite States

    Sanai, Cina

    9 2011 Annual Review 9

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    Atlanta, unite States

    dbai, unite Arab Eirates

    meico City, meico

    1010 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    An we are jst

    ettin starte.

    Atlanta, unite States

    Berlin, gerany

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review



















    South KoreaMorocco









    El Salvador


    PeruGreat Britain










    South Arica








    United StatesChile










    Per capita consumptionthe average number

    o 8ounce servings o our beverages people

    consume each year in a given marketis a key

    indicator o our growth potential. These rates are

    still relatively low in many o our astestgrowing

    markets, revealing tremendous opportunity in the

    years ahead. We are ocused on doubling our

    business this decade by driving protable growth

    through innovation in developed markets;

    maximizing value through segmentation and

    building consumer loyalty in developing markets;

    and driving volume and investing or accelerated

    growth in emerging markets.

    92 servings

    8 fuid ounces

    conse per personworlwie in 2011

    Base on u.S.

    o a nise beerae

    12 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    Our business was built or times like these. We provide consumers

    with an aordable luxury: we sell moments o happiness, orcents at a time, more than 1.7 billion times a day in more than

    200 countries. We proudly partner with more than 20 million

    customers each week to deliver innovative, categoryleading

    brands and services. Working with our nearly 275 bottling

    partners, we have developed a global distribution system tailored

    to local markets, adapted to local conditions and staed by local

    leaders. All o our attributesan aligned system, healthy brands,

    consistently strong nancial perormance and a clear vision

    position us to reresh a thirsty world.



    2011 Annual Review 13

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    OuR SYSTEm

    Place ore tan 1.2 illion

    new pieces o col-rink

    eipent in te arketplace

    wit or bottlin partners

    in 2011, totalin ore tan

    2.2 illion since 2010.

    Or syste as neer been stroner. Together

    with our nearly 275 bottling partners, we are

    investing and executing as a unied system.

    Todays investments uel tomorrows growth.

    We understand that a clear vision, conviction andbelieollowed by investmentdrive sustainable

    results. The progress we are making today in

    markets around the world is the product o precise

    execution combined with targeted, aheadothe

    curve investments made with our bottling partners.

    The ongoing integration eorts in our fagship market

    ollowing the 2010 acquisition o the North American

    operations o CocaCola Enterprises Inc. have

    enabled us to build a more ocused selling process

    to take our strong brands to market in the right

    way and generate greater value or our customers.

    As a result, we are aster and more nimble,

    and more coordinated and consistent in ourgotomarket approach.

    Globally, our system has committed to invest more

    than $30 billion over the next ve years to support

    anticipated growthrom new manuacturing

    acilities in developed markets to new distribution

    systems and marketing programs in emerging

    economies. We will invest $2 billion in India,

    14 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    Toeter wit or bottlin partners,

    we rank aon te worls top 10priate eployers wit ore tan

    700,000 syste associates.

    Together withour bottlingpartners, wehave investedmore than$3 billion inChina overthe pastthree years.

    where the per capita consumption rate reveals

    tremendous growth potential, over the next ve

    years. Over the next three years, we plan to invest

    $4 billion in China, where our business has doubled

    in the past ve years. We also will invest $3 billion in

    Russia over the next ve years and $5 billion in theMiddle East and North Arica over the next decade.

    Through these and other investments, we expect

    to create 100,000 jobs in this decade.

    We also continue to invest in our brands on a

    global scale through worldclass marketing and

    commercial strategies, as well as breakthrough

    innovations that will help us deliver on our

    2020 Visionrom natural, nocalorie sweeteners,

    to more sustainable packaging like PlantBottle,

    to equipment and consumer engagement

    platorms like CocaCola Freestyle. Combined,

    these longterm investments will give us a strong

    competitive advantage.

    Toeter wit or bottlin partners,

    we rank aon te worls top 10priate eployers wit ore tan

    700,000 syste associates.

    2011 Annual Review 15

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    Innoation is in or dNA. It is part o both our

    heritage and our uture. We see innovation as

    understanding our consumers needs and

    nding new ways to satisy them, then investing

    aggressively to bring them to market.

    From packaging made partially rom plants, to the

    ountain o the uture, to our creative use o social

    media, our gamechanging innovations continued

    to receive high marks in 2011. Interbrand credited

    two o our recent breakthroughs with enhancing

    the value o CocaCola, which topped its list o the

    100 Best Global Brands or the 12th straight year.

    Coca-Cola reestyle has reinvented the ountain

    experience by giving consumers exciting new ways

    to experience our brands. Capable o producing

    more than 125 beverage choices, the sleek, more

    sustainable dispenser is now available in more

    than 80 U.S. markets and is expanding to severalinternational markets. It drives revenue and trac or

    our customers, providing us with valuable insights

    while also reducing our environmental impact.

    A second innovation, PlantBottle packaging,

    is driving not only our improved environmental

    perormance and longterm productivity but also

    sales and brand love. The ully recyclable polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) plastic package made with up

    We partnere wit goole

    to pilot casless enin

    acines sin goole

    Wallet payent serice,

    wic allows consers

    to se teir sartpones

    to prcase beeraeswit a siple tap.

    Coca-Cola reestyle an PlantBottle wonBest New Proct Awars at te 2011

    Eison Awars in te New Retail rontiersan Enery & Sstainability Packain

    cateories, respectiely.

