Targeting of Cell Mockups using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots In Vitro Islam S. M. Khalil * , Ahmet Fatih Tabak , Abdelrahman Hosney * , Anke Klingner * , Marwan Shalaby * , Reham M. Abdel-Kader * , Mohamed Serry , and Metin Sitti Abstract— Sperm-shaped microrobots are controlled under the influence of weak oscillating magnetic fields (milliTesla range) to selectively target cell mockups (i.e., gas bubbles with average diameter of 200 μm). The sperm-shaped mi- crorobots are fabricated by electrospinning using a solution of polystyrene, dimethylformamide, and iron oxide nanopar- ticles. These nanoparticles are concentrated within the head of the microrobot, and hence enable directional control along external magnetic fields. The magnetic dipole moment of the microrobot is characterized (using the flip-time technique) to be 1.4×10 -11 A.m 2 , at magnetic field of 28 mT. In addition, the morphology of the microrobot is characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy images. The characterized parameters and morphology are used in the simulation of the locomotion mechanism of the microrobot to prove that its motion depends on breaking the time-reversal symmetry, rather than pulling with the magnetic field gradient. We experimentally demon- strate that the microrobot can controllably follow S-shaped, U-shaped, and square paths, and selectively target the cell mockups using image guidance and under the influence of the oscillating magnetic fields. I. INTRODUCTION During their journey towards the ovum, sperm cells un- dergo a wide variety of swimming patterns by a beating tail. The sperm cell propagates planar or three-dimensional travel- ling wave (that breaks time-reversal symmetry) along the tail. This microorganism consists of a head and a flagellum that contains a midpiece and an actively beating tail. The travel- ling waves are generated by local bending moment along the flagellum. Dreyfus et al. [1] have mimicked the locomotion mechanism of the sperm cells by colloidal magnetic particles that are connected together using DNA and attached to a red blood cell. The external magnetic fields have allowed this biologically-inspired microrobot to be adjusted and driven using a flagellated swim. A microrobot that resembles the morphology of sperm cell has been fabricated using SU- 8 polymer for the tail and a cobalt-nickel layer on the head to provide a dipole moment [2]. These microrobots are driven using external oscillating magnetic fields. The flagellated swim of the E. coli bacteria has also been used to design artificial bacterial flagella with rigid helical structures This work was supported by funds from the German University in Cairo and the DAAD-BMBF funding project. The authors also acknowledge the funding from the Science and Technology Development Fund in Egypt (No. 23016). * The authors are affiliated with the German University in Cairo, 11835 Egypt. The authors are affiliated with the Physical Intelligence Department, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany. Mohamed Serry is affiliated with the American University in Cairo, 11835 Egypt. Fig. 1. Microscopic images of the sperm-shaped microrobots. The microrobot has similar morphology to sperm cells and is fabricated using a solution of polystyrene, dimethylformamide, and iron oxide nanoparticles. The nanoparticles are concentrated within the beaded fiber and allow for di- rectional control along the magnetic field lines. The ultra-thin fiber oscillates (red arrows) and generates a propulsive force that enables locomotion at low Reynolds number regime. Motion of the microrobot is controlled using an electromagnetic system with closed-configuration (bottom-left corner). This system can be used to achieve selective targeting of tissue or large groups of U-373 MG human astrocytoma cells (bottom-right corner). In this work, selective targeting of cell mockups (small gas bubbles) is achieved. by Zhang et al. [3], [4]. These artificial bacterial flagella are driven by rotating magnetic fields using electromagnetic configuration and under microscopic guidance. Ye et al. [5] have used multiple flexible artificial flagella to increase the propulsive force of the microrobot, as opposed to microrobot with a single flexible flagellum. It has also been demonstrated that the swimming speed increases linearly with the number of flagella. The propulsion mechanism of microscopic and miniature swimmers [6] with flagellar motion have been modeled through measurement of the propulsive forces by Tony et al. [7] and Behkam et al. [8], respectively. The cellular uptake of micro-particles has been studied by Grat- ton et al., and it has been demonstrated that micro-particles with high aspect ratios are more prone to cell uptake [9]. Wang et al. have demonstrated ultrasonic propulsion of gold nanomotors inside HeLa cervical cancer cells [10]. The acoustic propulsion of these nanomotors allows them to remain active inside the cell and enables motion between cells. However, the internalization of the nanomotors is 6th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) June 26-29, 2016. UTown, Singapore 978-1-5090-3286-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 495

