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TAPI Connector Install With Clients and Options · Timers (AXL) Menu ... are added to CUCM later they must be added here as well. There is an option in our Connector to have it auto-add

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TAPI Connector Install

With Clients and Options REV 3.0

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INSTALLATION BASICS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3

STEP 1: CREATE THE CALLMANAGER OBJECTS ................................................................................................................................... 4

ADDITIONAL PRE-REQS FOR MESSAGING AND PAGING ....................................................................................................................................... 8

STEP 2: INSTALL TSP .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Testing TAPI Connection .................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Windows Service Change ................................................................................................................................................................ 12

STEP 3: BOC TAPI CONNECTOR INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................ 13

STEP 4: BOC TAPI CONNECTOR CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................ 15

BOC PHONE SYSTEM SETTINGS TOOL .......................................................................................................................................................... 17

Settings Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................. 17

Device Names Menu ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22

Timers (AXL) Menu .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Messaging and Paging Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 24

XMPP Presence Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Browser Clients Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26

User License Portal .......................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Location Objects Menu .................................................................................................................................................................... 29

Extension Groups Menu .................................................................................................................................................................. 29

Manual Devices Menu ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30

Services Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................. 30

Support Menu .................................................................................................................................................................................. 31

BOC SERVICE MENU ON THE PHONES .............................................................................................................................................. 34

BOC LYNC CONNECTOR PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................................. 35

STEP 5: CLIENT INSTALLATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 38

BOC CLIENT INSTALL VERSION 3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 38

BOC CLIENT INSTALL VERSION 2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 43

Client Settings Wizard ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43

Manual Client Configuration ........................................................................................................................................................... 45

Exporting BOC Settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 46

Configuring Updates - Elevated Privilege Settings .......................................................................................................................... 47

Hybrid Mode .................................................................................................................................................................................... 47

CISCO TAPI DRIVER (TSP) INSTALL ON CLIENT .................................................................................................................................. 48

TSP 1CLICK INSTALL ................................................................................................................................................................................. 48

MANUALLY INSTALL TSP ON CLIENT FOR HYBRID ............................................................................................................................................ 49

TESTING TAPI CONNECTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 50

APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 51

SQL INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 51

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Installation Basics Prior to the BOC installation, some basic steps should be accomplished.

Make certain you have your system patched with all of the latest Microsoft Patches.


On your internal DNS server, create the following auto discover record. This will assist in client installations.

Create an A record for BLOC called bocdiscover.<your internal domain>

EXAMPLE: bocdiscover.acme.local

Installing the Bridge Operator Console Tapi Connector is a simple task.


1. While our BOC Console is supported in a multitude of languages, our TAPI2 server must be installed on an English language

Windows Server. In addition, this will ensure optimal efficiency in a support situation.

2. Prepare the machine by installing all Microsoft updates.

• Enable the .Net 3 Feature

• Enable the .Net 4 Feature

3. Create the Cisco CallManager Objects.

4. Login as a local Administrator. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS INSTALL BY USING “RUN AS”

5. Create the following folder to run the installation C:\BOCIMAGES

6. Download the 1Click Prep Wizard BOCPREPWIZARD.EXE to the C:\BOCIMAGES folder



Our installation wizard will check and verify many of the required settings and set them correctly for you.

It will install the following

• Cisco TSP

• SQL Express 2017

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Step 1: Create the CallManager Objects

This step requires basic knowledge of Cisco CallManager administration. Do not attempt this if you are not comfortable

working in this area. Contact your Cisco support team.

Create the Role->CTI Role BOC-CTI-Role assigning all Privileges. If you do not have a valid commercial Certificate on

your CallManager, make sure you uncheck the “enable CTI security”

Create the Access Control Group BOC-Group

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Add to roles BOC-CTI-Role and Standard AXL API Access to the BOC-Group.

