Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Institute of Geology

Department: General and Historical Geology


Deputy director on academic work ______________________


WORK PROGRAMME OF THE DISCIPLINE Tectonic Analysis in Geomorphology

For students

Branch of knowledge: 10 – Natural sciences

Training direction (Speciality): 103 – Earth sciences

Educational level: Master

Educational program: Applied Geology

Type of discipline: Optional

Teaching mode full-time studies

Academic year 2021/2022 Semester 3 Number of credits ECTS 6

Language of teaching, learning and evaluation


Form of final control Exam

Lecturer(s): Ivanik Olena Mykhailivna, Doctor of science in geology, Professor, Department of General and Historical Geology, Kravchenko Dmytro Volodymyrovych, PhD in Geology, Associate professor, Department of General and Historical Geology, To be continued

© ______________, 20__ © ______________, 202___ © ______________, 202___

KYIV – 2020

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Author(s): Ivanik Olena Mykhailivna, Doctor of science in geology, Professor, Department of General and Historical Geology


«____» ______________ 2020

Head of the Department of General and Historical Geology

_______________________( Ivanik O.M.) Record of the Department meeting

№ ____, «____» ____________ 2020

Approved by Scientific-Methodical Commission of the Institute of Geology

Record of the meeting №______, «______» ______________, 2020

Head of Scientific-Methodical Commission ____________ (Demydov V.K.)

« » , 2020

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1.Aim of the discipline is to familiarize students with the main principles and methods of tectonic analyses in geomorphology, interplay between tectonic and surface processes that shape the landscape in regions of active deformation and at time scales, innovative applications of new techniques for determining the ages of landscape features, for assessing the mechanisms and rates of geomorphic processes, and for defining rates of crustal movement.

2.Discipline requirements:

Students must have skills and knowledge related to structural Geology, Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology and GIS analysis, they have to be familiar with basic geomorphological and structural concepts and terms.

3.Annotation of teaching discipline / reference: Modern tectonic geomorphology is an exceptionally integrative discipline that utilizes techniques and data derived from studies of geomorphology, seismology, geochronology, structure, geodesy, stratigraphy, meteorology and Quaternary science. Tectonic analysis in geomorphology is the study of the interplay between tectonic and surface processes that shape the landscape in regions of active deformation and at time scales ranging from days to millions of years. The consideration is given to recent advances in the quantification of both rates and the physical basis of tectonic and surface processes. This discipline reviews the fundamentals of the subject, including the nature of faulting and folding, the creation and use geomorphic markers for tracing deformation, chronological techniques that are used to date events and quantify rates, geodetic techniques for defining recent deformation, and paleoseismologic approaches to calibrate past deformation. Tectonic geomorphology focuses on the current understanding of the dynamic interplay between surface processes and active tectonics. As it ranges from the timescales of individual earthquakes to the growth and decay of mountain belts, this course provides a timely synthesis of modern research for students and for practicing geologists. 4.Object (teaching purposes) – introduction of students with:

1) main types of geomorphic processes; 2) main methods of tectonic geomorphology; 3) geomorphology of folded terrain 4) geomorphology of fractured terrain; 5) methods of quantitative tectonic geomorphology; 6) geomorphic markers; 7) quantitative definition of tectonic landforms; 8) specialized software for modeling tectonic and geomorphic processes and structures. 9) Interpretation of modelling results.

5.Learning results:

Learning results (1. to know; 2. be able to; 3. communication; 4. autonomy and responsibility)

Form/Methods of teaching and studying

Form / Methods of evaluation

Percentage in the final assessment

of the discipline

Code Learning results 1.1 Physics of geomorphic processes lecture, practical class Paperwork up to 5% 1.2 Methods of dating geomorphic features lecture, practical class Paperwork up to 5% 1.3 Geomorphology of folded terrain: bedrock

attitude and landforms practical class

Paperwork up to 5%

1.4 Geomorphology of fractured terrain: jointing, faulting and landforms

lecture, practical class Paperwork up to 5%

1.5 Principles and Methods of Quantitative Tectonic Geomorphology

practical class Paperwork up to 5%

1.6 Geomorphic markers: landscape features, that can be used to track deformation

lecture, practical class Paperwork up to 5%

1.7 Tectonic deformation during the practical class, self-study Paperwork up to 10%

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Quaternary period

2.1 Create structural-morphometric models practical class, self-study Paperwork up to 10% 2.2 Define amounts of tectonic deformations practical class, self-study Paperwork up to 10% 2.3 Do the quantitative definition and

