PAGE 2-A O JOIN SORORITY BUSINESS MEETING home of Suzan payworth the meeting place for the Alpha Gammas when they for a business session Mon- evcning. Plans wore dls- 'ed for the group's break- meeting to be held May 27 the home of Doris Watson. names, of Doris Scvier ind. Mickey Dumont were added the club's roster during the v e n i n g. Later refreshments vere served to H guests. IRIDGE GROUP AT Mrs. J. Stcwart Miller was tpateas to members o/ her iridx« cluh when she enter- ifternoon. Roses and honey- suckle decorated the tables "vhere covers were arranged for 4ght guests. Contract awards (vere presented to Mines. M. H. jjussey, T. T.' Babbitt, a club West, and J. W. Sullivan. ' * * * WR4DT.E CLUB HOLDS MEETING Mrs. C. A. Curtiss was hos- tess when she entertained mem- aers of;: her bridge club at lunch- son last week. Roses were used to decorate the rooms and prize winners were Mrs. C. L. Ingojd and Mrs. W. J. Neelands. Splendid report.H were given at Trio Kcbekah lodge Tuesday night by Mrs.- Ada. A. Andersen, delegate to State Assembly, and Mrs1. Phoebe Sykes and Mrs. attendance at the state meet- ing at San jos«. Mrs. Ada O'Brien, well known in Lomlta. and a representative from the 84th district which in- cludes the local lodge, was elected grand warden. The an- nual memorial service was held Tuesday night, led by Noble Grand Snwna Forsyth. At flower decorated tables re- freshments were -served by Mf-s- dames Alma Whltacre, Floella Olive Mayor, Mar gar«te pobrick, Minnie Gens- ler , and . Petrina Fritsch. On JV»ne 3 there will be election of officers and initiation of candl- dates,. ; * * * \V.*A- PLANS OINGP PAHTV Members of the W.B-A.. will «yening, itaj;. dreo, aveoue,, Everyone Is cor- Idlalry Invited. SCHOOL CURLS FORM SEWING CLUB Marian McDonald was hostess last week when she entertained a group of her 2-A Fern ave- nue school classmates at her home, 1626 Beech ave. The occasion was the organization of a sewing group to be known as the Pinafore Club. The girls' mothers met with, them and en- joyed the refrcshmentr served by the youngsters. Those pres- ent were Misses Jane Fischer, Barbara Ludwig and Claudette Bucklcy and Mmes. Fred Fischer. O. L. Ludwig, E. R. Buckley and Howard E. McDonald. * -d * N.B.P.W. GROUP AT STATE CONVENTION Miss Marge Huber, presidcn of Torrance National Businc: and Professional Women's Clu accompanied by Mrs. ArviUa Owens, vice-president, and Mi Lola Hoover, left today for De Monte where tlwy will attcn the state convention of the Cal fornia Federation of N. B. U. W CSuba * * * McNEILS GIVEN FAREWELL DINNER Honoring Mr. and Mr?. Hccto McNeil, who left to make the home In Sydney Mines, Nov Scotia, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. M< Donald entertained at dinner a their home recently. Marge Huber Takes Presidency of N.B.P.W. Here CALENDAR of WEEKLY COMMUNIT EVENTS I You have an unrestricted choice of the loveliest En- gagement and Wedding Rings ... as. well as Bridal . 'Ensembles at Howard's. Ceiling Prices prevail on all and Rings. One of the season's newest ensembles:. Engagement Ring ...'....:.!..' (ftt.SO j Wedding Band . ... $19,75 , ; Budget Terms Distinguished rings, beautifuly designed: Engagement Ring ........... $57.50 Wedding Band ............. $39.75 Budget Terms A cha/min<j matched set artl/ simple motif: Ring $57.BO Band $12.50 Budget Terms An exquisitely simple de- sign ' in excellent taste: Engagement . $39.75 Wading'-'Band . $13.50 Budget Terms Delicately carved rings of outstanding . beauty: Engagement Ring $78.50 Weddmg Band $12.50 ''Budget Terms Smartly neat in tl\e mod- Ertgagement Ring $39.50 Wedding Band . $12.50 Budget Terms ALSO . . . Duo-Stone Ensembles, perfectly matched Ruby and Diamond Wedding and Engagement Rings. MARGE HUBER NQW officers of the Natio Business and 'Professional Wo men of, Tprrance were installc Monday night at a dinner mee ing at Melton's Cafe, Hermosr Beach. Miss Marge Huber too tier place as president, wit Mrs. Arvilla Owens as vice president; Miss Lute Fraser, cording secretary; Mrs. Mar Nady Gahwolf, treasurer, an Mrs. Addle Parks, auditor. Outgoing officers were Mrs Edna Smith, president; Mrs Rose Williams, recording secrc (ary, and Mrs. Mae Leake, audi iOTj the others having been pro- noted or re-elected. Mrs. Anne F. Leldendccker oast-president of the California federation, N.B.P.W., Installed :he group following an interest ng informal talk on women In industry and business with a :omparison to men In. *1r positions of their ability, pc mnaritles and capacity, to. sue Guests were Mr. and. Mrs. R \. Huber, who presented the daughter with a handsome gave mgraved with her name am the date of her Induction as president; Mrs. Dorothy Atkin ¥>n. Mrs. Ellis McCay pf -Lp nita; Dr. N. A. Leakc and Mr .Villiams. Mrs. Winifred R,uppe 3f .Torrance. sang a, «rpup. ; ,o idJjJgjS^n^grrtTww '^rtfear-111 ealed. *d * * 3OMPTON SORORITY HONORS MOTHERS Palog Verdes Country club 'as the setting for an attrac ively appointed breakfast Sun day morning when members 01 he Sigma Delta XI, Compton "unior College sorority, enter* allied, their mothers. Covens vere placed for 40. Those pres- frpm Torrance were Mmes Herbert C. Alien and M. E. : In- erruill and the Misses Lois laync Alien and Mary Intcrmill * -d -d UJUNCH CLUB MEETS kT MURPHY HOME Mrs. D. A. Murphy was hos ess to members of the Thurs- lay Brunch Club when she cn- ertalned at her home last week Cccilc Bruner roses and snap iragpns, were used tp decorate covers were arranged Ight guests including Mrs. d. Steele, a club guest. Contract .wards were received by Mmei eor,ge -H. Moore and W. Laugh.on. * -d -d COBINSONS AUK CHRISTENING HOSTS The christening of George Gerald Robinson was an enjoy blc occasion when* his parents Hr. and Mrs. George Robinson atertained Sunday. Attending pm Torrance were Mr. and ilrs. N. Zupparde, Mrs. L. 'ooppr afid daughter Carol and Mrs. Rose lacono. * * * E:LLIN.GSQNS ARE INNER HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. George Elling in entertained at dinner Sun ay John Eillngson of Tcmpc, Vriz.; Barbara Gardner of Mesa, Iriz., and Mr. and Mrs. Donald illett of Loa Angeles. *d -d -d MISS SANDSTROM HAS IIRTHDAY PARTY Honoring Dorothy Sandtjtrom i the occasion of her 18th Irthday anniversary, her par- nts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. indstrom, entertained her and intimate group of her friends i the Icecapades at Los An- cles Sunday. In the group ware le honoree and Marjorle Cham- , Lucy Mae Rose, Barbara tens and Joann Sandstrom. * .* * HURSDAY CLUB t CLARK HOME The home of Mrs. F. H. Clark as the attractive setting for n enjoyable party when Mrs. H. Kendiiek of Los Angeles id formerly of Toimncv enter- lined the Thursday Afternoon lub last week. Mines. R. R. nlth and O. E. Fossum were ub guests and prize winners were Mmes. Fossum, F. H. Clark nd Fred Knudson. TONIGHT, MAY 21 (i:.io p. m.- Rotary .Club a '.'.oman's clubhouse. 7:30 p. m. 20-30 Club a Daniels cafe. - S. W. O. C. NO. 1414, Stee Workers' hall. 7:43 p, m. Knights o Pythias Lodge at Redond Beach. 8:00 p. m. Modern Wood men. Catholic Ladles' care part:/:. . FRIDAY, MAY « &:00 a. m. Mothers' Educa Jional Center, Woman's club house. , 7:30 p. m. I. O. O. F. No 195, Redondo Beach. . T-TowriFend Club, Men's Bl hie Crass bldg. 1:00 p. m. Masonic meet ing. SUNDAY, MAY 24 Scrv^ces^ In all churches, , .MONDAY, MAY 25 '6:30 p, m. Kiwanls Club a Daniels, cafe. '7:30 p. m. Sons of the ' Junior Chamber of Com m«rce. 8:00 p. m. Royal Neighbors ' » ' 'TUESDAY, MAY 20 1:30 p. m. Elementary P TV A. ' 2:00 p. m. Fern Avenue P TV A. .3:00 p. m. Girl Scout Troop W. 2,'Scout house. 7:45 p. m. American Legion Auxiliary. City Council. 8:00 p. m Ml-N-Yore Club, 4010 Sepurveda blvd. ", 8:00 p. m. Technocracy. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 12:3.0 p. m. Catholic Ladles' luncheon. 3:15 p. m. Qtrl Scout Troop" No.ji.Scput house. 7:»'-p. m V. F. W., Men's Bible Clara bldg. 8:f»-p. m.~A. O. U. W. Order of the Eastern Star, Woman's clubhouse. JfHURSDAY, MAY 28 3:30'p. m. St. Andrew's Troop ,Na 4 Girl Scouts. ~ ,* -d * "ERN. AVENUE f.TA. The regular' May meeting o he Sfe|}i Avenue P.T.A. wilt be ie!d Tuesday May 26- Proibptly at noon at pot luck luncheon will j<fa -served, at which the acuity'' are*to be special guests. During the business session icction chairmen will preaen eports of their year's work .nd the president, Mrs. John Garner, wUl report on the state onventlon which closes a three lay conclave today in Long Beach. Evaluation of the year's pro ram will take the form of ound table discussion, led by tie ..program chairman, Mrs . J. Mlllard. Mrs. George Phim :ier, a former Fern Ayenue lember recently returned from "lorlda, will