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Tahir Riaz Malik _ Resume

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8102019 Tahir Riaz Malik _ Resume

httpslidepdfcomreaderfulltahir-riaz-malik-resume 14


983122983141983155983152983141983139983156983141983140 983123983145983154

983113 983137983149 983159983154983145983156983145983150983143 983156983151 983141983160983152983154983141983155983155 983149983161 983147983141983141983150 983145983150983156983141983154983141983155983156 983145983150 983159983151983154983147983145983150983143 983137983155 983122A983118 983120983148983137983150983150983145983150983143 amp 983119983152983156983145983149983145983162983137983156983145983151983150 983109983150983143983145983150983141983141983154 983137983156 983161983151983157983154

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983124983137983144983145983154 983122983145983137983162

8102019 Tahir Riaz Malik _ Resume

httpslidepdfcomreaderfulltahir-riaz-malik-resume 24

Tahir Riaz MalikAddress Uptown Midrif Dubai

Email triazmalikgmailcom Cell 00971562872811LinkedIn httpwwwlinkedincompubtahir-riaz-malik39213796


Currently working as 3G4G IBS Consultant in Etisalat UAE Prior to that have worked for Telenor Norway I have experience on Live LTE UMTS Networks which includes LTE2600 (20 MHz) LTE1800 (10 MHz) UMTS900 UMTS2100 and LTE800 (10 MHz) deployment This particular project includes 5000 sitestech upgrades planning optimization process making drive test and verification

Previously I was working on NSN 2G networks planning optimization NSN ultra to flexi swap Indoorplanning and prelaunch cluster drive test optimization Worked with 3 large-scale vendors Huawei NSNEricsson and have been very strong in the Radio Network Features and Parameters of thesePlatforms Cultivated in planning and Performance management tools

3G4G IBS Consultant Etisalat UAE (July 2014-date)

3G Rollout Project Specialist Telenor Pakistan (June-July 2014)

- Leading 3G Rollout Planning and Optimization in Central Region Telenor Pakistan

Radio Consultant Telenor Norway (April 2012 to May 2014)

4G Coverage Rollout

LTE Rollout Planning and Verification

- Plan more than 250 Sites for 4G Coverage for LTE1800LTE2600LTE800- Involved in LTE1800 launch and guidelines making process- Part of new Huawei LAMP site trial with smart RRUrsquos for LTEUMTSWifi (Pico Solutions)- Plan 3GLTE for Indoor sites including Telenor Arena (Fornebu Football Stadium) MIMO for IBS test case for

indoor coverage with vendor on IBwave planned IBS in Oslo Gardemon Airport New terminals planned new

indoors in Barcode Commercial Town Area- RNP design and reports creations co-ordination with site acqimplementation and strategy teams- Atoll coverage analysis for CS Fall BackRSRPRSRQ and throughput analysis- Project includes LTE1800LTE800UMTS2100LTE2600 installations and carrier extensions- Involves antennas installation hardware implementation PCIRSI Cabinet solution BBU design Neighbours CS

Fall backs and Radio Plans creations- Used NastarM2000PR Proptima Actix and Tems - Drive test counters neighbour audits and KPI verifications of planned sites once come on air

LTE800 Launching - Initial Propagation model tuning of LTE800 Models and part of pilot project- Project includes LTE800 RS power setting coverage threshold settings Initial Propagation models analysis

Indoor coverage benchmarking CS fallback analysis tilt adjustment and Log files analysis- Verification of neighbors power parameters drive test CS Fall Back and KPIrsquos for new cells

Ericsson NSN to Huawei Swap - Involved in swap later stage for Telenor Norway Swap for 7000 Sites

Project includes cluster acceptance KPI benchmarking and acceptance

LTE 1800800 Post Optimization

bull Routine Optimization work to improve main KPIs like RRC Success Rate ERAB Success Rate ERAB DropRate amp UL DL Throughput etc for the LTE TDD amp FDD Networks with the help of tools like M2000 PRS FMAetc

bull Cluster Optimization to improve Coverage SINR amp UL amp DL TPTProposing and carrying out Trials to enhanceEnd user perception by carrying out parametric optimization amp trials including UL Power Control optimization TMMode optimization including Beam Forming Handover and Re-direction optimization including A3 A2 amp A1 etc

