Taking the Offensive pt5 Preparing for Battle Joshua 5:6-12

Taking the Offensive pt5 Preparing for Battle

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Taking the Offensive pt5 Preparing for Battle. Joshua 5:6-12. Preparing for Battle. Israel has just crossed the Jordan ( the Jordan….their last obstacle ) …Israel is no longer a “ Wanderer” …She has evolved into a “ Warrior. Preparing for Battle. Define Warrior - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Taking the Offensive pt5 Preparing for Battle

Taking the Offensive pt5

Preparing for Battle

Joshua 5:6-12

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Israel has just crossed the Jordan (the Jordan….their last obstacle)

…Israel is no longer a “Wanderer”…She has evolved into a “Warrior

Preparing for Battle

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Define Warrior• A person who shows or has shown great

vigor, courage or aggressiveness against an opponent with the purpose of attaining or achieving a set (personal) goal or victory

Preparing for Battle

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Code of Conduct• Specific codes of conducts are established in

order to ensure that warrior class were not corrupt or dangerous to the rest of society…(in other words…they won’t run amuck)and to distinguish a form of honor for the Country or Ruler that they represented

Preparing for Battle

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• God had already prepared the enemy for DEFEAT!!

• So it was, when all the kings of the Amorites who were on the west side of the Jordan, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the children of Israel until we had crossed over, that their heart melted; and there was no spirit in them any longer because of the children of Israel. (Jos 5:1).

Preparing for Battle

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NOTE : “no men of war” – NO WARRIORS (vs. 4-6)

You Can be a Warrior and still miss GOD & His Promises!

Preparing for Battle

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Three major components these Wilderness warriors needed to address:a.DisObedience (Neh 9:26)b.UnBelief (Heb 3:19)c. Fear (Num 14:9)

Preparing for Battle

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• 4 areas being addressed before Israel could go into battle

Circumcision• The basic covenant agreement established by

God with Abraham and his seed in order for them to receive the Promise

What made this circumcision special? •“This day I have rolled away the reproach

of Egypt from you.” (Josh. 5:9)

Preparing for Battle

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• 4 areas being addressed before Israel could go into battle

“This day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.” (Josh. 5:9)

a)Reproach – disgrace, low status, SHAME!b)Egypt- a stronghold of our past

Preparing for Battle

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• 4 areas being addressed before Israel could go into battle

• Foreskin – Protection of a males most sensitive/vulnerable/private area

• For many of us the foreskin protects our Shame!

Preparing for Battle

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• 4 areas being addressed before Israel could go into battle

Healing (Josh 5:8)• Now that the cutting away of flesh had

been dealt with, now they needed time for personal healing.

Preparing for Battle

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• 4 areas being addressed before Israel could go into battle

The Passover• Passover was Israel’s commemoration

of God’s rescue of the Israelites from the bondage of Egypt

Preparing for Battle

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• 4 areas being addressed before Israel could go into battle

•The sacrifice of the animal- atoned for the sin of the people,

•The blood smeared on the door-frames- purified/protected those within, and

•The eating of the sacrificial meat -consecrated those who consumed it.

Consecrate means to set apart for a “Divine Purpose”

Preparing for Battle

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• 4 areas being addressed before Israel could go into battle

A.No More Manna (Josh 5:11)

Israel will no longer be spoon-fed from heaven1.Their Spiritual Provision is no longer

necessary, due to the Promise land has manifested its abundance.

Preparing for Battle

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OUR Commander has come to:ASSURE OUR VICTORY!

Preparing for Battle

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Preparing for Battle