speak on P. ctivlties in that state. Mrs. John Garner was the ue>st pf her school faculty Sat- rday at a luncheon at Palos 'erdes Country Club when the larbor chapter of Los Angeles "Elementary Teacher.8 1 Club heh :s annual party. d -d -d IANAPJAN LEGION VUXILIARY INSTALLS More than 50 members of the Ladies' Club of Palps Verdes 3ost No. 77, Canadian Legion, ire present recently at a din- r at Daniels cafe pn thi ccaslon of their installation of ffleere. Mrs. James Russell isldent, presented Commander lamskUl with a check fpr'tSO or the post, while Robert Boyes ant commander, presented Mrs mtth with a "citation for her plcndid work fpr British war. Bllcf. Past Commander Barrett 'as the Installing officer. Those 'ho were inducted that day 'ere: Mrs. F. Barrett, president; Ara. Robert Main, secretary reasurer, and Mrs. Nancy Orr rgeant-at-arms. K -k -d ROUP SPONSORS BOX SOCIAL PARTY Member* of the Shoestring trip Improvement Association ill sponsor a box social and ance Saturday evening, May 23, Steel Workers' ball, 1626 ravens ave. Proceeds will be sed for the Shoestring Strip irst Aid station.' No adniLsslou will be charged : the door but th»; box lunches ill be auctioned for nominal uths. At 0 o'clock a prize (lof best decorated box will' be warded. Coffee will be 1 nerved evening without charge. At o'clock a handsome 1 door prize IU be drawn. Lading are re- uested to w«ar slacks or glng- am divasc'H and the men wear Kfrt clothing. * * NKW RESIDENTS Mr. and Mru. T. M. Wheat id son Kenny ura new resi- nts at 2408 Sonoma ave. He a Metropolitan I n s u r a n cy ompaiiy representative In this ,triot. Photo by H«l» * Hal*. MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK T. GAHWQLF w«n united at High Matt at the Catholic Church of the Nativity last Sunday morning. She is tbe fanner Mary Anne Nady, elauahtti of Me. and Mrs. John M. Nady of 710 Madrid «ve. More than 400 attended the* ceremony which was dlsttn- ulshed by the excellent choral inging aud solos. Rev. Father Co J. Baucr officiated. The bride was lovely In Ivory slipper satin, fashioned with sweetheart neckline, long sleeves nd (rain. Her finger-tip veil ascadcd from a pearl-beaded oronet and she, carried white orchlda and a prayer book. Miss Mary Gahwolf, as maid if honor, was attired in powder ihic sheer and her flowers were in arm bouquet of Talisman roses. Mrs. Olga Noble of Los Angeles and Mrs. Gertie Gah- ol(| bridesmaids, also wore owder blue sheer gowns fash- mod alike wrth mist blue tulle inger-Mp veils, like that of the laid of honor.1 Their flowers were pale pink carantions. Lit- re Caroline Birnbaumer, In a ainty blue frock, was flower girl. John Nady attended the bride-' room as best man and his ther attendants were Tony Nady, U.S.N., and Larry Otto. During the High Mas?, Jack [ertcrt, baritone of Los An- cles, sang. Gounod's Ave Maria nd other solos, accompanied at he organ by Miss Mary ScaHcn. A reception followed at the Iwme ' of the bride's parents 'here a beautifully - decorated our-tler cake was cut. Mrs. phn Mclntler and other family riends assisted. Mrs. Nady re- elved her guests In dusty pink 'Ith blue accessories, while Mrs. iahwolf wore a blue ensemble 'Ith white accessories. d -d -d. UTUKRAN LADIES SPONSOR DINNER ^ ham dumcr will bo served y Lutheran ladies in the par ih hall at Sonoffta. and Acacia ves. next Thursday evening !ay, 28, Iron) 5 to 7 o,'clopk icjkets are 50 cents. Members ! the cpmmtttee arranging thi Inner arc Mmes. Norma An erson, Anna Carlson, Clara Con er, Anna Bay, Christine Erick on and Ruth' Leech. " ' -d -d -d EVSTONE WOMAN'S LUB TO PICNIC Annual picnic and reunion o] ic Keystone Woman's Club wll held June 10 at Torrancc ark. Press Chairman Mrs. E Row.i'11 said. Nowly-instalted ffioers in charge will be Mrs Bthpr Hudson, president, assist d by Mesdames Betty Byuaru rst/ vice-president; George second vice-president; g/ies Sexton, corresponding ccretary; ?. W. Jennings, re irdlug secretary; Enxma Chris treasurer, and. Kathryn X«*enberry, auditor. d -d * CATHOLIC CARD 1RTY TONIGHT H.o s t e s s c s fpr this week's *(hollc card party are Mrs. L gcnjth and her committee, njes. Bray, Probert, Carlln, Leonard O. Jarrott, 20, of Re- dondo Beach, an.d Vtala M. Lip- pert, 19, of Box 543, Torrance. GIKL SCOUTS EN,K>Y PARTY One of the lovely affairs of the week was a tea last Thurs- day afternoon at St. Andrew's Guild hall, sponsored by mem- bers of Girl Scout Troop No. 4, their leaders and committee members. Quests, numbering more than 70, were members of all Girl Scout and Brownie troopa in the city and their leaders. Spring flowers decorated the lace-covered tea table at which Jane Scotton and Beverly Hop- kins poured. Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler spoke briefly and pre- sented Captain W. W. West of the fire department who demon- strated bandaging and the use of tourniquets The program was concluded by salute to the flag and the respective promises by Girl SoouU and Brownies. Co-hos- tesses for the affair were Mrs. Fred Quaggln and her assistant leader, Mrs. Sidney R. Hopklns. * « « EVANGKUCAL INSTALLS Members of Central Evangeli- cal QwUd enjoyed a gala day at their Guild hall last Wedaes- day. Aa Informal luncheon was served, at tables decorated with Ceclle Bruncr roses and honor- Ing the president, Mrs. S. M. Johnston. on her birthday, a beautifully-decorated cake was cut. She was also presented with a handsome crystal gift, Mrs, P. G. Brlpey of 3*n Pedro, was Installing officer. Serving with Mrs- Johnston. who was re-elected (or the ensuing term, are Mmes. H. A. Lpck. W. H. Haslanv W. J. Neetand* T. A- MltohcU and R. J. Detain- ger . Hostesses for the luncheon meeting were Mr*. J. 8. Lan- caster and Mrs. Fred Speheger. Mrs. Johnston will open her home at 1404 Engracla ave., Wednesday afternoon, May 27, beginning at 2 o'clock, for a silver tea as a. benefit tot the Guild. Everyone la cordially In- -vltwt * * * ARIZONA VISITOR Mrs-. Harvey Whitehlll of Gal- tup, N. M., was a weekend visi- tor at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. George Eillngson, 1719 Martina av«. Takes Queen's Throne :hmldt efyc Leppe and Webb. Is cordially Invited. ables of contract and auction Id^e, pinochle and 500 will be play. The first door prize II be drawn promptly at 8 clpcli arid card Play will follow imcdiatcly. (UCBUATK ANN1VKUMAUY Mr. and Mrs. N. Zupparde lebrnted their .vecond wedding nlv ary re when they tertained Mr. and Mrs. L. C. ooper at Knolls' Bviry Furm. MISS MARQAR5T MOST v«l« t< mtVM « kpnoj** que.en of Job's Oauohtea TO/MUM* VdW Me. 50. tomorrow Mty 22. She It the tVHiQbtei of Mr. one! Mn. Mort of 1221 Coi.4 «r«. «nd ittnUnt at Tetrwic* The open lnstaUa,tlpn. cere- al the Torrance Woman's cHjb- hpusc. Mlts Lol.s Jay.no AUen . fti. addition to MWs Mort, thp elective officers are Marilyn Moyer, senior princess; Beyerly Whitney, Junior princess; EnJ.d aqd Pat WWtncy, Dancing will follQW Wels, the ceremonies. At, (he meeting Tues- day evening at C. E. Guild ball Past-boaored Queen ShirlcyGut- tenfeld.es wasi escorted, to the cost, a«d givoo Bethel hotwrs, while Mrs. Sara, Murray, a. mertv- ber of honor., wejs presented, and Mrs. Blandford Mo.yer. guardl&p, rQceJyed. B^ethel honors. The dance held at the club- house last Friday, evening was. an outstanding success, accord- ing to the Bethel reporter. Miss Lois Jayne AMcn, retir- ing honored queen, was bonorcc CLUB GBOUP HONORS MKMBKR Members of the "Think of Others" Club honored Mrs. Vanoo, one' of their co-workers, recently at a birthday party leld at San Pedro. The club meets here each Wednesday rom 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. at Recreation halt, where the ladles spend their time quilting and sewing for others. at a/i attractively appointed sur- prise party arranged last Wednesday evening by Miss Margaret Mort, Ingoing honored queen. More than 20 Job's Daughters attended the party which was gtveo In the rumpu.i ropnj of the J. E. Miller honjc. Games, music and; dancing were the evening's, diversion and re- fres.hmcnts were served at a late hour. Miss Alien was prp- sented, wlt,h many lovely gifts frond the group. ' * # * REU CftQSS TO ELECT OFFICERS Too ttjuiuajl meetUig of, Tgr- ra.oce Branch Aw«clc*n Red nlng, May 25, at I:.30. o'clock. ave. ElccUotk at officers and other Unportant business will be transacted, . * * * HIGH SCHOOL P.T.A. GROUP AT W»N<J Represenjtlog; Tor.rance H\ Kh Sphflol P.T.A. at the District convention at Long Beach thb week wore Men. W. H. Rojo, Jr., president, and Mines. William Jollcy, W. C. Moyor, W. H. Tol- son, J. W. Post, C. B. Woodcock, Frank Paour, Jr., Fred Quaggln and George Flscher. * * * Pivtildent John (julncy Adams ono« taught rhetoric at Har- urd.

