Taxomonies of Political Parties

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  • 8/17/2019 Taxomonies of Political Parties


    Taxonomy of Political Parties

    - Types of classications:

    -> uni-dimensional (using only one criterion and resulting usually in


    -> multi-dimensional (using multiple criteria)

    - Types of classications:

    -> functionalist (classies parties on the basis of the specic, peculiar goal

    they pursue)

    -> organizational (makes distinction taking into account the manner in

    which parties are structured)

    -> sociological (puts the emphasis on the aspect that parties represent theinterests of and are the outcome of certain social classes groups)

    !) The functionalist classications of political parties

    !"a" #igmund $eumann, %&odern 'olitical 'arties (hicago: *ni+ersity of

    hicago 'ress, !.)

    -> %parties of indi+idual representation (represent the interests and

    demands of a specic social group class)

    -> %parties of social integration (represent the interests of a wider

    community, possessing a well-de+eloped network of organizations and a

    +eritable %partisan community/ they pro+ide +arious %ser+ices to

    their members and they recei+e, in e0change, %nancial contributions

    and +olunteered ser+ices of members during electoral campaigns)

    -> %parties of total integration (%ha+e more ambitious goals of

    seizing power and radically transforming societies, demanding the full

    commitment and un1uestioning obedience of members)

    !"b" 2erbert 3itschelt, %The 4ogic of 'arty 5ormation (6thaca, $ew 7ork:

    ornell *ni+ersity 'ress, !8)

    -> parties that put forward %the logic of electoral competition

    -> parties that emphasize %the logic of constituency representation

    (e.g. the %left libertarian parties)

    !"c" &a0 9eber, %conomy and #ociety

    -> %simple patronage parties (functioning based on clientelar

    relations between the leaders and the acti+e members)

    -> %ideological parties (functioning and mobilizing people based onthe same +ision of the world)

  • 8/17/2019 Taxomonies of Political Parties


    ;) The organizational classications of political parties

    ;"a" 5erdinand & %centralist clubs

    -> %4eninist cadres

    -> %decentralized clubs

    -> %decentralized mass parties

    ;"d" ngelo 'anebianco, %'olitical 'arties: Brganization and 'ower ($ew

     7ork: ambridge *ni+ersity 'ress, !88)

    -> %the mass-bureaucratic parties

    -> %electoral-professional parties

    ;"e" &aurice @u+erger, % aucus and Cranch, adre 'arties and &ass

    'arties (!.D), distinguishes between D partisan families: %the bourgeois

    parties (today, conser+ati+e and liberal parties), %the socialist parties and an

    heteroclite type called %the communist and the fascist parties/ by !.D, he

    make a nal distinction between communist and fascist parties (%la cellule and

    %la milice):

    -> %the caucus (%la comité) (narrow character regarding

    organization and membership aspects)

    -> conser+ati+e (consisting of aristocrats, industrial magnates,bankers, churchmen, etc")

  • 8/17/2019 Taxomonies of Political Parties


    -> liberal (composed of trade people, writers, Eournalists, ci+il

    ser+ants, lawyers, etc")

    -> %the branch (%la section) (the party of an assembly, with broad

    membership and multi-layered structure)

    -> %la cellule (the communist model of %the branch: local and

    professional base party, with constant and permanent contacts between

    members, solidarity being the dominant relation among adherents)

    -> %la milice (the fascist model of %the caucus)

    ;"f" &a0 9eber, %conomy and #ociety (pp"DF-DF.)

    -> %ephemeral parties

    -> %permanent parties

    ;"g" &aurice @u+erger, %'olitical 'arties uses the distinction between the

    unitary and the federal state for the diGerentiation between:

    -> %parties with direct structure (the members forming at the same

    time the %partisan community)

    -> %parties with indirect structure (constituted as a union of social

    groups with trade unions and corporations)

    -> socialist parties

    -> agrarian parties

    -> catholic parties

    ;"h" &aurice @u+erger, %'olitical 'arties using the criterion of the strength

    of the structures of parties)

    -> parties with thin structural links (% partis avec faible articulation)

    -> parties with strong structural links (% partis avec forte


     This results in another classication, pro+ided also by @u+erger:

    -> decentralized parties

    -> locally decentralized parties

    -> federally decentralized parties (e.g. in #witzerland, the

    cantonal parties)

    -> ideologically decentralized parties (retaining, promoting a

    certain autonomy regarding factions, tendencies within parties/

    e.g. the Colshe+iks and the &enshe+iks within =#@4', the

    =ussian #ocial- @emocratic 4abor 'arty)

