Inconsistencies of Multi- stakeholder Model & Accountability Mechanisms of ICANN Tamara Bizyuk | Nextgen@ICANN54| 17-22 October

TBizyuk Nextgen@ICANN54 PPT

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Inconsistencies of Multi-stakeholder Model & Accountability Mechanisms of ICANN

Tamara Bizyuk | Nextgen@ICANN54| 17-22 October 2015

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The InternetUnlimited, non-territorial and re-usable resourceEconomic dimension (in 2013 DNS related activities generated revenues of 232 million dollarsDemands mixed regulation, the combination of self-regulation & co-regulation & national laws & international treaties

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“... one of the few globally centralised points of control over the Internet ” (Mueller, 2010)“epitomises the novel from of global governance”, “a type of global public-policy network” (Antonova, 2008). “is the manifestation of the original institutional design, which also market a revolutionary departure from classical traditions of global governance” (Weber, 2010).


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Discrepancies of Multi-stakeholder Model

Ambiguous and ill-defined institutional form“Practice without the model’, a ‘buzz’ word and multi-stakeholderism ‘euphoria’Representative vs. Participatory democracyDistorted stakeholders’ role divisionEmpowered GAC > ‘quasi-intergovernmental model’

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Accountability Problem

Democracy deficit >> lack of representative power and representative diversityNo legitimate control and transparency mechanisms >> a new FIFAExample of unilateral U.S. Government globalisation Self-fulfilling interests and manipulation of norm setting

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“Independent judiciary” that can tell ICANN that it has broken its own rules or strayed too far from its narrow mission” (Mueller, 2015).Evolutionary nature of institutions, they are not staticElimination participation barriers for users and civil society groups >> financial and time limitations Create participatory public sphere >> more space to engage

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Thank You for Your Attention Have you any questions or ideas for discussion, you

can always email me: [email protected]

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ReferencesAntonova, S. (2008). Power and Multistakeholderism: the ICANN Experiment. Retrieved from http://lawlibraryarchive.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p15430coll1/id/6Belli, L. (2015). A Heterostakeholder Cooperation for Sustainable Internet Policymaking. Internet Policy Review Journal on Internet Regulation, 4 (2), 1-15. Retrieved from http://policyreview.info/articles/analysis/heterostakeholder-cooperation-sustainable-internet-policymakingChristou, G. & Simpson, S. (2007). Gaining a Stake in Global Internet Governance: the EU, ICANN and Strategic Norm Manipulation. European Journal of Communication, 22 (2), 147 – 164.De Vey Mestdagh C. N. J., & Rijgersberg R.W. (2007). Rethinking Accountability in Cyberspace: A New Perspective on ICANN. International Review Of Law Computers & Technology, 21 (1), 27 – 38. Klein H. (2002). ICANN and Internet Governance: Leveraging Technical Coordination to Realise Global Public Policy. The Information Society, 18, 193 – 207.Kleinwächter, W. (2015). The History of Internet Governance. Retrieved July 15, 2015 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QUrkRtC2JsMueller M. L. (2015, June 22nd). ICANN Accountability Present, Future and Past. Retrieved from http://www.internetgovernance.org/2015/06/22/icann-accountability-present-future-and-past/