Takes Queen's Throne...«yening, itaj;. dreo, aveoue,, Everyone Is cor- Idlalry Invited. SCHOOL CURLS FORM SEWING CLUB Marian McDonald was hostess last week when she entertained a

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Page 1: Takes Queen's Throne...«yening, itaj;. dreo, aveoue,, Everyone Is cor- Idlalry Invited. SCHOOL CURLS FORM SEWING CLUB Marian McDonald was hostess last week when she entertained a



home of Suzan payworth the meeting place for the Alpha Gammas when they for a business session Mon- evcning. Plans wore dls-

'ed for the group's break- meeting to be held May 27

the home of Doris Watson.names, of Doris Scvier

ind. Mickey Dumont were added the club's roster during the

v e n i n g. Later refreshments vere served to H guests.


Mrs. J. Stcwart Miller was tpateas to members o/ her iridx« cluh when she enter-

ifternoon. Roses and honey- suckle decorated the tables

"vhere covers were arranged for 4ght guests. Contract awards (vere presented to Mines. M. H. jjussey, T. T.' Babbitt, a club West, and J. W. Sullivan.


MEETINGMrs. C. A. Curtiss was hos­

tess when she entertained mem- aers of;: her bridge club at lunch- son last week. Roses were used to decorate the rooms and prize winners were Mrs. C. L. Ingojd and Mrs. W. J. Neelands.

Splendid report.H were given at Trio Kcbekah lodge Tuesday night by Mrs.- Ada. A. Andersen, delegate to State Assembly, and Mrs1. Phoebe Sykes and Mrs.

attendance at the state meet- ing at San jos«.

Mrs. Ada O'Brien, well known in Lomlta. and a representative from the 84th district which in­ cludes the local lodge, was elected grand warden. The an­ nual memorial service was held Tuesday night, led by Noble Grand Snwna Forsyth.

At flower decorated tables re­ freshments were -served by Mf-s- dames Alma Whltacre, Floella

Olive Mayor, Mar gar«te pobrick, Minnie Gens- ler , and . Petrina Fritsch. On JV»ne 3 there will be election of officers and initiation of candl- dates,. ; * * * \V.*A- PLANS OINGP PAHTV

Members of the W.B-A.. will

«yening, itaj;. dreo, aveoue,, Everyone Is cor-

Idlalry Invited.


Marian McDonald was hostess last week when she entertained a group of her 2-A Fern ave­ nue school classmates at her home, 1626 Beech ave. The occasion was the organization of a sewing group to be known as the Pinafore Club. The girls' mothers met with, them and en­ joyed the refrcshmentr served by the youngsters. Those pres­ ent were Misses Jane Fischer, Barbara Ludwig and Claudette Bucklcy and Mmes. Fred Fischer. O. L. Ludwig, E. R. Buckley and Howard E. McDonald.


Miss Marge Huber, presidcn of Torrance National Businc: and Professional Women's Clu accompanied by Mrs. ArviUa Owens, vice-president, and Mi Lola Hoover, left today for De Monte where tlwy will attcn the state convention of the Cal fornia Federation of N. B. U. W CSuba


Honoring Mr. and Mr?. Hccto McNeil, who left to make the home In Sydney Mines, Nov Scotia, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. M< Donald entertained at dinner a their home recently.

Marge Huber Takes Presidency of N.B.P.W. Here



I You have an unrestricted choice of the loveliest En­ gagement and Wedding Rings ... as. well as Bridal

. 'Ensembles at Howard's. Ceiling Prices prevail on all and Rings.

One of the season's newest ensembles:. Engagement Ring ...'....:.!..' (ftt.SO j Wedding Band . ... $19,75 , ; Budget Terms

Distinguished rings, beautifuly designed: Engagement Ring ........... $57.50Wedding Band ............. $39.75

Budget Terms

A cha/min<j matched set artl/ simple motif:

Ring $57.BO Band $12.50

Budget Terms

An exquisitely simple de­ sign ' in excellent taste: Engagement . $39.75 Wading'-'Band . $13.50

Budget Terms

Delicately carved rings of outstanding . beauty: Engagement Ring $78.50 Weddmg Band $12.50

''Budget Terms

Smartly neat in tl\e mod-

Ertgagement Ring $39.50Wedding Band . $12.50

Budget Terms

ALSO . . . Duo-Stone

Ensembles, perfectly

matched Ruby and

Diamond Wedding

and Engagement Rings.


NQW officers of the Natio Business and 'Professional Wo men of, Tprrance were installc Monday night at a dinner mee ing at Melton's Cafe, Hermosr Beach. Miss Marge Huber too tier place as president, wit Mrs. Arvilla Owens as vice president; Miss Lute Fraser, cording secretary; Mrs. Mar Nady Gahwolf, treasurer, an Mrs. Addle Parks, auditor.

Outgoing officers were Mrs Edna Smith, president; Mrs Rose Williams, recording secrc (ary, and Mrs. Mae Leake, audi iOTj the others having been pro- noted or re-elected.

