talk talk talk 1 Part 3

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  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    ffiBiffia8te a QarestFore $tartf;alg wit*l)f i.l'-:1,,' '. :.

    You knorv, students are accustomed to answering theteacher's questions in the classroom That s whv they havediffir:ult9 comnrunicating wiih each other in real situations.since talking requires both asking and replying. -fhese sectioosare designed to train students to make proper questions in avariety of cases.

    II want to be a doctor-

    What do you want to be in the future?What do you want to be when you grow up?What do you want to do some day?


  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    aesson 17 - 7t/lake

    | -.:t "rtre fatlar:eirtq tafi*vtersj ,tuaka ']t le*stt tltle q&e't!{)fi,i- !:i:;r:S t"t:{:l'. "tiitxt;: "J. I slepi oll doy Yester.loy.?. I like bulgollj3- I'm goinq 1:o see o novie tonight4. I teoch tnglish in middle schoolJ. lvot-"rmelon is the best l'ood in sunmer'6. I feel reloxed when I listen to niusicZ. He goes to church cvery SundoY8, Nfoth is the most.lifficult subject icr me9. I think Lrsing dn l-nglish-Enqtish dictionory is o good w'LV

    to study English.I0. I study chcmistry in.ollPgc

    ll. \' l went to see o movie la'itll my girllrjend'12. I must gel o iob (rlter high schoolIt Allcl coilege I woilt to be o newspopermon.I4. I rlont to h.Lve spoghetti lbr lunchl-t I hove o dote tonight with o llew boyfdend'15. I hove to study hord if I'm qoing io succeedIZ She wonis to be i1 r'ltovie stdr.lB- Ihev (:llwols told me to be Pcrtient19. I spent clll clcllt in tlie l-ouvre when I lvos in P'Lds20. I lhrnk I ott too much ice creom


  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    WliEit4aNce a qu@stiore $t*r*img wit$t "bVhrr" '.,

    llxantpieI got m9/'first iob six months after I graduated fromcollege'.

    When did you get your first job?When did you start working?

    ,. itr "icli,S,Pfil-,,i",''-' ''i it "t r,\

    rlt$,. .-..-.

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    ) I or the followinq dnswers, make at teast one questionstdr+inE witk'"WheA"'l. I olwoys get up ot six.?, I'm plonning to toke o round-the-world tdp in five

    yeors.?- He will be bdck in two hours.4, Tl^. KoFon wor broke oul' 'n 1o50.5. My school stots (lt nine,6. I wont to retire' os soon as possible, moybe ot 50.Z. I feel hoppy tthen I ploy with my children.8. I usuqlly go to bed ot midnight,9. I quit smoking two yeors clgo.JO I wos born in 1985.-I.L Her fovorite show is on Tuesdoy ot 9:00.12 He met his wife five yecl6 ogo.13. fheir first child wos born two yeors ofter they qot

    maITied.14 I think I will finish this closs in 2 weeks.15 Soon ofter getting off the subwoy, he reolized he'd left

    his bog behind.

    --'\49>-r.k cdl , besin suddenly- =iire : glve up one's work, uslally be.ause ot age

    Eesson 18 - Yldke a Auestion-.

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    ffiMake a Question $tarting with "How* )




    ' '.- l@-,1....-.,,'".""," rb5etoe(J sp4!'onr wlhlesr ' E.r,ry

    > Yxoaen1rteI usually invite m9 friends home, and Mom preparesfood and a special cake for us. And my ftiends alwaysgive me books or movie tickets as presents.

    How do vou usually celebrate' your birthday?

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    ) lor the lotlowinq answers, mahe dt teast ane questionstavting with "lisw."l, I've been living here in Koreo for two yeors.2. l've been studylng English since middle school3. I brush my teeth three times o doy4, I coLl my porent5 on( e o week5. lt wos greot- I visited my grondporcnts in Buson ond

    enioyed wolking on Toejongdoe beoch.6, I hove two close friendsZ we renld d condo fot the weekend ond spent oll doy on

    the slopes.'8. It is o used co! so my friend gdve it to me9. It tokes two hours by cor fiom here to Doeieon.l0 I usuolly reod two books o month.l.I. I wos supposed to meet o friend ot o coffee shop, but it

    wos very crowded. So the woilress hod me sit dt o tdblewith two girls. That's how I met my wifell2- I proctice (rt lecst three hours o doy.l.t It wos o reol bcrrgoin'--l got them for only 20 bucks'

    opiece.'14. My friends who smoked looked cool' to me ond thev

    "recommended" it to me.15 I never felt so bod in my lifel

    nd:?:aii : someihng otrered orboughlat a lowphce::i5:, to or for each onerr:r: excellenli lj6t-rate; sl lsh