8102019 Tahir Riaz Malik _ Resume

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bull Trials for various features like CQI Adjustment Active Queue Management (AQM) Static ICIC and QCI basedDRX user profile differentiation using QCI Frequency Selective Scheduling (FSS) etcWorking with various MIMO technologies like 2T2R 2T4R 4T4R deployed during different deployment phasesof the network

UMTS Nationwide Coverage Project

UMTS 9002100 Radio Planning for South West Norway (Bergen amp Stavanger Area)

- Plan around 400 UMTS9002100 Sites for coverage and capacity- Part of team swapped and planned 3000 UMTS900 sites- Project include indoor upgrades and repeaters adjustments feedback- Project involves GSM split removal new antennas selection repeaterstunnel adjustment cards placement

Coverage and throughput analysis Huawei Parameter planning Scrambling code and neighbour planning

UMTS9002100 Radio Optimization and Verification

- 3GHSDPA Site verification including CSAMR PS and Video Call and PS amp HSDPA throughput testsParameter tuning for Various Scenarios including CellAdjacencyLoad Balancing and ISHO Parameters

- HSDPA 144 implementationparameter settings amp optimize HS RRC amp RAB Success rate Call Drop Rate HS-HSSHO success rate HS-DCH amp DCH-HS transition success KPIs

- Suggesting actions for congested cells having Power congestion Code Congestion CE amp IuB congestion andsuggest best action after complete analysis and resource availability either to expand resourcesnew site orthrough parameter tuning to relief congestion

- Planned drive test post-process DT logs using TEMS 14Actix and analysed drops blocks low throughputarea IRAT failures pilot pollution and layer 3 messages


RAN Planning amp Optimization Specialist Telenor Pakistan (March 2007 to April 2012)

3G RFQ Working

- Initial working for 3G Hardware and Capacity calculation- Coverage tool analysis and Propagation Model tuning

- Sample UMTS coverage testing on prediction tool- Make guidelines for 3G Rollout planning Frequency Planning 3G Pre-Launch optimizations practical cases

(includes coverage(RSCP) issues overshooting pilots scrambling code tuning Active set count Pilot pollutionCall dropsHSDPA Call drop analysis IRAT handovers issues) 3G Post-Launch optimization includes(KPIMonitoring Generic parameters for 3GSoftSofter handover analysis Hard changes recommendations

2G Swap Major Project

- KPI MappingParameter Mapping (Siemens to Nokia)- Was Part of Major City KPI Improvement which includes HO margin Qual PC window adjustments Intracellular

HO adjustments HO threshold adjustments- Siemens to Nokia Swap Project (1600 Sites )

bull Responsible for Acceptance of Swapped Siemens to Nokia Flexi Clusters PAT (Partial Acceptance on Cluster Level) meet or beat CS KPIs ie DCRHOSRCSSRSD-BlockingTCH-BlockingSDRMPD on cluster level

2G Post Optimization

- Senior Radio Optimization Specialist looking after 300 sites and 5 Nokia BSCrsquos- Responsible for Network Optimization and Performance analysis of Dual Band Network

- This Includes identification of issues such as Interference Overshoots Call Drop Block Call Congestion HO Failure MissingNeighbor TCH Blocking SDCCH Blocking Cell barring Cell Dragging Faulty Hardware etc through Drive Test and OMCStatistics Troubleshooting Recommendations for rectification of issues Auditing neighbours tuning frequencies variouschanges to TRXCellBSC Level Parameters physical redesign recommendations in order to improve the performance of thecluster (new site plus the first tier neighbours)

- Riggers and drive testers handling for site auditsdrive testscustomer complaints

- Parameter fine tuning for HOCPOCADJCBTS (S11S12S14RG10)

8102019 Tahir Riaz Malik _ Resume

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- Rollout Planning

bull Technical Site Surveys (Have involved in planning more than 500 Rollout sites-till 2009)

bull Nominal creation for coverage capacity and quality sites

bull Equipment ordering for Rollout sites

bull Co-ordination with Civil WorksImplementation teams for Rollout progress bull Managing TSS engineers input for final site designsbull Planning MCPA for traffic balancing and for coverage requirements

bull Tracking updating databases for Rollout progress


Cell on wheels planning for events(Raiwind Ijtemah Telenor Mayday) for 1 million peoplegathering includes capacity dimensioning sector creations and parameter settings