analyses of tectonic landforms based on map and/or field observation

practical class, self-study Paperwork up to 10%

2.4 Develope the basic geomorphological models for solving set task

practical class, self-study Paperwork up to 10%

2.5 Use specialized software for modeling tectonic processes and structures

practical class, self-study Paperwork up to 10%

3.1 Be able to organize research and development team for the effective solution of the task

practical class --/- up to 5%

4.1 Understanding personal / personal responsibility for simulation results and recommendations

--/- --/- up to 5%

Structure of the discipline: lectures, practical works, and self-studying work of students

6. Learning Outcomes vs scheduled results of tuition:

Learning Outcome

Program outcomes

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 4.1

PO 1. Analyze natural and man-made systems and structures of the upper part of the Earth’s crust and its sedimentary layer

* * *

PO 2. Apply your knowledge and skills for the identification and solving of challenging problems and undertaking informed decisions in the questions related to stratigraphy, structural geology, geological interpretation of geophysical data, and geological risks management

* * * *

PO 6. Assess geological risks, including their environmental impact, predict the evolution of hazardous geological processes in the context of natural systems and man-made infrastructure, provide expert conclusions for the geological exploration and production licensing and certification of natural reserves


PO 7. Know modern methods of research of the upper part of the Earth's crust and sedimentary layer, their application in production and research activities

* * * * * * *

PO 9. Develop and implement projects of land management, perform geologic planning, monitor regional development trends, design land management plans and programs

* * * * * * *

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7.Scheme of grading forms:

7.1.Grading forms

1. Semester grading: 1) Test on Methods of dating geomorphic features - 10 points (cross-border score of 6 points) 2) Test on Principles and Methods of quantitative tectonic geomorphology - 10 points (passing grade is 6 points) 3) Grading for work at practical classes - 40 points (passing grade is 24 points) 2. Final examination in the form of the written test: maximum grade is 40 points, passing grade is 24 points. Results of educational activity of students grading are based on 100 grading scale.

The final grade is based on the results as the sum for the module grades, practical classes grades and the results of the Exam.

Semester grade Exam Final grade I

Module 1 Module 2 10 10 Practical classes Practical classes 20 20 Total Minimum 18 18 24 60 Maximum 30 30 40 100

A student is not allowed to pass a Exam if he graded less than 20 points during two semesters.

7.2.Grading: Control is carried out according to the modular rating system and provides for: passing of 5 practical classes (where students must demonstrate the quality of the acquired knowledge and solve the tasks set using the methods outlined by the teacher) and passed 2 written tests. The final grading is carried out in the form of a written Exam.

7.3.Scale of Exam

National scale 100 points scale

Excellent 90 – 100 Good 75 – 89

Satisfactorily 60 – 74 Failed 0 – 59


№ п/п

Theme Total hours

Lectures Practical classes Self-studying




Introduction. Theme 1. Introduction to tectonic

geomorphology Principles and Methods of tectonic geomorphology

10/1* 4/2* 25/30*

2 Theme 2. Geomorphic markers. Establishing

timing in the landscape: dating methods 15/20*

3 Theme 3Stress, faults, and folds. Geomorphology

of folded terrain. 8/1* 4/2 10/21*

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Test 1


4 *Theme 4. Geomorphology of fractured terrain: jointing, faulting and landforms


4/2* 10/15*

5 Theme 5. Holocene deformation and landscape





Theme 6. Tectonic geomorphology at late Cenozoic time scales. Deformation and geomorphology at intermediate time scales


7 Theme 7. Numerical modeling of landscape

evolution 4/2* 20/25*

Test 2


Total 28/3* 28/14* 120/161*

* – on the Individual Education Plan Total - 180 hours: Lectures –28/ 3* hours, Practical classes – 28/14* hours Consultations – 4/2* hours Self-work –120/161* hours Themes* for self-studying work:

1. Short-term deformation: geodesy. 2. The creation and use geomorphic markers for tracing deformation. 3. Paleoseismology: ruptures and slip rates. 4. Faulting and Related Structures. 5. Rates of erosion and uplift. 6. Development of structural-morphometric models


General: 1. Huggett, Richard J. (2016) Fundamentals of geomorphology. – Routledge, 578

p. 2. Burbank, D. W., Anderson, R. S. (2011) Tectonic Geomorphology, 2nd Edition.