    Cesson 19 - lqak a Aaestion ,,. "How.r

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    il{ake n Qa*estior* $taytic? with "Wh*ge"'ll Y***6e

    I'm planning to go to Mt- Sorak this summer-

    Where are you going to go on your vacation?Where do you want to go this summer?Where would vou like to vacation?

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    2. I live in Jongno.3. I usuolly meet my friends in o downtown bookstore.4. I om going to go to the Eost Beoch this summer5- I wos in Buson yesterdoy.6. You con buy clothes cheaply ot Dongdoemoon.Z. I bought it in o duty-free" shop.L We con meet in some Gongnom coftee shop.9. My pqrents live on Jeiu Islond.

    -lO I first met my gidfriend ot o movie theoter.ll. I lived in Pods for five yeots, but I wqs too young so Idon't remember much obout it.12 My fother wos born in Chicogo, but he grew up inMoscow.J3, I left my purse on the bus.14. They sow och other for the first time in Chino, ofiercoresponding four yeon.It I went solso doncing at o club lost night. The ploce waspocked,L but it sure wos funl


    w:j-\'i,+ oes.rbraaoJu Inr.ldr oeorcuonr !.,gcL.rAddn,::-_/?a verV fullr .rorrded looverlLowno

    aesson 20 - Make d Aaestioh,,. q herc.,,

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    @__-ffi a qt**s{!o* $ta*ti*g *it}t .wlty" )I Et^rnrrt.English i,, necessarv for mY iob

    I i.:,''' -,"" '.i Why ate yo.t learning English?Why is English important?


  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    Er the fullowinq ahsweys, ,ltake at least gne rr|,{astio''stat+inq witk "WhV,"7. I iovp .hp heou,iJul \(,.net\ in the (uunlry. Cleon ojrmol,es mp feel rplr.shed. lhor'swhy lli,ehere.2. M\ w,t- ond I u,uoll\ s.Fep lote;n the morning, so wenarve no Lmp tor breokjo\r. Bu, \ap don l (.rre il se \linit; two meols ore enouqh for us_J. I don't mo ioge is (r mirstr for everybody. I feelvery comfortoblc living olone.



    I m{tde o fortue in stock, so I cun crlTorcl to enjoy my lifewithout hoving to work. Eorly retirement hos ol "oys 'beenthc stock morket is too doncterous for me. So I sove inthe bonk.I think the incredsing crime rote is due to, poor disciplineiot l]ome.I stopped smoking for sirr months. But my current!aor\lodJ is (e.p,nq rre .o ' c..Fd oLt 'h.ri I .tor,edsmoking dgoin.Oh, no. I lust wonL to rc]ox ot home. you know, there jsno cure for o cold.Rurning is the best exercisel It is cheop ond lve can do itonywhere-We ore latel. Don'l wolty, you ore perfec y sofe in mycor even ot this speed.


    IJ. Becotrse i hl]d on unexpected expense.-IZ I overslept.It They poid so much ottention to the oldest sonneglected. their doughter..J4 I guess I just didn't study hord Becduse he wos the hdndsomest mon I ever met!

    thot they

    . , ! or (n .r- , d,"o-.,pd- r: . sDmething thar 6 reL.tured o, ne.ssarvr ,: it: caused by, bsalse oi: ow n.j to: l"!r,qe'oF ed ooo r-o.D, 1! .'t obFa!o,.o. he,u.te,= 6:r' it.or orpar no ajlenuonro tsblor tsltrl

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    Effi#irirAsk HErc? )

    r:"Ask him why he lives in the big city.

    i.i ,.,'., ,',,',Why do you live in the big city?


  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    ffiffffi&sk $fi;sns

    Tiurn"rtuAsk bim why he lives in the t'ig city.

    Whv do you live in the big city?