    16 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    to 30 percent plantbased material has given a

    boost to Dasani in the United States and other

    brands around the world. By the end o 2011,

    PlantBottle packaging was available in 20 markets,

    and nearly 10 billion PlantBottle packages had been

    shipped. To date, use o PlantBottle packaging hashelped save the equivalent annual emissions o

    more than 100,000 metric tons o carbon dioxide.

    We are partnering with three leading biotechnology

    companies to achieve our longterm goal to develop

    the rst commercial solution or nextgeneration

    PlantBottle packaging made 100 percent rom plant

    based materials. And an industryrst partnershipwith H.J. Heinz Company allows the ketchup maker

    to produce its 20ounce bottles in the United States

    using PlantBottle technology, building awareness

    and arming our continued leadership in

    sustainable packaging.

    The act that we operate in more than 200 countriesand manage a global network o worldclass R&D

    centerspositions us to quickly develop, commercialize

    and spread winning ideas. For example, minte mai

    Plpy has used its initial success in China as a

    springboard to quickly reach 20 countries within a

    ew years o its debut. The development o what has

    become another o our billion dollar juice and juice

    drink brands is a testament to our systems ability torapidly scale innovation in any part o the world.




    Sweetener Innoation

    The European Commission authorized the use o stevia,

    a natural, zerocalorie sweetener. We now oer more

    than 30 sparkling and still beverages sweetened with

    stevia in seven countries. The decision will enable

    us to urther scale this innovation and deliver more

    greattasting low and nocalorie beverages.

    groe to glass

    Our Grove to Glass approach has rewired how we source

    ruit as well as produce our juice and juice drink products.

    2011 Annual Review 17

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    Te ealt o or brans as neer been better.

    We are the proud stewards o 15 Companyowned

    billion dollar brands spanning a range o categories,

    anchored by the worlds most recognized and most

    valuable brand: CocaCola. Our brand metrics

    around the world are stronger than ever.

    Globally, we are the No. 1 provider o sparkling

    beverages, juices and juice drinks, and readyto

    drink coees. Additionally, we are the secondlargest

    provider o sports drinks and packaged water, and

    the worlds No. 3 energy drink company.

    Our portolio is perpetually evolving and expanding

    based on the changing needs and tastes o our

    consumers. Today we oer more than 3,500

    sparkling and still beverages around the world

    three times as many as we did a decade ago

    including more than 500 new products launched in

    2011. These brands are supported by worldclass

    marketing, packaging and instore merchandising.

    We have worked to introduce products or every

    liestyle and occasion, in an array o convenient

    package sizes and ormats. Low and nocalorie

    beverages now represent nearly 25 percent o our

    global sales volume. Since 2000, our global average

    number o calories per serving has decreased by

    9 percent, and 19 o our top 20 brands have a low

    or nocalorie alternative or are low or nocalorie.

    Or top or brans Coca-Cola, Sprite,

    anta an diet Coke all aain eceee

    $10 billion in lobal retail sales in 2011.

    Bran Coca-Colate

    oyen o or bsiness

    is a billion ollar bran

    in 18 ierent contries.

    18 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    We lance laca

    itainwater in Arentina,

    Cile an denark, brinin

    te brans total nber o

    arkets to 24.

    Powerae rew 12% in2011, continin te stron

    oent create rin

    te 2010 IA Worl Cp.

    In 2011, we gained volume and value share globally

    in total NARTD beverages, as well as in both the

    sparkling and still beverage categories. Unit case

    volume or our global sparkling beverage portolio

    was up 4 percent, driven by CocaCola (up

    3 percent), Sprite (up 5 percent) and Fanta

    (up 3 percent).

    We continue to provide consumers with beverage

    choices to suit all tastes and liestyles. Our global still

    beverage portolio also perormed well, up 8 percent

    in 2011. Del Valle became our 15th brandand

    the third straight rom our juice and juice drink

    portolioto cross the $1 billion global retail sales

    mark. Since acquiring Jugos del Valle, a leading juice


    company in the Latin American region, our system

    has more than doubled retail sales o the Del Valle

    brand and expanded distribution to 15 countries. We

    also reached an agreement to acquire a signicant

    equity stake in the existing beverage business o

    Aujan Industries, one o the largest juice companies

    in the Middle East.

    This is how we have built the worlds most valuable

    beverage brand portolio, with 15 Companyowned

    billion dollar brandsmore than any other

    beverage company.

    +7% +10%+4%

    Figures above represent 2011 unit case volume growth.

    2011 Annual Review 19

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    Consers are ore epowere tan eer.

    That is why we market our products by creating

    compelling content and experiences that spread

    seamlessly and spark conversations to keep our

    brands vibrant and relevant. This Liquid and Linked

    strategy ocuses on delivering authentic brand

    stories that can spread and scale across multiple

    marketing channels, while linking to our business

    strategy and our consumers passions.

    In 2011, we used music as a powerul vehicle to

    connect with consumers. CocaCola Music, our

    largestever integrated music platorm, ocused

    on teen recruitment and gave ans in more than

    130 countries the inside track on the latest music

    through opportunities to express themselves,

    collaborate with top artists and share experiences

    with riends. The platorm kicked o with ans around

    the world tuning in to watch a live stream o

    GRAMMY Awardwinning band Maroon 5 writing

    and recording an original song in just 24 hours. The

    event used the realtime speed, global impact and

    social power o the Internet to create a rstoits

    kind experience. Other activations included a digital

    application where teens could upload ootage to the

    music video or breakthrough band One Night Onlys

    global anthem and share it with riends, and the

    chance to collaborate with Billboard Music Award

    winner Taio Cruz on a song he perormed during

    the season nale oAmerican Idol.




