Taxonomic Revisions in the family Haloragaceae II. Further notes on Haloragis' Haloragodendron and Gonocarpus By A. E. Orchard* Abstract Additional notes areprovided on newrecords and re-collections of seven species of 1taldr'dgls, one species of Halorcgoderulrcn and fifteenspecies of Gonocarpu.r, mainly ffom Western Australia. One new species, l/dlotagrr dr,'a. is descfibed. andrhe drvision of Gorocdrprs into two sections, sect. Gotr- carDus and sect. Simplum is proposed. Three species previously knownonly from incomplete material areredescribed. While a recently completed revision of Haloragis and related genera was in press (Orchard, 1975), a number of new records and re-collections of poorly known speciesbecame available. As withdrawal of the manuscript to incor- porate these changeswas not feasible, they are presentedhere as a supplement to that paper. To facilitate comparison, the same numbers have been given to the speiies as in the original work. Amended maps and supplementary illustrations are provided where necessary. HALORAGIS 12. Haloragis trigonocarpa F. Muell. A collection of this species by Royce (Royce 5921, 16.vii.t959, Dorre Island, PERTH (fl.) ) from Shark Bay is the first record from an offshore island. Several collections from the nearby mainland were listed previously. 13. Hatoragis acutangulaF. Muell. Recently collected material of .F1. digyna from near Esperance forms a link between that species and plants formerly (Orchard, 1975) described as 1L ocutangulaf. occidentqlis, It is still unclear whether all of the Western Austral- ian plants listed under H. qcutangulq f. occidentQlis (including the type) should be transferred to H. dig)na, or whether some of them are best retained in F/. ucutanlula. Further collections in flower and fruit are required from coastal areas between Albany and Eucla, to help decide this question. (See also under H. digyna). 14. Haloragis asperaLindl. In my previouspaper two WesternAustralian collectiols (Blackall 1221, Gardner 2919) were referred to this species. Both collections were in flower only, and although differing from typical H. aspera in somerespects, they were nlaced in this species until further material should become available. Four more collectioni have now been made from the Norseman-Widgiemooltha area, all bearing flowers and fruits, and all matching the two previous collec- tions. Now that complete material is available it seems that these rffestern Australian plants differ from H. aspera in a number of characters, including leaf shape, size and shape of the secondary bracts of the inflorescence, and most * Auckland Institute and Museum,Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand. 126

Taxonomic Revisions in the family Haloragaceae II. Further notes … · 2005. 11. 15. · Taxonomic Revisions in the family Haloragaceae II. Further notes on Haloragis' Haloragodendron

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Taxonomic Revisions in the family Haloragaceae

II. Further notes on Haloragis' Haloragodendronand GonocarpusBy A. E. Orchard*

AbstractAdditional notes are provided on new records and re-collections of seven

species of 1taldr'dgls, one species of Halorcgoderulrcn and fifteen species ofGonocarpu.r, mainly ffom Western Australia. One new species, l/dlotagrrdr,'a. is descfibed. and rhe drvision of Gorocdrprs into two sections, sect. Gotr-carDus and sect. Simplum is proposed. Three species previously known onlyfrom incomplete material are redescribed.

While a recently completed revision of Haloragis and related genera wasin press (Orchard, 1975), a number of new records and re-collections of poorlyknown species became available. As withdrawal of the manuscript to incor-porate these changes was not feasible, they are presented here as a supplementto that paper. To facilitate comparison, the same numbers have been givento the speiies as in the original work. Amended maps and supplementaryil lustrations are provided where necessary.


12. Haloragis trigonocarpa F. Muell.A collection of this species by Royce (Royce 5921, 16.vii.t959, Dorre

Island, PERTH (fl.) ) from Shark Bay is the first record from an offshore island.Several collections from the nearby mainland were listed previously.

13. Hatoragis acutangula F. Muell.Recently collected material of .F1. digyna from near Esperance forms a link

between that species and plants formerly (Orchard, 1975) described as 1Locutangula f. occidentqlis, It is still unclear whether all of the Western Austral-ian plants listed under H. qcutangulq f. occidentQlis (including the type) shouldbe transferred to H. dig)na, or whether some of them are best retained in F/.ucutanlula. Further collections in flower and fruit are required from coastalareas between Albany and Eucla, to help decide this question. (See also underH. digyna).

14. Haloragis aspera Lindl.In my previous paper two Western Australian collectiols (Blackall 1221,

Gardner 2919) were referred to this species. Both collections were in floweronly, and although differing from typical H. aspera in some respects, they werenlaced in this species unti l further material should become available. Fourmore collectioni have now been made from the Norseman-Widgiemoolthaarea, all bearing flowers and fruits, and all matching the two previous collec-tions. Now that complete material is available it seems that these rffestern

Australian plants differ from H. aspera in a number of characters, includingleaf shape, size and shape of the secondary bracts of the inflorescence, and most

* Auckland Institute and Museum, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand.


LZT'ohr "t 'C^V 'Hldtd 'BNVJ :rdItosl (rJ ..U)

)V ,uelunlrq Jo o8p. te eprspEo.r uO .lqlloour

-rdplA Joqrno\LUI 0SeJ:prlFrtsnV urrlso^\ {tZ6t rx tZ .981t p.tDtlr.to .g .V : tndteloH

'L!ntncolrad I uaLuas't rlncol :eleiLLrLLr0.l6.0e;uol ruLu'.I t.l EtEtlap erlueled er]ualsrs:ed eiedei:splE.rotur snsoJn.rJa^ la snlee^oJ JetuelnEorlr .sEtnurluap sPlsoc pe oJel e€lel LuLLr 0.I S.0aele (e€snpur eElE) snlel tlllu 0.t 9.2 sn8uol ruLu 0.€ S.Z

,snlslD-t sn8uolqo rrlrr.Uurnlnrq req I Lunln^o Lunt€llerol-i .Llrnlqe3s esuep .urntpln8u!_t elujrlur ,lunlel luLu 8.0 . 1.0

-uniruol Luru 0. f-9.0 urnepn^o tunuono .t j/4S' .ee8uol rutu 0.2 g.l o€Joqlue .g,rJrrrls' Eurrer ur ErqB.s elel urur l-0 9.0e;uol Lrrlu g.Z 9.a\tDlDtdd .srlecun srlrd etttse^esuop ElEl rutn /.0 E8uol LULLI 0. I e1e^o, Dlnbs .eucpas eEr8etur oeJ€l curu 7.6,eeFuo1 urlu Z. I 0. J sereeurl eeaJ[uEJqureru ,Di.,r]lral aD)t)D,tg .eeJqeassr^Jed

Z snquuep enbunreldeetEl Luur t.O..€.o aeffuol LLILU (0 t-)0.€ 0 Z serrolnl osoreuElqluett aotLipuncas aoal:>o.tg 'aerqecs aelpluap-' Z eElel Lu. (9.0 )t.0 2.0 ee8uoi Lur (€.1)0. I /.0 eEleloe3uel eEar€ -tloJ )ot.toutltd aD)!,)o,tg 'Luntog-tll) LunrJrsses LunlorsBqrrp slatds ur ,snJoLU_t .rr,rolJ

ErEl ruJ 8.0-s.0( €.0) e'uor rur €.2 s.r( z.r) ",,,....;:1T"i;11'fjlt5B,3:1"J"h3,'#f,1i3 -eJu"l euretlc Dllo! st8uol mlu 2.0 snprun eJrdp srptrnllrtl sire1n11:r-5-7 snqirilAiurs sr;iUIlIlssA asuep r$eqreq rt3ere selnea 's[ujo]tuolots xapnec ,etl€ Luc S[ gZ sruueJod ,g,/aH

7 '1 sr:n3r3


'^ou ds'pr"qJJO Ernp st8BJolEH .atl

.(.j B) n'Lu I lo ( v) rur I luaserda.r

sqeJS (18t' prpqro LuorJ 1.J.8 :981t preqf,ro Luo4 a,c.v) uorlnqrjtsrc c .strnu

_l I airurJsJtJnrJuI Jo uoDrod C srseqlue eJoJeq lsnf le^\oll .J .slJElq,{JeDrel pup\Jppuofrs \rErulrd ilur^\oqs JJLleJsJroUur Jo uottJod .g

lee'] .y D,tnp sl8tuolDH I aJnfuJ

, erlBtlsllv u.rels3/{ ruo4 lussqE 0q o1 peleprsuos,\\ous! Jls s ir../adrr. H D.DdsD .H ,ot patrleJ ,{lesofc 1nq-,uror; ljuqsip ,a;rp .77'sarccds 31€Jud!s e ur peJEId oroJeJoqt aJ" ,{eq1 .eilnqs tinrl ir, i,{lqeeirnou

a ' r " ' li ' i t : . , r t , i

Perennial herb 25-35 cm tall; rootstock stoloniferoLls; stems erccL, green,herbaceous, unribbed, densely clothed with simple 2 3-celled hyaline hairs0.2 mm long hooked at t ip. Leates green to subglaucous, alternate, lanceolateto ob lanceo la te o r subcuneate , (1 .2 )1 .5 2 .3 cm long, (0 3 - )0 .5 0 .8 cm wide ,


