T A R O T : C R Y S T A L (LASTNAME) Below the reading is Crystal's response. Another dead-on reading. This gives me faith that what I am doing is both right and good. If anyone wants a FREE tarot reading, specifically aimed towards counsel and guidance, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me. 1. Present Situation 2. Past Situation 3. What Will Help During This Time 4. What MUST Be Accepted About The Situation 5. Result TAROT 1. **Sybil of Pentacles** Representation: Mayan Goddess of Corn, Nourishment, a woman who brings death with her embraces, uses the sun as a shield. The Sibyl of Pentacles loves her body, the earth, and life itself. She moves in deep communion with the world around her, in harmony with nature's rhythms. She remembers the teachings of her ancestors and understands the cycles of fertility: that there are times of birth, of growth, and of dying. As a caretaker, she preserves and protects what is hers, finding pleasure in the tasks of ordinary living. This Sibyl of Pentacles knows her own magic, and in her self awareness finds potent confidence with which to live. Her life is so rich and full that she can easily be generous. This Sybil may be a sensual and grounded person in your life, someone you can turn to for nurturance. She also calls on you to find some of her earthly qualities in yourself. When she appears in a reading, self-trust is the most important quality she asks you to cultivate. Now, I don't know much about your situation as this reading has no specific focus. It is, essentially, a shot in the dark. The way I am reading this card is with multiple interpretations.

Tarot Reading #3 - Crystal

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Tarot reading. If you want a free one, don't hesitate to contact me.

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T A R O T : C R Y S T A L (LASTNAME)Below the reading is Crystal's response. Another dead-on reading. This gives me faith that what I am doing is both right and good.

If anyone wants a FREE tarot reading, specifically aimed towards counsel and guidance, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me.

1. Present Situation2. Past Situation3. What Will Help During This Time4. What MUST Be Accepted About The Situation5. Result


1. **Sybil of Pentacles**Representation: Mayan Goddess of Corn, Nourishment, a woman who brings death with her embraces, uses the sun as a shield.

The Sibyl of Pentacles loves her body, the earth, and life itself. She moves in deep communion with the world around her, in harmony with nature's rhythms. She remembers the teachings of her ancestors and understands the cycles of fertility: that there are times of birth, of growth, and of dying. As a caretaker, she preserves and protects what is hers, finding pleasure in the tasks of ordinary living.

This Sibyl of Pentacles knows her own magic, and in her self awareness finds potent confidence with which to live. Her life is so rich and full that she can easily be generous. This Sybil may be a sensual and grounded person in your life, someone you can turn to for nurturance. She also calls on you to find some of her earthly qualities in yourself. When she appears in a reading, self-trust is the most important quality she asks you to cultivate.

Now, I don't know much about your situation as this reading has no specific focus. It is, essentially, a shot in the dark. The way I am reading this card is with multiple interpretations.

This Sybil represents me, you, and Nevin's mother.

First, representing me, it discusses the magic that I am attempting to share with you and the worry I have about your happiness and your situation in life. Once again, I don't know your situation but I certainly hope you are both self-aware and self-assured.

In terms of you, it is the point that you find comfort in everyday living, taking care of your loved ones – Nevin, friends, cousins; cooking and maintaining your household; striving for knowledge and employment opportunity through your schooling.

In terms of Nevin's mother, she is a woman you can turn to for practical and motherly advice. She recognizes the burdens of every day living and aims to make life for both you and Nevin a little easier.

2. **Sibyl of Cups**

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Representation: Mermaid, Water element.

The Sibyl of Cups draws from the deepest source of love. She has unlimited nuturance to give and she offers her love unconditionally. Truly sensitive to others' feelings, she offers sound guidance without judgement. She is a natural channel for dreams, visions, and emotions – all things of the unconscious that rise up to inform our waking reality. She has learned to blend her imagination with action, keeping a vital connection between both her inner and outer worlds.

This Sibyl asks you to enter into your own landscape and embrace the deep and paradoxical realm of feeling. She may come into your life as a loving and intuitive person or she may be a part of you calling to be brought forth.

As a part of your past, this card reminds me of all those mystical times we spent talking to each other about the universe, psychic awareness, fairies, magic, and dreams. You used to be, and still are, a very empathic and feeling person. You genuinely care about others in an unbiased manner and are willing to hear what anyone has to say.