    We teae wit seeralinfential asion labels

    an retailers, inclindolce & gabbana, to

    lanc license

    Coca-Cola collections incoeoration o or125t anniersary.

    Photo Courtesy o Dolce & Gabbana


    o the Yearaccorin toAd Age, wicsalte or arketin ecellence,leacy o innoation an stronbsiness reslts in 2011.

    20 The CocaCola Company

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    Social media continues to be an increasingly vital

    component o our marketing mix. Our ansrst

    social media strategy ocuses on cocreating and

    curating content by participating with our consumers

    to spark conversations in these communities.

    In 2011, we garnered more than 1.4 billion impressions

    on Facebook and YouTube across all participating

    brands, almost double the impressions rom 2010.

    In addition to consumer impressions, we are

    increasingly tracking consumer expressions, which

    we dene as engagement with our brand content

    rom comments, shares and likes to uploaded

    photos or videos. Fans o our brands produced

    5 million expressions on Facebook, YouTube and

    Twitter, a 139 percent increase compared to 2010.

    Another 2011 highlight was the expansion o the

    global Where Will Happiness Strike Next? project.

    CocaCola teams in more than 40 markets have

    produced more than 100 lms and brand

    experiences centered on surprising moments o

    authentic happiness. To date, the program has

    generated more than 285 million online and ofine

    impressions globally and inspired a series o

    experiential Happiness Truck activations worldwide.

    CocaColaremains theNo. 1 consumerproduct an

    page onFacebook.

    Fast Companyreconize Te Coca-Cola Copany

    aon te worls ost innoatie copanies, citin

    or teen-ocse Coca-Cola msic arketin plator.

    2011 Annual Review 21

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    We annonce a partnersip

    wit uN Woen in spport

    o or lobal 5 BY 20 initiatie

    to epower 5 illion woen

    entrepreners across or

    bsiness syste by 2020.

    Sstainability at Te Coca-Cola Copany is

    abot ore tan oin oo. It is good business

    and a core tenet o our 2020 Vision. We believe that

    as we become a bigger company, we also must

    become a more sustainable and responsible enterprise

    by protecting and preserving the natural and humanresources our business relies on. By doing so, we

    will continue to earn a social license to operate.

    During times o uncertainty, consumers are thirsty

    or brands like CocaCola that inspire moments

    o optimism and happiness, and they are willing

    to reward those companies that create value and

    make a positive dierence in the world.

    Our sustainability eorts reduce our environmental

    ootprint; promote active healthy living; create a

    sae, inclusive work environment or our associates;

    and support the economic development o the

    communities where we operate.

    Our LIVE POSITIVELY ramework ocuses on our

    critical areas where we are best equipped to make

    a positive dierenceand that directly impact our

    business: water stewardship, sustainable packaging,

    climate protection and community. We are making

    progress toward our goals in each o these areas.

    Read more about our progress in our2010/2011

    Sustainability Report.

    Te Coca-Cola onation awars rants to oranizations

    aron te worl wit a ocs on actie ealty liin, water

    stewarsip, recyclin an ecation.

    22 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    We iproe or water

    se eciency in 2010 or

    te eit consectie

    year an in 2011

    replenise an estiate

    35% o water se in or

    procts as we work

    towar or oal o waternetrality in or operations

    by 2020.

    In 2011, we took an important step by creating a

    global Oce o Sustainability. This new team

    led by the Chie Sustainability Ocerwill better

    integrate the many successul projects we have

    launched around the world and accelerate our

    global sustainability agenda in support o our2020 Vision. Recognizing the power o strength

    in numbers, we also continue to partner with

    governments, NGOs, civil society organizations

    and other private sector leaders. By coming

    together and leveraging our collective strengths,

    resources and expertise, we believe we can

    drive lasting change that benets everyone.

    For example, we partner with the Bill & MelindaGates Foundation to support mango and passion

    ruit armers in Kenya and Uganda and boost local

    juice production, and to share our extensive supply

    chain expertise with the Tanzania Ministry o Health

    to improve access to critical medicines; and we

    continue to work with Greenpeace and others to

    develop and scale hydrofuorocarbon (HFC)ree

    cooling equipment.

    2010/2011 SuSTAINABILITY REPORTScan the QR Code with a mobile device or visit


    Learn more in our

    aware to 263 conityoranizations worlwie in 2011 tro

    Te Coca-Cola onation, or priaryinternational pilantropic ar.

    $70+ million


    2011 Annual Review 23
  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    2011 WORLdWIdE uNIT CASE vOLumE

    gEOgRAPhIC mIx

    16%Erasia & Arica



    22%Nort Aerica

    29%Latin Aerica

    2011 OPERATINg gROuP hIghLIghTS




    2011 vs. 2010Growth

    5Year CompoundAnnual Growth

    2011 vs. 2010Growth

    2011 vs. 2010Growth

    Eurasia & Arica 6% 8% 5% 13%

    Europe 2% 2% 2% 2%

    Latin America 6% 7% 4% 15%

    North America 4% 1 0% 3%2 4%

    Pacic 5% 7% 4% 8%

    Worlwie 5%3 4% 4%4 8%

    26.7 BillionUnit CasesWorldwide

    1 1% excluding the benet o new crosslicensed brands associated with the acquisition o CCEs North American business

    2 (1%) excluding the benet o new crosslicensed brands associated with the acquisition o CCEs North American business3 4% excluding the benet o new crosslicensed brands associated with the acquisition o CCEs North American business4 3% excluding the benet o new crosslicensed brands associated with the acquisition o CCEs North American business