  • 8/17/2019 Taxomonies of Political Parties


    -> socially decentralized parties (separating the party into

    social, corporate sections)

    -> centralized parties

    -> autocratically centralized parties

    -> democratically centralized parties

    ;"i" &aurice @u+erger, %'olitical 'arties using the criterion of the sense of

    the structures of parties)

    -> %parties with horizontal links (e+ery two organisms within the

    party are on the same foot, they are hierarchically e1ual)

    -> %parties with +ertical links (one organism within the party issubordinated to another, they are not hierarchically e1ual/ e.g. the

    communist parties)

    A) The %mi0ture classication of political parties (neither functionalist, nor

    organizational, nor sociological, but a combination of the three, or making no

    distinction between the three)

    A"a" Btto 3irchheimer, %The Transformation of the 9estern uropean 'arty

    #ystem (in Hoseph 4a'alombara and &yron 9eimer (eds"), %'olitical 'arties and

    'olitical @e+elopment, 'rinceton, $ew Hersey: 'rinceton *ni+ersity 'ress,


    -> %bourgeois parties of indi+idual representation

    -> %class-mass parties

    -> %denominational-mass parties

    -> %catch-all peopleIs parties

    A"b" $orberto Cobbio, %@reapta Ji stKnga (CucureJti: 2umanitas, !)

    uses the ideological criterion

    -> %left-wing (%leftist) parties

    -> %right-wing (%rightist) parties

    A"c" 3are #trom uses the rational choice theory as a criterion

    -> %+ote-seeking parties

    -> %oLce-seeking parties

    -> %policy-seeking parties

    A"d" &aurice @u+erger, %'olitical 'arties uses the origins as a criterion

  • 8/17/2019 Taxomonies of Political Parties


    -> %parties with parliamentary origin (generally linked to the

    interests of the middle and upper strata)

    -> %parties with e0tra-parliamentary origin (the 4abor 'arty, the

    #candina+ian agrarian parties, the parties of the religious groups:

    more centralized and disciplined, representing the interests ofthe lower classes)

    ) &ulti-dimensional classications

    "a" #tein =okkan, %'arty #ystems and Moter lignments, then @aniel 4"

    #eiler, %Les partis politiques, %'artidele politice din uropa (6aJi: 6nstitutul

    uropean, !, transl" ugenia NOinescu) use the concept of %clea+age for

    classifying parties" %lea+age is dened as a %bureaucratized and

    routinized conPict and e+ery re+olution produces a clea+age/ each

    re+olution produces ; clea+ages: one functional, one territorial

    -> the religious re+olution in the !.th century determined the

    clea+ages: the hurch Q the state (functional) and the center Q the

    periphery (territorial)/ the ; clea+ages produced:

    -> the clerical parties vs. the anti-clerical (lay, secular) parties

    -> the centralist parties vs. the autonomist parties

    -> the industrial re+olution in the !8th-!th centuries determined the

    clea+ages: the owners Q the workers (functional) and urban Q rural

    (territorial)/ the ; clea+ages produced:

    -> the bourgeois parties vs. the labor parties

    -> the agrarian the green parties (cities and town did not

    organized themsel+es in parties, as a response to this clea+age)

     Taking into account the intensity of the clea+age, there is the distinction


    -> the moderate parties (when the clea+age is attenuated)

    -> the e0tremist parties (when the clea+age is sharpened)

    last clea+age is mentioned by #eiler: the state Q the ci+il society, which

    determined the distinction between:

    -> the totalitarian parties

    -> the anarchical (%auto-administered) parties

    "b" 4arry @iamond and =ichard ?unther, %'olitical 'arties and @emocracy

    (Caltimore, &aryland: The Hohns 2opkins *ni+ersity 'ress, ;RR!) use the

    following criteria:

  • 8/17/2019 Taxomonies of Political Parties


    Criterion Classification

    The varying electoral strategies - clearly programmatic or ideological parties

    - pragmatic, unprincipled parties

    Social representation - parties that are exclusively based on a

     particular ethnic, religious, socioeconomic


    - heterogeneous or promiscuously eclectic


    Principal objectives - parties that are intensely committed to

    securing some specific social objective

    - parties that merely want to win elections

    Organiational capacities - organiationally thin parties

    - large and complex parties


    ELITE PARTIES   Local Notable

    ClientelisticMASS-BASED PARTIES





    Pluralistic Nationalist




    Religious un!amentalist






    MOVEMENT PARTIES   Le#t-Libertarian

    Post-In!ustrial E$treme


  • 8/17/2019 Taxomonies of Political Parties
