What happens to Pioneers 300 years ago & why it was so Awesome by Shayla Troutner 1


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The real title is What happened to Pioneers 300 years ago & why it was so Awesome. This book is about pioneers life basically

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What happens to Pioneers 300 years ago & why it was so Awesome


by Shayla Troutner 

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Table of Contents

Intro……………………………………………………………………………………………pg3 Chapt1…………………………………………………………………………………………...pg4 Chapt2………………………………………………………………………………………pg5-7 Chapt3…………………………………………………………………………………………..pg8 Glossary………………………………………………………………………………………...pg9 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………....pg10

Author's Notes……………………………………………………………………………….pg11

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Have you ever heard of the Louisiana Purchase? In 1803, the Louisiana Territory was owned by Napoleon Bonaparte in France. Until Thomas Jefferson purchased it for $15 million, this purchase was known as the Louisiana Purchase! When Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Purchase it doubled the size of the U.S.A.

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Chapter 1 Lewis & Clark

With the new land purchased & unexplored, Thomas Jefferson then sent

Meriwether Lewis & William Clark to explore. Before they could began their journey, they asked a French trader named Charbonneau that if him & his native wife, Sacagawea to come & help them on their journey. They had agreed that they would come. May 14th, 1804 they set out on their journey with corps of discovery.

Lewis & Clark knew they would meet several Native Americans tribe & would be prepared, by giving out a peace speech & hand out gifts & trade with them to make peace. They were also prepared to be able to speak with them. Charbonneau would translate English to French & Sacagawea would translate French to Native American language. Nov, 1805 the group reached the pacific ocean. In Sept 23rd, 1806 they returned to where they started in Saint Louis.

People moving West

After Lewis & Clark returned, people began moving to the Western region. Many who believed in the idea of Manifest Destiny began moving their families west by wagon train. These pioneers fled towards the Rocky Mountains for four main reasons: to purchase the cheap lands, reclaim the lands that was offered for free, to find gold, or to trade.

The people who was traveling West started by following Native American trails while traveling in Conestoga wagons pulled by oxen. These people left in the spring so weather isn't so bad. Over 300,000 people went to the Oregon during this time. Also, during this time the California trail branched off of the Oregon trail because people were searching for gold.

“Climbing into the wagon beside them, with everything we possessed piled high behind us, we turned our faces toward the land of golden promise that lay far beyond the Rocky Mountains. Little idea had 1 of the hardship, the perils, the deprivation that awaited me.

-Lavinia, Honeyman Porter.

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Introduction for Chapter 2

“Whats a pioneer?” “A pioneer is basicly a farmer that lives off a homestead. Pioneers came to the West from other parts of the U.S.A.” “Where do pioneers specifically came from? Were there stores nearby? Was it ---” “Hold on! I will answer all those questions if you kindly, turn the page….

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Chapter 2

Over 300 years ago pioneers settled in the Western of the U.S.A. traveling by covered wagon, train, or boat. When they got to their destination they start building their house. If lucky, they may find trees to cut down & build a log cabin with logs, bark, & mud. If they find no trees, they may make their house out of grass & dirt. Or they could make a dugout. A dugout is a underground home. While making these homes, they may have bees a bee is a work party some people have a bee for knitting, or such as building a barn, homes, dugouts, or a log cabin.

When pioneers are done with building they start unpacking (clothes, food, furniture, etc.) when done unpacking the girls freshen up the house a bit while the men deal with the animals. Pioneer children were very helpful with farm work, cleaning & cooking back then. Speaking of “back then” they had two wars back then one with Mexico for Texas & the other with the Indians for more land.k America of course, won these two wars.

Did you know that pioneers made their own butter by using a churn? Well they did, they also their own soap, & candles! A Lot of stuff was handmade at that time. Aso another thing I need to share schools in the pioneer century were just a 1 room building! & all of the students ages 4-16 go to the same class together! I know so different from now!! Girls sat one side of the room & the boys sat on the other side of the room. As you know today people pay teachers with money well, in those days they paid teachers with food, clothing, & firewood. I know! So weird. Well that was what pioneer century is.