    24 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    Erasia & AricaThe Eurasia & Arica Group grew unit case volume 6 percent,

    underscoring progress against the goal o strategically investing

    or tomorrow while gaining share today. India delivered double

    digit growth or the th consecutive year. Brand CocaColastayed strong, and still beverages beneted rom growth across

    our juice and juice drink portolio, including Maaza. In Russia,

    brand CocaCola again delivered doubledigit growth in 2011,

    and we continued to outperorm the industry and gained share in

    sparkling beverages. In Turkey, we delivered doubledigit volume

    growth or the second consecutive year. Despite geopolitical

    challenges in the Middle East and North Arica, we delivered

    strong perormance. We continue to invest in this region, as

    evidenced by our agreement to acquire approximately

    50 percent o the equity o Aujan Industries. This partnership,

    coupled with our strong bottling partners, will make our system

    a leader in the regions astgrowing still beverage category.

    EropeThe Europe Group overcame an uncertain economic environment

    to deliver 4 percent operating income growth and 2 percent unit

    case volume growth. The 125th anniversary o CocaCola was

    activated with passion and creativity, driving brand love on a

    massive scale. Other marketing highlights included Coke &

    Meals, driving sales with imaginative partnerships and cross

    promotions. We scored with summer music campaigns and built

    momentum or UEFA EURO 2012 and the London 2012 OlympicGames. A key strategic success was strengthening ties with

    bottling partners and driving growth with key customers. We

    spent more time in the marketplace, using the insights to act with

    greater fexibility and get closer to consumers with an adapted

    brand, package and price architecture.

    A. Middle East & North AricaB. Central, East & West AricaC. IndiaD. TurkeyE. South AricaF. RussiaG. Other








    2011 uNIT CASE vOLumE mIxBY gEOgRAPhY

    2011 uNIT CASE vOLumE mIx

    BY gEOgRAPhY

    A. Eastern EuropeB. GermanyC. SpainD. Great BritainE. FranceF. ItalyG. Other








    2011 Annual Review 25

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    Latin AericaOur unit case volume growth o 6 percent in the Latin America

    Group led to volume and value share gains in total NARTD

    beverages. This perormance made Latin America the largest

    operating group in terms o unit case volume or the thconsecutive year. We attribute much o this growth to clear

    occasionbased, brand, package, price and channel strategies

    across beverage categories. The business also beneted rom

    strong integrated marketing campaigns across beverage

    categories, as well as a successul holiday campaign and

    connection with consumers through inspirational cultural

    messages. Latin America gained volume and value share in

    both sparkling and still beverages. Sparkling beverages grew

    4 percent driven by continued growth o brand CocaCola,

    and still beverages grew 15 percent.

    Nort AericaOur fagship market is ocused on building strong brands,

    translating brand value into customer value and strengthening

    system capabilities to sustain and repeat success. We delivered

    solid results in a challenging environment, including 1 percent

    organic volume growth, as we continued our integration eorts

    ollowing the largest acquisition in our Companys history, creating

    synergy savings to reinvest in our brands and capabilities. Strong

    consumer and customer programs included CocaCola ArcticHome, which generated more than 1.3 billion consumer

    impressions, and continued successul marketing partnerships

    between brand CocaCola and NASCAR, Diet Coke and The

    Heart Truth campaign, and CocaCola Zero, Powerade and

    the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Eective

    execution o our occasionbased, brand, package, price and

    channel strategies delivered volume and value share gains across

    beverage categories. CocaCola Zero achieved its th consecutive

    year o doubledigit volume growth, and Powerade, Dasani,

    Gold Peak and Seagrams all grew double digits.

    A. MexicoB. Brazil

    C. South LatinD. Latin Center







    A. United StatesB. Canada




    2011 uNIT CASE vOLumE mIx

    BY gEOgRAPhY

    2011 uNIT CASE vOLumE mIx

    BY gEOgRAPhY

    26 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    PacicThe Pacic Group delivered 5 percent unit case volume growth. In

    Japan, the strength and resilience o our systems people, brands

    and programs enabled us to rapidly regain momentum ater the

    March 2011 earthquake and tsunami and deliver another year ovolume growth. In China, our unit case volume grew 13 percent,

    making this nine o the last 10 years the business has delivered

    doubledigit growth. Our core brandsCocaCola, Sprite, Fanta

    and Minute Maid Pulpyall delivered doubledigit growth or the

    year in China. Following a strong 2010, our volume in the other

    territories o the Pacic Group showed mixed perormance in

    2011, aected by macroeconomic headwinds in some countries.

    Importantly, the Pacic Group gained share in sparkling

    beverages, juices and juice drinks, and water.

    Bottlin InestentsIn 2011, we continued to execute the strategies o the Bottling Investments Group.

    Our core ocus on topline growth and aggressive cost management, combined with

    marketplace execution, operational excellence and productivity, generated strong

    perormance. We grew unit case volume 4 percent on a comparable basis ater

    adjusting or the impact o the sale o our Norway and Sweden bottling operations.

    However, on a reported basis unit case volume was even with the prior year. We

    continued to ocus on prudent capital planning to ensure we have the capacity to

    meet sales growth. Our ocus on improving environmental metrics has resulted insignicant positive changes, especially in energy and water usage. In addition, we

    opened more than 335,000 new outlets, placed an incremental 205,000 new coolers

    and continued building market segmentation capabilities to ensure consumers

    continue to have access to our brands or all occasions, in the right packages, at the

    right price. We remained ocused on the implementation oCoke One, our endtoend

    bottler operating system that enables the development o standard tools, data and

    systems geared toward enhancing sales orce eectiveness.

