TaskForce Assessments Mtg 1 Handouts

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  • 7/29/2019 TaskForce Assessments Mtg 1 Handouts




    SPS Taskforce on Assessments and Measuring ProgressSession Dates and General Subject Matter for Discuss~on

    , February 4, 2013

    Sessions (Thursdays, 4-6pm)February 7: Introductory Meeting

    Taskforce norms and ground rules:... Taskforce scope of work, calendar, and deliverables

    Assessments 101

    February 21:Role ofAssessments in Teaching & LearningDeveloping a comprehensive system of assessmentsLink between assessment and closing tbe achievement gapNext generation Common Core assessmentsTechnology requirements for future assessmentsNew statewide teacher evaluation system

    March 7: Review ofMAPMAP strengths and limitations (facilitated discussion)Review results from stakeholder surveys

    March 21:Review ofMAPStakeholder testimonyQ&A with MAP test publisher

    April 4: Other AssessmentsaSPI Benchmarks and DataDirector pilotExploration of other solutions

    April 11:Anticipating the FutureDiscuss future approach for SPSEarly outline of potential recommendations

    April 25: Taskforce RecommendationsPreliminary recommendations

    May 2:Taskforce RecommendationsFinal recommendations

  • 7/29/2019 TaskForce Assessments Mtg 1 Handouts



    Taskforce on Assessments and Measuring ProgressAgenda3 Room

    5:_3Performance'-~ Dimensions GROUPThe art and science of human performance

    Purpose: To jointly review the effectiveness of district assessments and testing policies, andexplore specific concerns about the MAP test, ultimately providing recommendations to theSuperintendent for future improvements.

    TIME TOPIC30 min.30 min.

    Welcome & Introductions - Get acquainted and Preview Agenda for todayDiscuss Team Charter, Scope of Work, and Expectations of TF members;See Handout: edit if needed and adopt as final.

    20 min. Review Meeting Calendar and Approach for our Work - Discuss SME's,Stakeholder Surveys, and approach so everyone is on the same page.

    30 min.

    5-10 min.

    Assessments 101 - OverviewLearn and understand some of the key elements to a valid and reliableassessment system. (SME: Shauna Heath and Eric Anderson)Next Steps, Action Items, Key Decisions

    Confirm standing meeting dates/times for future working sessions Discuss pre-work, reading materials, or other info to be gathered (and by

    whom) prior to the next session Record action items and key decisions from this meeting to bedistributed to the teamDecisions/Action Items from this meeting:

    [For discussion at the meeting]Assessment System Needs/Requirements - Our system and recommendations should include:1)2)3)4)5)6)7)

    OrganizationEffectivenessConsulting TrainingandDevelopment TeamandGroupFacilitationPMB 185 .:. 218 Main Street .:. Kirkland, WA 98033 .:. Phone 425.889.5942

  • 7/29/2019 TaskForce Assessments Mtg 1 Handouts


    Our Taskforce Members



    "Taskforce on Assessments and Measuring Progress"Charter Facilitator/ConsultantSeattle Public Schools Lynda Silsbee, CPT, SPHPrincipal Consultan425.889.5942

    [email protected] in Attendance on 2/7/13:Eric Anderson & Clover Codd (TFsponsors) J

    Others who may join the group at the next meeting:

    Our Commitment/Taskforce Purpose:The task of this team/project is to review the effectiveness of district assessments and testingpolicies, and explore specific concerns about the MAP test. The Taskforce will developrecommendations to the Superintendent for making future improvements to districtassessment practices. In addition, our commitment includes "owning" the final product(recommendations) in such a way that you can/will support, endorse, or advocate for therecommendations at the time they are presented and rolled-out.By forming a joint taskforce and engaging in open dialogue, we will learn and grow as anorganization and ultimately work toward a shared approach of assessing learning that bestbenefits teachers, leaders and ultimately, our students.Taskforce Goals/Deliverables:

    Engage stakeholders in facilitated discussions to evaluate the strengths and weaknessesof the current MAP assessment tool and related processes.

    Explore potential alternatives to MAP or changes to MAP processes. Make recommendations to the Superintendent (by May 2,2013) regarding potential

    changes (which comply with State Mandates) for adoption during either the 2013-14 or2014-15 school years.

    Scope of Work and Expectations of MembersThe scope of work for this taskforce is to understand the role of assessments for teaching andlearning and ultimately to make recommendations to Superintendent Jose Banda for futureimprovements to district-wide assessment. It is outside the scope of work of this taskforce toconsider teacher accountability, evaluation, and/or career ladders - which are part of collectivebargaining agreements. Below is the list of expectations (or ground rules) involved in thistaskforce:

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    Taskforce on Assessments and Measuring ProgressCharter & Guidelines

    Draft for Discussion February 7, 2013

    p~rtant work which we take seriously ANDtc}'havefun along the way too.

    No hidden agendas - no lectures.

    All ideas and comments are valid - respectful"debate."Meetings will have a clear purpose, outcomes, andagenda.Attend all meetings if at all possible - if you miss asession,support the decision made in your absence.Defer to the facilitator or agenda if the group is stuck- use a parking lot.

    Reemmendations should be based on research andobjective d"H an~presented in a fact-based manner.

    NormsMeetings start and end on time.

    Assumepositive intent.Agreement to support the final decision of the group- even if it wasn't the one you personally like best.