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Next create an Application User

Username: BOC-Admin

Password: B0CC0ns0l3

(NOTE: in the password, those are zeros and a lower case L)

Add to User Group BOC-Group.

Add all Devices (SEP phones only) to be managed by BOC. NOTE: You must add ALL of the phones BOC will handle calls for, or they will not appear in the console. If any new phones are added to CUCM later they must be added here as well. There is an option in our Connector to have it auto-add new phones daily, but it is off by default. This may require several Find Phone processes as Cisco will only display 250 at a time. DO NOT Add any non-phone devices such as CTI Route Points, it will cause problems.

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Sample Search for SEP’s

Verify the number of “records found”. You may need to change the “Rows per Page” and actually have to repeat the

“Select All” and “Add Selected” multiple times for each page of 250 phones. i.e.… If you have 1,000 phones, it

will require 4 procedures for each of 4 pages of 250 phones.

Next create an Application User


Password: B0CC0ns0l3

(NOTE: in the password, those are zeros and a lower case L)

Add to Access Control Group Standard CCM Super Users.

No other User setting configuration are required.

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Additional Pre-reqs for Messaging and Paging Steps required to enable messaging such as Park For and paging on the phone set.

• Enable Web Access to the Phone, this can be done on a per phone basis, but its best done at the Enterprise

level, under System -> Enterprise Phone Configuration.

• If you have a default self-signed certificate on your CallManager and not a valid commercial digital certificate,

you will need to change the secure authentication URL to same URL as standard authentication. This is done

under System->Enterprise Parameters. NOTE: If you have 3rd party Messaging apps such as SA-Announce and have already changed this, you do not need to change this.

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Step 2: Install TSP If you have successfully run the 1Click Prep Wizard, this step is done for you.

Cisco TAPI Driver (TSP)

You will need to install the TAPI driver from your CallManager Server. You can download the TSP installation software directly from

the URL, https://<your CUCM> /plugins/CiscoTSP.exe OR https://<your CUCM> /plugins/CiscoTSPx64.exe

Or to install from the Plugins link in the CCM Admin interface, log in to your CallManager web interface. The TAPI driver which

matches your present installation is found under Application -> Plugins.

These steps are for 8.x/9.x CUCM systems.

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Install the TSP using the default installation directories.

You may answer no to this question…. Enter the IP address of your CUCM server on the next window.

The CTI Managers should reflect your Publisher and if available, subscriber CUCM.

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Testing TAPI Connection

If you have successfully run the 1Click Prep Wizard, this step is done for you.

You should validate that the TSP service is functioning before proceeding by running DIALER.EXE. Dialer is a Microsoft application

that operates at the same level that we do. When you see the “Connect Using” pull-down, you should see Cisco devices listed. If you

do not see anything referencing Cisco, go back and double check the CallManager object creation process documentation.

Frequently it’s a missed step or a password problem. If you ONLY see CtiParkDevices, you have not assigned any phones for control

to our user (BOC-Admin user typically). Normally, you will assign ALL SEP’s in your organization to our user. If any are missed, you

will be unable to see status or control that device. There should never be CTI devices other than the CtiParkDevice.

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Windows Service Change

If you have run the 1Click Prep Wizard, this step is done for you.

Change the Windows Telephony Service startup from Manual to Automatic.

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Step 3: BOC Tapi Connector Installation The installation process will take quite a long time depending upon internet download speeds etc.

It may appear at times that it is not doing anything. Do not panic or attempt to restart anything.

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Step 4: BOC TAPI Connector Configuration

On first launch an activation dialog with pop up. Enter your product key.

Check the box to agree to the license terms. Click Activate Now

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After you click activate, the server will run through a number of startup preperations.

Do not interrupt it. As the services start to come on line you will see green checks starting to fill in. You will have a Red X under the Phone Messaging

You will see an error under License Info until after the machine has been restarted. You can force a license download. Utilities -> License Update

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BOC Phone System Settings Tool The BOC Phone System Settings Tool configures the BOC Tapi Interface between the CallManager and BOC.