Targeting of Cell Mockups Using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots in … · Targeting of Cell Mockups using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots In Vitro Islam S. M. Khalil , Ahmet Fatih Tabak y, Abdelrahman

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Page 1: Targeting of Cell Mockups Using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots in … · Targeting of Cell Mockups using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots In Vitro Islam S. M. Khalil , Ahmet Fatih Tabak y, Abdelrahman

Targeting of Cell Mockups using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots In Vitro

Islam S. M. Khalil∗, Ahmet Fatih Tabak†, Abdelrahman Hosney∗,Anke Klingner∗, Marwan Shalaby∗, Reham M. Abdel-Kader∗, Mohamed Serry, and Metin Sitti†

Abstract— Sperm-shaped microrobots are controlled underthe influence of weak oscillating magnetic fields (milliTeslarange) to selectively target cell mockups (i.e., gas bubbleswith average diameter of 200 µm). The sperm-shaped mi-crorobots are fabricated by electrospinning using a solutionof polystyrene, dimethylformamide, and iron oxide nanopar-ticles. These nanoparticles are concentrated within the headof the microrobot, and hence enable directional control alongexternal magnetic fields. The magnetic dipole moment of themicrorobot is characterized (using the flip-time technique) to be1.4×10−11 A.m2, at magnetic field of 28 mT. In addition, themorphology of the microrobot is characterized using ScanningElectron Microscopy images. The characterized parametersand morphology are used in the simulation of the locomotionmechanism of the microrobot to prove that its motion dependson breaking the time-reversal symmetry, rather than pullingwith the magnetic field gradient. We experimentally demon-strate that the microrobot can controllably follow S-shaped,U-shaped, and square paths, and selectively target the cellmockups using image guidance and under the influence of theoscillating magnetic fields.


During their journey towards the ovum, sperm cells un-dergo a wide variety of swimming patterns by a beating tail.The sperm cell propagates planar or three-dimensional travel-ling wave (that breaks time-reversal symmetry) along the tail.This microorganism consists of a head and a flagellum thatcontains a midpiece and an actively beating tail. The travel-ling waves are generated by local bending moment along theflagellum. Dreyfus et al. [1] have mimicked the locomotionmechanism of the sperm cells by colloidal magnetic particlesthat are connected together using DNA and attached to a redblood cell. The external magnetic fields have allowed thisbiologically-inspired microrobot to be adjusted and drivenusing a flagellated swim. A microrobot that resembles themorphology of sperm cell has been fabricated using SU-8 polymer for the tail and a cobalt-nickel layer on thehead to provide a dipole moment [2]. These microrobotsare driven using external oscillating magnetic fields. Theflagellated swim of the E. coli bacteria has also been used todesign artificial bacterial flagella with rigid helical structures

This work was supported by funds from the German University in Cairoand the DAAD-BMBF funding project. The authors also acknowledge thefunding from the Science and Technology Development Fund in Egypt(No. 23016).

∗The authors are affiliated with the German University in Cairo, 11835Egypt.

†The authors are affiliated with the Physical Intelligence Department,Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany.

Mohamed Serry is affiliated with the American University in Cairo,11835 Egypt.

Fig. 1. Microscopic images of the sperm-shaped microrobots. Themicrorobot has similar morphology to sperm cells and is fabricated using asolution of polystyrene, dimethylformamide, and iron oxide nanoparticles.The nanoparticles are concentrated within the beaded fiber and allow for di-rectional control along the magnetic field lines. The ultra-thin fiber oscillates(red arrows) and generates a propulsive force that enables locomotion at lowReynolds number regime. Motion of the microrobot is controlled using anelectromagnetic system with closed-configuration (bottom-left corner). Thissystem can be used to achieve selective targeting of tissue or large groupsof U-373 MG human astrocytoma cells (bottom-right corner). In this work,selective targeting of cell mockups (small gas bubbles) is achieved.

