• Fast: 2 m/s multichannel, multifrequency ET • Multichannel, dual-frequency RFT with voltage plane analysis • IRIS with real-time C-scan recording • Analysis and report buildup concurrent with inspection TC5700 TUBE INSPECTION SYSTEM Eddy Current • Remote Field • Magnetic Flux Leakage • Ultrasound

TC5700 - Inspection T. P. Techinspectiontptech.com/TC5700_web Engl.pdf · Boiler Tube Inspections Remote field and IRIS are both suitable techniques for inspecting boiler tubes in

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• Fast: 2 m/s multichannel, multifrequency ET• Multichannel, dual-frequency RFT

with voltage plane analysis• IRIS with real-time C-scan recording• Analysis and report buildup concurrent

with inspection


Eddy Current • Remote Field • Magnetic Flux Leakage • Ultrasound

Tube InspectionsCondenser and nonferromagnetic heat exchanger tubes are inspected using theeddy current option of the TC5700, achieving multifrequency inspection speedsof 2 meters per second. Ferromagnetic heat exchanger tubes may be inspectedusing either RFT, MFL, or IRIS.

High-resolution rotating UT probe, IRIS probe, or high-speed multielement UTprobes are available for both ferromagnetic and nonferromagnetic tubes, provid-ing accurate wall thickness measurements.

The TC5700 interfaces directly to R/D Tech’s probe pusher. A remote controlfeature and automatic probe pusher control allow one-man inspections to be car-ried out.

Boiler Tube InspectionsRemote field and IRIS are both suitable techniques for inspecting boiler tubes inthe generating bank. RFT has significant advantages over IRIS because the RFTboiler probes can easily inspect the bend area and maintain an inspection speedof up to 0.5 m/s (1.5 ft/s). IRIS would be recommended as a backup technique forsizing defects found by RFT. IRIS is also very effective for near drum inspection.

Corrosion Mapping and Surface InspectionsSteel plates, pressure vessels, or pipes can be inspected with multichannel UT, mul-tichannel MFL, or a combination of both methods, ensuring 100% coverageregardless of the damage mechanism.

The TC5700 may also be interfaced to XY scanners for ET surface inspections ofreactor vessels and other critical surfaces. The TC5700 provides a simple, easy tointerpret real-time color C-scan display of the inspection with a comprehensiveinspection report.

Applications Eddy Current Remote Field Magnetic Flux IRIS Multichannel UT(Bobbin) Leakage (Ultrasound) (up to 16x1)

Nonferromagnetic heat exchanger tubesSteam generator tubes Air conditioner tubesFerritic and carbon steel tubesCarbon steel tube, wear under supportAluminum finned carbon steel tubesBoiler tubesWater pipes, buried pipesSteel plate corrosion mapping

IRIS inspection.

RFT boiler tube inspection.

No single inspection technique is ade-quate for all types of materials and a sin-gle-technology system may only be usedfor a narrow range of applications. Eddycurrent (ET) is commonly used to inspectnonferromagnetic materials, remote field(RFT) or magnetic flux leakage (MFL) forthat of carbon steel and ferritic materials.Ultrasonics (UT) may be used for accu-rate thickness measurements of eithertype of materials.

The TC5700 may be configured toinclude any combination of ET,RFT/MFL, and UT. The combination oftechnologies makes the TC5700 anideal instrument for use in the widerange of applications typically encoun-tered by NDT inspection providers.Combining two or more technologiesincreases inspection reliability and pro-vides a more accurate evaluation offlaws. For instance, carbon steel wear

hidden under a support plate is verydifficult to size using RFT or MFL, whilea UT C-scan provides a clear and accu-rate measurement.

The TC5700 is modular and may beconfigured as a low-cost, single-tech-nology, entry-level system. Other tech-nologies may be added later as theneed arises.



• Choose any module:• Eddy current (ET)• Remote field (RFT) / magnetic flux

leakage (MFL)• Ultrasound (UT)

One or more modules (up to three)can be installed in the same instru-ment at any time.

• Remote 16-channel UT pulser/receiver• Direct interface to scanners


• Standard Pentium PC with Windows NT™

• Standard Ethernet link• Supports local language keyboard and

operating system• Data storage on any PC drive

(removable hard disks, magneto-optical,or DAT)

• Standard PC printers


Comprehensive reporting features:• Inspection summary • Tabular report

(spreadsheet-compatible)• Heat exchanger database• Screen printouts, tube sheet maps• Editing and sorting tools

The TC5700 interfaces to standardPentium® PCs allowing easy selectionand upgrade of memory size, disk dri-ves, and other storage media, andprinting on any PC printer.

R/D Tech’s MultiView analysis soft-ware ensures efficient generation andmanagement of inspection lists.Inspection planning may be performeddirectly from user-defined tube sheetdiagrams. The comprehensive analysisand reporting software allows quick,

multichannel analysis with phase-to-depth and voltage-to-depth sizingcurves. Analysis and reporting may beperformed during inspection or offsite.Both tabular and graphical reports areavailable.