Settings Menu

1) General Settings 2) CUCM Settings 3) SMTP Mail Settings 4) Dial Match Notification Settings 5) Proxy Settings 6) Security and Permission Settings 7) Call Redirection Rules Settings 8) Global Address Book Settings 9) Script Settings


A. Configure the SQL Server entries to match this box unless you are using an off-box production SQL server.

B. The defaults for Socket and Reboot should be sufficient for most installations. Ensure that the Socket IP matches the IP address of your BOC server

C. Do not alter the Misc Program Settings without understanding the implications. Setting them too high can adversely affect performance of both BOC and CallManager. Download and Cache Client Installs allows the Clients to update from this server.

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A. This the CallManager information. We need two users. One is the Application User created earlier. The other user we need to gather phone IP addresses, enable Paging & Messaging and the Monitoring features. They cannot be the same user. The RISPORT user must have Standard Super User rights per Cisco rules.

B. You can test the users you have selected in the middle box. This will establish proper rights and communications with the phones themselves.

C. The right boxes will allow BOC to automatically add new phones to BOC-Admin as controlled devices. It will also allow you to add a single new phone or scan for missing phones. Do not enable these until you have already added all the existing phones. This process is limited to 8 phones to add at a time.


A. These setting will allow you configure email services to be used for our various alerts such as the 911 dial alert.


THIS IS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE ONLY and not to be used in place of a proper 911 alerting system

or Emergency Responder Package. A. On the left box, you can enter email addresses

seperated by commas, to receive alerts when someone dial a particular number. Normally this is the emergency number or 911.

B. The middle box lets you define a global phone list to be alerted on ANY 911 dial.

C. The right box lets you enter by IP address range, a number, alerting type Phone, IM or Email. This allows you to alert different people on a 911 dial based on the IP address of the originating phone.

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A. If you are behind a proxy server, it may impede our auto-update function. Since we run as a service, there is no ability to automatically pass network credentials authentication to a proxy. Here you can enter the credentials we can send along. Make certain that you use a user whose credentials do not expire unless you are prepared to change them here as well.


A. The left section lets you configure application

security. By default, our application does not require a login to function. Normally we assume that if you have rights to log onto the workstation, you have rights to run the application. However, some environments require a second layer of application authentication. In that event, here is where you can configure it. It also provides one way of blocking or allowing certain functionality such has CID visibility, forwarding and transferring.

B. The middle section lets you define who can add or modify users photographs and who can modify the Global Address Book. This is done by extension, not by username. By default, no one is allowed to modify either.

C. The upper right section is for our Phone Forwarding option. We have our own forwarding function that allows the operator to forward a users phone for a specific period of time. It works independantly of the the normal CfwdALL button on the phone. You can hide the ALL Extension Group from the client. You can also disable Client Updates.

D. The lower right lets you hide CID for specific users. This would be appropriate for CEO or HR positions.

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A. We have a function that allows the operator

to automatically forward calls to a destination based on the number or name in a CID string. Common examples are forwarding known telemarketers to a Unity Voicemail box giving them contact information and a place to leave a message. The left box assigns the operators, by phone DN, who are allowed to build these rules.

B. The right hand section are the rules themselves.


A. Our Global Address Book is a central repository for

external numbers. It was designed with two tenates in mind.

B. The first, to be maintained by users. The second and more powerful one, to be auto-populated by 3rd party applications such as CRM, accounting applications or sales force automation tools. It is a SQL table in a very standard format. It has 26 named fields that closely match Active Directory fields. In addition, it has 10 user-definable fields. The 26 named fields cannot be changed, the 10 custom ones can.

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You can create a pop up dialog box to present to the operator when the specifed DN or Hunt Pilot is dialed. The script must be created in proper HTML format.

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Device Names Menu

1) Device Names Source and Update Settings

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A. The Device Names Settings provides us the information

to gather supplemental data. This data such as the names and departments etc.