by Zhang et al. [3], [4]. These artificial bacterial flagellaare driven by rotating magnetic fields using electromagneticconfiguration and under microscopic guidance. Ye et al. [5]have used multiple flexible artificial flagella to increase thepropulsive force of the microrobot, as opposed to microrobotwith a single flexible flagellum. It has also been demonstratedthat the swimming speed increases linearly with the numberof flagella. The propulsion mechanism of microscopic andminiature swimmers [6] with flagellar motion have beenmodeled through measurement of the propulsive forces byTony et al. [7] and Behkam et al. [8], respectively. Thecellular uptake of micro-particles has been studied by Grat-ton et al., and it has been demonstrated that micro-particleswith high aspect ratios are more prone to cell uptake [9].Wang et al. have demonstrated ultrasonic propulsion ofgold nanomotors inside HeLa cervical cancer cells [10].The acoustic propulsion of these nanomotors allows themto remain active inside the cell and enables motion betweencells. However, the internalization of the nanomotors is

6th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference onBiomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)June 26-29, 2016. UTown, Singapore

978-1-5090-3286-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 495

Page 2: Targeting of Cell Mockups Using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots in … · Targeting of Cell Mockups using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots In Vitro Islam S. M. Khalil , Ahmet Fatih Tabak y, Abdelrahman

Fig. 2. Microscopic images of the sperm-shaped microrobots. Themicrorobots are fabricated using electrospinning [11]. These microrobtsare fabricated using 20% polystyrene in dimethylformamide. The distancebetween the collector the the syringe needle is 10 cm, at flow rate of20 µl/s [11]. (a), (b), and (c) Microscopic images of the sperm-shapedmicrorobots. (d) Scanning Electron Microscopy image of a microrobot.

achieved by incubation with the cells for longer than 24hours. In this work we expand on our previous studies [11]and achieve the following:

1) characterization of the morphology and magnetic prop-erties of sperm-shaped microrobots (Fig. 1) that arefabricated using electrospinning [11];

2) motion control of the microrobots using external mag-netic fields and under microscopic guidance;

3) selective targeting of cell mockups using the sperm-shaped microrobots.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:Section II provides information pertaining to the morphologyand the magnetic dipole moment of the sperm-shaped mi-crorobots. The morphology and magnetization of the micro-robot are characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM) images and the flip-time approach [12], respectively.Motion control of the sperm-shaped microrobots and target-ing of cell mockups are included in Section III. A discus-sion pertaining to the use of sperm-shaped microrobots intargeting of U-373 MG human astrocytoma cells is includedin Section IV. Finally, Section V concludes and providesdirections for future work.


The sperm-shaped microrobots consists of an ultra-thin fiber and a magnetic head. This head contains iron-oxide nanoparticles (45-00-252 Micromod Partikeltechnolo-gie GmbH, Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany) that providethe magnetic dipole moment to the microrobot. The equa-tion of motion of the microrobot (based on the force-free





Characteristics Value [µm] Characteristics Value [µm]

Tail length 706± 380 Tail diameter 13± 8Minor diameter 126± 66 Major diameter 325± 126

swimming condition [13], [14]) is given by [11][V


]= −B−1


[Fmag + Fadd

Tmag +Tadd

], (1)

where V and Ω are the linear and angular rigid-bodyvelocities of the microrobot, respectively. Further, Fmag andFadd are the magnetic force and inertial force due to addedmass and forces due to unstationary far field (history effect)on the microrobot, respectively. Further, Tmag and Tadd arethe magnetic torque and the inertial torque due to addedmass and torques due to unstationary far field acting on themicrorobot, respectively. In addition, Bsw is the resistancematrix of the microrobot that consists of the resistancematrices of the body and the tail. The magnetic force (Fmag)and torque (Tmag) exerted on the microrobot are given by[





swV (M · ∇)B(P)


]. (2)

In (2), V is the volume of the magnetic nanoparticles ofthe microrobot and M is its magnetization in the frame ofthe laboratory [15]. Further, B(P) is the magnetic flux den-sity vector generated by the electromagnetic configuration(Fig. 1), at point (P). Furthermore, Rsw is the rotation matrixbetween the frames of the microrobot and the electromag-netic configuration. The transient hydrodynamic force due tothe added-mass and history effects are calculated using [16]-[19] [




[Φ∫ t



− 23πR



], (3)

where ρl is the density of the liquid medium and R isthe radius of the body. In (3), Φ is calculated using,Φ = 6R2√πµρl, and µ is the dynamic viscosity of themedium. Further, Sb is a skew-symmetric matrix for thecross-product required to calculate the resultant torque onthe microrobot [11]. Equations (1), (2), and (3) indicate thatthe magnetization of the microrobot and its morphology areessential in the modelling. Therefore, the morphology andmagnetization of the microrobot are characterized.