- IBS Planning

- Performed RF surveys and prepared technical design proposal including antenna locations cable routingschematic drawings link budget and BOQ calculation for IBSDAS sites

- Path loss calculation at each indoor antenna using modified Keenan-Motley propagation model- Indoor path loss benchmarking using CW transmitter (BVS Tortoise) at different building locations- Mixed solutions for indoor which includes provision of DAS and Outdoor macro from single BTS- Active IBS solution planning ( Have planned two active IBSrsquos in Lahore having 250 antennas each)

- Frequency PlanningAsset

- BCCHBSICHSN planning Neighborsrsquo creationdeletion including IRAT- Co-ordination with BSS teams for Abis plansIP link plans- Frequency retunes at city levels and Removal of FrequencyBSIC clashes- Frequency planningneighbor planning through ILSA and neighbor wizard

- Aircom Asset Propagation Model Tuning

- Model tuning of okumura Hata Model (Lead the project for model tuning for Dense urbanSuburbanclutters with standard deviation 59 and 71 respectively)

- Drive Test Analysis

bull Drive test of BSCsRNCs in idlededicatedscannedpacket modebull New integrated sites detailed testing (Trxmaio Handovers packet shortlong call RAB testing)

bull Analyzing drive test data in Tems Investigation Actix Classic

bull Field testing of major cities to benchmark time for - call setup PDP context activationdeactivation SMSsetup IRATSoft Handover and Location update

bull TraceInternal server testing for packet data testing

Academic Qualification Bachelors Engineering ndash Electronics amp Telecommunication (2003 ndash 2007) 83 scoreUniversity of Engineering and Technology PeshawarMasters- Telecom Engineering Uet Lahore (Freezed)

Personal Info Name Tahir RiazDate of Birth 01-01-1986Nationality PakistaniStatus Single


Sheraz Suleman Senior LTE RNO Huawei Norway 0047 92667571

Zohaib Khan LTE Consultant Etisalat00971 501921887

Usman Shahbaz Regional Manager Telenor Pakistan 0092 3454001291

8102019 Tahir Riaz Malik _ Resume

httpslidepdfcomreaderfulltahir-riaz-malik-resume 24

Tahir Riaz MalikAddress Uptown Midrif Dubai

Email triazmalikgmailcom Cell 00971562872811LinkedIn httpwwwlinkedincompubtahir-riaz-malik39213796


Currently working as 3G4G IBS Consultant in Etisalat UAE Prior to that have worked for Telenor Norway I have experience on Live LTE UMTS Networks which includes LTE2600 (20 MHz) LTE1800 (10 MHz) UMTS900 UMTS2100 and LTE800 (10 MHz) deployment This particular project includes 5000 sitestech upgrades planning optimization process making drive test and verification

Previously I was working on NSN 2G networks planning optimization NSN ultra to flexi swap Indoorplanning and prelaunch cluster drive test optimization Worked with 3 large-scale vendors Huawei NSNEricsson and have been very strong in the Radio Network Features and Parameters of thesePlatforms Cultivated in planning and Performance management tools

3G4G IBS Consultant Etisalat UAE (July 2014-date)

3G Rollout Project Specialist Telenor Pakistan (June-July 2014)

- Leading 3G Rollout Planning and Optimization in Central Region Telenor Pakistan

Radio Consultant Telenor Norway (April 2012 to May 2014)

4G Coverage Rollout

LTE Rollout Planning and Verification

- Plan more than 250 Sites for 4G Coverage for LTE1800LTE2600LTE800- Involved in LTE1800 launch and guidelines making process- Part of new Huawei LAMP site trial with smart RRUrsquos for LTEUMTSWifi (Pico Solutions)- Plan 3GLTE for Indoor sites including Telenor Arena (Fornebu Football Stadium) MIMO for IBS test case for

indoor coverage with vendor on IBwave planned IBS in Oslo Gardemon Airport New terminals planned new

indoors in Barcode Commercial Town Area- RNP design and reports creations co-ordination with site acqimplementation and strategy teams- Atoll coverage analysis for CS Fall BackRSRPRSRQ and throughput analysis- Project includes LTE1800LTE800UMTS2100LTE2600 installations and carrier extensions- Involves antennas installation hardware implementation PCIRSI Cabinet solution BBU design Neighbours CS