B. The left box is for gathering this information from Active Directory. If you have more than 500 phones, we highly recommend it. If you have more than 1000 phones is almost mandatory. The LDAP lookup is so much faster and much less load on the CUCM than using AXL. It is not necessary that the CUCM be AD integrated for our AD link to work. All we need is 1 consistent field in AD populated with a form of the end users’ extensions. By default we use the IP Phone field and we can do fuzzy matching. For example, this allows the end user in AD to have an e.164 number in their telephone field that has the last 4 digits match the extension. Example: Extension 5001 will match +15551235001. If there is a possibility of too many fuzzy matches, we recommend turning on Exact Phone Match Only and populating the IP Phone field. The username in here does not need any special AD rights, only the ability to traverse AD and password should not expire unless you are prepared to maintain it. You can also select the LDAP field that we will use to automatically build Extension Groups. When you have the values filled in, you can run the Test LDAP Lookup from the Right hand box. When it is successful, do a Full LDAP Build and an Update Names. If you are experiencing anomalies after changing phones or AD, you can do a Purge AD Table. This simply clears our cached AD table, it does not affect the actual AD. Then run a Full LDAP Build and an Update Names.

C. The center section is to configure AXL to provide the supplemental data.

D. The upper right hand box lets you change how names are displayed. It also lets you turn off the automatically created Extension Groups by checking Names Only

E. The lower right allows you to verify communications to the names source, either LDAP or AXL.

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Timers (AXL) Menu

1) This menu lets us adjust the timers and the statistics gathered from the CallManager. Increasing frequency to high can impact the CallManager performance. Reducing them reduces the impact, but can reduce the accuracy of the operator’s data.

2) If you have constrained bandwidth between the Console the TAPI Connector, you can turn off the two status sections to reduce the information going to the consoles.

3) Be aware, these timers are optimized. Changing them can have an impact on CallManager performance.

Messaging and Paging Menu

Our Messaging & Paging allows unprecedented flexibility to communicate information to an end user. You can push text messages to the screen of their phones. When you park a call for them, they will receive and alert with CallerID and park information on their phone. You will also be able to do a one-way speaker phone if the phone is on hook or whisper page if they are talking.

1) The left box lets you enable and test the ability to communicate directly with the phone.

2) The middle section lets you define alerting sounds for the various messages sent to the phone.

3) The right hand box gives you a view of the phones we are able to see and send messages to.

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XMPP Presence Menu

The XMPP Presence Settings lets you define a XMPP Presence server from which can pull presence status. Frequently this is a Cisco Unified Presence Server (CUPS), however, we can attach to any XMPP Compliant server, such as Vysper, jabberd, iChat. We recommend you create a user on your XMPP server specifically for us. Sharing an account is problematic. You can define the login that matches your organization. CUPS NOTES: You ALWAYS have a full JID despite only needing your name to log into the CUPS client. You will need to find this on your CUPS server. It will be in the form of [email protected]. Integration with Cisco Unified Presence Server (CUPS) is an optional configuration. TLS Needs to be disabled. CUPS Admin Gui-> System -> Security Settings -> Uncheck "Enable XMPP Client to CUP Secure Mode" In newer versions of CUPS 9.x, it appears the CUPS user built for our use requires a phone device assigned to them for the service to run properly. For the BOC Connector to integrate with the CUPS system, there are 2 DNS SRV records which are REQUIRED. Without them, authentication WILL FAIL. The two SRV records will look like this in a Microsoft DNS server environment. Adjust according to your build-out.

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Browser Clients Menu

The installation process will handle most of the defaults in here. If the installation process is interrupted, you may need to

complete them manually. Verify that you have all Green checks.

In production mode, you will need a legitimately signed certificate and private key placed in the Node folder.