Mrs. Anne F. Leldendccker oast-president of the California federation, N.B.P.W., Installed :he group following an interest ng informal talk on women In industry and business with a :omparison to men In. *1r positions of their ability, pc mnaritles and capacity, to. sue

Guests were Mr. and. Mrs. R \. Huber, who presented the daughter with a handsome gave mgraved with her name am the date of her Induction as president; Mrs. Dorothy Atkin ¥>n. Mrs. Ellis McCay pf -Lp nita; Dr. N. A. Leakc and Mr .Villiams. Mrs. Winifred R,uppe 3f .Torrance. sang a, «rpup.; ,o idJjJgjS^n^grrtTww '^rtfear-111

ealed.*d * *


Palog Verdes Country club 'as the setting for an attrac ively appointed breakfast Sun

day morning when members 01 he Sigma Delta XI, Compton "unior College sorority, enter* allied, their mothers. Covens vere placed for 40. Those pres-

frpm Torrance were Mmes Herbert C. Alien and M. E. : In- erruill and the Misses Lois laync Alien and Mary Intcrmill


Mrs. D. A. Murphy was hos ess to members of the Thurs- lay Brunch Club when she cn- ertalned at her home last week

Cccilc Bruner roses and snap iragpns, were used tp decorate

covers were arranged Ight guests including Mrs.

d. Steele, a club guest. Contract .wards were received by Mmei eor,ge -H. Moore and W.

Laugh.on.• * -d -d


The christening of George Gerald Robinson was an enjoy

blc occasion when* his parents Hr. and Mrs. George Robinsonatertained Sunday. Attending pm Torrance were Mr. and

ilrs. N. Zupparde, Mrs. L.'ooppr afid daughter Carol and

Mrs. Rose lacono.* * *

E:LLIN.GSQNS ARE INNER HOSTSMr. and Mrs. George Elling in entertained at dinner Sun

ay John Eillngson of Tcmpc, Vriz.; Barbara Gardner of Mesa, Iriz., and Mr. and Mrs. Donald illett of Loa Angeles.

*d -d -dMISS SANDSTROM HAS IIRTHDAY PARTY Honoring Dorothy Sandtjtrom i the occasion of her 18th Irthday anniversary, her par- nts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. indstrom, entertained her and

intimate group of her friends i the Icecapades at Los An­ cles Sunday. In the group ware le honoree and Marjorle Cham-

, Lucy Mae Rose, Barbara tens and Joann Sandstrom.

* .* * HURSDAY CLUB t CLARK HOME The home of Mrs. F. H. Clark as the attractive setting for n enjoyable party when Mrs.

H. Kendiiek of Los Angeles id formerly of Toimncv enter- lined the Thursday Afternoon lub last week. Mines. R. R. nlth and O. E. Fossum were ub guests and prize winners

were Mmes. Fossum, F. H. Clark nd Fred Knudson.

TONIGHT, MAY 21(i:.io p. m.- Rotary .Club a

'.'.oman's clubhouse.7:30 p. m. 20-30 Club a

Daniels cafe.- S. W. O. C. NO. 1414, Stee

Workers' hall.7:43 p, m. Knights o

Pythias Lodge at Redond Beach.

8:00 p. m. Modern Wood men.

Catholic Ladles' carepart:/:. .

FRIDAY, MAY «&:00 a. m. Mothers' Educa

Jional Center, Woman's club house.

, 7:30 p. m. I. O. O. F. No 195, Redondo Beach.

. T-TowriFend Club, Men's Bl hie Crass bldg.

1:00 p. m. Masonic meet ing.

SUNDAY, MAY 24Scrv^ces^ In all churches,

, .MONDAY, MAY 25'6:30 p, m. Kiwanls Club a

Daniels, cafe. '7:30 p. m. Sons of the

' Junior Chamber of Com m«rce.

8:00 p. m. Royal Neighbors ' » ' 'TUESDAY, MAY 20

1:30 p. m. Elementary P TV A. '

2:00 p. m. Fern Avenue P TV A.

.3:00 p. m. Girl Scout Troop W. 2,'Scout house.

7:45 p. m. American Legion Auxiliary.

City Council. 8:00 p. m Ml-N-Yore Club,

4010 Sepurveda blvd. ", 8:00 p. m. Technocracy.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 2712:3.0 p. m. Catholic Ladles'

luncheon.3:15 p. m. Qtrl Scout Troop"

No.ji.Scput house.7:»'-p. m V. F. W., Men's

Bible Clara bldg.8:f»-p. m.~A. O. U. W. Order of the Eastern Star,

Woman's clubhouse.

JfHURSDAY, MAY 283:30'p. m. St. Andrew's

Troop ,Na 4 Girl Scouts. ~ ,* -d *


The regular' May meeting o he Sfe|}i Avenue P.T.A. wilt be ie!d Tuesday May 26- Proibptlyat noon at pot luck luncheon will j<fa -served, at which the acuity'' are*to be special guests.