    A. ChinaB. Japan

    C. PhilippinesD. AustraliaE. ThailandF. Other









    2011 uNIT CASE vOLumE mIx

    BY gEOgRAPhY




    2011 Annual Review 27


  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    The CocaCola Company is the worlds largest beverage company.We own or license and market more than 500 nonalcoholic beveragebrands, primarily sparkling beverages but also a variety o stillbeverages such as waters, enhanced waters, juices and juice drinks,readytodrink teas and coees, and energy and sports drinks. Weown and market our o the worlds top ve nonalcoholic sparkling

    beverage brands: CocaCola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Finishedbeverage products bearing our trademarks, sold in the United Statessince 1886, are now sold in more than 200 countries.

    We are a global business that operates on a local scale in every

    community where we do business. We are able to create global

    reach with local resources because o the strength o the CocaCola

    system, which comprises our Company and our bottling partners

    nearly 275 worldwide.

    Our Company sources ingredients; manuactures and sells

    concentrates, beverage bases and syrups to our bottling

    operations; owns the brands; and is responsible or consumerbrand marketing initiatives. Our bottling partners and some

    Company operations manuacture, package, merchandise and

    distribute the nished branded beverages to our customers and

    vending partners, who then sell our products to consumers.

    Our bottling partners work closely with customersgrocery stores,

    restaurants, street vendors, convenience stores, movie theaters and

    amusement parks, among many othersto execute localized

    strategies developed in partnership with our Company. Through

    eective collaboration, we are able to sell our products to

    consumers at a rate o more than 1.7 billion servings a day.

    The CocaCola system is not a single entity rom a legal or

    managerial perspective, and the Company does not own or control

    most o our bottling partners. In October 2010, we acquired the

    North American operations o CocaCola Enterprises Inc. (CCE) andsold our Companys Norway and Sweden bottling operations to a

    new entity, CocaCola Enterprises, Inc. (New CCE). The Company

    does not have any ownership interest in New CCE. We believe this

    acquisition will result in an evolved ranchise system that will enable

    us to better serve the unique needs o the North American market.

    The creation o a unied operating system will strategically position

    us to readily market and distribute our products in North America.



    28 The CocaCola Company


  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review




    Coca-Cola EmSA, S.A.B. e C.v.(CocaCola FEMSA)

    CocaCola FEMSA is the largestindependent CocaCola bottler in the

    world. CocaCola FEMSA operates inMexico and also in eight countries in

    Central America and South America.

    Percent o Companys 2011 WorldwideUnit Case Volume


    Our Ownership Interest as oDecember 31, 2011


    Coca-Cola hellenic BottlinCopany S.A.

    (CocaCola Hellenic)

    CocaCola Hellenic is the secondlargestindependent CocaCola bottler,

    operating in 27 countries in Europe andin Nigeriaserving a population oapproximately 560 million people.

    Percent o Companys 2011 WorldwideUnit Case Volume


    Our Ownership Interest as oDecember 31, 2011


    Coca-Cola Aatil Liite(CocaCola Amatil)

    CocaCola Amatil is one o the largest

    independent CocaCola bottlers inthe Pacic region, with operations in

    Australia, Fiji, Indonesia, New Zealandand Papua New Guinea.

    Percent o Companys 2011 Worldwide

    Unit Case Volume


    Our Ownership Interest as o

    December 31, 2011


    global Workorce 146,2001

    North America 3,900CocaCola Rereshments 69,600

    Latin America 2,200Bottling Investments 10,400

    Europe 2,600Bottling Investments 11,300

    Eurasia & Arica 2,400Bottling Investments 9,900

    Pacic 2,500Bottling Investments 31,400

    1 Corporate associates are included in the

    geographic area in which they work. Bottling

    Investments is an operating group with

    associates located in our o our geographic

    operating groups. Numbers are

    approximate and as o December 31, 2011.

    2011 Annual Review 29


  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    30 The CocaCola Company



    Ahmet C. Bozer 1President

    Central, East and West Arica:Nathan Kalumbu

    India and South West Asia:Atul Singh

    Middle East and North Arica:Curtis A. Ferguson

    Russia, Ukraine and Belarus:Zoran A. Vucinic

    South Arica: Therese Gearhart

    Turkey, Caucasus and Central Asia:Galya Frayman Molinas


    Dominique Reiniche1


    Central and Southern Europe:Nikos Koumettis

    Germany: Hendrik Steckhan

    Iberia: Marcos de Quinto

    Northwest Europe and Nordics:James R. Quincey


    Jos Octavio Reyes 1President

    Brazil: Xiemar Zaraza

    Latin Center: John Murphy

    Mexico: Brian J. Smith

    South Latin: Francisco Crespo


    Glenn G. Jordan S.1President

    Greater China and Korea:David G. Brooks

    Japan: Dan Sayre

    South Pacifc: Bruno Filipi

    ASEAN2: Manuel Arroyo


    J. Alexander M. Douglas, Jr.1President

    Canada: Nicola Kettlitz

    Sparkling Beverages:Katherine J. Bayne

    Still Beverages: Brian E. Wynne

    Venturing and Emerging Brands:Deryck J. van Rensburg


    Steve Cahillane1

    President and Chie Executive Ocer

    Canada: John Guarino

    Commercial Leadership:

