www.violatours.com Viola Tours & Travel 1 www.violatours.com The Land of Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar and Serengeti. P R O F I L E Tanzania;

Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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Page 1: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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The Land of Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar and Serengeti.






Page 2: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

Viola Tours & Travel

• About Tanzania and Map of Tourism Circuit• About us• Northern Circuit : Arusha Town, Kilimanjaro, Mt. Meru, Arusha National Park, Manyara, Tarangire National Park Ngorongoro Crater, Olduvai Gouge, Serengeti National Park.

• Southern Circuit : Mikumi, Katavi, Ruaha, Kitulo and Selous.

• Coastal Circuit : Zanzibar, Stone Town, Bagamoyo, Saadani, Pemba and Mafia

• Cultural Activities : Mto wa Mbu, Longido, Elkiding’a and Mamba & Marangu.

• Viola Car Hire : Daily car hire, International Conferences & Events, Vehicle lease and Wedding & funeral occasions


Page 3: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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Tanzania is home to many of nature’s most spectacular creations. Among them - Mount Kilimanjaro, Af-rica’s roof top and the world’s highest free Standing Mountain. The Ngorongoro Crater - the largest crater in the world, and a vast amphitheatre teeming with game. The Serengeti Plains - home to an estimated 3 million animals covering an area of 12,950 square kilometres.

Get closer to wildlife & local culture & explore from the Serengeti to Kilimanjaro. Tanzania is one of the world’s greatest safari destinations. Known for its rich culture, and diverse landscapes, the country boasts a wildlife population that is unparalleled on the African continent. The country’s game viewing experiences are widely re-garded as the best in Africa. Tanzania boasts some of the most romantic and tropical beaches in Africa – Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia Islands. Zanzibar Stone Town was once home to Sultans and explorers and is the land of exotic spices, azure waters and white sandy beaches. Tanzania is without doubt the land of Kilimanjaro, Serengeti, and Zanzibar!.

About Tanzania & Map Of Tourism Circuit

Page 4: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company have vast experience in Tourism Industry, Car Hire, Air Ticketing and Trans-

port services.

Viola tour packages are designed to satisfy its target clients in tourism needs and wants all around vacation where they will experience the wildlife, panoramic scenery viewing as well as have an opportunity to visit the local people and get to learn their ways of life (culture).

Viola offer fair-trade in mountain trekking, wilderness safaris and cultural tourism while putting a lot of emphasis on the principles of Ecotourism.

Viola appreciates the fact that in East Africa there are not only wild animals but also diverse beautiful culture and other activities that clients should sample. Our packages also offer the clients with chance to participate either directly or indirectly in various Community based projects.

Viola providing car hire and transport services country wide. Viola has a full fleet of more than 150 vehicles countrywide to provide services to its clients both in tourism and car rental. In car Rental we do offer short term and long term vehicle lease up to three years contracts. Viola’s team of specialized and highly qualified staffs create competitive products and services to ensure customers satisfaction.

About us

Page 5: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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centre point marked with the clock tower, Arusha is the ad-ministrative seat of the East African Community made up of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda Rwanda and Burundi

Arusha offers an excellent opportunity for authentic souve-nirs shopping, including the bold Makonde carvings, and the colourful Tinga Tinga works and batiks.Tanzanite, the native gemstone of Arusha, and one of the most beautiful and exciting gems from Africa, are sold in all gemstone shops in town alongside other locally mined stones like Ruby, Rhodolite and Tourmaline.

Tanzanite was first discovered in 1967, some 40 kilometres to the southeast of Arusha at Mererani. To date Mererani re-mains the only commercially viable source for Tanzanite in the world. Tanzanite was named after Tanzania.


Arusha, the gateway to the world famous game sanc-tuaries of Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire and Lake Manyara, is one of the oldest towns in Tanzania. At

1,540 metres above sea level, Arusha enjoys a very agreeable climate throughout the year. Positioned at the centre of Africa between the Cape and Cairo on the Great North Road, As act

Page 6: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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Located to the east of Arusha town, about 20 kilometres drive from Arusha; Mount Meru is the second highest mountain in Tanzania. The mountain stands at an altitude of 4566 meters above sea level inside the Arusha National Park. Meru has one route to the top and can be attempted for three days but we highly recommend doing for four days for acclimatization. Most alpines uses Meru for acclimatization before the Kilimanjaro climb. The mountain has less snow formed at the vol-cano eruption.