Fall backs and Radio Plans creations- Used NastarM2000PR Proptima Actix and Tems - Drive test counters neighbour audits and KPI verifications of planned sites once come on air

LTE800 Launching - Initial Propagation model tuning of LTE800 Models and part of pilot project- Project includes LTE800 RS power setting coverage threshold settings Initial Propagation models analysis

Indoor coverage benchmarking CS fallback analysis tilt adjustment and Log files analysis- Verification of neighbors power parameters drive test CS Fall Back and KPIrsquos for new cells

Ericsson NSN to Huawei Swap - Involved in swap later stage for Telenor Norway Swap for 7000 Sites

Project includes cluster acceptance KPI benchmarking and acceptance

LTE 1800800 Post Optimization

bull Routine Optimization work to improve main KPIs like RRC Success Rate ERAB Success Rate ERAB DropRate amp UL DL Throughput etc for the LTE TDD amp FDD Networks with the help of tools like M2000 PRS FMAetc

bull Cluster Optimization to improve Coverage SINR amp UL amp DL TPTProposing and carrying out Trials to enhanceEnd user perception by carrying out parametric optimization amp trials including UL Power Control optimization TMMode optimization including Beam Forming Handover and Re-direction optimization including A3 A2 amp A1 etc

8102019 Tahir Riaz Malik _ Resume

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bull Trials for various features like CQI Adjustment Active Queue Management (AQM) Static ICIC and QCI basedDRX user profile differentiation using QCI Frequency Selective Scheduling (FSS) etcWorking with various MIMO technologies like 2T2R 2T4R 4T4R deployed during different deployment phasesof the network

UMTS Nationwide Coverage Project

UMTS 9002100 Radio Planning for South West Norway (Bergen amp Stavanger Area)

- Plan around 400 UMTS9002100 Sites for coverage and capacity- Part of team swapped and planned 3000 UMTS900 sites- Project include indoor upgrades and repeaters adjustments feedback- Project involves GSM split removal new antennas selection repeaterstunnel adjustment cards placement

Coverage and throughput analysis Huawei Parameter planning Scrambling code and neighbour planning

UMTS9002100 Radio Optimization and Verification

- 3GHSDPA Site verification including CSAMR PS and Video Call and PS amp HSDPA throughput testsParameter tuning for Various Scenarios including CellAdjacencyLoad Balancing and ISHO Parameters

- HSDPA 144 implementationparameter settings amp optimize HS RRC amp RAB Success rate Call Drop Rate HS-HSSHO success rate HS-DCH amp DCH-HS transition success KPIs

- Suggesting actions for congested cells having Power congestion Code Congestion CE amp IuB congestion andsuggest best action after complete analysis and resource availability either to expand resourcesnew site orthrough parameter tuning to relief congestion

- Planned drive test post-process DT logs using TEMS 14Actix and analysed drops blocks low throughputarea IRAT failures pilot pollution and layer 3 messages


RAN Planning amp Optimization Specialist Telenor Pakistan (March 2007 to April 2012)

3G RFQ Working

- Initial working for 3G Hardware and Capacity calculation- Coverage tool analysis and Propagation Model tuning

- Sample UMTS coverage testing on prediction tool- Make guidelines for 3G Rollout planning Frequency Planning 3G Pre-Launch optimizations practical cases

(includes coverage(RSCP) issues overshooting pilots scrambling code tuning Active set count Pilot pollutionCall dropsHSDPA Call drop analysis IRAT handovers issues) 3G Post-Launch optimization includes(KPIMonitoring Generic parameters for 3GSoftSofter handover analysis Hard changes recommendations

2G Swap Major Project

- KPI MappingParameter Mapping (Siemens to Nokia)- Was Part of Major City KPI Improvement which includes HO margin Qual PC window adjustments Intracellular

HO adjustments HO threshold adjustments- Siemens to Nokia Swap Project (1600 Sites )

bull Responsible for Acceptance of Swapped Siemens to Nokia Flexi Clusters PAT (Partial Acceptance on Cluster Level) meet or beat CS KPIs ie DCRHOSRCSSRSD-BlockingTCH-BlockingSDRMPD on cluster level