    Julie M. Francis

    Foodservice and On-Premise:Chris Lowe

    National Retail Sales:Mel F. Landis III

    Product Supply System:Brian P. Kelley

    Region Sales: Glen Walter


    Irial Finan1President

    China, Malaysia and Singapore:Martin Jansen

    Germany: Ulrik Nehammer

    India: T. Krishnakumar

    Latin America and Japan:Paul Mulligan

    Russia, Middle East and Arica:Kevin Warren

    Philippines: William Schultz

    mANAgEmENT(AS O APRIL 1, 2012)

    1 Person subject to the reporting requirements o Section 16 o the Securities Exchange Act o 1934, as amended2 Association o Southeast Asian Nations

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    2011 Annual Review 31


    Muhtar Kent 1

    Chairman o the Board o Directorsand Chie Executive Ocer

    Harry L. Anderson1

    Senior Vice President, Global Businessand Technology Services

    Ahmet C. Bozer 1

    President, Eurasia & Arica Group

    Steven A. Cahillane1

    President and Chie Executive Ocer,CocaCola Rereshments

    Alexander B. Cummings, Jr.1

    Executive Vice President and

    Chie Administrative Ocer

    J. Alexander M. Douglas, Jr.1

    President, North America Group

    Ceree Eberly 1

    Senior Vice President and

    Chie People Ocer

    Gary P. Fayard 1

    Executive Vice President and

    Chie Financial Ocer

    Irial Finan1

    Executive Vice President and

    President, Bottling Investmentsand Supply Chain

    Bernhard Goepelt 1

    Senior Vice President, GeneralCounsel and Chie Legal Counsel

    Glenn G. Jordan S.1

    President, Pacic Group

    Dominique Reiniche1

    President, Europe Group

    Jos Octavio Reyes1

    President, Latin America Group

    Ingrid Saunders JonesSenior Vice President, Global

    Community Connections

    Joseph V. Tripodi 1

    Executive Vice President and Chie

    Marketing and Commercial Ocer

    Clyde C. Tuggle1

    Senior Vice President, Chie PublicAairs and Communications Ocer

    Jerry S. Wilson1

    Senior Vice President and ChieCustomer and Commercial Ocer

    Guy Wollaert 1

    Senior Vice President andChie Technical Ocer


    Rudy M. Beserra, Latin Aairs

    John M. Farrell, Chie Strategy Ocer

    Rick Frazier, Commercial Product


    Javier Goizueta, President,McDonalds Division

    William D. Hawkins III, General

    Tax Counsel

    Eddie R. Hays, Science

    James A. Hush, Strategic Securityand Aviation

    R. Jackson Kelly, Investor Relations


    Connie D. McDaniel, Chie o Internal


    Christopher P. Nolan, Corporate


    Carletta Ooton, Chie Quality andProduct Integrity Ocer

    Bea Perez, Chie Sustainability Ocer

    Nancy Quan, Global Research andDevelopment (R&D) Ocer

    Marie D. QuinteroJohnson, Director,Mergers and Acquisitions

    Mary M.G. Riddle, Flavor Ingredient


    Ed Steinike, Chie Inormation Ocer

    Ann T. Taylor, Global Business Services

    Kathy N. Waller,1Controller

    Gloria K. Bowden, Corporate Secretary

    and Associate General Counsel

    Fiona K. Lynch, AssistantCorporate Secretary

    1 Person subject to the reporting requirements o Section 16 o the Securities Exchange Act o 1934, as amended


  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    Photographed at the Vault o the Secret Formula exhibit, the World o CocaCola, Atlanta.

    32 The CocaCola Company

    From let to right

    Sam Nunn 5, 7

    CoChairman and Chie Executive

    Ocer, Nuclear Threat Initiative

    Alexis M. Herman 3, 7

    Chair and Chie Executive Ocer,

    New Ventures LLC

    Jacob Wallenberg 2, 7

    Chairman o the Board, Investor AB

    Evan G. Greenberg1

    Chairman, President and Chie

    Executive Ocer, ACE Limited

    Peter V. Ueberroth 1, 5

    Investor and Chairman, Contrarian

    Group, Inc.; NonExecutiveCoChairman, Pebble Beach


    James D. Robinson III 2, 3, 6

    CoFounder and General Partner,

    RRE Ventures; President,JD Robinson, Inc.

    Barry Diller 2, 5, 6

    Chairman o the Board and Senior

    Executive, IAC/InterActiveCorp,

    Expedia, Inc. and TripAdvisor, Inc.

    Muhtar Kent 4

    Chairman o the Board andChie Executive Ocer,

    The CocaCola Company

    Donald F. McHenry1, 2, 7

    Distinguished Proessor in the

    Practice o Diplomacy andInternational Aairs, School o Foreign

    Service, Georgetown University

    Maria Elena Lagomasino 2, 3

    Chie Executive Ocer, GenSpring

    Family Oces, LLC

    Howard G. Buett 7

    President, Buett Farms and Howard

    G. Buett Foundation

    Herbert A. Allen 4, 5, 6

    President, Chie Executive Ocerand Director, Allen & Company


    Ronald W. Allen 1, 3

    President, Chie Executive Ocer

    and Director, Aarons Inc.; FormerChairman o the Board, President

    and Chie Executive Ocer, Delta

    Air Lines, Inc.

    James B. Williams 1, 4, 5, 6

    Former Chairman o the Board

    and Chie Executive Ocer,SunTrust Banks, Inc.

    Donald R. Keough 6, 7

    NonExecutive Chairman o the Board,Allen & Company Incorporated and

    Allen & Company LLC

    Richard M. Daley 2

    Managing Principal, Tur Partners LLC;

    O Counsel, Katten MuchinRosenman LLP

    Robert A. Kotick 6

    President, Chie Executive Ocer andDirector, Activision Blizzard, Inc.