Unlike Kilimanjaro when you are climbing the Mount Meru you have to be escorted by an armed ranger(s) as you pass through the Arusha National Park. It is at this time when you will enjoy the walking safari as you pass the groups of African buffaloes, Zebras, Black and white colobus monkey just little wildlife to mention.

KILIMANJARO For the more adventurous, mountain climbing is often a very popular option. Mount Kilimanjaro which stands at an altitude of 5,895m is Africa’s tallest freestanding mountain and is situated only three degrees below the equator in Northern Tanzania. It is a protected area, allowing climbers to enjoy their visit without causing any harm to the environment.

Page 7: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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Volcanoes erupted to make the dramatic terrain of Arusha Na-tional Park in Tanzania, just east of the huge fault known as the Great Rift Valley. They spewed fire and lava into the air 20 million years ago, and then collapsed into two big calderas, the Ngurdoto and Meru craters, which mark the western and eastern boundaries of the 52-square-mile park. Depressions in boiling mud became the Momela Lakes.

Today, these lakes are fed by underground streams that leach salt from the alkaline soil and support algae, a few small fish, and thousands of birds, especially grebes and flamingo.


Lake manyara national park is at the base of the Great Rift Valley escarpment, stretching for about several miles. The park covers about 130 sq miles (336 sq km), it has a spectacu-lar view with easy back drop on Rift valley. The surrounding vicinity comprises forest and green grassland. Lake manyara offers perfect introduction to Tanzania wildlife species includ-ing birds.

Manyara offers varieties of wildlife animals including; lions, leopards, cheetah, elephants, jackals, African Cape buffalo, wildebeest, grants and thomson´s gazelles, hippos and many other large herd of mammals like, eland, baboon, dikdik and over 400 different species of birds.


Named after the river that flows through the park, Tarangire National Park is one of the lesser known Tanzanian National Parks, giving it a real air of undiscovered Africa.

Famous for massive baobabs and large herds of elephant, Tarangire National Park is small but still home to a significant wildlife population, with a density of wildlife matched only by Ngorongoro. Birding is particularly good here; the swamps, tinged green year round, are the focus for 550 bird variet-ies; the most breeding species in one habitat anywhere in the world.

Page 8: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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The Ngorongoro Crater is a true Garden of Eden, with high-land forest covering the sheer sides of the caldera and is popularly known as the eighth natural wonder of the world. Measuring 16 kilometres in diameter and enclosed in walls over 600 metres high, it acts as a spectacular barrier encir-cling the wildlife that roams the largest intact crater in the

world. Within Ngorongoro Conservation Area you can visit one of the foremost craters in the world which was formed 2.5 million years ago


The archaeological site of Olduvai Gorge is located in the eastern Serengeti in northern Tanzania within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The gorge is a steep sided 4 to 8- kilome-tre (30 mile) long ravine, which forms part of the Great Rift Valley. It is situated on a series of fault lines which, along

with centuries of erosion, has revealed fossils and remnants of early humankind. The name Olduvai originated from a Euro-pean misspelling of Oldupai, the correct Maasai word for this region of great historical importance – named after the wild sisal plant fibre growing in abundance in the gorge


Tanzania’s oldest and most popular national park, the Serengeti is famed for its annual migration, when some six million hooves pound the open plains, as more than 200,000 zebra and 300,000 Thomson’s gazelle join the wildebeest’s trek for fresh grazing. Yet even when the migration is quiet, the Serengeti offers arguably the most scintillating game-viewing in Africa: great herds of buffalo, smaller groups of elephant and giraffe, and thousands upon thousands of eland, topi, kongoni, impala and Grant’s gazelle.

Page 9: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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wildlife habitats including open grasslands, miombo wood-lands that cover three quarters of the reserve, and riverine forests. As a result of its unique ecological importance, the Selous was declared a World Heritage Site in 1982. Selous was the son of a chairman of the London Stock Ex-change, Born in England in 1851, he became a noted natu-ralist, conservationist and big game hunter. He was killed in 1917 while a Captain leading a detachment against a German position.