2G Post Optimization

- Senior Radio Optimization Specialist looking after 300 sites and 5 Nokia BSCrsquos- Responsible for Network Optimization and Performance analysis of Dual Band Network

- This Includes identification of issues such as Interference Overshoots Call Drop Block Call Congestion HO Failure MissingNeighbor TCH Blocking SDCCH Blocking Cell barring Cell Dragging Faulty Hardware etc through Drive Test and OMCStatistics Troubleshooting Recommendations for rectification of issues Auditing neighbours tuning frequencies variouschanges to TRXCellBSC Level Parameters physical redesign recommendations in order to improve the performance of thecluster (new site plus the first tier neighbours)

- Riggers and drive testers handling for site auditsdrive testscustomer complaints

- Parameter fine tuning for HOCPOCADJCBTS (S11S12S14RG10)

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- Rollout Planning

bull Technical Site Surveys (Have involved in planning more than 500 Rollout sites-till 2009)

bull Nominal creation for coverage capacity and quality sites

bull Equipment ordering for Rollout sites

bull Co-ordination with Civil WorksImplementation teams for Rollout progress bull Managing TSS engineers input for final site designsbull Planning MCPA for traffic balancing and for coverage requirements

bull Tracking updating databases for Rollout progress


Cell on wheels planning for events(Raiwind Ijtemah Telenor Mayday) for 1 million peoplegathering includes capacity dimensioning sector creations and parameter settings

- IBS Planning

- Performed RF surveys and prepared technical design proposal including antenna locations cable routingschematic drawings link budget and BOQ calculation for IBSDAS sites

- Path loss calculation at each indoor antenna using modified Keenan-Motley propagation model- Indoor path loss benchmarking using CW transmitter (BVS Tortoise) at different building locations- Mixed solutions for indoor which includes provision of DAS and Outdoor macro from single BTS- Active IBS solution planning ( Have planned two active IBSrsquos in Lahore having 250 antennas each)

- Frequency PlanningAsset

- BCCHBSICHSN planning Neighborsrsquo creationdeletion including IRAT- Co-ordination with BSS teams for Abis plansIP link plans- Frequency retunes at city levels and Removal of FrequencyBSIC clashes- Frequency planningneighbor planning through ILSA and neighbor wizard

- Aircom Asset Propagation Model Tuning

- Model tuning of okumura Hata Model (Lead the project for model tuning for Dense urbanSuburbanclutters with standard deviation 59 and 71 respectively)

- Drive Test Analysis

bull Drive test of BSCsRNCs in idlededicatedscannedpacket modebull New integrated sites detailed testing (Trxmaio Handovers packet shortlong call RAB testing)

bull Analyzing drive test data in Tems Investigation Actix Classic

bull Field testing of major cities to benchmark time for - call setup PDP context activationdeactivation SMSsetup IRATSoft Handover and Location update

bull TraceInternal server testing for packet data testing

Academic Qualification Bachelors Engineering ndash Electronics amp Telecommunication (2003 ndash 2007) 83 scoreUniversity of Engineering and Technology PeshawarMasters- Telecom Engineering Uet Lahore (Freezed)

Personal Info Name Tahir RiazDate of Birth 01-01-1986Nationality PakistaniStatus Single


Sheraz Suleman Senior LTE RNO Huawei Norway 0047 92667571

Zohaib Khan LTE Consultant Etisalat00971 501921887

Usman Shahbaz Regional Manager Telenor Pakistan 0092 3454001291

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bull Trials for various features like CQI Adjustment Active Queue Management (AQM) Static ICIC and QCI basedDRX user profile differentiation using QCI Frequency Selective Scheduling (FSS) etcWorking with various MIMO technologies like 2T2R 2T4R 4T4R deployed during different deployment phasesof the network

UMTS Nationwide Coverage Project

UMTS 9002100 Radio Planning for South West Norway (Bergen amp Stavanger Area)

- Plan around 400 UMTS9002100 Sites for coverage and capacity- Part of team swapped and planned 3000 UMTS900 sites- Project include indoor upgrades and repeaters adjustments feedback- Project involves GSM split removal new antennas selection repeaterstunnel adjustment cards placement