A. Characterization of the Morphology of the Microrobots

Morphology of the sperm-shaped microrobots is deter-mined using microscopic and SEM imaging (Fig. 2). First,


Page 3: Targeting of Cell Mockups Using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots in … · Targeting of Cell Mockups using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots In Vitro Islam S. M. Khalil , Ahmet Fatih Tabak y, Abdelrahman

Fig. 3. Characterization of the magnetic dipole moment of the sperm-shaped microrobot using the flip-time technique [12]. The magnetic field reversal isinitiated at time, t=1 seconds, by reversing the direction of the magnetic field lines. The flip-time is determined experimentally and used in (4) to calculatethe dipole moment at representative magnetic fields. Below 12 mT, the generated magnetic torque can not flip the microrobot along the field lines. Above28 mT, the magnetic dipole moment converges to approximately 1.4×10−11 A.m2. The red lines represent the magnetic field lines and are generatedusing Comsol Multiphysicsr (COMSOL, Inc., Burlington, U.S.A). The average and standard deviations are calculated using 10 flip-time trials at eachrepresentative magnetic field.

the microrobots are fabricated using 20% polystyrene indimethylformamide, and iron-oxide nanoparticles. The dis-tance between the collector and the tip of the syringe needleis adjusted to be 10 cm, and voltage of 20 kV and flow rateof 20 µl/s are applied using high voltage power supply asyringe pump (CMA 402 Syringe Pump, CMA Microdialy-sis, Kista, Sweden), respectively. Second, the microrobotsare extracted from the beaded fibers using nano-tweezersunder microscopic guidance. Table I provides the character-ized dimensions of the microrobot from 30 samples. Thesesamples are fabricated using the mentioned electrospinningparameters. The morphology of the microrobots is used inthe calculation of its magnetic dipole moment.

B. Characterization of the Magnetic Dipole Moment

Under the influence of magnetic field reversals, the sperm-shaped microrobots undergo flip-turns, as shown in Fig. 3.The flip-time of the microrobot depends on its magnetization,external magnetic field, morphology, and the properties of thefluid, and is given by

τ =α

| m || B(P) |ln

(2 | m || B(P) |


), (4)

where τ is the elapsed flip-time, and k and T are the Boltz-mann constant and the temperature of the fluid, respectively.Further, m is the magnetic dipole moment of the microrobot,and α is the rotational drag coefficient and is approximatedusing [22]

α =πηl3





)+ 0.92



)− 0.662


, (5)

where d and l are the major diameter and length of thesperm-shaped microrobot, respectively, and η is the dynamicviscosity of the fluid. The microrobot is contained insidea petri dish with a medium of 80% Glycerine and 20%water. Therefore, we assume that η is 0.95 Pa.s. We use 2opposite electromagnetic coils (Fig. 1) to generate uniformmagnetic fields, as shown in Fig. 3. These fields allow

the magnetic fields to align along the x-axis. We reversethe direction of the magnetic field and observe that themicrorobot undergoes a flip-turn towards the negative x-axis. The measured flip-time is calculated and used in (4)to calculate the dipole moment at different magnetic fields.The fields are measured using a calibrated 3-axis digitalTeslameter (Senis AG, 3MH3A-0.1%-200mT, Neuhofstrasse,Switzerland).

Fig. 3 provides the calculated magnetic dipole moment ata range of magnetic fields from 12 mT to 28 mT. Magneticfields of less than 12 mT does not exert enough torqueto allow the microrobot to flip. In addition, we observethat the calculated magnetic dipole moment converges to anasymptote (1.4×10−11 A.m2) above magnetic field of 28 mT.At each magnetic field, the average magnetic dipole momentis calculated using 10 different sperm-shaped microrobots.These microrobots are extracted from the same electrospin-ning sample.