During the business session icction chairmen will preaen eports of their year's work .nd the president, Mrs. John

Garner, wUl report on the state onventlon which closes a three lay conclave today in Long

Beach.Evaluation of the year's pro

ram will take the form of ound table discussion, led by tie ..program chairman, Mrs . J. Mlllard. Mrs. George Phim :ier, a former Fern Ayenue lember recently returned from "lorlda, will speak on P. ctivlties in that state. Mrs. John Garner was the

ue>st pf her school faculty Sat- rday at a luncheon at Palos 'erdes Country Club when the larbor chapter of Los Angeles

"Elementary Teacher.8 1 Club heh :s annual party.


VUXILIARY INSTALLSMore than 50 members of the

Ladies' Club of Palps Verdes 3ost No. 77, Canadian Legion,

ire present recently at a din-r at Daniels cafe pn thi

ccaslon of their installation of ffleere. Mrs. James Russell

isldent, presented Commander lamskUl with a check fpr'tSO or the post, while Robert Boyes ant commander, presented Mrs mtth with a "citation for her plcndid work fpr British war. Bllcf. Past Commander Barrett 'as the Installing officer. Those 'ho were inducted that day 'ere: Mrs. F. Barrett, president; Ara. Robert Main, secretary reasurer, and Mrs. Nancy Orrrgeant-at-arms.


BOX SOCIAL PARTY Member* of the Shoestring

trip Improvement Association ill sponsor a box social and ance Saturday evening, May 23,

Steel Workers' ball, 1626 ravens ave. Proceeds will be sed for the Shoestring Strip irst Aid station.' No adniLsslou will be charged

: the door but th»; box lunches ill be auctioned for nominal

uths. At 0 o'clock a prize (lof best decorated box will' be

warded. Coffee will be1 nerved evening without charge. At o'clock a handsome1 door prize

IU be drawn. Lading are re- uested to w«ar slacks or glng- am divasc'H and the men wear Kfrt clothing.


Mr. and Mru. T. M. Wheat id son Kenny ura new resi- nts at 2408 Sonoma ave. He a Metropolitan I n s u r a n cy

ompaiiy representative In this ,triot.

Photo by H«l» * Hal*.MR. AND MRS. FREDERICK T. GAHWQLF w«n united

at High Matt at the Catholic Church of the Nativity last Sunday morning. She is tbe fanner Mary Anne Nady, elauahtti of Me. and Mrs. John M. Nady of 710 Madrid «ve. More than 400 attended the*

ceremony which was dlsttn- ulshed by the excellent choral inging aud solos. Rev. Father Co J. Baucr officiated. The bride was lovely In Ivory

slipper satin, fashioned with sweetheart neckline, long sleeves

nd (rain. Her finger-tip veil ascadcd from a pearl-beaded oronet and she, carried white

orchlda and a prayer book.Miss Mary Gahwolf, as maid

if honor, was attired in powder ihic sheer and her flowers were in arm bouquet of Talisman

roses. Mrs. Olga Noble of Los Angeles and Mrs. Gertie Gah-

ol(| bridesmaids, also wore owder blue sheer gowns fash- mod alike wrth mist blue tulle inger-Mp veils, like that of the laid of honor.1 Their flowers

were pale pink carantions. Lit­ re Caroline Birnbaumer, In a ainty blue frock, was flower

girl.John Nady attended the bride-'

room as best man and his ther attendants were Tony

Nady, U.S.N., and Larry Otto. During the High Mas?, Jack

[ertcrt, baritone of Los An­ cles, sang. Gounod's Ave Maria nd other solos, accompanied at he organ by Miss Mary ScaHcn.

A reception followed at the Iwme ' of the bride's parents 'here a beautifully - decorated our-tler cake was cut. Mrs. phn Mclntler and other family riends assisted. Mrs. Nady re- elved her guests In dusty pink 'Ith blue accessories, while Mrs. iahwolf wore a blue ensemble 'Ith white accessories.


SPONSOR DINNER ^ ham dumcr will bo served

y Lutheran ladies in the par ih hall at Sonoffta. and Acacia ves. next Thursday evening !ay, 28, Iron) 5 to 7 o,'clopk icjkets are 50 cents. Members ! the cpmmtttee arranging thi Inner arc Mmes. Norma An erson, Anna Carlson, Clara Con er, Anna Bay, Christine Erick on and Ruth' Leech. " ' -d -d -dEVSTONE WOMAN'S LUB TO PICNICAnnual picnic and reunion o]

ic Keystone Woman's Club wll held June 10 at Torrancc

ark. Press Chairman Mrs. E Row.i'11 said. Nowly-instalted

ffioers in charge will be Mrs Bthpr Hudson, president, assist d by Mesdames Betty Byuaru rst/ vice-president; George

second vice-president; g/ies Sexton, corresponding ccretary; ?. W. Jennings, re irdlug secretary; Enxma Chris

treasurer, and. Kathryn X«*enberry, auditor.


1RTY TONIGHT H.o s t e s s c s fpr this week's*(hollc card party are Mrs. L

gcnjth and her committee, njes. Bray, Probert, Carlln,

Leonard O. Jarrott, 20, of Re- dondo Beach, an.d Vtala M. Lip- pert, 19, of Box 543, Torrance.