The Selous is known in swahili as Shamba la Bibi - literally translated as ‘‘grandmother’s garden”. It has the largest num-ber of several species of animals found in a single reserve anywhere in the world.

The Selous ecosystem encompasses a wide spectrum of


Mikumi is the access point for the south-ern Tanzania tourist circuit. A tented camp lies to the south of the main road at Vuma hill and there’s another campsite just

north of the road. Trees and other plants distinguish Mi-kumi. Marula trees (Mng’ongo in Swahilli) are common.

This tree occurs in Deciduous, wooded grassland from south Africa to Ethiopia and the fruit is used to make the Amarula wild fruit cream drink that is indigenous to Africa. Elephants regard the Marula as a delicacy, vigorously shaking the tree to dislodge the fruit. Tamarind with its many medici-nal uses, grotesque but distinctive baobabs, sausage, cassia, black thorn and African blackwood trees exist in http://www.violatours.com/zanzibar-mafia-and-pemba.html Mikumi as do a profusion of flowers.

Page 10: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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Katavi National Park consists of a series of secret floodplains that open up in front of you as you arrive through their wood-land fringes. I t is during the dry season, when the floodwa-ters retreat, that Katavi truly comes into its own. The Katuma, reduced to a shallow, muddy trickle, forms the only source of drinking water for miles around, and the flanking floodplains support game concentrations that defy belief. An estimated 4,000 elephants might converge on the area, together with several herds of 1,000-plus buffalo, while an abundance of giraffe, zebra, impala and reedbuck provide easy pickings for the numerous lion prides and spotted hyena clans whose ter-ritories converge on the floodplains. Katavi’s most singular wildlife spectacle is provided by its hippos. Towards the end of the dry season, up to 200 indi-viduals might flop together in any riverine pool of sufficient depth. And as more hippos gather in one place, so does male rivalry heat up – bloody territorial fights are an everyday oc-currence, with the vanquished male forced to lurk hapless on the open plains until it gathers sufficient confidence to mount another challenge.


Most memorable sighting at Ruaha is of a mature, spiral-horned male greater Kudu. Greater Kudu males are solitary or found in bachelor herds except during mating. In contrast, females may be seen throughout the year, usually in dense bush country in groups of 6 to 10 including their offspring. Elephants are in abundance and Ruaha has been nick-named “Giraffic Park” because of its 8,000 Maasai giraffe. Lying in the rain shadow of the Udzungwa Mountains, the park is bisected by the great Ruaha river.

It is the most southern extension of the Maasai steppes and is among the most arid of Tanzania’s 14 national parks. Ruaha is a transition zone where much of the flora and fauna that distinguishes east and southern Africa meets and overlaps.


Kitulo is commonly known as Bustani ya Mungu (God’s garden in Swahilli). The first area in Africa protected for its flowers. Apart from the Kitulo Plateau, the Southern high-lands of Tanzania include Mount Rungwe, Uporo-to, Ngosi, Ukinga, and the Mbeya range, the Liv-ingstone Mountains, Umalila and Ufipa Plateau.

The Mbisi Forest Reserve is the eastern-most portion of Con-golese forest in Tanzania and it is here that the central Afri-can Red Colobus monkey may be seen. Due to the high alti-tude and resulting lower temperatures, this population has grown longer coats than those found elsewhere in Africa. Almost 2,000 species of flowers occur in the southern high-lands, many species of flora and fauna are endemic to this area, Flowers include ground orchids, red-hot pockers, gladi-oli and irises.

Birds include Blue swallow, Denham’s bustard and many others. Southern Highlands colobus monkeys exist on the plateau’s edge.

Page 11: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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The 18 th Century the Sultan of Oman visited Zanzi-bar and was amazed by the favourable climate of the Island. Comparing with his homeland’s climate, the Sultan decided to stay in Zanzibar. As a result

of his decision to settle in Zanzibar, he brought and planted spices, traded slaves, gold, and ivory by that reason Zanzibar become a major slave market

Page 12: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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cal place. If interested, and you should, arrangement for tra-ditional dance at the college during the tour will be made.