The characterized morphology and dipole moment of thesperm-shaped microrobots are used in the realization of thedynamical model (1). Fig. 4 shows the simulation of the taildeformation of the sperm-shaped microrobot at different timeinstants. This simulation is done using the following currentinputs to the electromagnetic coils [11]:

IcA = IcC = Imax sin(Ωz +



), (6)

where IcA and IcC are the current inputs to electromagneticcoils A and C, respectively. Further, Imax and f are themaximum input current and the frequency, respectively. Thecurrent inputs to electromagnetic coils B (IcB) and D (IcB)are given by

IcB = IcD = Imax cos(Ωz +



). (7)

The simulation result shown in Fig. 4 demonstrates that themicrorobots breaks time-reversal symmetry [23], [?], [24],and hence locomotion is achieved at low Reynolds numberfluids. We also compare our analysis to experiments and


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Fig. 4. Simulation results of the tail deformation of the sperm-shapedmicrorobot at different time instants. The insets show the deformation ofthe microrobot under the influence of oscillating magnetic fields. Deflectionof the tail is necessary to break the time-reversal symmetry, and henceprovides locomotion in low-Reynolds number fluids. The magnetic head ofthe microrobot is located at point (0,0).

prove that the locomotion of the microrobot is only a con-sequence of asymmetric flagellar waves. Fig. 5 provides themeasured deflection of the tail of the microrobots at differenttime instances. The deflection is measured at 7 representativepoints along the tail between time, t=0.03 seconds and t=0.18 seconds. The microrobot used in this experiment has atail length of 80 µm, and the major and minor diameters ofits magnetic head are 25 µm and 16 µm, respectively. Thedeflection is calculated off-line after recording the oscillationof the tail using a high speed camera (avA1000-120kc, BaslerArea Scan Camera, Basler AG, Ahrensburg, Germany). Thesolid lines are plotted to represent the tail by interpolatingcubic splines to the experimental data.


Motion of the sperm-shaped microrobot is achieved byorienting the magnetic fields towards a desired orientation,while oscillating the field lines [20], [21]. Figs. 6 show repre-sentative motion control results of sperm-shaped microrobotsalong S-shaped, U-shaped, and square paths using oscillatingmagnetic field of slightly greater than 12 mT. The microrobotswims along an S-shaped path at an average speed of200 µm/s, at frequency of 10 Hz. This path is achieved bytwo consecutive U-turns with diameter of 210 µm, as shownin Fig. 6(a). A single U-shaped path with diameter of 550 µmis followed at an average speed of 225 µm/s, at frequencyof 10 Hz (Fig. 6(b)). Fig. 6(c) shows the flagellated swim ofthe microrobot along a square path with an edge length of800 µm. In this representative experiment, the microrobotswims at an average speed of 132 µm/s, for oscillatingmagnetic field of 10 Hz. The paths shown in Figs. 6 show thatthe microrobot can controllably follow different trajectories

Fig. 5. Deformation of the flagellum of the sperm-shaped microrobot atdifferent time instants. The deformation of the microrobot is calculated at7 representative positions. The frequency of the oscillating magnetic fieldis 1 Hz. Point (0,0) represents the first position of the flagellum of themicrorobot. The solid lines are calculated by interpolating cubic splinesto the experimental data. The oscillation of the tail is recorded using ahigh speed camera (avA1000-120kc, Basler Area Scan Camera, Basler AG,Ahrensburg, Germany), and the deflection is calculated off-line.

in two dimensional space, without exerting a magnetic forceon its dipole, and hence we benefit from the larger projectiondistance of the magnetic field, as opposed to the magneticfield gradient.

The electromagnetic configuration (shown in Fig. 1) gen-erates maximum magnetic field gradient of 5 T/m, and themaximum magnetic dipole moment of the microrobot ischaracterized to be 1.4×10−11 A.m2, at magnetic field of28 mT. Therefore, the maximum pulling magnetic forceexerted on the dipole of the microrobot is 7.0×10−11 N.This force is one order-of-magnitude less than the dragforce (Fd(P)) exerted on the microrobot. This drag forceis calculated using the following approximation [25]:

Fd(P) = ηl


)− 0.81

P, (8)

where η is the dynamic viscosity of the medium, and l and dare the length of the microrobot and the major diameter of itshead (Table I). Using (8), the drag force on the microrobot iscalculated to be 2.1×10−10 N, at average speed of 200 µm/s.Therefore, the locomotion of the microrobot is achievedby breaking the time-reversal symmetry of the flagellum(Figs. 4 and 5), not by the magnetic field gradient of theelectromagnetic configuration [26]-[27].