If you’ve used our default self-signed certificate to demo, you will need to install it on operator workstations. The file here …

C:\BOCDATA\Node\boc.crt You may also need to disable certificate verification on the

browser the operator is using. You will need to complete the online configuration before web

clients will be able to attach. Go to the User License Portal to Complete

User License Portal

User License Portal When you requested an evaluation, you should have received

an account validation email.

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Add your Operator here. The password strength must verify as Strong or you will not be

able to add the user.

Add the Operator’s PRIMARY DN. All other DN’s will be automatically detected.

Add the proper device to control.

If the operator is an Extension Mobility user remember to check that box. You can enter any valid device here for an Extension

Mobility operator.

Enter the BOC Server’s FQDN, NOT the IP address.

You must enter the BOC Server port to verify.

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When the user gets created, they will receive an email. They must complete the validation step in that email before

they will be able to sign in. You can see in the portal if the account is

Active and has been Verified

Once you have added a user, they can run in demo mode for 30 days. On the Manage Licenses tab you can subscribe and assign

licenses to your users.

You can re-assign license to another user if you wish. DO NOT Click on Remove License unless you wish to remove the

license from your account entirely.

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Location Objects Menu

Location Objects are number for things that are usually not people. They should not be DNs on phones we are getting via

CTI. They appear in the BOC Client in a special area to facility easy

location and access for the operators. The Object type will define the default menu choices when accessing them from the

client. For example, the default on a HUNTGROUP would be simply TRANSFER whereas the default on a CELLPHONE would

be a SUPERVISED TRANSFER. These CallManager must know how to route these numbers. Common Location Objects would be a Customer Service Hunt

Pilot, a conference bridge, a supplier’s tech support line.

Extension Groups Menu

Extension Groups are logical groupings of Extensions from the CallManager. These are simply filters placed on the larger

group of All Extensions. They can be automatically created via the AD Department, Location or Company fields, or the

Department field on the End User via AXL. They can be created here using extension ranges. If you have non-sequential

numbers you want in the same Extension Group, simply enter the Extension Group Name exactly the same way each

consecutive time. From here, you and also remove and individual entry or an

entire group. A user can be members of multiple Extension Groups.

NOTE: We never auto-delete users from an Extension Group. Take when we auto-create an extension group using the

Accounting Department as an example. If a user is later moved from Accounting into Sales, we will automatically show the user

in Sales, but will not remove them from Accounting.

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Manual Devices Menu

Manual Devices allows you to define a name/number pair you would like to show in the Operator Console that is NOT already a number we are getting from the CallManager via CTI or is an outside number. These numbers appear in the All Extension

Group and in any matching searches. These numbers must be dial-able for the operator to be able to transfer to these

number. Common examples of numbers entered here would be analog phones, branch office main numbers, business

partners or suppliers

Services Menu

The Services Menu will allow you to Stop, Start or Restart the BOC TAPI Service or the Microsoft Telephony Service. The

Telephony Service is the interface to the Cisco TSP.

You will be prompted to apply SQL patches. If you are trying to repair data, chose Yes.

You will not harm any data.

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Support Menu

The Support Menu will let you launch the Remote Support Tool. This will allow our technical support staff to connect to you and

assist in answering your questions or resolving issues. It is a branded version of TeamViewer. You will be prompted to

download and run a small applet. When it launches, you will be presented with an ID that the support representative will need

to attach to you. When you close the applet, they are no longer connected.

The Add-Ons Menu lets you configure additional add-ons as well as purchased products. Current paid Add-Ons are

High Availability Group Messaging & Paging

Medical Connector Exchange Connector

LICC Secured Messaging

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You can click on the Unlock to see what Add-Ons you have purchased.

If you recently purchased an Add-On that did not come with you original install, you will need to do this once to enable them for

your installation.

High Availability. If this is the Primary Connector Server, you will enter your

Backup Connector Server’s Database IP. If this is the Primary, leave blank or

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Medical Connector. You will define or update Extension-Unit-Room-Bed pairs.

Exchange Connector Settings. This is second view into the Exchange Connector Settings.