6ZI'a^oqB ue,ui D.tnp'H Jo rrorlduJsap aql qlr^\ s3ol3" uerunads srqt stcedsar

leqlo ur rJ^e,roH squ llsuls <l1 pernpeJ ele s8urm eql s1tnr3 s1r 30 tsoul ur l€r{tur suorlcelloJ burtrn{ .rerllo aql uro4 slegrp gglt pJeqJlO ueutrads aqJ

( rJ "U) Hl_Ugd 'SNVJ .)V .Eqllooluar8prj\ Jo qlnos Lul 0S "J tlol rx €z LSlt'981t P,DLtlto :( {) SNVJ 'HJ,uad ')v 'ueuasroN Jo rse^\ ult s.s 'tL6t tx tZ '99ft p.!nq.r./O :( { ' g) I NVJ ,HJdgd .)V .u€ru.sroN

Jo lsPe ltl) ! I f e. .FueU.resEr-{ t/6t rxtZ 9LIn piDq).to :(U) Hld3d .ueruesroN ,tt6tx.LZ'6162 t)uptoD:(g)HIUEd 'u€urosroN ruorJ [ru) I l] selLu t sllrq l lf6t'x 0€ ' tZZMDpDtg :pautaDxa suawDds'srrBq peloorl s7r'Doo .tajL ,,{q peqsrn8urtsrp sl Drnp .H ,o odots .11 pue o1o1-oalnJD H'nst,11ol 17'oJ,tototuuyo'H 'olniuDjDD

l1 uro{ pu€'fl"^o J"lncol-i^lJelnBJJ pue sBur^1 ;eurpnlr8uol Suotqo t qtr,r l1n.rg le8rel pu€ sa^ral Jop"oJq 'Jeuoqs ,{le,\rl"[oJ str,4q poqsrn8urlsrp,{lrsEe sr D.tnp H

'DJDL]DL: 'H r\or!elrdrlEJun.H.SI

'lln{ ur paxauer .ro l.ere sledes '{Suocls 'uelJo,rs dreroxo .r€lnqolS llnr{ .ZZ

Ernp H EtJ .petauer .ro Surp€erds trnrJ Lrl sledes:lrnrl Jo ql3url rrjue rnr sq D urqt 'sqrr ot parnpar s8ur^\ Jr .ro ,pa8ur,r-t ,(lienin trluj: prqloot 9 upqr ssJl sa\erl :paqtoot Z ueuo'Fuol LLrLU (0.t )0. t-O.z stcsrq,{rEpuores .eZZ

eradsE .H .tl .lrele trn{ ursledas :lrn{ Jo ued .r;ddn ur ,{luo squ uoql '.p.qqrr

Jr ..rplnqolS ro ru:o1r:,{d ipruro

lrnjl :peqtool 9 ulrll] elolu {llensrl so^pel :arrlue ,iuol Luru t. l Z. l slrercl ,{lEpuo.es ?ZZ',{3uods ro uallo,{\s 1ou drBroxe 'pe8ur^\ ro tEInqoJB ,LuroJrr,{d ,pro^o trnJl .ZZ

.riuol LLTLLT 9.0 t.0,palle.t Z,dr1 te pe{ooq sjreH .81

:s,\\olloJ s" pepueluE eqplnoqs (Et6l) preqJJO ur ,{eI tqJ sJelrDlDrla Jo .roqlunu l] ,{q sercads esaqlLuo.rJ perlsrniurtsrp eq uec lnq

'.Jlutll? Dlldt lo)an . H -DtadsD .H lql ot s8uoleq

p.,1p H \lsaJJ ueq,r ua^e ,elnlxel ,{lp ,rlsJ€rJ slt ot sleJeJ ..r./l?p,, laq:}ldoeqJ p"oJ ern Jo e8pe erll 1p sro]ln8 erll ur ,{iJBlncrlJEd ,saprsp€oJ uo luepunq",{llrcol sr 11 slros ',{uo1s uolJo '^puBs ,pel ttr punoJ sr lr ereq,r ,"rl€]tsnvurelsa/A Jo LrorSeJ "qllooluor8pr1\-ut?ru3sJoN erll <l1 pJuguoc sr Dlnp .H

'elncol .red poes I 'selncol t:epr,{ LuuI 0.1 6.0'8uol tuur t. l_€. 1 'pro11ep- 'Surpeerds 'luolstsrad sJudos :snoJqecs 's8ur,r uee,ulaq osorltJJo,\ puu

pellrd ,{p€ln?orJr trn{ :sqrJ ot pelnpeJ IloJBl ,epr,r ruru 0.1 g.b s8ut,r :(s8ur,r;ulpnlJur) epr,{ ruur g.g g.7'3uo1 u[u 6. g-E. g ,pe?ur,r1 ,8uo1qo,8uol ulu l "Jlecrped uo 'tceJq fr"Luud Jo lrxE ur ,{l"lrTos fllBnsn ,ueer3-qsrppe.r


'3lncol radeln^o I

'r"lncol-t'sno.rq€cs,{1osuep,pel8ur-y,(pq8l1s,opr,n ruru 9.6_9.g,6uo1

urru 0.I. 8.0'pro^o f./r,lo eleuquu ,ol"ttdDJ .p3J sEul8rls :atB^"lc ,t.rrl1(ls'elEIncrdeuou 'pellec-i 'epr^\ Luru t.0-t.0

,8uol ruLu 0.2 g.I ,Suolqo-Jeeurl'^\olle,{ ol pa.r sroqtue :8Lrol ulu t.0 2.0 slueur€lg ..g snutDts sno.rqscs ' ElnJrngun ,{gltoqs 'pelaa>1 'pJpooq ,(urAJBru ot lee{) epr,[ ruu t.g-9.g 'duol ru LU- 8.2-S.Z

'pJr 'V \lDtJJ , qrpq pJlooq qlr\1 snolquJ( {losuap .:pr,rtutu/.0'3uolntLu0.l'el"Ao'uoeJ8,tslrdrs.JllssJSf.sno.raur-ys;a,r{r.rp

_ snoJq"Js 'a.rrlue'ept,r ulLU 2.0 '8uol ruru Z. t-0.1

,leeulT ,snouBJqueur'peJnoloc-,{\EJls st)DJq I.tDll.tal .oJ"J Jetno uo snolq"cs ,peqqrrprur ,{f1ee,r 'rltaot

Ileus Z qtl^\ ̂ll€nsn 'epr,\\ luu y.9 9.6,3uo1 rulu (0.t-)0.8 0.2,.r€aurl 'snoulrr.rqtrtetu 'peJnoloJ-,rtlls(-uaat8) s1.to.rq {.topuotag .surBrzur e1n1o,la.rr/lr^\ 'sJJeJ Llloq uo snoJqpJS 'pJqqrJp[u ,ol"luap-t

Z,3pr,$ ulc (S.O_)t.O Z.O 'nu.o-[ r.ur (f.l )0.1-1.0 'Jlelo:JUBI ,a{ru"el ,u3313 sQDrq tJowr.rd .se^eal

Jaddn Jo slrx" ur esr.le secuocseJouur prale.I .s1cr:.rq ,{reruu-d el"ulelJ€ Jo slrxsuI euroq erspqJrp peJe,uoU-E( l) 1o o4ds elrurturetepur uE Du saloL[ul

'lcullstput sutJ JJqlo :,rolJq lueuturoJd,e^oqeuo{uns qrJp(u :otnlo^al urBJBru :J}nJE yJdE :8uol tu Lu f Z q}JJ} prollap_oclEj9-t qll.t\ 313J.res'suels JoJ s€ slrsq pe{ooq qlr^\ sac"Jlns qtoq uo snoJqBcs

Two further collections of this poorly known species have bcen madefrom the mid-west coast region of Western Australia. They arc Otclurd 4213,21.xi.1974,37 krr south of Dongara on coast track just south of Cliff Head.AK, PERTH (F . ) : Orchard 4219,21 .x i . l9 '14 ,56 km south o f Dongara on coas ttrack. AK. PERTH (fl.. fr.). As these are the l irst collections ol-the speciessince Drummond's type gathering, and the first to bear mature fruits. anamended description of the species is given below.