  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    l. Asl< hirr il'it is .r ilood idco t(-1 trY lo memorize lhediclionorY.2. \'f h. r1 , h' ur''r' ^J. Asl( hiln il he $ LlllTs lo see .r nlotic willl us tlinight4. -Ask hirn lf hc is tued.J. Ask him ('hat he thiDks obout Koreor food6. .\sk ltim "lhltL hiS moior lvcsZ Ask hinl wh,v he cLune to l(oreo8. Asl< him where he come from'9. .,\sk hirn how illc forty ltos lost night'.10 Ask hitn if h-" aon cone ctlonll with ,vou to the depLlrtlncrltll. Asl( him 'itdi liilr.l (]1'musi. lre ]ikcs12. Asj< llim lvhot he thinks oboirl le(rrrrin! Eilllil'sh'13. .\sk l'tinl ii hl lronls lo buv o new clu14, AsL hjm lrhdt ihc best wo,v is of o1'oidx19 siiejs15- Ask hirr] il hc \nu 's lhc besl wni' Lo sto-" heolthv16. Ask hirn iI ]rc cdn oiTc(l lo lrnd VoiL this mc'nc,r''lZ Ask li'l ii he coD h.rve Lliiner witil vor toni''lht'lg. \.: .r.nir h. rr , .l,r'r, l r..Jg ,\sli hinr if hc gives rnotrel' to o br-clc]'rr !!'hl'11('1'cl h{r sees on'-70 ,\sl( him \!'ht1t he d('e! when he is tire(]21..\sk \\thiah irc likes bellPr pln,viliq cGlds or justtollii D il.22 Atk hir]1 h(xv llu gol l)romole'r'2J. r\sk hinr if j1-' is SLLIe he "ill get d pa\j l-ois"' ncxl vtor'24 Ask him jf hrr il.:ls .lny idfos lor bctter educotin'l 'ur.hildren-25. Ask him !l{r.rt hc lfrllks is tlrr l)esl $oi'to 'urtr ih"rising divorce role.26. i\sk l-i!m whot i,vf e of h'olnon he iikes'2Z Ask him hc\\' tronv do,Y: (r[ poid vr]'n liorl he hos 'r '''e'u28. Asl< LLin1 i1 h'" c'er tried lo qui! smcking'29. Ask him i^rh\. it is inporklnr t. leom Lrglish'J{t "\sk him horv hc.-"lel-'rotes his bifihdcry

    - as! sbi tu i l llrer Er L "s li" ' ':ass...1 *.{ cr.i.ntio isllrll,::ii:.

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    > :..i.,.,.

    MakEmgi #omgas"eheeesioet &tlestfr &rcs

    I YJ"on*pt"Data on 87,OO0 female nurses, ages 3O to 60' showthat women who drink two or more cups of coffee adav are two thirds less likely to commit suicide' thanrhose who db,'tain. The finding' comes as a surprise.Frrihermore. coffee lovers also tend to dink morealcohol. smoke more and have more stress-allfactors thought to be associated with' high suiciderisk.

    What was the occupation of the respondents?How old were the peoPle surveYed?Who is more susceptible to suicide?

    4. Why is the finding surprising?

    ]irr,,L lhe inte.tcn: taking ofone s.wn Ire'air5|ii: !.rr nrarl!.vo d doing {5ih)I r.-'rr:l s.mehinll that has be-an discovere.l espe.iall alter a. examLi.lron or i,ri ltli con.eciec lri]h-r! r' ir:ir |ri :easly rlLentedoraf'e.1edbyo.10istn


  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    > {\ead the followinq artictes anj rasksornecomprehension questi'ns fot eath ane.

    . There ore only two things to worry qbout. Either you ore weli, or you ore sick-. If you ore weli, then there is nothing to wony obout.. But iiyou are sick, therc ote two things to wouy about.. Lilher )ou t^ j,l get wpll. or you \{rill die.. If you get well, then the.e is nothing to r,r'otry obout.. But ifyou die, there ore only two thinqs to worry obout.. Either you go to heoven or to hell.. Ifyou go to heaven, there is nothing ro wo[). obout.. Ifyou go to hell, you,ll be so dom, busy shoking hondswith old friends, you won,t hove time to wouy.Q1)Q2)Q3)