    1 Audit Committee

    2 Committee on Directors andCorporate Governance

    3 Compensation Committee

    4 Executive Committee

    5 Finance Committee

    6 Management DevelopmentCommittee

    7 Public Issues and Diversity

    Review Committee

    Shareowner InformatIon

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    2011 Annual Review 33

    Board o DirectorsOur Board o Directors is elected by

    the shareowners to oversee their

    interest in the long-term health and

    overall success o the Company and

    its nancial strength. The Board serves

    as the ultimate decision-making body

    o the Company, except or those

    matters reserved to or shared with

    the shareowners. The Board selects

    and oversees members o senior

    management, who are charged bythe Board with conducting the

    business o the Company. The Board

    currently has 17 Directors, 16 o whom

    are not employees o the Company.

    For more inormation on our Board,

    visit our Company website at www

    Common Stock

    The Coca-Cola Company common

    stock is listed on the New York StockExchange, traded under the ticker

    symbol KO. The Company has been

    one o the 30 companies in the Dow

    Jones Industrial Average since 1987.

    As o December 31, 2011, there were

    approximately 2.3 billion shares

    outstanding and 252,197 shareowners

    o record.


    At its February 2012 meeting, the

    Board o Directors increased our

    quarterly dividend 8.5 percent to $0.51

    per share, equivalent to an annual

    dividend o $2.04 per share. The

    Company has increased dividends in

    each o the last 50 years. Dividends

    are normally paid our times a year,

    usually on April 1, July 1, October 1 and

    December 15. The Company has paid

    363 consecutive dividends, beginning

    in 1920.

    Direct Stock Purchase andDividend Reinvestment

    Computershare Trust Company, N.A.,

    sponsors and administers a direct

    stock purchase and dividend

    reinvestment plan or common stock

    o The Coca-Cola Company. The

    Computershare Investment Plan

    allows investors to directly purchase

    and sell shares o Company common

    stock and reinvest dividends.

    To request plan materials or learn

    more about the Computershare

    Investment Plan, you may contact

    Computershare, the plan

    administrator, through the mail, by

    phone or via the Internetsee below.

    Shareowner Account Assistance

    For inormation and maintenance on

    your shareowner o record account,

    please contact:

    Computershare Investor Services

    P.O. Box 43078

    Providence, RI 02940-3078

    Telephone: (888) COKE-SHR

    (265-3747) or (781) 575-2879

    Hearing Impaired: (800) 490-1493

    Fax: (781) 575-3605

    Email: [email protected]



    Shareowner Internet Account Access

    For account access via the Internet,

    please log on to www.computershare


    Once registered, shareowners can

    view account history and complete

    transactions online.

    Electronic DeliveryI you are a shareowner o record,

    you have an opportunity to help the

    environment by signing up to receive

    your shareowner communications,

    including annual reports, proxy

    materials, account statements

    and tax orms, electronically.

    Register your email address at

    complete the online orm. As a thank

    you, the Company will have a treeplanted on your behal through

    American Forests.

    Corporate Oces

    The Coca-Cola Company

    One Coca-Cola Plaza

    Atlanta, Georgia 30313

    (404) 676-2121

    Inormation Resources

    Internet: Our website,,oers inormation about our

    nancial perormance and news

    about the Company, our heritage,

    brand experiences and much more.

    Publications: The CompanysAnnual

    Report on Form 10-K, Proxy Statement,

    Annual Review, Quarterly Reports on

    Form 10-Q and other publications

    covering our sustainability policies

    and initiatives are available reeo charge upon request rom our

    Industry and Consumer Aairs

    Department at (800) 438-2653.

    They also can be accessed at

    Interested in joining the Coca-ColaCivic Action Network?

    You have a stake in the success o

    The Coca-Cola Company and its

    system, and the Coca-Cola Civic

    Action Network (CAN) is a powerul

    way to be inormed, involved and

    infuential. Coca-Cola CAN is a

    nonpartisan grassroots network o

    citizens and businesses. Its purpose

    is to educate stakeholders about

    national, state and local issuesaecting our industry.

    Membership is voluntary, and you will

    never be asked to make a nancial

    contribution. To register, email us at

    [email protected]

    or visit our website at

    For more inormation, please visit

    our website at

    Interested in learning more about

    our sustainability initiatives?

    I you are interested in learning

    more about our sustainability

    strategy and progress, please

    visit the Sustainability section

    o our website at www.sustainability


  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    ForwardLooking StatementsThis report may contain statements, estimates or projections that constitute orwardlookingstatements as dened under U.S. ederal securities laws. Generally, the words believe, expect,intend, estimate, anticipate, project, will and similar expressions identiy orwardlooking statements, which generally are not historical in nature. Forwardlooking statements aresubject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to dier materially romThe CocaCola Companys historical experience and our present expectations or projections.These risks include, but are not limited to, obesity and other health concerns; scarcity and qualityo water; changes in the nonalcoholic beverage business environment and retail trends; ourability to realize a signicant portion o the anticipated benets o the acquisition o CocaColaEnterprises Inc.s North American business (the CCE Acquisition); our increased level oindebtedness as a result o the CCE Acquisition; our pension expense increase as a result o theCCE Acquisition; continuing uncertainty in the credit and equity markets; increased competition;our ability to expand our operations in developing and emerging markets; oreign currency