Pick the latest EWS version that applies. If your Exchange is on-prem, you will need to run the Shell

Script generated on your Exchange server.

If you are using Office 365, 2013_SP1 applies. The EWS URL for O365 is


If you are using O365, there is no Exchange Domain to enter.

You will not be able to run the Shell script on O365. There is a different process for O365.

This can be found on our knowledge base website http://kb.bridgeoc.com

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BOC Service Menu on the phones

*** This is entirely optional. It allows the end users to access information via a Services Menu

• parking lot information

• change status

• message history

• Various address books (AD, My Address Book, etc)

Add the BOC Menu to the phones in the same manner as any other phone service in CallManager.

The proper URL is made of the IP address of the

Connector server and port configured.


To aid in troubleshooting, we recommend installing the BOC Client on the server. Our license count is concurrent, so as long as you

exit when you are done, you won’t hurt the license count. You can follow the normal client install steps from later in this manual.

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BOC Lync Connector Program This document assumes Lync 2010. This Connector can be installed on either the Lync server (recommended) or the normal BOC

Connector server. There are certificate challenges you will face to get the Lync Connector to run properly on the BOC Connector

server, especially if using self-signed certificates.

On the Lync server, run SetupBOCLync.msi or SetupBOCLync64.msi depending upon your deployment.

The defaults are sufficient for most installs. Upon completion, you will have an icon on your desktop called BOC Lync Connector GUI

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Fill out each Tab and test.

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Step 5: Client Installations

BOC Client Install Version 3

The BOC 3 Install is very simple. .NET Framework 4.5 is a prerequisite of the installation.

If it is not detected, we will download and install it. We do require and operating system capable of running .NET 4.5 which is essential Windows Vista and newer on the workstation

side. A complete listing of OS’s can be found here,


When the install completes, you can click on Finish and then launch the icon from the Desktop.

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If you have previously exported a settings file, you can import that here to get all of the necessary settings to connect to the

database. If you previously had BOC version 2 installed, you can import those settings as well.

If this is a new install, you will need to enter the Name or IP Address of the Bridge Operator Console database server. For most installations, it is the same IP address as the BOC Tapi

Connector Server. If you are installing on the BOC Connector Server or on BOC, Standalone Edition you can enter

The default database username and password

Username: sa Password: B0CC0ns0l3

(NOTE: in the password, those are zeros and a lower case L)

Click Update/Test to validate. If you get a green check, you can now select your Extension and Phone.

When those are selected, you can click on Next

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WAN Settings These settings will help tune performance if the Console is across a WAN from the BOC Connector server.

1) Enable WAN optimizations 2) Disable Picture Download. If un-checked, the Console

downloads the latest contact photos on a weekly basis. 3) You can use the slider to adjust polling cycles for non-

critical data.

Data Caching Settings Data caching improves Console speed.

Caching may lengthen start up time by a small amount. 4) Adds the Active Directory Mobile numbers to the My

Address Book and the Extension Caching. 5) Adds the Active Directory Primary numbers to the My

Address Book and the Extension Caching. 6) Adds all of the Active Directory Extensions to the

Extension Cache. This is especially useful in multi-cluster environments where the operators are transferring across cluster.

7) In environments where Active Directory is used, there is the possibility of multiple users having the same number. It is recommended that you enable AD Searching Override to allow for this.

8) Showing Small images allows for more lines to be displayed simultaneously.

9) This will allow an operator to detect visually if an extension is offline, such as a wireless phone that has roamed off the network.

10) When a phone has more than one DN, by default if any of them is off hook, the person shows on the phone. Check this box does it per line (DN).

Chat Settings 11) Select the implementation of chat for your environment.

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12 ) Elevated Rights Install Settings These settings will enable the Operator Console to download and install updates without requiring the user that is logged in to be a local Administrator. The download and installation will happen as thr elevated user listed here.