At that point in your life, it was the happiest I had ever seen you even though you were shy and self conscious about yourself and your appearance.

Magic was a huge part of your life and your creative spark was in full action. In the times that I'd seen you subsequently, I have always felt a sense of pure conflict within you. You would put on a happy face, and show caring for your loved ones, but the situation within your surrounding environment still produced a great deal of turmoil for you. It's been a long road out on your own with Nevin, in your own apartment, finding a purpose of which to follow.

3. **Six of Swords**Representation: Passage.

The Six of Swords is about journeys of all kinds. This could mean taking a trip somewhere or it could call for a change of consciousness, a shift from one level of understanding to another. This card may also represent exploring the realms on the other side of day, through dreams or other kinds of shamanic work.

The time has come to leave old pain, places, and patterns behind. Even if you think you're not ready, action of some kind is essential. You know the steps you need to take to leave a difficult or dangerous situation for the tranquil shores of a more nurturing life. Whatever path you choose, trust your inner compass to guide you. Though the future is uncertain, the hardest part may be getting over your fear of moving into unknown territory. A safe port could be closer than you think.

As the card represented in the “what will help you on your path” position, I believe this refers to your decision to move to Halifax. Also, it might seem a bit “new agey” but I think that it also represents a shift in consciousness for you if we do end up getting together and I show you the things that I have to offer. I would never force anything into your life but I am aware that you are part of this “awareness” I keep running in to – and it all relates to our dream and everything else we expressed in our past. If you look at this reading up to this point, it seems pretty dead on for your current situation and what would be available to you in your near future.

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Currently you are nurturing you physical self in order to survive the physical world and it's burdens of responsibility associated. Because of this, you are neglecting your more creative side associated with art, music, and conceptual thinking. You are not getting a vital part of the life experience deserved by everyone.

4. **Sage of Pentacles**Representation: A monarch, The Philosopher King

The Sage of Pentacles rules with a steady hand and a kind heart. With years of experience behind him, he stewards both people and resources wisely. Powerful and successful in the worldly realm, he has no need to prove himself to anyone. His outer achievements grow out of inner peace, satisfaction that stems from a deep appreciation of life.

Steeped in the cycles of nature, this Sage brings patience and practicality to everything he does. He may appear in your life as a strong and serene person. He may also be calling on you to find your own stable center.

Wow. This showing up directly after the previous card is a sign in itself. Look at these two cards together and realize that this is what must be accepted about your current situation. You are in need of a balance that relates to the connected duality of the universe. There is constancy in the dual cycles of night and day, positive and negative, life and death. The feminine compliments the masculine as the sun compliments the moon. Your dichotomy lies within the contrast of practicality and creativity. There is too much emphasis placed on the one before the other and there must be a balance to these forces in order to achieve a balance within yourself.

5. **Seer of Pentacles**Representation: Peaceful Contemplation

This Seer is dedicated to comprehending the world around her. Quiet, receptive, and often alone, she finds solace in the earth and its creatures. She is learning to hear the earth's wisdom and to trust her instincts. Trustworthy and reliable, she can be counted on to give all to a project. Deliberate in her actions, she moves slowly but surely toward her goals.

This Seer describes a studious person with great focus and determination. Though you may find her reflected in another, she surely points to aspects of yourself to pay attention to.

The message here is simple. Achieve balance and you will be able to manage your world in ways you never imagined you could. There is a chance of self-fulfillment and awareness if this reading is followed and studied seriously.

In the result position, you are represented here as this Seer, a person you could become. You may not necessarily follow a spiritual path but you will find comfort and reassurance within yourself, inner peace. Your first step is moving forward. Hopefully you do move to Halifax because it would be a good experience for you to achieve the growth in your life that is due you. Harness your creativity so that you can make the world what you want it to be.

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from Crystal <email>to [email protected] Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 4:21 PMsubject RE: Tarot reading.mailed-by msn.com

hide details 4:21 PM (1 hour ago)



I'm very impressed; it's bang on. Even the way you've interpreted the Present situation. I can't wait for you to do the Rune Reading *hugs* thanks



ps- you spelled my last name right lol ^.^