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Pioneers were clever & smart when it comes to surviving. I bet you're wondering HOW did they do it. like how did they kept food from spoiling or any other things? Well, i'll tell you, let”s start with food how do they kept food from spoiling by putting them in cool places such as the well. They would plop their food in the bucket & then lower it down in the well. Or they may put it in the cellar, or by drying, salting, preserving, or pickling it. That answers that question. But what about toothbrushes, lighting, or clothing? Well, i’ll answer the first one first. They used corncobs as toothbrushes (GASP!) I know shocking. Wait till you hear what they used as toothpaste…. it…… was……… SALT!!! I know “EW!!” but that’s all they had. & now lighting, candles nothing new. But, they made the candles that’s something NEW!! Another thing new…. oil lamps. Do you know what was oil lamps made of……….. SKUNK OIL!! I know, “Skunk” oil? Wow, you would not believe what they use to burn their stove, shure, they used wood & hay was not the best choice but, they used it anyways.Ok here it goes, dried up buffalo poop!! “BLAH” I know, they called it buffalo chips. They also used dried up cow poop also! Or what they called it cow chips. It was the children's job to collect it! You're probably thinking “whoa! that must of smelled up the place!” But, it didn’t. Infact, it actually smelled like grass. (Buffalo & cow eats grass.) Now clothes… of course you can buy it but they made it with fabric. But also they made clothes & curtains with….. flour sacks! They also made shoes by braiding straw! Shocking I know. buffalo chips Cow chips

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Chapter 3

When pioneers moved West it meant that they were going to an unknown place with dangerous things all around them. They were full of courage when they stepped on that prairie. That is why we remember the pioneers from this day & forward.

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Glossary Native Americans- Native Americans are people who had roamed the lands of the Louisiana Territory way longer than us. Tribes- Tribes are groups of Native Americans that live in the same village together. Louisiana Purchase- The Louisiana purchase is a piece of land that once belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte who sold the territory to the U.S.A. Manifest Destiny- Manifest Destiny is when some people believe in this i&I think it is their destiny to move west or do whatever.

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books Kamma Anne …..If you were a pioneer on the prairie NY Scholastic inc. C 2003 by Anne Kamma Levine, Ellen …... If you traveled in a covered wagon. Scholastic Kalman, Bobbie, pioneer life from A to Z. New York C 1998 CRABTREE publishing company Perritano, John. The Lewis & Clark Expedition. New York: Children's press, 2010 Missouri Studies Weekly-Week 13 “heading West.” American legacy publishing company, 2011

websites Scholastic 1804-1890 Westard Expansion Http://www.scholastic.com/teachdearamerica/westard.htm


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Author's Notes Chapter 1

● May 14th, 1804 left with corps of discovery ● Nov. 1805 reached pacific ● Sep. 23rd, 1806 returned to Saint Louis ● over 22million people moved West in the mid 1800s-1900 ● 1890: West was deemed officially explored ● 44 states ● Transcontinental RR & telegraph were essential in keeping large country together ● find a water route to pacific ocean ● keep a journal- map the geography of the land ● record the resources they discovered ---> 178 plant, 100+ animals ● Louisiana Purchase- 1803 from France ● Doubled the size of the U.S. ● Jefferson purchased for $15 million ● West of Mississippi

Chapter 2

● Pioneers travel by covered wagon, train, & boat ● Some pioneers built houses out of grass & dirt ● Some pioneers lived in dugouts ● Pioneers made log cabins out of logs, mud & tree bark ● Pioneer families keep journals to record thoughts & feelings & events that have happened ● Parents paid teachers food, clothing, & firewood ● Pioneers have bees. Bees were a work party ● Pioneers made their own butter by using a churn ● Pioneers were very fashionable ● Shivaree sometimes interrupts a wedding celebration. Young men in funny clothes made noise

with horns & bells & pots & pans ● 300 years ago settles covered the Western of U.S.A. ● Pioneer children are very helpful ● America went to war with Mexico for Texas ● Between 1850-1880 Americans had war with indians ● Babies slept in wooden boxes


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● Pioneers sometimes lived with bedbugs, fleas, & snakes ● Pioneers used buffalo poop to heat their house they called it buffalo chips ● It was the children's job to pick them up. ( they also used cow chips, corncobs, & hay ● Corncobs made handy toothbrushes with salt as toothpaste ● A bunch of prairie grass tied together made a broom ● Skunk oil was sometimes used for oil lamps ● Flour sacks were made into curtains & clothes ● A bucket of water was your mirror ● Wooden boxes became chairs & cupboards ● Buffalo bones were ground up & fed to the chickens ● Braided straw was used to make shoes ● Burned cornmeal and molasses made “coffee” ● One teacher who needed a globe for her students made one by painting the world on an egg ● Pioneers were afraid grasshoppers ● To make soap you put scrape of animal fat into a big pot. Then added lye. Which is water

dripped through animal ashes. After boiling you have soft soap ● Pioneers kept food from spoiling by putting them in the well and the cellar ● Pioneers made food last longer by drying, salting, preserving, or prickling it. ● Women and girls weren’t supposed to wear pants ● Most pioneers weared boots ● Pioneers got water from rivers