3. Bull, W.B. (1991) Geomorphic Responses to Climatic Change. Oxford University Press, London.

4. BAHARVAND, S., PARDHAN, B., & SOORI, S. (2020). Evaluation of active tectonics using geomorphic indices in a mountainous basin of Iran. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 111(2), 109-117. doi:10.1017/S1755691020000031

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Neil J. Krystopowicz, Lindsay M. Schoenbohm, Jeremy Rimando, Gilles Brocard, Bora Rojay; Tectonic geomorphology and Plio-Quaternary structural evolution of the Tuzgölü fault zone, Turkey: Implications for deformation in the interior of the Central Anatolian Plateau. Geosphere 2020;; 16 (5): 1107–1124. doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/GES02175.1 Additional:

5. Ivanik O., Shevchuk V., Tustanovska L., Yanchenko V. &Kravchenko D. Paleogeography and

neotectonics of Kaniv dislocations (Ukrainian Shield, Ukraine) in the Neogene-Quaternary

period, Historical Biology, 2019; DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2019.1665039.

6. Ivanik, O., Shevchuk, V., Kravchenko, D., Yanchenko, V., Shpyrko, S., Gadiatska, K. (2019). Geological and Geomorphological Factors of Natural Hazards in Ukrainian Carpathians. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 20(4), 177-186. https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/102964

7. Ivanik O., Tustanovska L., Kravchenko, D., Hadiatska K. Adaptation of the method of structural-morphometric analysis to the GIS environment for paleogeomorphological studies of the Kaniv Dnieper . - Visnyk of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv:

Geology. - 2020. – 2(89). – P. 6-11. DOI: http://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2713.89.01 8. Shevchuk V., Tustanovska L., Kravchenko D., Hadiatska K. Newest geodynamics

reconstruction of the Middle Dnieper Region and its manifestations in the relief. - Visnyk of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: Geology. - 2020. – 3(90). – P.12-17. DOI:

http://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2713.90.02 9. Ivanik O., Shevchuk V., Yanchenko V., Kravchenko D., Hadiatska K. Geological Trip Field

Guide // First EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide and Debris Flows Hazards in the Carpathians. 2019

10. Tustanovska L. V., Shevchuk V. V., Ivanik O. M., Hadiatska К. P. and Volkova S. G. Estimation of neotectogenesis factors of the Middle Dnieper region by structural-morphometric method // Conference Proceedings, Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects 2020, May 2020, Volume 2020, p.1 – 5 https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.2020geo055

11. Abbott, L.D., Silver, E.A., Anderson, R.S., Smith, R., Ingle, J.C., Kling, S.A., Haig, D., Small, E., Galewsky, J., and Sliter, W. (1997) Measurement of tectonic surface uplift rate in a young collisional mountain belt. Nature, 385, 501–507....

12. Aitken, M.J. (1985) Thermoluminescence Dating. Academic Press, London.

13. Allen, P.A. (2008) From landscapes into geological history. Nature, 451, 274–276.

14. Allmendinger, R.W. (1998) Inverse and forward numerical modeling of trishear fault-propagation folds. Tectonics, 17, 640–656.

15. Birkeland, P.W. (1990) Soil-geomorphic research; a selective overview. Geomorphology, 3, 207–224.

16. Braun, J., and Sambridge, M. (1997) Modelling landscape evolution on geological time

scales: a new method based on irregular spatial discretization. Basin Research, 9, 27–52.

17. Burbank, D.W., and Vergés, J. (1994) Reconstruction of topography and related depositional systems during active thrusting. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 20281–20297. Densmore, A.L., and Hovius, N. (2000) Topographic fingerprints of bedrock landslides. Geology, 28, 371–374.

18. Densmore, A.L., Ellis, M.A., and Anderson, R.S. (1998) Landsliding and the evolution of normal-fault-bounded mountains. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 15203–15219.