• Enter user credentials will local installation rights. This can be either a local user or a domain user.

• If this is a local user, leave the domain blank. 13 ) Dial Configuration Settings. These settings assist in proper dialing from within out Console. The have to me made to compliment with the dial patterns defined on the CallManager.

• Enter the number you would dial on your desk phone when calling an external number.

• Enter the pattern you would dial when you directly transfer a call to a person’s voicemail without ringing their phone.

• Enter the number to pre-pend when dialing an international number.

• When numbers are stored in Active Directory, the Global Address Book or My Address Book, they may be stored with digits for clarity that cannot be dialed. This will removed them when dialed.

• The checkbox will just remove the + character. 14 ) Reset Settings. Sometimes is becomes necessary to reset a setting to the default.

1) Choose the setting to reset to default.

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General Settings.

These settings these are General Console Settings.

15) This will make the BOC program stay on top of all of the

other appicaliction.

16) This will make BOC pop to the front of all of the running

apps. It will also pop it up if minimized.

17) This gets rid of the “Are you sure you want to hang up”

prompt when hanging up the call in BOC.

18) If the user roams between phones, either physical or

softphone, the program can prompt at launch time for

the user to select which phone to control.

19) This will cause the BLF pop-up tool to auto-launch.

20) When transferring calls, there is a graphical tool that

allows the operator to watch the flow to see it completes

as desired.

21) By default, our application allows the operator to answer

a call, put it on hold, answer a second call and while

talking, transfer the first held call. This can be confusing

for some operators and result in the wrong call being


22) By selecting, the green search box will also filter the

Location Objects.

23) Hide the Ribbon bar.

Hide Extension Columns.

These settings will allow you to hide columns.

24) Check a box to hide a column.

Parking Lot Alert Settings.

25) These settings let you set time thresholds for color coding calls in the parking lot.

Your Account Settings.

26) You can select your picture to be displayed in the console.

27) If you are using BOC authentication to launch the program, you can change your password here.

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BOC Client Install Version 2

After the installation completes, there will be red icon on your desktop called Bridge Operator Console. When you

launch it, the BOC Setting Wizard will appear. You will need your license key to complete.

Client Settings Wizard

If you’ve previously exported settings from another client you can import them now. Then all you need to do is select a

Extension and a corresponding SEP to complete the configuration of this client.

If you do not, simply click “Next”.

Enter the name or IP address of the database server. Please note, this MAY

not be the Connector server IP address if the database is hosted off-box.

Select your Extension and corresponding SEP.

At a minimum, this will allow the client to run. The rest of the information is


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If you are on a WAN, you can configure settings here.

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Manual Client Configuration

The server IP is the FQDN or ip address of the database server, NOT the

CallManager. It is best to use a DNS resolved name as it can be centrally changed and the workstations won’t

need to be reconfigured. In *most* installations, the Server IP and the Status Server IP are the same server. When this first page is filled out, click the

“Update” button and then X out of the settings. Then relaunch the application. It will bring you back to the settings page

to complete.

Select the extension that corresponds to the phone you wish to control. If the line is shared or exists for extension mobility,

select the SEP corresponding to the phone you wish to control.

This should be sufficient to launch the

program. The other settings can be filled out at your leisure.

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Exporting BOC Settings

Once you have successfully launched the program and made the various personalizations you feel appropriate for your

organization, we recommend exporting the settings to a file.

This can be imported on subsequent installations, saving much time and ensuring uniformity in installation.

Configuring Updates - Optional Settings

Updating is required. You have two options with regard to that.

The 1st option is whether the update takes place WITHOUT user intervention. This is the default. If you would like to

give the user the opportunity to opt out of the update at each launch. However, as long as there is an update available, the

user WILL be prompted at each launch to update.

The 2nd option is to choose where to check license validitity and where to get updates from. The default is to check the Connector serer. The other option is to go straight to the


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Configuring Updates - Elevated Privilege Settings

If the normal user of the application does not have rights to install applications locally, the auto updates will fail. This can

be addressed by providing credentials of another user with elevated priviledges. This does not need to be an

adminsitrator, only a user with rights to install applications locally.