    People don't have to agree BUT- Beclear about what youare committing to - speak up if you can't commit and saywhy you can't.Dothe pre-workjpost-work assignedso the meeting timeis productive.Advocate from your own personal experience & POVandlisten to other perspectives.Provide guidance regarding organizational andimplementation "speed bumps" and recommendationsfor moving through them.Provide informal communication to others in theorganization about the project, the benefits of the projectand organizational impacts of the project.Support and Advocacy - mainly of an informal nature(such ascommunicating about it at association jdepartment meetings, at agreed-up times.)

    Listenwith an open mind - listen first asan advocate forthe other person's idea.Everyone has equal status during the meeting session.

    Confidentiality and communication decisions need to befollowed.Everyone participates - one person talks at a time.

    Taskforce Timeline and Oeliverables (at~ high-level)February 7 & 21 ). )' )Ua'r~ 7 & 21April 4, 11, 25~~,ipat!flg th~!i,Fufure; what is the nexttakeholder engagement andeher~tiohpt~~mmon Coreestimony.&A with MAP test publisher.

    cuss/understand the new WA Statecher evaluation system.Discuss strengths and limitations ofxploration of other assessments;AP. Review results from stakeholderSPI Benchmarks and DataDirectorsurveys.ilot. Review and discuss other solutions.

    sing the achievement gap.sure everyone has a similar andndational understanding of Preliminary Recommendations;ntify categories ofommendations and specific itemsin the categories.

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    Taskforce on Assessmentsand Measuring ProgressCharter & GuidelinesDraft for DiscussionFebruary 7,2013

    Regular Meeting Schedule, Time & PlaceEight taskforce meetings are scheduled on Thursdays from 4-Gpm from February 7 through May2 (shown on calendars below. ) A couple of additional meetings may be necessary in order toachieve our goals by the required deadline and will be determined as the work progresses. Allmeetings will be held at the Central Office in Conference Room TBD .




    22 23 2429 30 31




    MARCH 2013T



    18 19 2025 26


    s S2 39 1016 17

    APRIL 2013s

    FSS 345 10112 17189 24256901

    FEBRUARY 2013M T W T F14 5 6 811 12 13 14 1518 19 2021 22 23 2425 26 27 28

    Role and Typical Expectations ()f each role during this Taskforce

    skforce leads - Assiststeam invelopment of charter, and ensures the

    accomplishes the goals andjectives in alignment with thenization's values, and ensuring theforce goals are attained.

    Schedules& attends team meetings. Communicates with team members, stakeholders,team sponsor and other key relationships asto theresults the team isachieving.

    Overseesthe entire project to ensure the team'smission isattained. Manages relationships with outsiders, includingremoving obstacles for the team. Maintains documentation of action items and theircompletion.

    Utilizes the skills of the team members aseffectivelyas possible.

    Clover Codd, EricAnderson

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    Taskforce on Assessments and Measuring ProgressCharter & GuidelinesDraft for Discussion February 7, 2013

    oject Sponsor & Exec.Sponsor - TheamSponsor isthe person(s) whomately decideswhether a team istocreated or not, anCithe relative valuethe organization's overall work plana given time frame.

    cilitator - There may be overlap in thise with the Project Leadand/or itmetimes isthe same person filling bothes. Facilitation is the design andnagement of structures & processest help a group do its work andnimize the common problems peopleveworking together. The focus isonp dialogue, who needs to belved, what needs to beomplished, and maintaining

    E-Subject Matter Expert - A subjecttter expert (SME)is a person who isexpert in a particular area or topic. Anpert in a particular field whontributes or verifies the accuracy ofecific information needed by theoject team.

    am Member - Individuals who haveecific tasks that they musl perform iner for the team's work to becomplished. They m~y provideearch, cqOstrltihg,technical andrpersonallilsk wor~Jor any given. Teammembers hilye specific

    owledge, skills, or abilities that willcomplish specific ta$~sas outlined byteam or team leader.

    Doesreal work along with the team. Asksfor a team to be formed. Sets parameters for the purpose of the team and thework they should accomplish.

    Provides resources (time, money, etc.) for theaccomplishment of the work. Checksin with Team Leaderto assessprogress anddirection.

    Makes final decision to go/no-go on results createdby team.

    Preparesagendas& facilitates team meetings. Clarifies the group charter Publishesagendas and disseminates information Manages group discussion, team dynamics, anddecision-making.

    Maintains documentation of action items and theircompletion. Utilizes the skills of the team members aseffeFtivelyas possible. Resultsof group work cOl)"lmu~IFated~~me~ers,sponsors, and stakeho ..... m Some general projectsteps are carri~qOyt Mayor may notl?e aijqc;tivemember of the team

    but is a go-to persQrj>orgrciupfor factualinformqtion, advice,jflput, or perspective.

    May inflUence decisions or outcomes but often doesNOThave aY9te or sayin the final outcome. Sharestheir perspective, opinion, and objectiveinformation openly with the team for theiredification and discussion.

    Expresseswhat they think or feel based on theirexpertise and gives suggestions.

    Attends team meetings on time and with 'i1ssignedwork completed.

    May collect input/feedback from other stakeholders. Works collaboratively with other team members andstaff to accomplish work. Contributes to the overall mission, outcomes, andsuccessmeasures of the team through developmentof the charter and completion of work.

    Superintendent JoseBanda, MichaelTully

    PerformanceDimensions Group Lynda Silsbee,Principal Consultantwith support fromPatrick Olson

    Eric AndersonCentral Office StaffNWEAaSPI