Perennial herb or subshrub to 50 cnr tall; stems woody at base, ascending.red to green, smooth or weakly 5-ribbed, sparsely scabrous with simple 2 4-celled, curved or slightly hooked hairs 0 2 0 4 mm )ong.

Learcs bright green, alterl. latc, sessile, l inear to l inear-lanceolate, (1 5-)3.0 4.5 cm long, 0 2 0 4(0 7) cm wide, ! entirc or minutely serrate with4 8 teeth ca I mm long, mainly in upper part, sparsely scabrous with hairs aslbr stenrs. apex acute; all veins indistinct.

Inflorescence an indeterminate spike of l-3-florvered dichasia in axils ofalternate primary bracts. Lateral inflorescences arise in axils of upper leaves.Prinqry brc(ts broad-lanceolate, 0 9-l 4 cm long, (0 2-)0 4 mm wide, green.fleshy, + entire, midribbed, scabrous on margins;. secondory btucts o\ale-(l '7-)2 5-3 5 mm long, (0 4 )1 0 l 3 mm wide, green, f leshy, entire, stronglymidribbed (almost keeled), glabrous but for a few scattcred hairs on tnargins;tertiarl bra(ls as for secondary. 2 mm long, t ip attenuate.

17. Haloragis foliosa Benth. Figure 3

Figure 3 Halorugit; Joro.rd. A. Upper part of inllorescence. B. Flower. C. Flower withsecondary bract- D. Petal. E. Stamen. F. Secondary bract. G-J. Fruits. K. Distr ibu-t ion. (A-F. hom Orchard 42t3: G-J. from Orchard,t2l9.) Scales represent I cm (A.) or

I mm (B-J.).

1 3 0

{rirt : i tr : tt i lw


f f it \ nt / / i iV V ]D E

I€Ieqt uee,tlltq tln{ erlt Jo ̂poq eqJ snorqelS pue qloours ,opr,r Luur 3.6

,3uo1ruru 6.0^'prollop 't3eJe'luolsrsJed sledas oql ,slEdes aql qlr,Lr. Burlru:a112 s8ur,rtIlulPnl!3uol plollJp pJpunor )tJrql ro sa13ue pocunouo:d qlr.r'spr,{ urLu g.l 'iuol ruur t. I EJ 'Jdeqs ur JSoqolS passoJdep ssel to aJoru eJ€,{oqJ .s8uuerll€Bsnor,\erd Jo esoql tuo{ ,{11q3t1s regrp suorto3lloc ̂\eu oseqt Jo sltn{ sqJ

'(,roJoq a3s) seunp l"ls"oc Jo pu"s etrq,{ deepeql tuo4 ,{luo (?rlBJtsnv uJolselA ur) poploceJ .r"J os sr lnq .,{ql€ou sJnccoLptq^\ ouI8lp /1 Jel[urs ,{ll€rcg]edns erll u.ro{ sl3grp otowoq .H slJedsel aseqluI s;rlrT€col pu"lur ur s,{",rl€ 'selnpou euolseull Surur€luoJ slros fpu€s peJol peuguoc_eq o] tuees pue 'suorssoJdap pue s,\\o[orl aprsp?o] ur,{gelncrped 'lu"punqs AIIEcoJ aro,r slu€ld orll .(..rJ)

HJdgd ,gNVJ ,)V ,u"ur€sroN

Jo qtnos IrI{ 0S eJ p€o.r u€ruasroN-ecu"redsg ,tl6t.l!x.rI ,Zll, p.tDLprO t(rJ,.g)HJUEd 'SNVJ ')V 'u€uresJoN

Jo qtnos tu{ €l "c puoJ u"ruestoN-:cu"JedsA 'tL6Mx9I'jbVt'6trv ptoP.tO:(.{) HIXAd ,SNVJ ,)V.ls"oc eqrJo q:uou

^llrrrf p ru{ 0t PJ.rr^ru bunol r"eN ,rL6I.I\x.gI 'gElV.gwl p.rDp.to ere suorl-J:lLoJ JqJ uEruasJoN sp.lE^1ol sp.re,rquou e8ueJ u,{oul slr Burpue}xe .uorl-duJsJp slr --Jurs JpEru uJJq JAprl sercads srql Jo suorlcJlloc eJou IeJaAeSt orn8rC'pr"qc.ro €lBtusq sliBrolBH .02

lr" Jo suorlra'oc raqr.tu rre.r€ lsn.., uorl?rgrrrJ .",nrr""J;^liir"tj"t("r1X;-oaln)o 'H 'D!.todoJs 'H) €rl"Jlsnv utals3d\ ur xeldruoa srql Jo sJaqueru Jer{lo otDSolloJ H Jo dlqsuotleler oqJ .Jerpee palseSSns se otadsi.11 qll.r uyrlt .reqt"r0lnduDlnJD'H rltr,r erl ()1 peroprsuoc eq ,\\ou tsntu ,.ro{orr.l1Jo serlrugl] 3qI

str pu.. t)tadsD ll Jo drl pe{ooq ,{ldr"qs lcurtsrp eqt 1"npnq .urna jLlljl

ur pe^Jnc_ ,{,liuorls et? suortcelloc ,\\eu sqt Jo sJ[]q eqI ,(Dln8uo|nJo .H urqJrplL! € SurIJE; + .pue^snouErqurew :osotlol.H ur peJae)t + pur ,{qseg) sl-ercj^rEpuoJJs aqt puu 'lolnduDrn, jT ur ruru 9.0 1..0 x 0.1 g.0,plolJep ioso4ol.11ul ulru Z. l-I . I x 6. I-€ . l '3lrpJocqns) ste,rou arll Jo sl"des oql eJe serceds o,!\leql uoa.rleq slelc"J"qc SurqsrnSuqsrp ureu eql .olt8uDlnJo .S npBuolnto 11ol tsesofJ Srrrruo:r slrnr; aq1 'oln8uolnco

,? alqueseJ ,{1oso1c ,{ia,t- slurld eseqlA;oLoqdrotu trn{ pul? rJ,nou 'JBel 'l€lrq€rl .trq€q rreql u1 .uosees snor,terd1rl1 u-o.rJ slrn{ plo eroq llrls (6lzb ptotpo) euo pu? reqrue^oN etsl ur re,routsuno^ !l JJJ^\ qlog qlEeq lEls?oa ,\\ol ur SuolseurT ta^o pu"s ,{oll"qs urdurA\oJn sqnJqs peuruJlslllnu 'pepunol 3Je,r suollcelloc ,\\eu eseql Jo qlog

.{pqe3'9p1,tr ."ur 6. 0'Buor -- s. 0';$'Tf ':,:tiil"t'J31ff

:t:i":Htiiii'!E -.ted sledes :eseq l€ t,uur 1 . g o1 Suuadel dol l? opr,r urur g.g s8ur,t :snorqel8 '_sBurm puz s;-loor8 uaal\tJq squ leluozrJoq lurej !ir.,,,r,s1edis11tsotllo pe,robj8f]tolLertl 'e13ue qree uo 8ur,u leurpnlr8uol ̂\orr"u e q1r,tr ,pol8ur-y ,{18uor1s '{sbr.rr^\ SurpnlJ\J) apr,$ rutu f.L-Z.I

,3uol ullu g.I_t.l ,Auolqo rrrrCr

snopp-uod I qll^\ 'r'Incor-t 'sqrr uo srr"q esr€ds roJ ,d""""';i:";l"i;q;lH::ttsoddo p:qq1r,{14e:,,n'sleted Jlrsoddo pJlSuE-t {;8uo.rts.:prn u'u,0.1 g.0 'nuol uru t.l_0. |

'lpprruEJ^dqo ttD^O .etplrdEJ sELuBus :3uo1 urLu 9.9 9.6 'el€A"lc 't sa1.&S sauo snopladrlu? u€rll Je8uol turu 2.0 €c sreqlue Cnolzdei-lJup 'JlElnJrd?uou 'JelnJol-t 'Jpl,r Iutlr 6.g

,3uo1 ww L,Z 0.Z.Buolqo-J?autl 'A{olle^ sJJrllue :iuol urru t.0-1.0 sluelu€lg :g saawo|s .leal uo snoJq?cs 'IurdJEr! ol IJJ{) epr^r ruru f.I 6.0 '8uo[ Iuur z.E 0. €

,al"tncrn8un ,fl oqs^Je^ 'pJ-lJeI

_pJpooq 't slDtad .sJrErI pe^rnc ^LeJ 1' qlr,r ur8r"ru :aleururncE

^luoqs ArJ^ dtt : qtoorus Jsr,rJaqlo .p3qqrJplru .{l{Ee^\ ,opr.r ulru Z. t_I . I ,BuoJIuru 6.I g.l 'alepJocqns ol el"^o ,t s/rdas .alrsses ,snotetu-t ,r./ad{ol!.