The Kaole Ruins: Arabs were the first explorers to arrive in Bagamoyo in the thirteenth century followed by Germans. In southern Bagamoyo at Kaole, Arabs built two Mosques. This Place is now known as KAOLE RUINS. The two old mosques and several tombs remain to be a symbol of Islam religion. All the architectures in Kaole are built in Coral stone. Following the abolition of the slave trade, early explorers build the Catholic Church with museum and the village of ransomed slaves.


This town is also known as Unguja Town or Zanzibar Town. At Stone Town you will see the following things: The Stone Town Cultural Centre (Old Dispensary) situated along the

Mizingani Road, the four storey building originally built as a private residence, but later used by colonists as Dispensary.


Bagamoyo was another major slave trading post in East Afri-ca. Bagamoyo, which literally means “Lay down your heart” in Swahili, was probably given this name because it was the last place where the slaves stayed in Tanzania before they were taken to Zanzibar as main market to foreign lands. The town is 80 km north of Dar-es-Salaam. Bagamoyo is not a busy port anymore, but rather a touring place where one

can go for holidays and stay in a quiet Resort Hotel, moving around the town, enjoy the white sand beach and listen to the history of old Bagamoyo town from historians and non-historians

Bagamoyo Art College: The College accommodates students from all over the world who come and learn the African culture. Traditional Tanzanian sculpture, carving and painting are some of the things to be explored in this histori-

Page 13: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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Saadani is a newly visited park in Tanzania despite the fact that it was officially recognized as a Game Reserve more than thirty years ago. Located about 60 km from Bagamoyo town, Saadani appears small but really rich in natural vegetation, insects, swamps, coral reefs, wild and birdlife. Saadani National Park is home to lions, Zebras, warthogs, giraffes, elephants, leopards, hartebeests and hyenas. Large flocks of flamingos, Senegal plover, African hawk eagles, wood sandpiper, African spoonbills, yellow-billed, sand plover, black-winged stilt and little-spotted woodpeckers can be found in this game reserve.

A dawn tour in Saadani forest for varieties of birds and enchanting to nature sound, listening can give a memorable event of life. Is the only breeding site of green turtle in East Africa and only place where wild animals can meet an Ocean.


Mafia Island lies off Rufiji River delta about 120 Kilometres south of Dar es Salaam. It is 160 Kilometres south of Zanzi-bar and the same distance east of the Selous. It is reached in 45 minutes from Dar es Salaam, one hour from Selous and Zanzibar, by light aircraft. The island was an important trad-ing post from 11th to 13th centuries.

Today the island is known as a Resort Island for deep-seas fishing and scuba diving. With 40,000 inhabitants, Mafia is an archipelago ringed by pristine coral reefs. It offers ideal conditions for diving, snorkelling, big game fishing, surfing, sailing, windsurfing scuba diving, swimming and boats ex-cellent cuisine. The park also offers bird watching and picnic excursions

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Viola Tours & Travel


Located about 80km from Zanzibar Island, about the same distance directly east of Tanga on the Tanzanian mainland. With its hilly landscape its highest point is less than 100 metres above sea level, by size Pemba is smaller than Unguja.

Arab sailors once named Pemba as ‘El Huthera’, meaning the Green, due to her dense and lush vegetation. There are more natural forests and plantations than on Zanzibar Island, and Pemba grows more cloves than her Zanzibar. Today, earnings from the clove crop are sup-ported by other agricultural products, cattle raising, and by fishing, which is an important source of livelihood. Pemba is also popular for its voodoo and traditional healers.


Mto wa Mbu is situated on the way from Arusha to the National Parks in North-ern Tanzania, just at the foot of the Rift Valley. Mto wa Mbu is the entry-port to Lake Manyara National Park, and also conveniently on the way to Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti, which makes it an ideal rest place for most

safari travelers.