Coverage and throughput analysis Huawei Parameter planning Scrambling code and neighbour planning

UMTS9002100 Radio Optimization and Verification

- 3GHSDPA Site verification including CSAMR PS and Video Call and PS amp HSDPA throughput testsParameter tuning for Various Scenarios including CellAdjacencyLoad Balancing and ISHO Parameters

- HSDPA 144 implementationparameter settings amp optimize HS RRC amp RAB Success rate Call Drop Rate HS-HSSHO success rate HS-DCH amp DCH-HS transition success KPIs

- Suggesting actions for congested cells having Power congestion Code Congestion CE amp IuB congestion andsuggest best action after complete analysis and resource availability either to expand resourcesnew site orthrough parameter tuning to relief congestion

- Planned drive test post-process DT logs using TEMS 14Actix and analysed drops blocks low throughputarea IRAT failures pilot pollution and layer 3 messages


RAN Planning amp Optimization Specialist Telenor Pakistan (March 2007 to April 2012)

3G RFQ Working

- Initial working for 3G Hardware and Capacity calculation- Coverage tool analysis and Propagation Model tuning

- Sample UMTS coverage testing on prediction tool- Make guidelines for 3G Rollout planning Frequency Planning 3G Pre-Launch optimizations practical cases

(includes coverage(RSCP) issues overshooting pilots scrambling code tuning Active set count Pilot pollutionCall dropsHSDPA Call drop analysis IRAT handovers issues) 3G Post-Launch optimization includes(KPIMonitoring Generic parameters for 3GSoftSofter handover analysis Hard changes recommendations

2G Swap Major Project

- KPI MappingParameter Mapping (Siemens to Nokia)- Was Part of Major City KPI Improvement which includes HO margin Qual PC window adjustments Intracellular

HO adjustments HO threshold adjustments- Siemens to Nokia Swap Project (1600 Sites )

bull Responsible for Acceptance of Swapped Siemens to Nokia Flexi Clusters PAT (Partial Acceptance on Cluster Level) meet or beat CS KPIs ie DCRHOSRCSSRSD-BlockingTCH-BlockingSDRMPD on cluster level

2G Post Optimization

- Senior Radio Optimization Specialist looking after 300 sites and 5 Nokia BSCrsquos- Responsible for Network Optimization and Performance analysis of Dual Band Network

- This Includes identification of issues such as Interference Overshoots Call Drop Block Call Congestion HO Failure MissingNeighbor TCH Blocking SDCCH Blocking Cell barring Cell Dragging Faulty Hardware etc through Drive Test and OMCStatistics Troubleshooting Recommendations for rectification of issues Auditing neighbours tuning frequencies variouschanges to TRXCellBSC Level Parameters physical redesign recommendations in order to improve the performance of thecluster (new site plus the first tier neighbours)

- Riggers and drive testers handling for site auditsdrive testscustomer complaints

- Parameter fine tuning for HOCPOCADJCBTS (S11S12S14RG10)

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- Rollout Planning

bull Technical Site Surveys (Have involved in planning more than 500 Rollout sites-till 2009)

bull Nominal creation for coverage capacity and quality sites

bull Equipment ordering for Rollout sites

bull Co-ordination with Civil WorksImplementation teams for Rollout progress bull Managing TSS engineers input for final site designsbull Planning MCPA for traffic balancing and for coverage requirements

bull Tracking updating databases for Rollout progress


Cell on wheels planning for events(Raiwind Ijtemah Telenor Mayday) for 1 million peoplegathering includes capacity dimensioning sector creations and parameter settings

- IBS Planning

- Performed RF surveys and prepared technical design proposal including antenna locations cable routingschematic drawings link budget and BOQ calculation for IBSDAS sites

- Path loss calculation at each indoor antenna using modified Keenan-Motley propagation model- Indoor path loss benchmarking using CW transmitter (BVS Tortoise) at different building locations- Mixed solutions for indoor which includes provision of DAS and Outdoor macro from single BTS- Active IBS solution planning ( Have planned two active IBSrsquos in Lahore having 250 antennas each)