Probe Pusher

• Optional position encoder for constantsampling regardless of probe speed

• Direct start/stop and forward/reversecontrol from PC

• Remote control capability for one-maninspections

• Automatic end-of-tube detection• Pneumatic probe pusher (Airgun)• Interface to R/D Tech’s pipe scanners

for inspection of critical surfaces


Compatibility with a wide range ofprobes, including:

• ET, RFT, MFL, and UT probes, fromR/D Tech or other manufacturers

• MRPC probes and ET array probes• R/D Tech custom-made hybrid probes

combining two or more technologies


• Windows® software with uniform userinterface for all techniques

• Creation and management of inspection list

• Phase-to-depth sizing curves for ETand RFT data.

• Computer-assisted analysis of ETand RFT data

• Ultrasonic C-scans• Setup wizard for easy configuration


ET module4-ch. UT moduleRFT/MFL module

Inspections at 2 m/s Using Nonmultiplexed DriveThe TC5700 is capable of 4-frequency eddy current inspections at a speed of 2 m/s.

Resulting signals from an ASME standard tube

The high-speed inspection has not caused any phase shift or amplitude change,and the signal shape has not been distorted.

The right image shows the same tube, inspected at 2 m/s using time multiplex. Notethe introduced distortion and the potential for error in phase measurement.


Eddy current is the best method forinspection of nonferromagnetic tubing.The technique is suitable for austeniticstainless steel such as SS304/SS316,brass, copper-nickel, titanium, copper-finned, and others.

With state-of-the-art eddy currenthardware and software, the TC5700 is afully digital, multifrequency, multichan-nel instrument designed for high-speedtube testing with powerful reportingsoftware. Tube inspection speeds up to2 m/s (6 ft/s) with four simultaneousfrequencies, eight-channel inputs, andtwo mixes can be achieved with no lossof sensitivity.

• Automatic channel adjustment for calibration to ASME code

• Simultaneous (nonmultiplexed) ortime-multiplex operation with up to 8 frequencies, from 1 kHz to 6 MHz

• Up to 6 time slots in multiplexed drive-mode for up to 24 channels (48 chan-nels with the extended ET option)

• 4 differential inputs (8 differentialinputs with extended ET option)

• Electronic probe balancing• No need for external reference probe• Phase-to-depth and voltage-to-depth

sizing curves• Up to 128 real-time mixes and filters• Setup wizard for quick and easy setup

and calibration• C-scan from eddy current array probe• MRPC C-scan for detection of circum-

ferential cracking at the tube sheet• Compatible with bobbin coil, MRPC,

transmit/receive, nx1 probes, andwith probes from other manufacturers

• Analysis and report buildup concur-rent with inspection

Nonmultiplexed DriveIn addition to the conventional time-multiplexed drive mode commonly availablethroughout the industry, the TC5700 features a simultaneous drive mode. Insteadof time-multiplexing each excitation frequency, one-by-one as shown below, thecoils are driven with all frequencies superposed simultaneously. This methodrequires more complex signal processing but yields much superior speed.

User-Friendly SoftwareThe TC5700 acquisition software features an easy-to-use graphical user interface,automatic angle and phase measurement. Multiple screen layouts are availablewith up to 12 strip charts and up to 16 impedance planes.

Strip charts

Tube list

Code section



Time-multiplexed drive mode

Simultaneous drive mode

Channel selection

Phase depthoverlay

Vector plane


Mixed channel

Condenser inspection at 2 m/s with the Airgun.


Simultaneousat 0.5 m/s

Simultaneousat 2 m/s

Time-multiplexedat 2 m/s

Inspection of carbon steel tubes usingconventional eddy current technique isnot very effective as the ferromagneticproperties of carbon steel drasticallyattenuate induced currents. Such tubesmay, however, be inspected with theTC5700 using either remote field, mag-netic flux leakage, or ultrasound.

Remote Field (RFT)Remote field is a variation of eddy cur-rent send-receive probe technique. Thedetector coils are separated by a dis-tance equivalent to two or three timesthe tube OD. The receive coils sense theflux lines that cross the tube wall twice.Remote field has an equal sensitivity toID and OD indications, while the phaseshift is directly proportional to wall loss.

A special analysis technique calledthe “voltage plane” greatly simplifiescalibration, analysis, and flaw assess-ment. In the voltage plane, defects canbe easily sized for depth and volume.

Furthermore, the voltage plane per-mits discrimination against nonrelevantindications. The TC5700 performs real-time voltage plane probe balancing,data acquisition, and data display.

RFT is also a suitable technique fordetection and sizing of localized defectssuch as pitting. The analysis is per-formed in standard XY vector plane. Pitdepth is evaluated with a depth curvesuch as used in eddy current. Detectionand sizing of flaws in the vicinity of sup-port plates may be improved by using adual-driver probe and a dual-frequencyanalysis procedure.

Vector plane for pit sizing.