    , i:arr : pol'fe Jor .danned , {used nrr emphasis)


    lrJ A rry

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    n our honeymoonmy wife ond I wentto o remote'villoge,

    becouse we hote busyploces. We soved tr lotof moncy becousc wedidn'l have to buyplone tickets or stoy

    in .rn expensive hotei.An.l we enioyed the quiet qtmosphere,

    ond the peoce of not hoving mqny people orouncl.Moybe even mor,o irnportont, we reolly got to know ochother, slnce we hod plenty of time to t. k obout hor,r LL)live toclether, hol' k) h.lnclle rnonet onai how to divjdeour chores- Since my r/ife !/orks, she wos very worrieclobout how to hondle the household chores, itut Ipromised to pitch in-.


    d& .r o. ." -l , -it d.od Tt6.i.rri1:re :lar awaJr.alnir:trir.i.j . a deneratfee inq cr mood.Ir!:ir iii heporda.oerale

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    >b$ oa o 57-veor-old former monuto,tu.inq pxecutiveIj. $ilh o lovelv witp ond two q,own doughtpr.. | -everwent to college, but I worked hord ond eventuolly investedln stdrting my own smqll business. After 12 yeors ofstruggling to get it off the ground,, it loiled. I om now out ofwork, ond most of my triends soy I am unemployoble sinceI om too old to stofi ot the bottom,, ond without a collededeqree I om not quolified- tor one)

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3



    -re:inus: fea.l!lof csilg afle.Lio. or posttion to a.orher.L r.i rL ' brfqnaJburtrrEsL,l

    es, of cou$e, men ond women con be friends oslong os sex isn't involved.. Then, they would both

    see eoch other os lovers, not ars friends. They would getjeolous' over nothing ond everything) ond t.y to interlerein eoch other's privote business, ond their relotionshipwouldn't lost lonq. In order to hove o more solidrelotionship, people should hove something in commonlsuch os o spirituol life, o hobbt or o sociol octiviry Thesefoctors contrjbute' to understonding eoch other/ssituotjoll ond strengthen their relotionship.

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    >b oTtheirond

    don't believe thot women ore weoker thon men. Justlook ot the strong will mothers exhibit on beholf of'

    children. But women hove morc potience thdn men,they will do obsolutely dnything for their children,s

    odvoncement. History shows thqt there hqveolwoys been strcng women behind grcot

    men. Howevet conscdpting. womenis not just (] mqtter of foirness.. I.,*.l, - think men ore more suitoble for- ormy life thon women, sincewomen hove q duty to raise

    children. In the long run, thot role iseven more importont for the nqtiont security..Q1)a2)Q3)

    Ior tei:. r,t to, +e bpr*i o,. i1.h.,n,c,-s d: or th" pdr ol,cc.s. iir fo'c'bt, {'d Gl,,,to -iiia.v \p.!.ce:o.n-iatr . e/ifhoutfloriicm ust'se.uriv : lredom ton risk or danger saJrv

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    >6ult telling people how tolil.e their lives. I'm

    speoking on beholf ot oll thcsmokers out there. The woysmokers ore treoted todayis outrogeousl. We orelow-obidinq citizens whomoke on honest livinll ond poyour toxes, but in this country if you smoke,you cre mode to feel like o criminol.' Whot gives you thedght to so, "Smokers stink'? in the building where Iwork, we ore forced to smoke outdooN, ven in freezingweother. Is pneumonio better thon lung concer? youronswer to oll of this is, "Well, iust quit.,, Well, I don,twont to quit. I enjoy smoking. I'm not irrcoking ony lows.And whether I smoke or not is my business, no1 yours.Society hos couse.l more psychologicol domoge to ussmokers thdn i,econd hond smoke could Dossiblv do ioyour he0lth.


    ''ntil-:r.irr: strong ! ofifsve rcthe sens of.ght crdecency,/xrr::al a person !.ho hascomnrited or lr.en found grily.iac ime-.ii lli :smelrhacibe very ba! rn.easaft,irlrir;riri a d sease tn ph ch th.-a tlnqs beccm_A',1.:rxr haf(.5iflric. snrok exhaled by

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    he most importont thing in business is to hove ostlong wlll to overcome ony hordship. Few peopie

    lxaaeed on thc first try, ond some mistokes are unovoidoble:or newcome$. But oll successful businessmen hove hod to.lit over odversity.' Another importdnt foctor is monet ofacu$e. If your business suffers from finonciol strojn, youlnay not be oble to see the morket situotion correctly, ondahis could tedd to foilure. So owners should monoqe theirinonces' conservotively.'