We also achieve selective targeting of cell mockups (gasbubbles), as shown in Fig. 7. The gas bubbles are injectedinside the fluid in different places to demonstrate that themicrorobot can achieve selective targeting. These mockupsare not influenced by the magnetic field or the field gra-dient, and have an average diameter of 200 µm. In thisrepresentative experiment (Fig. 7), the red and blue dashedcircles and arrows represent the desired and undesired cell


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(a) Flagellated swim along an S-shaped path (b) Flagellated swim along an U-shaped path (c) Flagellated swim along a square path

Fig. 6. Motion control of sperm-shaped microrobots using weak oscillating magnetic fields along different paths. The blue line represents the path ofthe microrobot, whereas the black line represents its projection onto xy-plane. The red arrows indicate the direction of the microrobot. (a) Motion of themicrorobot along an an S-shaped path. The average speed is calculated to be 200 µm/s, at frequency of 10 Hz. (b) Motion of the microrobot along an anU-shaped path. The average speed is calculated to be 225 µm/s, at frequency of 10 Hz. (c) Motion of the microrobot along an a square path. The averagespeed is calculated to be 132 µm/s, at frequency of 10 Hz.

for the targeting operation, respectively. In targeted therapy,it is likely that the mockups (indicated using the red andblue dashed circle) resemble diseased and healthy cells. Thesperm-shaped microrobot achieves flagellated swim towardsthe desired mockup, at an average speed of 107 µm/s, inthis representative trial. At time t=8 seconds, the head ofthe microrobot comes into contact with the desired mockupwithout affecting its neighbour. The accuracy of this tar-geting experiment is essential in targeted therapy to avoidany permanent damage to healthy cells, while targeting thediseased cells. Please refer to the accompanying video thatdemonstrates the selective targeting of a cell mockup usingthe sperm-shaped microrobot.

Another representative selective targeting is shown inFig. 8. At time, t=5.0 seconds, the sperm-shaped microrobotreaches within the vicinity of the desired and undesiredmockups, that are indicated using the red and blue dashedcircles, respectively. The average swimming speed of the mi-crorobot is calculated to be 118 µm/s. At time t= 7 seconds,the microrobot changes its orientation and swims betweenthe two mockups, and undergoes a U-turn to target thedesired cell (red dashed circle). At time, t=12 seconds, themicrorobot moves and partially engulfs the mockup using itsflexible tail. This selective targeting experiment is repeated 5times and we observe consistent results. Please refer to theaccompanying video that demonstrates the selective targetingof a cell mockup using the sperm-shaped microrobot.


The length of the sperm-shaped microrobots used hereinis approximately 2 orders-of-magnitude greater than thediameter of the U-373 MG human astrocytoma cells. Wedo expect that these microrobots will be used in biomedicalapplication such as targeted therapy, in vitro fertilization,cell sorting, and cell manipulation. The current size of themicrorobot does not allow for cell uptake of single micro-robot, as shown in Fig. 9. In this representative experiment,U-373 cells are cultured and contained with a microrobotwithin the electromagnetic configuration. The U-373 cells are

cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM)containing 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) (Lonza, 14-802F) and 1% penicillin-streptomycin (Lonza, 17-602E).They are incubated at 5% CO2 and 37C until they reach80-90% confluency. The U-373 cells are washed twice usingphosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Lonza, 17-516F), followedby trypsinization (Lonza, CC-5002) and re-suspension in10 ml of the DMEM (Lonza, BE12-707F). The U-373 cellsuspension is centrifuged at 121xg for 5 minutes at roomtemperature. The supernatant is aspirated, and the cell pelletis re-suspended in fresh DMEM. Finally, the suspendedcells in medium are contained within the electromagneticconfiguration with the microrobots, as shown in Fig. 9.

It is likely that the current size of the sperm-shapedmicrorobot would enable targeting of tissue or large groupof cells, rather than individual cells. In order to achieve celluptake of single microrobot, its size has to be decreased byat least 2 orders-of-magnitude. This decrease will influencethe exerted magnetic torque on the microrobot since themagnetic dipole moment and magnetic torque will decreasefaster than the decrease in the friction force on the surfaceof the microrobot. We do expect that this problem canbe overcome by increasing the external magnetic field togenerate similar behaviour to that provided in this study. Ithas been reported by Gratton et al. [9] that the cellular uptakeand mechanism of internalization are influenced by the shape(aspect ratio), size, surface charge of the microrobot andother physicochemical factors of the cells. Therefore, theaspect ratio of the head of the microrobot (ratio between themajor and minor diameters) has to be increased in additionto the external magnetic field strength to increase the celluptake. We do not yet have a good understanding of theinfluence of the electrospinning parameters (concentration,voltage, flow rate, distance) on the shape of the head ofthe microrobot. Fig. 2(b) shows a microrobot with a higheraspect ratio than that of the microrobot shown in Fig. 2(a)although they are extracted from the same sample. However,we can select microrobots with highest aspect ratio fromthe electrospinning sample before cutting under microscopic