Fisute -Halorasis hamdta. A. Portion of inflorescence B-D- Fruits ̂ .E- Transve$e."tti.i "t +:r"iriii L"ii i6e. b). t'. r.un,vefse section of2locular fruit (fis ̂ c) (A-c'E,F'i."i" ili.t ".ii+i,fz, n. ir6m'orctrard 4438). Scale represents 1 mm (all figures)'

ans les or w inas is ueak ly and i r regu la r ly ver rucose. and the uho le f ru i t ' ex -

.i"?i"n-irl. i i ial., is denlely scabroius with spreading hooked hairs lhe fruit

is 2-4-' ioc ular -with

a woody endocarp and septa, and a spongy exocarp'

Two further collections of this species suggest that changes are necessary

in th i p rer ious l rea tment o f the spec ies (Orchard . lq75) Th l co l lec t ions

1'biriorTq+qq,4445, l i .xti. lg14,5 km east of Esperance, AK, CANB, PERTH

in . , f r . ) t .o t . f rom wh i te coas ta l sand-dunes. wh-ere lhe . p lan ts .a re loca l l y

l iu".a""r. in sin.tut appearance the plants resemble H hamarq b.ur differ in

U. ine ;or . o r Gss g labrous . w i th on ly ie r l feu sca t te red curved.or L hooked

t'uiir l tto*.t.t, I h-e main differencebetween the species l ies in their fruirs ln

H. digyna the fruits are glabrous. a cylindric. I 8-2 O-mm long' l 0 mm \.\ ide'

r . r i rh Z d is t inc t ang les a l te rna t ing u i th the sepa ls . p roduced in lo nar row acu le

Jetioid wings neai the base, anl strongly veirucose on th.e laces between the

ribs. The iepals are persistent, erect, { ovate, l 3 mm long, 0 8- mm wide,

en"tosing the'stytes. -The

fruit is 1 2locular, with a woody endocarp and

septa, and closely appressed, non-spongy exocarp.

24, Haloragis digyna Labill. Figure 5

A,B. Fru;ts. C. Taansverse section of fruit. (all from Orchard4445). Scale represents I nlm.


Eigl:re 5 Halotugis digyna.


91 ,{q (LLIZOI sLIaLual)) uorlcellocu,\\ou) lxerr eqt SurlepeJd 'jurld slrJl Jo pJocer u^\ouI ls]q erlt slucsojdet 'p31srl

,{1snor,le-|d lou '(r.1) 1g1,^q

'ueru^"C tt\ 't6Ut 'us l?rr.ril uor}collof, 3ql

plBriclo (,(rred ry.lJet{) snoulntuEs sndr"Jouo0 ',


',,o8e s:ca,( Z lurnq s"eJ" aluos uI luuurLuop'tu"ol ur qSrq lruj 09] rJ 2,, s? peqursop sr uorlcelloJ :]sJtul s[ll aJu"rodsa-unot.do H -sso.rJ uJ3qtnoS-eruoo8le) erunbs oqt {q pouqep fiot"turxorddE ?etBcql lnorlSnorLlt pctnqrJtsrp ,{lcpr,n aq ol er\oJd ,{ll"nlue^3 ,{nltl ltltlcl eql ]cqlstseS8ns ((q) HIUEd

'll!H s.relt€H '.l16l r'9 '69b8 IaqtaN) ssorJ ureqtnospu" edrorllsuo^!U ueol\lsq LuoJJ sJrcads srLll Jo uoucelloc r.LllllU V

pjl?rlJrO runsolnpurl8 uorprropoi€rolEH'S

NO lroNaooSvdoTvH

'sarccds srql ur pepnlJur oJeq sr pL[] ' Ll]uefl xe rB U lrl,)r.Ils /y' ttto{13uuBlll luecuruirs,{uu ur JeJrp o} ( ,irJap ,rr) rueas lou secp jlpl./.i,r st}-D.tolDH

'Dtol?xa Il Jo fLlr,{uou,{s eqt ut DtDll tp.l

? epnlcur 01 lseq ,{lq€qord sr tr 'lpuel?lrl rerllrnl .}o fJe^oJsrp lqt Surpued'1rur1srp sercads ol\1 aql deal ot luerculls sluaos ̂laJ.rcJS 'r,rrlrr,

H uI saqoleJrlue erll qlr,n poruduoc'otollactpatl 1q u r slrd:s ot11 jo sd rl eql JEeu Lltoat or\\1aqt ':cireJegrp SururDuar e{J slEdes eql uo sullEJ lesEq B Jo IoEI eqt sI Joll'alqelr"'\r,r st DlDlDr) H Jo [BrJal"ul cJoLu l?Ll] ,\\ou Jltccrctic InIesn t rJBuolou sr l:crped ra,\\oU Jo qlSuol ur :Juerej]rp arJl snll€r lusuq uerpaLu lr pe{:r?lrlJrq,\\ soqel x,{Fc el"lles slr pu" 'slemou elellocrpad s1r ur ,{lurrur nlDlD\) Huro.IJ pare:Urp rolpurLlrs ,{q pcqr:csrp sx 'DtD a)ry)d 11

'sarJJds lsiu eul'serceds esaql.]o .reqlra o1 pcu8rsse uaeq

Je,\e suort?alloc roqlo ^rrB o^!Ll rou 'prt"Jol LrJaq o^?rl sad,{} Jr{}.}o selecrldnpoN lsol fltuenbesqns lnq 'B ur ,{peLLuoJ suelrlrJeds od,{l uo pes"q era,r qtoB'luoorl"JJl snor^oJd [!u uro{ pellrtrlo ,{llue1re,lpeur oJe,\\ serJods o.{\t as.qI

JolpurqJS slpgl^'H pun rJlpurqos Elcllaclpad sl8uioleH

'luecgru8rs sr ecuaJeJrp srrlt tou ro reqteqr\\ apnep dleq ot lrrjesn eqplnor\\ €Jnsururd c..r,{g ruo.r.i suol:lcclloa roL[lJlrJ es"q oql lE ,{poo,\\ ,{l]turlsrppu" lcaJe aJe slurld eJue.radsg eql ellql\ sno€JpqroLl pu! I!e^\ Buraq slu"ldu€Il"rlsnV qtnos eql 'trqeq ur ,{ll"drtruud suortJolloc r\\eu ?seqt ruo{ .raIjrp (E/6l'pJeqaJO) Da,lSttt g ur pepnlcur flsnor^ird suortcollcJ rrBrlEJlsnV qtnos orll

'D\ISrp H ot pxJreJ

-su?rt eJE (ed,(l eql Surpnlcur) ruuoJ s[J].lo sloqorelu uErl"r]snv uralse/^ eq1JI erupu ,rou r errnber 1lr,m puu 'DUELolnD

l/ ur Suoleq tyalwgep slowaVt.to'J DfELtDfi)D A rlpun prlrJ ltrlr:,rlsnv qtnos uro{ suorurceds eql "rl"Jlsnvura:ls3^\ Jo lsEoc ureqlnos elllua eql Luo4 pelqlu.ss" oq uE3 suotlcolloc Joseues a^r'lB:luesoJder eJou e lrlun pa.rJeJep eq lsnru rJf,lq.\\ uorlsenb e st DuIStp Hot poJJeJeJ eq oslc plnoqs suortJalloJ aseql JeqleqiA In{ arll Jo rlt8uel eJrlueeq1 Sur,tdncco s8ur^\ prollep elruqep Lllr,\\ 'rrlncol-t sr tr l"rlt ur 'enoqz peqr:o-sap 1€rl1 uorJ sJaJrp qcrq^\ trn{ e e^"rl 'ls"el le 'eseql

Jo a\\as 'sllotuaplDo'J olnEuDtDo 11 Jo suorlcrlloJ u€rl"rtsnV urelssi& Jaqlo eql uo tqnop stsec siqtpuz'Dal8lp H osl" eJ€ .{eql leq1 peyre,ler serl 'stlDtuaptDo

J DryBUDJ|DD H ulpac"ld ,{lJOrIJroJ '8ZL

I pu" gZLl p.o?.rO suor]cellor erJl Jo uorleurLutx;-au

8. Gonocarpus halconensis (Merr.) Orchard

The collection MacGregor s.n.. 1894. lower ranges of Brit ish New Guinea'

Uf f fn . t , nor p rev ious ly l i i ted . i s rhe f i rs t known record o f th is p lan t [ t p re -

a^Li ir.ri iarti.it Merrilicollection from the Philippines (Merrill 510o), th.e tvpe

of H. halconensis, bY l2 Years.