    ... i,,'::,.4'jr/::j- ---:\:::"!-i l

    : mlstuft!.e:1roub e: .lllicu ty. : -.!t.,: presslrer :: n:_etary lunds.- .. .: moderate calnols resirained

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3



    >bl Q ot" 49 )eor\ oqo whpn I wu' o prest hoolcr. mvq, rolhe' Lrno I wcnl Lo o srore lol \ome smoil rtem5.As we wolked bock to our cor, my lbther lookecl ot hischange" ond soid, ,,We hove to go bock.,, It seemed Lhecashier. hod mistokenly. given him chonge for a 20insteod of o $5 bill. On the woy bock home, I oskecl myfother why he hod gone bock, since no one would haveknown if he hod kept the money. He explnined thot HEwould know, ond thot wos enough for him. He put it thiswoy, "Whot you think of yoirrself con be o lot morimportont thqn whot others think of you.,,Q1)Q2)Q3)

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    >9eople ore qlwoys comploining obout the nuisoncer ofcell phones. Whenever I see someone run o red lightor drive corelessiy, 99 percent of the time the person ot thewheei'is tolking on o cell phone. And now I heor thot.{rrswill soon come equipped with computels enobiing clrivers to

    occesss the internet while dtvingl phones ond TVs in ourcars ore allreodydonqerousdistroctionsj,how huchworse it will beqrhen people con suafthe net! out on the highwoyl Ihere should be o notionollow moking such nonscnse iilegol. Computers? lnternetoccess? Ridiculousl Voice-activoted, hands-ftee computersihdt tell you how to get somewhere ore the only exceDtions Tcon think of. Smoit VCR| r.- L - rror n,tft.S{ ot vtet^ inq un lung ,rip\are fine, but no driver should ever get distrocted ftom the I:main job of stoying olefi! ot the wheel. i


    i:::v,l j';a-i" r .. .-, d.,,, q->: - eier !h,a systn or {a compuredi oblain (i|lonna!6n) rroh a compurer'r"los,.1'{.Jn.r'n.'o."xd/oo "om o, e.rre to-T" - o r.",n_r:, a.,n.J-.d", d.,..shnl

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    > -tr@


    ,"^y *,crol )!or\ !rgo. m) hiic died ol\rdLD) orpLr:l 'Jrlrpr. 'eo\rno ma o wido\^.rot eqe 35. We hod two children,6 ond B. I did not have lifeinsuronce on my ltife,though, fortunotel_y, Ihod enough insovings to toke .ioreof thc buriol' expenscswithout borrowing. Butthere wdsn't much left over. I soon discovered I could notprovi.le the some stoblc home environment that my wilehod supplied, ond went through one child-corc providerotler dnother. I hl]d to cut woy bock on my workinghours, which did not endeor' me lo my employer orcowo|kers when thcy hard to pick up the slock.' It seemsmy crpcriencc with the untimely' de.rth of my wite isbecoming oll too common. My odvicc to you is this: Bothspouses should qet life insuronce policies thot will enobleeithcr onc to moinloin the independence ond lifestyle heor he ho. lo ld). .n .o\e r -ug, J\ rlrrk.\.

    - inilir r .e . the act svslem or bus ness ol i.slrnq prolreny lfe "1.. aqaLnst oss or ham' i!1.,' 1h6 act ol p a. ng a dead b.dy in a grale, a tomb orlhe seaeirl::rr. make (sb).r{str)become by otl,ets'l:]li!1r,1ilr: ri:r.( do orp ovide lslh)that an.lher pe6on ororga.zato. s no lonser.roins or p.o!ldrig. ,r,llii,l./ : prehatu:e.sM:. r.c.ur surldeniy

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3



    ,='(rt -

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    ffiffi$&4akimg ?opfiaal Qrxestimns iI Vnornptn

    HpalrhI ,1.,j..,,., ,'.,,.I

    , a dr,'o'i, oe.Lo ._f.o.."o{r ord.or.- ,r | 1/q i, abour

    How do you manage your health?How often do you exercise?How often do you get a checkup?'What do you think is the best way to siay healthy?How much of a problem do you think stress is in termsof' our overall' heahh?


    -.rir 3li includins evsryrhinottorativ ewed as a wtrote: general

  • 8/9/2019 talk talk talk 1 Part 3


    ) f akn ^s 'nrruu q estians &s ua ran