One of the lovely affairs of the week was a tea last Thurs­ day afternoon at St. Andrew's Guild hall, sponsored by mem­ bers of Girl Scout Troop No. 4, their leaders and committee members. Quests, numbering more than 70, were members of all Girl Scout and Brownie troopa in the city and their leaders.

Spring flowers decorated the lace-covered tea table at which Jane Scotton and Beverly Hop- kins poured. Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler spoke briefly and pre­ sented Captain W. W. West of the fire department who demon­ strated bandaging and the use of tourniquets

The program was concluded by salute to the flag and the respective promises by Girl SoouU and Brownies. Co-hos­ tesses for the affair were Mrs. Fred Quaggln and her assistant leader, Mrs. Sidney R. Hopklns.


Members of Central Evangeli­ cal QwUd enjoyed a gala day at their Guild hall last Wedaes- day. Aa Informal luncheon was served, at tables decorated with Ceclle Bruncr roses and honor- Ing the president, Mrs. S. M. Johnston. on her birthday, a beautifully-decorated cake was cut. She was also presented with a handsome crystal gift,

Mrs, P. G. Brlpey of 3*n Pedro, was Installing officer. Serving with Mrs- Johnston. who was re-elected (or the ensuing term, are Mmes. H. A. Lpck. W. H. Haslanv W. J. Neetand* T. A- MltohcU and R. J. Detain- ger . Hostesses for the luncheon meeting were Mr*. J. 8. Lan­ caster and Mrs. Fred Speheger.

Mrs. Johnston will open her home at 1404 Engracla ave., Wednesday afternoon, May 27, beginning at 2 o'clock, for a silver tea as a. benefit tot the Guild. Everyone la cordially In-

-vltwt* * *

ARIZONA VISITORMrs-. Harvey Whitehlll of Gal-

tup, N. M., was a weekend visi­ tor at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. George Eillngson, 1719 Martina av«.

Takes Queen's Throne

:hmldt efyc

Leppe and Webb. Is cordially Invited.

ables of contract and auction Id^e, pinochle and 500 will be

play. The first door prize II be drawn promptly at 8

clpcli arid card Play will follow imcdiatcly.

(UCBUATK ANN1VKUMAUYMr. and Mrs. N. Zupparde lebrnted their .vecond weddingnlv ary re when theytertained Mr. and Mrs. L. C.

ooper at Knolls' Bviry Furm.

MISS MARQAR5T MOST v«l« t< mtVM « kpnoj** que.en of Job's Oauohtea TO/MUM* VdW Me. 50. tomorrow

Mty 22. She It the tVHiQbtei of Mr. one! Mn. Mort of 1221 Coi.4 «r«. «nd ittnUnt at Tetrwic*

The open lnstaUa,tlpn. cere­

al the Torrance Woman's cHjb- hpusc. Mlts Lol.s Jay.no AUen

. fti. addition to MWs Mort, thp elective officers are Marilyn Moyer, senior princess; Beyerly Whitney, Junior princess; EnJ.d

aqd Pat WWtncy, Dancing will follQW


the ceremonies. At, (he meeting Tues­

day evening at C. E. Guild ball Past-boaored Queen ShirlcyGut- tenfeld.es wasi escorted, to the cost, a«d givoo Bethel hotwrs, while Mrs. Sara, Murray, a. mertv- ber of honor., wejs presented, and Mrs. Blandford Mo.yer. guardl&p, rQceJyed. B^ethel honors.

The dance held at the club­ house last Friday, evening was. an outstanding success, accord­ ing to the Bethel reporter.

Miss Lois Jayne AMcn, retir­ ing honored queen, was bonorcc


Members of the "Think of Others" Club honored Mrs. Vanoo, one' of their co-workers, recently at a birthday party leld at San Pedro. The club meets here each Wednesday rom 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. at Recreation halt, where the ladles spend their time quilting and sewing for others.

at a/i attractively appointed sur­ prise party arranged last Wednesday evening by Miss Margaret Mort, Ingoing honored queen. More than 20 Job's Daughters attended the party which was gtveo In the rumpu.i ropnj of the J. E. Miller honjc. Games, music and; dancing were the evening's, diversion and re- fres.hmcnts were served at a late hour. Miss Alien was prp- sented, wlt,h many lovely gifts frond the group.


Too ttjuiuajl meetUig of, Tgr- ra.oce Branch Aw«clc*n Red

nlng, May 25, at I:.30. o'clock.

ave. ElccUotk at officers and other Unportant business will be transacted,


Represenjtlog; Tor.rance H\ Kh Sphflol P.T.A. at the District convention at Long Beach thb week wore Men. W. H. Rojo, Jr., president, and Mines. William Jollcy, W. C. Moyor, W. H. Tol- son, J. W. Post, C. B. Woodcock, Frank Paour, Jr., Fred Quaggln and George Flscher.

* * *Pivtildent John (julncy Adams

ono« taught rhetoric at Har- urd.