    exchange rate fuctuations; increases in interest rates; our ability to maintain good relationshipswith our bottling partners; the nancial condition o our bottling partners; increases in incometax rates or changes in income tax laws; increases in or new indirect taxes; our ability to renewcollective bargaining agreements on satisactory terms and our bottling partners ability to avoidstrikes, work stoppages or labor unrest; increase in the cost, disruption o supply or shortage oenergy; increase in the cost, disruption o supply or shortage o ingredients, other raw materialsor packaging materials; changes in laws and regulations relating to beverage containers andpackaging; adoption o signicant additional labeling or warning requirements; unavorablegeneral economic conditions in the United States or in other major markets; unavorable economicand political conditions in international markets; litigation uncertainties; adverse weatherconditions; product saety or quality issues or negative publicity that may damage our brandimage and corporate reputation; changes in, or ailure to comply with, the laws and regulationsapplicable to our products or our business operations; changes in accounting standards; ourability to achieve overall longterm goals; our ability to realize signicant benets rom ourproductivity and reinvestment program; our ability to protect our inormation systems; additionalimpairment charges; our ability to successully manage Companyowned or controlled bottlingoperations; the impact o climate change on our business; global or regional catastrophic events;and other risks discussed in our Companys lings with the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC), including ourAnnual Report on Form 10-K, which lings are available rom the SEC. You shouldnot place undue reliance on orwardlooking statements, which speak only as o the date theyare made. The CocaCola Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise anyorwardlooking statements.

    Environmental Statement

    A healthy environment, locally and globally, is vital to our business and to the communities wherewe operate. We view protection o the environment as a journey, not a destination. We began thatjourney a number o years ago, and it continues today. Each employee o The CocaCola Companyhas responsibility or stewardship o our natural resources and must strive to conduct business inways that protect and preserve the environment. Our employees, business partners, suppliers and

    consumers must all work together to continuously nd innovative ways to oster the ecient useo natural resources, the prevention o waste and the sound management o water. Doing so notonly benets the environment, it makes good business sense.

    Equal Opportunity PolicyThe CocaCola Company values all employees and the contributions they make. Consistentwith this value, the Company rearms its longstanding commitment to equal opportunityand armative action in employment, which are integral parts o our corporate environment.The Company strives to create an inclusive work environment ree o discrimination andphysical or verbal harassment with respect to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age,disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, genetic inormation orveteran status. We will make reasonable accommodations in the employment o qualiedindividuals with disabilities, or religious belies and whenever else appropriate.

    The Company maintains equal employment opportunity unctions to ensure adherence to alllaws and regulations, and to Company policy in the areas o equal employment opportunityand armative action. All managers are expected to implement and enorce the Companypolicy o nondiscrimination, equal employment opportunity and armative action, as wellas to prevent acts o harassment within their assigned area o responsibility. Further, it is parto every individuals responsibility to maintain a work environment that refects the spirit oequal opportunity and prohibits harassment.

    Scope o the Annual Review

    Except as otherwise noted, this Annual Review covers the 2011 perormance oThe CocaCola Company and the CocaCola system (our Company and our bottlingpartners), as applicable. Thereore, reerences to currently, to date or similar expressionsrefect inormation as o December 31, 2011. Certain inormation in the Annual Reviewregarding the Company and the CocaCola system comes rom thirdparty sources andoperations outside o our control. We believe such inormation has been accurately collectedand reported, and that the underlying methodology is sound.


    EarthColor Inc. printed this report using 100 percent renewable wind power and ollowingsustainable manuacturing principles, including socially responsible procurement, leanmanuacturing, green chemistry principles and the recycling o residual materials, aswell as reduced volatile organic compound (VOC) inks and coatings. In addition, carbonand VOC reduction strategies were employed to destroy residual VOCs via biooxidation.Osets were purchased where carbon could not be eliminated to render this reportcarbonmanaged and climatebalanced.

    The environmental impact o this report was a main consideration rom the inception othe project, which is the result o a collaborative eort o The CocaCola Company andits supply chain partners with the highest regard or the planet and its ecosystems. Carewas taken to use environmentally sustainable products and to ollow socially responsiblemanuacturing processes to ensure a minimized environmental impact.

    This report is printed on Mohawk Options PC 100, which is manuactured using 100 percent

    renewable wind energy, composed o 100 percent recycled content and FSC certied towellmanaged orestry standards.

    Environmental impact estimated savings related to this report:

    0.24 acres preserved via sustainable orestry;196 trees preserved or the uture

    137 million BTUs energy not consumed

    42,341 pounds net greenhouse gases prevented

    71,445 gallons water saved
















    34 The CocaCola Company

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


    PEOPLEBe a great place to work.

    PARTNERSBe the most preerred and

    trusted beverage partner.

    PROITMore than double system

    revenues while increasing

    system margins.

    We see a world lled with opportunities that range romdoubling our system revenues by 2020, to developing

    new beverage products that meet consumers evolving

    preerences and needs, to making a positive dierence

    in the communities in which we operate. Our 2020 Vision

    is the roadmap or converting these longterm aspirations

    into reality. It provides business goals that outline what

    we need to accomplish together with our global bottling

    partners, customers and consumers in order to achievesustainable, measurable growth.

    PORTOLIOMore than double our servings to over3 billion a day and be No. 1 in the NARTDbeverage business in every market and

    every category that is o value to us.

    PLANETBe a global leader in sustainablewater use, packaging, energy and

    climate protection.

    PROduCTIvITYManage people, time and moneyor greatest eectiveness.


    2011 Annual Review 35

  • 7/31/2019 TCCC 2011 Annual Review


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