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Fig. 7. Targeting of a cell mockup (gas bubble) with diameter of 200 µm using a sperm-shaped microrobot. The microrobot moves controllably towardsa cell mockup (red dashed circle) using a flagellated swim under the influence of oscillating magnetic fields at 10 Hz. The microrobot swims inside amedium of 80% Glycerine and 20% water. The average speed of the microrobot is calculated to be 107 µm/s, at frequency of 4 hz. Two gas bubbles areproduced in the medium using a syringe needle. The bubbles are indicated using the red and blue dashed circles and arrows. The red arrows representsoscillation of the flexible tail of the microrobot. In targeted therapy, the red blue dashed circles can indicate diseased and healthy cells, respectively. Pleaserefer to the accompanying video that demonstrates the selective targeting of a cell mockup using a sperm-shaped microrobot.

guidance. Also we do not yet have a clear understandingof the relation between the amount of nanoparticles and themagnetization of the microrobot. This will also be the subjectof future study.


This work expands on our previous study [11] and provesthrough simulations and experimental results that the sperm-shaped microrobots achieve locomotion by breaking thetime-reversal symmetry, in low-Reynolds number fluids.These microrobots are fabricated using electrospinning andtheir average magnetic dipole moment is characterized to be1.4×10−11 A.m2, at magnetic field of 28 mT, using the flip-time technique. We also show that the microrobot can achieveflagellated swim controllably along S-shaped, U-shaped, andsquare paths using oscillating magnetic field of greater than12 mT. This motion control enables selective targeting andpenetration of the cell mockups at an average speed of 0.25body-lengths-per-second, at frequency of 4 Hz.

As part of future studies, the size of the sperm-shapedmicrorobots will be decreased (to less than 20 µm) and themicrorobots will be used in targeting of cancer cells. Thisdecrease will be achieved by decreasing the molecular weightof the polystyrene and optimizing the electrospinning param-eters (decreasing the molecular weight will enable generationof sperm-shaped microrobot without cutting the ultra-thinfibers using tweezers after electrospinning). The cell uptakewill be investigated in vitro inside stationary fluid and insidemicrofluidic channels in the presence of time-varying flowrates. The microrobots will be coated with chemotherapeuticagents and the physiological conditions of the drug releasewill be studied in the presence of time-varying flow. Inaddition, we will study the locomotion of sperm-shaped mi-

crorobots using planar and helical propulsion, and investigatethe parameters that will enable transition between planarto helical propulsion of the microrobot, in low-Reynoldsnumber fluids. This investigation will be done using amagnetic-based robotic system with open-configuration thatwill provide the planar and helical propulsion of the flexibletail through rotating dipole fields [28].


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Page 7: Targeting of Cell Mockups Using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots in … · Targeting of Cell Mockups using Sperm-Shaped Microrobots In Vitro Islam S. M. Khalil , Ahmet Fatih Tabak y, Abdelrahman

Fig. 8. Targeting of a cell mockup (gas bubble) with diameter of 200 µm using a sperm-shaped microrobot. The microrobot moves controllably towardsa cell mockup (red dashed circle) using a flagellated swim under the influence of oscillating magnetic fields at 10 Hz. The microrobot swims inside amedium of 80% Glycerine and 20% water. The average speed of the microrobot is calculated to be 118 µm/s, at frequency of 4 Hz. Two gas bubbles areproduced in the medium using a syringe needle. The bubbles are indicated using the red and blue dashed circles and arrows. The red arrows representsoscillation of the flexible tail of the microrobot. In targeted therapy, the red blue dashed circles can indicate diseased and healthy cells, respectively. Pleaserefer to the accompanying video that demonstrates the selective targeting of a cell mockup using a sperm-shaped microrobot.

Fig. 9. Microscopic image of a sperm-shaped microrobot and groups ofU-373 MG human astrocytoma cells. The length of the microrobot has tobe decreased by 2 orders-of-magnitude to achieve cell uptake. The U-373cells have an average diameter of 20 µm. The current size of the microrobotenables targeting of tissue and large groups of cancer cells. The white arrowsindicate very small group of cells and individual cells.

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