13. Gonocarpus implexus Orchrrd

A further collection has been made of this species from the Kimberley

t"nion oi Western Australia. The collection \George 12415.' l9'vi i i l974'

Bt"vxa Creek, Prince Regent River Reserve, PERTH1 was mad: in open wood-

tutiJ n.- irri "...t in sindy loam. It was cited by George & Kenneally (1975)

as " Haloragis sp."

14. Gonocarpus chinensis (Lour.) Orchard subsp chinensis

Another collection of this species has been made from the Kimberley

repi;; ;f Western Australia. The cotlection \Ccorge 12541,,.22'vin l9'74,

i lt i* C.""t, Princ: Regent River Reserve, PERTH) was a straggli.ng-p-erenniali i . iU n-" i"n in damp siand among open woodland ol Melalauca vit idif ora aod

ii it i i i , i t t ioii""ra. lt was cited bv ceorge & Kenneally \19151 as Haloragis

ii i i i i i t tto"r.l Merri l l . and noled' a\ a neu record for Western Australia'

Fitreiiutd huA iouected ihe same plant from three other iocalit ies.in the Kim-

f"i r ;" 1905. but the collections had not been identified as G chinensts unlil

my p;evious work.

20. Gonocarpus leptothecus (F. Muell.) Orchard Figure 6

A number of new collections of this species from Western Australia and

the Northern Territory have increased the known east-west range of.the plant'

in most cases, the coliector's notes accompanying the specimens indicate that

they were growing in sand5tone so i l s . as was lhe case u i th most p rev lous

colleclions. The new collections are:

WESTERN AUSTRALIA: George 72450, I9 v'ji 1974. Blvxa Creek' Pnnce Regent \iieri ' .-"i. i i ' i , i n i g , t;1"- s. n., i2.". t srz. cha mpasnv lsland. Bonaparte A rch ipelaso' Pf R l Httr.t: Wilvn l0655. l2.v.ls72, Augustu\ I. land. Bonaparte Archrpelago.-PtK l H tlr 'r: r/I/rozi't] icjo. )i.". igz,- H"vwooo tdario (southr. Bonapaite Archipelago. PERTH {fr '): - l l t/sorii i iz. i i ; i . i , i ;:, I iodngui.i i .tuna. Prince Frederick Harboui. PTRTH {fl, fr ') \oRTH-iiR-N

'#iiRIToRV,-kZiit * s,noaa" t822' 12 vi 19'14' upper Nicholson River arca, china

Wall. base camp on Fish River Gorge, CANB' AD (fr.).

Figurc 6-Distribution of Gonocarpus le?tothecus.



lecr3oloce eql1o ouo eq ,{eru Surpoog luallrlrelur 1eq13ur1se33ns 'rele,r,nopqs

uI peSlaruqns JIeq peloellor eJa,r I€.re^es 'lceJ ul 'Jel"^\ otr ̂trrurxord asola ur

s,(e,tr1e pue 'uorlnqulsrp ur l"col dJeA 'elsJtrsoJd oJa^\ slu€ld eseql Jo IIV'C4 'U) ANVJ ')V 'pBor purlluErf ]r\t 6llt uo olocllEtA Jo L{Uou

tu{ 09 'z,6Mx l I ';Ltf pDp)O :Cg) )V 'sprde{ eqJ lE ra^rX tere8rB] '116l rrx / '0€€tpop.to :(E) )V 'drqsu^\ot re^rU tarE8reI l Jo lseo-q ou-lsEa {ltcarrp ru{ 8l ea 'pEoU e{erq-aue) SuolE 'ro^rt{ lare8rey{ 'lL6l'rrY L'LZtt pDlp)O :(E))y'''lle( )oorg enSo'I Jo reurorls€o-tluou 'tt6[ rrx S 't6zt p.!otlr.!O :( 4 ''g) )V 'lxeo dnlepueo qtnos Jo reuroo ]se^\-qUoueqt reeu 'pEoX ]seA qtroN Suole dnBurlle^\C ruo.{ peor ,{q ru) if 'lL6l tr\\ '062t p)olp)O

:eJ€ suorlrelloc eql 'eBu"J u,roul slr Surpuelxo^ltu€cglu8rs 'opuru ueeq e,req sarceds slll Jo suorlcolloo JeqlJnJ e^rC

8 ern8rC pr"qrro (slarq) snsnglp sndrvcouog 'gg

'nwoqlu)q snd)D)oao, Jo uorlnqulsrC I eJnBrJ

'(c) Hlurd 'SNVJ ')V '3urssor. pEod uouueqs ro^\o'I tB re^ru uouueqs 'tZ6l lix'01 '89C1 p.totP)O:( g) HIUgd 'SNVJ ')V 'pEoU lsBoJ aplsea( pue peoU uolelppll^I Jo reuroJ lE uouutqsto rso/l\ rrl)t L'tL6t\xOI't9*ptotplo:(U) Htdfd 'SNVJ '>V 'peo! dnre8Ee^ uo uol-roqrrled Jo lso^\-qlnos lul 9I '.tt6l |lx 0l 'gCl ptlltlrlo :( { ' U) HIXAd 'SNVJ 'tV'peouclnpr€pn) uo oSprrg erpuexolv Jo lse.r-qtnos tul 8 €c 'tl6l trx 8 '6eet WDll)tO tlg) >lY 'sprded eqJ le ro^!d lereSrel,\t 'tL6I |x L 'zt* piDttr.lo :(g) Hluad 'sNV) ')V 'dtqs-u.4ro1 re^rd )ar€3ret\l Jo quou ur)i S ',{e,rq8rH llassng 'Ioorg 6rg 'tL6l'tx L ' tztt PrDq))O

: er" suoDcelloc ,{\eu aql

',{erols.repun eJrlue aq} lsourl" sruloJrlwDLlluaq , 'serceds ,{qqnJqs aql Jo lsotu petsuuurle s?q tuaruaS€u?u.I fJlseroJeJeq,r secEld e(Ilos ur pu" 'qtled

Jo qlnos uor8or eql lnoq8noJqt stseJoJ uJsWpu3 q?lr"[ ' uJ") Jo ,{ero}gepun aql ur InJrluald sr 1r 1"111 ,roqs suorl"A.rasqo pu?suorpelloc luecar ',{JE.rluoc eql uO 'Bll"rlsnv uJetrseiA urelsa,^\-qlnos uI ecue.I-Jncco slr ur crprrods '1ur1d errr ^la^rlnlor ? sell. rlwoLltuaq '5l leql oleclpul olpeu33s palrc suaurraeds ,reJ eql serceds srql Jo luetut"eJl snor^eJd ̂ur uI

4 ern8rgpr€qcro lluBqlueq sndrBJouoc 'Iz

Figure 8-Distribution of G onocarpu s dilfu s us.

reouirements of the species. Where this species occurs with G. benthamii (e.g.

Oichard 4330,4332), G. dffisus is found in the wetter areas. There are anumber of minor differences between these recent collections and the descrip-tion siven oreviottsly. The stems are closely appressed pubescent, with uni-ce l lu l i r ha i i s . par r i cu la r ly in the upper par ts . .becoming more or less g labrous

towards the bise. The leaves are moderately densely pilose on both faces,with hairs as for the stems. Many of the flower petals and anthers are rnuchshorter than previously reported. The petals of-apparently fully bisexualflowers can be is short as 0 8mm,withanthen0 4-0 5 mmlong. The ovariesand fruits of these plants have, without exception, several short, thick, stronglycurved hairs or papillae on the ribs, a feature previously (Orchard, 1975) des-cribed as "anomalbus". The discovery of these plants, and their differencesfrom nrevious collections, casts doubts on whether G. diffusus and G, intriutusare reallv distinct. The only remaining differences between the species are theshaoe oi the sepals (cordate in G. intricatus, deltoid-ovate and saccate in G.d i fusu t and a t l igh t d i f fe rence in the s ize o l lhe f ru i ts l f the tuo spcc ies arcm6rsed.in future, then the epithet "intricatus" has priority.