The area around Mto wa Mbu was rather dry and hardly populated till the early fifties, when the first steps were made to irrigate the area. Within a few years hundreds of acres of newly cultivatable land were created. The news of the fertile lands spread rapidly through the coun-try and from all remote corners people came to try their luck. Fruits and vegetables from all




Page 15: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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Longido is situated about 80 km north of Arusha on the way to Nairobi, just at the foot of Longido mountain, which rises up steeply from the plains and forms an important orientation point for people in the wide surroundings. On the mountain and the surrounding plains the Maasai warriors wander about with their cattle, looking for pasture and water. Once a week, on Wednesdays, the cattle are herded to a cattle market in Longido town. Maasai families live in traditional bomas scattered over the area. In the early morning, women leave the boma to fetch water and collect firewood. Young children play around the mud houses and start at a very early age to take care of kids and lambs

over Tanzania were introduced to the area, and within a few decades the dry and empty plains were turned into a green semi-urban center. The rapid population growth has turned this village into a melting pot of cultures. Nowhere else in Tanzania have so many tribes gathered in such a small area, and many people have still kept their tradi-tions.

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Ilkinding’a lies at 10 km north of Arusha town, a 30 minutes drive. From Arusha town, take the small road North at the Ilboru junction on the Moshi-Nairobi road. Follow the Ilboru Safari Lodge sign. With its neighbour Ilboru, it has played a role in the history of Arusha. The Lutheran Missionaries form Germany and Sabaya, the chief of the Wa-arusha people, agreed in 1904 to build the first church and school in Ilboru. From that time on, co-operation between the church and the chiefs was settled


Mamba and Marangu are within 3 km of each other and the participat-ing lodges in the area have worked together to establish activities for their visitors. Magnificent views of valleys rumble ring and waterfalls offer great entertainment for nature lovers and bird watchers. With more than seven waterfalls in the vicinity one can spend a whole day enjoying the views. Walking tours will provide excellent views overlooking the area including points where the lights of Nairobi can be seen at night14

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Page 17: Tanzania; - Viola Tours...Viola Tours & Travel 2 Viola is a Tour Operator and Car hire Company, based in Arusha Tanzania, with branch offices in Dar es Salaam and Mtwara. The Company

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We are very reputable car rental and hire Company. We assure our clients that our vehicles are all in very good state. We are dealing with both options, which are self driven and chauffeured.

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES:Below are our services and products that have been categorized in accordance to customers requirements.

- Daily Car hireAirport transfers services, Taxi Operation services, Staff transport services etc.

- International Conferences and Events: We organize logistic and transport services for delegates and V.I.P from airport to hotels and conferences. We have gained experience and reputation from major conferences and events like Sullivan Summit 2008, Head of States meeting, UN- and Africa Public Services Forum and many other more within and outside the country.

- Lease: We provide short and long term vehicle lease services of up to 3 years contract with different public, private and multi-national organizations, investors and individuals.

- Wedding and funeral ceremonies: We offer good services at reasonable rates for memorable events i.e. birthdays, communal, weddings, funerals etc.

- Our package for transport services includes the following:Full Comprehensive insurance vehicles, Full air condition vehicle, Replacement vehicle in case of any breakdown, Standby doctor on call vehicle.

- Our Brand new and nearly new vehicles are:Mercedes Benz: E- class and S- class, Range Rover: Vogue and sport, Luxury and Field Toyota Land Cruiser: V8, Vx, Prado, Hard top, Toyota/Saloon Cars: Gx100, Gx110, Minibuses: Coasters and Rosas, Microbuses: super custom, Nissan Caravan, Noah, Pickups: Nissan hardboard, Toyota Hilux, Nissan Patrol: GRX, GL etc.

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Viola Tours & Travel and many more to choose from


our fleet...www.violatours.com

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Together with tourism, car hire and transport services, Viola

offers air ticketing, and is well connected with reliable, affordable and Luxurious accommodation

where you can find your

Piece of Paradise

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Let us help you find your piece of



Head Office:Road Block No. 76E, TFA HQ Building, Ground Floor, P.O. BOX 16782, Arusha, Tanzania Tel/Fax: +255 27 254 5421 Cell: +255 786 271 420, +255 713 295 928Email: [email protected]@violatours.comD


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Branch Office:Msasani – Drive In (Near American Embassy)

House No. MSN/MKS/663Fax/Tel: + 255 22 2667336

Cell: +255 786 271 420, +255 713 295 928Email: [email protected]

P.O. BOX 105473Dar es salaam - Tanzania