• Dual-frequency RFT capability withreal-time mixes

• 4 RFT coil inputs (up to 8 with expanded RFT option)

• Current or voltage drive, adjustable• Low frequency range starts at 20 Hz• Adjustable bandwidth from 8 Hz

to 200 Hz• Phase-to-depth and voltage-to-depth

curves for wall loss measurement• Voltage plane or vector display

Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)MFL is based on the magnetization ofthe material to inspect using a strongmagnet located inside the probe. Asthe probe encounters a wall reductionor a sharp discontinuity, the flux distri-bution varies around that area and isdetected either with a Hall-effect trans-ducer or an inductive pickup coil.

MFL is suitable for wall loss measure-ment and detection of sharp defectssuch as pitting and grooving. MFL iseffective for aluminum finned carbonsteel tubes because the flux leakagefield is mostly unaffected by the pres-ence of such fins.

• 4-channel MFL (8 with expandedoption) with adjustable gain, filters

• Compatible with inductive coils and/or Hall-effect sensors (matching circuit required)

• Strip chart or C-scan display

IRIS and MFL probes for air coolers.

MFL inspection of an air cooler. The color C-scansshow several internal pits from the same area.



Boiler tube with defect located in the bend area.

Voltage plane with depth-sizing box.


Real-time B-scan provides cross section view andis used for flawsizing.

Measurement cursors for precise flaw sizing.

Tube statistics:average, maximum, and minimum valuesfor ID, OD, andwall thickness.

The TC5700 display provides the analyst with extensive information for decisionmaking. When a defective area is observed, the acquisition process can be sus-pended and analysis performed on a composite display. This display is made of acolor C-scan and a B-scan with real-time animated cross sections and a D-scan toshow the profile of the tube.

Real-time C-scaneliminates missed

defects due tooperator fatigue.

Tube (or plate)profiles for ID,

OD, or wall thickness are provided for

offline analysis.Profiles allow

quick and easyflaw detection.

IRIS boiler tube inspection.

IRIS probe and corroded boiler tube.

The TC5700 features a unique 4-channelultrasonic option, expandable to 16 chan-nels. This option is suitable for tube pro-filometry or crack detection using IRIS,motorized, or multielement UT probes.It is also suitable for steel plate corro-sion mapping using a linear array oftransducers.

IRISThe UT option was designed to use theIRIS probe. IRIS is an ultrasonic tech-nique well suited for petrochemical andBOP tube inspections. The techniqueuses an ultrasonic beam to scan thetube ID surface in a helicoidal patternensuring that the tube full length is test-ed. The TC5700 monitors the frontwalland the backwall echoes in order tomeasure the tube wall thickness.

In the setup mode, the user makesadjustments with visual feedback of thewaveform on an A-scan display. Thispermits optimizing the settings andassisting in troubleshooting probes andcables.

In acquisition mode, a color C-scan(wall thickness map) and a B-scan (IRISoscilloscope-like display) are displayedsimultaneously in real time. After everyrotation of the turbine, the B-scan isupdated and a line is added to the C-scan. The C-scan scrolling can be con-tinuous or synchronized with anencoder.Applications

• IRIS tube profilometry• Boiler tube inspection

(IRIS or multichannel)• Near drum inspection

(crack or corrosion)• High-resolution motorized probe tube

inspection• Tube inspection using 8- or 16-chan-

nel nonrotating high-speed probes• Steel plate corrosion mapping

(4 or 16 channels recommended)

Data can be recorded to RAM for online analysis, or the full tubelength may be recorded to disk for offline analysis and reporting.




MultiView SoftwareMultiView acquisition software is supplied as a standard itemwith the TC5700 and includes the following features:

• Setup, calibration, and acquisition software• Storage of unlimited number of inspection setups• Creation and management of inspection list (tube lists)• Impedance plane and strip chart presentations of ET and RFT

data• Amplitude and phase measurement of ET and RFT data• Up to 128 real-time mixes• Automatic data recording synchronized with tube list• Screen printouts

Tube Analysis Software Option

• Automatic detection of landmarks (support plates and tubesheet) from ET and RFT data

• Phase-to-depth sizing curves for ET and RFT data• Depth sizing curves from peak-to-peak volts or vertical volts• Computer-assisted analysis of ET and RFT data• Tabular report entries and report generation

RFT Voltage Plane Analysis Software Option

• Voltage plane theoretical curve and circumferential sizing overlay• Voltage plane flaw sizing• Voltage plane balance• Dual-driver software control

C-Scan and ET Array Software Option

This option provides C-scans and associated measurement toolsfor inspections using MRPC and array probes (1 to 48 coils).This option, when used with dual-axis encoders, provides C-scans proportional to the inspected surface.

Inspection Planning and Tube SheetReport Option (CARTO)

• Database management of exchangers, reports, and tube sheet maps

• Graphical tools for creation of tube sheet maps and inspection lists

• Storage of all reports and tube sheet maps in a database• Display results from single or multiple reports

R/D Tech manufactures a wide range ofET, RFT, MFL, and UT probes. R/D Techeddy current probes feature replace-able cables, to maximize the life of theprobes themselves. This also allows theuse of multiple probe heads of variousdiameters with a single cable.

The TC5700 is also compatible withprobes from other manufacturers.Special multitechnology probes (RFT +ET, RFT + MFL, and UT + ET) are alsoavailable on request.