24. Gonocarpus rudis (Benth.) Orchard

A further collection of this species has been made, providing furtherinformation on the habit and habitat requirements of G. rudis. The collectionrOrchard 4415,14.xii.1975, Stirl ing Range National Park, 2 km from Red GumPass road along Stirl ing Range Drive, AK, CANB' PERTH (fr.) was a roundsubshrub, loca t ly abundant . lo l0 cm la l l . so f t l l redd i 'h pubescent . g rowing indeeo red sand on the roadside. Previous collections had given the impressionthat the plant was single-stemmed, with a "trunk" 5-10 cm tall arising from afibrous rootstock, with numerous herbaceous branches borne near its apex.In fact. all plants jn the population studied were multistemmed subshrubs, andihe "trunki", 20-30 in number, were only the primary branches, bearing

1 3 6


C-A) luLu I ro ( V) ruc T luesordor selecs'ocuocsalrn{ur

Jo uoruod J r0^\ol{ I IIqEH

'( Ittt prprlJro urorJ llV) rrnu-O

'V sn!ttsnd snd.Drouo9-6 etndtl

'paes I :sel,tls Sulsolsue

'snorqel3'epr,\\ urur t.0 €.0'SuotruuI t.O-€.0'plotlop'qsqdrnd o1 ueerS'1cere'tuelsrsred sledes:squ uo puE eseq spJe,ldol snojqecs 'PeqqlJ-8 '3pL\\ lutu 8.0'8uol ruru g.g're1nqo13 ol pro^o ',{oJ8'8uol ruuJ t.0 Z.0lecrped uo llr{r

'snolnpued t s€ln^o :luosqB T sldes :sll€q pessardde r"lnllscrun ellq^\ qll{\

'u"d Je,rol ur pu" squ uo ,{lJ"lncl €d snoJq"cs'Peqqlr-8 ropl{\ ruur L 0 9.0'3uo1 ruru 4.g 9.g'r€lnqolS ol plo^o ',4eJ3-Je^Is trrr,lo el€IJquU'pal s€ru8us:et€^€lJ 't .ral,ts el€lncrdeuon 'J€lncol-t 'apl.^.r Iuru 2.0

'8uol ullu 9.0-9.0'8uo1qo 'per sJeqluE :Euol Iuru 2.0 slueru€lg '.9 suaLuols 3uo1 ruu 1.9 s:eqr€lnllecrun e1rq,r eldrurs qlr,4\ laa{ uo snoJq€cs'(uISJEu o} Iea{) epl,& turu €.0'8uol urru 0.1-6.0

'et€lncrn8un 'palool 'papooq 'rlslpper ot ^oI]F["] slotad'peue{Jrql urAJEru 'snoJqBlS 'es"q le el"ccBsqns 'apr,,r\ Iuru E O

'8uol tulu t.0'plollap 't s7ada5 3uo1 tuur 2.0 I.0 sl3crpad uo 'snoJeur-t sra,trolJr

'3uo1 u]ru I.0 sJI€q qll\\ drtr J€eu sno.rq?cs ,{las]€ds Jo snoJqBIE'snonpl'ep uouo 'epr,r,L luru g .6-7 . g '3uo1 turu 7 . I S .0 ral€loecu€l 'sr.Iousjqrueur

o1 fqseg 'ueer8 spolq fuDpueas snoJqBlS 'snoet"uoc 'epl1A ruul 1.0-9.0'8uol rl]ru 9.2-O.ZeL.l)'el?Ao 01 el"loocu?l 'e{Iueel spotq ftoull.td 'se^eel

Jeddn Jo slrxE ur esu? secuocseJouur lerele'I 'slce:q ,{rerut:d al"u.lelle Jo

sllxe aql ur ,{13urs euroq sro^\og Jo e{Ids elsururlelepul ne u satoq[u]

'snoJq€13'lueJEdd? sule^ ou'snoecElloJ'opr,\\ ruc I .0 '3uo1 ruc g.g-1.g 'al"loecu€l-J"aull ot r?oull '3]?uJe1l€ 8u[uoceq'eseq te alrsoddo sarra1 snorq"lS 'peqqu-t ,{pt"o,t 'ueer8 'loordtl

ltrluecruo{ Surp?eJds '3uol urc OI 01 ,gaat,s :ll"l r\ta 9 ol sqlaq I€nuue el€l}so.Id

','rrolaq sreedde qclq.^A uoIldIJcSeppepuerrrE eql JoJ srsBq eql eJB pus 'u,a\oul ,,!\ou eJ€ oroq Suoleq o1JBedd" qclq,tsuorlcelloc JerlunJ o,{\J 'IEI I ruo.IJ ed,{losl{Jquau3"4 n ,{luo uees p?q Irpfl]^\ Jo

'ed,{l eql ruo{ fluo u,\r.ou{ sE,{\ tI sseJd ol lue,{ snua8 or{lJo lueu-leeJl snor,\erd egl ueq,^\ u,troul ,{Food lsou aql Jo euo sB,{\ sotJads slql

6 e.rnSrJpr"qcr6 ( qtueg xo 'rg U) sn111snd snd.remuog '97

'sno:qe18 pue 'snlFc IBsEq uEIPeut luou[uoJd E qll^\ 'epl.l tutu 9.0

-g.O'8uol uJru r.0 9.0 'prollep 'paJ-rlsruaalS 'Fere 'luelslsJed ole sl€das eql

:sgu eqt uo pu" es"q eql w asolrd passerddB ,(lesrtds ',{11zutpn1l3uol peqqu-8'ralaru"rp ur ruru 6.0-8.0

'8uol ruur 6. g 8.0 'r"lnqol8 ot PIoAo

'aldrnd qst4celqere glrv plDtp.to Jo strn{ eql ,(3o1oqd:otu lln{ ul uoIl?IJ?^ elqBrsPls-uoc u,\\orls e^eq suorlcelloa snor^otd sJJSd Jel\ol rreql ur slool snollllus^p€

These collections (Orchard 4344,8.xii 1974, Long Swamp ca 10 km directlynorth-east of Augusta, AK, CANB, PERTH (fl., fr.); Orchard 43'7l, t Lxii. l974,ca 3 km north of Mt. Frankland turnoff on Walpole-Mt. Frankland road, AK,CANB, PERTH (fl., fr.)) were found in lowJying restionaceous heath areas,probably subject to intermittent f looding in winter. The plants were incon-spicuous but relatively abundant in these areas, growing in blackish sand, withRestionac:ae, Epacridaceae, Drosera spp.. Th))sqnotus spp. and Gonocarpuspa icul.ttus. The two species of Gonocarpus are easily distinguished in thefield. C. pusillus \s prostrate with a relatively short, thick, green axis to theinflorescence, unbranched but for a few simple lateral inflorescinces. G.pqniculatus is a stiff, erect plant with profusely branched filiform reddish in-floresc:nces. The leaves and flowers of G. paniculotus are also mucn largerthan those ol 0. ptrsil l trs.

27. Gonocarpus eremophilus OrchardOne further collection of t lt is species is now known: George 12175.

27 .vii.19'74,53 miles [85 km] sonth-west of Warburton, cibson Deseri, PERTH(fl.). Like the earlier collections it was found on an op3n gravelly plain. asso-ciated with Triodia basedov ii.

30. Gonocarpus pithyoides NeesThe three collections beJow considerably extend the known range of t l.r is

spec ies r ro r thwards :

Orc!6!(1 !?5J!_22.\:.19^74, Gingin-Donglra ^road _ca 4,km suuth of Mu ering Brook, AK,CANB, PERTH (fl., f!.): Orchard 125Q, 29.ri.1974, 6 km sourh of Dandaring West, AK,CANB, PERTH (.fr., fr.\: Orchard 1273, 1.xii..l9'71, 12 km lvesr of cingin-Dongara r-oacalong Moorc River, AK, CANB, PERTH (fl., i i .).

31. Gonocarpus simplex (R.Br. ex Britten) OrchardThis species was previously known only from the type and a collection by

C. P. Andrews, both from near Albany, and both lacking fruits. Even in thi;incomplete state it was clear that G. simplex, with its - leafless, sedse-like\ re rns and smal l f louers ua . a r r unusua l member o f Ihe genus Gono iarpus .Two further collections ofthis species (OrchorJ 4443,4443r, 17..i i i .1974. accessroad to Cape Le Grand, ca 5 km north of National Park boundarv. AK.CANB, PERTH (fl., fr.)) bearing a range of f lowers and fruits, and one of them(Orchctrd 4443a) consisting of seedlings, have revealed that G. simplex differsfrom other Gonotorpus species in a number of other respects, and it is proposedrhat C. s in f le .y 'hou ld be segregared f rom the res t o f rhe genu. in a new: \ecr ion .Gonr', arpus \ect. Simplum. denned as lollo\ ..

Gonocarpus section Simplum Orchard, sect. nov.