- Frequency PlanningAsset

- BCCHBSICHSN planning Neighborsrsquo creationdeletion including IRAT- Co-ordination with BSS teams for Abis plansIP link plans- Frequency retunes at city levels and Removal of FrequencyBSIC clashes- Frequency planningneighbor planning through ILSA and neighbor wizard

- Aircom Asset Propagation Model Tuning

- Model tuning of okumura Hata Model (Lead the project for model tuning for Dense urbanSuburbanclutters with standard deviation 59 and 71 respectively)

- Drive Test Analysis

bull Drive test of BSCsRNCs in idlededicatedscannedpacket modebull New integrated sites detailed testing (Trxmaio Handovers packet shortlong call RAB testing)

bull Analyzing drive test data in Tems Investigation Actix Classic

bull Field testing of major cities to benchmark time for - call setup PDP context activationdeactivation SMSsetup IRATSoft Handover and Location update

bull TraceInternal server testing for packet data testing

Academic Qualification Bachelors Engineering ndash Electronics amp Telecommunication (2003 ndash 2007) 83 scoreUniversity of Engineering and Technology PeshawarMasters- Telecom Engineering Uet Lahore (Freezed)

Personal Info Name Tahir RiazDate of Birth 01-01-1986Nationality PakistaniStatus Single


Sheraz Suleman Senior LTE RNO Huawei Norway 0047 92667571

Zohaib Khan LTE Consultant Etisalat00971 501921887

Usman Shahbaz Regional Manager Telenor Pakistan 0092 3454001291

8102019 Tahir Riaz Malik _ Resume

httpslidepdfcomreaderfulltahir-riaz-malik-resume 44

- Rollout Planning

bull Technical Site Surveys (Have involved in planning more than 500 Rollout sites-till 2009)

bull Nominal creation for coverage capacity and quality sites

bull Equipment ordering for Rollout sites

bull Co-ordination with Civil WorksImplementation teams for Rollout progress bull Managing TSS engineers input for final site designsbull Planning MCPA for traffic balancing and for coverage requirements

bull Tracking updating databases for Rollout progress


Cell on wheels planning for events(Raiwind Ijtemah Telenor Mayday) for 1 million peoplegathering includes capacity dimensioning sector creations and parameter settings

- IBS Planning

- Performed RF surveys and prepared technical design proposal including antenna locations cable routingschematic drawings link budget and BOQ calculation for IBSDAS sites

- Path loss calculation at each indoor antenna using modified Keenan-Motley propagation model- Indoor path loss benchmarking using CW transmitter (BVS Tortoise) at different building locations- Mixed solutions for indoor which includes provision of DAS and Outdoor macro from single BTS- Active IBS solution planning ( Have planned two active IBSrsquos in Lahore having 250 antennas each)

- Frequency PlanningAsset

- BCCHBSICHSN planning Neighborsrsquo creationdeletion including IRAT- Co-ordination with BSS teams for Abis plansIP link plans- Frequency retunes at city levels and Removal of FrequencyBSIC clashes- Frequency planningneighbor planning through ILSA and neighbor wizard

- Aircom Asset Propagation Model Tuning

- Model tuning of okumura Hata Model (Lead the project for model tuning for Dense urbanSuburbanclutters with standard deviation 59 and 71 respectively)

- Drive Test Analysis

bull Drive test of BSCsRNCs in idlededicatedscannedpacket modebull New integrated sites detailed testing (Trxmaio Handovers packet shortlong call RAB testing)

bull Analyzing drive test data in Tems Investigation Actix Classic

bull Field testing of major cities to benchmark time for - call setup PDP context activationdeactivation SMSsetup IRATSoft Handover and Location update

bull TraceInternal server testing for packet data testing

Academic Qualification Bachelors Engineering ndash Electronics amp Telecommunication (2003 ndash 2007) 83 scoreUniversity of Engineering and Technology PeshawarMasters- Telecom Engineering Uet Lahore (Freezed)

Personal Info Name Tahir RiazDate of Birth 01-01-1986Nationality PakistaniStatus Single


Sheraz Suleman Senior LTE RNO Huawei Norway 0047 92667571

Zohaib Khan LTE Consultant Etisalat00971 501921887

Usman Shahbaz Regional Manager Telenor Pakistan 0092 3454001291