Tableau Server in the Enterprise

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  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Implementing Tableau Server in an

    Enterprise Environment

     Andrew Beers and Jeff Solomon

    Tableau Software

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    From workgroup…

    In the beginning a !roduct for wor"grou!s

    # $ollaboration aid for teams wor"ing with data

    # %as& !ublish ' share wor"flow

    # %ase of de!lo&ment

    # Something a business user can maintain

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    …to enterprise

    %nter!rise(class features added

    # Integration and automation

    # Scalabilit&

    # )anaging data

    # Scheduling

    #  Anal&sis * monitoring

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Related talks

    +,nderstanding and Im!roving Server -erformance (Thu 9:45am)

    +)a"ing An& /ata ast Ti!s1 Tric"s %3tracts (Wed 3:15pm)

    +%3tracts ast /ata to 4o (Thu 11:00am)

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

     Tableau Server Primer

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

     Tableau Server Primer

    -ublish a Tableau 5or"boo"6

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    7/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

     Tableau Server Primer

    6to a Tableau Server instance for Sharing.

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    8/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

     Tableau Server Primer

    5eb(based interaction with Tableau views.

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    9/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

     Tableau Server Primer

    $ollaborate through discussions1 tags1 and customi7ations.

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    10/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

     Tableau Server Primer

    $ontrol access and interactive ca!abilities

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    11/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Integration and Automation

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    12/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


    #8ocal authentication

    # %asiest manage users1 !asswords1 grou!s in Server 

    # :o integration

    # 5e can automate management of this somewhat

    # Active /irector&

    # Sim!le configuration

    # Browser auto(login

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    13/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Multiple domain support

    8arge organi7ations ma& have multi!le A/ domains

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

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    Multidomain support

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    15/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Multidomain support

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    16/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Multidomain support

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

    17/46 All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Embedding into other applications

    %as& to !lace a Tableau view into other web a!!lications

    # Share-oint web !art

    # %as& ;T)8 code to embed elsewhere

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


    :ew command(line tool tabcmd.e3e

     Allows scri!ting of common administrative tas"s

    ( ,ser*grou! management

    ( -ublishing wor"boo"s


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


    #$reating new users

    # Adding users to a grou!

    #-ublishing a wor"boo"

    #4etting a view as an image

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    !emo" tabcmd

    /eliver the downloaded image b& email

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


    # Active /irector& integration

    ( %as& configuration1 best e3!erience across enter!rise

    ( %as& multi!le domain for large organi7ations with two(wa& trusts

    (  Auto(login1 embedding a sna!

    ( Automation with tabcmd

    ( ,ser maintenance


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


    #/efaults for !ermissions

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


    #,se !ermissions to craft who can do * see what

    ( Secure sensitive underl&ing data from !r&ing e&es

    ( -revent wor"boo" downloads for those who don>t need it

    #,se !ro?ects to segment wor"boo"s set defaults( @ne set of !ermissions * !ro?ect is easiest to manage

    ( SS8 su!!orted if &ou are reall& concerned with !rivac&

    ( %ven without SS81 !asswords alwa&s encr&!ted

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Server %&'" Singlemachine Architecture

    Tableau Server .3 was com!osed of a set of services on a single


     Tableau Server







    App Repositor#

    )T T P 

     S  er v er 






  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Server .&/" !istributed architecture

     Tableau Server(eb 0rowser

    From this in version %

     Tableau Server(eb 0rowser

     To this in version .

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Eas# con1guration

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Eas# con1guration

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Eas# con1guration

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.


    Server .0 can scale to multi!le machines

    ( %as& to add and remove machines to the cluster 

    ( @ut(of(the bo3

    or more information

    +,nderstanding and Im!roving Server -erformance

    (Thu 9:45am)

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Managing data

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Sharing data models

    #Tableau Server can act as a data source re!ositor& for des"to!


     Admin !ublish data sources

    ,sers download data sources and build then !ublish

    wor"boo"s with them An& changes to the data source is reflected automaticall& in

    de!endent wor"boo"s if the user so chooses


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Managing credentials


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Managing connections

    #,!dating !ublished credentials in bul" C!lus other !ro!erties of

    data sourcesD

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    E'tracts review

    #5h& !ublish with e3tracts=

    $an be faster 

    $an ta"e load off database servers


    /ata is no longer live

    $an be e3!ensive to u!date

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    E'tract storage engines

    #B& default1 e3tract storage is off C.3 behaviorD

    #8ess memor& faster than Tableau .3 e3tracts

    #Built(in vs. e3ternal

    Built(in is com!letel& blac" bo3 for users

    %3ternal can be dedicated hardware

    E. -ostgresSF8

    2. )&SF8

    G. )icrosoft SF8 Server 


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    2on1guring e'tract storage engines

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Scheduled updates to e'tracts

    # Admin(defined schedules

    $entrali7ed scheduling

     Admin "nows when it is best to load /B servers

    #@ld data available during e3tracts when done1 immediatel&

    available#/ownloaded wor"boo"s have refreshed data


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Anal#sis and Monitoring

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    0uiltin monitoring

    # Anal&sis views from the )aintenance !age


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    !I3 monitoring

    #Hou can build &our own anal&sis views

    #:ominall& at

    /B t&!e -ostgresSF8

    ;ost localhost00

    /atabase wor"grou!

    ,sername tableau

    -assword set with +tabadmin db!ass K!asswordL

    #@nl& !ermission to access relations starting with +M


  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise


     All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc. All rights reserved. © 2009 Tableau Software Inc.

    Summar# takeawa#s

    # Integration1 automation1 securit&

    #  Active /irector& for cross(enter!rise authentication

    # tabcmd tool for user management automation

    # %mbed views into other web a!!lications

    # -ermissions on !ro?ects for defaults# ,se SS8 for heightened securit&

    #Scalable to multi!le servers

    #)anaging data

    # -ublish data sources to establish common data models

    # %3ternal e3tract storage for !erformance

    # Schedule refreshes of e3tracted data

    #Build &ou own monitoring views

  • 8/18/2019 Tableau Server in the Enterprise