Styli subulati, sepala magnopere excedens; l lores masculi in pediceli is longis eievatjs;liuctus lineares, longitudo ultra bis diamelrum. Typgsi Gonocaryu: .rimptei (n.Br. eiBrirten) Orchard.

The plants ofthis new section differ from those of Conocarpu., sect. 6040-carpus mairly in having long subulate styles greatly exceeding the sepals, inhaving male and bisexual f lowers. probably on separate plants, with the maleflowers borne on long pedicels, the bisexual f lowers + sessile, and in havinglinear or cylindrical fruits more than twice as long as their diameter.

Key to the sections of genus Gonocarpus

Sl)les cldvale. nor. or barel) erceeding sepal.: l lo$er, al l brse\ual ror. rarely, funcrional l \f ema le i . a l l . <es . i l e : i r u i t o r , ' r d . g l obu la r o r \ ho f l l ) c y l : ndnca l . t eng r l , , ex i t ua ing . e f i i r ;l ess than lw i ced iame te r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sec t . C , i t oc i r f iStyles _subulate, greatly exceed ing. sepals ; bisexLral ffowers t..sessrle, male fiowers on l6ngpedicels; fruit linear, length (excluding sepals) more than r$,lce diameter .... ... ... sect. Sim,tn;

1 3 8

6tlrl]u ,.I

'prollep 'snou"Jqrueu 'pet spolq trrDutrd 'sa^B"l Jeddn oql Jo sl!x?eql ur euJoq oJ€ socueasarouur lEJal€l Ieuors€cco slc?Jq ,ft€IrrlJd el"uJ31l3Jo sllxe ut ,{l8urs euroq sro^\og Jo e)rds el€uruJalepul ue acuaasato{u1

'unlncrde e1q-dec ryup qll^\ dil:e^oqE Suqleuutqc lqBIIs luo4lJ€d? eJnJSqo suro^ :snoJqElS 'epr^\ uru I

'8uol ruc 0.t-E.0 'JeeuII 'el"uJellB

'snonpraap sa,lrr1 'snoJq?I8 rpeqqrJun 'perlcu"Jq flesr€ds 'sseu€el + 'snoeo

-"qJ3rJ'ueoJ8 .rrrals :snoJeJruolols {colslooJ :ll?l ruc 0t o! qtaq l2luuatad',llo1:q ue rt3 st

suorlcalloc ̂\eu o,r1 eql uo pes"q xal.ltuls I Jo uorldrJcseP Pepuau€ uv

'( H-J) tutrl T pue ( g) ruc 0I '( V) Ixr I lueserdeJ salEcs (€ftt preqcro ruo{ 'H-g :etttt pr€qro luorj V) t1n:g " 'sseurets pue slEtod Jo Surppeqs relJE re.{ou lenxoslg 5| re,rdou lBnxeslg I slrPrq ,ft"-puocas puE,{JEruudJo sJrxE ur sre^\ou Ienxosrq Bul^{oqs SauaasajogulJo dII'g suoue}s pueslelad Jo Surppeqs reue re^\og alew C peqs ,{p€orle sF€rq {terxud qtlnA 'eruo.sarouur eleurJo uorlrod J lueld ernlel-l-r lo llqeH g Surlpees V xaldulls sndtDoaot OI er|.8r{

v+' r{

iong, 0 3 mm wide (keel to margin), conduplicately folded and stem-clasping,with well d:fined keel, glabrous, deciduous before anthesis. Secondarl brqctslinear, 0. 8 I . I mm lcng, 0.2 mm wide, glabrous, deciduous.

F/owers 4-merous; male or bisexual, apparently on distinct plants. -Bl-sexual f lowers sessile; .repclr 4, deltoid. 0.4 mm long, 0.3 mm wide, glabrous.Petals 4, hooded, + keeled, 1 7 mm long,0.3 nm wide, Iong-unguiculate (cai of length), glabrous. Stamens 8; f i lamelts 0.4 mm long; anthers l inear-oblong, 0 9-1 0 mm long, 0 2 mrr rvide, 4-celled, nonapiculate. St!-les 4,subula1e, 0 8 mm long; stigmas iimbriate. Orarl l inear-ovoid, 1.0 mm long,0 4 mm diam., 8-ribbed, glabrous, incompletely 4Jocular, 4 oyules. Maleflowers as for bisexual ones, but on pedicel 2 mm long; ovary rudimentary.

Fruit greer, sessile, l inear-cylindrical, I . 8 I .9 mm long (excluding sepals),0 6-0 7 mm wide, 8-ribbed, smooth betweerr ribs, glabrous; sepals persiitent,erect,.deltoid, 0 4 0 5 mm long,0 3 0.4 mm wide, smooth; styies protruding;t seeq.

Seecllirtgs withL flexLrose slenls, first 2 leaves opposite, otlters alternate;stems and leaves bright green with reddish tips.

These two crl lections came from the margins of a small swamp, denseiyovergrown lvilh Restionaceae, Cyperaceae and X1rrs. The only associatedtrees were a few paperbark Melaleuca sp. The plants were relatir eiy abundant,but inconspicuous, overtopped by sedges at rl le water's edge, particularly indisturbed places where lhe road crossed the swamp. The seedlings werenLlmerous on a patch of black organic sand recently scraped clear of othervegetatiol ' l . The swamp was some drstance oursidi the boundarl of Cape IeGrand National Park, and a search of similar swamps inside the park fail;d tores,eal G. simplex.

33. Gonocarpus confertifolius (F. Muell.) Orchard

A number of further collections of this species extend its known range.

c. confertifolius var. confertilolius: Boswell.R29, 1q67, Cundeelee, ?EP.IH tlr.); Orchaftl4 lq6 .26 .x i . la '4 . Ka lbar r i Nar iona Park . g k ln \ou .h ea \ r o t l J rno l l lo lhe Loon, o1 Ina inaccess road, AK, CANB, PERTH (1i., fr.).G. confcrtifolius var. helmsii Orch.: Bttt[et s.n., 26.i.195E, Queen Victoria Springs, PERTH(fl., ft.); Diels s.n., Menzies, PERTH (fl.) j G?o/.r '" 7987, 12.ix.1966, l9 miles- [30 (m] W. ofSandslone, PERTH (fl.); OrLhard 1188,24.xt.1914, 18 km west of Cootgardie on roacl toSouthern Cross, AK, CAN B, PERTH (fl., fr.\ Orthard 1191, 2.1.xi.197,1, 4j krr west of Cool-gardie on road_lo Southern qross,-AK, CANB, PERTH (fi.. lr ): Orchartl 4193, 24.xi.19,t495 km w€st of Coolgardie, AK, CANB, PERTH (.f ' ., lr.): Orchaft| 4t 95. 24.xi.1974, Merredin_Goonall ing road, ca 2 5 km east of Trayning, AK, CANB, PERTH (fl.. fr.)

The Orclrard collection ol var. confertifolirs has leaves 1.0 cm lone and0.4 0.5 cm wide, with 6 8 teeth. These dimensions are consid:rablv iereerr han thore g iven prer ioLrs ly .

G. confurtifolius var. helntsii, of which only a few collections were knownpreviously, is much more common than suspecled. It is abundant in the areabetween Coolgardie and Southern Cross, particularly along the sides of themain road. in the shallow sutters.

35. Gonocarpus paniculatus (R.Br. ex Benth.) Orchard Figure 11Previous records ofthis species seem to indicate that it was fairiy rare. Only

a handful of collections were known, and very few of tltese were iicent. How_ever, it is now apparent that the species is in fact relatively common in the south_west of Western Australia, particularly iI1 the coastal region between Margaret


I'T'( j-g) ruur I ro '(

V) rlrc I tuesorder solrrs (16tt preqcroLuo{ J-O :ZZtt p.req.lo Luo{ J-V) uorlnqutsrc rJ stcErq ,{rtruel pue ,il€puor€s.toqs 01 pe8r€luo tnq '

J ul sV J 'Z pue € Jo soprcssJ ur sre,rol-:I g-C -starrq ,{repuoras

pu€ ra^\olJ J oru$serogur Jo uorlrod I trq€H y sntDlnluDd snd.D)ouog ll ern8tJ

River and Albany. It is found in lcwlying areas, probably swampy in winter,usually on grey or blackish organic sands. In this type of habitat, G. panicu-/clas is usually abundant, but because of its delicate habit and dark colorationis easily overlooked. The collections cited below considerably increase theknown range of the species.