NOTE: You MUST login into the workstation once as this user and configure the BOC Client. These credentials will be used in an impersonation to apply updates when logged in as the

normal operator.

If the user you wish to use is a machine local account and NOT a domain account, set the Domain field to NONE.

Hybrid Mode In this mode, the client will gather certain live call information directly from the TAPI stream thus speeding up processing.

There are 2 parts to enabling Hybrid Mode. First, the TSP must be downloaded from the CallManager and installed on the

workstation. When completed and tested, go into the BOC Client settings and enable it by checking “Enable Hybrid Mode”. You will

also need the number to dial external numbers and the VoiceMail prepend character.

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Cisco TAPI Driver (TSP) install on Client You will need to install the TAPI driver from your CallManager Server. You must match the processor version (32bit or 64bit) of the

TSP to the version of the workstation. There is no 64 bit driver for CallManager prior to 8.5 Update 1. You cannot run the 32 bit TSP

on a 64bit workstation. In addition, the 32 bit driver prior to 8.5 Update 1 does NOT support Windows Vista or Windows 7 32bit.

TSP 1Click Install This tool will attempt to automate the download and installation of the Cisco TSP. This should be run as a user with enough rights to

do a software installation.

It should also, only be run if there is no TSP installed. It will not be able to update or change settings for an existing installation.

The tool will attempt to locate the “closest” CUCM based on ping time. It will then download the appropriate version of the TSP for

your OS from the CUCM. It will bring the username and password from the BOC Server in an encrypted form so you will not need to

type that in either.

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Manually Install TSP on Client for hybrid Access the following URL,

https://<your CUCM>/plugins/CiscoTSP.exe for 32bit OS

https://<your CUCM>/plugins/CiscoTSPx64.exe for 64bit OS

Install the TSP using the default installation directories.

You may answer no to this question…. Enter the IP address of your CUCM server on the next window.

Configure using the information from the Call Manager Objects document. The CTI Managers should reflect your Publisher and if available, subscriber CUCM.

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Testing TAPI Connection You should validate that the TSP service is functioning before proceeding by running DIALER.EXE. When you see the “Connect

Using” pull-down, you should see your phones listed. If you do not, go back and double check the CallManager objects creation

process documentation. Frequently it’s a missed step or a password problem.

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Appendix A

SQL Installation We do not provide the SQL installation media. SQL Express is readily available for download at no charge from Microsoft. It will

support between 2500 and 2700 phones depending upon actual call volume. We support SQL 2005 and later.

When downloading SQL Express, make certain you select the download with Management Tools. This will give you SQL

Management Studio Express which is required to maintain certain settings.

We recommend installing as a named instance called BOCSQL. This will be universal across installations and ease in the

troubleshooting process. We MUST configure mixed mode authentication and set an SA password. We recommend making the SA

password the same as the password for BOC- Admin.

After the installation, you will need to configure the listeners so the SQL can be accessed.

These setting are a setup guideline only. Please secure per you network policies.

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Pay attention to the highlighted areas. They are not the defaults. Generally speaking, we do not use dynamic ports and we force to

TCP Port 1433. Also note that all IPs are DISABLED by default and the proper ones must be enabled. In a general sense, TCP Dynamic

Ports must be blank NOT 0, and the TCP Port should be set to 1433. Do not forget to do this in the IPALL section as well.

Launch SQL Management Studio

These setting are a setup guideline only. Please secure per you network policies. We recommend turning off “Enforce password

policy” on the SA account in SQL Management Studio to prevent account lockout during deployment.

Also ensure that any Windows firewall is either disabled or the proper allowances made to pass the required ports. Specifically, TCP

port 1433 for SQL and whichever port you choose for Sockets mode in the TAPI GUI.