Newbey 2394, I6.i.1966, 5 miles [8 km] NW. Cape Riche, PERTH (fl., lt.); Orchard 4340,8.xii.1974, Long Swamp ca 10 km directly NE. ofAugusta, AK, CANB, PERTH (fl.); O/crar./4345. 8.xii.1974, Scott River Road, ca 9 km SE. of Alexandra Bridge, AK, CANB, PERTH(fl.): Orchard 4346,9.xii.1974, ca 25 km E. of Augusta on Canebrake Road 1 km N. of ScottRiver, AK, CANB, PERTH (fl.); Orchad 4349, 9.xii.1974, 30 km E. of Alexandra Btidge atcorner of Canebrake Road and Stewart Road, AK, CANB, PERTH (fl.r: Orchard 4313,1l.xii.l974, ca 3 km north of Mt. Frankland turnoff on Waipole-Mt. Frankland road, AK,CANB, PERTH (fl.): Orchard 4384, 11.xii.1974, 6 km south of Tonebridge, AK, CANB,PERTH (fl.); Orchard 4386, 11.xii.1974, 2 km north ofLake Unicup, AK, CANB, PERTH(fr.): Orchard 4394, l2.xii.1974, 9 km south of Mt. Barker on Albany Highway, AK, CANB,PERTH (fr.): Orchaftl 4397, l l .xi i. l974, Palmdale Road ca 8 km west of Manypeak, AK,CANB. PERTH (fl.); Orchad 4398, 13.xii.1974, Lake Corinup north of Manypeak, AK(fl., tr.): Orcha 4399, l3.xii.l974, Lake Warbufton Road ca 12 km north of Manypeak,AK, CANB, PERTH (fl., fr.\: Orchard tA22, l5.x;i.1971, Fitzgetald River National Parkca 12 km north of Qualup HDmestead, AK, CANB, PERTH (fl.).

These collections also show that G. pa iculotus is mcre variable thanpreviously thought. The leav;s range from t?rete to distinctty flattened andlinear and the fruits vary in shap: from ovoid to turbinate (occasionally de-pressed globose) and from densely pilose on the ribs to completely glabrous.All, however, comply with the key characters described earlier (Orchard, l975).G. paniculatus is closely allied to G. pusillus, with which it is sometirnes foundin the field. See under the latter species for distinguishing characteristics.

36. Gonocarpus hexandrus (F. Muelt.) Orchard

This anomalous and variable species had not been collected for over 50years when my previous treatment went to press. Further collections havenow been made, and it seems that the plant is not as rare as previously thought,at least so far as the subspecies seftqtus and integrifolius are concerned. Bothare weak, multistemmed shrubs to 1 m tall, found invariably on the banks ofstreams, usually in reddish sandy clay. All were sterile or only in very youngbud in December. Leaf shape and size was very variable, casting doubt onthe validity ofkeeping these two subspecies distinct. The plants grouped undersubspecies integrifolius have leaves varying from broadly lanceolate (3 0 x1.0 cm) to l inear (2'0 x 0 3 cm) and + entire to 4-5-serrate, the teeth beingfine, almost hairJike, and up to ca 0 5 mm long. The four plants included insubspecies serrqta have generally broader leaves, ovate, the lower ones 2.5-5.0 cm long, l 0-1 2 cm wide, coarsely 6 8-serrate with distinctly deltoidteeth 2-3 mm long. White the plants of subsp. integrifolius were alwaysglabrous (except for a few soft hairs on the new growth), the plants of onepopulation of subsp. sez4lrl were either glabrous (Orchard 4352) or scabrous(Orchard 4351). In this case the glabrous plants were in young bud, while thescabrous plants were all sterile (early December).

Haloragis lanceolatL R.Br. ex Benth., tentatively placed in the synonymyof G, hexandrus s,tbsp. hexandrus in my previous paper, may be better includedin G. pusillus, as the description quite closely matches the new collections of thelatter.

The new collections of G. hexsndrus are as follows.

G. hexandrus subsp. serratus (Schindler) OrchardOrchard 4350, 9.xii.1974, Barlee Brook at Barle€ Road crossing, 25 km S. of Nannup, AK,CANB, PERTH Ifl.):Orchard 4351,4352,9.xii.1974, Barlee Brook at Dickson (Tower) Roadcrossing, AK, CANB, PER'|H ff'.): Orchard 4360, 10.xii.1974, 15 km south-west of Pembertonon Yeagarup Road, AK, CANB, PERTH (fl.).



puep.nv llng 'sndn)ouoy pue Dtplzal ! ,ao/("roruq)sttg "-piffiLt;Orj ,tri#,"'"qEreu)d rql I rBrrederoleH ilrLUeJ .ql ur s(orsr^er cruouoxeJ .(916I) .A .V .arvHc{O'e_Jllpll.\\ '5' sair.qsrC ldee lsnv ^ 't uDrllna qJJees.U alllpllA ertprlsnv urelse^\ '{olrrqtulx tsri^-qtJo\ '.^lr\ru re\r} tu:8:x Lri1.16 rqr Jo iaijn. le5r8o1orq y .1 pe)onprqrng V V puB srlr^l It I'rl'Eroll .(t/6t) ̂.r.JyaNNs) l .) pue,.S v'aoxos5


'lu"JD,{pnls sacrnoseu leJrSolorg u"tlellsny us,{q pe oddns se,r lJo,r pleg eqJ

'palrrcardde rlcnu sr 'tl6l urellerlsnv uJelselA ur dul SullJelloc € SutJnp o"ac€8eJol?H a^rsnle Jo qclBes ursJnolep snoreunu peJnpua oq,^d 'uelJnd ,{oU rllq go ocueqed eqI .suorlcelloc:req1 Surunuexa roJ serlrtneJ pepr,ro:d .{1puo1 (ggy3) esuerie-1snv unu€q-JoH puB (HJ.l{Ad) unrr"qreH uBrT"rlsny urotsoiA eql Jo srol"rnJ oql


."r sz ec 'crru',, s dnlrrreuy ,r/6r.rrx zr .rr;t|;i*,F{;$V."#;{"#",""J1;SJXNonueo\ re uourqursd Jo-/ s Lul 0z eJ'ta6t |\ 0t

.qstu p.lDqrro :I ts, Hl u3d .BNVJ .)V

'sprdelr{llEre\rU tere8rel 'tloI ry/ 6ztb prDtt O:r.Ul H_LUld .g

1yj.)V .diqsu,i\b;rr^Id lerEnrBIAI Jo r.llrou Lul S

'^e,1Aq8rH llassng.loorg 8!g ,nL6l.!lx.L,lZ& .IZEV p,tpqa.to

pjeqcro (relpurq.S) snlloJlr8alurdsqns sneuexorl.g

j', ,rl


GoDocarpus ..GonocarPus secl. Gonocarpus

sect. SimDlum Orch.benthamii orchchinensis {Lour.) Orch.

iubsD, cnlnenslsconfert i fol ius (F. Muell ) Orch.

var. confert i fol ius\ar. helmsii Orch.

dif fusu. t Diels) Orch.eremoDhilus Orch.halcontnsis (Merr ' I Orchhelandrus (f Vuell ) Orch

subrp. integri fol ius t.Schindl l orchcubsp. serratus {schlnol l (Jrcn

imDlexu. Orch.int i icatuc (Benlh.) Orch.lanrcolala R.Br ' e\ Benthleptothecu. { F. Muell ) Orch.oithvoides \eesi.raniculatL.r, tR.Br. ex Benth.) Orch.bu5il tu\ (R.Br' ex Benth.) Orch'iudis (Benlh.) Orchsanguineus (Merr. & Perry) Orchsim;le\ (R.Br. e\ Bri l t r Orch

Haloragisaculeolata Benthac(rtangLlla f Muell

f . acutangulaf. occidenlal i l Orch

aspera Lindl.chl nensis t lour ') \ [err.d i g ) na Lab i l l . . .d ra Orche{alata F. Muelllol io.a Benlh. . .hamala Orchodontocarpa F. M uel l .Dedircllatu Schindlicoparia Fenzl . .srr i i ta R.Br. er Benlhlr igonocarpa f MuelluncatiDi la Orch.t lr lc Schindl.

Halorasodendron .. .ela-ndulosum Orch

Page1 3 3138138t 1 s134t34140140140I 1 5

138134142143142t i 4

1 3 6142t34138

. . . . . . . . 138 , 140.. . . . . r3' l ,142

1 3 61 1 1


.... .... 129, r3l126,129, l3l,133

.... 126. . . . . . 126 , 133. . . . . . . . 126 , l3 l

134r32121t 3 3

. . . . . . . . r29 ,130

. . . . . . . . r29 , t3 l129

. . . . . . . . 129 , 1311 3 3126I tc!


1 3 3